The Danger of Disrespect

Here is the following chapter! The race to get out is on, but WILL everyone get out in time? You need to be super fast to outrun the robots ... let alone their leader: a weasel! I hope that you readers like it! 👍


Meanwhile, outside Willy's Wonderland ...

The full moon was riding high in the night sky; beautiful and glowing with sliver light. The night was quiet and filled with the soft rustles sounds of owls and coyotes.

Sadly, the people outside the nearby restaurant didn't care one jot about their surroundings at the moment. Tex and Jed were standing next to each other, just outside the front doors of Willy's Wonderland.

Both of them were pale-faced and shaking with fear as they stared at the building they'd just escaped from. Even Jed looked pretty haggard ... not like his normal, calm self. and was tensely staring at the restaurant.

The doors of Willy's Wonderland were still open; revealing that the dining hall lights had now completely fused. The entire room was now in utter darkness; darkness filled with screams and cackles from the killer animatronics.

Killer animatronics ... who could SEE in the dark! Tex gulped nervously as he mopped his sweating forehead.

The white-suited businessman and mechanic were the only people currently standing in the parking area outside Willy's Wonderland ... but there had to be more? Surely, there were more survivors than just them?!

Tex Macadoo's eyes suddenly widened and he sighed in relief as he spotted two of his employees (Chip and Dommie) bursting out of the darkness inside the restaurant.

"You made it!" their boss exclaimed, smiling happily as the workers skidded to a halt outside the doors. "Where's everyone else?" Tex questioned, his smile fading as no people came after Chip and Dommie.

"It's just us. We're the only ones", the green-shirted woman said, her voice wobbling with horror at the realisation. Jed rolled his eyes, and sighed in quiet annoyance.

Meanwhile, the restaurant owner walked up to Dommie, and patted her comfortingly on the back. She gave Tex a thankful smile in return.

Chip suddenly frowned, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

"Where's Lexie? She was right behind us!" the blue-shirted man cried, starting to panic. The others looked a bit worried too, but then they all heard welcome sounds!

The sounds of running, fast HUMAN feet! Like a hare on run from a coyote, Lexie suddenly emerged from the shadows of the hall in a very speedy charge to the doors!

The purple-shirted woman was gritting her teeth as she ran; Lexie's now injured right shoulder hampering her speed a bit.

"We thought we lost you, girl!" Dommie said, crying slightly in shock and relief. Her injured, running colleague shot the green-shifted woman a look of mingled pain and triumph in response.

"I made it! Xxxxxx, Willy Weasel! I got out!" Lexie practically screamed to the hall, punching the air with her left arm. Suddenly, the purple-shirted staffer stumbled and jerked to a halt two steps from the doorway, almost falling over.

"Hey! Don't insult my dad like that, you big meanie! You apologise right now!" demanded a VERY familiar, but not so friendly now voice.

Tex blinked in shock, as he, Jed, Dommie and Chip all stared down at the speaker in shock. Willimeena? the white-suited businessman thought, in confusion.

The aforementioned weasel pup was standing right behind Lexie, and holding onto a loose shoelace on the woman's right shoe with both paws, tightly.

Willimeena's soft, felt teeth had somehow turned into REAL, sharp fangs now ... which were currently bared at Lexie. She was also glaring furiously at the green-shirted worker, her soft brown eyes turned to narrow, glowing green ones.

Tex was silently hoping that Lexie would simply say sorry and get the heck out of the building! Jed ... just couldn't be bothered.

Chip and Dommie were bewildered as to how the Willimeena Weasel doll was alive and talking. And as for Lexie herself ...

"Get off my shoe, you filthy little rat!" the aforementioned female staffer snapped angrily as she tried to shake the possessed toy off her right shoe.

Tex and Jed outside; practically stopped breathing for a moment when they heard that! They stared in terror at Lexie, who momentarily seemed to have lost all of her common sense and survival instincts.

Poor Willimeena Weasel took the insult very, very hard ... if her now flattened ears, limp tail and watery eyes were of any indication!

"DADDY!" she yelled loudly, before beginning to cry silently.

Tex's face went white and he immediately backed away; followed closely by Jed ... as a sudden stampede of heavy but muffled footsteps started towards the distracted Lexie.

"My little Bia, I'm so sorry that that nasty worker called you that!" Willy's familiar, approaching voice said soothingly to his upset pup.

Due to the distraction of Willimeena, the purple-shirted woman didn't have time to react before two huge orange paws grabbed her by the chest! Lexie screamed and struggled, but the big animatronic weasel had too strong a grip and hold on her.

The white-suited businessman had to quickly grab Chip's shoulders just as the aforementioned guy made an attempt to run to try to save the captured woman. Jed, ironically, was doing the same with Dommie.

"Hold up there, you fool! Do you want to be another snack for Willy?" the mechanic hissed to the shocked, green-shirted staffer.

All four people got icy, cold shivers down their spines as they noticed the pair of big, glowing green eyes narrowed at them angrily from the darkness beyond the doors.

"You're not a filthy little rat at all ... just a sweet, little angel", continued the aforementioned animatronic as he comforted his daughter, ignoring the nearby commotions.

"MY little angel. The light of my life." Willimeena's sobs slowly died away as she managed a little smile at her dad's words.

"Anyway I agree with you, Bia ..." Willy then said darkly, as his grip tightened painfully on Lexie. "She should come back and apologise ... to BOTH OF US!"

The last few words came out in an snarling roar as the purple-shirted employee was suddenly yanked backwards into the darkness of Willy's Wonderland and vanished ...

... along with Willimeena, who was still holding onto the stray shoelace.

LEXIE!" Dommie screamed in shock and despair, desperately trying to struggle free from Jed.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Chip cried in similar despair and sorrow. The two employees reached out mournfully with their hands to a terrified Lexie as she disappeared from view.

Willy's eyes and paws also vanished too. All that the group outside could hear ... was Lexie frantically apologising, and then screaming ...

Screams drowned out by the cold, wicked cackles of Willy Weasel ...



If you were Lexie, what would you have done in that situation? Just curious? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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