Sleepover Sacrifice

Well, party's over now! All that's left to do is leave the building ... before the animatronics catch you!! 😈😬 We're in the final stretch of this fanfic now, and things get super deadly from now on! Also, this is a birthday update, in honour of my birthday yesterday! Is that okay? I hope that you guys like it! 👍


Like magic, the weasel's whistle changed everything at the restaurant ... for the worse! Half of the dining hall lights suddenly went out; with a loud bang and fizzle ... plunging the hall and all its inhabitants into deep, menacing shadows.

This severely spooked the partygoers; several pairs of which grabbed their kids and held them close. Tex too had grabbed hold of the closest person to him (which was Jed), and was shaking like a millennium bridge.

Jed just rolled his eyes in annoyance; oddly being the only calm person in the darkened room. For a couple of seconds, dead silence reigned.

Then eight single strobe lights suddenly turned on, lighting up the animatronics who stood directly beneath them. As if on cue, all of the lit-up animatronics (apart from Willy and Ozzie) seemed to then whir to life with fervent malevolence.

They no longer seemed to be the happy, go-lucky, child-friendly robots from earlier; a fact burnished by the evil that now gleamed in their eyes and smirks.

Gus Gorilla suddenly grabbed a little girl, who had just been hugging him; and gave her an even tighter hug. The mechanical ape laughed insanely as she screamed and struggled to get free.

Meanwhile Siren Sara cocked her head to the left as she stared down at a particular foolish boy who'd approached the fairy robot, and was now ... trying to grab her chest?

"Do you wanna ......, fatty?" the animatronic siren asked, giggling as the boy then stared at her in shock. Sara then suddenly showed him a very TOOTHY grin and cackled as he ran shrieking back to his parents.

The fairy robot turned and shot an equally vicious grin at a silently freaking out Tex, who had uncomfortable memories of a similar thing happening to him earlier.

Jed Love though, caught the gaze of Cammy Chameleon; who gestured her head towards the door pointedly. The animatronic lizard then quietly snapped the gloved fingers on her right paw together, causing the restaurant's main doors to open by themselves.

The middle-aged mechanic sent a thankful wink at Cammy, before tugging hard on his best friend's sleeve.

"Let's go", Jed said, brusquely. He pulled harder when Tex didn't immediately respond, turning and striding quickly towards the way out provided.

The white-suited businessman was as pale as his clothes, and didn't resist much as he was dragged along.

"What are you talking about?" Tex protested feebly. His mechanic friend just rolled his eyes.

"Trust me. You don't want to be here for this", he said tersely. Behind them, Willy Weasel grinned an unnerving grin as he turned to look at Ozzie Ostrich and Siren Sara.

"Get that birthday cake out from wherever you hid it, Ozzie, and improve it if it needs to be. Sara, help him with that, please", the animatronic leader ordered.

"And as for the rest of you ..." Willy purred, as he abruptly snapped his claws loudly. Everyone jumped as familiar music started to play.

"It's showtime!" the weasel robot declared. Willy cackled with wicked delight as he watched everything in the restaurant then descend into bloody chaos around him ...


(This is where the events of the very first chapter of the Wee Weasel Tales series: 'Celebration in Chaos' happen. I thought that it was very important to explain where that particular event at the start originated from; and decided that this party gone wrong was the place! I hope that that makes sense to you readers!🤞👍)

(The following events below took place during the aforementioned chaos above ... not in chronological order though. Hope that helps!)


A brown-haired chap in a red shirt and blue jacket gestured frantically at a young woman in a fashionable pink outfit making for the left side corridor.

"Phyllis! Grab the kids!" he called to her. "I'll meet you in the car!" The aforementioned Phyllis turned her head to look at the man, only to see Knighty Knight sneaking up behind him.

Before she could say anything, the robotic knight swung his sword down in a flashing arc: killing the chap instantly. Phyllis cried silently as she turned back and ran into the left side corridor.

An impassive Knighty Knight then strode after the woman in an unhurried way, his sword gleaming in his gauntleted hands.


Gus Gorilla had cornered a bunch of children at the lower right corner of the hall, and was advancing on them quickly. The animatronic ape's teeth were bared in a ferocious snarl as he glared menacingly at the crying, terrified kids in front of him.

Suddenly, the staffer in the red shirt thrust himself in front of the children, holding his arms protectively over them. Gus narrowed his eyes at the employee warningly.

Willimeena Weasel, who was currently riding on Tito Turtle's shoulders, turned to look at the spectacle on her right. Tito stopped and looked too, his attention also grabbed.

"KIDS!" the red-shirted staffer yelled to the children around him. "Get out of here! I'll hold him off!"

The last part was said challengingly to the angry gorilla robot in front of him. Willimeena blinked in shock, and then rolled her eyes.

"Did that idiot seriously just challenge Uncle Gus to a contest of strength?" she quipped aloud to her turtle uncle. "He's got legs, hasn't he?"

The aforementioned shell-backed reptile merely rolled his eyes too at his niece's questions.

"No idea, gatita (little kitten), no idea. ¡Ese idiota va a morir! (That idiot's gonna die!)" Tito said, as he watched Gus suddenly growl and charge at the little group before him.

The kids all scattered as the animatronic gorilla grabbed the male employee and lifted the struggling man above his head.

"You'll hold me?" Gus Gorilla roared in rage. "How about I hold you!" He laughed as the staffer shrieked and died ... Willimeena averting her eyes at that point.


Trying not to show his obvious fear, Mr Thornby jabbed a chair ineffectually at Ozzie Ostrich and Siren Sara.

The two aforementioned robots, who'd backed him into the upper left corner of the hall; looked frankly unimpressed with the man's attempted bravado.

"Get back, you xxxxxxx!" Mr Thornby spat as Siren Sara took a menacing step forward. The foul language spilled out like sewage water, making animatronic heads turn all around the room.

"You don't know who I am! I'll own this place!" the grandfather asserted, in an effort to intimidate the killer fairy and ostrich.

Newsflash: it didn't work!

A second later, Mr Thornby collapsed with a pained yell to the floor; courtesy of a vicious kick from Siren Sara. The aforementioned robot then stood over the downed man, mockingly tsk-tsking at him.

"Such language! Where are your manners ... especially in front of children?" Sara scolded, glancing over at an indignant-looking Tito Turtle.

He'd only been able to get his paws over Willimeena's ears in time. Serial killers they may be, but they could never tolerate bad manners!

"Ozzie! Teach him to hold his tongue!" the sirenic fairy ordered. She watched smugly as her murderous companion advanced quickly upon the grandfather now trying to crawl away.

"I'm gonna feast on your face!" Ozzie Ostrich declared, cackling amongst Mr Thornby's shrieks.

What do you think of the different scenarios and references to the film in this chapter? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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