Midnight Strikes - Out of Time!
This is the second part of the 4-chapter grand finale of this fanfic! Midnight strikes in Willy's Wonderland ... but will the party be over by then? Wait and see! 😈😈 I hope that you guys like it! 👍
Five minutes later, just before the stroke of midnight ...
All of the parents and caregivers were gathered around a table in the middle of the dining hall, wearing varying expressions of enthusiasm. Tex and Jed were standing among them; both with tense and alert expressions.
They both had a feeling that SOMETHING would happen ... but didn't know what exactly. The kids were all sitting around said table, eagerly banging their fists on it and chanting loudly!
"Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! ..."
The restaurant owner and his best friend then heard the kitchen door open. Everyone turned to see the staffers come back into the dining hall, with Dommie in front. She was grinning and carrying a covered plate with both hands.
"Here comes a big surprise for the birthday boy!" the green-shirted staffer announced loudly. Alastair and his friends all cheered at this! Willimeena Weasel hummed happily at their excitement, a sentimental smile on her furry face.
I remember when it was me.
Memories of her five birthday parties ran through her head as the weasel doll recounted happy times with her father and extended family.
Of course, that was all years and years ago. When they were all human. Before Willimeena ascended into immortality with the rest of them.
"Oh boy! Here it comes!" Alistair whooped, flinging his fists up into the air in celebration. The other children's chanting became louder in response.
"CAKE! CAKE! ..."
Glancing up at her animatronic family, the little weasel pup saw them all looking keenly at the covered birthday cake Dommie carried.
Especially Ozzie! The animatronic ostrich was grinning ... a special kind of grin; one that Willimeena knew all too well.
Oh no! That's Uncle Ozzie's punning grin! The possessed toy's ears quickly flattened as she quickly realized what was going to happen!
This is not going to end well! The green-shirted staffer then set the covered plate down on the table, in front of Alastair.
"Let's get ready to have some ... xxxxx!" Dommie practically shrieked the last word as she took the cover of the plate off. Her smile instantly changed to a look of pure horror; one matched by Ted, Jed, and all of the other adults crowded around.
On the plate was something so disgusting and horrific; that it could not be described with mere words.
(Also, because this is not a mature fanfic; I'm not going to directly say!)
The kids all screamed in horror and backed away from the table at lightning speed.
"Mommy!" Alistair cried; very upset at the nasty surprise he'd just got! Now, one would think that the situation in the dining hall wouldn't get any worse.
However, that proved to be the entirely the wrong conclusion!
'DONG! DONG! DONG!' ... Jed's watch then went off again, only this time with a different ringtone. One that sounded like an ominous grandfather clock.
The mechanic didn't even need to glance at the watch to realize what time it was.
"Time's up", Jed murmured to Tex quietly, a tense expression on the mechanic's face. What then happened next startled ... not only the group of partygoers, but Tex and Jed too!
The weasel doll in Willy's left paw suddenly unfroze and yelled "UNCLE OZZIE!!" at the top of her voice, making everyone jump!
Ignoring the many shocked and disbelieving looks she was getting, Willimeena sent an exasperated look at the aforementioned ostrich. Ozzie quickly unfroze too and started laughing hysterically, seemingly not caring about the toy's annoyance.
"Hahahahahahaha! Omigod, you should see your pathetic little faces!" the animatronic bird gasped, pointing a wing at the now very unnerved adults and kids.
This was not the kind of party ending that they'd expected! Also, the costumed machines and rag doll weren't supposed to be MOVING!!
"Oh, if only I had a camera!" the ostrich continued. Tex, Jed, and the others then winced and blinked rapidly as a very bright light from the stage suddenly flashed at them.
"I think I can oblige", said a familiar voice with a New Jersey accent. Rubbing his eyes rapidly, Tex squinted at the stage ... just in time to see Willy Weasel lower a cheap flash camera that he was holding in his paws.
The robotic weasel grinned crookedly at his 'audience, before quickly stuffed the camera in his right side-pocket.
"Thanks, boss!" Ozzie replied, dipping his head in thanks to his animatronic leader. Willy acknowledged it with a nod, before turning to face the group of humans in front of him.
"I deeply apologize, everyone, for the practical joke", the big weasel said, his words dripping with insincerity.
He then gestured to the 'cake' plate (which had been quickly covered by Dommie again when no one was paying attention), smirking.
"Ozzie has always been a total jokester; especially in the old days at the restaurant", Willy quipped in amusement. The crowd silently looked at the covered plate, and then back at him in some confusion.
The weasel's smug grin slowly softened as his eyes went slightly misty with remembrance ... remembering happy times from the past.
"Back then, his pranking was daily ... outdone only by my own daughter here!" The animatronic leader reached down and patted Willimeena's head gently as he spoke.
"Hey!" the weasel pup complained loudly. The soft doll mock-pouted up at her dad, half-hiding a smile underneath.
"Don't sulk, Bia; that was a compliment", Willy Weasel reproached his daughter mildly. The orange weasel's warm smile however belied his words.
The heartwarming moment was then broken by Alastair's whiny voice.
"I didn't know that you guys were alive!" the birthday boy exclaimed, pushing and shoving his way to the front of the crowd. Ozzie let out a strange (to the humans) guffaw of shrill laughter at the boy's words.
"Oh that! We got an ... um, upgrade some years back!" the ostrich replied, snickering under his breath at Alastair.
Ozzie then shared a wink and ominous smirk with his boss ... one that sent shivers down Tex and Jed's spines.
I added some more dialogue and menace, because these particular comic pages rather rushed the scares and story. What do you readers think of it? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍
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