Arriving in Wonderland

This is the twenty-second chapter of the fourth Willimeena installment: 'Hell Hath No Fury'!

Jerry, his crew, and Arabia are sneaking through the forest near Hayesville after their van crash. They're heading to a particular destination ... but where is it? And who will greet them?



This fanfic update is in honour of the love and care celebrated on this special day! 💕💕


Warning! Extreme feels, heartwarming parts, and tears of happiness ahead! 😅😅🥰🥰 I hope that you guys like it! 👍


In the woodland, near Hayesville, 5 mins later ...

Jerry and his gang creep slowly through the woodland surrounding Hayesville, looking warily around them.

They had to be very careful to avoid all signs of roads, because of the manhunt they'd experienced earlier.

Jerry & Co didn't know whether it was still going on or not; but they were pretty certain of the former!

It was better to stay out of the notice of other people, until the group got to their destination.

Even so, the mood of the aforementioned people was beginning to droop.

They hadn't reached their destination yet, they'd been walking for an hour, and to cap it all off ... it'd started to rain. A light rain, but still ... an inconvenience.

"Mr Willis, we've been walking these woods for over an hour!" Sara finally spoke up, while panting a little. "I think we're lost?"

Jerry, meanwhile, was striding ahead of her and the others ... still carrying a now-half-dozy Arabia in his arms.

Her dad was holding her as closely as possible, in order to shield her from the rain.

"Sometimes, one must become lost before they are truly found, my dear", Jerry murmured rhetorically.

The serial killer chief then turned his head and gave his crew a reassuring wink and grin.

"Don't worry, guys. Just up this hill. We're almost there", he said.


A few mins later ...

After more walking, the trees finally ended ... and the group of escapees blinked in surprise, as they saw what was now before them.

An abandoned-looking building, that strongly resembled a laundrette stood in a cleared patch of ground, next to a road.

It had boarded-up windows, but looked to be still in good shape! Jerry grinned broadly as he took in the sight of their destination.

"This is it, my friends! We've found it! We're finally home!" the serial killer chief declared loudly.

If Jerry wasn't currently carrying Arabia in his arms; he would have punched the air in delight!

"Gus! Get us inside!" he ordered, nodding to the double doors as they walked over.

"On it!" the aforementioned big man answered immediately!

Gus instantly banged the doors open with one shove of a shoulder ... and the whole group entered the building together.


In the main hall, the abandoned laundrette, seconds later ...

Inside the abandoned laundrette, things were unfortunately shabbier than the outside of it!

Dust lay on everything; inches thick ... not to mention all of the rubbish on the floor!

Broken wooden furniture, scrunched up pieces of paper, and mouldering cardboard boxes etc.

Jerry's crew gingerly poked at various objects in the disused hall, their expressions a mixture of confusion and disgust.

The man himself, however, merely smiled and hummed pleasantly as he carried Arabia over to a pile of boxes.

"It's perfect", Jerry said in satisfaction, as he set his daughter down on the boxes. Arabia smiled up at her dad, as he ruffled her hair affectionately.

"I don't understand, Mr Willis?" Sara protested quietly, looking bemused. "How can we stay here?"

"Yeah! The authorities are sure to find us!" Ozzie added in his usual wheezy voice, sounding quite nervous.

The serial killer chief merely chuckled as he turned around to face his puzzled crew; a cunning smile on his face.

"Not to worry, my dears", Jerry drawled. "I have a plan."

For indeed, he had. Jerry Willis had a very, very, VERY cunning plan.

One that involved the empty laundrette, his 'pet project' with the drawings, and ... children. LOTS and LOTS of the little brats.

"Cammy told me you always did!" A strange man's voice suddenly spoke, heavy with wit and sarcasm.

The cultists instantly spun around; most of them automatically reaching for their weapons!

Jerry, in particular ... had a knife in one hand, and the other wrapped protectively around a startled Arabia.

The little girl was hugging both Willimeena and her father's arm at the same time.

Cammy, on the other hand ... was staring at the speaker (a plump, young but slightly grizzled man with brown hair and cowboy hat) with surprise and absolute joy!

"JEDIDIAH!!" the human chameleon exclaimed loudly, tears starting to flow down her face. She abruptly started running towards the man.

Said chap smiled warmly, and stepped forward from where he was standing (by a doorway, next to a large stack of boxes) ... just as Cammy crashed into him!

"Hey ... Cammy ..." Jed Love whispered, in a slightly breathless voice ... due to his sister's very tight hug.

"I thought I would never see you again ..." Cammy whispered back, happily unaware that Jed was slowly running out of air!

The rest of the group of escapees slowly un-tensed and began to put away their weapons, as they realised who it was.

The no-longer-nervous Arabia was now silently awwwwing as she watched Jed gently free himself from Cammy's tight embrace.

Shooting the others a reassuring wink and smile, the jubilant brother led his rejoicing sister over to a quiet corner.

"I sent you letters, you know, Cammy? Every month ..." Jed said softly, while reaching into a jacket pocket.

He pulled out a bunch of creased letters with Cammy's handwriting on them ... ranging from yellowed and old ... to fairly fresh.

"Yeah ... I got them", the human chameleon replied quietly, still crying with joy. "I sent ones too."

Cammy then pulled a similar wodge of letters out of a pocket ... but with Jed's handwriting.

Her brother's weathered face crinkled into a happy grin at the sight of the letters, as he started to cry too.

Cammy then hugged her brother tightly again; the siblings embracing and murmuring to each other.

"Missed you ..."

"Me too ..."

"So long ..."

"I know, I know ..."

What do you think of Jed and Cammy's happy reunion here? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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