Wedding Jitters

This is for Wattpad's Crossover Fanfic Contest. As you could probably tell, this is a crossover of WWE and Supernatural. :)

For most of this story, you don't need to watch one or the other to understand what is happening, but here are some important things:

•AJ and Phil are wrestlers
•Kaitlyn is a wrestler
•Cas is an angel
•Dean, Sam, and Bobby are hunters

There is one part that makes a reference to something that happened to Sam in Supernatural, so if you haven't seen that show and would like me to explain, shoot me a message and I'll get back to you! :)

Okay, this is really long, so let's get to the one-shot!

Disclaimer: I own absolutely no one in this one-shot. Everyone belongs to either the WWE, the creators of Supernatural, and Phil belongs to himself.


To: April Jeanette Mendez (or AJ Lee, as you seem to be known as now)
From: The future Mr. Castiel Winchester

The angel of The Lord Castiel & Dean Winchester cordially invite you to the First Baptist Church of Lawrence to celebrate their marriage.

Where: First Baptist Church of Lawrence, Kansas
When: February 14, 2015


AJ read the wedding invitation and smiled. She started putting the paper back in the envelope.

"What's that?"

AJ gasped and whirled around. Behind her stood her best friend, Kaitlyn.

"Oh my God, Kaitlyn! You scared me!"

"You're avoiding the question," Kaitlyn said.

AJ rolled her eyes. "It's a wedding invitation. Geez, Kaitlyn, you're so nosy."

"Ooh, a wedding?" She said. "Whose is it?"

"It's a friend of mine's," AJ replied. "His name is Dean. Dean Winchester."


"Relax, Katie," AJ assured her. "I'm dating Phil, remember? Plus, Dean is marrying a guy."

"Oh. Oh!"

AJ didn't find it important to tell Kaitlyn about her relationship with Dean in high school. She didn't need to know.

"Are you going to go?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Of course," AJ says, nodding. "Now you need to go! I have a match against Naomi in twenty minutes and I'm not even ready!"




"But Phil - "

"We are not going to your ex-boyfriend's wedding, AJ," Phil said. "Do you realize how unbelievably awkward that will be?"



"I already RSVP'd," AJ whispered.

"You what?!"

"I didn't think you would put up a fight," AJ said. "I honestly forgot you knew about me and Dean dating."

Phil sighed and looked at his girlfriend's pleading eyes. "Fine..."

"Yay!" AJ exclaimed. "Thank you so much, Phil. You're the best!"

"Yeah, yeah."


"So how is this supposed to work?"

"You're the human, Dean," Castiel replied. "Shouldn't you know?"

Cas and Dean were in Lawrence, walking to a bakery to look at wedding cakes.

"Well, yeah, but... If we're both guys, which one of us is the bride?" Dean asked.

Cas sighed. "I don't know, Dean."

"Is there someone I can ask?" Dean asked. "I mean, we don't want to confuse people, do we?"

"Dean, you're marrying an angel," Cas said. "People are already confused."


"Also, if this is troubling you so much, we don't have to do this," Cas said. "I am perfectly fine with calling you my boyfriend instead of my husband."

"No!" Dean exclaimed. He stopped. "I do want to marry you! I'm just nervous, that's all."

"Dean, it's okay."

"I mean, this is one of the first serious relationships I've had in a long time," Dean explained. "But I love you, Cas. I am not second-guessing our relationship. I'm just not good at this type of thing."

"I'm not either," Cas said, taking Dean's hands. "But maybe we forget about this type of thing and create our own thing. We'll be good at that. It'll be our own."

"How come you always know the right things to say?" Dean asked, pecking Cas on the lips. They continued walking.


"This is so exciting!" AJ exclaimed. "I've always wanted to come to Lawrence."

"Why?" Phil asked. "We're pretty much in the middle of nowhere."

AJ shrugged. "I've just always wanted to see where Sam and Dean were born."

Phil pulled up to the First Baptist Church of Lawrence. He stopped the car, and he and AJ got out.

AJ wore a black dress that went just above her knees and Converse. Phil wore a suit. He almost wore a Wolverine t-shirt and jeans, but AJ made him change, so he now wore the suit he wore to the Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

AJ and Phil walked into the church. On one side sat a few people wearing suits, who AJ assumed were some of Castiel's angel friends in their vessels. On the other side was one person. AJ instantly recognized his large stature and long brown hair.

"Sam!" She exclaimed.

Sam turned around and grinned. "April? Is that you?"

AJ walked quickly toward Sam, while Phil followed slowly behind.

"It is!" She replied. "But it's AJ now."

"Oh, for April Jeanette? I get it." He nodded then looked over at the man standing next to his friend. He stuck his hand out. "Sam Winchester."

Phil gave a small smile and accepted his hand, shaking it. "Phil Brooks. So are you, uh, Dean's brother?"

"Yep," Sam replied. "It's weird. I never thought Dean would get married before me."

Phil frowned. "But isn't he older?"

Sam frowned, not in anger but sadness. AJ gave her boyfriend a look that said I'll tell you about it later.

Before the silence could get awkward, Sam looked behind Phil and furrowed his brow.


"Cas?" AJ repeated and turned around.

A man was walking quickly toward them. He had black hair that had been recently styled. He wore a suit.

"Sam, it's - " Cas began, but stopped when he noticed the other two people standing with them. He looked back at Sam. "Who are these people?"

"Uh, hi," AJ said and waved. "I'm AJ, and this is my boyfriend, Phil. You invited me to the wedding."

A look of recognition crossed his face. "Oh." He paused. "Maybe you can help. Follow me."

Before she could respond, Cas walked away. AJ turned to Phil.

"Stay here," She said. "I'll be back in a minute. Talk to Sam or something."

Phil didn't get a chance to respond as AJ dashed off, trying to catch up to Cas. When she caught up, they walked in silence until they reached a door. Cas knocked on it.

"I'm not coming out, Cas!"

Although AJ couldn't see him, she'd recognize Dean's voice anywhere.

"Dean?" She said.

There was a pause and some shuffling around. "April?"

"Yeah, it's me," She said, laughing nervously. "Are you okay?"

"I...I don't know," He admitted. "Are you here to talk to me? Because Cas already did."

"I am here to talk to you, actually," She said. "I don't know what's wrong, but I want to help. Cas can leave if you want him to."

Another pause. "He can?"

"Yeah," She said and looked at Cas. He sighed and walked away. "He's gone now." She paused. "Can I come in? I don't want to keep talking to a door."

Nothing happened at first, but then Dean finally opened the door. AJ's breath caught in her throat. They had dated almost 5 years ago, but Dean looked exactly the same, and she didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

"Come in," He said. AJ walked in.

Dean was wearing a suit, similar to the one Cas wore. When she walked in, he shut the door.

It was silent for a moment, while AJ and Dean stared at each other.

"Dean, what's wrong?" She finally asked.

Dean sighed. "What if he regrets it?"

She frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"April, I'm a hunter," He explained. "Every day, there's a chance that I can die. Hell, I have died. But once I'm married, what am I supposed to do? I can't die. It would devastate him. Also, he's an angel. He's immortal. I'm a human. Eventually, I am going to die. What if he finds someone else when I'm gone? What if I wasn't good enough?"

"Dean Winchester, you need to sit down because we're about to have a little talk," AJ said. Dean said nothing and sat down like he was told. "Has Cas been married to anyone before you?"


"Cas has been around since the dawn of time," AJ continued. "It's 2015 and he's just now getting married. I think that's true love right there. He's devoted to you, Dean. He's not going to leave you."

"But what if I die?" He brought up.

"He's an angel, Dean," She said. "If you die, he's going to be up there in heaven waiting for you."

"Why do you think I'm going to heaven?" He asked, smirking.

"Because even if you think you aren't, you're a good guy, Dean," She replied. "Now, come on. You have a wedding to get to."

Dean stood up and followed AJ out of the room. Cas stood there.

"I thought you left," AJ said.

"I did, but I came back to check on Dean," He said. "And to thank you."

Dean looked between the two before settling his eyes on Cas. "Did you invite her?"

"Of course I did," Cas replied. "I had a feeling this might happen, and you two know each other so well that I figured you guys could talk."

"Um, guys...?" They look at AJ. "I hate to ruin this moment, but you guys have a wedding to get to."

Cas suddenly disappeared and AJ was startled. She looked at Dean, who shrugged.

"He does that all the time," He said. "He's an angel, remember?"

"It's about damn time you two came out of there."

Walking down the hall was Bobby Singer, wearing a suit, but with an unshaven face.

"Bobby!" AJ exclaimed. They hugged. "I didn't know you owned a suit!"

Bobby rolled his eyes. "Go sit down, April. We need to get this wedding started."

AJ grinned and walked away. She found her way back to Phil and Sam, who were talking about vampires when she returned.

"Is everything okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine," AJ said. "Dean's with Bobby right now."

"Oh, thank God," He said in relief.

Music began playing and the wedding began.


This is my first ever crossover fic so hopefully it didn't suck too bad! Let me know what you thought about it in the comments! I'd love some feedback! :)

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