

This chapter has some major, major trigger warnings that I feel I must warn you of before you start reading. Once the chapter reaches a certain point, you will see another trigger warning, but I figured I should leave one here in the beginning, too. So, yeah. MAJOR TRIGGER WARNINGS AHEAD! You can go ahead and read until you reach the warning in the middle of the chapter, which will then give you the option to just skip to the end notes, where I summarize the chapter. BE SAFE WHILE READING THIS PLEASE!


The moon was quickly nearing its highest point in the sky, indicating just how late it was as Keith sped down the road. The good thing about driving at this time of night was that there weren't many other cars, so he could just focus on racing towards Matt's house as quickly as he could.

He'd been there once before to pick up Shiro after a party ended up with them getting too drunk to drive themselves, but he still knew the route by heart. Even if he didn't, he was sure his panicked state would've forced him to remember the route.

He wasn't entirely sure why he had such a bad feeling in his gut, but he was sure that he couldn't wait until tomorrow morning to see Katie. It had to be now. There was always the possibility that he'd just be disturbing the family since it was so late, but that wasn't important to him at the moment. The only thing that mattered was asking Katie to tell him everything she knew about Lance, so that he could come up with a plan for where he went from here.

After tonight, Lance will be gone. That text must've played through his head a million times now, but as bone-chilling as it was, he welcomed it. He thought those words through over and over again, letting his fear fuel his speed. 'Desperate' didn't even begin to describe him right now as he sped down the highway towards the Holt household, praying that Katie could help him help Lance.


Lotor asked Lance multiple times throughout the car ride if he wanted to sleep, but of course he denied it every time. While he had been exhausted earlier, all symptoms of fatigue had faded upon learning that Lotor was taking him somewhere personal to him.

Lance had never known anything about Lotor's personal life, even throughout the two years they had spent together. The most he knew was that Lotor was affiliated with the Galra company and thus was a man of very large influence, which just made Lance even more giddy over the fact that Lotor wanted to be with him of all people. He'd always wanted to be more involved in his life, though, so hearing that Lotor wanted to take Lance somewhere to meet some friends was like a dream come true.

He didn't bother to question where they were going as he bounced on Lotor's lap; he didn't need to. It didn't matter to him—all that mattered was that he was finally getting something he had wanted ever since he and Lotor first got together. This was all the proof he needed that Lotor really did love him as much as he said.

The limo stopped outside of a bar that had a paint job with a color scheme that was even darker than the Web. The side walls seemed to be several shades of black, following a gradient towards the front, where there was a door that might as well have been the embodiment of night itself, especially when the sky was as dark as it was. The place screamed 'shady' in every sense of the word, and it didn't seem to be trying to hide that fact, either. Even Lance could discern that much despite his peppy eagerness.

"It...looks kinda dark." He laughed at himself for saying that, bumping his head against Lotor's chest and looking up at him with two big full moons for eyes.

Lotor grinned and stroked a couple of fingers through his hair, looking up at the building. "Yes. It does. Come on, sweetie."

They exited the limo arm and arm and walked towards the building, which Lance quickly identified as a bar. It was quiet for a bar at this time of night, but it was a bar nonetheless. There was another bar just a few yards away, so he assumed maybe that one was stealing all the customers. Like two spiderwebs side by side; one catches all the prey while the other one remains empty.

Of course, that brought into question why they were going to the less populated one, but Lance was fully under the 'wait and find out' policy, so he clung to Lotor with all his trust as they walked in.

The bar was completely empty save for a massive man at the counter, which explained the silent atmosphere.

As soon as they approached the counter, the man looked up, showing off a large red tattoo that crossed over his right eye.

"I didn't expect to see you running the front counter yourself, Sendak." Lotor commented, taking a seat and gesturing for Lance to do the same.

Lance felt Sendak's eyes wander from Lotor over to him, crushing him under his gaze and giving him goosebumps. He couldn't quite explain it—the entire place just made him so uncomfortable. He really wanted to sit on Lotor's lap so he'd have his daddy's comfort, but Lotor gestured to the seat next to him again, so Lance obliged.

"Don't act so surprised, Lotor. I like being at the front sometimes. Gives me the chance to meet new people." Sendak's eyes drifted over Lance once more, and his hands reactively shot out and grabbed onto Lotor while he squeaked in discomfort.

Lotor and Sendak both chuckled at that as his daddy accepted his hand, locking their fingers together.

"Don't worry, sweetie. This bar is the headquarters for a branch of the Galra. Sendak's the leader of the local gang around here."

Lance squeezed Lotor's hand to combat his minor trembling as he attempted to look up at Sendak again, but that only increased his shaking.

"A-a...a gang?" He gulped.

"That's right. They're friends of mine, don't worry."

This is the friend? Lance eyed Sendak uncertainly as the burly man turned and began getting drinks for them. He scary...and it wasn't just the tattoo that covered half his face. Gangs in general were scary...but if he was a friend of Lotor's, then he must be nice. Appearances weren't everything.

Lance took several deep breaths as Sendak placed two cups in front of them before leaning against the counter.

"Go on, have a drink. On me." He offered, turning his attention to Lance. "You know, I've heard about you, but you're even cuter in person than I imagined."

A wave of red tinted Lance's cheeks, and he stiffened awkwardly, turning to Lotor, who wasn't watching them. Male customers called him cute all the time at the Web, but never right in front of Lotor. Lance wasn't sure what to make of it. He wanted to mind his manners in front of Lotor's friend, though, so he bowed his head a bit.

" you."

"He is adorable."

Lance immediately whipped around at the sound of another voice, eyes widening at the sight of two more men walking over to them. One of them was tall and relatively skinny while the other neared Sendak in terms of body mass.

"Prorok, Haxus," Lotor greeted with a wave of his hand. Lance, wanting to continue to be polite, copied him with a small wave.

They both laughed at that, sauntering closer around Lance's other side. The taller one, Haxus, stayed standing while Prorok took a seat, immediately prompting Lance to lean towards Lotor more. They were very close.

"What's wrong? Not drinking?" Prorok asked, gesturing to the untouched cup of liquor in front of Lance.

He found himself stumbling over his words, both hands pushed down into his lap. He didn't even realize when Lotor had let go of his hand. "O-oh, um...I guess I'm not..."

"Go on, cutie. Have a drink, just like Lotor. We're giving it to you for free, as friends, after all." Prorok said.

Lance blinked in surprise at that. Friends. That's what they were...right? Or rather, that's why he was here—to interact with people.

He glanced over at Lotor, who was conversing with Sendak while lifting his cup to his lips.

He had brought Lance here because Lance asked to interact with people; he had to do his daddy proud.

"Okay." He gulped before raising his cup and taking a few sips, pleased to find that the liquor was actually decently flavored. Maybe this gang-headquarter-bar place wasn't so bad.

"I'm glad you like it enough to drink, although you still seem tense." Sendak said, leaning back over to Lance's side of the counter. "Haxus, make him more comfortable."

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm fi—!" Lance squeaked in surprise as Haxus rested his hands on Lance's shoulders, pressing against them a bit before massaging them.

"Relax. That's it." Haxus spoke for the first time, voice sounding strangely hiss-like, almost like a snake.

"You'll feel better if you relax, and with a few more drinks." Prorok assured him, hand suddenly resting against his knee, eliciting another squeak from Lance.

"U-um..." His eyes traveled from Prorok's hand, then to the man himself, then to Lotor, who was once again talking with Sendak. No one seemed to have any problems, so he figured it was just a 'friend' thing. The massaging must've just been a part of the 'friend' thing, too, although it was admittedly making him more uncomfortable rather than helping him relax. He didn't know what to do or say, so he tried reaching for Lotor's hand again. "D-daddy..."

"Shh..." Haxus's hand was immediately lowering Lance's wrist away from Lotor, rubbing at his skin a little. "Don't disturb their conversation. That's your daddy, and that's my boss. Neither of us want to get in trouble, do we?"

Lance gulped, looking back at Haxus. "I...I guess not...ah!" He gasped as Prorok's palm began rubbing circles on his knee while he grinned, showing off his crooked teeth with his eyes glued to Lance's face.

"I'm glad Lotor brought along such a cute friend. I hope you're enjoying yourself."

Lance bit his lower lip, unable to come up with an answer to that as he looked back and forth between all the men in the room.

Suddenly, Lotor's phone began ringing, drawing everyone's attention to him as he immediately picked up. Even as he exchanged the routinely 'hello' and 'this is Lotor', however, Haxus and Prorok's hands never left Lance.

He listened to the other line for about thirty seconds before he stood up. "Excuse me, I must take this conversation elsewhere—important business."

"Daddy!" Lance cried out in alarm, grabbing a hold of his sleeve and scooting to the edge of his seat with pleading eyes.

They stared at each other for a while before Lotor's eyes drifted back towards the phone. "You stay here, baby. Daddy will be right back, promise. It won't take long at all."

"No!" Lance begged, immediately getting out of his seat, fear driving him to fight Lotor's command, but Prorok was quick to grab a hold of his arm, and of course, he couldn't escape. "Daddy!"

He called after Lotor multiple times, but all he got were looks that warned him to silence himself before Lotor spoke back to the person on the other end of the phone, walking out of the bar.

He just walked out.

At this point, Lance was ready to start hyperventilating as his vision became spotted, and his knees collapsed beneath him. Luckily, Haxus caught him and put him back on his seat, turning him around so he could rest his head on the counter.

"!" Tears pricked at his eyes, and he hugged himself tightly while rocking back and forth to try and regain control of his wheezing breaths.

"Hey...hey. Shhh. Calm down." Sendak spoke in a strangely hushed voice as Haxus and Prorok's hands continued massaging his shoulders and knees.

Lance was in such a panicked state that he did his best to listen to them, eyes squeezing shut. His stomach churned violently, and he was sure that he would've puked if he was still standing.

"Drink." Sendak pushed his cup forward for emphasis. "Trust me, it'll help you calm down. It'll keep you from losing it long enough for him to come back for you."

His ears perked at that, and he lifted his head to observe the cup. It was true that liquor might help...and it wasn't enough for him to get drunk—his tolerance was pretty high anyways—it was just to loosen up. That sounded logical enough.

"...okay..." He picked up the cup with both hands, trying to stabilize his shaking enough to calmly lift it up before he tilted his head back and downed the entire cup, desperate for the panicking to stop.

As soon as the cup was empty, he shrunk in on himself again and let out a prolonged whimpering sound, too weakened by Lotor leaving to pay attention to Haxus and Prorok's hands exploring his body a little further.

"Here." Sendak slammed his cup back down in front of him, completely refilled. "Drink some more, if you want to feel better."

Lance looked up, and though the prospect of drinking his anxiety away was tempting, he was always a cautious drinker. After all, he couldn't do his stripping job properly if he got too drunk.

He figured he would just take a few more sips and picked up the cup to do just that. As soon as he swallowed, though, his head began getting hot and dizzy, and he had to set the cup down before he dropped it.

"Woah..." He muttered, falling backwards into Haxus's stomach clumsily.

"Careful, now." Sendak warned, but there was no sincerity behind it.

The dizziness faded after a few seconds, allowing him to sit up on his own again, but the heat stayed. In fact, the heat was quickly spreading through his body, trickling down his bloodstream, and he could almost feel it, like the heat was physical, bringing out goosebumps and quickening his heart rate and—

"Oh? Looks like somebody's naughty." Prorok's hand brushed against his inner thigh, traveling closer and closer, as if drawn in by the heat, until he was feeling up Lance's boner.

Lance yelped and tried jumping away and out of his seat, but he was held down by Haxus's hands on his shoulders—he couldn't move anywhere.

"U-um...this isn't..." He trailed off, looking down in shame as Sendak peered over the counter to see his hardness for himself.

" he's getting hard just from having some strangers massage him?"

"No!" Lance cried out, voice hoarse. The heat was only getting stronger still, and his dick was pulsing so painfully hard despite having had sex with Lotor on stage just earlier.

Why?! He thought to himself, chewing his lower lip in humiliation as the three men stared at him in wait of an explanation. Why am I hard? I'm not even aroused, I'm just hard...and why is it so hot...

Haxus leaned down, whispering into his ear. "...slut."

Lance whipped around, eyes wide and brimming with tears. "N-no! It's not like that! I don't know why this is..."

"So, Lotor's little boy is actually a big slut, huh." Prorok mused, rubbing his crotch more.

"Stop..." Lance pleaded, struggling to try and wriggle away. He didn't know which was more mortifying, the verbal degradation or the touching.

Technically, he was a slut. He had sex with men at the Web for money...even though he hadn't done any of that ever since meeting a certain black-haired boy...either way, though, he was used to being called a slut even if not recently. The word itself wasn't the problem, though. The problem was what it was implying—that he had gotten hard from the massages, and that just wasn't couldn't be true...

He hid his face in his hands in shame, repeatedly pleading for them to stop.

"You can't get hard from just this much touching and try to claim you aren't a slut." Sendak pointed out.

Lance squirmed some more, proving just how useless it was against Prorok and Haxus's holds on him as he shook his head. "No...I don't know why..."

"So Lotor brought in a slutty one, huh."

His eyes widened at the sound of a new voice, and he instantly turned to see a fourth man walking over, grinning and eyeing him like a piece of prey.

"He's a very slutty one. You'll like him, Throk." Prorok stated as the newcomer named Throk leaned in from the side Lotor had been sitting at.

At this point, Lance's anxiety was shooting through the roof, and it was impossible to quell his shaking as he cursed himself over and over again. Why is this happening, why is this happening, why is this happening...

"I wonder what Lotor would think." Throk wondered out loud, immediately putting a stop to any thoughts Lance was having, his eyes falling wide open in horror.

"Hm, you're right. If Lotor knew about this, things would get ugly. Even Lotor could never love a slut who's willing to get hard for others behind his back without permission." Sendak said, and they all laughed in agreement.

Tears somehow managed to build up in Lance's eyes despite how overused his tear ducts were, but he didn't care because suddenly it didn't matter why this was happening, all that mattered was that Lotor didn't know.

"N-no!" He croaked out, cutting through their laughter.

He looked straight at Sendak since he seemed to be the leader, speaking without any breath to support his voice.

"P-please! Don't tell daddy...don't tell Lotor..."

"He gives you everything you need, and yet you still get hard for other men just from simple touching." Sendak shook his head, grin never leaving his face. "Our gang works for Lotor; it's our job to let him know these kinds of things."

Lance couldn't believe what he was hearing, hands moving down his face to cover his mouth as he shook his head.

"No..." He whispered. All he could hear was Sendak's voice repeating that even Lotor could never love a slut who got hard like this behind his back. " please...I need Lotor...please don't tell him, I'll do anything..."


The men were quick to latch onto his words, forcing him deeper and deeper into a dark hole as he glanced around at all four of them, swallowing hard.

"...y-yes...just please...please don't tell him."


They exchanged looks, but it was clear they hardly even needed to discuss it as Prorok's hand latched onto his crotch completely, squeezing.

"Alright, slut. We won't tell anyone anything, but in turn you're gonna have to help us. It isn't every day a pretty, horny thing like you waltzes in here offering 'anything', so..." He turned in his seat a bit, revealing to Lance the bulge in his pants.

The turn of events wasn't much of a turn at all to Lance; he had felt them taking this path as soon as the atmosphere had started to change. That didn't make him any happier about it, though, as he bowed his head in resignation.

"...understood..." He whispered.

It was okay. This was okay. Blowjobs were easy enough. He just had to kneel in front of Prorok, suck him to completion, and then he would be good to go—

"Well, at least he's willing to cooperate." Throk commented, already pulling down his pants.

Lance's eyes widened as he turned his head suddenly at the sound of so much clothes rattling, realization dawning on him a second too late.

"Wait—no!" He cried out in alarm as Haxus picked him up effortlessly, setting his butt on the table before following the other men in getting rid of his clothes.

Lance took the chance while they were all busy and clambered onto all fours in an attempt to dart out of there, but Sendak was quick to slam him down on the counter, resulting in a hopeless yelp.

"Stop, please, d-don't do this! I don't want this...I-I'll tell Lotor...!"

They all erupted into laughter as Throk smacked his ass and grabbed it. "Stupid slut, have you already forgotten that the whole reason you're doing this is because you can't tell Lotor?"

Dread combined with the rest of his despair, stomach dropping like a bowling ball as their hands all grabbed at him, ripping at his clothes, and there was nothing he could do about it, because they were right; he couldn't tell Lotor. He couldn't do anything.

Tears fell down his face as he was forced stark naked within seconds, and though he continued to struggle and protest against their hands, he might as well have been motionless due to how useless it was.

"Come now, don't be like this. It isn't like we're doing anything against your will. You said you'd do 'anything'." Prorok reminded, getting up on the counter with Lance and stroking his dick right in front of him. They were all naked now, filling the air with the suffocating scent of man musk.

Lance was gagging just at the smell and sight of them, but he had brought this upon himself...he had gotten hard and he didn't even know why, but now he had to go through with this if he wanted to make sure Lotor still loved him...

They could see the understanding sinking into his face as Sendak smacked him on the ass, making him flinch. "Go on. I'm sure a slut like you knows how to have sex. You'd best get to it. Unless you want Lotor to know how unfaithful you are to him."

They knew exactly how to make him move as Lance swallowed down a sob and crawled forward in between Prorok's legs, wrapping both hands around his thick cock. The sooner he got this over with, the better.

His lips wrapped around the cock, giving himself just a second or two to get used to it before going down the length. He got a curse accompanied by a buck of the hips in response.

"Fuck! What a natural...he really is a slut!"

"I don't need your word for it, Prorok." Throk stated, getting up on the counter behind Lance. "I'll just see for myself."

Panic shuddered up Lance's spine all over again as Throk wasted no time in shoving three fingers up his already used ass, prepping him for his cock.

Tears dripped from Lance's cheek onto the counter, because even though he'd figured his ass would get used, there was no way to prepare for something this brutal.

Meanwhile, Sendak and Haxus were just rubbing their cocks while watching, no doubt waiting their turn. He wasn't naive enough to think they'd just sit out the entire time.

"Hey, come on! Focus on that cock!" Prorok scolded, thrusting his hips upwards and spearing his throat.

"Cut him some slack, he's too busy focusing on the fingers giving him that sweet slutty pleasure he loves so much!" Throk laughed, quickly joined by the other two.

Lance wasn't sure what made his tears burn more, the feeling of Prorok's fat cock invading his throat or the raw, dry scissoring of Throk's fingers that he called 'pleasure'.

As soon as Throk ripped his fingers out, he replaced them with his cock, shoving in and forcing Lance to take a cock without any form of lubricant for the second time that night. Needless to say, he was gagging and sobbing and screaming around Prorok's cock, walls violently parting for Throk as he drove himself all the way forward.

The fact that he hadn't had time to recover from Lotor's performance on stage just made it that much more unbearable; Lance was certain he was being torn in half.

Prorok quite enjoyed his screams, slapping his cheek lightly. "Man, that's good when his voice is all muffled by my cock...make him scream more, Throk."

If he could beg for mercy, Lance would've done it then and there, eyes widening as his head shook itself on Prorok's dick, but that only caused him more pleasure. Lance was just digging himself further into his grave as Throk began thrusting, and the abuse was quick to override Lance's mind.

On the one hand, he was glad to be so out of it because it became hard to focus on anything, really, but on the other hand, the pain he was feeling was so intense that he constantly felt it rippling through his entire body no matter how dazed he became.

Things just got worse when Sendak and Haxus each grabbed one of his hands, forcing his fingers around their cocks, and now, he was spitroasted in between two men without even his hands to support him. His head naturally fell all the way forward onto Prorok's cock, stinging his throat. He attempted to lift his head, but it was impossible without his hands supporting him, so he was forced to stay with his nose buried in the man's pubic hair, suffocating on his cock.

His eyes squeezed shut as their gruntled moans surrounded him in a sphere of torment and shame. It was difficult to focus on anything, but when his body did focus, all there was to feel was the striking pain of Throk's cock tearing through his worn out walls, the smothering of Prorok's cock against his airway, and Sendak and Haxus using his hands to get themselves off.

He was like a dead corpse that was just being used for other men's pleasure, and he was constantly reminded of it by their repeated groans of 'slut' and 'whore'. And when he felt his own cock, still as hard as ever, he knew they were right.

He didn't know why he was like this. He didn't know why he was hard, or why he was a slut. Maybe it was a lifestyle he chose, but he didn't choose to get hard here...he didn't choose anything about this current situation.

That was when many words that he had heard in the past came rushing back; maybe he was just born this way. Maybe this was just all he could be good for, all he was ever meant to be from the very definitely seemed like that given where life had taken him right now.

Throk's cock was hammering away at his prostate, but he could barely feel the usual electric sensations that came along with sex. He didn't care.

They were fucking him because of something he did. He had gotten hard for them behind Lotor's back. He had betrayed the only man who could ever love him...

I'm sorry... He thought to himself as more tears spilled over his eyes, not quite sure who he was apologizing to. I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry that I'm like this...

He wept uselessly as he was shoved forward onto Prorok's cock more and more with each of Throk's thrust, unable to lift himself off. Finally, though, after a few more violent rounds of his balls violently smacking Lance's ass, Throk buried himself deep inside of him and let his body tense against Lance's, releasing his full load inside of him.

Hot cum flooded Lance's insides, making his stomach twist in protest, but there was nothing he could do but take it.

"Now this...this is what a slut's ass is like." Throk claimed, groaning and groping his ass while finishing his climax. "I can't even begin to imagine how many cocks you've taken to get this naturally good. Still tight, too."

It wasn't like Lance wasn't used to being referred to like an object, but something about the whole situation made it sink in more as his body went limp the moment Throk pulled out, useless without the support of his body pushing up against him.

Haxus let go of Lance's hand, letting him take it away from his cock while climbing behind him, and that gave Lance time to use his one free hand to support his body on the counter enough to pull his head off of Prorok's cock.

Massive gasps heaved through his entire body, relieved to be breathing in air that wasn't heavily tainted by Prorok's stench. It was like he'd never known fresh air. Naturally, however, that relief was short lived.

"Get back down here, slut. I never said you were done." Prorok spat, curling his hand in Lance's hair and pulling it harshly.

"No, plea—!" He wasn't even sure why he was still begging them not to do anything as his cry was sharply cut off by a faceful of Prorok's cock, which quickly turned into a throatful of it. The easiest thing to do would just be to accept that this was his fate; this was his life.

Another cock began rubbing against his hole, which had just started to leak Throk's cum.

"Adorable how you think you get to lose any of our cum." Haxus snickered, pinching his ass cheeks and pushing the cum back inside with the head of his cock. "I suppose we'll just have to re-teach your body how to do its job!"

Lance cried out around Prorok as he took his third cock that night, and even though he was capable of taking multiple cocks in one night and had done so before at the Web, this time was different because it was all raw. As a sex worker, he never let his ass get too harmed because he needed it in good shape to make money—but he wasn't the one in control here.

Much like Throk, Haxus showed no care for the wellbeing of his body as he immediately began pistoning his cock in and out of Lance's ass, tearing through his already abused hole.

Lance had one arm to himself now to help hold his body up, but it didn't make much of a difference when his body was shaking to the extent that it was.

His hair was still being pulled by Prorok, who was forcing his face as far down his cock as it could go, and Haxus's thrusting only forced him further forward.

He was certain Prorok's cock was all he would be able to smell after this as he gagged and desperately inhaled through his nose to try to satisfy his burning lungs; it didn't work. He could breathe just enough to stay conscious, but at this point, he was considering if it would be better to just drop already.

"You'd best not disappoint," Sendak warned, as if sensing his wavering devotion as he gripped Lance's wrist harder, still forcing his hand up and down his cock. "I'm going last, and if you don't give me your best performance, Lotor is going to know everything; except we'll tell him you asked for it to begin with."

Panic resurged in his stomach with a vengeance as his eyes widened, and the sheer adrenaline was enough to get his head spinning again, forced to take in every sensation going through his body.

From off to the side, Throk laughed, just watching. "That's precisely why I went first, to make sure I got the best of it! Although, knowing how much of a slut he is, he's probably useful no matter how many times he takes a big 'ol cock up his ass!"

Haxus helped drive Throk's point home by slapping his ass, and Lance was sure his face was getting wrinkly by now, what with how many tears covered his cheeks.

Even if his mouth wasn't completely occupied with Prorok's cock, he knew he wouldn't be able to protest. He couldn't defend himself...not when Haxus reached around to stroke the very proof of how slutty he was while still fucking him.

Lance was most certainly not aroused by this situation; he was practically being raped! So he didn't know why his dick was so hard or why his body continued to get hotter as all three cocks used his body in some way.

Eventually, Haxus's thrusting became much more erratic and unfocused, similarly to Throk's. He didn't need to guess what was coming.

"Your ass really is as tight as ever...shit...guess that means it really wants more, huh? We'll see how much it can take after swallowing my load."

Lance squeezed his eyes shut, as if that would help him block out the real world as he felt Haxus cumming inside of him, hips pushed together in a grinding motion.

After that thrashing, Lance just wanted to flop down and sob his eyes out, but he knew there was no point in even trying to convince himself that any of this was even close to over as Prorok finally pulled his cock from Lance's throat, moving behind him to take Haxus's place.

"Now we get to hear his sweet, sweet voice. I hear this is Lotor's favorite part about him, listening to the way he screams." Haxus said, taking a seat next to Throk as they watched.

The audience might've been smaller than at the Web of Sins, but Lance easily felt ten times more humiliated right now than he ever had in his entire life—probably because at the Web, he was at least having sex with Lotor. But this...this was something he never would've asked for.

He didn't have a choice there, though.

"Ask for it." Prorok ordered, taking full advantage of his free mouth while letting his wet cock rub against Lance's used hole, large tip blocking any cum from exiting. "Beg for what you know you want."

Even though nothing was blocking his airway, Lance found his breath caught completely in his throat as his mouth hung open in horror, refusing to move.

"Hurry!" Prorok smacked his ass, which was no doubt even more red than it had been before now. "Or perhaps you need some incentive. Haxus! Why don't you send Lotor a picture of how hard his slut is while getting touched by other—"

"No!" Lance's voice cracked before he could even think, turning over his shoulder at Prorok. "P-please, don't do that..." He was already at his limit, perhaps even beyond it at this point, and being forced to beg in a situation like this was soul crushing...but no matter what, Lance wouldn't risk losing the one person who actually wanted him. He couldn't.

He bit his trembling lower lip hard enough to bruise it, swallowing hard as the gang members waited. Then, when he spoke, his voice came out as bruised and broken as he was.

"Please...use hole. I deserve it..." He looked back at Prorok again, on the verge of dropping from the counter in tears from his words alone.

Prorok traced the curve of his ass, as if trying to decide if he was satisfied or not. Then, without warning, he was suddenly thrusting his cock into Lance, ripping a blood curdling cry from his throat.

His voice wasn't able to travel very far, but the effort it took still shook Lance to his core as Prorok fucked him and slapped his ass each time he wailed in pain. While it did help a little to have two loads inside already, along with the fact that Prorok's cock was slicked up with Lance's spit, it was still his third cock in a row, and each one only got rougher.

His entire backside was completely numb at this point as Prorok plowed into him, groaning and growling humiliating insults, but he could barely hear any of it. The only thing reaching Lance's ears were his own screams and the pounding of his head and his chest. His defiled, broken body was screaming at him from the inside out for being such a useless slut.

At some point, Sendak had backed away and given him his hand back, but he didn't even notice. It didn't matter, anyways, since his muscles felt too drained to even try lifting himself up. His stomach was lying dead on the counter, ass raised by Prorok simply for convenience. After all, that was all his body was for.

Lance had completely lost his sense of time by now, barely able to tell how long Prorok's cock spent abusing him over and over again. He moaned when he was told to moan, he cried when he was told to cry, and he begged when told to beg, but none of it registered with Lance's hazy mind. After all, sex was second nature to him. It was just as they were saying; he was a slut.

After an indistinct amount of time passed, Prorok was finally releasing his load into Lance, and he found his vision going spotted; although, he didn't know if those two things were related or not.

Whatever the case, having three loads inside of his ass was way too much, and he could just feel all the cum brimming and building up, ready to explode out of his ass. Of course, that meant as soon as Prorok was done and pulled out, Sendak was there to take his place, pushing the head of his cock in to act as a plug.

Feeling nails rake down his back was enough to bring Lance down from his daydreaming—temporarily, at least. He didn't know how bad the damage was to his back, but he swore he could feel blood lingering as he cried out and slammed his head against the counter below him in agony.

"There we go. No sleeping on me, you hear?" Sendak growled, letting his nails dig into Lance's sides while the other three watched his humiliation and pain.

Lance could only continue crying out as Sendak pushed his cock further in, pushing all the cum deeper inside in the process.

Either Lance had been completely out of it, or Sendak's cock was just that much larger than the other three as the stretch he caused sent new shockwaves of pain sparking through Lance's body. It was probably a little bit of both.

"Can't believe you can take so many cocks one after the other and still be this tight." Sendak moaned, nails sinking deeper into his ass. "It's just like the others said; you were built for this kind of thing."

Lance didn't even bother trying to argue against that logic in his head as Sendak wasted no time in fucking him, brutally opening his walls up and shaking his insides with his massive cock.

The pain radiating directly from his ass was much more subdued thanks to numbness, but Sendak's ruthless force caused his body to throb in pain from every nerve, and he could only squeeze more tears from his eyes and wait for the torture to be over.

While the initial pain of his nails had woken Lance up, his body was just too exhausted to keep up with whatever was happening to it, and he quickly began drifting back in between consciousness and unconsciousness, even with Sendak fucking him more violently than the other three combined. It was just a testament to how spent his body was.

At one point, Lance was certain he actually blacked out, but Haxus was quick to correct that with a slap across his face. Still, even when he was forced awake, he could barely feel Sendak's cock against his prostate, and the rest of the pain gnawing at his body hardly mattered to him. He just wanted it to be over already...he couldn't even feel bad for himself anymore.

Sendak's hips began crashing against his harder, and somewhere in the back of his mind, he was pretty sure the large man announced he was finishing. Instead of despairing in having a fourth cock releasing inside of him, though, he just rejoiced that this was the end. He didn't want Lotor to stop loving him, but his body felt so degraded and lifeless that he was beginning to wonder if this had been worth it...he knew that that was a crazy thought, because risking losing Lotor was out of the question, but he was weak and broken and his mind was susceptible to anything at this point.

As soon as Sendak pulled out of him, he let his body fall completely to the countertop, eyes widening a fraction at the realization that his cock was still hard. Even after all of that, and even though he could barely feel any of the sex that had just taken place, his cock had still remained hard. He would've been ashamed of himself if he wasn't just thankful that he could finally rest...

"Go ahead. Do it."

Lance glanced at the sound of Sendak speaking to Haxus, watching as the man approached with a pen-like tool in his hand. He had no clue what was going on, so he just stayed lifeless on the counter, resigned to his fate. 'It' couldn't be much worse than what had already happened to him, anyways.

As Haxus got closer, though, he felt nervousness budding in his chest, which quickly exploded into full on panic when he sat and crouched over Lance's ass.

Despite the ache in his body, Lance began trying to twist around to look, as if his body was telling him that now was an appropriate time to panic.

"W-wait." He somehow found his voice, though it was still just as weak as his body. "Wait...what are you...?"

He watched as Haxus began lowering the pen-like object towards his ass, thoroughly confused. Then, his eyes wandered to Sendak, where he was drawn to the massive tattoo on his face, and suddenly, he put everything together.

"No!" He screamed, thrashing and channeling all his panic and desperation into his ability to scream as Haxus pulled back. "No! P-please, don't do this! Please don't do this!" He managed to turn to Sendak, tears spilling over from his eyes all over again. This couldn't be worth it. He would have a permanent scar if he let them do this to him. "I-I'm begging you...please don't do it...I'm begging can do anything else you want..."

They exchanged a quick glance before Sendak stared through him, void of sympathy. "I suggest you don't move, slut, otherwise it could hurt quite a lot."

Lance's face fell in despair as his hands shot forward to cover his mouth, tears flooding his face all over again. Then, as Haxus brought the pen to his ass once more, he hid his face in his palm and wept in grief for himself.

Sendak crouched down next to his ear. "This is what you get. You wanted to interact with people, remember? You asked him to let you interact with people? Well, this is what it means for you to interact with people. It means getting fucked, and used, and scarred, because that's all you're wanted for, dirty little slut." He leaned in closer, teeth grazing his ear. "This is your fault for being greedy."

Thanks to the resurgence of his panic, Lance was awake enough to hear every word Sendak said, but he couldn't respond. He could only sob into his hands as he felt the needle working along his ass.

He deserved this. They were right, and he knew it. This was all he was good for and all people wanted him for.

"Yes. We'll be done in an hour or so." Sendak said, and Lance slowly lifted his tear-stained face to look at the large man speaking into a phone. "Yes. He's practically out of it. You can pick your slut up then."

Lance stared for a long time, tears pausing momentarily as the wheels in his head spun. Just earlier, Sendak had mentioned him asking to interact with people, and unless his memory was wrong, which it could've been since he was still out of it, he was pretty sure he and Lotor never mentioned that...then, just now, he had called him 'your slut' to whoever was on the phone...

Maybe it was just the fact that his mind and heart were much too weak right now to have faith in anything, but more tears started spilling over his eyes than ever before, even after all the tiresome crying he'd already done, as he came to the realization that Lotor had set this up.

Sendak's words earlier about interacting with people hadn't been Sendak's words...those had been Lotor's words. This was Lance's punishment for talking to Keith...

His face collapsed in his arms, shock nauseating him as he choked and sobbed. It was Lotor...Lotor did this...Lotor did this...Lotor did this...

Lotor set all of this up.

It was all sinking in so quickly, and Lance's emotional state was in no condition to keep up as he felt icy claws of horror and betrayal crushing him from every side.

The mental strain of his revelation just tugged at his consciousness even more, putting his exhaustion back into the forefront of things. He could barely feel the needle against his ass, and even if he could, he couldn't move to do anything about it. He could only lie there in surrender as he received Lotor's punishment.

Naturally, time became an obscure blur all over again, and before he knew it, Haxus was stepping away with the pen at his side.

Sobbing wasn't something Lance had the strength to do anymore, so he just blinked through hazy eyes as Throk came around and showed him a picture on his phone.

There on his ass, in black letters that were so massive they took up the entire space on his ass, was the word 'SLUT'. The 'SL' was tattooed on one cheek while the 'UT' was on the other.

Something inside of Lance broke at the horrific sight, but he didn't cry, he didn't sob, and he didn't make a single noise—that was how he knew he was broken.

"That's your souvenir, so you always remember what you are. You're an official slut, now. Now come on." Sendak grabbed a fistful of Lance's hair, yanking him off the counter so his body collapsed against the floor lifelessly.

He was numb from the waist down, but the pain in his hair was still very much there. He couldn't do anything about it, though, so he just hung from Lotor's hand and let himself be dragged across the floor to the back of the bar, where Sendak opened the back door.

"Garbage belongs with garbage."

That was the only warning he got before he was tossed into several trash bags, body sprawling against them like a dropped egg. His limbs went in every direction, spilling out across the trash before he remained still, completely shattered and dead.

The night was even darker than before, and the moon just barely offered him enough light to see Sendak unzipping his pants before leaning over. Piss was suddenly flying all across Lance's bruised, naked body, covering him in the yellow, smelly liquid, and it was accompanied by the man's spit.

Lance made no attempt to protest, letting the urine drip down his chest as Sendak turned and slammed the door shut, and then, it was just him in the pile of garbage, swamped in sticky liquids both on the inside and outside, all by himself.

His body felt heavy like lead, and his head was no better as he dazedly managed to turn to look up at the moon.

He felt dead, in every sense of the word. His body was useless and dead, and his chest felt hollow and empty, lifeless—he couldn't think of a reason to be alive no matter how hard he tried. Granted, he couldn't think much right now period.

Before he could fall unconscious in the trash bags, though, he saw a figure coming into view, completely blackened in the dark of night. He knew immediately that it wasn't Lotor—he would recognize his silhouette anywhere—so it must've been someone else.

So many thoughts and emotions rushed him all at once, eating away at his brain. He couldn't handle all of it, his mind couldn't keep up; he was in no state to be forcing himself to think. At the end of the day, though, he was hurt, he was abandoned, and the only thing his mind could focus on was Sendak talking to Lotor, confirming that Lotor had set this up for him.

He made his choice, somehow raising his arm just a few inches, reaching out towards the approaching figure and shaking at the effort it took.

"Please..." He whispered, voice raspier than ever before. The damage to his body was really starting to sink in now. "Please help me..."

His arm dropped, losing the last of its strength as the silhouette got closer and closer...then, they appeared in the moonlight, revealing the face of an older man, probably somewhere in his late 30's, with pupils that were even more unfocused than Lance's were.

"The hell...?" He muttered, bending down towards Lance.

Despite the scent of trash and urine and sex all over him, Lance could somehow still make out the poignant stench latched onto the man before him; alcohol and smoke. No wonder his eyes were so unfocused.

"Wait...'slut'?" The man read the tattoo on Lance's ass, a smile spreading across his face, and suddenly, Lance felt his blood going cold.

Stammered chuckles began escaping the man as he reared up to fumble with his pants, much to Lance's disbelief. was going to happen to him again...

"I can't believe how lucky...I am!" He sneered between drunken hiccups. "They left their slut out...all alone...and now I get to use him! I'm so lucky!"

The man clearly didn't care that they were on top of a bunch of trash bags, and Lance didn't care anymore, either; he just wanted to get away. He didn't want to have to do this again...but he had no choice in the matter as the man climbed on top of his body, clearly not bothered by the urine.

"First I'm gonna fuck you here...!" The man snorted, pulling his dick from his pants. "I'll fuck you here, then I'm gonna take you home with me...take you home to be mine...!"

His cock fell against Lance's inner thigh, and somehow, even though he could barely feel anything down there, he could just tell something wasn't right. Sheer adrenaline helped him build the strength to tilt his head upward, and what he saw immediately jolted him into spasming backward several inches.

"N-no!" He yelped, eyes widening at the sight of the man's bumpy cock.

Lance was understably rather well-versed when it came to anything sex-related, so he could tell with just a glance that if that bumpy cock entered him, his body would be infected with STD's that he could never get rid of.

The man just continued laughing drunkenly as Lance somehow found the desperate strength to throw his arms against the man's shoulders, pushing and fighting and sobbing all over again.

"Stop! Please!" Lance cried out. His voice was booming much louder than what he thought was possible, continuing to thrash against the man, but it was just useless flailing.

His weak struggles only seemed to turn the man on even more, which in turn increased his struggle.

"Please, don't do this! Please, I'm begging you! I don't want that! I don't want that in my body!" He slammed his fists against the other man's chest, tear ducts fully functional once more.

His bones felt like ancient, wet branches, getting weaker with every hit, and it only took a few seconds before he exhausted everything he had completely.

The man pressed his nose into Lance's neck, inhaling and rubbing his disgusting cock against his inner thigh harder.

"What? No more? Aren't you going to fight more? Ah...I love the sound of your voice...I love it when you fight back...hey! Come on, move some more!" He slapped Lance across the face, rattling his bones as if that would help him regain his strength.

Tears slipped down his chin, sullying his previously dried face as he went limp, surrendering to fate.

This is it... His chest shook with the weight of a sob as the man positioned his cock at his hole. It's over...just a ruined sex tool...that's what you are...

His eyes squeezed shut as the man thrust forward, tainting his body forever with his infected cock...

...only, before he could enter Lance, he was suddenly lifted five feet in the air, dangling above Lance while lashing around in confusion.

At this point, Lance could only see through hazy, squinted eyes. He watched as limbs flew up violently and the drunk man was pulled away from his hole. Then, like a mirage of some sort, he just faded, replaced by a different looming figure.

Of course. Person after person would fight over him, but in the end, it didn't matter...they were all after the same thing. They all wanted him for the sex.

"Lance? Lance!"

He was quickly slipping from reality, the call of his name nothing more than a distant breeze. Distant or not, though, he still recognized it, and he managed to squeeze one eye open to watch as a familiarly worried face came into the moonlight.

"...mmn...Keith...?" Lance whispered the name so softly and weakly it might as well have just been a passing breath. He was certain he was just hallucinating the boy anyways, because why would Keith be here after everything that had happened? How would he even be here? Where even was 'here'?

He was so fucked up and he couldn't think clearly for even a second. Everything was suddenly fading between the line of reality and nightmare, and while that line had always been thin, he truly could no longer tell what was going on.

Even when he felt Keith crouching down to physically inspect him, he doubted his authenticity. If he was real, though, maybe he would just fuck Lance...just like everyone else. If that was the case, then so be it. Lance didn't have any say in it. He didn't have any say in anything.

He let his eyes fall shut, vaguely aware that his body was suddenly in the air, with a jacket blanketing him. It didn't make sense. Nothing was making sense.

The next time he was able to take in any sort of awareness about his surroundings, he was in the back of a car, back resting against leather seats; familiar seats. The sound of a familiar engine roared to life, and Lance could make out the long black shape of a mullet resting against the driver's seat.

From there, fatigue took over him completely, leaving him in the hands of whoever had him. He had no nightmares that night.

His life was the nightmare.


SUMMARY: Basically, the four Galra gang men rape Lance while continuously degrading him and calling him a slut, and threatening to tell Lotor how he got hard behind Lotor's back if he doesn't cooperate with them. In case you're wondering, Lance got hard because his drink was spiked (this is never stated, so he doesn't know why he got hard still). Anyways, he's super exhausted after the brutality of it all and thinks it's over, but then they reveal there's more in store for him. They tattoo his ass with the word 'SLUT', with the 'SL' completely covering one cheek and the 'UT' completely covering the other, and Lance cries because it's a permanent scar. Sendak then calls someone on the phone saying they can come pick Lance up in about an hour, and Lance realizes that Lotor set this entire thing up as punishment for him. This entire time he went along with them because he didn't want Lotor to know he'd gotten hard behind his back, but Lotor had set this up from the beginning to punish him for talking to Keith. Naturally, this breaks Lance, and we get my personal favorite line of the chapter, "Something inside of Lance broke at the horrific sight, but he didn't cry, he didn't sob, and he didn't make a single noise—that was how he knew he was broken." ANYWAYS, Sendak then drags him out back and tosses him outside with the trash bags, stating that "garbage belongs with garbage". He then covers Lance in his urine and spit before he's left to rot with the trash until Lotor picks him up. A silhouette approaches and Lance manages to find the strength to reach out for help, broken and betrayed and abandoned because Lotor sold him out to get raped. When the silhouette comes into view beneath the moonlight, it's revealed to be an old, drunk man, who immediately sees Lance's 'SLUT' tattoo and gets excited. He prepares to fuck Lance right against the trash, and Lance just despairs that he has to go through this again until he sees the man's dick, which is bumpy. The man has an STD of some sort, and if Lance lets him fuck him, his body will be infected with it. He doesn't want that, so Lance fights back and cries and begs for the man not to do this to him, but of course the man just loves it when he begs and hits Lance. When Lance finally gives in and accepts his place as a broken sex tool, the man gets ready to enter him...but not before he's thrown off by yet another mysterious figure. Lance is sure it's just another man here to fuck him, but when he hears his name being shouted, he looks up and sees none other than Keith. He questions if it's just a hallucination, because why and how would Keith even be here, but he's too tired to do anything. He just fades in and out of consciousness as Keith picks him up, covers him in his jacket, and puts him in his car before taking off, away from that bar, away from Lotor. The last two lines of the chapter are also some of my favorites, which you can just quickly read above ^^

SO, YEAH, UH, THAT HAPPENED. Jesus this chapter went dark, but to be fair, there is literally a warning in the fanfic's description. At least he's not with Lotor anymore...but can Keith really keep him safe?

Well, uh, in other news...


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