Chapter 1: M.O.N.D.A.Y - Morning Of Nagging Decisions And Yells

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Chapter 1: M.O.N.D.A.Y - Morning Of Nagging Decisions And Yells

Have you ever woken up with the feeling of no rest at all, even though  you’ve slept for hours? That was how Henri felt this morning. He and Parker finished Saturday with time to spare, so they joined Del with one or two movies before Parker went home and Henri went to bed early. He had the Sunday off.

Have you maybe ever woken up with the feeling of no rest, but you know it’s your own fault because you stayed up late? That was how Del felt. She had finished all those movies Saturday, well, Sunday morning. But then she decided to watch other movies she had not yet seen, and stayed up until extremely late Sunday night, Monday morning. She had totally forgotten that it was Monday when she went to bed at 2AM, for only a mere four hours later she woke up from Turn Up The Love by Far East Movement. She groaned as she forced her way out of bed and onto her bare feet. She went over to her closet, still asleep, and grabbed her clothes for the day. A long jean and a long-sleeved pomaria plaid shirt which was red, white and baby blue. She then stumbled out into the hallway where she squinted her eyes at the light. Once her eyes adjusted she walked down the hall and turned sharply left to where the bathroom was, only to walk straight into Henri. They both stepped away from each other, both looking tiredly. Both of them had their clothes at hand, and both of them wanted to enter the bathroom. They both squinted their eyes to glare at one another.

“Mine.” Del said, demanding. Henri shook his head.

“I don’t think so, sis. You’re always first.” He said with a sharp glare.

“ ‘Cause ladies first.” Del said and stuck her tongue out. He then forcefully pushed his sister out of the way and made a grab at the handle. Del quickly grabbed his arm and glared at him.

“Look, I’m tired. Can’t you give me a break?” Del groaned and he shook his head.

“Your own fault then. You were the one who wanted to stay up that late.” He said and Del groaned in annoyance.

“Look, whether or not you like it, I’m first.” Henri said and Del tightened her grip on his arm to the point where her nails dug into his arm. He didn’t even flinch.

I’m first!” She yelled at him and he scoffed.

“Well you’re going to have to get through me then, and last time I checked you’re a little…scrawny.” He insulted and Del clenched her free fist. She made an attempt to punch his face but his other hand merely and without ease caught her fist. Del and Henri had always been close and almost never fought. The only time they did were like now, early in the morning where they can’t even think for themselves. Henri twisted her arm around.

“Ow, ow, ow!” She moaned and fell to her knees, rubbing her arm. Henri quickly opened the door and slid in, locking it behind him. Del jumped to her feed and pounded against the door.

“Henri! I can’t believe you just did that!” She yelled and heard chuckling from inside. She huffed and slid down the door. She brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She had a furious look on her face. She then heard the water starting to run.

“You better leave me some hot water left!” She yelled. A few minutes later her mother walked down the hall, already dressed for work.

“Hey bud.” She said as she saw her furious looking daughter sitting in front of the bathroom door.

“Hey mom…” She said and buried her face into her arms. Her mother chuckled and went to the kitchen. A few minutes later, Del heard the water turn off. She waited patiently until the door was shoved forcefully and Del was moved. Henri stepped out, dressed in dark jeans and a blue Superman hoodie with black sneakers. He started to whistle as he went back to his room, all the while Del glared dangers into his back. She stood up with her clothes and entered. She showered and got dressed, blow-drying her hair as well and tying into one ponytail. She went back to her room to dress into white socks and black/ white ankle converse. She then grabbed her blue telephone-police box backpack, aka TARDIS, and went to the kitchen. Henri was sitting en enjoying a bowl Corn Flakes while their mother grabbed her keys. She went over to Henri and kissed him on the forehead, him paying no mind as he ate. She then went over to Del who entered and did the same before leaving for work. Del went over and poured herself cereal into a white bowl. When she opened the fridge to grab the milk, she was instead met with empty space. She slammed the door shut and looked over to Henri with a scowl. He was enjoying his corn flakes, and the last milk they had. Del sighed and grabbed the bowl. She started eating it as if it were chips and went to sit across her brother. She sat with cross legs on the chair.

“You enjoying that milk over there?” Del said with a small glare, more playful than hate. He nodded his head with a smile on his lips.

“Yeah, especially since I know there isn’t more.” He said and stuck his tongue at her. She rolled her eyes and continued eating.

“You riding with me today or are you going self?” Henri questioned. Henri has a black 2010 Ford Fusion, and questioned if Del was riding with him today or if she was going on her own. She had a red 2013 Ducati Monster motorcycle. She hummed in thought.

“Can I come with you?” She questioned and he nodded. He then stood up to place his bowl on the counter. He went over to the fridge and opened it. An ‘ooh’ escaped his mouth as he removed a bowl of strawberries. He took one and plopped it into his mouth. He walked back to the table and placed a handful in front of Del.

“Apology.” He said with a laugh and walked over to the fridge to put the bowl back, but not before stealing one or two more. Or five. He then exited the room to Once Del finished her bowl of ‘chips’ and placed the bowl on the counter. She then proceeded to plop the strawberries into her mouth as she went up to the bathroom to brush her teeth. As she stepped to the bathroom door, Henri exited his room, backpack over shoulder. They stared at each other before he chuckled.      

“Go ahead.” He said and smiled as she entered. After she brushed her teeth she went outside to her brother’s Ford where she waited for him. Once he came out and locked the house, they both climbed in and strapped themselves. Henri then pulled out and they were on their way. Del then groaned when realization hit her.

“I have PE today. Coach Moleskin better go easy on us.” She said and Henri chuckled.

“Well I have Biology today. I heard we’re talking about the insides of rabbits.” Del scrunched her face up in disgust.

“That’s just nasty.” He shrugged.

“Well compared to last year’s Biology camp where we had to cut up a deer, this is nothing.” A shudder went up Del’s spine.

“That’s why I didn’t take Biology, only Chemistry and Physics.” Del said as she stared out the window.

“I also have Chemistry and Physics. But remember, because you didn’t take Biology you had to take something else. And what was it?” He said teasingly as he lowered his ear to her while at a cross road with stoplights. Del mumbled under her breathe and Henri lowered even more to her.

“What was it?” He asked with tease.

“Home economics.” She mumbled and he sat up straight to continue driving.

“Home economics. Wow, still can’t believe you took that.” He said with a shook of his head.

“Well, History is out of the question. I’m really not into business, finance, accounting and that stuff. Social studies is like the biggest no-no. Art, theatre, media and music are like my weakest points. So that really left me with foreign languages and home economics. Start a completely new and foreign language out of the blue or start cooking lessons. Which would you choose?” She said with a small, playful glare.

“You could have taken the media studies. Peter told me it ain’t that hard.” He said as he gazed down the street.

“Yeah but then you have to like do stuff. Pig projects about the media and stuff.” She complained.

“Did you just say ‘pig’ projects?” Henri questioned with a frown. Del though a second before her cheeks became a light shade of pink.

“It’s early. My words are still jumbled.” She said with a frown as she gazed out of her window.

“You have English today?” Henri questioned and Del shook her head furiously.

“That’s good then.” He said with a smirk and Del rolled her eyes in annoyance.  She then turned to Henri.

“You handing that physics project in today?” She questioned and he nodded.

“I saw it when it was finished. It actually made sense, but I can understand why Peter is above you.” Henri frowned and clenched his fists tighter around the steering wheel. Del chuckled to herself before reaching forward and placing the stereo on. Turn Up The Love by Far East Movement played, already half way into the song. Del sat back with a smile. Must be my song today, she thought to herself. “Drop low to the L O, V E gotta get more. So clap your hands, clap, clap your hands. I got nothing but love to give. Turn it up.” Del mumbled the lyrics and Henri smiled as he heard this. He didn’t know how she did it with all the times he saw her do nothing but study, yet she seemed to know each and every song’s lyrics. Once he stole her iPod, which she didn’t argue about. She wasn’t planning on using it that day anyway, and she trusted her brother. He then discovered the surprisingly epic songs on her iPod. Del always managed to get time for everything during the day, but that’s because she can multi task. Henri just doesn’t see her doing it.

“What are you going to do this afternoon?” Henri questioned her as they turned down the road Midtown High was located in.

“I need to catch up on the studying I missed this weekend.” She said with a stern nod. Henri rolled his eyes.

“And what would that be? The periodic table?” He joked and she shook her head.

“Oh please, I can fully explain that old thing out of my head. No, I need to study Industrial Revolution.” She said with a nod.

“Didn’t you do that way back?” Henri questioned. She shrugged.

“Why not do it again?” She said with a smirk as he drove into the parking lot. There were a lot of teenagers still outside, others making their way inside. Peter noticed the familiar Ford pull up and made his way over. As Henri stepped out, Peter confronted him.

“Do you have it?” He questioned, worry on his face. Henri rolled his eyes and nodded.

“It’s in the back.” He answered.

“There’s drugs in your car?!” Del yelped as she climbed out of the car, inspecting the back window before standing straight and looking at Henri from over the hood.  

“I won’t tell mom, if, and only if, you buy me Tic Tac’s.” She said with a stern nod before spinning on the ball of her left foot and making her way to the school doors, TARDIS backpack on her back. Peter chuckled at her, Henri joining in as he removed the physics project from the backseat Peter was referring to. He handed it over to Peter as he took out his backpack and locked his car. Del made her way her locker when she spotted Gwen walking by, looking nervous. Del sort-of jumped in front of her, scaring Gwen as she made a small yelp.

“Oh…Deli.” She said with a sad smile, which Del tilted her head at.

“What’s wrong?” Gwen sighed.

“It’s the new internships at Oscorp. I’m leading the tour this weekend.” Del blinked and smiled sadly. She placed her hands on Gwen’s shoulders.

“Look, I’m not good in these situations. But… if it helps, both me and Henri will be there.” Gwen looked up in surprise.

“Really?” Del nodded.

“Yup.” She said before awkwardly moving away and to her locker, leaving Gwen to herself. Gwen and Del weren’t extremely close, but they had these short talks. Peter and Del made more convers. What surprised Del the most was the fact that Peter had been in Gwen’s class for quite some time, yet she doesn’t even know his name. It rose some question to Henri about how Del even met the two, Gwen and Peter. When Del was a Freshmen, Gwen a Junior, Del was incredibly lost in the school. Most of her brother’s classes were on the other side of school so he couldn’t help much. Gwen noticed how lost the poor Freshmen had been and decided to guide her. That was how she and Del met. She met Pater when all of the Freshmen were brought into one big pile for a group photo in the gym for the year book, Pater Parker being the photographer, naturally. They were put alphabetically. Del’s surname being Baxter, she was one of the first in the line. Peter was going around, correcting people on their stances to make the perfect photo. They were gathered after break for the photo, and they served pizza at the cafeteria. Del had some tomato sauce on her check. It was a sight that can’t be forgotten. Peter tried to contain his laughter as he explained to her about the red on her cheek. She blushed in embarrassment as she cleaned it off. From that day on he called her ‘tomato girl’, but it luckily soon wore off.

Once Del made it to her locker, she placed the books she didn’t have before break inside before making her way to her register classroom. Although she still felt dead tired, didn’t look it, but felt it, she felt confident something was going to happen that day.     

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