Part 7
The next morning Louis wakes alone, he had a terrible night filled with nightmares and he lay awake terrified, even in the safety of Harry's arms. He felt like something was going to happen to Harry or one of the boys, thought Troy or Noah was going to come and kill them all. He's still on edge and scared. Louis notices a note on Harry's pillow, he reaches out with trembling hands.
"Morning baby, I didn't want to wake you before I left, you didn't sleep well and looked peaceful. I'll be home by 5 with the rest of the lads. Use the house phone to call me if you need to. I miss you already, your Harry xxx.
Louis insides summersault at Harry's words, he's falling so hard for Harry it's scary. Louis knows all the boys are working today, they said it wouldn't happen that often but today's just one of those days. Louis gets up on shaky legs and has a shower, he's still plagued with his dreams and he's uneasy and shaky, he vomits in the shower as he lets his terror consume him.
Usually when Louis is awake he can control his thoughts, knows what's a dream and what's not but, when you live the nightmare he suffered with the Bolton's, its hard to escape and easy to let the terror consume your rational thoughts.
Louis tries his hardest to forget his nightmares, he dresses in black skinnies, his vans and a baby blue sweater. He tries to eat but can't even look in the fridge without gagging. He tries the TV but it puts him more on edge. It's just after lunch when he buckles and calls Harry.
He gets a receptionist that says Harry is busy with patients, Louis asks for Scott but gets the same reply. Drew and Edward are on lunch and Jax is on a different ward. Louis starts to panic and doesn't know what to do. He decides some fresh air might help.
He gets up, and grabs the apartment key the boys gave him. He doesn't have any money or a phone so he leaves the apartment with nothing.
The London air is cold and Louis doesn't have a jacket, the cold nips at him but he can't seem to care, his legs carry him towards the hospital, he feels like he's being followed and he becomes anxious. He turns around every so often, looking over his shoulder but sees no one, he can't shake the feeling.
Louis is about a block from the hospital when he passes Kimberly's offices, he remembers them from the other day. He stops out the front, Maybe he should go inside instead of bothering the boys at work. He contemplates his options but it's when he looks to his left and sees Noah staring at him from across the street that he takes flight inside the building.
Louis breathing picks up as he makes it in front of the lifts, he can see Noah crossing the street and panics, hitting the lift button over and over. It thankfully dings and Louis gets in, desperate for the doors to shut, he sees Noah approaching, his heart rate through the roof. The lift doors thankfully shut just as Noah makes it to the lobby. Louis struggles to regain his breaths. What the hell does Noah want, fuck, he was following Louis, how does he even know where Louis is. Louis is panicking and as the doors open to the empty waiting room of Kimberly's floor he stumbles out.
The receptionist sees the state Louis is in and calls for someone. Not even a second later he sees Kimberly and Joey rushing into the room.
"Louis?" Kimberly asks.
"Kiddo, are you okay?" Joey asks,
"I...I..." Louis shakes his head.
"Come on buddy, let's go to another room hey" Joey says.
Suddenly the lift dings and the doors open, Louis looks around and sees Noah smirking at him. Joey and Kimberly look towards the lifts too.
"Sorry wrong floor" Noah smirks as he presses another button and the lift closes.
"That's, that's, that's,....Noah, that's Noah" Louis says trying to breathe.
Joey reaches for Louis and leads him to the room they were in yesterday, Louis sees Kimberly on the phone to someone.
When they enter the room Joey takes Louis to the couch but Louis doesn't want to sit on the couch, he needs to hide, incase Noah comes back. He sees a space against the wall between two bookshelves and he goes over and tucks himself inside, his knees to his chest facing the room. Joey comes slowly over and sits opposite Louis.
"Kiddo, I need you to take some deep breaths for me" Joey says gently.
Louis shakes his head, the tears come then.
"I'm sorry, I can't, I'm sorry, I was going to see Harry at the hospital but I saw Noah and this place and I'm sorry to bother you I'm sorry" Louis says breathlessly.
"I'm glad you came here Louis, I'm glad you're safe, let's just get you calmed down a little and then we can talk a bit more" Joey says.
Louis again shakes his head, he can't calm down
"I had nightmares last night, about Noah and Troy killing Harry and Scott in front of me, then he killed me and it was so real, he's said it before, he will kill me. I just needed to see Harry to make the feelings stop. Noah saw me, he's going to kill me and then Harry and the boys, he's going to kill everyone" Louis says, he's breathing so heavy and fast and tears are streaming down his face. Joey is wondering how he's still conscious.
"No one is going to kill you, or Harry or Scott, I promise you, we won't let that happen, just breathe Lou" Joey says.
Joey feels terrible for Louis, the fear is so real, he is so scared and after what he went through Joey knows the fear is real. Troy and Noah are capable of such terrible things. Louis is so tiny and looks like he hasn't slept a wink. Joey needs to help him, needs to get Louis through this, he's such a wonderful, caring kid and doesn't deserve this.
Joey turns around as Edward and Drew then come rushing in the room, still In their scrubs, carrying medical kits. Kimberly called the hospital and Edward and Drew had just finished their shifts, Harry having another few hours. They decided not to tell Harry where they were going.
They make their way over to Louis and Joey, kneeling down on the floor.
"Hey buddy, are you okay?" Drew asks
Louis shakes his head no.
"Noah, its Noah, he's going to kill us" Louis says upset.
"Just relax buddy, no one is going to kill us, you're okay" Edward reassures.
"Lou, I'm going to put this on you, it's going to help you breathe so you don't pass out okay" Drew says.
Louis shakes his head no and brings his head on top of his knees and pulls his arms around his head securely.
"Lou, kiddo, no one is going to hurt you I promise, we are here to look after you" Drew says.
The boys watch on helplessly as Louis cries and panics.
"Louis, how's about we go for a drive to see Harry hey" Drew asks casually.
"No, he's watching me, he will kill Harry if he sees him" Louis says.
"Who will kiddo?" Edward asks.
"Noah, he's following me, he was here and it's just like my dreams, I don't want him to hurt you" Louis says as he looks up at Drew and Edward.
"Come here buddy, let us look after you, no one is going to hurt you, or us, we promise" Edward says.
Louis looks them in the eyes and knows they are telling he truth, he wants to believe them he really does. He slowly unravels himself and he launches for Drew who's closest.
Drew catches him and Louis just cries, Drew gets comfy on the floor while Louis straddles him, he holds Louis close and safely in his arms.
"Buddy this is going to help you okay, can you let us help you" Edward asks kindly as he swipes Louis fridge of his forehead.
Louis doesn't agree but he doesn't protest as an oxygen mask is placed over his mouth to help him breathe.
It takes a good while for Louis to completely calm down with praises and hugs. The boys decide to get Louis home once he's calmed. Drew picks Louis up who latches on like a child and buries his head in Drew's neck.
"I'd like to see him tomorrow" Joey says as they walk out
"Sure, that sounds like a good idea" Edward says.
"Noah did show up here, I'm onto the police, I'll call you tonight with an update" Kimberly says.
The boys nod, poor Louis, they just need to get him home.
Edward ends up driving as Louis doesn't let Drew go, they sense another panic attack coming on as Louis is shaking in Drew's arms.
"Relax kiddo,relax, I've got you, I've got you" Drew reassures.
By the time they get home, Harry and Scott have been informed about what went on and they are waiting in the penthouse, Harry is pacing the room worriedly as they walk in.
"Jesus, Louis!" Harry says as he sees the state Louis is in and rushes over.
Louis breaks out in sobs at Harry's voice and he instantly launches for Harry's safe arms.
"Darling I'm here, relax, relax, it's all okay" Harry says as he reassures Louis.
Harry takes him to the comfortable lounge. Harry is still in his scrubs from work and he sits down as Louis straddles him. Scott comes over and takes Louis shoes off gently and puts a blanket over both Harry and Louis. He sits next to Harry and runs his hands through Louis hair comfortingly,
"How longs he been like this?" Scott asks Edward as they share a kiss hello.
"About two hours" Edward says.
"So What exactly happened? Why was Louis even at Kimberly's?" Harry asks.
"We don't know Haz, they said he just turned up panicking"Drew says sympathetically.
Harry turns his attention to Louis,
"Darling, I need you to tell us what happened" Harry says gently.
"I...I..had nightmares all night and they were so real, Noah and Troy killed you and Scott and then me and it was so real and I was so scared and I tried to call you but the hospital said you were all too busy for me, so I went for a walk I wanted you, I needed you and when I was walking I saw Noah he....he.....he...was following me, he was following me and I ran into Kimberly's building cause I remembered it and he followed me in and he knows and he's going to kill me and he will kill you all and I can't.....i don't want it....don't leave me please" Louis cries and panics again
The boys look on sympathetically they share worried looks. Louis is so vulnerable and if Noah is following Louis they will do every single thing in their power to protect him.
"Oh darling, we aren't going to leave you, nothing is going to happen to you okay, we won't let anything happen" Harry says.
Scott gets up and goes to his kit, he brings out a vile and a syringe, which he fills up from the vile.
"Kiddo, I'm going to give you something that's going to help you calm down okay. I promise you'll feel better when you wake up" Scott says as he comforts Louis.
"Make it stop Scott" Louis begs innocently, it breaks the boys hearts,
"I will sweetheart, just relax for me" Scott says as he pushes the needle in Louis arm.
Louis cries eventually die down and his eyes close sleepily, Harry holds him close and cuddles him until he's finally out.
"What the hell are we going to do?" Drew asks.
"He was so scared guys, he'd experienced it before, he truly believed that Noah and Troy will try to kill us" Edward says.
"Well, I'm not entirely sure they won't, you heard what they put Louis through, what they did to him" Drew says.
"I'll call Andy at the station, see what he can do, see what's going on with the arrest" Scott says.
Andy is a good friend of the boys, he usually works homicide but Scott knows he will do his best to help them out.
" I should have been there for him, he called me and was told I was to busy for him, I'm never to busy for him" Harry says,
"He knows that H, we need to tell Lucy to let Louis calls through, that's all" Scott says.
Harry nods.
"We also need to get him a phone, we had no way to contact him today" Scott says.
"Yeah you're right, we've been so caught up with everything, we didn't even think" Harry says,
"We will sort it" Edward says as he kisses Scott,
"We will bring dinner home" Drew says as he and Edward get ready to leave,
"Thanks boys" Harry says,
"Be careful, yeah?" Scott says and the boys nod and smile as they leave the apartment.
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