Part 5
"Shhhhhh, I'm here, I'm here, you're safe" Harry comforts Louis through his second nightmare of the night.
Louis cuddles as close to Harry as he can, Harry engulfs Louis in his arms and holds on for dear life. Louis sobs fill the room and Scott walks in with a glass of water, turning the side lamp on.
"Another one?" Scott asks concerned.
"Yeah, he's got a temperature too" Harry replies.
"Okay, where's your kit?" Scott asks.
"Wardrobe" Harry answers as Scott gets up to go find Harry's medical kit and get some medicine for Louis.
"Shhhhh, it's okay sweetheart" Harry continues to comfort Louis. His sobs begin to die down and Scott walks back over to the bed and sits on the edge.
"Hey kiddo, I've got some medicine to make you feel better, do you think you can sit up for us?" Scott asks gently, his voice soothing to Louis.
Louis doesn't feel well and his nightmares are getting to much. Louis sits up shakily and Harry straightens up, keeping his arm around Louis to help steady him.
"Good boy Lou" Scott says gently, swiping Louis fringe off his forehead. He's sweaty and far to warm.
"We're going to give you something for your temperature and something to help you sleep okay" Harry explains to Louis gently
"I'm sorry I can't sleep, I'm I'm I'm sorry for waking you up, I...I....i.." Louis chokes out.
"Hey, hey, hey" Harry says softly.
"No Lou, don't apologise darling, you're not it trouble and we aren't upset or mad at you" Scott says gently.
"We are here for you Lou, here to make it all better we promise" Harry says as Scott hands him a syringe.
"This one is for your temperature okay" Scott says and he pulls up Louis sleeve and Harry injects the needle.
"Good boy, that's it"Harry praises.
"And this ones this good stuff, you'll fall right to sleep and won't even dream" Scott says smiling.
Louis sniffles as Scott again lifts up Louis sleeve.
"Ready?" Harry asks.
"I...I...I'm scared" Louis says innocently.
"We know but we won't let anything happen to you okay, you're going to feel so floaty and then you'll fall straight to sleep and wake up feeling so much better" Harry says.
"You won't leave me?" Louis says gripping Harry's shirt tightly.
"Never" Harry and Scott say at the same time,
Louis sniffles and nods cutely and Harry injects the needle. The effects are instant and Louis feels his eyes shutting.
"Good boy, good boy" He hears Scott and Harry praise before he's out.
Harry lays Louis down comfortably on the bed and turns to Scott.
"He has to give his statement in nine hours Scott" Harry says worriedly.
"I know, he will be okay, we will be right there with him" Scott reassures,
Harry nods, Scott gets up, kisses Louis on the head and turns the lamp out wishing Harry a good night. Harry settles down and holds Louis close, he loves having him in his arms, Louis fits so perfectly.
The next morning, things are quiet. Louis doesn't eat, nor does he talk. He showers and finds a pair of black skinny jeans and a baseball tee that the boys brought him in the wardrobe. He also finds a pair of brand new Vans. He's just so overwhelmed with their kindness,
All the boys took the day off work today, Jax and Drew having to go in tonight. The boys all dress in jeans and button up shirts. Louis is scared and he just doesn't want to do this, he's worried the boys will disown him when they find out everything. He's worried they will pity him and most of all he's worried he will be called a lier and made to go back to the Bolton's.
When they pull up to an office building, Louis is a little confused, he was expecting a police station. Harry holds his hand protectively as they ride the elevator to the seventh floor. The doors open to an immaculate office area, with a reception and a waiting area. Behind the reception area Louis can see a few rooms, they are all decorated differently.
They don't have to wait and are escorted to one of the rooms, it's huge and has a table in the middle, there are windows where you can see the rain splattering across them at the back of the room. The carpet is a navy blue colour and the walls have drawings, graffiti and from what Louis can tell, signatures everywhere. There is a worn out couch and bean bags, skateboards, board games, everything you could imagine. It looks like an awesome games room and Louis relaxes a little. That is, until Kimberly introduces him to the two police officers in uniform that are waiting in the room. Louis grips Harry's arm.
"This is Officer Lucas and Officer Samuels. They are really lovely and are just going to sit in the room while we get your statement okay" Kimberly says.
Louis looks at Kimberly, her beautiful warm smile making him feel better. He nods slowly.
The boys all take a seat around the room, it's informal and it makes Louis feel more comfortable. Harry watches on at how innocent and lost Louis looks. Kimberly wanted to get Louis statement here in her offices so he's more comfortable and it isn't so daunting. He also needs to be assessed by Kimberly's colleague afterwards. Harry and Scott were concerned this morning at Louis lack of interaction, he hasn't eaten and still has a temperature.
"Sit anywhere you like kiddo" Kimberly says and Louis chooses to sit at the table that has eight seats and lots of drawing equipment around.
Harry takes a seat next to Louis and Scott opposite them, Kimberly takes the seat at the head of the table, to the left of Louis and the police officers sit behind the table near the window, trying to remain inconspicuous.
"Okay Louis, we are just going to ask you a few questions is that okay?" Kimberly asks,
Louis shrugs,
"Can I draw?" Louis asks, his voice timid,
"Of course buddy" Kimberly smiles.
She grabs the pencils and colouring pens and a sketch book for Louis. He figures if he can keep his hands busy he won't need to think too much.
Everyone watches on as Louis grabs a pencil and starts to draw,
"Do you like drawing Louis?" Kimberly asks.
Louis shrugs.
"I used to, I haven't drawn in two years, I was never allowed" Louis says as he keeps his eyes on the paper.
"Why not?" Kimberly asks
"I wasn't allowed to do anything" Louis whispers.
"You were placed with Karen, Troy and their son Noah Bolton two years ago?" Kimberly asks.
"Yeah, on September the 7th, I remember the day" Louis says, still drawing.
"And you thought they were nice when you were first living there?" Kimberly presses.
"The house was old and rundown but I had my own room and they seemed nice, they let me watch TV and eat at the table the first night, then it all changed after the social worker left" Louis says enthralled in his creation.
"How so?" Kimberly asks,
"Karen started making me call her mum and Troy call him Dad. I didn't want to, I only just lost my parents, I'd only known them for two days. Karen got really angry at me on the second night, she yelled at me and slapped me across the face. Troy then took over and beat me, telling me I was worthless and I was lucky they agreed to take me in. That night he took me to the basement, there was a mattress and a toilet down there. It was freezing and I only got a sheet. They would lock me in there and only let me out for school, some days Troy beat me so badly I couldn't go to school, I haven't been for the last six months. They used to come down in the middle of the night and wake me up. Troy used to torture me with fire, he'd burn me with his cigarets and Noah would laugh at me. Then they started tying me to the wall, they'd whip my back until I would bleed, they would leave me tied up for days. They fed me bread every two days and sometimes I'd get leftovers. But i stoped eating those when I got sick, I thought I was going to die, I was so sick" Louis explains, his voice remaining steady as he concentrates on his picture.
Everyone is quiet as they listen to what this poor kid has been through.
"Did you try to escape?" Kimberly asks.
"They said they would kill me if I did, I tried to run once but I was thrown down the stairs and Troy tried to drown me in the bathtub, he brought me back though. He said he wouldn't get his money if I died" Louis says.
"When was that?" Kimberly asks,
"A few months ago" Louis says,
It's quiet for a few more minutes the boys trying not to cry.
"About six months after I came, they told me the court gave them my inheritance, 500,000 pounds, they said I'd never see any of it and they would shove it in my face, they renovated the house and Noah started at private school, but I was kept in the basement, they fed me less and beat me more. They would lock me in and I was too weak to try to escape, I was barely conscious most of the time" Louis says.
"How did you get out?" Kimberly asks.
"Troy cut my hand open, let me bleed for three days, it wouldn't stop. They left to take Noah to school and for some reason they forgot to lock the basement door, I think they were fighting that morning and must have forgotten. I saw it as a sign and I ran, straight to the hospital" Louis says,
Louis doesn't stop his drawing he keeps going and doesn't look up, even when the tape is paused the police officers talk to Harry and the boys, He doesn't take any notice until Kimberly calls his name.
"Sweetheart, this is my friend Joey, he's going to ask you a few questions now okay" she's says and Louis shrugs, going back to his drawing. The police un pause the recorder.
The boys haven't moved and Harry just wants to pick Louis up and hold him in his arms forever.
"Wow that's a great drawing kiddo, you're really good. Did you used to do art?" Joey asks as he sits down opposite Louis.
Louis looks up at him and assess him, he's young and fit. He's got a nice charismatic personality and Louis likes him instantly.
"I used to do art classes before my parents died" Louis says as he goes back to work.
"Can you tell me a bit about that, about what happened?" Joey asks casually.
"I was 14, my parents were meant to pick me up from school and they were late, I walked home and found about six police cars there, I didn't even get to the front door before I was told my parents were dead and I was carried away. I didn't even get to say goodbye or to see the inside of my house again, they just took me" Louis says.
"That must of been hard" Joey says.
Louis shrugs.
"Tell me about your parents" Joey tries.
"My mum was the best mum in the world, she was so kind and caring, she was always there for me. Same with my dad. He was so smart and taught me everything. Every night, before bed my mum and I would go to his office and he would read to us, about philosophy, about the stars about history, Everything. I always looked forward to that. On weekends my mum would take me to the homeless shelter and we would bring them clothes and food. I always gave half my pocket money to the kids that were there. My parents taught me to be kind and never take anything for granted" Louis says.
The boys hearts are breaking, Kimberly is drying her eyes with tissues and Louis can't look at any of them as he changes to shading his nearly finished drawing.
"Do you ever get upset that your life changed so much?" Joey asks,
"Upset that I was taken from a loving home into one of hatred and abuse? At first I was until I realised why it happened" Louis says.
They all look at each other confused.
"Why did it happen Louis?" Joey asks.
"Because I wasn't good enough for my parents, Troy told me everyday, I deserved what I got and I it's my fault" Louis says.
"And you believe that?" Joey asks.
"Why else would it have happened? Noah said I was lucky that he wanted to have sex with me cause no one else ever would" Louis says as he puts his pencil down and stares at Joey.
"He had sex with you?" Joey asks for confirmation.
"Yeah he used to tie me up and rape me, I never wanted it and it hurt. Troy used to tell him to make me bleed" Louis says.
"Did you ever feel angry towards Troy and Noah?" Joey asks.
"I was more angry that my parents left me alone, that they died and didn't even take me with them" Louis says.
Joey has heard enough, this kid has been through so much and Joey has heard all he needs to.
"Can you show me what you've drawn" Joey asks as he directs his attention to Louis drawing.
Even with a sore hand Louis has drawn an incredible drawing, it's so detailed and immaculate it's stunning.
"Is this your old house? And your parents?" Joey asks,
"Yeah" Louis answers,
"And this is you?" Joey asks pointing to a younger Louis.
Louis nods.
"Okay I think we are done here Louis, you did so well" Kimberly says and Louis blinks a few times before he realises he zoned out a little while he was telling his story, he disconnected a bit so he could deal with it all.
He starts to feel sick, he can't believe what he told everyone, that he just spilled everything.
"Lou, could you go out with officer Lucas and wait for us in the waiting room?" Kimberly asks.
Louis looks to Harry and Scott who smile and nod reassuringly at him, he can see they've been crying.
He nods and he's led out of the room.
"Fuck this" Harry says when Louis is gone.
"I can't believe what he went through" Scott says.
"So what happens next?" Drew asks wiping his tears.
"Well, I can tell you, that kid does not have a violent streak in his body, look at his picture" Joey says as he holds up Louis drawing.
"It's amazing, he's very talented" Edward says.
"He is, but it shows he's not angry about what happened, normally kids who've been through this type of trauma, draw with anger, Louis drew with love, which is good for our case but it means there is work to do" Joey says.
"How so?" Edward asks,
"I'll sign off on his behaviour as appropriate there is no way Louis inflicted violence on anyone, his wounds were inflicted on him and Harry and Scott will testify to that effect in court, he though, is handling everything really well, too well. Although his acceptance shows low self esteem and confidence, that he thinks he deserves what he got, I can work with that. I feel though, it's all going to come to a head at some point. He's holding it all in and pushing it away, understandably he doesn't want to deal with the trauma. I can help him though, I'd like to see Louis once, maybe twice a week?" Joey says.
"Yeah I think that's a good idea" Scott says.
"Is he suffering nightmares? Flashbacks at all?" Joey asks,
"Yes, bad nightmares and panic attacks with them, Scott and I had to sedate him last night they were so bad" Harry says.
"Let's work on that, he's an amazing kid and with you all on board I think he will be just fine" Joey says,
"Doesn't someone want to tell him though that his parents left him 2million pounds and not 500k like the Bolton's told him?" Edward then pipes up,
"Well, there is no way this adoption is going to go through now, so I'll work on releasing the funds to Louis" Kimberly says.
The boys all nod, Harry needs to go find Louis, wrap him up in his arms and protect him from the world.
Harry walks out to the waiting room, he sees Louis in a chair, he's leaning forward and has his head between his legs, the police officer is bending down trying to talk to Louis. Harry rushes over.
"Lou, what's happened" Harry asks concerned, as he kneels down to Louis level.
"I can't breathe, I'm going to vomit" Louis says upset.
"Okay sweetheart, just relax, I'm going to help you to the bathroom okay" Harry says.
Louis nods as Harry helps him up, he's so lightheaded and Harry has to steady him.
"He just said he started feeling sick, wanted to go home" detective Lucas says to Harry.
"Thanks, Lucas" Harry tells him as he leads Louis to the bathroom.
They make it just in time before Louis is vomiting into the toilet, the tears begin then and Harry comforts him through it all. When Louis is finished he leans against the wall, between Harry's legs.
"I want you to know that I'm going to protect you from now on, give you the world kid" Harry says gently as he holds Louis tightly.
"Why? I'm so disgusting, I'm so weak and I feel so gross" Louis says as his breathing becomes heavy.
"You are not disgusting do you hear me" Harry says seriously.
"How will anyone ever want me, ever, Noah is right I'm used and weak" Louis sobs.
"Darling, you are not weak, you are so brave and brilliant and gorgeous, you're an amazing kid and I know this after knowing you for three days. You've captured my heart Louis and I love you so much, so do the boys. You mean so much to me and I will always want you" Harry says.
"Harry, you can't say that" Louis says upset.
"I can and I will say that and I will never stop saying that, ever" Harry says kissing the side of Louis head and holding him close.
"I love you Harry and it scares me, I don't deserve you or the boys" Louis says.
"Don't let it scare you, let me in Louis, you deserve more than anything and we came into your life for a reason and we will give you everything you deserve and more, that we promise you. We will make your parents so proud kiddo. They sounded like wonderful, amazing people and they raised a gorgeous, humble, kindhearted son who is so strong" Harry says.
"Do they believe me?, believe I didn't do anything to Noah or are they making me go back" Louis asks as he starts to shake,
"Shhhh no no sweetheart no, you're never, ever going back to the Bolton's, ever. No one doubted you for a second, we all know the truth, it's just formality. Kimberly is hopeful that Troy and Noah will be arrested in the next week and a court date set. The adoption process has been haltered. We promise you, you will never have to see them again, ever" Harry says.
Louis begins to calm down then, he still feels sick and like he could sleep forever. He turns in Harry's arms then and straddles Harry. Harry holds him tightly
"You're still warm kiddo, we need to get you home and to bed, it's been a big day" Harry says.
Louis snuggles in close to Harry and Harry smiles, he gets up and carries Louis with him, Louis wraps his legs around Harry's waist and snuggles in his neck. Harry is in heaven and holds Louis tightly, carrying the tiny boy with ease.
They make it back out to the others and Louis has completely passed out.
"He's zonked" Scott says and he swipes Louis sweaty hair off his forehead
"Yeah, he's not well, I think it's all just getting a bit much for him" Harry says.
Kimberly reassures them all that everything is going to plan and that she's applying for permanent custody for the boys to have Louis. They leave with bittersweet emotions, so glad Louis will soon be theirs but knowing what Louis has had to endure the last two years has them reeling and so emotional.
"I want to kill them, I've never wanted to hurt anyone before but Troy and Noah I just" Drew says shaking his head as they drive back to the penthouse.
Harry didn't want to let Louis go and sits in the back with him, Louis straddling Harry's legs, He's still out to the world.
"Me too, that poor kid is so strong, I wouldn't have lasted nearly as long as Louis" Edward confesses.
"He thinks he's disgusting and weak, that we will look at him differently now we know what happened to him" Harry tells the boys.
"Well we will do everything we can to show him otherwise, his parents sounded like amazing people and Louis is too" Jax says.
"I researched them last night, they were two lawyers, very well known and respected, Johanna and Daniel. They were hit by a drunk driver on the wrong side of the road. Their house hasn't been touched, it's in their will to leave it to Louis. He has no idea, I spoke to our lawyer George last night, Louis is not allowed access to anything until he's 18 but under the circumstances George thinks he can get it overturned and all handed to Louis. As well as the 2million pounds there is the house, and there was a hefty payout after the accident, a further 5 million. Thank god the Bolton's don't know about that" Scott says.
"Shit" Drew says.
"I don't actually think Louis knows what his parents were worth. They did so much community service and gave so much back to others, they taught Louis that too. Their house was modest, small and cosy from the pictures I saw" Scott says.
"I'm glad they brought up such an amazing son, Louis deserves everything. We need to do what we can to get him what he deserves. I know Louis will use that money for good" Harry says.
The boys agree and as they pull up at home Louis stirs.
"Harry?" Louis says as he snuggles in to Harry further.
"Yeah sweetheart, I've got you" Harry says gently.
"I'm going to be sick again" Louis says.
Harry is quick to unbuckle Louis and Scott is already opening the door. They both help Louis out and he spews spectacularly for having nothing in his stomach. Being in an underground car park doesn't help and it goes everywhere. Louis panics that he's made a mess.
"I'm so sorry" Louis says shaking.
"Don't be it's okay" Scott says.
Drew and Edward go to let the staff onsite know so they can have someone clean up Louis mess.
"I promise it won't happen again please don't send me away" Louis says upset.
"Oh kiddo" Harry says sympathetically.
Scott is quick to pick Louis up in his arms, Harry grabs a drink bottle from the car and they make it to the elevator, Louis latches on to Scott for dear life.
When they are in the elevator, Scott brings Cups Louis cheek.
"Listen to me, we are never sending you away, you could vomit on every one of us, plus the car, plus the house and we wouldn't send you away, ever" Scott says smiling slightly.
Louis smiles a little but Scott and Harry see it.
"Have some water for us kiddo" Harry says as Louis sips the bottle he's given.
"I think it's your fever that's making you sick" Scott says as he feels Louis head and looks to Harry concerned.
"Let's get yo to bed hey, are you hungry?" Harry asks as the elevator doors open to their private penthouse. Louis shakes his head no.
"Kid, I know you don't feel like it but we're going to need you to eat something" Scott says. As he carries Louis in like a child.
Louis whimpers
"I feel so yuck" Louis says.
Scott and Harry share a look.
"We're going to have to hook you up to a drip then, get some fluid and some stronger medicine into you" Harry says.
Louis doesn't reply, he just grips Scott's shirt tighter.
They make it into Harry's room, Scott and Harry both strip Louis to his boxers and Harry grabs one of his university Tees and puts it on Louis. It swims on him and Harry is delighted.
Scott smirks at Harry knowingly and Harry just smiles and winks back in response.
"Okay kiddo just lie back and relax" Harry says as he picks Louis up and places him in the middle of Harry's own king size bed. Louis doesn't question it, he's too tired.
He lays down and Harry and Scott get the needles ready to put Louis drip in.
"Scotts going to do it right?" Louis asks
"Heyyyyy" Harry says feigning upset.
Scott laughs and Louis giggles an actual giggle. Harry and Scott beam at the sound, its magnificent.
"I'll do it darling" Scott assures
Harry hooks the fluid up and Scott attaches it to Louis hand and they place it on the wall behind the bed.
"Rest okay" Scott says kissing Louis on the head as he gets off the bed.
Harry goes to get off too.
"Harry" Louis asks timidly.
"Yeah angel?" He asks.
Louis loves the pet names Harry calls him.
"Can you....stay" Louis asks.
Harry looks at Scott and they smile at each other, Scott winks at Harry and leaves the room.
"Of course, let me just change okay" Harry says.
Louis watches on as Harry changed to sweats and a tee, Louis thinks Harry is so stunningly beautiful, he gets the best feelings when he thinks of Harry.
Harry climbs into bed with Louis and holds him close as he drifts off to sleep. Harry wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now and he tries to enjoy having Louis in his arms before he falls asleep himself.
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