Part 17

Three weeks go past before Louis is stable enough and moved to a normal ward to heal. He's starting to get cabin fever though and he hasn't had a proper shower in weeks, he's over it and beginning to get angry. He's healing but his body is so sore still and he just wants it all to stop.

"Scott please let me come home please" Louis cries as the boys are setting his new private room up on a general ward,

"Darling, I cant authorise it until I know you are completely out of the woods, just a few more days okay, let me make sure your temp stays down and that cough doesn't develop in something nasty again okay" Scott says lovingly as he sits on the edge of the bed.

Tears prick Louis eyes

"I'll tell you what, I'll call Harry up and he can help you have a shower, I'll take out your catheter and you can have a little freedom" Scott says, swiping Louis fringe off his forehead.

"I hate this" Louis says wincing as he coughs.

"I know kiddo" Scott smiles.

Ten minutes later Harry is strolling into the room smiling, he's in his scrubs and looks so hot.

"How's my boy? Ready to have a shower" Harry says.

Louis nods, Scott painfully took his catheter out already and Louis can't wait to wash his hair and get into some normal clothes.

The nurses come in to remake Louis bed while Harry helps him to the shower, Louis hisses at the pain, it's the first time he's been up and it hurts like fuck and he's so lightheaded.

"I gotcha, let's go slow baby" Harry says gently as the nurses look on fondly.

They reach the bathroom and Harry helps Louis undress slowly before he is getting undressed too.

"You're getting in with me." Louis asks hopefully,

"Of course" Harry smiles.

Louis smiles slightly back as Harry makes Louis hold the sink for support while he gets the water nice and warm.

Louis needs all of Harry's support as he washes Louis hair for him, Louis manages his own teeth but Harry pretty much has to do everything else as Louis leans on him, he's so weak and it's kind of scary, he finds himself crying into Harry's chest.

"Hey, gorgeous, what wrong angel" Harry asks as he holds Louis close.

"I can't even shower by myself I'm so stupid" Louis hiccups.

"Oh Louis, baby, you haven't been out of bed in three weeks, you have very bad injuries and it's a wonder you can stand alone at all yet, you just came out of intensive care, give yourself a break. It's a slow process Sweetheart and I'm here for all of it okay" Harry says.

"I love you harry, I'm sorry" Louis says,

"God Louis, I love you so much, you have no idea baby, please don't say sorry again, I'm here and I will be here forever, I love looking after you darling, it's my favourite job in the world" Harry confesses.

Louis hugs Harry as tightly as possible. Harry hugging back too. He eventually turns the shower off and dries and dresses Louis in his grey sweats and Harry's black hoodie. Louis has lost so much weight he looks small and tiny, Harry knows they need to start getting some more nutrients into Louis drip.

Harry ends up picking Louis up bridal style and taking him back to bed, he's so exhausted he passes out instantly, Harry kissing his forehead.


"But it doesn't smell like you anymore," Louis yells at Harry the next day, when he's denied again the possibility of going home.

"I'll bring you up a new blanket then hey, the one I've got on my bed now, then it will smell like me" Harry says gently.

"No, I want to come home" Louis says frustratedly.

"Kiddo, you have to understand our position here, we can't authorise that yet, we're so sorry but please try to understand" Scott says gently.

"That nurse yelled at me yesterday cause I didn't eat my stupid jello, I don't like jello and I don't want to eat, then when I asked for help to pee one nurse rolled her eyes and she left the room for an hour and I nearly peed the bed, they hate me here and I hate it" Louis yells.

There were two temp nurses on yesterday and Harry and Scott already gave them a talking to and hopefully they won't be coming back any time soon.

"We know kiddo, we're sorry" Scott says.

Suddenly Scott and Harry's beepers go off at the same time,

"Shit" Harry says,

"Sorry kiddo, we will be back as soon as we can" Scott says kissing Louis forehead.

"I love you, I'll be back soon" Harry says kissing Louis on the lips.

Louis watches as they leave the room, he's so frustrated, he can't do this anymore. He is so sore and uncomfortable. He just wants the tubes out and to be able to go to sleep in his and Harry's bed, be engulfed in his smell. He wants to be able to watch the boys tv and have the boys around him at home, the familiar smell, laughs and comfort. Tears well in Louis eyes, he's just so lonely and feels like shit.

Before he realises what he's doing, Louis is pulling out the two drips in his arm, he pulls off the heart rate monitors on his chest, he takes the oxygen out of his nose and everything else that's attached to him. He turns the power to the machine off at the PowerPoint so it won't beep and he takes a deep breathe as he slowly gets up into a standing position.

He hurts so badly but he pushes through it, he makes it to his suitcase and puts his vans on as best he can. He doesn't change as he's already in grey sweats and a white sweater after his shower this morning.

Louis takes one look at the hospital room before he's walks to the bathroom flicks the occupied light on and closes the door. Hopefully he can fool the nurses for a while.

He slowly makes it to the door, before he's opening it slowly. The hallway is pretty busy, with nurses and patients and families walking around, Louis hides himself as best he can among the people and makes it to the lift without being noticed.

When he makes it out the front of the hospital he sighs a breath of relief, he wasn't spotted. The hospital is six blocks from the boys apartment and he plans on walking the whole way.

The two things Louis didn't factor in were that it's absolutely freezing and the ground is covered in a light sheen of snow, he's also fucking sore and his chest hurts with every breath, not to mention his side is killing him, his whole body aches. He releases a few tears but wipes them away and sucks it up when he gets a few strange looks from people on the street. He supposes it would take twenty minutes to walk on a normal day but with his Injuries Louis knows he'll be in for a long walk. He just hopes the boys don't find out he's gone too soon.

Harry is helping Drew stitch an eyebrow closed when his beeper starts going off crazily.

Harry looks at Drew questioningly,

"It's okay, take it we're done" Drew says as he starts dressing the wound.

Harry nods and walks out to the hallway, he sees Scott and Edward running down the hallway towards him.

"What's going on?" Harry asks worriedly.

"My pager won't stop going off, it's Louis," Scott says as Drew comes out of his cubicle.

"Shit" Harry says and they are all running towards the lifts to get to Louis ward.

When they make it upstairs they are met with three nurses and two security guards inside Louis room.

"What's going on? What's happened" Harry demands.

"Where is Louis" Drew asks.

"We don't know" one of the nurses says regretfully.

"What the hell do you mean you don't know?" Scott asks,

"We came to do his obs and he was in the bathroom, so we left for another half an hour, then when we came back he was still in the bathroom and when we looked further he wasn't in there at all, he's taken off" the nurse says.

The boys are livid.

"Okay three questions, why didn't you check the bathroom the first time, why weren't you monitoring him closer and can't you see that he's unhooked his drip, oxygen and monitors. He isn't supposed to walk to the bathroom alone" Scott yells.

"Do you know how dangerous it is for Louis to be off the oxygen and medication?" Harry booms.

"This is ridiculous, you're all going to hope you have a job come Monday" Edward yells.

The boys call Andy and get a search party out for Louis, he couldn't have gone far with his injuries. They feel terrible for neglecting Louis so much but he's in big trouble when they find him.

Louis makes it back to the apartment and up to Harry's bed in two hours, he's fucked and can't breathe properly but he relaxes once he's under Harry's covers, his shivers and chattering teeth die down as he wraps himself up. He's just so thankful he made it and he falls asleep peacefully.

"Thank fuck" Harry sighs relieved when he sees Louis under his covers, shoes next to the bed.

The boys came straight to the apartment when tapes from the hospital showed Louis leaving in the direction of home.

"Shit check he's okay" Scott says as the boys filter into the room.

"Louis" Harry asks gently as he gets on the bed, he takes the blanket off and finds Louis fast asleep, his lips are blue and breathing heavy but he's okay.

"He's cold, and need oxygen" Scott says.

Louis then stirs on the bed, he opens his eyes to Harry and the boys.

He sits up suddenly, pushing his pain aside.

"Louis, what an earth were you thinking leaving the hospital like that" Scott scolds him out of pure worry.

Louis doesn't answer instead he looks down at the bed covers.

"Come on kid, we have to take you back" Drew says.

Tears prick Louis eyes as he pushes the boys hands off him.

"No, I don't want to, you can't make me go back" he cries.

Louis gets off the bed hiding his agonising pain. The boys watch on sympathetically, they know how hard this must be for Louis.

"Louis, please kiddo, we need to take you back to the hospital" Scott says.

"No no no" Louis shakes his head.

"Baby, please relax, let us take care of you, you need the medication only the hospital can give you, you can't stay here angel it's to dangerous" Harry says softly.

"I hate it there, I hate it and you leave me all day and I'm lonely and no one is nice to me I just want to stay here please" Louis begs upset.

The boys all look at each other.

"Okay, Okay, we will make it work baby, just relax for us" Harry says as Louis starts relaxing at the news,

"Call Mel Ed, we will get the equipment sent here" Scott says to Edward.

Edward nods and goes to make a phone call.

"Come here kiddo, we need to check you over and make sure you're okay" Scott says.

"No, you're mad at me" Louis says innocently, tears in his eyes.

"No baby we're not mad at you at all, we're sorry, we should have listened and made it work from here kiddo, we didn't realise how hard this was for you"Harry says,

"We were all just so worried darling, we had no idea where you were and you're sick and you need us and we weren't there to help you, that's all, we aren't mad" Scott says.

"Promise" Louis sniffs.

"Promise darling" Drew says.

Louis walks to Harry and is engulfed in all the boys arms.

"We can't believe you walked home in the snow kiddo, you're a tough nut aren't you" Drew chuckles.

"I just wanted to be here, I missed it and you and the smell and your laughs and the tv and the bed and you all being you, not you all being doctors I just want you" Louis says a little brokenly.

The boys smile.

"Well, at the moment you kind of need us as doctors"Harry jokes and the boys chuckle.

"Well tell you what, we promise to be around a lot more okay, we're sorry Lou" Scott says.

"I'm sorry too" Louis says.

"Please don't ever do something like that again" Harry says.

"I won't" Louis says.

He grips the boys tightly as he dozed off again content he doesn't have to go back to the hospital again.

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