Part 11

"I promise there is no meat on it sweetheart, Drew and Edward didn't put any on yours" Scott says as they all sit around the dinner table.

"I...I..." Louis says as he shakes his head trying to rid his thoughts.

"Calm down Angel, just breathe" Harry says gently.

Harry looks to Scott for help. Louis hasn't touched his dinner and is on the verge of a panic attack.

"Kiddo, we promise you we kept yours far away from ours, so it wasn't near any meat" Edward says gently.

"I know, I'm sorry, I know it's silly, it's silly" Louis says breathlessly.

"No baby it's not silly, it's okay" Harry tries.

"Lou, you know what, I think you and I should go and eat in the lounge room together" Scott says standing up.

Louis looks up at him.

"Come on, just you and me kiddo" Scott says as he grabs the two plates and walks to the lounge.

Louis looks back at Harry slightly panicked.

"Relax, Scotts got you, you're fine" Harry says smiling.

Louis gets up and follows Scott into the lounge, leaving the others to eat together.

"Come on darling" Scott says as he pats the spot on the floor next to him.

He's sitting in the floor, dinner on the coffee table, TV on, it's informal and Louis likes it.

He sits next to Scott, who smiles brightly.

"Now, I'm not going to eat my dinner until you do okay, we can eat at your pace together" Scott says.

"But I don't want to eat" Louis says.

"I know, but you and I both know that you can't live on nothing, you haven't eaten all day sweetheart" Scott says.

Louis doesn't answer he just looks down ashamed.

"Don't be upset, I know it's hard and I'm here to help you, but I need you to cooperate with me, can you do that?" Scott says.

Louis swallows and looks at Scott's gorgeous, kind, loving face and nods slightly, earning him a huge grin in return.

"Good boy" Scott says.

Louis looks back at his plate of food, there is a salad, with some chips and Broccoli as well as some scrambled eggs that the boys replaced the meat with.

"First let's talk about why you're scared to eat hey" Scott says.

The TV on in the background and the boys laughing from the other room comforts Louis and not having everyone's eyes on him while he eats helps so much and he feels like he can open up to Scott.

"I'm scared....cause...the smell of meat makes me want to throw up, it made me sick" Louis says as he gags a little.

"Good boy, it's okay, I know this is hard for you" Scott says.

"The smell Scott, i can still smell it, I didn't want to eat it but I hadn't eaten in days and I had to eat it and it was so disgusting and they knew it would make me sick" Louis says as tears come to his eyes.

"I know darling, breathe, in and out" Scott encourages.

"I vomited for six days, every hour, they made me stay in my own filth, I thought I was going to die, it was so awful" Louis says as a few tears escape.

Scott's heart breaks at the abuse Louis suffered, no child should have to endure that. Louis was so lucky he didn't actually die, his symptoms sound like severe food poisoning that he should have been in hospital to treat. Scott puts his arm around Louis and kisses the side of his head in comfort.

"You're scared of that happening again? Scott asks.

Louis nods as he wipes a tear with his sweater paws.

"I want to tell you a few things okay. I know you know the boys and I would never, ever do that to you or feed you food that would make you sick, we understand that's not the issue. But, even if for some reason, there was something that did make you sick, you are living with five, very overly protective doctors. I have drugs that would stop you vomiting instantly and we would never leave you alone for a second, let alone in your own filth for a week. God Louis, you have no idea how sorry I am that we didn't find you sooner" Scott says rubbing Louis arm.

Louis cuddles into Scott.

"I am fine if we start with no meat okay, let's get some things you're comfortable eating and we can start with those foods for a few weeks. How does that sound? I know you know that eventually you will have to face meat again but we can deal with all that later hey" Scott says.

Louis nods his head, relieved that Scott is so understanding.

"I know you like lettuce so how's a bout you eat the lettuce for me, and you pick one other thing to eat. Let's do this every day for a week, just two things" Scott says.

"Ooookay" Louis nods.

"Good boy Louis, I'm so proud of you" Scott says.

Louis smiles slightly at the praise, he hasn't had it in so long, Scott notices and makes a note to keep it up.

"I think I can eat...the cheese" Louis says.

"Great, lettuce and cheese, I'm happy with that" Scott smiles.

The boys stay out of the TV room and Scott distracts Louis with the TV and Louis finishes his lettuce and cheese in 20 minutes. Scott praises him and when he tells Harry and the boys he gets hugs and well done's from them all.


"Drew" Louis whispers as he shakes Drew awake.

"Mmmm, kiddo, you okay?" Drew asks.

"Ummmm, I.....I had a nightmare" Louis says.

"It's okay Lou" Drew says as he sits up.

Jax is fast asleep next to Drew, Louis left Harry sleeping soundly, he didn't want to wake him again.

"Can you, read to me?" Louis asks timidly.

"Of course I can buddy, come on" Drew says.

Drew kisses Jax on the head who doesn't even stir, before he's grabbing his pillow and leading Louis out of the room and downstairs to the lounge room.

"Now let's get comfy hey" Drew says as he grabs a blanket and a book, he lies down on the couch and brings Louis down next to him, between his side and the back of the couch. Louis lies across Drew's chest as Drew's puts the blanket over them.

"Do you want to talk about your dream first?" Drew asks. As he cuddles Louis close.

"It was just the usual, Troy killing me" Louis sighs.

"Ohhh buddy" Drew sighs sympathetically.

"I'm so sorry for waking you" Louis says feeling so guilty.

"Never be sorry, I told you too, I'm here for you too, let read all about the pulmonary artery hey" Drew chuckles and Louis smiles.

Drew is so glad Louis came to him, so glad he felt comfortable enough to seek him out and ask for his help. Louis settles down and Drew begins to read. About an hour later Drew looks at the clock, 5am, Louis is fast asleep and Drew puts the book down hoping to get another few hours rest.

"Louis?" Drew wakes to Harry's panicked voice, followed by Scott's.

Louis is still fast asleep over his chest.

They both come into the lounge and relax at the sight of Louis and Drew.

"Sorry, Haz, should have text you, he had a nightmare, I was reading to him until he fell asleep" Drew says.

Harry smiles.

"Thanks D, is he okay?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, usual nightmare, didn't want to wake you up again" Drew says.

Harry sighs, he feels bad he wasn't there for Louis, he's just glad Drew was.

"Why don't you take him out today H? Maybe just to the movies or something, get him out of the apartment and thinking about other things?" Scott suggests.

"Yeah, that's a good idea! " Harry smiles, he then goes to organise with security about taking Louis to the movies.


"Where are we going." Louis asks from the back of Harry's rover.

Security insisted on driving and Harry and Louis are in the back dressed in skinny jeans and sweaters.

"It's a surprise" Harry smirks back.

"I don't like surprises" Louis smiles.

Harry laughs.

"I just thought you and I could go see a movie together, have a bit of a date night, away from everything" Harry says smiling.

"Really?" Louis asks excited.

"Really" Harry chuckles "ill even let you pick the movie" Harry says and Louis beams,

They pull up at the cinema and Harry grabs Louis hand and they walk in together, security remaining inconspicuous behind them both but on high alert.

"Would you like some popcorn baby?" Harry asks happily as they get their tickets.

"Yes please, could we get gummies too?" Louis asks excitedly.

"Of course darling, anything for you" Harry says and Louis smiles back blushing.

The cinema is quite busy and Louis is a little nervous, Harry notices he keeps looking around anxiously.

"You okay Lou?" Harry asks.

"Yeah I'm sorry, I'm fine" Louis says.

"You don't like big crowds?" Harry asks curiously.

"I....just haven't been around so many people in a while" Louis says and Harry realises Louis hasn't really left a house in two years.

"I've got you okay" Harry says seriously

Louis smiles and nods thankfully as they line up and pay for their popcorn.

They find a seat up the back of the cinema, security sitting down the front. Harry pulls Louis close and they both enjoy spending the night together watching a movie. Louis eats a few mouthfuls of popcorn and some gummies before Harry finishes the rest.

They make out during the slow bits of the movie and Harry feels like he's back in high school, he loves it and he and Louis can't stop smiling at each other.

They leave the movie hand in hand and as they are exiting, Louis hears his name being called.


He turns around to be met with a group of boys.

"Jake?" Louis asks surprised.

"Fuck kid, wholly shit" Jake says.

They launch for each other and Louis has tears in his eyes. Harry watches on fondly, clearly Louis hasn't seen this boy in a while.

They pull back.

"Louis, shit, I've missed you, I tried to find you kid I swear, I looked for a year, I'm so sorry" Jake says.

"I'm sorry I didn't call, I couldn't, they took me that afternoon and they took all my stuff, I'm sorry Jake, I didn't know" Louis says on the verge of tears.

"It's not your fault Lou, all we were told was your parents died and you weren't coming back" Jake said.

Louis nods sadly, Jake then makes eye contact with Harry,

"Hi, sorry, I'm Jake, Louis...well we used to be best friends at school, before" Jake gestures as he holds out his hand to Harry.

"Nice to meet you I'm Harry, the boyfriend" Harry says smiling, he's still intimidating as fuck though. Jake smiles knowingly.

"So are you coming back to London Elite?" Jake asks.

Louis freezes, Noah now goes there, he wants so badly to be back with his friends but he can't face Noah.

"I um don't know" Louis says.

"We know you got placed with the Bolton's, Noah said after your parents died you couldn't afford to go anymore, we tried to get Noah to let us see you or talk to you. I waited outside London public so many times in hopes I'd see you but" Jake says.

Louis has to hold back tears.

"I'm sorry Jake, Noah still at school?" Louis asks.

"There's been rumours going around stuff and he's pulled out, we all knew he was a dickhead but.....are you okay?" Jake asks.

Louis is stunned.... shit, people know? He doesn't know what to think.

"Um yeah, I'm okay, now, I don't live with them anymore, Harry and um, his friends, I' with them" Louis says.

"That's great Lou, I'm glad you're okay" Jake says,

Louis smiles.

"Listen, do you have a phone?" Jake asks.

"Oh yeah," Louis says as he takes his out and hands it to Jake.

Jake makes quick work of typing in his number as well as calling himself from Louis Phone, before he hands it back.

"I better get going but, call me hey" Jake says and Louis smiles and nods.

They share another hug, Jake says goodbye to Harry and then he's gone. Louis turns to Harry.

"Sorry, for making you wait, I didn't mean to be rude" Louis says.

"You didn't make me wait Lou, and you aren't rude baby. I can tell Jake means a lot to you" Harry says.

They begin to walk out of the theatre, Louis lost in thought.

"So you went to London Elite huh?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, before my parents died" Louis says.

"Would you consider going back?" Harry asks carefully.

"I mean, now that Noah isn't there, Maybe, but I can't afford it anymore" Louis says.

"Let's not worry about the money hey, I think we should talk about you going back there for your final year" Harry says, as they reach the empty car park.

Louis is about to respond when a huge object is thrown towards them, something hits Louis in the shoulder as security are on top of Louis and Harry instantly, covering their bodies on the ground.

It happens so quick, there are several calls to police over the radio, car Tyers screeching, before Louis and Harry are let up, Louis is picked up off the ground while Harry is manhandled back to the car. The car speeds off towards the apartment, Louis and Harry's hearts racing a million miles a minute.

"Are you okay" Harry asks Louis over and over.

All Louis can do is nod, he isn't really sure what just happened, his shoulder is killing him but he won't complain,

"Are you hurt?" Louis manages to ask Harry.

"No baby, are you?" Harry asks.

Louis doesn't get a chance to answer before the car comes to a stop and they are being escorted upstairs to the penthouse quickly.
When they get upstairs they are ushered in and security is straight off making calls, Harry brings Louis into his arms and Louis latches into Harry, they hold each other close. The boys all gather around concerned, asking what happened.

"We don't know, we were on our way back to the car, when something was thrown at us, no idea what it was" Harry says.

"We didn't catch them" one of the security guards comes to say.

"It was Troy?" Scott asks.

"Most likely, they threw three bricks, it's a wonder no one was seriously hurt" Teddy says.

"Louis, your shoulder" Drew says.

Louis looks at his shoulder and notices his shirt is ripped and he's bleeding.

"Did you get hit baby?" Harry asks,

Louis doesn't answer as the boys fuss over him.

"I'm fine, it's fine" Louis says.

"We will fix it up kiddo" Edward says.

"No I can do it, I'm fine" Louis says upset.

He pushes away from the boys who all look at him concerned.

"I'm fine, sorry I just... I'm fine" Louis says upset before he's rushing out of the room and up the stairs to his and Harry's room.

"I'll go, he's in shock" Harry tells the boys who nod understandingly.

Harry heads up to the bedroom he shares with Louis, as he walks in, he doesn't see Louis, he makes his way to the bathroom and finds him holding onto the sink breathing heavily.

"Sweetheart, it's okay" Harry says.

"No Harry, it's not" Louis says sniffling.

"The police will catch Whoever did this Lou" Harry says.

"Yeah and in the meantime you could get hurt and so could the boys, all because of me. You can't even go to work like normal people, you can't even walk down the street alone" Louis says upset.

"You think that bothers us?" Harry asks surprised.

"I've completely upturned your lives and it's not fair, you shouldn't have to deal with this, you should be able to go to the movies with your boyfriend without nearly getting killed. You shouldn't have to deal with my stupid panic attacks and nightmares. My fucked up past, I'm tired of it and I know you all are too, I can't even eat a fucking meal without panicking" Louis yells as he pushes a bottle off the bathroom sink, it clatters to the floor.

He hadn't notices the rest of the boys coming up behind Harry and listening to their conversation from the doorway.

"Darling, we aren't tired of anything, what's not fair is what you went through, what you dealt with these last two years. I don't know anyone who would be strong enough to come out the other side of what you've been through, alive, let alone as well adapted as you Louis" Harry says.

"Harry is right kiddo" Drew says as he steps in the bathroom, Louis looks up and turns to face all the boys at the door.

"We knew what we were signing up for kiddo, we may have been a little selfish in the fact that we wanted you and wanted to look after you so badly we didn't even ask you first, but we needed you too kid" Edward says.

"You needed me?" Louis asks in disbelief,

"Sweetheart, do you remember walking past me in Emergency, before we even got introduced? You locked eyes with me and you had me then and there" Scott says.

"Me too Louis, I walked into that room and fell in love with you instantly, you were mine and I vowed to do every single thing I could to get you" Harry says.

"You mean so much to all of us Louis, we are going to get you through this, Troy and Noah are going to be locked up and you're going to be able to move on" Jax says.

"But I cant, they are there all the time, in my head, in my dreams and tonight, I just wanted to have some fun and not think about anything but they are always there" Louis says upset.

"We know Lou, we know and we are so sorry" Edward says.

"I'm scared, it's never going to stop" Louis says brokenly.

"Kiddo, give yourself a break, it's been less than a month since you've been here, you're doing amazingly" Scott says.

"We're not giving up on you Lou, no matter what" Edward says.

"You need to stop worrying about us and how we're affected and start concentrating on you and what you need, it's okay to need us Louis, we want you to need us" Drew says.

"What happens when it gets to much for you, what happens when you leave me too?" Louis asks innocently.

"I know it's hard to accept that we aren't going anywhere, that we love you and are here for good but you need to try, we need you to understand that we're here Lou, and we always will be" Jax says.

Louis looks at them all in front of him, he loves them so much and in such a short amount of time, he needs them, especially Harry. He's in love with Harry and wants so badly to believe he's going to get through this with the boys by his side.

"Can you let us fix your arm up now?" Drew asks smiling trying to lighten the mood.

Louis smiles slightly and nods his head.

It's quiet and Louis lets the boys fuss over him as they disinfect and tidy up his graze. When they are done, the boys head downstairs to start on dinner. Harry undresses and sits on his bed in his boxer shorts, he sighs as he lets what happened wash over him, he keeps thinking about something happening to Louis and he can't handle it.

Louis heads to the wardrobe and changes into black sweats and a white sweater, he leaves his socks on his feet and when he comes out he and Harry lock eyes.

"Come sit baby" Harry says and Louis does as he's told, scared of what Harry might say to him.

"Are you upset at me?" Louis asks,
"No way kiddo, I'm not, but Today, the thought of something happening to you, the thought of losing you, really hit me hard and I can't stand thinking about it. I can't lose you Louis, I'm in love with you and I just need you to know that" Harry says.

Louis is completely taken aback, Harry means the world to him and Louis feels the exact same way.

"I'm in love with you too Harry, I love you so much" Louis whispers.

Harry grins and then his lips attack Louis.

They kiss heatedly and Louis moans into Harry's mouth as he asks for entrance with his tongue.

"You taste so good baby" Harry says as he pulls back, cupping Louis cheek.

He leans in again and kisses Louis harshly, he pushes Louis backwards on the bed and hovers over him, their bodies fit together perfectly as they rut against each other. Things start to get heated and Louis can feel the sweat on Harry's body, can feel how turned on he is and he bucks his hips to meet Harry's.

"Ugh, you feel so good Lou" Harry says panting hard.

He wants Louis so badly, wants to feel inside him, wants to make him his officially. Wants to show Louis how good Harry can make him feel.

"Harry please"Louis pleads desperately.

"Please what baby" Harry asks sexily.

"Touch me, please" Louis says as they lock eyes.

That's all the permission Harry needs before he's pulling Louis sweater and sweats off. Harry gets them both naked in no time and Louis can't believe how big and amazing Harry's cock looks. They spend time feeling each other, hands roaming each other's bodies. Harry can't get enough of Louis pretty, tiny little body. He wants to claim him and wreck him.

Harry brings to fingers to his mouth, he sucks on them before he is sliding them down towards Louis hole, he circles it for a while, causing little gasps to escape Louis mouth, before he's inserting one finger. Louis moans at the feeling, he's never been made to feel this good. He can sense the love and gentleness coming from Harry and he feels so safe and special.

Harry kisses Louis heatedly as he inserts another finger. Louis latches onto Harry's strong arms as he arches his back off the bed. Harry pumps slowly in and out just missing Louis prostate.

"Harry, I need you" Louis whispers against Harry's lips.

"You're sure?" Harry asks and Louis nods.

Harry smiles, he reaches into his bedside draw and effortless slicks his cock in with lube. He goes back to kissing Louis, before he slowly inserts his cock in Louis hole.

Louis has never experienced such pleasure and love before, Harry is big but he's not hurting Louis, he's gentle and loving and Louis wants to cry, it's so overwhelming.

"I gotcha baby" Harry says as he swipes a tear off Louis cheek as he settles all the way inside Louis.

"I love you harry" Louis says breathlessly.

"Darling, I love you more than anything" Harry says smiling.

He then starts thrusting slowly causing both boys to gasp and moan, Harry then picks up the pace and before they know it Harry is slamming inside Louis, pleasure shooting through their bodies like nothing they've experienced before.

Their kisses turn messy and Harry's thrusts become sloppy as he moans Louis name over and over.

"Im going to come" Louis says.

"Me too baby, come with me" Harry says.

Harry hits Louis prostate over and over and they both come with a load moan, shaking from an intense orgasm.

They pant breathlessly against each other, both feeling amazing and loved and it's everything. Harry doesn't pull out and Louis doesn't want him too. They lie in each other's arms kissing and cuddling. Just holding each other close.

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