Part 1
"Looks like a quiet night tonight H" Scott says as he comes out of a cubicle, he's just been with a patient, he writes a few things on his clipboard before handing it to one of the nurses.
"I could use a quiet night, last night was brutal" Harry says.
"Come on Dr Dangerous, suck it up" Drew laughs as he and Jax come from behind the Doctors desk in the middle of the ER.
The boys laugh at Drew's Comment.
"Is big bad Harry Styles getting a bit tired" Edward then teases too as he comes over to the group.
"Oh shut up" Harry jokes.
Harry, Drew, Scott and Edward are all Emergency room doctors at London hospital, it's the main hospital in the city and is very very busy most of the time. They all live together and usually have the same shifts, or at least with one of the other.
They all met at medical school, bonded as best friends and have never looked back. First chance they got they brought a stunning London penthouse and are living quite happily together.
Scott being 30 and the oldest of the group has short brown hair and kind grey eyes, he and Edward are in a relationship and have been for six years. Edward is 29 full of life, with brown hair and blue eyes. Both men have tattoos and are considered considerably gorgeous.
Drew is 29, blonde hair blue eyes and tan skin, he's beautiful both inside and out and has a heart of gold. He and Jax who's a nurse are together and have been for three years. Jax is 29 with brown hair and brown eyes, all boys are very good looking and those doctors that people only think exist on TV.
Harry, is 28, single, with brown hair and gorgeous green eyes, he is stunningly beautiful, muscly, covered in tattoos but he's kind eyes say it all. He's a gorgeous person but doesn't take shit from anyone. Scott is much the same, although their beside manner can be quite cold, they are nothing short of kind and caring outside work and when it matters.
Scott nicknamed Harry "Dr Dangerous" for his mystery persona that he gives off, Harry is very charismatic and will do just about anything to save a patients life, by the book or not. He's one of those guys who is sharp and witty but so cool and mysterious. The name has just stuck and the boys always have a good laugh about it.
The boys all jeer at Harry, the ER is unusually quiet this morning and it does come as a slight relief, they know it will pick up soon though.
"I'm doing a double tonight, you guys off at 7?" Harry asks,
Every month they each do a double shift, a full 24 hours in Emergency, they use the on call room to nap between patients but it can be quiet exhausting.
"Yep outta here at 7, We will bring you breakfast in the morning" Jax says smiling.
"Thanks boys" Harry smirks.
They always look out for each other, knowing the others limits and when they need to pull back. Everyone is always jealous of their close friendship and many have tried to join along the way but have had no luck, they don't take kindly to newbies and stick together as much as possible. Harry knows he has to get the guys approval when he decides to settle down with someone, it was way easier for them, all already knowing each other, but it's clear that Harry will have to outsource which he's often teased about. He just hopes when the time comes, it's an easy and smooth transition and hopes he doesn't have to choose between his relationship and his friends who are his family. He wouldn't know what to do and it would break him.
"Drew room three!" Nurse Sammy yells as she and two other nurses wheel a patient through.
"No rest for the wicked, see you at lunch" Drew smiles and he's off all intimidating to see to his patient.
Harry has a few reports to fill out and decides to take them to the break room to complete, he's just walking past the Emergency waiting room, where patients are assessed and then brought through according to priority. It's separated by a big glass door, he looks in seeing there are only two patients inside. He's then stopped by Lucy who works at the desk.
"H, darling, I have a patient I need you to see" she says coming to step in to the hallway he's in.
"Can you grab Scott, just have some paperwork to finish" Harry says with his charm, he likes Lucy a lot and she's very good at her job.
"I would H but I think I want him with you" Lucy says.
Lucy is so good at her job she senses what patients need and which doctors to assign them. Harry always respects her for that and trusts her judgement.
"Okay, I can't say no to you, room six, just give me 5" Harry says. Lucy smiles big in response.
"Thank you darling" she says before she's back out at reception, attending to the patient.
Louis stands in front of the hospital, he's scared out of his mind and his breathing is ragged. He's been out in the cold snow for the past 37 minutes, debating whether to go in. He's cold and only dressed in his black skinny jeans and black thin sweater, his old black vans falling off his feet.
He's getting strange looks from passer byes, he must look like a real weirdo he thinks. With a white cloth covered in blood tucked tightly around the palm of his left hand, he's pale and thin and one would think he didn't have a home. According to Louis though, he doesn't have a home, well not one he'd like to call home.
At the age of 17 he's lived with his foster family for the past two years. His parents died in an accident when he was 14, he survived and he can't help but think he was anything but lucky. He was put with a foster family who somehow gained access to his trust fund that his parents left him. They've dwindled away his money and lived like kings while they abused Louis both physically and emotionally.
The Bolton's have a biological son Noah who is one of the meanest, horrible kids he's ever met. He's 18 and sure as shit couldn't wait to throw Louis wealth back in his face, the wealth he would never be able to touch. By the time Louis is legally allowed to leave in a year, The money will be tied up in so much shit he will be left with nothing, but the Bolton's will be able to continue their rich life.
Louis used to be such an outgoing sassy kid with lots of friends and impeccable grades. He was liked by everyone and was a kind and always helpful, thoughtful kid. He would always give half his pocket money to the homeless and whoever needed it more. His parents were such kind and humble people and Louis misses them like crazy.
The past two years have been absolutely hell for Louis, beaten up daily, broken ribs, arms, legs, you name it he's had it. He's been sexually abused by Noah for the last six months. He is never allowed to go to the hospital or given proper treatment, but this time, Troy, Noah's dad, cut Louis palm really deep, it's been bleeding for three days, so he snuck out and needs to get it treated before something really bad happens. He has been weighing up the consequences of going inside, over and over again. He will probably get his arse kicked by Troy if he finds out, but his gut is telling him he could lose his hand if he doesn't get it looked at.
Louis takes a deep breath and walks inside Emergency, the warmth hits him and he relaxes a little. It's not busy and he walks straight up to the nice looking lady at reception. She looks straight at Louis, smiling. Louis big innocent blue eyes get her in a second and she softens completely.
"Hello sweetheart, what have you done to yourself hey" she asks kindly.
Louis is shy and timid and replies quietly.
"I um...cut my hand" Louis says ashamed.
"Oh dear, well let's get it looked at" She smiles and Louis reads her name tag as Lucy.
"What's your name Hun" she asks.
"Louis, Tomlinson" he says shyly.
She types it into the computer.
"And how old are you sweetheart?" She asks, Lucy thinks this kid couldn't be more than 15.
"18" Louis says.
Louis had practiced that lie over and over until it sounded convincing, if he doesn't say 18 they will call his foster parents and that just can't happen.
Lucy, starts typing into the computer, she eyes Louis, trying to be discreet but failing, it makes Louis squirm under her gaze.
She then looks behind her through the glass door and gets up out of her chair,
"I'll be right back, Louis" she smiles and goes to talk to someone.
Louis keeps his head down and looks at his shoes. When Lucy returns she still has a big smile on her face.
"Okay, sweetheart, let's get you to a room" she says.
She leads Louis through a set of glass doors and down a corridor, it then opens to a huge room with a big desk with computers and equipment around it. There are private cubicles surrounding the desk, that continue down and around the corridor. Louis sees three doctors standing at the desk. They all look absolutely gorgeous and intimidating.
Scott sees Louis first and is instantly intrigued, The boy is tiny and so thin and cute as anything. Louis locks eyes with Scott who smirks and winks. Louis blushes and looks down, while he continues to follow Lucy to room six.
She opens the door and escorts Louis inside. It's a huge room with every type of medical instrument needed, it's intimidating and Louis feels so overwhelmed.
"Okay darling, just wait here for me and your doctor will be in shortly, you can sit on the bed if you like" Lucy says.
Louis just nods in response, gripping his bleeding hand tighter. Lucy leaves the room and closes the door.
"Patient inside?" Harry asks as he comes up behind Lucy.
She turns and smiles weakly, Harry furrows his eyebrows and rubs his hand through his short quiff at Lucy's response.
"His name is Louis, he's supposedly 18, definitely lying. He's cut his hand, probably needs stitches. He's bruised though Haz, he's hiding them under his clothes. but I got a look at a few peeking out. He's so thin.....I.... I think he's been abused" Lucy says regretfully.
Harry sighs, he's had his fair share of abused kids and he is always assigned them, he seems to have a way with kids over adults and he and Scott normally handle these types of cases.
"Can you give Scott the heads up and send Jax or Sammy in, not Alecia or Kate" Harry says referring to the nurses. If this kid is being abused Harry needs his best, kindest nurses beside him.
"Sure thing darling" Lucy smiles as she goes to find Scott.
Harry takes a breath before he knocks gently on the door and walks in. He stops in his tracks at what he sees though. Louis is staring at Harry, so innocently, his blue eyes, so wide and full of fear. He's dirty and so tiny and thin. Harry is absolutely smitten and his heart leaps. In that moment Harry realises he's attached and he curses himself. The instant protection he feels is overwhelming, this kid is beautiful and Harry is overcome with feelings.
"Hi there kiddo" Harry says as he pulls himself together. Louis is standing beside the bed, holding his hand to his chest.
"Hi" Louis says shyly.
Harry smiles brightly, trying to calm Louis and make him comfortable. He picks up Louis chart and has a look through it.
"My name is Doctor Styles, but you can call me Dr Harry" Harry says as he winks at Louis fondly.
Louis smiles slightly.
"So you've hurt you hand? How about you sit on the bed and I can take a look at it" Harry says gently.
Louis looks at the bed and with his hurt hand and his injuries from the beating his foster dad gave him last night, Louis doesn't know if he will be able to climb up there. Harry notices Louis hesitance.
Harry moves slowly towards Louis and Louis turns to face Harry, Harry gives him the most beautiful smile and lifts Louis up effortlessly under the arms and places him on the bed, his legs dangling over the side. Harry doesn't miss the hiss of pain from Louis at the movement.
Harry brings his swivel chair over and sits down on it, he then brings his over head light next to him so he can see better.
"Okay buddy, I just need to see what the damage is"Harry says kindly.
Louis nods and psychs himself up for the pain as he holds his hand out for Harry.
Harry smiles and gently grabs Louis tiny hand, he slowly takes off the dirty, blood filled rag that Louis had placed around it and nearly gasps at the injury.
"Woah, you really did a number on yourself their kiddo" Harry says trying to lighten the mood.
Louis nods apologetically.
"It's very deep, how did you cut yourself" Harry asks and he sees Louis stall a minute, sees the ever so slight panic in his eyes.
"I um...was making dinner and the knife slipped" Louis says.
Harry knows it's a lie, the cut is far to deep and at the complete wrong angle for that to have happened.
"How long ago did this happen?" Harry asks,
The wound is old, Harry can tell, he sees puss and an infection starting inside the wound. He also notices the scar tissue from the cut trying to join together, which means its had time to heal.
"Ummmm I.....I...." Louis starts.
"Hey, it's okay kiddo, you're not in trouble, I just need to know before I can treat you is all" Harry says smiling.
"Three days ago, I'm sorry, I just hate um...hospitals" Louis says looking down ashamed.
"Well, you're very brave for putting up with this for three days" Harry says.
Louis smiles ever so slightly but Harry notices.
"Didn't your parents want to bring you in?" Harry asks.
"I'm 18 I live alone" Louis declares and Harry knows it's a lie, one he's heard many times before.
Harry and Louis look at each other in the eyes, Louis thinks Harry is the most gorgeous person he's ever laid eyes on. Harry seems so kind and genuine and for some odd reason Louis doesn't feel threatened or uncomfortable in his presence.
"Okay, well, I'm going to have to clean the wound first so I can get a clearer picture of what I'm dealing with, is that okay with you?" Harry asks.
"Um yeah" Louis responds just as Jax walks into the room smiling, after being given the heads up from Lucy.
"Hi Louis, My name is Jax, I'm just going to be helping Dr Harry" he says brightly, Jax moves over to lean on the bed next to Louis,
"Wow, that looks painful, would you like something for the pain?" Jax asks nicely.
"Um, no, I can handle it" Louis says shyly. Harry and Jax share a look, they know perfectly well Louis is hiding a lot and they both silently agree to get to the bottom of it. Jax finds himself smitten with Louis and thinks he's just adorable,
"Okay this is just a flush that's going to wash out the cut okay, let me know if it gets to much and I will stop" Harry says as he brings a syringe full of sterile water to Louis hand.
Harry begins to wash the wound and Louis tries not to flinch and let his silent tears fall. He's put up with much worse pain than this over the years. This is like nothing he's had before, but he can't help but feel overwhelmed and like it's all getting a bit much.
"You know what, I think we might need some pain relief Jax" Harry says as he notices Louis trying not to flinch.
"I'm fine, I don't want to be a bother, I'm sorry, I'm fine" Louis says, on the cusp of breaking.
"Hey, hey, it's okay love, you're not a bother, it's what we're here for" Jax smiles.
"It's okay Louis, the next bit is going to hurt and I want you as comfortable as possible" Harry says.
Louis begins to panic at the fact, he is used to pain and preparing himself for it but he always finds himself panicking.
Harry turns to Jax and asks for a certain pain killer, it's a strong one but Jax doesn't question Harry at all.
"I'll be right back" Jax says as he leaves to gather what Harry has asked for.
"Jax, could you grab Scott for me?" Harry smiles before Jax closes the door, Jax nods in understanding.
Harry turns back to Louis and notices he's gone quite pale and his breathing has picked up.
"Hey Louis, kiddo, just relax for me, I'm not going to do anything more until we get some pain killers on board okay, I promise" Harry says as he tries to calm Louis down,
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Louis says trying to catch his breath.
"Don't be, it's all okay, just relax your breathing for me" Harry says gently.
He reaches out to Louis and swipes his fringe off his forehead and they lock eyes, Louis instantly feels safe.
"That's it, good boy, you're doing so well" Harry smiles kindly.
Louis calms down and feels extremely light headed and just feels like shit, this is taking longer than he expected and he's starting to worry about being home before his foster parents notice he's gone.
"Louis I'm going to need you to change for me, just so we can get you more comfortable" Harry says.
Louis nods in understanding, Harry hands him a navy hospital gown that matches his own scrubs. He turns around and Louis does his best to get changed, leaving his boxers on. The gown is absolutely huge on Louis and when Harry turns around he becomes even more smitten and tries to hide his fond as he places Louis back up on the bed.
The gown is sleeveless and Louis collarbones are exposed, Harry can clearly see bruises and markings on Louis body. The gown doesn't open at the back though so Harry can't see Louis back or ribs, where he assumes a lot of the damage would be.
Harry sighs and sits back on his chair.
"I have a few questions I need to ask you and then I'm going to explain what's going to happen next okay" Harry says.
Louis just nods his head, he just wants this over with.
"Okay, so you're 18?, what school do you do to?" Harry asks casually.
"Um just London public" Louis says. Noah is in a very high class private school while Louis has to attend the worst school in the country.
"That's a bit rough" Harry says more to himself.
"Can I ask why you live alone?" Harry asks. Louis sighs.
"My parents died when I was 14" Louis says.
Harry's heart breaks, this kid is doing things to him and he needs to protect him from the world.
"I'm sorry kiddo" Harry says sincerely. Louis just shrugs I'm response.
Scott then enters the room.
"Ohh hey there buddy, I'm Dr Scott" Scott smiles at Louis.
"Louis, I'm going to need Dr Scott's help for the next little bit, he's really nice and a very good friend of mine" Harry assures.
"That's right I am really nice" Scott says proudly smiling at Louis.
Scott is dressed in navy scrubs like Harry and is equally as good looking, although Louis thinks Harry is just a little more gorgeous. Louis smiles a little and the boys beam back at him.
"So what am I helping with?....woah that's a nasty cut kid" Scott says turning concerned as he sees Louis hand,
Jax walks back in then and hands Harry a syringe with Louis pain relief in it.
"Okay Lou, just lie back for us, this is going to make you feel really tired and sleepy. But it's going to numb the pain" Harry says.
"Um, how long for? I....I have to go home" Louis says worriedly.
Scott and Harry sense a panic coming on, they know the signs of abuse.
"Well, Louis, I'm going to have to do a mini operation on your hand, with Scotts help. I need to reopen your wound and re stitch it and I may need to repair some tendons, we are going to have to keep you overnight" Harry says and at that Louis panics.
"Noooo, no no I can't no, I'll be in so much trouble" Louis says and he jumps off the bed.
Scott catches him around the waist though.
"Hold up Kiddo, it's okay, just relax" Scott says.
Louis cries out in pain at Scott's hold on him, he's so sore and can't take anymore.
"Please, I just need to go I'm sorry, I can handle the pain I just need to go" Louis tries.
Harry gets up and kneels in front of Louis whose still in Scotts hold.
"Listen, kiddo, I'll make a deal with you okay. Everyone in this room knows you're not 18, we all know this cut wasn't made by you and we all know you are hiding a bigger secret under those clothes, we are all hear to help you though and we want to help you. I promise, if you let us treat you overnight, tell us the truth, we can make sure you are never hurt again" Harry says sincerely.
Louis let's his tears fall then, he knew he shouldn't have come here, he's such a fool. Harry looks so trustworthy and kind and he trusts him, more than he should and he needs help, he doesn't know if he can last a year with the Bolton's, But as soon as he spills his guts, Harry will leave and Louis will never see him again.
"What if I say no?" Louis whispers.
"You walk out that door, risk losing your hand, go back to abuse and maybe make it through the next few years until you can leave legally, but then maybe you won't leave because you can't, maybe you won't even make it out alive, with the way you're looking right now, I don't think you'd last a week" Harry says and as much as it hurts it's the truth and Louis knows it.
"What do you care, I'm not weak I've made it this far" Louis chokes.
"You're not weak at all Louis, far from it, you've made it this far but even the bravest have a limit. Let me help you, let us help you. I promise you, we will keep you safe" Harry says.
Louis steadies his breathing and looks at Harry and Jax whose behind Harry near the door.
"How can you promise me that?" Louis asks brokenly.
"Because I can, Scott and I have a very good friend, her name is Kimberly and she works with child services and I know she can put you in a home where you will be safe" Harry says.
It kills Harry to say it, for some reason he doesn't want Louis going anywhere, he wants him, wants Louis to stay with him and wants to protect him.
"That's what they said last time, they promised me I'd be safe" Louis says and it kills Harry, Scott and Jax.
Scott lets go of Louis and comes in front of him and kneels down next to Harry.
"Listen kiddo, you have mine and Harry's absolute word that we will protect you and make sure you are safe, I promise you that we won't let any harm come to you" Scott says.
"You're just saying that because it's your job, you don't actually care about me or what happens to me" Louis says as he swipes a tear off his cheek.
"That where you're wrong, let us take over, let us treat you and look after you and get you safe. Please trust us Louis, can you do that" Harry says.
No one has ever said those words to Louis before and he just wants this all to stop, all the pain, everything. He trusts Harry and Scott and even Jax and he doesn't think anything could get worse than it is now, so he agrees.
"Okay, I...okay, but if they find out I'm gone they will kill me" Louis says.
"We will never let that happen" Scott says.
"We need you to start talking though, can you do that, tell us the truth" Harry says.
He picks Louis up again and sits him on the bed. Scott and Harry sitting in front of him in their chairs.
"How old are you really?" Scott asks.
"I turned 17 last week" Louis says.
"And you live with your parents?" Harry asks.
Louis shakes his head no.
"My parents died in a car crash when I was 14, that part was true, I was the only one that survived. I got bounced around from foster home to foster home before I got a permanent home with the Bolton's two years ago. They have a son Noah, whose a year older than me and they....aren't very nice" Louis says.
Harry and Scott just feel so much for this boy in front of them.
"Do they hurt you Louis?" Scott asks carefully.
"Yeah" Louis whispers.
"Did they give you this cut?" Harry asks,
"Troy, my foster dad did, he was so mad at me" Louis says as he shudders at the memory of what happened.
"What do they do to you Louis?" Harry asks,
Louis takes a deep breath,
"Troy beats me, every night, it hurts so bad and most of the time I can't even move to go to school or get up. He uses ropes and fire and knives, he tortures me every single day. I sleep in the basement and Noah...he started sexually assaulting me six months ago. I can't take it anymore, I just wish they would kill me. It hurts so much" Louis breaks.
Harry is quick to scoop Louis up into his arms, He, Scott and Jax share a worried look and an understanding.
"They will never lay a finger on you again Louis, we promise" Harry tells him gently as he rocks this gorgeous boy in his arms.
An hour later Louis has pain relief on board. Harry and Scott did a full check up as well as X-rays and bloods, Louis has two broken ribs and cuts and bruises everywhere. It's apparent that Louis has been sexually assaulted and it breaks their hearts.
"Okay kiddo, comfy now?" Harry asks as he settles next to Louis bed, he's covered in a blanket, with an IV drip in place, giving Louis fluids. He's severely underweight and dehydrated. Louis nods feeling so floaty and pain free.
"I feel good" Louis says.
Harry chuckles,
"That's my boy" he says.
"Okay, Scott and I are going to get started on your hand, then you are going to stay here overnight okay" Harry says.
Louis just nods his head and as Harry and Scott start to stitch Louis hand, he falls asleep comfortable, and feeling safe for the first time since his parents died.
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