28| It's a YES?
Happie reading :-)
3rd person's POV
"Yar I'm getting bore" Maryam said, boredom. "So what should we to do entertain your highness" said Tehreem , without diverted her gaze from the book she was reading.
"Tehreem ka make up krty hn" Zaeema who was standing near the mirror said and came towards Maryam jumping like a bunny.
Hina who was teaching Eeman shot her a glare. "Zaeema come here and teach this thick head yourself or keep your voice low" said Hina. "I will choose second option,ehehe" said Zaeema making lazy face.
"Well excuse me for being thick head" Eeman said narrowing her eyes.
"Why don't you go to your room" asked Maryam. "Amna have a headache she is sleeping there" replied Hina. Rimsha was gone to her job.
What's up with her! Thought Maryam
"Huh! Mera ku Maryam ka krty hn make up" said Tehreem.
"Usk muh pe jaga nhi hai 'orr' make up ki" said Zaeema glancing the tip top Maryam.
"Chalo na yr krty hn Tehreem ka make up" that was Maida.
Everyone including Hina and Eeman looked at her in surprise.
"Did I say something wrong, can't I join you guys? " she asked with a raised eyebrow.
This was actually quite surprising because from the past few weeks she was not taking much part in any activity involving her friends. Usually busy in her mobile or gone outside.
"Sure yr,tami ab tu zada nakhry na kr chapair khye gi" Zaeema ordered her.
Tehreem smiled, agreed. They made her sit opposite of mirror. First Maida apply base. Zaeema took the hair styling part. Maryam who gave the idea was only commenting.
"Tch, you idiot how many times I told you THIS IS WRONG TERMS AND CONDITIONS" Hina yelled like a strict teacher. "Jeez! Why the hell I'm bearing you attitude" Eeman said making a poker face.
"Who ask you to fail in you assignment? Dead line ka ku kia intazar ab bhughto" said Hina. "And I'm sure you're not interested in doing someone's make" she added in a low voice, smirking."Shut up".
"Maryam eye brush please" said Maida. "Do I look like your assistance? " she said and handed a brush. "Red blush-on please" Maida said again. Maryam glared her but deep down she was enjoying. This environment, under the same roof, all of her friends laughing giggling, she was happy.
"Tadda, hows this" Zaeema said smiling ear to ear. "Ahhaaa job well done zamy" they both congratulated Zaeema, while Tehreem's eyes were still closed. Maryam winked at Maida and snatched the brush from her hand.
"Let me add some magic" she said smirking. She added dark grey glittery on her eyes and changed her lipstick color, Zaeema hardly controlled her laughter.
Tehreem knew that maryam and maida, the mischievous duo, as usual, trying something funny tagging Zaeema along.
She didn't mind it. Maida distanced herself from them since the day she returned from Pakistan. She was enjoying this change just like Maryam.
"Here we go, the bride is ready" announced Maryam smiling over her work. Zaeema clapped her hands joyfully. "Yayyy"
"Open your eyes princess" said Maida. Tehreem tired from sitting in the same position for past an hours, open her eyes.
"What the....." her eyes was widely open in surprise. She didn't recognize herself in the mirror.
Dark grey shinning eyes, with tan base, no contouring, blush on nicely done butt still over, and lipstick, darkest shade of purple. She looked like a costume for scary party, except for the vampire teeth. She didn't notice Zaeema's hair style which is quite unique and suiting her well.
She hates, dark make up.
Joking apart, she was looking....attractive.
"I think your lipstick is not dark" said Maryam. "arghh...Do the hell with you" she stood up quite angry. But Of course she wasn't angry.
"You are looking like a bride but I doubt about anyone with stable mind marrying a witch" commented Hina chuckling.
"What the hell yr meri shaqal ka beragarak kr dia ha tm logo ne" Tehreem made a face, examining herself.
"Ek cheez ki kami hai" said Maida in thinking position. Maryam gave her a start-barking-already-look.
Hina Eeman looked at them, amused. She placed a bright red fancy scarf on her head.
"Hawww me sadqy looking so pretty" said Zaeema mockingly giggling.
"Get the hell out of here you three I'm gonna wash my face"
"Sure but first let me take a selfie" Maryam said. "No way"
"Yes way"
Tehreem tried to run away from their approach but failed. She ran towards the door, opened it and without thinking run out. "hehe bach k kaha jye gi basanti" Maryam said running after her.
As she was in hurry, she didn't notice the figure coming towards her.
She suddenly hit by a hard figure, slipped back, but fortunately two arm secured her from falling.
She could feel a hand on her shoulder and the other on her waist.
She opened her left eye and then the right one after some time.
The view was.....romantic. In front of her, Jerry was lowering over her, probably securing her from falling. His eyes never leaving her face.
Not for the first time, but her heart raced. She was directly looking in his eyes, so was he. The watermelon eyes anyone can fall for. She, for the first time didn't want to look away, she wants to keep drowning inside the dark brown orbs.
Jerry on the others hand, was surprise by the amount of make up on her face, still she looks pretty to him. He was attracted towards her eyes. She was not blinking them, she was gazing at him. And Jerry was happy with that.
He wanted the moment to never end but their always a haddi in kabab and that haddi was their friends.
Tehreem realized that she is in a weird position. She quickly stood up straight only to find Zaeema, Maryam and Maida grinning ear to ear.
Some of few people also smirking and smiling at them in corridor hall. Tehreem's face turned crimson.
Damn you Mr.Heart
She couldn't even look up. It was like she froze. Jerry knowing and enjoying her nervousness, smiled and said.
"Halloween is pretty far, why are you dressed up like a dead witch" he whispered near, very near to her ear.
"Huh" she jumped up because of the sensation.
She is all red, he thought
"I c-an dr-ess like a witch or a zombie, do y-ou have a problem w-ith that"
"Not actually, since you are looking beautiful like a fairy, and falling in my arms" a pleasant smirk spread on his face.
Her eyes widened on hearing the line of flirt.
"Well sorry for running your ohh-so-romantic-moment. But please come inside" that was Maryam.
"Are you inviting me as well?" Asked Jerry smiling cheekily, hoping for a yes.
"Of course not" she said with attitude of a wealthy queen. "That was an exceptional case if I was Tehreem" she winked and left with Tehreem.
While Zaeema was smirking and Maida was bitting her lips in amusement.
These girls, he thought
Smile never left his face.
Tehreem remember how much they trolled her over this,but she was still under the influence of that intense moment. His chocolate brown eyes was still distracting her from the present world.
That awkward situation, damn why did I run out. Why?
"Not actually, since you are looking beautiful like a fairy, and falling in my arms"
Why? Why didn't I just stand up straight. Why I kept looking in his eyes.
She wanted to be angry but to her surprise, she was not.
"Come out of your la-la land dear Tehreem" Zaeema said.
"It was all because of you guys" she glared.
"Then thank us, you fell in your Romeo's arm because of us" Maida said giggling and hi-five Maryam.
"Huh, I fell accidentally"
who cares about that idiot, not me atleast.
"How I miss that moment man, so unlucky" Hina said making a cry face.
"That's what happened when you keep studying" Maryam said. Hina shoot Eeman a look which she returned, annoyed.
Someone is irritated, thought Hina.
a phone ring interrupt them. Hina assuming it's her, attended the call.
"Have you done at your side!" A husky, but little familiar male voice came.
"Huh?..." before Hina could say or think anything the phone was abruptly snatched from her ear.
"That's my phone" said Maida burning in her anger. "Don't you have manners. WHO ask YOU to attended IT?" She was rude, very rude. The happy atmosphere was now gone.
"Hey, you don't have to be rude" Eeman who sitting beside Hina said.
"I'm sorry I thought it was mine, my bad" Hina said politely, accepting her mistake.
Maida checked her phone. She looked little panicked and marched out of the room showing anger for no reason.
"That was awfully rude" Maryam said lowly, thinking to talk to her later.
The room was now silent.
2 days later
"Sorry....sorry. I'm late" Eeman marched in the room, panting because of the running. They all gave her a confused look. That's when she notice them. Zaeema, Maryam, Amna and Rimsha was standing their ready to go. "where have you been? And why are you not ready?" Rimsha asked observing her.
"I went to pick my dress" she replied confused as well. "what's wrong Eemy why did not you pick it earlier" Zaeema said frowning. "yr it was not ready. Seems like you guys are ready" Eeman reply and fell sit on a messy bed.
They have a spring party at uni only for new batch, they had being informed very late. It was in a fancy and the lavish hotel of Sydney. Everybody was dying to go there.
"Well, its not too late. Get up and go ready" Amna said to her. She was wearing violet flare outfit reaching the ground. It had shinning silver belt and color was dull. She was looking attractive and beautiful with loose bun and make-up.
"you guys are ready to go and i didn't even took a shower" Eeman said sadly. "now don't sound so low. get ready we are waiting for you since Zaeem's hair are not ready yet" Said Rimsha. She looked at Zaeema, she was wearing green outfit, its surface was shinning golden and the lower part wad bright green. It was fancy but elegant. Her long jet black hair plus dark make up was making her candy in an eye.
"ok" she got up pick my dress carefully. "First tell me hows I'm looking" Maryam asked Eeman. "lag raha hai churail ka muh pankhey (fan) me agya ha" Eeman said and ran inside the bathroom, heard a roar of chuckled. "Allah kare party khatam ho jye tmhry tiyar hone tk"
It was a shining silver white short frock, with mini-lace maryam was wearing, with capre. It was sleeve less. In a stylish pony with nicely done make up she was looking pretty and stylish.
"Here you go" "thanks Rimsha yr it's amazing" said Zaeema loving her hair done looks in the mirror.
Rimsha was wearing light blue simple gown which have dark blue and black pattern on it, with light make up and side braid hairstyle, she was looking elegant and cute.
Eeman come out wearing her wine red burgundy round neck maxi with slightly silver work on the shoulders and sleeves.
"Affan gave ride to tehreem along with Maida and Hina , Harib and Jerry are not ready so we are leaving, you come with them and don't be so late" Zaeema said and left with other. Maryam stuck her tongue at eman before leaving.
"jeez, leaving me behind, those friends of mine" she quickly started her make up.
With in half an hour she was ready, that was pretty quickly for her. But Jerry And Harib are surely late, since they didn't come to pick her from her room.
Wearing her shoes, she called Harib. That venue was half hour away from here.
"Hello Harib where are you" she asked as he picked up the call. "we are near the venue, will be there in 5 mints" said Harib. "huh? you are near it" she whispered. "yeah see you" he said and cut the call.
Zaeem asked Eeman to come with harib and Jerry but she did not notify them. Eeman thought zaeema already did. They thought girls already left and they were late........
Now in the empty room, Eeman sat probably thinking to change. Her mood was quite off because of the miscommunication.
bad luck
"Harib, Jerry you guys are late, and Where is Eeman" Hina asked as soon as she saw them coming. Harib was wearing navy blue suit and Jerry was wearing jet black suit with a matching tie. Many faces turned out to look at nice-looking duo. "Sorry for being late, and what about Eeman?" asked Jerry.
"she was supposed to come with you" Hina told them the whole story. "what the hell none of you told us about it" Harib said. He remembered her call. she must be ready waiting for them. "Damnn. I'm sorry my mistake i should have inform you guys" Zaeema said regretfully . "no it was not yours, just miscommunication" Jerry said and sigh. Rimsha and Tehreem also came.
It's no fun when just one of your friend is missing, right?
"she is not attending my call" said Hina frowning. "typical Eeman" Jerry said loudly. Hina glared him. Her pretty face with natural make up, straight hair falling on her back. She was wearing dim Yellow shinny skinny floral dress. Their was a frown on her face but still she managed to look innocently beautiful. "I will go get her" said Harib.
"no need, we will leave after an hour and so, and it will take you more than an hour to go and take her" He was right. They shared a sad look. "Don't ruin your mood it's ok we will apologize later" Said Rimsha.
Jerry eyes landed on Tehreem who was loudly ignoring him. He smirked remembering the last encounter of them.
She was wearing long flare peach maxi which have self work all over it. Her hair was hanging in lose curls. "pretty" he mummered.
She was talking to some girls including Zaeema. He walked near her, and whispered, "simply beautiful, the falling girl" and left with mesmerizing smile.
Tehreem's heart jump back in it's cage. she glared him. Thinking of something she went near him. He was standing near the drink bar. "do you have any problem" she asked annoyed. "of course not, what made you think like that" he said in this famous smirk.
"next time if you call me f-alling girl you are dead for sure" she said in threatening voice and left. she had blush which amused his eyes.
"Next time!!" he smiled.
Harib on the other hand was looking unhappy. "Say, its not easy hanging in the mid, right" that was Rimsha. Harib looked at her and smiled. "you seems interested in me" he said.
"of course, not in you but in your deep thoughts which are cutting you from this lavish party" she replied. He thrust his hands inside his pocket. "For me, there's no party without glitter" Harib said with a charming smile of his. His honey color eyes seems sad to her. He left. "and with glitter you mean the absent person" she whispered smiling. as soon he reached his friends, he started chatting quite happily. She sighed 'there was some glitter, after all"
Her mobile was continuously buzzing, but she careless. Standing near the the terrace railing, she was looking at the dark sky. "the night is so empty, isn't it?" Affan said. She noticed his presence. "yeah so void. Affan?, Where have you been" she asked. "near you" he said "did you miss me" he added. "yeah, since you was so busy in your studies".
"how about we both go on a long drive" he asked seems like he knew the reason about her being standing here all alone, wearing party wear. she already wipe off the make up. she didn't wanted to go but she agreed. It reminded her of their high school adventures, long drives, ice cream in freezing weather, singing loudly in empty roads of Islamabad. That time she really miss it, her extremely crazy self.
They went driving, light english music humming in background. The busy roads of Sydney. They kept quite, unlike before. Affan wanted to talk, but he found no guts. its...its being 3 years since he was waiting, waiting for them to be alone so he could say his heart out, she made funny comments, his heart started to heal but nothing happened. The whole ride was quite.
"are you upset" he asked. "No" she replied gazing out of the window. "I'm thinking""about?' "no one".
"There is a place I know you will love" Affan said and stopped the car. "Want to experience something cool?" He asked. "Like?" "Fast driving" "tm or fast driving? Huh tell me a better joke" "lets see"
He pulled the gear and a greek noice filled the air. "Oye Affan, man I don't wanna die" she hissed, holding the handle above the window.
"Clench your teeth so you don't have to buy tongue" Affan said. "Damn you" she said cursing him.
The car stopped with jolt. " We are here" "Alive? I'm glad" Affan laughed.
" so how was it, enjoyed it?" he asked. "Of course I did, you know that's not like Affan I know" she said giggling and winked.
It was a rather distance place from the busy city, less people around. It looked like a top of a mountain bit it was actually just an up hill. "This place is called Echo point or something" he said.
"This is beautiful, the view I mean really wow"
"I know" "Record my video I will jealous everyone" she said and run towards the edge.
HARIBBBB" she yelled her best friend's name and giggled.
"MARYAM IS AN IDIoT," he smiled at her childish act. "its childish but still funny" she said.
"We should get going, I want to scold them for leaving me behind in the crunch" she said sitting inside the car. "So evil of you" "hehehehe" the way back to home was different. She kept talking like there's no tomorrow. While he kept listening. She noticed him smiling, but he also looked disturb.
"You know what Affan your habits might have changed but from inside you are still like before, pure and dandy" she winked and got off from the car.
Pure and dandy, he whispered
She was about to make her move when someone hold her from her elbow. She halted in her track and looked at her arm which was in Affan's hand. She looked at him in confusion. He loss his grip from her elbow and slowly hold her hand. Eeman narrowed her eyes at him in surprise. Her heart started to beat fast.
"What do want?" She asked hesitantly.
"I love you"
To his surprise, His voice didn't shake.
"What?" She asked shocked. "D-don't joke around A-Affan" she said knowing very well that his expressions were serious.
"I quit" he whispered letting go of her hand " I quit joking since you left" Eeman looked in his eyes, puzzled.
It was so sudden that she didn't even notice that they were standing in parking lot.
"I quit smiling since you left. I quit being cool and calm since you left me Eeman" he said holding his voice to be loud enough to hear. "I quit everything since you left" he added.
"The charm you carry excite my every day. I felt alive and happy with you. It's not the beauty but the character to make me fall in l-love. And I-I-I never ever wanted to confess but, but I had a bad feeling, feeling of you going away from me. It's a slip but i don't mind it" he said, didn't make any eye contact with her, like he was being ashamed. She was standing in silence. Thoughts of losing a friend terrified her.
"A-ffan I'm s-orry, you're really precious to m-e, you are the first person I became best friend with. Those moments I shared with you were the happiest moments. I- like you, and I n-ver want to lose you" she said.
"You are one of the my best buddies and you are very dear to me but beyond that I'm afraid" she added. He could tell without looking at her that she was holding her tears.
Back in Pakistan whenever she wanted to cry, she waited for him and then cry her heart out only in front of him.
And now she was hiding them from him, things changed.
"I wish you never left Islamabad" he whisper regretting the past.
"It was all destined to be like this. I have to left Pakistan, I have to come to Turkey I have to become friends with all of them and I have to come to Australia I destined to met you here in Sydney. It was all written" feeling the worst she continued.
"I don't regret leaving Islamabad I don't regret anything but you will" she said. Facing her, he frowned. "You will regret loving me when you find the tru-th, truth of that day" those tears were now visible in her eyes and she let them fall. Affan was silent, like he lost everything now he was empty handed in a long pathway.
She came closer to him and hold both of his hands in her own. "Look at me Affan" he looked at those pale yet beautiful brown eyes filled with water.
"Don't end our friendship, please. Let's be friends f-forever" she said like begging. His eyes filled with water. He didn't want to cry in front of her. His throat gave up. He only nodded and withdraw his hand from her grip.
He smiled sadly. "I will always be your friend no matter what" he said "I will always be at your side, no matter if in a position of a friend" he said smiling. That smile, that was so painful yet promising. Regret shivered Eeman.
She walk out with big step from the parking lot to her favorite place forgetting about her friends.
"I would have said yes" her chain of thoughts broke at the voice, she turned around to find him standing behind her in the darkness." if i was you" except Eeman and Harib there was no one on terrace. she stood up and kept frowning.
how many surprises were waiting for her today, somehow she didn't want harib to know about this!!
"what are you saying?, when did you come back?" she said. she looked disturbed and upset to him. "I'm sorry i eavesdropped your conversation with Affan" he said. She sat down on the ground, looking up at the dark sky.
"w-hy? why you would have said y-es if you w-as I?" she asked. "True love is very rare to find. A love that is pure and make one happy" he said calmly. "how can you say that it was true love and it will make me happy?"
"I don't know how it will make you happy but it was definitely pure love, i can say that by just looking in his eyes" he said. It made Eeman angry. "nonsense " "those eyes filled with love, they are very familiar to me" this time he said with a small smile.
"I never thought it will turned out like this. Somehow i feel guilty, because of me he has to suffer. Why this so called love have to come between friendship. i hate it, love my foot huh " she said hatefully, clenghted her fist.
"I just....don't want....to loss him" she said sadly.
"Then say it, what you feel. Go and confess if this is what make you happy Eeman, do it don't think twice. Don't regret later" he said. He hold her hand, they were cold so was his. "you l-ove him, then don't let him go. You don't have to loss him" he said, hoping her to understand.
She looked at him in deep shock. "Harib" she whispered, she was not expecting those words from him. she abruptly withdraw her hand from his, shattering all hopes in his eyes, that are ready to sacrifice for the happiness of a girl he love.
"i don't love him, idiot. If i have any feeling towards him i had told you at-least. But i don't feel the same towards him. I don't believe you feel like I....." she said, her face showed rising distress.
"I thought may be being with him makes you happy so you should keep him" he said, worried for her. Only thing that was matter to him was her happiness, if Affan will make her happy, he will go to the end of the earth to keep her with him. His one-sidee love will not matter to him.
"Then what are you upset for?". "You can't understand Harib, the pain i gave him by rejecting him. I had seen the glitter died in his eyes. I don't want him to suffer because of me. I'm the culprit, i never want him to be in pain and that hurts even more if i know the reason is me. After all he is my friends." she said looking lost. Harib kept looking at her face.
"what if i confess that i love you and you have to reject me for some reason" she added looking at him making his heart stop beating, her eyes questing. His eyes twinkling with fear. "what if Hina or may be zaeema confess and you have no other option rather to reject. Won't you feel sad and upset that you are the reason your good friend is suffering. Won't it shattered you, to be the reason of your friend's pain?" he was speechless.
"Mohabat k diye hoe zakham pr dosti ka lagya howa marham boht jaldi asar krta hai, pr aghar zakham mohabat or dosti ne mill kr dia ho na to wo kabhi nai bharta. Mene dekha hai uski ankhon me, dard or karb. Lekin tm nai smjh sakty Harib ku k tmne kabhi kisi se mohabat nai ki" she added looking at nowhere. Few tears slipped down from her eyes.
"Tm ne ki hai? mohabbat?" this time she turned her head towards him. he was looking at her with a blank face and dried eyes. "bolo tmne kabhi mohabbat ki hai kisi se?" "nahi, pr mehsos ki hai" she gulped. He smiled woefully.
you never feel mine? why?
He feel so upset suddenly
She found his smile so beautiful that she forgot her sorrow. "Mohabat itni bereham nahi hoti. boht se log ye janty hoe bhi mohabbat krty hn k jis ko wo chahty hn wo unka kabhi nai ho skta. Ku k kuch logo k leye jeeny ki wajah mehboob hota ha or kuck logo k leye sirf mohabbat hi kafi hoti ha" his word raised her heartbeat.
"Harib....tmne kabhi...kisi se mohabbat ki hai?"she asked without any expression. He looked at her, and replied calmly "han! tmse!!" he was looking right into her eye.
For some reason, her heart literally pause a beat.
"or Zaeema se or Hina se Jerry se or hr us insan se jo mujhy acha lagta hai" she sighed. "fool" she found herself smiling for no reason. "he will be fine" she whispered. "huh?" She hold his arm and said affectionately "Love is not cruel, right?". He smiled and whispered "may be"
Just being in love with you is enough, I couldn't confess even if I wanted to...
I'm happier with it being a secret, so far now, it'll be my Secret Love!
He reminded his favourite poem. He bite his lips to stop him from breaking any emotion. He was weak but he didn't want to show it to her. "Beside that you all are my strength. I'm gald I'm friend with you all" she said with great love. "tm log mujhy chor k chaly gaye maaf nai kru gi kabhi samjhy, ayese hoty hn dost...." and she kept scolding him.
"come with me" Jerry said after Eeman left. Affan assumed from his expression that he overheard their conversation. "Jerry...'' he grabbed Affan's hand and kind of dragged him towards their room. Neither Harib nor Daniyal was there. Jerry rushed towards the study table opened a locked drawer and throw a hard cover book towards Affan. Affan frowned towards the rudeness of his action.
He looked at the book and studied Jerry's expression. He looked angry and annoyed. Affan thinking of nothing, opened the book. A very familiar face come in his view. There was Eeman's sketch. She was sticking her tongue out with weird yet cute expression. In a beautiful handwriting a poem was written above:
I'm not interested in you at all---I'm lying,
you're my perfect lady
I can't hide my beating heart,
I'm really into you, I can't help
I'm not good at love, with a bad style,
I become someone else facing you
I don't tell anyone about it
Still, I'm alright, love just isn't for me
And it still isn't the last chance for me
I have many love stories craved into my heart
But they're far from my ideals
I know I'm selfish but...
Is there anything wrong with that?
Just being in love with you is enough, I couldn't confess even if I wanted to...
I'm happier with it being a secret, so far now, it'll be my Secret Love
Without looking at the name and he knew it was Harib who made that beautiful sketch. There were many, like some random scenes. Two of those in which they all were in jumping pose. Three of eeman's. They all looked professional sketches. Affan admired Harib's skills.
"I never knew Harib is that good in sketching" Affan said in low voice. "he never told anyone" Affan looked at him, surprised. "not even any of us, he kept it secret from all of us. He is always like that, ready to help, ready to console but never want to show his own fears. He can do anything to protect his love ones, infact all of us are like this" Jerry said, went near him.
"he never told me, i found it myself. He never told us that he like Eeman because he is afraid that it make our friendship suffer" he added. "wo dikhata nai ha pr ander se bht kamzor ha. Hr raaz dil me chupa k rakhta ha, idoit" Jerry chuckled.
Affan already have an idea about his feeling so nothing surprise him.
"Samjhta hai wo nai batye ga to mujhy pataw nahi chaly ga, khota, huh! pr jesa bhi ha mera best friend ha or mujhy boht azez hai, Mere dost or unki dosti. Me kabhi kisi ko hmari dosti k bech nai ane de skta, tmhy bhi nai" Jerry refered him. Affan kept listening.
"Affan shayd me tmse boht kuch mang raha hu, but...please un ki beech se chaly jio" Jerry faced him. His eyes showing concerned towards his friends. "Harib boht chahta ha Eman ko, Wo...wo kabhi khush nai reh ske ga usk bagair. Eeman Harib ki zindagi ki sb se bari khawahish hai. shayd me bht khudgarz hu, pr me apne doston ko uddas nai dekh sakta. Me sirf itna chahta hu k tm dor ho jio Eman se, warna tmhy reject krne ka guilt usy Harib ki feelings kabhi dekhne nai dega. Harib or Eeman dono ek jese ha, Wo manti nahi ha pr kahi na kahi wo chahti hai Harib ko. Wo dono ek dosre k leye bane han. Mere doston ko a-akela chor do Please" Jerry said firmly. Affan gluped and smiled.
He looked at the sketch, "kash tmhry jese dost hr kisi ko milty Jerry" a bitter smile appeared on his face.
HARIBBBB" she yelled her best friend's name and giggled.
There were everyone except me. i didn't realized but the place i once had was now occupied by some others. Fool idiot stupid of me.
"you are right, They are made for each other, and i will never ever come in between them neither in between your friendship Jerry. Jo meri ksimat me nai likha wo mera nahi ho sakta, right?" Affan said with a wistful smile. "see you later" he said and left the room after the last glance on the sketch book. Jerry somehow feel guilty but his priority is them, his friends.
"aj mene apni apni mohabat ko alvida keh diya, us 5 saal purani mohabat ko jiska mene 3 saal intezar kiya ha. Wo mohabat jis ki jaren meri rooh me dor dor tk phalin hoi han. Mene izhar k un lamho ka boht shidat se intezar kiya tha jb me or Eeman ek dosre k amne samne khary hnge or me use batata k uski mohabat mere leye kisi aizaz se kam nai hai. Ab ayesa kabhi nhi hga, this chapter ends here"
He sighed heavily and regretted the time he confessed, he will never be able to look at her. He never knownthat he is a weak jerk. Losing a friends is so painful.
Little did anyone know the plans of fate.
Please vote and comments ;)
Alright vote for couple you want to see in the end;
Eeman-Affan or Eeman-Harib or Harib-Rimsha
Jerry-Tehreem or Jerry-Maryam
Till the next update
Take care
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