22| Rest In Peace

Happie reading

3rd person's POV

"I didn't get it. What is he trying to do?" There was confusion in his voice.

"Emir, my friend, i think he has a soft corner for maida" Rax gave his point of view.

"Are you crazy, he can't have a soft corner for ANY girl, and you know that very well. I'm just confused by his planning" Emir place his hand under his chin.

"I think he wants a physical relation with her" Rax said smirking making Emir looked at him in shocked "No! He can nev-er do that. He is not like that, Rax stop thinking shit" Emir said with little anger.

"He just wanted to prove that a boy can fool a girl so easily and he won his bet. Then what's the purpose of extending it?" Emir said aggressively. " I don't know about Salar but you definitely have concern for her" Rax said and hit him, his elbow playfully. Emir rolled his eyes "ohh please Rax! Sandy and other girls might deserve this kind of behavior but Maida didn't deserve this" Emir said thoughtfully. "Well! Let's see, we can't guess Salar's thoughts." Rax said sitting in his car. "Hopefully, his intentions are good" Emir sighed heavily.

Little did they know that sandy eardropped their conversation. She was not shocked but angry.

He is going to hurt Maida, But I don't give a damn He is such a cheater Karma's gonna pay him

She was driving but her mind was stuck somewhere else. She hit the steering in rage. "I'm done with you" Salar you didn't do right to me but I'm not gonna allow you to play with my friend's feelings.

He was sipping his favorite black coffee. Sitting in study room he was lost in his work, his eyesight glasses was fixed on his nose and fingers were typing fast on keyboard. His concentration was disturbed by some noises and suddenly the door of study room opened harshly by Sandy. After her, two of his servants were standing there frightened.

Anger boiled in his veins, seeing her standing there with angry expressions. "Sir she came in forcefully we tried to stop her...." "Shut up and get lost" he yelled and the servants left, leaving Sandy and Salar alone in the room.

"What do you think of yourself? What the Hellllll is your problem Salar" She asked in high voice. "Sandy I don't want to talk to you, you better leave" he said and took off his spectacles. "But I want and YOU have to listen" she said angrily. It was the rage she had since he broke up with her without any reason.

"Don't rise your voice Sandy I don't want to behave rude. You should go by your own otherwise my guards can do you this favor" he said controlling his voice. "Salar why are you using her? She is innocent and never wanted any relation with you but YOU tackled her. And after satisfying YOUR so called ego you will throw her away without caring about her feelings. Just because of a bet? How could you be SO selfish? " her voice held a complain. "First you use me well and then you throw me like I'm nothing to you. And you are going to do the same to maida" And in answer he laughed aloud making her frown."Oh MY GOD The hot chick Sandy Barak is angry because I left HER, OHH Shocking News" he said smirking coming closer to her. She felt disgusting.

"I don't give it a damn, what you or Maida feel. I did what I wanted and I have no guilt now if you please leave, I'm pretty busy" he said and opened the door for her. She nodded in utter disbelieve as tear formed in her eyes and went near him.

She didn't love him, but still she had a strange yet strong unknown emotions for him. "Of course you don't have any guilt because you were never in love but one day Salar! On day you will regret and that day my name will flashed in your mind. I wish you will never get the love of your life. May the worse be with you, al...." "SHUT UP JUST THE HELL UP!" He yelled in the top of his lungs making her jump up in fear. His eyes was showing extreme anger and for some unknown reason her heart was like coming out from its ribcage.

"SANDY Get Out right NOW" he yelled and she immediately went out. He banged the door loudly behind her.

She placed her hand on her heart which was beating fast. She sighed and thought of his anger. She started taking big step to cross his corridor, she reached the stairs when she heard some faint voice. She turned around and walked towards a big brown door that was infront of stairs. She placed her hand on the handle to open it but before she could, someone jerked her backward with all the force, she collided with Salar's hard frame.

His bloodshot red eyes met hers and she forgot to breath. His constant angry glare was making her numb, "Sa-lar I-wa....." "HOW DARE YOU!!!!" And his voice roared in his house like a hungry lion and the next voice was of something falling down. Not something, but Sandy, he pushed her back harshly and she stumbled but couldn't maintain her balance and fall down from the round stairs. She screamed in pain as her head hit the staircase and her voice died forever

She was lying at the end of the staircase lifelessly, a pool of blood forming under head. Salar who didn't even look affected by this, marched into his room.

She was lying on the cold floor, in the pool of blood, mumbling something in half consciousness, groaning in pain. After 1 hour, Emir with Rax reached as Servants called them in panic. They ran towards the room in which sandy was lying unconscious. Her head was wrapped in a white bandage but it was red by now because of constant bleeding. Servants were looking afraid.

"Where is Salar? " Asked Rax to a servant in fear. "He is in his room" Rax ran to his room and started beating the door, getting worried about his friend. "SALAR open the door DAMN IT" he yelled.

"Rax forget about him, we need to take her to the hospital she is breathing. She is alive" Emir said in alarming tone, gulped hardly. "I don't think so Emir" Rax ran his hand in his hair helplessly, "she is not going to survive. And if we take her to hospital and in case she will survive, she will create problems for Salar."

Emir's eyes went wide with shock, how could his friend be so selfish. "Rax you! You will let her die because if she survive she can create problems for Salar, I never knew you are that selfish" Emir said in furiously.

"Are you calling it selfishness Emir? I'm just thinking about my friend's integrity, what's wrong in that huhh!" Rax replied stating his point. Emir looked at him awfully "I'm taking her to hospital, you and salar can go to hell" Emir threw him a nasty look and went to her room. "Emir listen, we can call a doctor here" Rax stopped him again by his arm but Emir jerked it away harshly. Was that his sincerity towards his friend?

"HERE? doctor can't attend her here, she is serious RAX FOR GOD SAKE please" he literally yelled and Rax mouth automatically shut. He held her up in his arms and with the driver he took her to the hospital.

Her hands were cold and her face was pale. He prayed for her life. Driver stopped the car in hospital parking and Emir held her in his arms but he felt her body getting heavy in his arms. He checked her plus and shocked to believe. Unfortunately, Sandy was no more. Emir threw his head in his hands.

"Alas! Sandy is no more. What did you do!, Ohh God! How many families you will ruin Salar?"

Salar didn't come out from his room it doesn't matter how much Rax requested him. Salar was roaming in his room drunk, having severe headache. He took a sip of vine thinking about Emir's words.

"I'm not against you, but I'm also not with you Salar. You didn't do right with her Salar" he said when he turned her dead body. He couldn't stop his love for Salar.

And in rage he squeezed the glass in his hand and it broke down stabbing some pieces in his hand making it bleed. You will never get the love of your life He gritted his teeth as nothing came in his mind. Rax handled everything so maturely. He texted suzi and also made all the arrangements of her secret funeral. His planning was perfect all also the things were in their favor.

His phone was continuously vibrating making him feel annoyed.

I should plan something before everything gets out of hand. I should call Sib, he will handle everything.But he will be mad at me.

And his phone rang again. He attended without looking at the callers id , furiously

"Hello?" He Said. "Hello! SALAR. Where the hellllll are you. Why aren't you attending my calls. You know...." "who's the-re" he asked as he couldn't recognize her voice because he was not fully in his senses. Her eyes filled with tears. "Ma-maida" she replied. "Hmmm" he hmmed and that's when the plan clicked in his mind.

It was never difficult for him to tackle her and now he could use this silly emotional girl for his purpose. But this time he was wrong, this time he didn't know that her friends were with her.

He thought she can help him in Sandy's matter. Was he right? "Salar are you ok where are you? " she asked avoiding the pain raised in her heart. "I'm fine" he said and winched as he stood up. "No, you are not fine, WHAT HAPPENED please te..tell me I'm worried please" Tears rolled down from her eyes. Salar said whatever came in his mind. I must say he is emotionally very strong, like he can make a perfect plan in seconds. "Are you with Sandy's? " he asked. Maida was worried about his behaviour. "No" was her reply. "She is not in the town" she added thinking about Salar hesitation toward Sandy, "Come where less pe-ople are around" he hiccuped as walked in frustration. . "I'm alone Salar stop puzzling me" she said in utter helplessness.

"Maida! don't get worried" He said after a long silence. "I got into accident" he said and she felt the earth slipped under her foot. She didn't say a single word for some seconds and on other side Salar smirked. "Sa-lar are y-ou fine? how's that happe-ned? " she said, controlling her emotions. Unintentionally, so many tears rolled down. "I'm fine, just I don't kn-ow." He said. His voice was holding pain and she could feel that.

Insan mohabbat me galt fehmiyan pal leta hai, khud hi Ahh ko dard or Wah ko khushi tasavur kr Leta hai

"Where are you? Tell me I'll come to you" she said and wiped her wet face. Salar rolled his heavy eyes "No You can't, I me-an I'm out of city. Maid-a I have no stre-ngth to talk, I was not in the condition to attend your call sorry I'm sor-rry, but I'm missing you" he said thoughtfully.

"Don't just don't say sorry, call me when you came back I'll come to you. Take care, take rest, and don't forget I love you more than anything else" she was having hard time to control her emotions.

Salar cut the call as she finished. Rax handled everything and Salar sighed in relief as he thought that this issue was settled down now, just her family problem was left but he was satisfied that everything will happen just like he planned.

But he was wrong! Totally wrong He didn't know when Maida came, eardropped his conversation and left with broken heart. Not even his servants told him as they thought Salar himself called her.

Salar tried to tackle her with fake bandage and emotional talk but Maida's slap raised anger in him which turned out a furious fight between him and Harib. Salar at that time didn't bother to know the reason of Maida's rude behaviour. Maida was not ready to believe that his love was fake, but she had to face the reality. She did what was best, and with the help of her friends, with heavy heart she heard the news of his arrestment. They fired report against him. Maida was neither happy nor satisfied. Although she did justice to her friendship but she wasn't satisfy.

When coops arrested him, he was too shocked. He literally didn't know what he did. Emir and Rax tried to bailed him out but because of the strong proof and the murder case they didn't set him free. Salar on the other hand want to set the world on fire. He knew his brother will save him but he had to spend 2 nights in the jail as his brother was out of country. The worst night of his life. He was planning to kill the person who dared to go against him. Who made that video and who Report in police against me.

He was like biting his nails in tension.

Before hearing when Salar was sitting on a cold steel seat inside the jail, he heard that Hussain Pasha, his Sib came to meet him. Because Hussain Pasha was a big name, they allowed to meet him alone.

Salar sighed in relief but soon his relief flew away in the air when Hussain Pasha slapped him hard and he stumbled. Three days two slap, too much for Salar to bear. For some seconds he didn't even moved with his hand on his right cheek. Hussain was glaring him with angry eyes.

"You are standing in front me because you are my brother otherwise I would have shoot you mys3" "You destroyed my name, my reputation Salar. People are pointing finger at me and you, you can't imagine how hurtful it is for me. Why the hell you need to kill a girl?" "Sib..." "Just SHUT UP Salar! I don't want to listen your lame excuses"

"I didn't believe that you are my brother, whom I'm so proud" he said furiously, rubbing his temple. His tone was very harsh. And it was hurting Salar very badly. At that time, Salar just wanted to buried himself in the earth. " Last time" he pointed his finger towards Salar in anger "last time, I'm saving you, after that I'll myself send you to death" and after throwing a angry look at Salar he marched out of the common room. Salar hit his wounded hand hard on the table. His ankle became purple, but he feel nothing.

I'm not going to leave you

According to the rule, the Australian Court didn't extend the matters. Court sentenced him Life imprisonment in first hearing because of the strong proof. In that video he confessed everything. Not even they called the maker of this video. But suzi went to court to see him.

But at the end! Money buys everything! Didn't matter how Sandy's family will survive. They lost their child and nothing is more hurting then losing your beloved child. They had to bear this lost as no one could fulfill it.

"Who eardropped my conversation? " he asked. His voice was cold and serious. His servants was afraid of the hidden anger in his words. "WHO.WAS.THAT" he yelled and they prayed for their dear life. "Sir Maam came.." "WHO MAAM" he asked furiously. He was very angry and his mind was not working at all. In just three days, his life become so upset. Their business loss so many deals. In every news channels He and his beloved brother were the headline. And he was hating it, his brother had to face so many problems and rude actions because of him.

"Maam Ma-ida" and Salar found his senses numb. He stared at them blankly. How she slapped him, he didn't know the reason, and it came back like a flash.

"Why did you let her in without my permission" he asked. "S-ir, she said you called her and she sa-id she wants to surprise you. She was making video of different things of house" a servant spoke with his head hung low and gulped hard. Salar closed his eyes as his anger taking his best. And throw the vase straight on the floor.

Rax reached his house when he heard that he was free now. "HOW DARE SHE!!!!!" "Not just she, but her friends, Junaid Shehryaar & Amna khan fired report against you along with Maida and her other friends" Salar looked at him. "Who are they both" asked Salar with gritted teeth. "All of her friends not just they both, also Harib whom you got into fight and Maryam, Rimsha, Tehreem, Hina, Zaeema and Eeman. They are her best friends plus her supporters and I can bet she can't do anything without them, I stalk their bio and profile" Rax explained and gestured the servants to leave. He showed him their picture.

"And according to my research, they owned a very strong friendship bond"

"Aaaahhhhh I'm not GOING TO LEAVE THEM"


" SMASH!!!!!

With a loud noise, the window shattered into pieces.

"What they think of themselves?" How could they took such big step against myself? " Another thud and the table was on the floor by his kick.

He looked at the screen, punched the wall hard seeing the pic.

"Smiling han? Gin gin kr badlay lon ga. Dus Kay dus ko dus dus dafa aziyat don ga. How dare they?"

"There should be a weak point of them. That should be

Will kill them not physically but mentally"



Weak point.....

Let me know your weak point and I'll show you my real self. The darkest one.

He sees every searched thing about them. Cursing them continuously.


How could I forget this


That's it

Friendship is their weak point. Yes!!!

"Ab dekhna. Tum logon ko tum logon k apne hathon se hi maron ga."

"Boht fakhar hai na apni dosti pe, ab dekho ye yaqeen ye bond ye dosti me kese torta hon. Boht galat insan k sath wasta par gya hai tm logo ka. Or Salar Pasha barbad krne me koi kasar nhi chorta, yad rkho koi bhi nhi!!" The emotions in his eyes were very dangerous. He let out an evil laugh that could send chills down anyone's spine.



Blue mountain

Zaeema's POV

It was been so long since I last called home so I decided to go for a walk. I called at home first I talked to mom dad on Skype. Mom was getting worried so I sat down on a rock although I told her that I'm not at much height. and now I was talking to Bhai while walking and Bhai be like. 'Samne dekho gir gai toh kon lene ae ga itni dur Mae bht busy hon' -_-

After a very long talk plus walk we hung up. I logged out and played my songs playlist. A smiled when the melodious voice hit to my ear drum. I sat down on a rock and took out the drink that I brought with me. The coloured liquid when passed through my throat, gave a cool sensation that calmed my mind. The view was magically fantastic. So I decided to continue my walk ignoring the fact the I came too far from our camps. I sensed some hustle behind the mountain and I went to that direction fearlessly because the area was under check by the local police plus It felt like someone wants me to come here.

Kon ho skta hai... Ye churailen mujhe darane Ki koshish kr rhi hon gi yaqeenan

I decided that if they'll frighten me, I'll start screaming on the top of my lungs until they beg me to stop. Or until some handsome policeman come to rescue. :p

I reached there and turned to see no one but a small cylindrical thing lying on the path. I frowned and bent to see that thing when it busted with a very loud annoying sound. I screamed and covered my ears.

Chawal log churon gi nai.

I felt someone behind me laughing and as planned I closed my eyes, covered my ears and


Started screaming. The place was allocated so my voice was echoing in the air. I heard the sound of my name but didn't stopped when someone covered my mouth.

I opened my eyes and what I saw was a policeman running towards my direction.

Oh Teri ye toh sach Mae agea. Woh Bhi handsome wala.

"Hey let her go" the policeman yelled and the person behind me immediately removed his hand from my mouth. I turned my face and there was no one other then the legend Mr Daniyal Sikander.

Handsome handsome se bachane aya hai. Tough life... Kis ka sath don?

The policeman reached us and jerked Daniyal's collar.

"Don't you dare to Harass a girl. I'll teach you the lesson in the police station" he said and dragged Daniyal along with him ignoring his protest.

Harassing? Daniyal or mujhe? Lol

"Hey wait plz. Its a misunderstanding. He's my friend and he wasn't harassing me." I ran to them and said. He looked at me suspiciously.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Plz let him go" I said the last part in a low voice making an innocent face.

He gave Daniyal a suspicions look and left his collar before going away.

I bursted out into fits of laughter. Daniyal settled his collar and looked at the going policeman angrily.

"If you weren't a policeman. I would have teach YOU the lesson right here. Over efficient" he said looking at that direction and I again laughed.

"Consider it as the punishment of scaring me" I said getting amused.

"Haha very funny. Who told you to fix another speaker in your throat when you already have one?" He said picking up his bag. I stood in front of him and held my ears.

"Sorry" I said and tilted my head a little. He smiled , held my hands and removed them from my ears.

"Stupid. Come on let's go back to camps" he left my hands and hang his bag on his shoulder. And no one ... no one could tell how good it felt when he removed my hands from my ears.

In silence we started walking. And this silence was making me uncomfortable.

"Come on hurry up Slow jams. Walk fast" I said to him breaking the silence

"I am walking slow because of you Madam spushy wushy" he countered back and I rolled my eyes. An idea popped into my mind.

"Okay let's race back to the camps" I said and he smirked

"Think again. I'm good at sports"

"But I'm good in competing others. So let's start." I stated and he agreed

"On three. One two...-" and I started running before three.

"Hey cheaterrrr " he yelled from behind , running. I laughed

"I'm good at sports. Han? Mr twinkle twinkle little feet" I said mimicking his words.

"You girls are not worth trusting" I heard his voice coming closer. I looked back and he was just few steps behind. I ran faster.

After few seconds, I couldn't hear footsteps behind myself. I stopped and turned around patting.

Kahan gea Aladdin ka bhoot?

I recovered my breath and walked back looking for the Legend. And after taking few steps what I saw just boiled my blood.

"Your match was incredible"

"Yeah we were really impressed. I heard you are from overseas."

Three girls were there, probably from our uni, surrounding him IMPRESSED....

Mujhe race Mae laga k yahan larkiyon Mae khara hai.

My anger was touching it's highest points.

"Oh I umm thanks I appreciate that but now.... I gotta go see you" he said and at the same time his eyes meet mine. I gave him a deadliest gaze and he shrugged.

"Okay but will you plz come with us for clim- " I didn't hear further and ran away to our camps.

Jahanum Mae jae. Aise chorta deta hai bich Mae dost ko koi?


There was nobody there. As I was talking to mom for hours maybe they had gone for outing. I took my phone and there was a text from hina. Meanwhile I heard someone calling me. I came out.

"There you are. Why did you came back?" There he was, finally.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I couldn't find any other way of reacting when my friend just stopped in the middle of his way talking to Some girls" I said angrily.

"I didn't stop. They just called me and I had to listen. You know.. Manners. Anyways will you come with me to the 3rd peak? I'm going for climbing with them"

"No thanks. I don't see any reason for risking my life just to show off that 'I'm good in sports' " I said looking away

"Show off? I'm not showing off. What's wrong with you?" He asked getting annoyed maybe

"What's wrong with YOU. I just said I don't wanna come. That's it." my voice just rose a little.

"Why are you so jealous?" He stated and I gasped

"Jealous? Don't be ridiculous. "

"I'm just saying what it feels"

"You're crazy"

"You're annoying. Stop acting like an over possessive girlfriend because you are not" this time he said in anger and I lost my temperament.

"Shut up. okay? I don't care to whom you talk or with whom you go. I'll be glad if you will fall down from 3rd peak. Just get lost" I almost yelled. He didn't say anything for few second and then walked out saying

"And I don't need you to come. I'm glad that you're glad" and marched away. I kicked the stone hard angrily.

My mood was totally ruined. I came inside my tent and fell on the bed.

3rd peak..... Haddiyan toten gi na tb maza ae ga...

Sach Mae? Someone said inside me.

Han toh or? Aqal thikane ae gi

I turned my side awkwardly. Your brain will never leave any chance of thinking rubbish. All the news, old or new came into my mind about people who has lost their lives on mountains.

"ughhhh" i groaned annoyingly

I don't give it a damn i don't care.

After 20 seconds

I got up from the bed, picked up my bag and walked out after enough fighting with my own self. Ahh side effects of over thinking.

I made my way to the 3rd peak taking baby steps. Now I was regretting that moment I yelled at him. Kia hota do minute wait kr leti toh.

Plus I was anger on myself too. Minutes ago I was hating everything about him and now ..... I was getting hell worried.

I reached there to see those girls were going away. Ho Bhi gai in Ki climbing?

I walked further to the peaks where I saw him sitting on the 1st peak drinking water. His eyes met mine and he smiled with no surprise in his eyes. I ran my hand through my hair hesitantly.

"Hey" I said out of sheer confusion. "Are you done with your climbing?"

"No we didn't go" he replied casually and jumped down.


"Because you are late." He said and I frowned. " we were waiting for you"

"How did you know that I'll come?" I asked, amazed

"Is that even a question?" He stood on front of me and continued " I knew you'll come" I looked away smiling.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you" I said in an apologizing tone

"Me too. I just said rubbish" he said getting embarrassed. I ran my hand through his hair and held his arm.

"Apology accepted" I said and dragged him " let's race again but this time if you leave me you'll dead"

"Okay ... Start" and this time he tricked me and ran. I gasped and followed him

Kheyalun Mae itna ghum thi k apne kie se hi hari gai. Ek second Mae kia se kia ho gea mujhe or meri soch ko k khud pe herani ho rhi thi. Jaise in paharun se jadu kr dia ho. Ya kisi or ne.....


Sooo how was the chapter.

At last the strategy behind sandy's murder revealed.

But this isn't the end

Stay tuned because after few chapters, scenes that we are dying to share will be updated.

Also your votes and comments motivate us to update fast.

Till next update

Allah Hafiz

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