12: You Know What? He Can Deal With It

Kat woke when the sun hit her face. She tried to figure out how she had gotten there. The last thing she remembered was talking with Loki. 

A grin donned her face. She flew around the room, picking things to pack. A knock came at her door, and she opened it to reveal Lila.

Whatever Lila had been about to say was halted as she saw Kat. "Woah." The girl said instead.

It was then that Kat realized she was still wearing her Olympian stuff. 

"Are you a princess?" Lila asked.

Kat laughed. "I'm actually a queen. What do you need, kiddo?"

Lila blinked. "Uh, breakfast is ready."

"Okay. Let me change first, I'll be down in a minute." Kat chirped, and Lila left with a look of awe on her face.

Kat focused on dismissing the royal garb, and going back to what she had been wearing before. Her tank tops, skinny jeans, and vans were much more comfortable. With that she took off down the stairs.

Like she usually did, she helped Laura out with the kids. Clint wasn't a morning person, and Laura freaked out for a moment because she had a meeting at the same time that she was supposed to drop the kids off at the bus stop. Kat covered for her, and drove the kids instead.

They tried to get her to let them stay home. They got on the bus.

When she got back to the house, she found Loki in his room. "Are you packed?"

His head snapped up. "What?"

"Are you packed?" Kat repeated. "We're going to the Tower, remember?"

"I thought you were suggesting it, not planning." Loki said.

Kat grinned, and shrugged. "Same thing." After seeing Loki's blank/disbelieving face, she laughed and left.

Loki's heart stuttered a moment, and he chastised himself. Nothing would happen between them. He really ought to get his head on straight.

 Packing was easy, and he made his way to Katha's room. With a wave of his hand, he took care of her bags. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Well that problem's solved, then."

"When were you thinking of arriving?" Loki asked. "Or have you not thought about that yet?"

"Soon, but I have to tell Uncle Clint we're leaving, or there'll be a manhunt out for us." Kat said.

"Why not leave a note?"

"My writing sucks. You know this." 

"You can't even call it writing." Loki agreed.

"Hey!" Kat smacked his arm. Loki smirked.

Kat got an idea. "You know what? Imma just go wake him up."

She walked downstairs, and made sure the coffeepot was on, before approaching the door to his and Natasha's room. Instead of activating his spy instincts by making footsteps, she vapour traveled into the room. Seeing him sprawled out, she had to come to a decision. 

She was too far away from the bed. She could try to walk closer without waking him or... She vapour traveled again, right to the space above the bed. That meant she landed on the bed abruptly, shaking the entire frame, and scaring the hell out of Clint, all while wearing a sweetly mischievous face.

Clint let out a very manly yelp when she nearly launched him off, but in his alarm, he fell off the bed. He groaned. Kat poked her head out over the side. "Good morning."

Clint groaned, and it took his eyes a moment to adjust to the light, and he finally relaxed when he realized it was Kat. He grumbled incoherently, and when he didn't respond with a usual half-hearted curse, she realized he didn't have his hearing aids in.

"[Coffee downstairs.]" Kat signed as she said it. He had taught her the basics. Meaning: The important things.

He nodded, and she got off the bed to help him up. [Is it ready?] He asked her.

"[By the time you get to it, yes.]" Kat replied. It was easier to remember stuff if you said it at the same time. Plus he could read lips, which meant if she got the sign wrong he'd still understand.

He laughed. She supposed she'd been forgiven. He looked over to the door. [How'd you get in here?]

Kat didn't know the sign for 'teleport' or 'vapour travel', so she just demonstrated for him, reappearing on the opposite side of the bed.

He rolled his eyes. She grinned and left the room, using the door. Loki waited downstairs for her, and when she passed him to go make some hot chocolate, he held up a bar of ambrosia. She rolled her eyes and munched on it as she set everything up.

When Clint made it to the table, she gave him the coffee pot and a plate of toast and saved bacon(Laura just barely managed to hide the strips from the kids). She then passed Loki a plate of eggs and one mug of cocoa. 

Laura had helped her learn how to successfully make breakfast, and Kat would be forever grateful to her for it. She and Loki both had a love for the sweets of life, and it wasn't much harder to make a second mug. 

They ate their respective foods, and Kat even ate another bar of ambrosia. Clint kept giving Loki funny looks. Loki ignored them, and Kat was trying to figure out why the looks were a thing. Eventually, she sighed.

"So, Uncle Clint."


"I'm going to the tower." 

"What?" Clint nearly choked on some toast crumbs.

"We're going to the tower. Let you have Christmas with Laura and the kids."


"Nope, you can't fight me. I'll be okay. Besides, It's the Mr. Stark who should be worried." Kat said mischievously.


The moment they both appeared in the living room of the tower, Kat called out to JARVIS. "Hey, JARVIS, It's Kat, Katha, Percy's twin."

It took JARVIS a moment to reply, as if he was confirming her identity. "Welcome to the tower, Miss Katha."

"Just call me Kat. Oh, and don't tell him I'm here! I want it to be a surprise." Kat blurted.

"He has been informed that the intruder alert was a false alarm." JARVIS said.

"Okay, that works. Where is he now?" Kat asked, as Loki observed, confused.

"Currently he is away at a meeting in DC."

"Wow. It's kinda early for him to be on-time for something." Kat said, and Loki snorted behind her.

"Miss Potts made him attend in a proper manner, and Colonel Rhodes escorted him." JARVIS answered.

Kat laughed. "When will he get back?"

"In a few hours. It may be longer or shorter depending on how the meeting goes." 

"Awesome. Come on, Loki! To the kitchen! We're making cookies." Kat announced. "And don't tell him Loki's here either. I see through your loopholes, JARV."


"Okay, now we're on one of the most secure floors of your maximum security tower, Tony. What's the big secret?" A man asked the other as the two left the elevator.

"Well," Tony said, moseying along, the other walking ahead toward the kitchen. "Hey, what's that smell?"

The men immediately recalled the 'false alarm'. As the taller of the two stepped into the doorway of the kitchen, his gun already drawn, he aimed it squarely at the first person he saw. He didn't know her, and she was just grinning at him, apparently entirely unconcerned about the gun.

"Tony," The man called out.

Tony stopped his sweep of the other rooms, and made his way back to his friend who was standing rigid. When he saw into the room, He immediately pushed past his friend and towards the girl. "Rhodey! Put the gun down!"

"You know her?" Rhodey asked, not lowering his weapon quite yet.

"Rhodey, that's my kid!"

"That's- what?" Rhodey lowered the gun.

"Kat?" Tony asked the grinning girl. If it was at all possible, her grin grew wider.

"Yup. The one and only." She replied. "Surprise!"

He wrapped her in a hug, and she returned it. When they pulled apart, the girl gave him a questioning eye. "So, does that mean Percy talked to you? And you decided to...?"

"Yeah. The world's gonna know you as my kids. Are you sure you're okay with that, though?" Tony asked.

"I'm the one who brought it up to Percy. Yeah, I'm cool with it." Kat assured him.

"Uh, Tony?" Rhodey said from the doorway.

"Rhodey, this is the big secret. Ta-daaaa~." He dragged out.

"I'm still confused." Rhodey said simply.

"This is my..." Tony hesitated for a second, and glanced at Kat. She raised an eyebrow in a manner that said 'you gonna chicken out?'. "...Daughter."

Rhodey's jaw dropped. "Daughter?"

Kat took a couple light steps over to him, and held out her hand. "Katha Stark." She introduced herself.

He shook her hand after putting away his gun. "Colonel James Rhodes."

"Oh. Military." Kat nodded. 

"Sorry for aiming at you." Rhodey said awkwardly.

She waved it off. "You're fine." She told him, and then seemed to talk to someone else. "You can come out now, you know."

After a confusing second for the two men, another figure seemed to appear out of nowhere. Rhodey's gun returned to his hand.

Loki bore an unconcerned face, and Kat glared at Rhodey. "Gun down."

"That's the guy who lead the alien attack." Rhodey replied, weapon trained.

"That's another victim of the attack, Rhodey-roo. Put down the damned gun." Kat said in return.

Rhodey didn't lower his gun. Tony's brain got stuck on 'Rhodey-roo'.

"Okay." Kat practically growled. "One; That's my friend you're aiming at, and I'm not sure which of us- No actually, I have the shorter fuse. He has all that princey stuff."

"You mean manners." Loki said casually.

"I have manners." Kat frowned at him.

"Really? How come I haven't seen you use them, then?" Loki bantered.

Kat wiggled a few fingers at him threateningly. A brief look of surrender passed across his face. "I have power." Kat laughed briefly, before rounding back on Rhodey, who still had his gun trained. "Back to what I was saying. One; I have a short fuse and you're aiming at my friend. Two; You'd only be wasting your bullets. Three; He's the only thing keeping me sane right now. So put the gun away before I take it from you."

Rhodey looked at her with wide eyes. Kat sighed, stepped forward, did a thing to his wrist, and caught the gun when he dropped it out of reflex. Kat laughed. "Ha-ha! Auntie Tasha taught me that."

Rhodey's eyes were still wide, and disbelieving. Tony laughed. Kat walked further into the kitchen and placed the gun on the island counter before presenting them with a plate of blue chocolate chip cookies. "Cookies?"

"Are they burned?" Tony narrowed his eyes.

"Not these ones." Kat replied.

"What happened to the other ones?" Tony wondered.

"Loki messed up." Kat said.

She could practically feel Loki's glare before he spoke. "I messed up?"

They had a silent glare-off before Kat looked away. "Fine. There was a miscommunication." 

Tony wondered at the two exchanges he'd just seen between the two of them. It was incredibly bizarre to think that the psychopath they'd fought not so long ago was acting like a normal person, baking and eating cookies with his adoptive daughter. He reached for a cookie.

Rhodey plopped down on one of the barstool seats. He reached for a cookie, and some distant voice of reason made him pause. "Are these normal cookies, or are they spiked with something?"

"Just food coloring." Kat replied.

Rhodey nodded, and took a cookie, munching on it while he tried to figure out what was happening. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Mi-" Tony began.

"Oh, we were until a few hours ago. But I wanted to surprise you, so we came." Kat answered, before he could say anything that might compromise the safe house.

"How long are you staying?" Tony asked.

"Well, I pretty much packed everything." Kat said.

Tony grinned. And then his eyes caught sight of the tattoo on her arm. His first thought: Tattoo. A second later: "Are... Are those the flowers I sent you?"

Kat laughed. "Figured it out already, did you?"

"They are?" Tony asked, flabbergasted.

"Yeah." Kat nodded.

A soft smile made it's way onto Tony's face.

"So um. Should I call you 'Dad', or...?" Kat trailed off.

"What about Poseidon?" Tony questioned.

"Well... I don't know. He didn't even know I existed until last night. You've been helicopter parenting from afar... You know what? Fuck it. He can deal with it. You're Dad now." Kat said firmly.

Tony was struggling to keep his smile at bay. "Are you sure? He won't be all... Mad or something?"

Kat snorted. "I'm the queen now. I'm the boss of him." 

Tony grinned widely, and wrapped her in a hug. He placed a kiss to her temple. She was just barely shorter than him.

"Oh!" Kat suddenly said. "Where's a pen and paper?"


"I need you to write something down real quick."

Tony pulled out his phone, and opened a notebook kind of app thing. "What do you want me to write?"



"Hand-write a 'D'. A capital 'D'." Kat told him.

Confused, he did so. She set the phone down on the counter and closely examined it, memorizing the style. Kat held her arm out in front of her, and focused on changing the 'T' for 'Tony' in her tattoo to a 'D' for 'Dad'.

All three men in the room saw the tattoo change. A few large crumbs fell out of Rhodey's mouth and onto his lap. Loki raised a curious eyebrow, and continued enjoying his cookie.

After the surprise of seeing her tattoo just change, and the awe that came with that, Tony realized what the 'T' had been from previously, and what she had just changed it to represent. His eyes began to water, and his stomach was infested with giddy butterflies. He wrapped her in yet another, tight hug.

Maybe he had a chance at this dad thing, after all.


Two things:

1: [These brackets] are mortal non-english languages, plus ASL.

     {These fancy brackets} are godly languages. Latin, Greek, Asgardian, Allspeak.

I'm not using google translate, because it took more from the story than it gave.

2: Does Kat and Loki's banter fit their characters? I feel like it does, but I can be wrong.

Also: You've built a ship for me. How odd that I already had the blueprints.

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