Looks can be Deceiving
3 days until everything changes
The soot that filled their dimly-lit cave was torture on his lungs. Back-breaking labor wasn't new to him, but this torturous motion of swinging a pickaxe was snapping his lower spine. Muscles were being stretched in ways he had never imagined before. But it was worth it. He needed to save her.
The teen took a break from swinging his pick, opting to take a seat on a nearby rock while he wiped the sweat forming along his brow. He looked at both ends of the dark mine; there wasn't another soul in sight. Just him and his thoughts.
He openly laid against the rock wall which blackened his pristine green hoodie. The deep breaths he allowed himself gave his mind an opening to think about his sister. 'Please be safe Nita,' his fist tightened as he imagined her current state. She was probably sitting alone in an empty room. His prayers were being sent to the father above, begging for him to keep her fed. To take care of her.
He again let his mind wander, though this new location was much grimmer. He saw his sister in tattered rags. Scared and alone cowering in a corner. Her bear pelt had been reduced to shambles from constant abuse. His blood boiled as he thought about the horrors they were committing on her. He couldn't bring himself to contemplate the filthy reality of sexual harassment.
He violently shook his head as he jumped to his feet. "I swear, if they harm a single hair on your head, I will castrate them and hang them by their entrails!"
With a new determination, he wildly crushed the rocks before him. His hands desperately searched for the green gemstones that would free Nita from her captors. His body was driven by the proverbial V12 engine that was his nightmarish imagination. When he felt tired and wished to take a break he would think of Nita. Then his guttural roars would fill the expansive cave system as he continued to mine away. Any gems he found were thrown into a nearby cart without a second thought as he rushed to find more.
Further down the track, Bo sat beside an elderly man. Both listened to Leon's enraged battle cry. "Thank you again Dyna-of-the-mike."
"Just Dynamike is fine. Heck just Mike'll do too," he softly chortled. The older man's voice was crotchety and laced with aged insanity.
"Fine then, Mike. Thank you. Your mineshaft has saved a life."
"Oh, don't mention it. Anything to help a boy save his sister." Dynamike peeked around the corner. A small dust cloud had formed from Leon's rabid swinging. "Hell, don't think Carl has kicked up a storm like that before."
"Yes. He is driven by passion. But blinded by rage."
"How much longer till the meeting?"
"Three days." Bo took a sip of the water Mike had brought down for them, "Then we meet outside the magician's home."
"Tara's Bazaar?" Bo nodded his head. "You're gonna be out in the open. Sure, you're ready for a meeting with that man?"
Bo took a deep breath, "Do you know how many emeralds we needed?" Dynamike shook his head, Bo had never told Dynamike the details. "2,000."
"2,000? But that boy finished mining 3k yesterday."
"Yes... he has long since hit his goal. Now, he is training. Though he may not know it, this mining is another form of physical training." Bo peeked around the corner, Leon stepped out of the hole he made in the ground with a hoodie full of gems in tow. "For I fear that this, Bull, will not go down without a fight."
The bell chimed as the front doors of the diner were slowly pushed open. The owner of the diner casually pushed his way through the partying crowd. A group of teenagers could be seen invading the dance floor while most of the older patrons gathered around the bar. A large group of men gathered in a semi-circle around two seats in the bar. Most of them burly beasts alongside the occasional younger stud.
As Bull approached the group, he could hear them chanting, "Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" He chuckled as he got closer, it had been a few nights since the last drink-off. He figured he would find two of the larger men sitting at the table. Though as he reminisced on the past he remembered that last week a woman was downing her fair share of pints.
He stood at the back of the crowd, looking over the heads of the patrons. He could see a man with long blonde hair knocking back another drink. Three more pints filled up on the counter while the waiter got more prepared. He had never seen this man before, but newcomers were always welcome.
Bull tried to find his opponent, but they seemed to be smaller than most at the venue. He pushed through the crowd trying to get a visual. To the right of the blonde, he saw a freshly-cleaned mug hit the table, along with two small brown hands reaching for the next.
Bull was confused by the tiny hands, but he wasn't one to judge a paying customer. He grew closer just as a new chant started to fill the room. "Panda! Panda! Panda! Panda!"
Bull finally pushed to the front of the crowd. The blonde man fell out of his chair as he started throwing up his beer on the floor. The crowd cheered for their victor, but beneath their celebration, Bull could be heard groaning.
Sitting on the barstool, downing one final drink, was Nita. The girl had ditched her usual teal clothes for a dark-red dress with gold lining the edges. A fresh pair of brown tights could still be seen running down her legs, but her usual maroon bear pelt had been replaced with a stitched panda head.
Nita jumped up, standing on top of the barstool as she screeched in victory. As she roared to the crowd an atrocious burp left her mouth, greater than that of a grown man that just finished chugging a gallon of soda. She let out a meek, "Excuse me," as she nervously rubbed her head. The crowd grew even louder at her outburst.
Contrary to public opinion, Bull was currently shaking his head as he watched her outrageous display. Nita caught his eyes while she was scanning her adoring fans. She ran up to Bull's waist, "Mr. Bull! Did ya see, did ya see? I'm the best drinker in my village too."
Bull blew a frustrated breath. He looked at the giant pile of mugs sitting on her side of the table. He could feel his wallet getting lighter. A waitress was placing them on a platter, "Hey, Val!"
The waitress turned with a flustered expression, "Y-Yes Mr. Bull?" She tried her best to move her short brown bangs out of the way. Standing at attention as she talked to her boss.
"You giving her alcohol?"
"N-No, sir! It's Root Beer." Val nervously responded.
"Hm." Bull looked back towards the girl, her bright smile still blinding him. "Well stop giving her drinks. She can't afford it."
"Sir. Crow said he would pay her tab for the night."
Bull grumbled a few more frustrations as Nita again yearned for his attention. Her fists were squishing her chubby cheeks. She couldn't contain her excitement, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she awaited his acknowledgment. His attention was taken by the metal circlets she still had wrapped on her wrists. A small portion of the chain (not more than four inches) dangled from each hoop, "Why do you still have the cuffs on?"
Nita looked down at her wrists. The tiny chains that were still connected to the cuffs jingling sharply. "Mrs. Bibi said they make me look dangerous." She struck a pose that showed off her sharp teeth and claw-like fingers.
Bull responded with a dismissing grunt then stomped into the kitchen. Nita was left standing in the middle of the circle with a disappointed frown. What felt like a mini tremor snapped her from her stupor. Another shockwave caused her to bounce in the air. The sea of patrons shifted as the shockwaves grew stronger.
From the crowd, Nita watched as a large circle moved towards her. An extremely overweight male with a waist as large as Nita's body was tall. He slurped on a giant juice cup with such force that the cup compressed inward. He threw the deformed container at her feet, "Well pipsqueak, wanna try facing me?"
Nita gave him a toothy grin as she sat back down at the table. Tiny yet powerful slams signaled the waitress to prepare more drinks. The crowd started chanting, "Obby! Obby! Obby!" Alongside a mixture of, "Panda! Panda! Panda!" forming within the crowd. The sound of metal bending under Obby's ridiculous weight was a calling card for the customers inside. The crowd grew as more spectators came to see who his next victim was.
Inside the kitchen, Bull spotted his cousin berating a random employee. The large boss slowly approached from behind, "Hey Bibi."
She absently rolled her eyes before finishing her threat to the worker. "If I get one more complaint about dirty dishes, you're gonna be licking them clean." She shoved him towards the industrial sink as she focused on her cousin, "Sup?"
"The hell's going on out there?"
Bibi walked past him, peering through the window, "Looks like my panda bear is drinking that obese ass-hat under the table."
Bull watched as Nita kept pace with the man's ridiculous rate. He pulled Bibi away from the opening, "Why is she not in her roo... I'm sorry, your what?"
"My Panda Bear. Cause she has the new clothes." Bibi gave a proud smile at the nickname.
Bull was stuffed, "Not acknowledging that. Why isn't she in her room?"
"Her cage?"
"Her, ROOM."
"I don't get it. The kid is a hit with everyone she meets. Why don't you like her?"
Bull pinched the brim of his nose, "I couldn't hate or like her. She's just business."
"Maybe if you hung out with her once instead of placing her in other people's care you would be talking different."
"I don't want to talk different. I need her to stay safe."
Bibi leaned back from his statement, "So you do care?"
"I don't care about her. I care about her physical appearance."
"...You're not a pedophile, right?"
"Oh, for the love of-"
"The boss is not a pedophile." They both turned to see Crow entering from the back door. His blades were dosed with a strange, green liquid alongside a thick black-and-red ooze. Crimson footsteps were left on the floor as he approached the duo. He hissed at the mess he was making. A random employee was currently heading to their break. "Please clean that up," Crow requested.
The man looked back and forth before giving a shaky response, "But I'm on break." Crow didn't say anything in response. Instead he chose to stare deep into the worker's soul. With a heavy heart, the man gave in, "Yes sir."
While the worker went to retrieve a mop, Bull openly welcomed his assassin. "Thank you, Crow."
Crow continued, "He just doesn't know how to express his emotions. I believe in your home country you would call him a tsundere."
"Okay! No!" Bull pulled the two top dogs of his gang together, "I do not like her. I do not hate her. I just need to make sure she stays safe."
Bibi scoffed, "What's safer than being around us?"
"That list is longer than your paycheck."
Crow slipped from his grip to observe the front. He saw the audience cheering as Nita responded with a raised glass to the sky. A faint smile formed on his beak, "She won again." He turned to his colleagues, "Should we sign her up for a drinking competition?"
Bibi dismissed his ridiculous idea, refocusing on Bull. "Look, little cuz." She affectionately dragged him by his neck to the order window. The three gangsters watched as Nita called for a victory lap. The bystanders' radical cheers were dwarfing the music playing through the speakers. "Look how much fun they're having. Business is booming."
Bull (still crouched low within her grasp) grumbled, "Business is always booming."
"And now it's super booming. Ain't that right, Crow?" The bird now found his head snared within her grasp as well. He dryly nodded as the girl tightened her grip around the two males. "See. Everything's fine. The men are buying more beer than ever trying to beat her. And Nita is having the time of her life knocking back drinks. The only thing that could go wrong would be if one of the minimum-wage morons put actual beer in all of the root beer."
Crow's eyes grew wider, several dots suddenly connecting in his head. "Question?"
Bibi smugly smiled at him, "What's your question, Crow?"
"I put beer in all the root beer."
Bibi released her grip on both men. Bull stood tall, looking down in confusion at the bird. Bibi slowly approached him, "What?"
"It's called root beer. I thought it was normal."
Bibi's breath was shaky, "H-How much?"
"For the past 3 weeks we have done nothing but sell root beer with alcohol in it."
Bull snatched Crow up by his jacket, "Do you have any idea what you've done?"
A series of tiny smacks could be heard outside. The trio was surprised to see Nita patting Obby's depressed back. However, with her abnormal strength, it looked like she was trying to smack him out of his seat. The girl's usual cute laughter was much louder and slurred. A faint red blush could be seen running across her cheeks.
She persisted in collapsing Obby's spine while her joy grew. Her instinctual greed coaxed her to call for more drinks which fed to the party's mood. Bull pinched the bridge of his nose. "What now smartass?" he said with a tired leer.
Bibi cleared her throat, "Relax. Everything's fine. Look..." she pointed back outside. "She's still fine. In fact, I think she's doing better now than she was before."
Bull watched as the crowd swarmed the bar. He too saw Nita and the Retropolis residents having a whale of a time. They were having their fun praising Nita while they took playful jabs at Obby. But something felt off; Bull could feel a disturbance in his bar. "What about the people she's beating?"
"Come on Bull. It's all in good fun."
Bull kept his eye on the counter, "I've seen people fight over less."
Bibi shook her head dismissively. She shot a condescending grin to Crow, "Can you believe this guy?" Crow was unable to provide a response, he too felt the air sour. He kept his vision locked on Nita. Bibi just shook her head and played along, "Listen Buru, how about I take the beer away and replace it with Fruit Punch?"
"How about you get her away from the bar and give her a glass of water?"
Bibi groaned, "Fine..." She trudged towards the kitchen door, "Honestly I don't get what you're so worried about. Even if someone were to take a swing at her, I promise you they would be a-"
A painful smack could be heard echoing over the crowd. The cacophony of cheers was silenced as the spectators witnessed the incident. Bibi watched as Nita slowly fell to the floor, the large male she just beat stood over her with his fist clenched.
Crow's feathers stood on end as his eyes seemed to vibrate, "DEADMAN!" His rage was rekindled after years of indifference. He let his emotions guide him, twirling through the tiny order window like a lion jumping through a flaming hoop. Bibi rushed through the kitchen doors with equal intensity, her bat at the ready and her fists turning red from her grip.
Crow's roll behind the counter landed him with his feet firmly planted, prioritizing all his energy into his legs so he could leap high into the sky above. Bibi hopped on the counter like a cat with the eyes of an ancient huntress. She had already decided to decapitate the fat bastard with one blow. And for a moment, time stood still. The drinks that sat on the table had been knocked over, their contents suspended mid-air like a modern art sculpture.
Crow was the first to notice a body leaping up in the air where Obby was. His original assumption was Bibi somehow beat him to the punch, but the colors he saw didn't match. The fighter was a black-and-white blur that his bloodshot eyes couldn't process. Bibi made a similar assumption, but her hot head cooled off when she saw the spectacle. Leaping from the ground landing a jaw-rocking uppercut was Nita. The tiny girl had a new look on her face, not the usual playful smile or a mischievous grin.
For the first time since they kidnapped her, Nita was angry.
When time resumed Obby had been planted flat on his ass while Nita stood strong and with the grace of a feral wolf. The slob rolled around like a boulder, attempting to find his footing. Meanwhile, Nita established a strong base; She bared her fangs to signal her attack. Again she took to the sky, causing Crow to stare in awe from his new position on top of the counter. After reaching her apex, her body landed like an anvil aimed at Obby's obtuse stomach.
The crowd groaned as she seemed to sink inside the fatty mass. They could hear her mumbling something as Obby's mass seemed to assimilate her into his being. He threw a massive hand at his gut, which connected cleanly with Nita's cheek. Her tiny body got launched into the crowd. Upon seeing the violence Bibi dropped low, gaining potential energy in order to propel herself through the gelatinous gut. But her leap was halted by a hand snagging her jacket. Bull was pulling her back with a contemplative mask.
He nodded back to the action signaling Nita's return. Nita had a little bruise forming along her jaw from where the punch landed. Seeing her little Panda Bear with a battle scar made Bibi's blood boil, but with Bull holding her down she wouldn't be able to help. She hoped that Crow would sympathize with her, but he too had chosen to drop to a knee, silently observing the fight from atop the bar. Against her better judgment, Bibi took a seat on the stool, "Kick his ass, Panda, baby!"
The crowd cheered as the child walked back into the man-made ring, readjusting her skewed Panda head. Obby made a sloppy attempt at standing, wiping a filthy frown from his face. "You little punk." He slowly walked up to the girl, "You think you're so special? You ain't shit."
As they stood toe-to-toe the size difference was astronomical. To say that Obby could eat her for breakfast was not a fallacy. Nita could barely reach his belly button and his fist was the size of her face. Yet Nita stood up to him unfazed by the two clean hits he'd secured. "You're fat."
Obby dropped his giant fist on her position. She easily jumped above the sledgehammer blow, but the head honchos watching from the bar noticed something odd. They noticed how Nita swayed as she moved. It seemed like the alcohol had turned her usually-sharp strikes into sloppy slaps. Though she was still able to maneuver around the wooden ring like a martial artist. She used Obby's forearm as a ramp, which she subsequently climbed up to force-feed him a drunken punch. His now-numb jaw was so detrimental that he backed away from the rabid child.
Nita, riding the momentum, landed behind him to continue her aggression with another cranial crackdown. She hopped on the bucking bull that was Obby's thick neck. She sunk her claw-like fingers into his nostrils making a living rein so she could ride him like a cowgirl. Obby attempted to lean back and release the pressure from his face. And thus the show began.
The crowd spread out further to give the two fighters room. Obby had truly transformed into a wild animal trying to shake Nita off his back. And the crowd picked their sides with their instigating chants. Crow heard a customer to his left cheering for Nita's demise, who was quickly silenced by a blade landing at his feet. Bibi was more vocal with her statements, "Go for his eyes! He can't hit what he can't see!"
Nita mixed in some short stiff punches with her raking offensive, trying to implement Bibi's advice. Obby's groans were getting louder as he tried to fight her off. He was able to get his hand on one of Nita's arms, which he used to pull her off his head. But Nita refused to stop even as he had her suspended. She tried to rip herself from his grasp, but she couldn't get a solid grip on his fingers. Though she was trapped, she brainstormed a simple solution. Nita lifted herself with her free hand and bit his thumb.
Obby bellowed in pain as her sharp teeth sunk into his skin. He flipped her upside-down in his hands. Nita's face had been kindly directed toward the wood below. And like an American football player after scoring a touchdown, he maliciously spiked her. The sound of splintering wood silenced the audience for a second time.
More bystanders had joined the masses but now everyone felt sick. The girl's head was buried inside the floor, her body vertical like a lawn dart. Bibi stood with unfiltered rage. "I'm going to break every bone in your body and feed you to the alley dogs!"
Many of the bystanders moved further back lest they get plowed through as well. Bibi again attempted to lunge forward but her cousin's large arms held her down. She was currently foaming at the mouth (ripping and screaming for him to release her) but Bull refused.
Crow quietly spoke up, "It's not over."
Bibi's terrible tantrum began to subside. She thought the two had agreed last night they would keep the kid safe. Why was he so calm? Why hadn't he slit that slug's throat? The collective gasps of the crowd were her answer.
In the middle of the floor, a moaning whine filled the quiet room. Nita's foot began to twitch as her lower body searched for the floor. She shifted to all fours, making a pose akin to an ostrich. The crowd watched in awe as she popped her head out of the ground. Her panda hat was littered with woodchips and crumbling cement.
She shook herself off like a dog, taking her time and casually knocking some loose rocks out of her ears. Obby's previous bravado was replaced with life-changing fear. Nita noticed his new look but was too busy cleaning herself off. 'My head doesn't feel fuzzy anymore,' she happily thought as she returned her full attention to him. Her face was practically spotless except for the forming dust and grime. Though she sported a small frown to match her balled-up fist.
The words she said would live on in infamy as the greatest one-liner in history. "You... hit like a ass."
The crowd fell silent. The jazz music that was still playing turned off abruptly. Bibi's eyes glowed with pride, "That's my girl!" Crow nodded his head agreeing with her insult. Bull rolled his eyes at the childish comeback.
But the crowd fully backed her. "Ass! Ass! Ass!" they chanted in unison. The constant repetition of the phrase was like nails on a chalkboard to Obby. He looked through the crowd as they all hopped on the Nita train. The crowd cheered for the pint-sized powerhouse and shot offensive jeers his way. Obby felt a new rage rushing through his body, a jealous rage that he had experienced long ago. He glared at Nita in preparation for an attack. But the girl was more focused on Bibi, Crow, and Bull's reaction to her taunt. The first two gave her encouraging thumbs-up, the third just watched on silently.
Tears started to form in Obby's eyes; A searing pain he hadn't felt in years had filled his chest. His heart took over as his mind abandoned all reason. He recklessly rushed the child like a freight train plowing through a compact car. Now he had Nita's attention. She snapped back to the fight, easily rolling under a wild overhead punch and resting her heels against the base of the counter. The stance she took looked like an Olympic sprinter preparing for the hundred-yard dash. She flashed forward with a blurring speed and used the propulsion to kick Obby's legs out from beneath him.
Without wasting a joule of energy, Nita turned on a dime and sprinted towards her opponent. Her lack of shoes gave her the traction necessary to rush back in and introduce Obby's nose to her fist. This time a small squirt of blood flew up from the impact. The crowd groaned as they observed his newly-disfigured face. Bibi was overjoyed watching Nita run through him. Nita made a pushing movement with her hands, which Crow and Bibi gladly obliged by scooting over. Nita jumped up and used the polished tabletop as a launchpad for another aerial assault.
Her dress waved in the wind like the angel of death. Then she crashed to the floor like a fallen demon. A massive shockwave formed on the ground where Nita slammed her fists. The wood splintered into jagged debris which coursed toward her unfortunate opponent. The massive mook felt an ungodly pain coursing through his legs. It was as if a million miniature fireworks were exploding inside his bloodstream.
The shockwave kept going, tearing up the floor as it traveled. A few bystanders got caught in the action and groaned their frustrations. Bull and his teammates were stunned by the attack. But they didn't have time to think, Nita was on the move.
For potentially her final attack, she jumped into the air one more time. She had a nasty snarl plastered on her cute lips. Obby was flat on his back now that he was unable to move. He had no choice but to look up and watch as she began her disastrous descent. In what he assumed would be his final moments, Obby made one thing clear, 'If I have any regrets in the moments leading up to this fight. It's that I lost the drinking contest.'
Nita's body twisted once for pizazz then smashed into Obby's stomach. The giant man spat up a bit of beer before finally passing out. Nita stood to the side over the defeated man, roaring with her high-pitched screech.
The crowd joined her as they converged on her position. The music that had stopped playing was back in full effect. The party doubled in size and strength at the child's spectacular victory. Nita found herself surrounded by a sea of people, unaware of how their feet trampled Obby's unconscious body below.
"Move! Outta my way!" Bibi pushed through the living ocean while Crow slyly followed behind. Nita instinctually glomped the older woman once she got within sight. The older woman gladly swooped her up in an equally-enthusiastic hug.
"Mrs. Bibi! Did ya see!"
"I did!"
"Was I badass?" Nita's eyes were sparkling as she looked for Bibi's response.
A tear formed in Bibi's eye. She wanted to give her a response, but she was too choked up on pride. Crow handled the answer for her, "Very badass."
The bird fondly patted her tiny head, there was dust still coating her brand-new attire. Again, he began squishing her deceptively chubby cheeks. Marveling at how something so small could pack such a devastating punch. The crowd grew closer. Some asked questions about who she was and how she got so strong. One man went up to Bibi, noticing how she held her like a child. "Tell me, who's the father."
Bibi recoiled at the question, "I'm not her-"
Nita's adorable giggles stopped her statement. They looked down in her arms as she choked out a statement between laughter, "Mama Bibi."
The child kept laughing unaware of the effect her words had. Bibi looked off into the crowd, her body absorbing the effect of Nita's passing humor. A wobbly smile formed on her face as she imagined a different reality. She brought Nita's face close to her chest, "Yes, she is my daughter. And no one can touch her."
A few women watching from the side cooed at the statement. One of the larger men stepped to the front of the crowd, "Well if you're the mother. She's gonna need a father, right?" He flexed his arm, an impressive bulge showing through his skintight shirt. "I'm open to the role."
Nita mumbled something inside Bibi's chest. The woman loosening her grip so she could speak, "If Bibi is mama, wouldn't that make Crow papa?"
Bibi smiled down at her, "I don't think Crow would wan-"
"Yes." Crow bent down, smushing Nita's face between his hands, "Say it. Say, Papa Crow."
"Papa Crow," she said between squished lips.
"Now say, 'Papa Crow will always protect me.'"
"Papa Crow will always protect me."
One customer scratched their head, "Then why didn't you help with Obby?"
Bibi and Crow turned in the direction of the customer; If looks could kill, he would have a closed casket at his funeral. Bibi spoke up, "That's because we knew she had it under control, right?"
Nita happily screeched, "Nita doesn't fear anything!"
A few bystanders laughed with her. But even after a victory like this, there was still one heckler. A man spoke up over the crowd, "Wait a second. If Bibi is the mama and Crow is the papa. Doesn't that make them husband and-"
Crow locked eyes with the heckler, "They'll never find your body." His face was hidden in the masses, but his sharp eyes could find a June beetle in a sea of emeralds.
After an unprofessional press conference, the peanut gallery of comments finally died out. The crowd's dissipating numbers allowed the ambiance of the diner to breathe again. A set of heavy footsteps slowly made their way to the center. Bibi and Crow were unfazed by Bull's grumpy grimace even after such a fantastic conclusion.
Nita pried herself out of Bibi's arms. Running up to Bull's side, "Mr. Bull! Did ya see? Papa Crow said I was badass." She smiled up at the boss.
His frown didn't falter. Bull scanned the diner, doing a mental damage analysis. 'Gonna have to call in a favor to get the floor fixed in the morning. And then there's the potential lawsuits from her little light show.' He could feel his wallet getting lighter. His eyes strolled to his feet and unfortunately locked onto Nita. She still had that obnoxious grin stretching from ear to ear. He blew a frustrated breath, "You're helping the carpenters fix this tomorrow." He looked at Obby's unconscious body, "Someone clean this filth off my floor."
He left the group on that statement. The crowd of patrons booed him as he walked to the kitchen. A final toxic glare silenced their protests. As he closed the door, Nita's face drooped from his negative response. Bibi quickly deployed in comforting the child. She knew better than anyone that Bull was impossible to impress.
Crow stood beside them with a smirk, "Yeah, he's a tsundere."
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