A Conflict of Interests

Fanart by: DemiGboss

Bibi popped her signature gum, 'Just another day on the job.' Bibi spectated the scuffle from behind the scenes. She figured Crow could handle himself against the green broad. How wrong she was.

Bibi propped Crow's head against her lap, "Yo, bird-brain." She tapped his cheek with the back of her hand. "Who's the dame?"

He managed a painful moan, "Nnn..."

"Hey, stay with me. Don't have much info here."

Crow reached out with a shaky hand. "They..." he clutched his bruised stomach.

"Come on, master assassin. Don't give up yet." She made the strangely-kind request with a frustrated tone. Seeing Crow defeated was unsettling, but the potential severity of the situation wouldn't allow her to panic. "What happened?"

Crow reached up to her face, "They... have... N-"

"Knives? New technology? Nasal allergies?"

"Shut up..." Crow took a shaky breath, "They have... Nita-" Bibi bolted up. Crow's head bounced off the ground, provoking another pained groan.

"My baby!" Bibi looked around the circle of people. She couldn't spot the white-and-black pelt she gifted her a few days ago. The sheer girth of the audience allowed no vision past the surface. She slammed her bat on the ground, "Everybody out!"

The people slowly shambled away. Their groans of frustration fed Bibi's ever-increasing rage. She roared with another thunderous slam, "I said out!" Her enraged state motivated the customers as they hurried out the front door.

Nita was currently squirming in her brother's arms. She could easily overpower him, but any tactics she would implement might wound him. He hadn't done anything to hurt her. In her opinion, he was just a big meany. "Put me down!" She furiously kicked the air.

"Why do you even wanna stay here?"

"I'm having fun."

"You are such a baby."

Nita pouted at his jab. "Let me go!" She screamed as her violent throws became more dynamic.

Leon didn't give her a response.

"I said!"

"Let her go." A woman ordered from behind them.

Leon's departure was halted by the way her voice cut through the masses. He looked over his shoulder, this woman stood just a few inches taller than the crow he had met moments ago. He released Nita but kept a hand on the girl's arm. "Who are you?"

Bibi brandished her bat, "I'm her mother."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me," she placed the equipment on her shoulder. "Got a problem with that?"

Leon pinched the brim of his nose, "Usually I would have a little talk or something. Maybe try to intimidate you but I'm already sick of this place so let's cut to the chase." He put his hands in his pockets, "I'm taking her home. And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Bibi laughed at that, "Really? You and what booster seat?"

Leon's patience was exhausted, "Looks can be deceiving." He sent out four blades with the flick of his wrist. The flying fan sored to her face. Bibi used her bat to catch the razors mid-flight. She pulled them out quickly to prepare for his follow-up, only to find Leon had disappeared.

He almost magically phased behind her for a thunderous punch to the back of her head. He winced when his knuckles went numb. Hitting her skull was like punching a cinder block.

She nonchalantly turned around with a smug smile. "Not bad," she brought up her bat. "Now it's my turn."

She turned with the torque of a slingshot; her bat cracked the wind around it as she obliterated Leon with a homerun swing. The force of the impact lifted the bright intruder off his feet. His destination: a nearby booth that shattered into jagged pieces from his crash landing.

The protruding boards sliced Leon's skin through his newly-torn hoodie. He quietly fell unconscious in the rubble.

With a bounce in her step, Bibi rushed to Nita. Desperately asking, "Nita, sweetheart, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She inspected every nook of the child just as the mother she believed she was.

"Leon?" Nita's head tried to turn to the rubble her brother was buried under. She couldn't comprehend how effortlessly Bibi destroyed him with her power.

"Don't worry baby, that boy won't bother you ever again." She took Nita's hand, "Let's get you inside."

Nita pulled back, "But that's my brother."

Bibi winced at the information. She looked back at her handy work; the boy's hand was the only part of him not buried under the wood. She sheepishly turned to Nita, "Are you sure that's your brother?" Nita responded with a tiny nod, "Ummm... Don't worry. I didn't give it everything I had. And if he's half as tough as you, he'll be fine."

She was lying. She didn't know who the boy was and she didn't care. All she heard was her little girl's frustrated screams. Her swing aimed to break the boy in half.

Nita reached out to the rubble, "Leon?"

"Hey, sweetheart." She grabbed her attention, "You know I love you right?"


"And you know I would never do something without your best interest in mind."

"I guess."

"Then do you believe me when I say that I didn't know he was your brother." Bibi's heart stopped beating, she needed a response.

Nita nervously looked back at the rubble. "I believe you."

Bibi let out a sigh of relief. "Good. Now since you trust me, I need you to go inside."


"No buts. It's not-" her voice was cut off abruptly as three miniature explosions cracked against her back. The last word Nita heard her say was a groaning, "Safe." Then her body was engulfed in smoke.

Nita stretched a shaky hand outward, "Mama?"

"Little one," Nita was graced by another familiar face. Bo was briskly jogging toward her, "Don't worry. I'm here now."

Nita's eyes were glossy, "Y-You?"

Bo noticed the tenor of her voice, "That's right, I'm here. There's no need to cry." Nita tried to say something, but Bo cut her off. "Where is your brother? He rushed in before I could enter." She shakily pointed at the rubble, Bo regretfully understood. He began to pull the chipped wood away in search of Leon's body. "Nita, quickly. We must dig him out."

Nita was unresponsive. She had her eyes locked on the cloud of smoke where Bibi once stood. "Mama?" She walked over to the billows, "Mama?" Her voice was soft and hoarse. Like every nerve in her body was trying to help her speak.

Nita caught the faint scent of burning flesh. She dipped her hands inside the smoke. "Ma-ma?" She felt around for her corpse. No one had ever survived a volley of Bo's arrows. She wanted to say goodbye even if Bibi wouldn't hear her. The tears that rolled down her cheeks were pooling beneath her.

But her hands never found a body. Her fingers instead rubbed against the warm patch along the wooden floor. "Mama?" Nita waved the cloud away. Her hands were correct, Bibi had vanished. Nita scanned the room while her mind formed a few questions. 'Did she survive? How did she survive? Where did she go?'

Nita checked Bo, maybe he missed her? Or maybe he brought weaker arrows to avoid casualties? Her answer came in the form of a charred purple jacket. The cloth was smoldering behind the wearer's movements. Bibi had somehow slipped past her to decapitate Bo. Nita's heart stopped, in a split-second decision she screamed, "Wait!"

The sound of her voice snatched their attention. The two adults momentarily locked eyes with one another. Bibi hissed at the slip-up and let her bat rip like a spinning top's launcher. Bo just barely managed to block before the bat smashed his skull in. Her bat sounded like a firecracker as it sent him rolling across the diner floor.

As Bo flew away, Bibi turned to Nita. "Get inside!"

Nita didn't listen to her command. She ran ahead of Bibi, blocking her path. "Don't hurt them."

"What?" Bibi dropped to her level, "He tried to kill me."

"I know... but he doesn't know you like I do." Bibi stared into Nita's eyes. Those white husks were spewing a waterfall's worth of dread. She could see the tears forming in the corners of her eye.

Bibi felt a deadly gaze boring through her soul. She quickly scooped up Nita and rolled behind a table for cover. Nita watched as several explosions rocked the area they were previously standing at. Then another volley crashed against their makeshift wall. Bo's deep voice called to them, "Coward!"

Bibi called back, "Who you calling a coward?"

"To think, first you kidnap a child, then you hold her for ransom, and now you use her as cover." Bo prepared another volley, "Have you no shame?"

"Cover?" Bibi asked Nita to move further behind the table, "You shot at us."

"I shot at you." Another arrow collided on the ground beside them, "Then you took her with you behind that wall. Do you still plan to use her as leverage?"

Bibi scoffed at the accusation, "Nita." The young girl stared up at Bibi, "No matter what you hear, stay behind this table."

Bibi moved to leave their protective barrier but Nita tugged her back down. The girl was unable to hide her sorrow, "Please don't..."

Bibi reached under Nita's panda pelt. She affectionately rubbed her nappy hair before placing a sweet peck on her forehead. "Don't worry. I won't kill him."

Nita tried to voice her discourse but Bibi stepped out into the open. The girl sadly mumbled to herself, "Be careful."

Bibi confidently stood off against the archer. Bo knocked three of his explosive arrows at her sudden bravery. Bibi removed her ruined purple jacket and wrapped it around her slim waist. Bo could tell that underneath her pink tee-shirt she had a build that could challenge Rosa's powerful physique.

She blew another large pink bubble. "Let me make myself clear." The bubble grew to the size of her body. Bo watched as the giant pink ball bounced on the floor like a brawl ball. He sported a perplexed expression as Bibi loaded another swing, "I don't need a hostage."

Bibi swung with all her might, launching the ball in Bo's direction. He scoffed at the ridiculous attack; She had launched a colorful ball of spit. He slowly brought an arm up to block the projectile. He wouldn't be budged by a bubble.

The squishy substance conformed to his palms. It was warm like the inside of a person's mouth. He did show a mild bit of surprise at how it didn't pop from his touch. The bubble began to wrap its way up his arm until he was shoulder-deep into the airy wad.

He could feel a lukewarm sensation running along his forearm. But this heat akin to room-temperature water quickly escalated into a raging inferno. He desperately tried to run away from the ball but he was too late.

His entire body was engulfed in the gum. He could feel pulses of electricity coursing through his veins. It was as if all the pain he had ever felt in his life was flowing through him once again. Then just as soon as the gooey sphere took him, it rolled away. The dangerous ball bounced against the wall once and threatened to rebound into him. But the gods were merciful enough to let it pop before its arrival.

Bo fell to a knee, he hadn't felt such torment in his life. He couldn't begin to describe this feeling verbally. But he would have to search for the words later. He gripped his bow with what little strength he had and refocused on Bibi.

While he was writhing in pain, she made her advance. The woman was now just a few feet away from him. He fired a triplet of explosive arrows at her chest. She let her bat block the incoming firepower.

Bo regretfully reached for more ammunition just as Bibi appeared before him. She released another monstrous swing toward his temple. He narrowly dodged the attack and switched to a melee-proficient stance.

His grip on his bow made for an excellent punching fist which landed a stiff jab on her cheek. He grimaced when she turned her cheek into his punch. She looked past his blow with an enraged scowl.

She threw a sharp elbow which Bo had to backpedal to dodge. But this distance was only granted to him for a second. Bibi pushed the aggressive and rocked his guts with a cataclysmic punch. Bo could feel his liver shift from the force.

The two continued to trade blows, each partaking in the damage the other was dishing out. But Bibi proved to have the upper hand. Bo had not trained for close-range encounters. Bibi however lived for hand-to-hand combat. She absorbed his shockingly-weak blows with ease and sent back triple the force without trying.

Bo landed a solid punch to her gut, then watched in horror as she gripped his forearm. She was taking pleasure in driving the punch deeper into her core. "All those muscles and the kid hits harder than you." She grinned up at him, "Ain't you pathetic?" She landed a clubbing backhand against his skull.

Bo quickly recovered from the attack but left his guard open for a major-league swing into his solar plexus. A giant glob of saliva flew from his mouth as his eyes went blank. She let him crumble to the floor so she could dig her heel into his shoulder blades. "Buru told me about you. Bo, Powerful Chieftain of Ardacian Village." She aimed her bat's barrel at his skull. "You don't look so tough from up here."

She prepared to knock Bo out with a stiff kick to the head but her legs gave out beneath her. A warm liquid started running down her calves. She shifted back to retrieve the set of razor blades that had skewered her legs. A stiff groan left her pursed lips as she had to quickly rip them out individually.

"Hey... Hubba Bubba" a shaky voice called from behind her. She turned to see the boy she blasted away standing once again. Leon's green hoodie was tattered from his climb out of the rubble. He took his lollipop out of his mouth to spit a wad of blood, "You hit like a bitch."

Bibi's rage was palpable. The pain in her legs was an afterthought. Now she wanted to put this kid down. She rushed forward like a muscle car popping the air with its speed. Leon easily jumped away to gain some distance. He caught a glimpse of the beating Bo had suffered and didn't want to suffer the same fate. As she drew closer, he used his razor blades to deter her offensive.

He soon noticed that her usual surge of speed was faltering. He mentally thanked Bo for slowing her down. The teen planted his feet and placed his hands in his pockets. Bibi swung for his head only for Leon to easily duck the slice. She shifted her grip for an overhead smash but the boy responded by casually walking away. He noticed how her bat shattered the flooring below him and kept the potential of getting hit in his mind. He wouldn't be able to survive two swings from this woman.

He continued to bob and weave with her attacks. The way he moved made it look effortless, but he was hyper-focused on her movements. Bibi couldn't see the subtle attention he had on her and assumed her swings were getting weaker. She compensated for Leon's casual dodging by swinging faster and wilder.

A glint formed in Leon's eyes as he saw her blind offense. His hands left his pockets with blades between his fingers. He launched the razors after another failed chopping swing then retreated. Bibi had no choice but to use her arm as a shield from the blades. A giant gush of blood was suspended in the air as the pain registered.

When she got hit from a distance by his blades they barely scratched her. Now it felt like she had been shot by an assault rifle. Leon watched as her teeth ground together, fighting the pain so she could continue attacking. Her desperate strikes grew more sporadic with time.

Leon rested his hands behind his head while he returned to his nonchalant dodging. Bibi's speed and power increased with hopes of wiping that bored expression off his shadowed lips.

She aimed a swing at his short legs but he jumped over it with the grace of a swan. His smooth leap sent him flying a few feet back where he landed like a feather on grass. Bibi growled, "Running away?" Leon placed his hands in his pockets again. Bibi could taste the blood in her words, "Fine, I'll just keep swinging till you slip up. Then..." she held her weapon at her side. "Your ass is grass."

Just as she dashed forward, another set of explosions rocked her back. The temporary steroids from her adrenaline rush kept Bibi's feet firmly planted. She had to strain her eyes to see Bo rise from the floor. "Did you forget about me?"

"Oh, don't worry, I'll deal with you later."

Leon launched a set of blades into her upper back, "No, you'll deal with us... now."

Bibi quickly dislodged the blades. Her reckless removal left a small bit of flesh hanging from each wound. She stood with her eyes bouncing between the two opponents. Her raspy breaths desperately tried to keep the oxygen flowing so she could lift her arms.

A plan slowly formed in her head. Option one was to run the boy down. She was just a little slower than him, but she was sure that they would outspeed the older man. Maybe during their bout, she could gain some distance from Bo and handle Nita's brother alone.

Another idea was to rush the chieftain. He was not very light on his feet and she had already proven capable of beating him hand-to-hand. But that stubborn brat wouldn't hesitate to attack her from behind. She didn't see an easy way out of this fight. There wasn't a clear way to win. But she refused to give up; she wouldn't dare lose her baby girl.

Leon's body leaned forward. Bo followed suit. Bibi could feel their growing aggression and the approaching final attack. For now, she would need to be defensive. It was the safest option.

Just as Leon made a move toward her an explosive gunshot rang through the diner. All actions froze as they stared at the source. A large man stood by the bar with a giant, three-barreled shotgun aimed at the ceiling. His golden nose ring glimmered under the dim lights. Bull rested the gun on his shoulder, "If you're with the government or the church get the hell off my property."

Hearing his voice triggered something in Bo and Leon. "Bull," they snarled.

Bull squinted his eyes, "Do I know you?"

Bibi heard a low growl beside her. The same sound she heard two nights ago when Nita went berserk. She desperately searched for her daughter planning to save the girl from another monstrous episode. Instead, she saw the green-hooded boy low to the ground. His teeth weren't sharp like Nita's, but his animalistic snarl was chilling. "You!" he barked.

"Me?" Bull's demeanor was bored.

"You stole from us."

"For the love of... Do you people have any idea how little that narrows it down? You can't even fathom how many people I steal from within a week. Be more specific."

Leon flashed eight blades under his palms, their metal teeth were like the claws he wasn't born with. "You stole her from me!"

Bull's eyes widened, a lazy smile stretching across his lips. "Leo~"

"It's Leon!" he flew like a nuclear missile, his body morphing into a green blur. Bo helplessly called out in hopes of stopping the boy's blind jump but he was too slow. Every muscle in Leon's body was flexing as it prepared for a fight. He appeared like a mirage in front of Bull, the larger man's eyes scrolled down to observe the offense. His smile was like a toxin to Leon's mind. Without thinking, he launched every blade in his hand into Bull's core. He prepared for the wounds to piss out blood but they wouldn't sink deeper.

He watched in horror as Bull's broad build absorbed his weapons. His stomach practically sucked them in before depositing the metal discs on the floor. He could just barely make out a few droplets of blood licking his pristine white tee-shirt.

Leon shakily looked up at the monster. Bull caught a glimpse of his shivering green eyes. He gave him an unsettlingly-warm smile in return. He affectionately caressed the small teen's head with his massive palms. Leon could feel his fingers carefully wrapping around his hooded skull. With a haunting chuckle, Bull cooed, "I like you."

Leon's body locked up when Bull's massive knee drove itself through his stomach. He could feel the lunch he had at Tara's Bazaar trying to come back up.

Leon clutched his abdomen as if his organs threatened to pool onto the floor. Bull relinquished his head so Leon could double over. Bull was amused when he saw Leon try to stand up again. Bull smashed the barrel of his massive shotgun against his back. Leon crumbled to the floor with a sharp howl. Bull inspected the three thick tubes, 'Can't be too tough. He didn't even leave a dent.'

He turned to the remaining fighters, "If this is Diddy." He picked the boy up by his hoodie. Leon couldn't muster the strength to fight back. "You must be Donkey." He mocked the village chief by throwing Leon towards him.

Bo fell silent. He had never felt a pressure like this before. To think that a man could possess such power. Just his presence commanded respect. The feminine batter slowly made her way to Bull's side. Bo heard Bull say, "You've had worse," in response to her injuries. To think these city dwellers had partaken in worse battles. It was unnatural, even by his standards.

Bo finally worked up the strength to speak, "My name is Bo."

Bull and Bibi gave him their attention. Bull was disgusted with his sudden bravery. "I know who you are."

Leon slowly rose as Bo continued to talk with Bull. "Then you know why we're here." Bo puffed out his chest, "Give us Nita."

Bibi stepped forward, "Never gonna happen. Now get out!"

Bull raised a hand, the girl quietly (though angrily) retracted from the conversation. "And why should I do that?" he questioned.

Leon shakily responded, "We had... a deal."

"And the deal changed, next argument."

Bo spoke up, "You stole her from us. Kept her here against her will. And now you refuse to let her return home."

Bull couldn't help but laugh at his statements, "First, yes, my men stole Nita from her home village. Second, you're half right, I was keeping her here, but I think we both know she could have broken out any day." Bo and Leon thought about that fact. Bull saw their contemplative faces and continued his expositional onslaught. "Finally, I'm not forcing her to stay."

Leon and Bo cringed at the thought. The boy openly voiced his disagreement, "Lies."

"I've told lots of lies in my life. This... is not one of them."

Leon grit his teeth, "Lies. Lies! Lies from a man with no morals."

"Fine if you don't believe me, ask her yourself." Bull cupped his hands around his mouth, "Nita. Nita~. Come on out I know you're watching. Why don't you tell 'em what you told us?" The room was silent. Bibi looked to the cover they were hiding behind but alas, Nita had vanished. "Tell 'em all about how bored you were at home." Bull continued. "How much more fun you've had with us."

A soft shuffle could be heard in the dark. Rosa limped into the diner's central lights. She clutched her stomach as a little blood could be seen staining her clothes and hair. Bull was confused, "Who the hell are you?"

Rosa didn't give him a verbal response, she instead defiantly spat some blood in his direction. "Don't listen to him." Her words were directed to her allies, "I've seen his type before. Smooth talkers that like to play with your insecurities. They can make you believe anything by attacking what you hate to accept."

Bull chuckled from her rational analysis, "And I've seen your type a hundred times. Overly-optimistic and unwilling to accept the truth."

"Tch. We're not here to talk." Rosa flexed her muscles, the vines wrapped around her body expanded to conform with her physique. "If you won't give her to us. Then we'll take her back."

Bibi clicked her tongue while Bull just smiled at them. Leon proudly stood beside his two elders. They watched as Bull's eyes drifted around the now empty diner. They confidently rested on the three intruders, "Before we start, introductions are in order." He pointed his finger at them, "The boy is Leo."

"Leon," he coldly responded.

"Leo," Bull continued with a smirk. "That means you're Bo. And the muscle girl at your side is...?"

"Like I'd ever tell you my name," she gruffly cut him off.

Bull's laughter grew, "Oh trust me, I'll find out. Now allow me to introduce myself. I am Bull, owner of Bull's diner and the underground ruler of Retropolis. This is my cousin, Bibi. She's-"

Rosa cut him off, "A pain in my ass."

Bibi snickered, "How's your head feeling?"

"Oh, you're gonna know how it feels in a second."

Bull stopped their argument, "Ladies please, introductions are not over. Allow me to finish." Bo was confused, there were only two people ahead of him. Leon and Rosa frantically searched for the final member. "That..." three blades lodged themselves in Bo's back. Rosa quickly removed them before the poison could seep in.

A dark figure leaped over their heads and landed beside Bull. He pointed to the human-bird hybrid, "...is Crow. My faithful assassin." Bull inspected Crow's body. He noticed some severe bruises visible under the jacket's collar. His left eye was a dirty shade of purple with a little blood being released from a hole in his eyelid. "Hell happened to you?"

"Rosa," the bird responded lowly.


"The large woman's name is Rosa."

Bull looked at her, a few leaves falling from her afro as she helped Bo up. "Fitting." Bo, Leon, and Rosa stood at the ready. Their team was more physically damaged from the fights they participated in. Though Bibi and Crow were damaged just as much if not more. However, Bull was fresh as a daisy. "Now that introductions are out of the way, are we ready to play?"

The tension in the air was thick enough to see. The few kitchen staff members that stayed to watch were frozen with fear. One worker tried to retreat but bumped into a rack of dishes. The sound of metal pots crashing against the ceramic flooring acted as the bell for the final round.

Crow's body vanished high above the dark rafters. Leon used the stage equipment as a booster and gave chase. They could be heard audibly clashing blades above. On the ground, Rosa slowly walked to the side, her approach calm and careful. Bibi matched her pace with her bat at the ready.

They clashed with a thunderous amount of force. Rosa's rock-hard fist slammed against the barrel of Bibi's metallic bat. Bo prepared an arrow to assist her, but a few metal pellets bore through his flesh. The high-velocity projectiles fell off from their travel distance like a video game gun.

Bull whistled softly with his approach. "Even from that distance lesser men would have fallen to my Triple-Barrel." He cocked his weaponized war crime, three steaming shells bounced to the floor beneath him. "This should be fun."

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