9 (sick...)

(Couple weeks later)
(Warning stomach bug, sickness, hospital,and throw up)
(Read if you want this was also a dare by friends)
(Warning! Mushy and cute stuff to)
Rainbows POV

I started to not feel right... I had just put cloud too bed and I started to feel dizzy, nauseous, and feeling like I was going to throw up... I went into the bathroom and slammed the door.

I kneeled next to the toilet and threw up, I stopped still kneeling next to the toilet.

I looked at the door and it slightly opened, "you ok?" I heard

"No" I said about to throw up again.

Mrs.Flower walked in. She sat down next to me, she started to rub my back in cycles.

I started to throw up again. When I stopped I started to cry, I hate throwing up.

Mr.Sky walked by and saw us and came in. "What happened?" He asked

I shrugged

Mrs.Flowers felt my head, "your warm dash do you feel ok"

I shook my head, "my head hurts and my stomach," I still was crying

"shh shh calm down dashie, Honey can you go get the thermometer "Mrs.Flowers said.

Mr.Sky nodded and left the room.

I was still crying but didn't throw up again when he came back in with one of those head thermometers.

He handed it to Mrs.Flowers and used it on me, the beeping started to hurt my ears. When it stopped she said too Mr.Sky, " 103," Then turned to me, "come here dashie" She said

I leaned onto her chest.

"You have a fever, and you look exhausted, let's get you back to bed" She said helping me up.

I got up with her.

"I feel dizzy" I said then fell to my knees.

Mr.Sky picked me up, I nuzzled into his shirt. Mrs.Flowers went down stairs.We walked out and I started to shiver... But I wasn't cold. He layed me down on the bed, I curled up into a ball shivering, my stomach and head in pain.

Mrs.Flowers came in and put 2 pills and a closed water bottle. She then sat on the bed, "shhh shhh your ok, I'll go get you some medicine for tomorrow, can you take those it'll help you feel better,"

I nodded, and sat up, took the first pill, then the second. I layed back down and curled back up into a ball. I whimpered a bit.

"Sorry," I said then sobbed, no tears tho.

"Why are you sorry you did nothing wrong, you can't control when you get sick" Mr.Sky said.

"Ou-our dad ne-nev-never" I started

"Calm down dashie" Mr.Sky said.

"Our dad never liked it when we got sick, if we did he," I cried, "he but us into the basement until we stopped"

"He was terrible man dashie, just know we would never do that, " Mr.Sky said.

"Ok," I said calming down a bit, then yawned.

"Go to sleep dashie, your gonna be just fine" Mrs.Flowers said getting up.

I closed my eyes, everything went black...

Clouds POV (for a short time)

I woke up and saw dashie still sleeping, I was about to wake her up, but I got picked up. It was Mr.Sky.

"Shhh" He said, "she needs her rest"

"Why" I asked

"Shes not feeling good" He replied

"Oh," I said sadly.

"Now you wanna go get breakfast or you wanna stair at her asleep for a hour before school" He giggled,

"I'll take breakfast" I giggled, and we went down stairs.

"Hey Mr.Sky why is dash still asleep?" Blitz asked

"She was sick yesterday" Mr.Sky replied then put me down

"Oh I hope she feels better" Blitz said

"Well even if she is which I doubt she's not going to school" He said.

"Oh" Blitz said.

Mrs.Flowers came from the kitchen with 2 bowls of cereal.

"Isn't dashie gonna eat?" I asked

"I have stuff for her when she's ready to eat" Mrs.Flower said.

"Ok" I said.

Mrs. Flower helped me get ready. Even though I still wanted dashie too. Mr.Sky dropped us off at school and then left for work.

Rainbows POV (she's back)

I woke up and looked at the time... 10:42 in the morning! I thought I was going to be late for school, I tried to get up but was too tired to move. Then Mrs.Flower came in and kneeled next to me.

"How you feeling?" She asked me.

"Sick" I replied.

"I know your sick," She said, "you want something to eat"

"Am I allowed" I asked.

"Of course," She said.

I nodded

"You want some crackers?" She asked

I nodded.

"Ok I'll be right back," She said and got up and left.

Today was going to be terrible I already know it.

A couple minutes later she came back with some crackers and water. "If you need anything I'm always around"

I nodded. She left.

I tried to get up but feel to my knees. "Ow," I whispered.

I held onto my bed to get to my old backpack. I found a book, and went back to my bed falling again. I got back up and read my book for a bit.

I looked at my clock. It was 1:39 I was getting tired again. I layed down and started to fall asleep.

I woke up an hour later, and ate some crackers.

A couple minutes past, and felt like I was going to throw up again, I went to the bathroom, kneeled next to the toilet and puked...

I groaned, it made me not want to eat... I seriously hate throwing up. I threw up a few more times before Mrs.Flower came in.

"You ok dash?" She asked

"No" I said now holding my stomach.

She came in, "you wanna come down stairs? Lay down on the couch"

I nodded.

"Come on" She said

I got up and followed her down stairs

"I'll be right back just lay down on the couch, I'm going to get you some medicine I picked up this morning" She said and went into the kitchen.

I layed down on the couch, I felt really tired. She came back with a medicine cup. 

"It'll help you ok" She said.

I nodded and sat up, I took the medicine and layed back down and curled up into a ball.

"You poor thing" She said rubbing my arm, "you feeling better than yesterday" She asked,

"No I feel a little worse" I said holding my stomach.

"I'm going to take you temperature again ok?" She said

I nodded, she went to grab the weird thermometer,

She used it, after my stomach had a sharp pain.

Her jaw dropped... "I'll be right back," She said and went onto the porch and called someone.

I had that feeling again. I got up and went to the bathroom, I threw up again like 3 more times. My throat was getting sore, and my mouth went dry.

I made it back to the couch, Mrs.Flower was just about to come back inside.

When she did she came right over to me,"you feeling ok" She asked

"My throat is starting to bother me" I said.

"Ok dashie, I'm going to grab you something,then we're going to go pick up your siblings and go somewhere ok?"

I nodded.

"I'm going to get somethings and then we're going to leave, you think you can get changed and shoes?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Ok meet you down here" She said before leaving.

I knew exactly where we were going... The hospital, I knew I was too sick.

I went upstairs and got changed into a shirt and leggings, I also put a hoodie. I grabbed my old backpack and threw in a my small blanket, tank and a extra set of clothes just in case then took a sip of water and put my bag on my back.

I felt like I was going to puke so I went back to the bathroom and did. I can't keep anything down.

I went back down stairs.

She walked in with a popsicle, "here you go this should help a bit" She said handing it to me.

"Thank you" I said as I licked it.

"Come on," She said.

We walked out and I hopped into the passenger seat. We drove to the schools, she went in and left me in the car. She went too the door and rang the buzzer, and was let in, a couple minutes past and she came out with cloud.

"Dashie!" She said

I waved,

"You ok, I heard you were sick" She said

"Ya I'm ok" I replied

We then drove around and picked up blitz.

When he got into the car be said, "DASHIE! I'm so glad your ok"

"Hi" I said

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Sick" I replied

I layed my head on the seat, closing my eyes. I feel asleep,

I got woken up by yelling.

"RAINBOW DASH!" I heard slowly opening my eyes

"Finally" I heard.

"Come on dashie" I heard,

"Wait what?" I said, they all got out Mrs.Flower holding cloud. I followed and got out.

I feel it my knees getting out, I got up and walked as best as possible, blitz came over and helped me, I felt nauseous and dizzy.

We walked into a building which I'm guessing was a hospital. Blitz took me over too the closest seat, he rubbed my back while I rested my head on his shoulder.

Mrs.Flower and cloud soon came over. I started to shift a bit, I curled up in a ball laying my head on blitz lap. My stomach started to hurt me again.

A nurse soon came over, "rainbow dash" There's my name.

We got up and I stumbled a bit getting weaker. "Here" Mrs.Flower said.

We walked over, "follow me" She said we went to a small room, "so which one is rainbow dash?" She asked

I raised my hand,

"Can you sit on the table" She asked.

I nodded and went over. I sat on the table. Then who I'm guessing was a doctor came in.

"Hi your rainbow dash right" He asked.

I nodded.

"Alright rainbow dash, how are you feeling" He asked.

"Sick, in pain,dizzy, tired, dry" I replied

"Alright now where does it hurt?" He asked

"My stomach, head and throat"

"Ok" He turned to Mrs.Flower, "mom any symptoms you've seen"

"Oh I'm Mrs.Flower there foster mom,"she said

" Oh sorry mam but are there any symptoms," He asked

"Well for starters she's been throwing up a lot, and can't seem to keep anything down, it's also hard for her too walk on her own, she's also been very flushed, and hot" She replied.

He wrote something down. "Ok um I'm going see what has been happening tale a few tests and such," Him and the nurse did a few tests that but you don't want to know what they are. They then left.

A couple minutes went by, when the Doctor came.

"Ok I have good news and bad news which do you want first" He asked,

"Bad news first, " Mrs.Flower said.

"Ok the bad news is that she has a. Terrible stomach bug, is dehydrated, and might have too stay a few hours maybe a day or two, the good news is that she doesn't have a high fever, 100.3 not as high as you'd think." He explained,

"A day...or two..." I stuttered

"But probably won't be two days, that's at most, but we have too get water back into your system" He explained, "we'll get an IV and hook you up as soon as possible"

I started to panic I hate things that go into skin.

(Time skip)

I had just got my IV and it hurts. I tried to relax but my stomach kept bothering me.

Blitz sat next to me and rubbed my back. I was curled up into a ball, it was hurting so bad. I didn't feel any better.

The nurse was going to get me some nausea and sleep medication. I was starting to fall asleep but the pain made me stay awake.

The nurse came back and gave me 2 pills, I took them.

"Give it a couple minutes to work"

A couple minutes went by and I started to fall asleep.

"When I fall asleep are you going to leave me?" I asked barley thinking

"No we won't, promise" Blitz replied.

I smiled as everything went black.

Blitz POV

Dashie just fell asleep, she's so cute when she's peaceful. Also Mr.Sky came to see how she was doing.


It's been a couple hours, then they nurse walked in.

"She seems healthy now and you are free too take her home" The nurse said, stopping the IV bag and took the IV out. "She's going to be tired for a while, she might sleep the whole time, but just keep an eye on her incase she does, when ever your ready she has been discharged" She said then left.

Mr.Sky went over too the bed and picked dashie up, I grabbed her backpack, and Mrs.Flower grabbed her stuff and cloud.

We left, I watched as dashie nuzzled into Mr.Skys shirt. She looked so cute.

We got into the car, and Mr.Sky into his car. We then drove home.


When we got home dash was still asleep, Mr.Sky pulled up behind us.

"Is she still asleep" He asked.

"Ya" I said getting cloud out of her seat.

"I guess I'm getting her" He said

"Well if I could carry her I would, but I can't so ya" I giggled

He picked up dash and we went inside. He layed her down on the couch and put a blanket on her.

Mrs.Flower then said too us " It's past both of your bedtimes"

"Oh it's 10 o'clock," I said,

"Bedtime," She said picking cloud up.

"Ok night" I said going upstairs.

Rainbows POV

I woke up, i was so tired I didn't even open my eyes, "was it the next day?" I wondered.

I finally opened my eyes,it was the next day, I was asleep for at least 10 hours, I sat up a bit. I then noticed I was on the couch.

"Hi sleeping beauty" I heard, I looked, Mrs.Flower was standing there.

I smiled.

"You've been asleep since yesterday around 4 that medicine must have been strong" She said

I giggled.

"How you feeling" She asked

"Better than yesterday," I replied

"anything still hurt,"

"My stomach,and throat, my head hurts but not a lot"

She felt my head, "your still a little warm"

"Ok" I said really tired.

I layed back onto the arm of the couch, and started to close my eyes.

"Poor thing" She said, "hope she'll be able to keep something down soon" I heard her mumble before she left.

I thought for a minute, "why can't I keep anything down, I can't even keep pain water down," I started to feel like I was going to throw up again, I got up and went to the bathroom.

When I got the bathroom I threw up... Again, I sat down, my head almost touching my feet.

I suddenly felt a hand touch me, I almost jumped. I looked up, it was the only other person in the house, Mrs.Flower.

"You ok dash" She asked

I shook my head, and looked back down.

"Anything hurt?" She asked

"Just my stomach and throat now," I replied

"Does your head still hurt?" She asked

"No not really, just my stomach and throat" I replied holding my stomach.

She rubbed my back, "come here" She said about to give me a hug.

I hugged her back, hid my face in her chest, and started to cry.

"Shhh shhh your ok, it's ok, shhhh shhhh" She tried to calm me down, it worked a bit,

My cries turned to sniffles, "you sure I'm ok?" I asked

"Of course, you may be sick but you're still you aren't you" She said

"Ya I guess" I sighed and held my locket

"You wanna go lay on the couch again" She asked

I nodded.

We walked down and I layed back down on the couch and pulled the blanket up. Mrs.Flower started to stroke my hair, I shifted so I was laying on her lap. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Blitz POV (I have something fun)

Me and cloud came home from school, I saw Mrs.Flower on the couch, she looked over as I closed the door.

Me and cloud walked over, "shhhh" She said and pointed.

I looked, dash was sleeping on her lap, peaceful, calm, and her soft snores, she looked cute.

"Why is she sleeping" Cloud asked

"She basically woke up, and was talking for a bit then she just went back to sleep like not even 20 minutes ago" She explained as she rubbed dashies back.

I heard a groan and looked at dash, it was her. I calmed the sleeping beauty down but she had a frown on her face.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked

"She hasn't eaten all day" Mrs.Flower explained

"How can she not eat!" Cloud said

"Her body isn't ready" Mrs.Flower said, stroking dashes hair.

"We'll let her sleep," I said.

"Why don't you two go do your homework?" She said

"Ok come on big brother blitz"cloud said pulling me.

" How does dashie deal with her all day" I laugh.

Mrs.Flower laughed too.

We went to do our homework.

Rainbows POV

I started to open my eyes, how long was I asleep for? I was laying on Mrs.Flower's lap. I looked up at her.

She looked down at me and smiled.

"How long was I asleep for" I asked

"About an hour and a half" She replied

"Oh"I sighed

" You feeling better?"she asked

"Ya... Only my stomach hurts now" I replied

"That's good" She said

"Did blitz and cloud ever come home?" I asked

"Ya they did" She said

"Oh ok" I said putting my hands in my stomach

A couple hours later Mr.Sky came home. Mrs. Flowers went to make their dinner leaving me on the couch.

Blitz had come down with cloud, she started to color in her book, while blitz sat next to me and stroked my hair, I leaned my head against his chest and listened to the thump in his chest, I heard him giggle,

I looked up at him,

"You always liked my heart beat, it's cute" He said

"I'm not cute" I pouted

"That was adorable" He said

I made a poutine lip.

He giggled

"If you think I'm cute then who's cuter me or cloud?" I said

"You both are adorable" He said,

I giggled, and listened to his heart, it was soothing, cloud got up and sat on blitz lap.

"How you feeling dashie" Cloud said

I giggled, "better" I stroked her hair

She gave me a hug that blitz joined in on.


The rest of the night I started to get better, it was awesome to be getting back to my old self.

When we went to bed Mrs.Flower has been putting her to bed, cloud then said, "I wanna tuck dashie in"

I giggled a bit

"All right cloud you can help me tuck in your sister" Mrs.Flower said

They both came over too me, I was already laying in bed.

Cloud literally pulled the covers up on me.

"Night dashie" She said giving me the best hug she could.

I sat up a bit and said, "night baby" And gave her a hug

"Now go to sleep" She said

I giggled, "you got it boss" I layed back down and watched as Mrs.Flower tucked cloud in, and left.

This sickness was terrible but my baby who isn't such a baby anymore always knows how to cheer me up.

Hi guys and girls this one took FOREVER! Sorry if you aren't enjoying where I went with it but there's some challenges that they have to go through, if you have one send it to me or comment it,

We made it to 3367 words!

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