Clouds POV
When we got to the school it looked huge, I really didn't want too go, I asked dashie,
"You sure I have too go" I asked
"Yea I'm sure," Dashie said kneeling down too my level.
"Ima scared tho can't I just come with you?" I asked.
She giggled, "no you can't skip 4 grades to come with me" She gave me a hug.
The bell had rung for me to go in, I grabbed onto dashie, blitz came over and touched my shoulder, "come on we'll walk you up" He said,
I was attached to dashie when we went up too a big scary teacher.
After they chatted we went in, there was a sign with a bucket on it with a whole bunch of shapes in it.
We got to a door and I hid behind dashie again holding Penelope my penguin.
A teacher came up and was talking to dashie, then a different teacher came up to me. ,
"hi I'm Mrs.Coffee and what's your name little one" The teacher said as she knelt down to my level.
"I-ima cloud" I stuttered.
"Who's this?" She asked me and pointed to Penelope, I grabbed her tight.
"Penelope the penguin" I said and calmed down.
She slowly held my hand,
"We got to go bye cloud" Blitz said
"I love you baby" Dashie said,
"I love you too dashie" I replied,
They left, the other teacher went back to her desk there were 5 other kids so far, Mrs.Coffee brought me over to them, "hi guys this cloud Chaser, can you intoduce yourselves"
They nodded, I sat down in the chair,
"Ok I'll be in the back if you need anything you six"
"Hi! I'm sonic," The boy said that was sitting next to me he had pastal yellow skin and lime green and dark blue hair,
"Hi sorry about sonic, I'm storm by the way," The other boy said he also had pastal yellow skin but he had dark blue and a teal hair,
"Hi I'm sweetie Belle and this is apple Bloom and scootaloo" A girl pointed with very pale skin and lavender and pink hair said pointing to a girl with yellow skin and red hair with a bow, then a girl with orange skin and purple hair.
A few other kids came in, but one stood out, she pushed me down on the table before laughing.
The rest came in and we started. "Hi class I'm Mrs.Brown and in the back is Mrs.Coffee," Mrs.Coffee waved, "and today I'm just going to go over the rules, and classroom"
(not gonna bore you over a lecture do let's just skip to recess)
We went outside for recess, there was a big playground but there was something in the woods, behind some trees, i walked over too it, no one seemed to care, I went back there and found a swing set, I sat in one of the swings. I had Penelope in my arms hugging her tight.
The two girls that were in Mrs.Brown's class that had pushed my head down.
The girl with light pink skin and a crown came over, "hello your cloud right" She said
I nodded.
"Well cloud off" She said
I got off and started to walk away, then someone grabbed Penelope out of my hands, I looked it was her friend she has silver hair and gray skin.
"Can I have my penguin back please" I begged,
"Here you go" She looked like she was. Going to give it back but threw it over my head,
The other caught it, they kept throwing it back and forth, I kept trying to catch my stuffy but I was too short, then someone else caught it, it was a boy, it was sonic!
He handed me Penelope and said, "Dimiond tiara what are you doing"
"Harashing the new girl sonic"the girl answered
" Well stop" Sonic said
"Fine but both of you skat," She said, "shu shu"
We walked away from them and towards the playground, when we got there I gave him a hug, he gave it back and we climbed up on top of the monkey bars in a awkward silence
"Why do you want to sit up here with me, don't you have friends" I asked him ending the silence.
"Ya but my brother is more popular, I'm just stuck in his shadow, so no true friends" He said
"Ya, me too," I said clutching Penelope
"Hey you wanna be friends?" He asked,
"I would love that, and thank you again" I said
"It was no problem those two are just jerks" He said with a giggle
I giggled to, we went back inside and had free time, me and sonic decided that we were read.
When the last bell rang we were both "parent pickup" So we talked all the down, he's the best.
I met up with dashie, I could tell she was hurt, she always had a look after dad beat her up. "You ok sis?" I asked.
"Ya just got beaten up by some bullies nothing out of the ordinary" She said and picked me up as we walked home.
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