19 (this sucks)

Rainbows POV

Even though the whole bullying thing was supposed to be over! Gilda pushed me! And I fell off the top of the climbing thing and broke my leg! I had tried to get up but I fell, I heard Gilda laughing at me and some of her friends too! I sat up, my leg was all bruised, a teacher came over and lectured Gilda and her friends. Before helping me. She sent soarin with me to help get me too nurse.

"Second time this happened" I said

"And second time me having to get you too the nurse" Soarin chuckled

"The only good part is that I'll go home" I said

"Ya while I'm stuck here for 2 more hours" He said

He opened the door, and got me your one of the waiting chairs.

"What happened" The nurse asked

"Got pushed off the climbing... Thing" I said

"Break your leg" She said

Guess she saw the bruises

I nodded

"Let's check you out, then"


When Mrs.Flower picked me up we went to the hospital, they put a cast on my leg so I couldn't move it. I had been given some pain medicine that made me sleepy but I didn't fall asleep.

I sighed and leaned against the wall. Why is everyone so mean?

"Dashie, you ok" Mrs.flower asked

I shrugged

She came over in front of me, and pulled me close

"Dashie, what's the matter," She asked rubbing my arm.

I leaned my forehead on her chest, hugging myself.

She wrapped her arms around me, "talk to me dashie, I wanna help"

"I just wanna go home" I whispered with a yawn.

"Alright, we just gotta talk to them doctor, then we can go home alright" She said stroking my hair.

I nodded, "I love you"

I felt her stop stroking my hair, I had just caught myself.

I pulled away, "sorry"

"You're alright, dashie" She said, "c'mere"

I reached for her to hold me, she picked me up,

"I love you too dashie," She stroked my hair,

I cuddled with her, giving another yawn.

She lightly kissed the top of my head, I smiled, I haven't had a adult kiss me since I was 3...

I looked up at her, she smiled at me.

"Am I allowed to do that" She asked

I nodded, then nuzzled into her chest, exhausted.

I heard the door open, the doctor came back.

They talked for a bit, I was put back on the exam table thingy...

I leaned my side against the wall, closing my eyes. I listened to the conversation but almost instantly forgot it.

I was picked up, I opened my eyes and saw Mrs.Flower.

She was cradling me in her lap.

I closed my eyes again nuzzling into her chest. I feel asleep.


When I woke up I was in the car with my seatbelt on.

"Hi sleepy head" Mrs.Flower said

I looked at her. We were on the road that her house was on.

"dashie you alright"

I yawned, "huh"

She pulled into the driveway, mi watched her get out, she opened my door and unbuckled me, she picked me up.

"You feel asleep, that pain medicine must make you really sleepy huh" She said

I nodded and hid my face from the sun. I heard her shut the door and giggle

"It's ok dashie, let's getcha in bed" She whispered into my ear.

We went inside and immediately heard the little voice I love, "sissy!"

I looked at her. I smiled.

Mrs.Flower sat me on the couch and cloud climbed up next to me, she looked exhausted.

She had a fractured wrist wrist and Blitz had a sprained ankle from the flood in New york.

(Don't ask why New York I was looking at the list and it was in top 5, great place though)

I wrapped my arm around her.

"Dashie we both have casts" She said

"Ya baby" I yawned

She yawned, I felt her relax.

I smiled I leaned back on the couch, closing my own eyes and falling asleep.


I woke up laying down on the couch, with cloud. She was cuddling with me. There was a blanket on us.

I smiled, guess that pain medicine was wearing off because my leg was now hurting me.

I sighed. As I heard clouds whimpers.

"Shhhhhhhh baby it's ok" I whispered to her

She calmed down.

I smiled.

"Hey dashie" I heard

I looked, I saw Mr.Sky

"So what happened today" He said kneeling next to me and cloud.

"Gilda pushed me off the climb thingy and I broke my leg" I said, "how long have I been asleep"

"It's time for you and cloud to go upstairs" He said

I yawned,"ok..."

"C'mere" He said

I smiled as he picked us up.

Mrs.flower came over, "let me get one of these sleepy heads" She took cloud out of his one arm.

They brought us upstairs, Mr.Sky said goodnight to us before leaving.

Mrs.Flower helped me get into pajamas then got cloud changed.

She said goodnight and left.

I just layed there for what felt like hours but when I got my book I immediately fell asleep.


I still had to go to school, but had to ue crutches. I got bullied by Gilda but at least I stayed inside during recess.

I was so bored! At least soarin stayed with me, he's so nice to me, the girl that has no parents, and rainbow hair.

When school finally ended Mr.Sky picked us up, when he did he carried me. And blitz can walk on his foot but he just can't run for some reason.

We went to pick up cloud and then back home.


I hate this so much! I can't do anything! The only thing I've done is read and homework! I was sitting on my bed when Mr.Sky came in.

"Hey dashie," He said "just coming to check on you"

"I'm ok...just bored"

"Well if you're bored why don't you join Cloud and Blitz in a game of go fish"

"Alright" He brought me down to the kitchen where they were playing.

We played for a hour or two. Before going to bed.

This just sucks...

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