13 (more bullies)

Rainbows POV

I was at school at recess I had climbed up onto of the monkey bars, the place were the teachers refused us to go. But I did anyway cause they didn't care, they were just hated germs.

I sat on the bar and watched as everyone else played the floor is lava, I wasn't playing and didn't really care that day.

I pulled my locket out of my shirt and opened it, I looked at the picture and smiled. I layed across the bars, with my feet dangling on one side.

I suddenly felt someone pull off my sneaker! I sat up closing the locket. I looked. Trixie...

"Oh look who's awake" She said holding my sneaker

"Can I have my shoe please" I asked

"Come and get it" She said pulling me off. I hit my head on the metal bar and landed on my ankle and felt a sudden pain as she ran off with my shoe.

I layed there for a second, trying to catch my breath from what just happened.

"You going to come get it" Trixie hollered

I sat up trying to fix myself.

"RAINBOWS OUT!" I heard I guess they thought I was playing? But i winced at the loudness from above.

"Whatever! You're just a freak,no one cares about you, and you're parents must've been a leprechaun and a fairy since you're so small" Trixie said and threw my shoe at me. It landed pretty close. I grabbed it but didn't put it on.

I groaned trying to think what she had said but couldn't. My head hurt.

I heard teachers calling us up. I tried to get up but fell thanks to my ankle. I tried on one foot. But was dizzy. I fell again and heard Trixie laugh as she ran up. I layed on the ground, I couldn't get up.

I heard teachers calling people's names, I guess they got to mine cause a kid came down from the hill up too the school.

"Come on rainbow!" I heard them yell

I tried to move but fell again. I heard people coming. Someone helped me sit up.

"Hey kid" I heard

I looked and saw two teachers and a boy from my class

"She looks confused" Someone said and I was

"Hey what's you name"  One asked me

"Dash" I said still confused

One held up their fingers, "how many fingers am I holding up"

"Um..." Everything was spinning, it went from 2 too 4 "four" I said

"Where are you" I heard

"Outside?" I was confused completely

"Come on let's get you inside" They helped me up.

I tried to stand but couldn't.

Someone helped me stand, I think it was the boy, my arm was around the back of his neck, and his arm was around my waist. "Let's just getcha inside" he said

"We'll let you in over there" A teacher said

He helped me walk, I didn't know what was going on but I know we were going inside.

I was helped to a room, when someone came up too me, "what happened!" I heard a woman's voice.

"Me, Mrs.Ingemi and Mrs.Bazzufi found her laying on the ground" The boy said.

"Here let's lay her down" I was helped too a mattress of some sort, "just relax and lay down" I layed down slowly, and she went to get something

My head was throbbing and I felt a bruise on my ankle.

"Can you follow the light" She asked and then I just saw like two and closed my eyes moving my head side to side. "Guess that's a no" She said, "what's your name"

"Dash" I replied I knew my own name

"What your birthday" She asked I'm guessing she had something that told her.

"December something 2000 something" I said I couldn't think at the moment

"What happened" She asked

"Can't remember" I said

"Alright," She said "where's her shoe?"

"There was a red sneaker outside" The boy said

"Can you go get it" She said

"Ya" He said and I heard him leave

"Dash can I check your foot" She asked

"Ya..." I said

"Thanks" I felt her touch it and a minute later I felt pain, "it's probably sprained" She said and went to get something else, she came back and put something on, a few minutes later I felt something cold, an ice pack? "I'm gonna call your parent or guardian" She said and left

I felt pain, and just pain.

"Hey Mrs.Flower?... It's rainbow... She might have a concussion... Ya... She also has sprained ankle... She knows her name and that her birthday is in December, and is disoriented... Thank you... She'll be happy to hear a familiar voice... I'll have someone bring her stuff... Bye" I heard

The door opened, "I got her shoe"

"Thank you" I heard and came over, "can you go tell her teacher too send someone down with her stuff"

"Ya" And the door closed

It was quiet for a bit then someone came down with my stuff, it was placed next too me.

I opened my eyes, my vision was no longer blurry and doubled. I saw the boy, he had navy blue hair and almost pale.

"Hi kid, I hope you feel better" He said and ran his hand through my hair once.

It felt nice.

He left...

I reached in my bag and pulled out my stuffed turtle I stashed in there.


It felt like hours but really it was like 20 minutes. The door opened.

"Hello" I heard Mrs.Flower!

"Hi Mrs she's laying down" I realized it was the nurse? I was in the nurse's office

I felt arms pick me up, "hi dashie" I heard

I layed on her shoulder, I was exhausted but couldn't sleep.

"Take her too the emergency room, she needs something s bit stronger than a motrin" The nurse said

"I will thank you so much" Mrs.Flower said

"You're welcome just doing my job" The nurse said

We left the school I was put in the back seat and straped in. I layed on the seat, it's was just me and Mrs.Flower since Mr.Sky would be picking up Blitz and Cloud.

We went to the children's emergency room, she had a blanket around me since it was November, I had put it over my head and hid from the light, it was making my head hurt.

She checked me in, and we sat down I was on her lap.


It took a couple minutes but finally someone called, "Rainbow Dash"

We went up and followed her down the hallway with Mrs.Flower carrying me.

When we got there, I was layed on a bed,

A nurse checked my vision, and asked me questions, I answered how I could and a doctor came in.

I was exhausted. I heard the doctor say, "so we're going to run a test and give her pain medicine accordingly"

Mrs.Flower helped me change into a hospital gown thing, then took off my locket and put it in her bag.

Soon I was put on a different bed and wheeled to a different room, they said some sort of scan, MRI I think? I don't know.

I was brought back to the room and was back on the bed under the covers. I have a feeling I was going to be staying for a bit.

"She does have a concussion, and has too stay here for tonight, from how she answered we have to give her a medicine that's going to relax her body and help her sleep, but it's going to help with the pain and trama of the brain," The doctor said, "after we hook her up too the IV it might take a minute but she's going to be out cold.

" Ok" Mrs.Flower said, "anything to get her better"she stroked my hair as I held tank close.

The doctor left too get the IV.

I don't wanna stay here overnight! It's scary! And I hate all the noises and tests and beeping, people being rushed in, it's all just too much for a kid.

The doctor came back and hooked me too the IV on my left hand, and turned it on. I got a chill as it went into me.

I started to fall asleep, my eyes getting heavy, my breath evening out, and soon I was relaxed and asleep.


I slowly woke up, the room was almost pitch black, and there was a curtain shielding me from the sun.

A nurse came in and smiled.

"How are you feeling" She asked me in a whisper.

So many questions in my head!

"Where am I" I asked

"you're in the hospital," She whispered, "you have a concussion sweetie"

"Oh..." I said and tried to sit up

"No no sweetie, we need you too lay down and rest," She said and helped me lay down

"Where's Mrs.Flower?" I asked

"I think she went to get some breakfast, for you and herself" She whispered

I accidentally hit my ankle in something and whinced.

"What's wrong sweetie" she asked

"My ankle" I said

She looked, there was a bruise on my ankle

"Aww sweetie I think you sprained you ankle yesterday" She said calmly "I'm going to be right back" She said leaving

I tried to relax but couldn't. I saw my backpack near the bed and reached down and got my notebook and pencil. I doodled little pictures inside. When the nurse came back I hid it under my pillow. She came back with a doctor

"Hi kiddo, I'm doctor long," He said. I was a bit scared, "I won't hurt ya, just going to look at you're ankle" He said

I nodded

He examed my foot, then grabbed some sort of bandage thing I got told it was a cloth brace.

They left as Mrs.Flower came in,

"Hi dashie" She said coming over to me.

"Hi... " I said

"How are you feeling" She asked me

I shrugged.

"Is your head bothering you" She asked

I nodded

"Alright" She said "just relax and if you want it I got you something to eat" She put a little thing of yogurt on the table.

I smiled

She smiled and rubbed her thumb on my cheek, I leaned into the touch.

She giggled

It made me sleepy as I soon fell asleep.


I was back in school and out of the hospital, it was lunch and I was sitting alone cause the others were either absent or in a club.

I sat in the corner and just ate my sandwich.

I suddenly was pulled off my seat on onto the hard floor. I winced as I got a headache. I heard a laugh and looked. I saw Trixie and a couple of her minions.

"Hi crash, hope your NOT ok" She said and her minions kicked me, I curled up holding my head.

"Please stop!" I yelled

"Nah" She said

I cried in pain as Trixie laughed and made jokes, I heard kids laughing.

Theni heard, "stop bullying my sister" BLITZ!

I looked

"No wonder you care you're both freaks" Trixie said

One of blitz friends said, "come on blitz you can't worry about her, we'll get in trouble"

"I don't care I'm helping my sister" Blitz said and came over to me, he helped me sit up, "you ok there little sis"

I grabbed and held onto him for dear life.

He hugged me and rubbed my back, "it's ok, dashie" he said "you're safe now"

I cried into his shirt and heard Trixie stomp away.

"Calm down dashie, you're safe" He said still holding me.

One of the lunch ladies came over, "I just got told you hit someone miss dash"

I looked too see Trixie grinning.

I shook my head,

"She has a bruise to prove it" She said and showed me her arm there was a bruise did she hurt herself?

I shook my head, clearly they didn't see the millions of bruises on me.

"Mrs she wouldn't, and didn't, she's covered in bruises herself" Blitz said

"Why are you here" She asked

"I was getting the crate when I saw those three beating up my sister" He said

"Well go get the crate and back to class" She said

I grabbed his shirt tightly

"I can't," He said, "she needs me"

The woman pulled me off of him by my shirt collar. I was dragged closer to her. "GO!" She yelled

He waved and went looking back at my face. I was crying. Him and his friend got the crate and left.

"Now why did you hit her" The woman glared.

"I didn't" I said tears running down my face

"Don't give me attitude!" She yelled

I just hugged myself crying,

"Go too the principle!" She yelled

I tried to get up but fell

"GO NOW!" She yelled

I felt everyones eyes on us, I quickly got up and ran to the office, I didn't want to get in trouble.

I opened the office door, I went to the desk.

A secretary gasped, "what happened sweetie" She asked coming over to me.

I sobbed, "i-i got to-told to co-come he-here"

"Why" She asked kneeling down in front of me

"I got blam-blamed for hit-hitting some-someone" I said

"Did you hit someone" She asked

I shook my head, "an-and the lun-lunch lady pull-pulled me away fro-from m-my bro-brother"

"Did you get hurt" She asked

I nodded

She examined my arms and legs, "poor thing, who hurt you"

"Trix-trixie" I said

"Alright, want to tell the principle"

I looked at her

"How about we go wash your face and I'll come with you, how's that sound" She asked

I nodded "uh huh"

"Come on sweetie" She said standing up, I held her hand.

She brought me to the bathroom, and helped me clean up my face from crying.

"There" She said when she was done,

I smiled and wiped a stray tear

"Come on, let's go tell principle celestia" She said

We went to her office she was on the phone, I hid behind the secretary.

"Hello how may I help you" The principle asked

"We have a bullying situation" She said

"Oh my" Principle celestia said

"And the lunch lady pulled her away from her brother" She said, "also said that she punched a kid"

"Let's check the camera" The principle typed on her computer, she covered her mouth "oh my"

I covered my face

"Is she here" She asked.

The secretary nodded "it's ok sweetie" She said to me

I came out from behind her

The principle smiled "what's your name"

"Rainbow dash" I said

"Rainbow it's ok come here" I went towards her, "come around the desk"

I went around the desk.

She pulled me onto her lap "is that what happened," She asked

I nodded

I saw the lunch lady pull me off blitz, I held back tears, "it's ok, I'll call them down, just go sit down for a bit,"

I nodded and got off her lap, me and secretary went back to the main part of the office, we heard the announcement for them to come down.

"Sweetie you want me to call home" She asked

I nodded

"Alright" She said "just sit in one of those chairs for now"

I sat in one as Trixie and her minions came in

Trixie glared at me.

A couple minutes later the secretary told me to go get my stuff. I was walking down the hallway too class when I got stopped by two boys.

One held me by my shirt.

I was breathing fast.

The other one kicked my stomach then dropped me. I fell to the ground. They ran, I got up holding my stomach, and went to the classroom.

I immediately got hugged when I walked in"RAINBOW!"it was pinkie

"Hi pinkie" I said "I'm going home"

"Why!" She said

"I am can get my stuff" I asked

"Fine" She said and let me go,

I went to get my stuff, and said bye too pinkie and shy since they were the only ones there.

I went back to the office I felt nauseous, I saw blitz!

He saw me, "dashie" He said

I ran to him giving him a hug, he hugged back

I cried into his shirt as he rubbed my back.

"It ok dashie, I gotcha now, nothing will hurt you" He said

I looked at him then the door opened, I saw Mrs.Flower, she signed us out and picked me up, and we went home.

When we were in the car Mrs.Flower asked "what happened"

"Bullies" I said then gagged a bit

"Dashie, what did they do" She asked

"Kicked me and blamed me for hurting her while I was and am covered in bruises" I said "then I got hit in the stomach and feel nauseous"

"We'll clean you up, but do you have to throw up" She asked

I shrugged

"If you do say something ok"

I nodded

We made it home,blitz went to his room, and Mrs.Flower Had me sit on the counter, she cleaned up my bruises and a few cuts. She checked my back for bruises and cuts. I had a couple bruises on my back and a fee cuts. It hurts when she touched them, I had tank in my arms that I would squeeze if it hurt, even though I was crying too.

When she was done I had different bandages all over my body. Yet I was still nauseous.

I had tears streaming down my face, Mrs.Flower saw, and picked me up. "Dashie you're ok now, you're safe,"

I nodded, hid my face, and coughed.

"You still feeling nauseous" She asked

I nodded

"Do you need to throw up"she asked me

My stomach was making noises and I nodded

She took me too the bathroom, as I started gagging.

She put me on the ground and I kneeled near the toilet. She kneeled next to me, and rubbed my back.

I threw up in the toilet a few times. When I felt better I layed on Mrs.Flower's lap.

She picked me up, "you wanna go lay down and relax" She asked me

I nodded

She carried me to my bed, I curled up closing my eyes. She rubbed her thumb on my cheek as I fell asleep.


I kept getting bullied for a few weeks, and going home early somedays but most I would just go cry in the bathroom for a bit.

By the last Friday I refused to get up I wouldn't move, and didn't feel good, I wasn't sick but just didn't want to go to school, cloud had woken up.

"Dashie get up" She said

I looked at her, "hi baby" I said

"Come on its Friday!" She said trying to pull me off

"Alright I'm coming," I said "just give me a minute"

"You said that earlier" She said

"Alright I'll get up" I said

Blitz came to check on us, "dashie why are you still in bed" He asked

I shrugged

He sat on the edge of my bed, "what's wrong"

"Um..." I said

"It's ok, just tell us" He said and picked up Cloud.

"I... I don't... I don't feel like moving" I said

"Why not sissy" Cloud asked

"I just can't" I said.

"Dashie at least get ready" blitz said

"Ok..." I said sitting up

"There you go" He said and put cloud on the bed, "get ready I'll go tell the adults" He left.

I got up lazily and pulled out mine and clouds clothes. I had leggings and a a long sleeve shirt, and for cloud I got out a tie dye short sleeve shirt, and some leggings.

I got changed then helped cloud get changed.


At school pinkie was too loud, and everyone asked me if I was ok. I just nodded and said "ya I'm fine"

I didn't eat lunch or pay attention to the lesson, I couldn't, I just clutched my locket in hand, always alert of any sudden movements.

At recess I sat on the bench till I got told too go play by the lunch lady who now hates me, I also have permission to sit at recess and out of gym. I than sat under the slide, I might have been overheating but it would be better than them finding me.

As we went up I had lowered my radar and bumped into someone, I fell back.

"Are you alright" I heard

I looked too see the same boy with Navy hair and almost pail skin.

I nodded, "ya I'm ok" I said

"You're dash right?" He said as we continued walking up

"Yup and you're the boy that throws paper airplanes with random notes" I said

"Yup! Soarin is my name, and throwing planes is my game" He said

I chuckled,

"So how are you feeling since you couldn't walk" He asked

"Better, thanks again" I said

"It was nothing," He said

We went to the line up front near the door, since my ankle was still sprained and Soarin and this kid named Wave have too get the crate.

When we were let in I went right to my classroom and sat down. Soon the rest of the class came in, someone pushed my head into the table really aggressively.

"Are you okay dash" I heard, it was AJ

"Ya I'm fine" I said laying my head on the table.

"But clearly you aren't fine" Twilight said

I shrugged

"Darling tell us what's wrong"  Rarity said

"You girls don't care" I muttered low

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" I heard in my ear...

I rubbed my ear and sighed.

"Can you please tell us whats wrong" Fluttershy asked

"Bullies" I sighed

"Who's been bullying you" Applejack asked

"Dumbelle, hoops, Trixie and her minions, also the lunch lady" I said tearing up, and getting tense.

"That's still going on" Shy said

I nodded

"Darling you have to tell us these things do we can help you" Rarity said

I nodded as class restarted.


At home I just went upstairs and hid under the covers and sobbed... I couldn't take it.

I sobbed for about 10 minutes straight, when someone started rubbing my arm, I looked too see Mr.Sky there.

"What's wrong dashie"  He asked

I did grabby Hands too him and he chuckled and picked me up.

"I can't take it anymore, they're calling me names, beating me up, pushing and shoving me around! They're hitting me daddy!" I ranted, wait... Did I just call him daddy! He is the closest thing to a daddy I have besides uncle strike and blitz.

"Who is dashie" He asked

I ignored me calling him daddy "the bullies, random people I don't know, everyone hates me daddy" DID I SAY IT AGAIN!

"Did they do it too you today" He asked

I nodded, and showed him my arm and hand it was bleeding...

"Aww dashie," He said, "how about we clean you up"

I nodded but held onto him tight.

He chuckled and carried me down.

I leaned on his shoulder as he rubbed my back.

He put me on the counter and I saw Mrs.Flower look over from the table, she was helping blitz with homework while cloud was coloring. Glad they could be productive.

Mrs.Flower asked me "are you ok dashie"

I shook my head.

"Are you hurt" She asked

I nodded, and showed her my arm and hand.

She went to get up, "I got it hun" Mr.Sky said

She sat back down "you sure, she gets a bit jumpy at it"

"It's fine, I know how to clean a wound" He said

Mrs.Flower chuckled "alright"

Mr.Sky came back over, "ready dashie"

"Ready as I'll ever be" I said

He rolled up my sleeve. "This won't sting ok"

"What is it" I asked curiously Mrs.Flower always used a white and blue bottle this one was brown and purple.

"It's peroxide, it bubbles" He said

"Bubbles?" I questioned

"Ya ready" He said

"Ya" I said I was curious

He wiped some on it, I felt it bubble, it was cold and it tickled a bit too.

I giggled at the feeling.

He chuckled "let's wrap this up" He said and wrapped gauze around my forearm and a bit of my hand. "You wanna know what my family did too us when me and Mrs.Flower were little and got hurt"

I nodded"ya"

He took my hurt hand and gave it a light kiss,

I giggled

"All better see" He said

I nodded, and whispered "thanks daddy" WHY DO I KEEP SAYING IT!

He picked me up again, "you're welcome dashie"

I heard Mrs.Flower giggle.

"Hey can I speak to him for a minute" She said

I nodded as Mr.Sky put me down.

I heard Mrs.Flower say "did she just call you daddy?"

"Ya, but it happens a lot especially with the girls, if you remember the storm I slept on the couch with those two and they called me that, of course they were exhausted" He said

I stopped listening, and sat by cloud.


The next week on Monday Mr.Sky was off so he drove us too school, he walked me and blitz in.

"Hello" I heard.

"Hi Mrs.Ginny" He said

"Hello, are you just dropping these two off?" She asked

"I wanted to talk about a bullying situation," He said

She saw me, "oh Hi sweetie" Blitz ditched us...

I waved

"It's still going on" She asked

I nodded

Mr.Sky picked me up so she could see me better. I leaned on his shoulder wrapping my arms around him.

"She had been crying on Friday because of it" He said

"Poor thing, I'll go see if Principle Celestia is free" She said and walked away

A bit later she came back.

"Follow me" She said

We followed her too the principle's office,

"Hello, please sit" The principle said

We sat I was on Mr.Sky's

"So bullying is still happening" She asked

"Ya" He said, "she hides in her room all day and refused to come out yesterday"

I hid my face from embarrassment

"This is more serious than we thought" She said

They talked about it and then I had to go to class while they talked about other stuff, when I got there everyone was in groups, some people looked up, I froze...

"Hi rainbow" I heard, I looked Mrs.Ingemi

"Hi..." I said quietly

"You can unpack and work with a partner or group on the assignment from last week" She said,

I nodded and unpacked.


At recess I got told too play by the lunch lady and everytime I sat for one second or just tripped she would yell at me. Mrs.Ingemi saw me limping around and came over to me.

"Rainbow why are you walking,"she asked

"The lunch lady keeps yelling at me" I said

Mrs.ingemi asked "why"

"I don't-Woah" I said and tripped

Mrs.Ingemi immediately helped me as I heard the lunch lady yelling at me.

"Why don't you go sit down bench" She said

I nodded and went to the bench. While Mrs.Ingemi went to talk to the lunch lady.


I saw people whispering and pointing at me throughout "free time" class.

It went on for the rest of the day, and people kept hitting me and pushing my head down.

By the time the Bell rang too go home I bolted down and saw Mr.Sky, I ran to him giving him a hug,

"Hi dashie" He said picking me up and holding me near his chest.

I nuzzled into his chest and sobbed. Blitz came and saw me. "Dashie what's wrong"

I didn't answer just continued too cry.

I sat in the front and we went to get cloud then home, when we got home Mr.Sky carried me as blitz had cloud.

I was exhausted from crying, my head was throbbing, and I was breathing heavily.

"Blitz can you go helped cloud with homework and do yours I wanna talk to dashie" He said

Blitz nodded

Mrs.Flower was at the store.

Mr.Smy carried me to his and Mrs.Flower's room, and sat me on the bed.

"Dashie, I talked to the principal, she said that she's going to do the best she can too stop it," He said

I nodded

"They were already planing a thing on bullying, but she wanted you to record something with Mrs.Scola, so others will hopefully stop, but she's going to tell the teachers about it too," He continued

"A video?" I said

"Ya, if you want to" He said

I nodded,

"Did you get hurt today" He asked

I nodded, I had a few bruises on me, "my head hurts"

"Let's go get you fixed up" He said and picked me up, carrying me downstairs

He cleaned my bruises, and gave me a motrin. When he was done he picked me up. I leaned on his shoulder. He put his hand on the back of my head. I relaxed in his arms.

"Hey doesn't dashie have homework?" Cloud asked

I shook my head, I didn't get any today.

Cloud smiled at me.

Mrs.Flower came in with a few bags.

"Hi Mrs.Flower" Cloud said

"Hi guys" She said putting stuff away

I yawned

Mr.Sky saw and told Mrs.Flower,"I'm going to let her sleep for a bit, it's been a long day for her "

"Alright" She said, "is she ok"

"Her heads been hurting her" He said

"Poor thing" She said, "I'm going to help Blitz and Cloud" She said.

He carried me upstairs too bed, he layed me down, and rubbed my back. I held his hand cause I could.

My eyes closed and I fell asleep.


We had an assembly at school about bullying, half weren't paying attention, then the eagle students were saying stuff about bullying and then I came on...

I heard Mrs.Scola say "just say what you think and how it effects you"

"Um... I think bullying is wrong, and it's been effecting my whole life, and everyone I feel like is doing it now, laughing and pushing me around, I just hate it. It hurts especially not knowing what I've gone through before coming here. Please stop..." And I was the last one.

I really hoped that others listened.

I felt a hand rub my arm, and looked too see Fluttershy. I smiled at her.


I went home not hurt that day, and it felt awesome, I did my homework and fell asleep for the rest of the day basically.

Ok I know REALLY long 5146 words! I hope you all liked it, please comment, and leave me ideas thanks! Bye

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