11 (bullies,books,& hurt)
Clouds POV
I was sitting in class with a picture book, I still can't read, I'm having a hard time learning. I was just looking at the pictures. Mumbling how cute and glittery they are.
"Look who's a baby" I heard
My head got wiped around. Diamond tiara and silver spoon.
"Can't read, HA! I can already read a level 3 and what are you oh a level 0 how sad" Diamond said then both laughed at me.
I started to cry silently
Silver Spoon put her finger on my mouth, "if you make one cry baby noise or tell then you'll be" Diamond tiara said and moved her hand from one side of her neck to the other. They left back to there section of the room.
I turned and expect to see my friends...but didn't... The crusaders went with the teacher, sonic was at the bathroom and storm was absent. I was all alone. I layed my head on the table, hood up, holding back tears.
Mrs.Coffee came over to me, "what's wrong cloud, I thought you just made some new friends"
I shook my head, as tears started to fall.
"What happened" She asked
I didn't answer just became even more tense. Everyone was staring at me.
She took my hand and pulled me towards the door. everyone watched.
She knocked on the door next to ours. Mrs.Stacy I think, she came to answer the door, "hey Stacy can you just watch my class for a moment,"
"Sure what's wrong" The teacher replied.
"I just need to take her somewhere for a minute,"
"Oh ok" She said
I had been crying, and saw Diamond tiara and silver spoon make the same motion as before, I got scared.
Mrs coffee held my hand as we went down to her small room, for teaching others.
"What's wrong cloud" She asked
I didn't answer,
"You can tell me," She said, "even if you got told you not to"
I stuttered "u-uh um... Di-diamond tiara and sil-silver spoo-spoon called m-me a ba-baby,"
"It's going to be alright cloud, did they tell you anything else"
"Th-that I can-can't read" I stuttered
"And we're working on that right" She said
I nodded
She wiped my tears, "you wanna go back to class"
I shook my head, "i-i wan-wanna go ho-home"
She smiled slightly, "alright, let's go get your stuff"
I don't want her to get mad at me, I just wanted to go home, see dashie.
Mrs.Coffee thanked Mrs.Stacy and called the office, telling them to call Mrs.Flower outside
"Hey oddball" Silver spoon said
I was collecting my stuff. Sonic was back.
I felt something hit my head, I turned and saw Diamond Tiara's whole table throwing paper Balls at me. I covered my face getting paper cuts. I felt someone pull me up and heard everyone complain.
Sonic had helped me up, he finished helping me get my bag together and made sure that they didn't hurt me.
Mrs.Coffee came back and saw me covered in paper cuts. "What happened" She asked
I stayed quiet
"They were throwing paper balls at her," Sonic explained pointing at the girls.
"Oh my" She said and went to them, "is this true" She asked
"Yes Mrs.Coffee," Snips said
"Shut it dork" Diamond snapped at snips
"No recess for this whole table got it" She said
I hid behind sonic, afraid of what they will do, he held my hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.
"Sonic can you please walk Cloud to the office" she said,
"Of course" He said
We went towards the office, he held my hand.
We walked in. "Hey guys" A woman said, "you must be cloud" She said to me, "your foster mommy will be her soon"
I nodded
"Aren't you two just adorable"
A few minutes later sonic left, I sat in a chair knees to chest. As I heard the door buzzer, I looked and saw Mrs.Flower! She came in and I bolted to her.
She giggled, "hi cloud, what happened"
I just hugged me her.
She picked me up and went to sign me out.
"Hi Mrs.Flower," The woman said
"Hi Mrs.Patty" She said
"I wanted to give cloud this" She had one of those "dum-dum" Lollipops.
Mrs.Flower gasped "what do you say"
"Thank you" I said and she handed it to me.
I opened it somehow and put it in my mouth, Mrs.Flower signed me out and she carried me too the car. She put me in my seat and we went home.
Dashie and Blitz came home soon, when they came in I ran to Dashie giving her a hug.
"Hi baby" She said and picked me up, Mr.Sky came in went to Mrs.Flower
"Hi cloud" Blitz said.
"How about you go do your homework," Mr.Sky told them
"Ok" Blitz said
We went upstairs, and went to mine and dashie's room, blitz needed to help dashie with homework. I grabbed a book I found, I tried reading the title.
"The du-?" I tried
Blitz looked, "whatcha reading" dashie looked
I showed them, dashie came over
"Can you read the title" She asked
"The du-" I tried
"Ready" She said
I nodded
"Repeat after me, the"she pointed
"The" I said
"Duckling" She pointed
"Duck-ing" I stuttered
"Gets a" She pointed
"Gets a" I repeated
"Cookie" She pointed
"Cook-e" I said
"The duckling gets a cookie"
"The Duck-ing gets a cook-e" I said
"Now you say it"
"The doc-ing gets a cook-e"
"Try again"
"The Duck-ing gets a vook-e"
"One last time"
"The duckling gets a cookie"
"There you go" She said
"Yay!" I said
Mr.Sky came in, he saw me trying to read, and smiled
"How's it going" He asked,
"Ok" Blitz said
"Well dinner is ready" He said
"Ok" Dashie said, "come on" She took the book and we went down stairs
The next day I was walking down to class when someone covered my mouth and dragged me to the bathroom. I was pushed to the floor in the far corner,
"We told you that you were dead for telling" Diamond tiara said
Silver spoon taped my mouth shut, and both started to kick me! I tried to scream but couldn't, I felt like my dad was there. They gave me long bloody paper cuts, and kept trying to break my leg, the bell rang and they bolted, leaving me.
I took the tape off, I couldn't move, my body was aching. I curled up and cried.
A couple minutes later the door open,
"Cloud?" I heard
"Sc-scoot?" I asked
She saw me and ran kneeling next to me. She helped me sit up, I was dizzy a leaned against the wall.
"Come on, they're worried about you" She said
"My head hurts" I said
"Alright" She helped me up, "let's getcha to class"
I limped as my leg was probably broken.
Scootaloo had better arm around me, helping me walk. We made it back, I sat next to the door, sonic came out and gasped.
"Cloud..." He sat next to me and held me. Mrs.Coffee came out.
"Oh my, um... Excuse me Mrs.Brown, we found cloud"
"You did?"Mrs.Brown came out and gasped, " Sonic scootaloo can you take her too the nurse"
They Nodded, sonic helped me walk as Mrs.Brown was trying to figure out who it was.
We made it there and the nurse gasped and quickly came over, "cutie what happened" She asked
I cried
"Let's clean you up" She said and layed me on a bed. Sonic stayed next to me, as scootaloo waited.
The nurse wiped the dripping blood off my leg and put 3 big bandaids on it and wiping the bruises.
"You wanna go home" She asked
I nodded rapidly.
"Alright" She said, "scootaloo can you go get her suff"
Scootaloo left.
Sonic held my hand, the nurse called Mrs.Flower.
"Hello Mrs.Flower... Ya she's hurt... You think you can come pick her up... Thank you so much... Bye bye" She hung up
Scootaloo dropped off my stuff before going back to class, sonic stayed until Mrs.Flower came.
Mrs.Flower came in and carefully picked me up. "Cloud!" She hollered.
"My leg hurts"
"Alright, I'm so happy you're safe"
"Her leg might be broken, I would take her to a doctor just in case"the nurse said.
" Alright, thank you so much " Mrs.Flower said.
We left to pick up Dashie and Blitz. Since Mr.Sky was working late.
Dashie got into the car and sat next to me, "baby, what happened"
"I got hurt" I said as Blitz came in.
"Awwww, baby" Dashie said and kissed my forehead.
I held her hand rubbing my thumb on hers. I was getting sleepy, she used her other hand and rubbed my cheek.
I leaned on her hand and yawned.
"Take a nap baby, you've had a long day" Dashie said to me as I feel asleep.
I woke up when they were unbuckling me, I opened my eyes and saw Mrs.Flower, she picked me up gently and closed the door.
"What's going on" I asked
"Oh hi cutie, we're going into the hospital the check you out" She said.
"Ok" I said half asleep
She held me by her shoulder and I layed on her shoulder laying my head on my arms.
She rubbed my back as we went in. She held me and I stayed laying there.
We went to a chair to wait. Mrs flower sat me next to her, dashie picked me up and sat me on her lap. Mrs.Flower went to call Mr.Sky.
I layed on her chest she stroked my hair, "what's wrong baby"
"My leg hurts" I complained
"Alright, they'll fix you up" She said and Mrs.Flower came back in.
We waited a couple minutes when a nurse called my name.
"Cloud Chaser" She said
We went up dashie carried me.
"Follow me" We went to a exam room and dashie put me on the table
I got a bit tense when she did but then she held my hand and I got calm.
"I heard you hurt your right leg" She said
I nodded, even though I still don't know my left from right.
"I'm going to take a look ok" She said
I looked at dashie, "if it hurts just squeeze my hand"
I nodded
The nurse looked at my leg, it hurt I tried not to cry.
"Alright," The nurse said and wrote something on her clipboard. Then a doctor came in and she handed him the clipboard and the nurse left.
"Hi little one," He said
I didn't like him, he was big and scary.
"Don't worry little one, we're just going to do a X-ray" He said
"What's a X-ray" I asked quietly
"We're going to take a picture and it's going to look at your bones" He explained
I leaned on dashie.
"It's ok," She said.
I got scared, I'm only 5. I played with my charm bracelet nervously.
"Hey kiddo, it won't hurt, you just have to lay down still" He said
I nodded.
"Um..." He said and turned too Mrs.Flower "Can I talk to your for a moment"
"Sure" She said and both went out closing the door.
Blitz came over, "it's going to be ok cloud"
I started to cry, dashie picked me up,
"It's ok baby," She said
I layed on her shoulder and cried.
She swayed holding me, rubbing my back, "shhhhhhhh... I gotcha... You're gonna be alright..."
I calmed down a bit, just relaxed, as the grown ups came back in.
"You ready kiddo" He asked
I was scared. I didn't answer.
"Cloud look who's here" Mrs.Flower said
I looked, My Pengi "Pengi!"
She handed it to me.
I squeezed Penelope.
"Kiddo, you ready" He asked again
I was still nervous but nodded
"Alright, you can take your plushie with you if it helps" He said
I nodded
"Follow me please" We followed him to a room with a table. Dashie took off my bracelet. And they did the X-ray. I remember holding my Pengi and a bright light.
The next thing I know is I'm back in Dashie's arms laying on her shoulder.
The doctor was talking to Mrs.Flower.
A couple minutes later I got told I broke my leg, and was getting a cast on, it was purple.
We soon went home but I got told I couldn't go too school for a week, and had too learn to use these things called crutches? They were colorful.
We went home but dashie carried me.
"My leg is heavy" I said,
Dashie rubbed my back, "I know baby, it's gonna feel like that"
I cuddled with her, as tears started to form.
"Baby" She said putting me on my booster seat "don't cry, you're ok" She then got in and sat next to me
I reached for her hand, she saw and let my hold her hand, I rubbed my thumb on the nail her thumb.
"My leg hurts" I said as it dangled, it felt numb.
"I know baby, just relax, we'll be home soon" She said and handed me Penelope, I hugged her. We went home.
I was on my bed trying to sleep, I had been given a medicine but it wasn't helping much, my leg was hurting me so much I couldn't sleep. My head was also hurting since I couldn't sleep. No matter hard I tried, I just couldn't!
I started to cry loudly, I heard Dashie turn but didn't come, I continued, I just wanted the pain too stop! Dashie then saw me and came over as the grown ups came in and over too me.
"Cloud what's wrong" Dashie asked sitting next to me. I continued to cry.
Mrs.Flower picked me up gently. "Dose your leg hurt"
I stopped wailing and nodded, tears still going down face,
"Hun can you go get the ice" She said to Mr.Sky.
"Of course" He said and left the room.
I continued to cry,
"Sweetie," Mrs.Flower said,
"My head hurts" I said through tears
"Awwwww cutie," Feels forehead, "you're not warm, it might just be a headache" She said.
Mr.Sky came back with a ice pack, a small bottle, and one of my 'sippy cups'
Mrs.Flower layed me back down on the bed, resting my foot on a pillow, dashie sat on the floor next to me.
Mr.Sky placed the cup and little bottle on the table, he put the ice pack on my leg.
I whimpered, dashie stroked my hair, I was exhausted, the clock was at the numbers 5, 4,and 7 (5:47) I'm guessing it was early in the morning.
"Poor baby" Dashie said
"Here cloud," Mr.Skys said handing me the cup, "it'll help you sleep"
I took it, it felt was warm, I drank some, it was warm milk, I slowly drank some, closing my eyes,lowering the cup, and falling asleep.
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