Thank you

He should be ashamed.

But he felt proud.

Should he had kept that from them?

But it felt so right to say all that out loud.

They are your family. They will understand.

Will they really? Are they really family? What is family anyway?

Why is it only he belongs with Bill?

"Dipper... You... What have he done?" Mable asked her eyes watering.

Made me a monster.

Made me who I was ment to be.

"You killed?"

I'm sorry.

If felt so thrilling.

He looked at them then looked away, blood dripped from his hand. He felt Ford grab his bloody wrist. His eyes widening as he looked up a bit taken back.

"This is not you. That was not you, Dipper." He hissed out.

How do you know?

You all have done so much to me. You all had hurt me. Bill never gave me that.

"He corrupted you! You have to fight it! You will fight it!"

Dipped felt uneased with Ford's strong grip.

"Can't fight yourself." He responded.

Ford was gripping his wrist so hard it was starting to hurt even with his new power. What was he doing? He can't see in Ford's mind.

"No Dipper."


"None of that is you!"

I won't run. I can trust them.

"Please Ford, it is-"

"No! I know what we need to do. We need to get that demon out of you. We will fix you and get you back."


Dipper was yanked to Ford who used his free hand to pull something out of his coat.

"We will bring the real you back."

"Wait- NO!" Dipper screams as something was slammed into his chest.





"Just bare with us for now."

He couldn't tell who was talking much anymore.

"Grunkle Ford what did-"

"He's screaming!"

"Get back Mable he's fine!"

"We WILL fix him."

Dippers vission failed him as pain overtook him and he shut down, the voices he was hearing coming to a end.

Then nothing.

His eyes closed despite so many tears.


Different color eyes open slowly.

Like every nightmare, he was back in his old house, in his own room.

But this time it was not all gray, but in color.

This was not a dream.

He sat up his body feeling sore and like he had been drained.

He moved to stand but once he did he cried out and he fell to his hands and knees.

He was breathless.

He couldn't sense anyone. He couldn't use his power like their was a lock on it.

What did they do?

He tryed to stand again using objects to help hold him up.

It was slow progress but he made it to the door. Turning the knob he couldn't open it.

He grit his teeth together and weekly banged against the door.

He couldn't use his voice. He didn't have anything nice to say right now anyways.

Soundless screams passed. He can't contact or even feel Bill without his power.

Him hitting on the door was doing nothing but making him tired. He slid down to his knees leaning aginst the door.

Tears? He reached up and wiped them away.

He pressed his ear against the door and tried to hear anything other than his own breathing.

Nothing Was Heard he guessed he must have been trapped and surrounded by spells to keep him in and his power unusable.

He looked away from the door into the window that reminded him so much of Bill. Desiding he liked the window better he moved his body and began to crawl.

He felt so weak.

He was cocky.

Becuse of his power and hope he never thought they would to this or anythang to him.

He expected some out bursts but he could have never seen this coming.

He struggled to get onto the wood table in front of the window, though it didn't feel too good against his skin he got comfortable and stared at the window. His blue eye burned and his brown eye watered shaking his head he cleared his mind to get rid of such thoughts.

He did this to himself.

He will just have to wait for them to get in here to do anything.


"Wake up."

A single blue eye opens in annoyance to be awoken the other eye opening a few seconds after, his demon side was more alert then his human.

When did he fall asleep?

He was so use to waking up with Bill that he felt cold and alone as he uncurled from his tight ball sitting up halfway looking at Ford.

"How do you feel?"


He opened his mouth to speak as you took a note the soreness was no longer painful and his voice it seems has returned as well.

"You know, at least when Bill did something to my body, he stayed with me untill I awoke and even told me what he was doing and did. Yet here you are trying to claim your better then him." He said clearly without emotion despite the anger he was feeling.

Ford glared gripping his shirt and yanking him close.

"All humans are better then monsters like Bill and his minions. Even murderers are angels compared to Bill."

He grabbed Ford's wrist to hold him up seeing he was no longer touching any surface and being held in the air.

"That's not nice to say about your king and a cruel way to use my nickname as an Angel."

Ford threw him and he yelled but had landed on the bed. He opened his eyes his shock making a soundless scream as Ford was on him.

Fear filled him as a hand wrapped around his neck with ease making him struggle to get free, kicking, hitting, screaming, anythang.


This did not feel like fingers.

The pressure that cut off his air let go letting him breathe again. His hands shot up feeling his neck and it took seconds for him realize what it was. A callor.

What in the...!?

Ford who was still on him held up a small three button device.

He pressed the first button on the bottom.

Screams of pain and horror escaped him as he thrashed gripping at the sheets below him crying threw his pain as he felt his own blood burn him.

His body burned like he was dying and all he could do was reach up trying to rip it off only to find it was locked Ford's free hand cressing his cheek as if trying to comfert him.

With a second click of the same button the shocks stopped, leaving him a weak crying mess his eyes so blurry with tears he could not see.

"I'm sorry. I know it hurts. But you'll thank me when I save you."

Thank you?

He began to laugh hysterical as he felt and needle press into him something injected into his bloodstream.

The shock was to help with the shot to take quicker affect with the way his blood was pumping.

Once again he felt sluggish and his body heavy.

So tired.

His eyes began to drift close his laughing coming to a stop as a sore ach took over the feeling in his body.


Thank you for showing me I made a mistake.


Bill glared down at the humans below staring at him on their knees.

He had grit his teeth togeather in anger.

They just can't shut up!

This was his first world meeting without his Pine Tree.

"I DONT CARE WHAT YOU ALL THINK!! Enough." He snarled.

"But, our king-"

Bill stood up in raged they kept persisting after he said no.

"How dare you keep talking after enough? Kill him." He hissed and the human world leaders let out shocked and slightly scared gaps as the human who spoke neck was twisted and snapped then ripped off by a pink haired woman.

She then moved away dragging the body with her that head and the other hand the humans visibly shaking reminded once again of the strength of the king that took over.

One looked to Bill swallowing hard. "Our k-king, may I ask where the prince is? Has he fallen ill?" He asked thinking something must have happend for this. Bill was always dark but right now without the prince he seemed angry. Upset. Could he even feel something like worrie?

Bill froze, the human feared he was about to face the same fate as the other who spoke.

"The Prince... My Pine Tree... He's gone." Bill mutters showing a bit of his true feelings shocking the humans to see how torn up Bill was about this.

"Gone? Has... The prince passed away?" Another asked shocked.

"NO! My Pine Tree can't die. He had left... Something has... Taken him away from me."

The human's eyes widen at this news and Bill grew deeply annoyed and angered thinking about his beloved that has been gone for days now.

"Leave. I'm done with you meat sacks of useless flesh."

The humans flinched back at the order and quickly left the throne room.

Bill gripped the arms of his chair.

Pine Tree, Pine Tree.

I'm no longer able to be nice.

Your touch, your voice, your smile, the way you make me feel.


Why have you not return to me?














As the humans left they began to talk. They now knew why the King has been acting so strange lately, with all the strange orders and everything.

They had to find the angel.

The poor thang has been taken from its home. They all knew the angle was scared to go outside and protected them from inside the walls.

And they all knew the angle loved the king.

Someone took their angle and their kings beloved.

So they all agreed.

"We will find and protect our angel and bring him back home no matter the cost."

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