New Friends, New Foes, New Family
A young child was in an alleyway, wearing nothing but rags, digging through a dumpster to try to find something for dinner.
They had just found the remains of a chicken leg, but just as they were about to take a bite out of it, they heard a high-pitched squeaking noise.
"Huh?" they said, turning their head. The source of the sound, a sort of dog creature with a strange green liquid substance tied around its neck, ran up to them and jumped into their arms.
"Oh! Erm, h-hi!" they said, petting it. However, the cute moment didn't last long as they saw two large men approach them. They backed up into the alleyway, shielding the young creature in their arms.
Just as one of the men was about to grab them, the little dog created a bright glow. The next thing they knew, they were out of the alleyway and behind the men.
They both turned around to reveal their intimidating faces. The young child squeaked and rushed away, not daring to look back.
They had lost their breathe by the time they had reached the construction site. They were hot and sweaty from the running, but at the same time, cold and shivering from the current temperature.
The small dog made a worried coo as they held it tighter. "I-It's ok. I-I won't let those bad men hurt you," they spoke, sitting down and petting the dog-like creature in attempts to comfort it.
It remained silent, before a giant thump was heard behind them. They turned around, the child holding the dog like a teddy bear to both comfort themselves and keep it safe, and saw a large turtle man with a red bandana and sharp objects on his belt which they couldn't recognize. The closest thing you could compare them to was knives, so this slightly scared them.
"Hey, little buds, what you doing here?" he said in a...semi-comforting tone as he tried to make himself look like less of a threat.
There were four others there behind him; Three were turtles, one with a blue mask, one with a purple one, and one with an orange one, and one was a human girl.
The four behind him all chuckled as he tried to act all sweet to the two. "What? Cute things love me, alright? I am at one with animals, and not to mention I'm great with kids."
The next thing they know, the little dog jumps out of your arms and scratches the large turtle's face. Two seconds later, it jumps into the teenage girl's arms and starts licking her face.
"Aw, I didn't get this drenched from the cannonball~" she spoke. The dog then swiftly jumped back onto your lap and snuggled into you, making you giggle.
"It looks so weird," the one in orange said. The one in purple kneeled down to the child's height and lifted the green liquid up with one finger, saying, "Maybe it's some kind of nuclear Saint Bernard?"
Soon, everyone heard an angry scoff from behind them. They turned around and saw the same two large men that were chasing you from before. You whimpered and held the dog closer to you.
"Humans!" the turtle in red exclaimed before whisper-yelling to the other turtles, "Initiate plan H!"
The turtles faced the men as the one in blue said in a high-pitched voice, "Um, excuse me, sirs. Can one of you direct us to the local science fiction convention that we are currently dressed for?" "Snazzy alien turtle turtle outfits, huh?" the one in orange continued.
"We are just typical, normal humans who got lost in the middle of our normal, everyday human lives. Nailed it," the one in purple spoke. Everyone stared at him with deadpanned looks. "Dude, you've gotta make it to rehearsal," the one in blue whispered.
"Give to me creature," one of the men spoke up, "How you say, Pretty please, or I'll destroy you."
The one in red glared at the man and said, "Really? You think you're gonna step up to our friend?" He hit his fists together. "Rookie mistake, hoss."
"And if you step to my friends for stepping to you...for st-stepping to me?" The girl started stuttering, "You're gonna have to step to me, mkay?"
"You do not intimidate us, with or without your fake need voices," the man said. "That was actually my real voice," the one in purple pointed out. "Well you better get intimidated, 'cause we're like nothing you've ever seen!" the one in red exclaimed, confidently. "What's wrong with my voice?" the one in purple asked, seemingly actually curious about the topic.
The two men groaned. Soon, their eyes started glowing a light pink-ish purple-ish color. Everyone gasped.
"No way!"
"Jumping Jack Flash!"
The men and their little puppies transformed into armored men with large weapons and large dogs big enough to ride on.
"So...You guys from Jersey?" the one in blue asked, jokingly. "Really, Leo?" the one in orange said with a deadpanned look. 'Leo' shrugged and said, "What? I can't make a joke in the middle of the craziest thing ever? That's how I cope."
Soon, all the turtles pulled out weapons as the girl stayed beside you and the dog, making sure you two stayed safe.
~^~Time Slip~^~
The turtles were getting absolutely recked. The girl growled and picked you and the dog up, running towards a pile of bricks. She picked one up and threw it at one of the men, yelling, "Hey! Trash can and toaster boy! If you know what's good for you, you'll leave my friends—" One of the men summoned a sort of circle around the dog creature, trapping it. "—Alone."
The circle started floating towards the man as the creature tried in vein to escape its prison. When it reached him and it was in his grasp, the girl, who was still holding onto the ball and trying to pry it out of his grip, was shot back by a bright light.
"We have the agent! And the vial!" one of them exclaimed. They turned around and waved their hand at a wall, making a portal appear.
"Woah!" all of them exclaimed. Behind them, they heard a bell chiming.
"Woah, sweet shortcut!" a pizza man exclaimed as he rode past them. Suddenly, he came to realization. "Wait...This isn't a shortcuuuUUUT!" he yelled as he fell into the portal. "Gah! Good to know," the one in orange said.
The two walked into the portal. "NO!" you yelled, running in after them. "Dog thingy! Kid!" the girl exclaimed, running after you two.
The child landed on the ground with a small thump. They groaned, looking around. "Doggy?" they called out, attempting to get on their feet. They yelped in pain as they held their little foot, tears forming in the corners of their eyes. They looked down at it and saw it was twisted in a way it wasn't supposed to be.
They heard another thump behind them, but it was just a bit heavier than theirs. They quickly turned around with a panicked expression, but calmed down as they saw it was the girl who tried to help them.
"Hey, kid, you alright?" she asked, kneeling down to their height. They sniffed and shook their head 'no'. She sighed and picked them up, looking around.
"Well, my name's April, and what's your name, lil' cutie?" she asked, slightly tickling the child's sides, hoping to comfort them. You giggled as she did so. "M-My name is..." they started off. They stuttered a few times before managing to say, "I...I don't know..."
She looked at the small child with a sorry face and said, "Well, maybe we could give you a name! What about— DOG THINGY!" she yelled.
The child in the girl's arms looked over and saw the two men with the small dog creature inside of its ball, trying to escape. As soon as it saw the two, it struggled even more to teleport itself out, catching the attention of the two guards. They both turned around as April held the young one close and ran behind a rectangular stone with small circles and lines drawn into the front of them.
There were a few grunting noises, before footsteps that gradually got fainter and fainter. The two peeled out to see the men and the dog going into a building, the door slamming closed behind them.
April walked out and looked around. "Alright, kid, I'll put you right here—" she said as she placed you down where you fell "—so while you stay here and rest, Imma go explore, find out where we are, and see if there's a way outta here, m'kay?" The child nodded, hugging her arm, "Be careful, okay?" She smiled and pat their little head, saying, "Don't worry, kid, I will. Now, you be careful yourself, m'kay?" They nodded. And just like that, she rushed off, leaving the small one alone.
The child was still sitting down, rocking back and forth, watching as all sorts of strange creatures flew by. However, they heard four more thumps and someone yell, "Land safellyyyYYYY- Ha!" It sounded as if they were trying to keep their balance.
The child turned around and saw the four turtles from before staring off into the strange land. "Mister Turtles!" they yelled. They all turned around and saw the child. "Aw, the poor thing!" the one in orange exclaimed, rushing over to the young one and picking the them up.
"Mhm, their foot definitely shouldn't be turned this way," the purple one stated, holding onto your foot lightly, "I suppose I could heal it up when we get out of here."
"Psst! Hey, guys, over here!" a feminine voice called out. "April!" the one holding the child exclaimed, running up to her. The four turtles pulled April into a group hug.
"Donnie, where are we?" the one of them asked. (I actually forgot who said that but I'm too lazy to rewatch the episode) 'Donnie' started typing something on his wrist-screen and said, "According to my calculations, we are in a tertiary meta-verse."
"Actually," April corrected, "I've been exploring, and we're in a mystic hidden city deep under New York!"
"That was my second guess," Donnie replied, attempting to cover up his miscalculations. "So, we've got the kid, but where's the dog thingy?" one of them asked. "He's in there!" the young child spoke, pointing towards the large building.
The young one, the turtles, and April started towards the building before Donnie stopped hem and said, "I don't think it would be the wisest idea to bring this child with us, especially with that injury." "Yeah, I guess not," the one in orange said as he set the child down on the ground, "Don't worry, kid, we'll be out of here, soon!"
They all walked in as the young one stayed outside. They looked around, not exactly knowing what to do, before deciding they had enough of just sitting around. They got up, leaning against a wall to support themself, and walked into the building.
They walked in and gasped as they saw the four turtles fighting a large monster of some sort and April trying to fight of two bat-looking creatures. They looked around before noticing an open hatch. The carefully climbed in, and gasped as they saw a large amount of dangerous items. They grew a bit fearful, but at the same time, fascinated.
They continued walking around, supporting themself with the walls, pillars, and any other parts of the room, until their eyes landed on a sort of staff.
(Change the colors to whatever you want)
It was very tall, about a head taller than the child. Unlike the other objects, this item didn't seem to intimidate you. In fact, it seemed to be calling out to you.
It had a faint (color) glow. They held onto the handle, and suddenly, the light grew brighter and brighter. They child shielded their face with their other hand, closing their eyes and looking away.
Once the glow had stopped, they stood back up and examined the staff.
They looked down and saw their foot was bent correctly! They moved it around, and it felt as if nothing had happened to them. They squealed and jumped around, happy to no longer be in pain.
However, it didn't take log for them to hear rumbling from outside. That was right! The turtles and April were still in trouble! The child ran out the door they entered from, and saw that the building was close to collapsing as the turtles and April were trapped in a sort of ooze.
They flinched as they saw a chunk of the ceiling land on, supposedly, the one who had trapped them. They looked around and saw the dog creature was still in its prison. They jumped down and rushed over to it.
"Hey! Kid! What're you doing in here?!" April yelled, "And weren't you just limping around 'cause of your ankle?! How's it that you can run now?!" "Wait, that staff!" Donnie yelled, "It has the same glow your weapons have! It must have some of the same properties!"
The child paid no attention to their words as they used their staff to attempt to break the orange prison the dog was in. They looked up a bit and saw a loose piece of rubble. It wasn't that large, but it would be enough to break the orange barrier.
They used their staff to loosen it, and sure enough, it fell onto the orange barrier, creating a hole large enough for the dog to crawl out of. It made a small coo of appreciation as it jumped into the child's arms.
They giggled as the dog used its magic and brought the two to the turtles and the girl. "Little kid! Little guy!" April exclaimed, "Hey, can you do your thing and get us outta here?" The dog chirped and used its magic once again, teleporting all seven of them outside of the lab.
The orange clad turtle pulled out a small circular disk of some sort and traced the circles and lines on the stone the child and April hid behind. It created a portal for all of them to enter.
Everyone fell onto the dirt ground, except the child, since April caught them. "Oh no! Splinter's doo-hickey!" the orange masked turtle yelled, staring at the now broken disk.
He sighed as the small dog teleported back into the young one's arms, making them giggle. April smirked and said, "Hey, you two sure were good through all that mayhem."
The young one gasped. "Mayhem!" they exclaimed. Everyone stared at them with confused faces. "We should call the doggy Mayhem!" they continued, squeezing the dog as if it were a plushie. April's eyes lit up, "Hey, Mayhem! That's a cute name!"
"Hey!" the one in red exclaimed, "We just saved a kid and a dog! We're heroes!" They all did a dramatic pose. "We deserve a name like Mad Dogs!"
"Mad Dogs?" the one in blue questioned, "Don't you think we should have something like, I dunno, Ninja Mutant...Turtle Teens or something? I dunno, we'll keep brainstorming."
"Hey, speaking of names," April spoke, putting you down, "As you know, I'm April! They're Mikey—"
"And Raph!"
"So..:if I remember don't have a name, do ya bud?" You shook your head 'no' as you looked down, avoiding all eye contact.
April gave worried glances at the turtles as they returned them before she asked, "Do you...have a home? Or at least a family? 'Cause judging from the way you're dressed, you don't look like you have much."
They sniffed, sitting down as they dropped their staff, Mayhem sitting in their lap, nuzzling them, trying to comfort them.
"I...I wasn't supposed to happen..." the young one spoke sadly, "My...My mommy didn't have enough money to get rid of me before I was born" Tears ran down their face as they began trembling, holding onto Mayhem as though their life depended on it.
Mikey looked down at them sorrowfully as he walked over to them and scooped them up into his arms, saying, "Sh, sh, it's alright, it's alright. That bad woman can't get to you now. You've got a new family!"
You looked up at him as you wiped your tears away, hope in your eyes, "N...New family...?" Mikey smiles and said, "Of course! We can bring her to the lair, right Raph?!" he exclaimed, staring at Raph with starry eyes.
Raph pondered for a few minutes, before grinning and saying, "Alright! I don't see why not!" Mikey yelped in joy, throwing you up in the air, causing a squeak and a giggle to escape your lips, and immediately catch you again.
"Oh! A name! You need a name!" he exclaimed in realization. "How about...(Y/N)?" Leo suggested. You giggled and exclaimed, "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" The blue glad turtle grinned and held you, saying, "Y'see? (Y/N) likes that name!" His brothers chuckled as Raph said, "Alright, (Y/N) it is!"
Suddenly, the ground began to rumble. "GAH!" they all yelled. You clung into Leo for protection. Soon, a large amount of green mosquitos flew out from the same place you exited. They flew out into the city until they were out of sight.
"Uh oh..." you muttered, worry clear in your voice. Leo spoke, "We should go, guys, people's blinds are starting to open." They all ran off, Leo still holding you as you gripped your staff.
Word Count: 2,975
Gosh DANG, this is one of the longest chapters I've ever made in any book! Anyways, I've been searching EVERYWHERE for a book like this, but alas, I was unsuccessful. However! For those who have been searching far and wide like I have, your prayers are now answered! Well, I hope you all enjoy!
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