Chapter 5: There's such a chill
Occasionally, when a person wakes from their sleep, they will have a faint memory of the dream they had. It's so clear in the person's mind that they can near re-live the fictional events that their mind conjured. But, after a while, they'll start to forget. Nobody can help forgetting things, it's only human, but they wish it wasn't. So they'll cling desperately on to that memory, eager to share the experience with their friends, or anyone who will listen, but eventually, it slips from them until it's nothing but a word on the tip of their tongue.
Usually, Lloyds mornings started like this.
Unlike this morning.
Lloyd's slumber was dreamless and deep, a result of exhaustion. So rather than trying to fall back into a calm dream, he slowly arose, well-rested and clear-minded. Despite sleeping in his Gi, pauldron and all, he felt as if he'd had the most comfortable sleep in his life. He felt fresh, like his day was going to be great.
He knew not to jinx himself, but still, was being positive so bad? He needed this.
Once he was fully awake, he tread his way from the bunk room. He carefully and slowly opened the door, stepping out into the damp hallways and feathering the door closed.
Wait- why was the hallway so damp?
Lloyd decidedly ignored the phenomenon.
The flaxen-haired boy continued his voyage down the hall, footsteps significantly less quiet than before. He's sure they won't be woken from so far away.
Through the hall, into the kitchen.
Yes, Lloyd has decided that he'll make himself some morning tea. Start the day well, finish the day well.
The kettle boils in relative silence
Udder, painful silence, spare for the echoing creaks of the bounty, and the whistling of the gas element under the kettle. He taps his finger against the bench in silence, patience draining.
He nudges the teapot towards him the second the whistle of the kettle cuts through the silence. Filling the base of the pot with green tea leaves and jasmine petals, he covers the herbs with a steady stream of hot water.
While it brews, Lloyd scours the kitchen for teacups and saucers. They have a plentiful supply of them, he knows they must do, he's just not sure where...
He flings open a cupboard behind him and he is greeted with stacks apon stacks of teacups, all that same shade of blue. He smiles, grabbing just one for himself.
He returns to the bench, pouring himself a cup. A part of him is grateful that the teapot is self-straining, so he didn't have to bother with straining the leaves and petals from the pot. He could simply pour it into his cup, ready to drink.
With his tea in hand, he saunters to the table, pulling a chair out to sit on.
The chair skids the floor, an uncomfortable noise echoing through the bounty. He quickly takes the seat, cringing.
He'd probably just woken someone up.
He sips his tea a guilty man.
Later, the ninja are all together in the monastery. They're seeing half the team off on a trip to the explorers club. From what Lloyd vaguely understood, Kai, Zane, and PIXAL were going to investigate the club on Kai's hunch; "if it's not Clutch, then it's at least someone he knows."
They wave to the bottom of the stairs, where fire, ice, and Samurai-X stood, small blurred figures far below them. Lloyd watches them clamber awkwardly onto the Dragon Raider.
The rest of them leave for Staynes, not long after. He wouldn't necessarily say they left in a rush, but... well, that would be lying. Lloyd isn't a liar.
The flight was long. Lloyd had a lot of time to think, to reflect. Maybe too much time.
Despite all that time, Wu had not spoken a word to him. Too busy meditating, or eating lunch, or steering the bounty, anything the mind could conjure, Lloyd is sure his uncle had done at one point. Frankly, it was getting beyond ridiculous.
Not to say Lloyd hadn't been doing the same thing, however, for him, it was natural. Lloyd is a grumpy, gullible, and somewhat petty teenager, he has a right to act the way he does.
Wu, on the other hand, had no reason to act so strangely! He was lying, avoiding the opportunity to lecture, avoiding his nephew, for bricks' sake! This was nothing like him!
Lloyd couldn't help but internally slander his master.
It was wrong of him, he knew this, but... Lloyd didn't feel guilty anymore.
In fact, what he was feeling could only be described as irritation. Anger.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Wu enters the bunk room, interrupting a competitive and violent game of mini-droids chess. Nya releases Jay's collar with a glare that says "You're lucky", and Lloyd sighs in relief.
Wu had just inadvertently saved Jay's life.
But at the same time, he'd ended Lloyds.
"Ninja." He announces his presence with a stern voice, waking Coles sleeping figure. He tumbles with a thud out of his bed.
The ninja all gravitate to their master, despite Lloyd's current distaste for him. He was still their master, he needed to show respect.
"We will be in Staynes shortly, I suggest you ready yourselves."
"Yes, master." They all hum in response.
Jay swiftly begins packing up their game, collecting the pieces that had been thrown, and organizing them neatly back in the box. Nya finishes her tea.
"Isn't this exciting?" Jay tucks the box away in a cupboard by the door, slamming it closed a little too quickly. "A whole new town that we've never been to before! What do you think the people will be like? Is the climate different?"
Cole groans from the floor. "You ask too many questions..."
Nya laughs at him. "It's too bad Zane isn't here. He would've loved this."
"Should we get him a souvenir?" Jay suggests.
"Maybe a hand fan?"
Cole huffs. "Why would a nindroid need a hand fan?"
"Guys." Lloyd interrupts their banter, digging around his drawer for a stick of deodorant. "We're not here for sightseeing. We're here to find the explorer." He grabs the stick with a huff.
Jay smiles at him light-heartedly, posture lax and friendly. "Loosen up, Lloyd. We may as well enjoy ourselves, it's our first mission back together!"
Lloyd huffs again.
What's the point of enjoying ourselves when there's some unknown maniac with an all-powerful spear on the loose? He couldn't understand them. How could they think about anything else?
Lloyd exits the room silently, snatching his sword off the wall on his departure. He's aware it's a petty act but Lloyd isn't in the mood to act any other way.
On a whim, he decides to follow Wu's orders. He strode up the stairs, collecting his boots at the door. He buckles them on patiently and tightly.
Behind him, he hears the careful chatter of his friends, slowly getting closer and closer. He wonders what they're talking about; probably how strangely Lloyd was acting.
Strangely? Lloyd wasn't acting strangely. He's just stressed, that's all. Not a new emotion to the team.
His boots are securely fastened by the time the ninja join him, chatter ceased. They feel uncomfortable, he knows it; they shushed each other and put their boots on also, slowly zipping and buckling, waiting for Lloyd to leave first.
He indulges them. Walking onto the hull, he takes notice of the vastly unfamiliar surroundings.
Staynes was incredibly far from any other civilization. Their closest neighbor was Metalonia, but still, they were as close to Staynes as Shintaro was to Ninjago City. You couldn't even see the edges of Metalonia, that's how far they were.
The scenery, however, went unmatched to nearly anywhere Lloyd had ever been. Vast mountains and snake-like alps spread in every direction, disappearing in the mouth of the horizon. The lands were untouched and lush, river banks sprinkled with grazing animals. Flourishing forests shaded the stoop of the mountains, traveling up sparsely.
Below the bounty was possibly the widest river he'd ever lay his eyes on. No- an estuary. It connected to the vast sea in a wavey bar. Lloyd was sure for a moment that he'd seen dozens of sharks drifting about near the bar, eating fish being sucked in by the in-going tide.
He believes the scenery alone made up for the extreme isolation.
On the shore of the estuary, he could make out a large, flat wharf. It reminded him so closely of Stiix that he wondered if the people of Staynes had in fact originated from Stiix in the first place.
The bounty comes to a stop above a beach with large, white-tipped waves. Wu and Garmadon stride down from the control hub, joining Lloyd on the hull.
None of the three utter a word, too awkward to break the silence. They opt to wait for the rest of the ninjas.
At least I know I'm not the only petty one here, Lloyd assures himself, glancing at his master. He swivels his gaze to his father, who's stagnant beside his brother, rubbing his hands together impatiently in front of him.
Eventually, the remaining three join them, profusely apologizing for being late.
"We'll keep the investigation simple." Wu quickly dismisses their apology to state the plan, just as eager as Lloyd to cut the thick air. "We go down there together to introduce ourselves, then split off. Garmadon will be staying with the bounty."
Cole leans over the edge, admiring the view. "So, we're just asking them about who stole it, right?"
Wu tutts. "You can ask about anything necessary, as long as it's not... strange." He glances at Jay while saying that last part. Nya chuckles at the implication, Jay doesn't seem to notice, just muttering a quiet "good to know."
Lloyd crosses his arms, ready to take action.
"I'll take the west side of the village. Jay-" He points at the latter, "you're on the north, Cole, you're on the east, Nya-"
"South. Got it." Nya finishes his sentence for him. Lloyd smiles at her, glad to see she's on task.
"Okay then, let's go." Cole leans back over the edge, pointing to the wharves.
Wu and Nya climb up to the control hub, steering the ship. Lloyd waits near Cole, not so close as to avoid starting a conversation. The ship steadily lowers, landing calmly near the wharf. A couple of citizens wave to them, directing them to a clear spot near the fishers.
Village goers run hurriedly toward the bounty.
We must be their first visitors in decades, Lloyd realized. The town wasn't even mapped on the official map of Ninjago. Then he remembered the photograph. Those adventurers must have not been here for years. Come to think of it, they looked so young in the photo I hardly recognized them.
The ship is directed further into the wharf, where a village goer ties the bounties' bow line onto a cleat, back to the stern, and onto a second cleat. Once the bounty is secured, Cole attaches the wooden walkway to connect the bounty to the wharf, allowing the ninja safe crossing.
Wu walks over first, marching with pride toward the waiting civilians. Nya shortly follows, then Jay, and finally Lloyd. Cole dismantles the walkway, opting to jump to the wharf from the bounty.
A villager guides them. Where, Lloyd isn't sure. He hadn't been listening, too consumed by the breathtaking beauty of the small village.
Each building was unique, but still had the common trait: they were all made from brick. It was strange, seeing so much exposed brick in Ninjago, but he guesses that Staynes was so detached it was hardly a part of Ninjago in the first place.
They soon reach what Lloyd assumes is the center of town, judging by the familiar stone statue stood proudly in the center of the courtyard.
As they walk closer, Lloyd decides he needs to reexamine his personal biases.
That statue, who he had originally assumed to be the first spinjitsu master, was very much not his grandfather. More specifically, it was very much not a man.
The statue was of a woman, bearing a long braid that trailed down past her shoulders. From this new perspective, her hat no longer covered her face, and Lloyd could make out... Well, a face. The statue's face bore a determined glare that angled towards the heavens, where Lloyd assumed the spear had also been pointing before it had been stolen.
Below the statue was a small metal plaque. When Lloyd got close enough, he read it.
"The Great Stayness. May she rest."
It's not a statue, it's a memorial. A commemoration to the founder of their village.
Before Lloyd can think more of it, a rich figure enters his vision. It's a man, fairly young, standing tall beside the memorial. When he notices the ninja, he turns with his arms spread welcomingly. He rushes to greet them, but despite his positive attitude Lloyd can't help but see a guilty glint in his eyes.
"Greetings, visitors!" The rich man stands just before the ninja master, pressing his hands together and bowing. Wu mimics him. "I am Lestyn, Mayor of this humble fishing village. Who may you be?" Lestyn gestures toward their master.
"My name is Wu, son of the First Spinjitsu Master." Lloyd nearly rolls his eyes at the formalities. He refrains. "I come with my pupils to assist in locating the spear that was stolen from your village."
The mayor leans from leg to leg, smiling gratefully.
"Ah, wonderful! How about your pupils introduce themselves, yes?" Lestyn glances at each of the ninja. Lloyd notices how his eyes linger for too long on him.
Wu turns to them, and they get the clue.
Jay introduces himself first, rubbing his hands nervously together. "Uh- I'm Jay, the master of lightning."
"I'm Cole, the master of earth."
"I'm Nya, the master of water."
Lloyd sighs quietly. "I'm Lloyd, the master of energy."
Mayor Lestyn visibly relaxes after the ninja introduce themselves, and Lloyd can't help but analyze his every move from then on. Lestyn was acting incredibly strangely, if not suspiciously. Lloyd plans to get to the bottom of it. He can't throw his trust around like confetti anymore.
Wu places a careful hand on the mayor's shoulder, urging him to return to the issue at hand.
"What can you tell us about the spear, Mayor Lestyn?"
Small murmurs echo around the village at the mention of the spear. He notices some sad eyes, some villagers even leave the courtyard.
They must love that spear, Lloyds assumes. He glances at the remaining villagers.
"Ah, yes, yes, the spear of concentration." Lestyn, with the flick of his hand, silences the murmuring villagers. Lloyd is amazed at the action.
Lestyn seems to think nothing of it as he continues. "For centuries, the spear has been somewhat of an heirloom to our people. It was the very weapon that our founder, Stayness, used to protect us for generations." His gaze drifts sadly to the statue. It lingers for a moment before he glances back at Wu. "When she disappeared, we forged the spear to the statue to keep it with her."
Lloyd quietly hums.
So, this Stayness person- instead of destroying the spear, she founded a village and used the spear to protect them? It didn't add up in Lloyd's head, for whatever reason. It seemed like a cool thing to do- found a village and protect them with a powerful weapon. But the facts just didn't sit right...
"I take it you are aware of the spear's creation and abilities, then?" Wu questions. He doesn't seem to be suspicious of Lestyn, and when Lloyd steals a glance at his friends, he realizes that he's alone in his suspicion.
How are they so trusting and gullible? Lloyd bitterly questions. Have they learned nothing?
But then again, Lestyn was no longer acting so suspiciously. He seemed far more relaxed than he was before, chin up and shoulders loose. His words were confidant and strong, no hesitation. Maybe, just maybe, he was simply socially awkward.
"Ah, yes." Lestyn considers the spear, eyes drifting in thought. "A rare type of dark gold, forged on the Dark Island, bestowed with the ability to banish those struck by it to the dark island." He seems very familiar with the spear, and almost fascinated by the premise. Awestruck. "We are well aware of the dangers."
Wu's eyes narrow. "I see."
Lloyd, impatient and unwilling to listen to their rambling for much longer, pushes the investigation forward. "Do you know if anyone saw the theft take place?"
Lestyn jumps to face him, nervous behavior returning. "I'm not sure anyone did." He sighs breathily. "You see, the thief was strategic and decided to steal the spear on a day of celebration. The entire village was at the coast, for our village anniversary celebration."
He raises an eyebrow. "The entire village was there?"
Lestyn nods. "Yes. Well-" he points a finger up as if wracking his brain, "-all except for one family. The Mallorys, I believe. They are- how do I put this kindly..." He hisses through his teeth. "...Hermits."
Hermits, huh? I can't believe our only lead is a family of antisocials.
Someone claps their hands at the news, when he turns to see who he spots Jay, rubbing his hands together with a smile.
"Perfect!" He re-thinks his words. "Wait, not perfect, but- uh, whereabouts do they live? So we can question them."
The Mayor huffs at him, pressing his fists to his hips. "How would I know? We're a small village, but we're not so small that I know where everyone lives, for Stayness-sake."
Lloyd almost swears at the man's audacity. He had been so nervous just a moment ago, and now he had the gall to speak so rudely toward the people trying to help him? Even Wu was above that!
He decides against swearing at the mayor, but he can't escape a quick glare.
Jay shuffles for a second, not sure how to brush off the mayor's behavior, when a villager taps him on the shoulder politely.
"Uh- if you'll excuse me, I know where they live."
Lloyd eyes the villager.
"Oh, that's perfect!" Nya places a gentle hand on their shoulder, smiling wide. "If you don't mind, could you take one of us there?"
They carefully step back, away from Nya and Jay, searching sporadically before pointing towards the north side of the courtyard. "Of course! Follow me this way..."
The villager quickly scurries off, and with a wave of his hand, Jay follows him.
Where there once were six, then there were five... and a large number of villagers surrounding them.
The group watches as Jay shuffles away behind the villager, silently.
Once he's disappeared from sight entirely, they turn back to the Mayor.
"Is there anything else we should know, Mayor Lestyn?" Wu folds his hands behind his back, preparing to start the investigation. Cole does a similar thing, crossing his arms in front of him.
The mayor taps his chin, somewhat comedically. "No, I believe that is all. You may begin your investigation now." He claps his hands together, and the villagers surrounding them disperse simultaneously. Lloyd wonders if it was a signal.
"Thank you, Mayor." Wu bows shallowly.
The team begins to wander away and start their search, when Cole suggests they meet back at the courtyard when they're done. They all agree, and soon the investigation officially begins.
Lloyd glances at the sun, locating the west with an L-shaped palm.
He finds himself walking back to the wharf, the western part of the town. A part of him is glad it's him searching the wharves, as there were significantly fewer people there than there were anywhere else. Partially because they were all heading out into the estuary, which Lloyd assumes is because it's high tide.
When he returns to the wharves, he spots many fishers hurrying to push their boats out into the water, as well as many more fishers already on the water.
With a quick scan of his eye, however, Lloyd notices something he finds odd: a significant lack of motors.
Every boat he could see, big or small, was powered by paddles; he could even see a few sailboats. But not one single engine, old or new.
He knows that he shouldn't be this confused about an old-fashioned town being old-fashioned, but something about the lack of innovation unnerved Lloyd. Maybe because it made their cutting-edge bounty look monstrous and fancy.
Well, he thinks to himself, I guess It is monstrous and fancy.
A loud thunk shudders the wood under his feet, and Lloyd turns to his side to see an old woman roughly stacking crates onto a cart. A fishy smell fills his nose.
The woman doesn't seem to notice him, as she hummed loudly and out of tune to a song he doesn't recognize.
He approaches her, purposefully loud to gain her attention. She snaps up, facing Lloyd with a bright smile.
Despite her friendliness, she doesn't speak. Lloyd takes the initiative.
"Ma'am, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"
Thunk! She places one last crate on the cart. She stills, smiling at him for a moment. Lloyd worries for a second that she's deaf.
"Oh!" She jumps. "Yes, yes, ask." She waves her hand at him, urging him to continue.
Lloyd wastes no time. "Where were you the night the spear was stolen?"
"Stealing spear, of course!" She laughs silently, mouth wide as if gasping for breath. "No, no, I joke, I joke. Fishing."
He humors her with a light chuckle. "Okay, do you know anyone who wasn't at the wharves while the theft was taking place?" He cracks his knuckles nervously.
For a moment, she doesn't respond. She simply stands, hunched with age and leaning ever so slowly towards the cart.
Did she just die? His chest shudders at the thought.
"No, no." She finally responds, snapping back up to look at him. "All of friends and family fishing with me, nobody not there, nobody not there."
His eyebrows furrow. Something in the way she responded didn't sound right to Lloyd. The way she sounded more like she was assuring herself, rather than him.
The old woman shudders a little, her smile replaced with a grimace. Lloyd worries about her sudden change in mood, but he doesn't want to bother her any longer.
"Okay... Thank you for your time, ma'am." He carefully pats her shoulder, turning to walk away and question somebody less senile.
She mutters from behind him. "Watch out for Devil Ray."
He waves back to her.
What a strange old lady...
Lloyd wanders away, to the edge of the wharf.
The scenery was beautiful, a vast estuary bustling with sea life, towering Alps on the other side. The water under the wharves was clear, small fish visible just under the surface, but it was also deep, and infested with tangling vines of weed that near wrapped around the wharf's supports. It was the second thing to remind him of Stiix, and he was sure it would not be the last.
As he approached the end of the wharf, he spots a man crouching near a tall bench, rummaging through a small intricately carved box. When Lloyd gets closer, he sees hooks of all different sizes organized inside.
The man snatches a handful of hooks haphazardly from the box, snapping it shut. He rises from his crouch and slams the hooks onto the bench, grabbing a string seemingly from nowhere and tying each and every hook onto it. The line is quickly thrown into the water and tied down to a cleat.
He whips around.
"Hello, boy."
Lloyd jumps at the sudden greeting.
"Uh- hello."
He snorts. "What do you want?"
Lloyd internally sobs, already despising the conversation. "Do you think I can ask you a couple questions?"
"No." His even-tempered face diminished. The man chuckles in wheezes, years of sickness hacking out of his throat in hearty bursts. "Jokes! Jokes! Ask me your questions, boy."
Lloyd just sighs.
The rest of his search goes by in a blur.
Although it did not take long, it was possibly the most frustrating, hair-pulling, gut-wrenching thing he'd ever have to do or experience.
While at first he'd thought the villagers of Staynes were polite and quiet, he was quickly disproven. He'd had a fair share of strange conversations with the villagers, none of them helping their investigation in the slightest. One of the villagers had actually asked him who sold him his boots.
He sighs, incredulously.
No one would ever drag the admission from him, but Lloyd had left the wharf far earlier than he should have. There were still a handful of people left to question, and he knows he should go back, it's his duty, but lord. He just couldn't handle it.
So here he was, regretting every decision he'd made that day, standing out of sight at the edge of the courtyard.
They had agreed to meet at the statue after their investigation, however, there was a tiny issue that prevented Lloyd from doing just that.
Wu was already there.
Waiting, patiently, twirling the edges of his beard now and then.
Lloyd groans with a scowl, dragging his hands across his too-warm face.
I don't wanna deal with another decrepit idiot!
So he storms away rashly, not caring if Wu sees him leaving. What would he do, anyway? Stop him? No, that petty old man would never pass up the chance to be left in peace, as opposed to standing there awkwardly together. Uncle and nephew, silent beside one another.
He passes fewer and fewer people, until eventually he's returned to the wharf for the second time that day. His frustration fuels his swift pace and rash thoughts.
Without much thought, he drifts toward the bounty. Where else would he go? To question that old woman with the cart again? Or the old man with the fishing hooks? No!
With a too-rough shove of his foot, he launches himself over the gap of water, from the wharf to the bounty. His feet touch the false ground.
But something is wrong.
The ship is exactly as they left it, tidy and unused.
He scans the hull of the ship. Nothing he can see looks out of the ordinary.
No, it's more what Lloyd can't see.
He creeps carefully across the bounty.
Suddenly, he can no longer hear the noise of fishers, or the paddle of boats. If he looks out to the estuary, he's not sure he can even see a single fisher anymore.
He's all alone.
The steady roll of the tide is the only thing he hears.
The bounty creaks under his footsteps, eerie and heart-throbbing.
He could be anywhere on board, Lloyd reassures himself. I'm overreacting.
But he can't shake the feeling.
Something is wrong.
His heart palpitations at the noise. He flings his head around, trying desperately to find the source.
A scroll rolls out from the cabin.
His heart beats too quickly, he can hardly breathe.
There's no one on the ship! It's just me!
With a deep breath out, and a deep breath in, he bites his tongue and steps into the cabin.
Watch out.
He sparsely rolls to dodge as a dark metal blade jab past his ribs, thudding into the enclosing walls of the cabin.
A second jab, and he's on the floor, scrambling to get up and away from his aggressor.
"Don't make this any harder, green ninja!" The man cries, running to stab at him again. The weapon lodges into the wood, Lloyd takes his chance and leaps up, smashing into the man and disabling him against the floor.
He's a villager, Lloyd realizes, but he called me the green ninja?
A second man shoves him off his aggressor, he collapses against the control panel with a gruesome crack of his ribs. The men waste no time, rushing to grab their weapons and swing at him with all the might they can muster.
With a cry, he activates his powers. Green energy wells up in his hands from his very core, but the villagers waste no time, simply swiping at him with little fear.
Oh lord, he realizes again. Their swords are vengestone.
No matter, though. Lloyd can beat them without his powers.
While he can hardly dodge their killing attacks in the tight space, he still doesn't worry.
I knew there was something suspicious about these guys! He revels in his right mind, dodging a third sword. They had it all planned. Lure us here to kill me.
A third man, unarmoured and frail, plunges his sword where his head just was, a killing blow that struck the control panel like lightning. Lloyd feels a bead of sweat roll off his temple.
The swings, stabs, and plunges come from every direction, he feels himself lose consciousness at the strain. He feels the fear rise up in his throat, the fear that he'll be killed here, or worse.
But he stays standing.
It's life or death.
A thud snaps them from the battle.
A dark-clothed figure rests in the doorway, and Lloyd nearly cries in relief.
It's my dad! He'll help me!
But the villagers don't attack him. His relief is in vain.
That's not his father.
The men swipe harder at Lloyd in the presence of the man, stab with more power, and aim to kill with every blow.
And as Lloyd struggles to keep the aggressors at bay, he finally realizes.
I'm outmatched.
A hand thuds against his shoulders, and before Lloyd can hurl him off, a second hand curls around his forearm, pulling.
And it hurts.
He feels a scream leave his mouth, as his shoulder is near popped from its socket. It was almost guttural, and it shocks him that such a noise could leave his mouth.
Another man grabs his remaining wrist, pulling it in a similar way that hurt far, far more.
The cloaked figure approaches, slowly, deliberately, and torturously. He's holding a weapon: a spear.
He circles Lloyd, vulture-like, and brandishes the spear for Lloyd to see in all its glory. He knows what's coming.
A laugh resonates through the room.
"Poor Lloyd... where is your precious team when you need them most?"
An appalling shudder wracks his body as he hears the figure's voice. He couldn't believe it. He should have known from the beginning.
He has no time to speak, no time to react, as he feels the tip of something sharp and cold line up against his spine.
Fight! You must live!
Desperate to survive, he yanks his arm away, managing to wriggle it free. He lodges his free fist into the other man's throat, but alas he doesn't even flinch.
He yanks Lloyd's arm by the shoulder.
A sick pop echoes in his ears, and Lloyd screeches again.
His arm is re-restrained, pulled like rubber away from the other man. They hold the screaming boy still, and Lloyd is sure that if he could see their faces through his tears, he'd see nothing but guilt, and regret.
He cries at the pain of his limbs being stretched, and at that time he only needed one thing.
"Dad!" He calls, loud, in pain, and desperate.
The sharp feeling of a spear line up against his spine once more, a hand pressing against his shoulder for leverage.
He shuts his eyes tight. He grits his teeth.
His vision flashed white when it happened.
A single thought crossed his mind.
I'm going to die, aren't I?
And then the pain woke him up.
He screamed, blood-curdling and tortured. He screamed until his throat croaked and gurgled with blood pooling from his lungs.
Without a thought he looks down, to see the spear, gold-tainted red, piercing through his abdomen. He tried to move, get rid of the spear, do anything, but all he got in return was the sickening ache of gold rubbing against his spine.
And then, as if his situation wasn't bad enough as is, the suffocation kicked in.
Blood, thick and yellow-tinged, gurgled from his throat and nose.
It was like drowning.
Drowning in your own blood.
He couldn't breathe.
Finally, the hands release him, and the figure retracts the spear silently. He tumbles to the ground, landing on his numb shoulder.
She, the cloaked figure, looks down at him, pity completely absent from her painted face.
Her voice is almost mocking in the way she smirks.
"Bye-bye, Lloyd."
In his final moment, he heard yelling. He heard his own name, but one voice called to him louder.
Everything is fine.
And his vision fades to midnight.
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