Chapter 35
(Tatsumaki is up ahead and she sees destruction everywhere and she sees who is causing it)
Tatsumaki-Like hell you will.
(Tatsumaki then left up Gigantomachia and threw him out of the city and into a mountain)
Tatsumaki-From reading the reports it gonna take a lot more than throwing him to a mountain to stop him.
(Just then she sees y/n in his venom costume and she goes to him to tell him what is going on)
Y/n-What is the situation?
Tatsumaki-Its Gigantomachia he is the one responsible for all of this.
Y/n-Is there anyone else with him?
Tatsumaki-No it is only just him.
Y/n-Wait what just him are you sure?
Tatsumaki-Yes I am positive.
Y/n-That doesn't make any sense why would the league of villains send their most powerful player all by himself.
Tatsumaki-Maybe this is their way of attacking.
Y/n-No something wrong don't send your the enemy base until they are capable of destroying them....or distracting them....someone is secretly with him.
Tatsumaki-Wait are you sure?
Y/n-Yes I have seen this play before.....but who would come up with something like that it doesn't fit their M.O.....but first let's deal with Gigantomachia.
Tatsumaki-No I will deal with him you find the other acquaintance.
Y/n-Wait are you sure that is a good idea he is very powerful.
Tatsumaki-So am I.
(Tatsumaki then leaves to deal with Gigantomachia and y/n goes around to see who is the other person who is with Gigantomachia while looking he gets a call from miles)
Miles-Uh Spider-Man I am here now what do you need me to do.
Y/n-Ok miles I need you and Reed and the others to deal with civilian duty make sure to get everyone safe and sound and guide them in what they need to do.
Miles-Yes sir but what about you?
Y/n-I am gonna go search because it would seem that we have a second player here.
Miles-Oh ok will call me it you need help ok.
Y/n-Ok thanks miles and be safe.
(Y/n then follows the mysterious person to a museum and when he got close to him he quickly recognize who it was it was the prowler and he was back in a new outfit and he was holding a stone tablet)
Yn-You know you shouldn't take priceless artifacts prowler.
(Then prowler didn't say nothing but look at y/n)
Y/n-Tell you what give me the stone tablet and I won't have to hurt you.
Venom-Y/n I'm pretty sure that he is going to refuse that deal.
(The prowler continues to say nothing but turn in his gloves signifying that he wants to fight)
Y/n-Well I guess we're doing this the hard way.
(Y/n then leaped towards prowler and went to punch him but the prowler dodge y/n attack but what came after surprised everyone the prowler punched y/n in the chest and when he did the gloves that prowler had turned red then ddraig in his armor form came out of y/n and onto the ground knocked out and this surprised y/n and venom)
Y/n-What the hell how did he do that? that possible?
Y/n-I....I don't know I have never seen magic nor technology that can do that?
(The prowler then began to run away from y/n but he quickly chased after him and y/n tried to use ddraig power but was unable to do so and quickly called Khan)
Y/n-Khan get to the museum of Union City quickly.
Khan-What why?
Y/n-Because I have lost ddraig and he is laying on the floor in the museum.
Khan-What is that even possible?
Y/n-I don't know....but please hurry and get there.
Khan-Ok I will be there quickly as possible.
Y/n-Thank you.
(Y/n continue to chase after prowler until he tackled him making the stone tablet to slide across the ground then the two of them looked at each other then at the tablet and both quickly ran to it while fighting each other then prowler hit y/n with a sonic blaster stunning y/n and then prowler was the first to grab the tablet but when he did the tablet started to give off a powerful aura off of it and y/n seeing what is happening quickly launched himself at prowler and punched the stone tablet causing a massive aura blast that stunned and pushed everyone back and using this opportunity prowler used a smoke bomb to get away but not without taking one piece of the stone tablet)
Y/n-Aw man....what was that?
Venom-I don't know but whatever it was it is now completely destroyed.
Y/n-Yeah....but at least whatever happened didn't happen and prowler now has to leave empty handed.
(Suddenly a massive spider appeared in front of y/n and looked down at him)
???-Are you y/n l/n?
Y/ who are you?
Weaver-I am the weaver the primal forces of the Triat created all of existence,time and space.
Y/n-Oh....uh what can I help you with Mr.weaver.
Weaver-You are needed.
Y/n-For what?
Weather-The thing you shattered was the tablet of order and chaos and it is the most power mystic artifact throughout the many different worlds.
Y/n-Oh sorry about that guess they don't make tablets like they used to huh.
Venom-Hm cheap apple products if you ask me.
Weaver-The pieces are now scattered around the world....and now not only is your world is in danger other worlds and realities are now in danger too.
Y/n-Oh boy....wait did you say other the multiverse....but I thought that was all just a theory.
Weaver-No it is very real and now it is now in jeopardy of collapsing.
Y/n-Oh do I fix it?
Weaver-By assembling all the pieces back together it will stabilize and everything will go back to normal.
Y/n-Alright then all I need to do is travel the world and put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
Weaver-Yes but this will take more than just you and your friend strength I will summon other versions of you to aid you in putting everything back together.
Y/n-Oh ok....the more the merrier then.
Weaver-They are now here....and I wish you the best and good luck.
(The weaver then disappeared but as he did different versions of y/n appeared in front of venom y/n in their suits)
Y/n-Well this day just got a whole lot interesting.
End of chapter 35
(Sorry for the terrible)
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