Chapter 2

"No, I'm really not supposed to speak to strangers

But we've met before...

I know you

I walked with you once upon a dream

I know you

That look in your eyes is so familiar, a gleam

And I know it's true 

That visions are seldom all they seem 

But if I know you, I know what you'll do 

You'll love me at once 

The way you did once upon a dream"


I tried to stand up, but then I saw men's shoes in front of me. He caught up with me. I didn't dare to look up. A second later, strong hands grabbed me by the armpits and lifted me up, as if I was a child standing up after falling, I felt so fragile and defenseless.

"Love, are you okay?", he asked with undisguised concern in his voice.

"Are you hurt? Did you get hit? Do you feel any pain, Love?", he asked and began to look at me frantically. I didn't dare to move.

Apparently I hadn't hurt myself, because he visibly calmed down. Maybe I had just scratched my knees because I felt a little burning for a second, but now there wasn't any pain. Probably my brain was too busy with the question "Who is that man?", and that's why it couldn't register anything else.

He cupped my face gently with his palms and spoke with tenderness and love, "Love, are you okay? You've scared me when you fell on the ground."

He was talking to me, but I was distracted by his eyes. The moment he touched my face he was so close that I couldn't help being drawn to his gaze. His eyes were framed by thick black curled lashes, and their color was such a beautiful shade of blue that reminded me of Black Sea on a clear sunny day. They were so magnetic and made my heart beat faster. Then deep inside me I realized that all this time, the sea and the sky with their vastness were calling the memory of these eyes in my mind, and in my heart.

"And why did you flee away?", he asked, pulling me out of the trance I was in while staring at him.

Then I realized that he was holding my face like in my dream. "He won't kiss me, will he?", I thought, but deep down I felt I wouldn't mind if he did. "No! Cassie, pull yourself together! This isn't a romantic movie or a book! A stranger is holding your face, and you're letting him", I scolded myself.

I abruptly pushed his hands away and stepped back. I felt dizzy but I kept my balance. His eyes widened. He obviously didn't expect such a reaction from me.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?", I asked in the most hostile tone I could muster.

"Love, it's me", he simply said.

"First, stop calling me 'love' and second, 'It's me' doesn't work because I don't know you!", I replied. Pain distorted his beautiful features.

"Couldn't you recognize me?", he asked, the pain settled in his eyes, extinguishing the joyous flame that had been shining in them seconds ago.

"No. And how could I, I see you for the first time", I lied. I may not know him but I have seen him before. Less than 15 minutes ago I met him in my dream. I kissed him in that dream.

With darkened eyes and a heavy heart, he barely said, "Don't you remember me?" He said it softly, whisper-like, but I heard it. I didn't know why but his pain made my heart shrink.

"I'm sorry, but no, I don't", I said frankly in a much softer tone than before. "Maybe you've mistaken me for someone else", I suggested.

"I would have never mistaken you for another!", he said firmly, and his defined square jaw tightened. "What had he done to you?"

"Who?", I didn't understand what he was talking about.

"You don't remember that either", he said and then asked, "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Why are you asking me that?", I became defensive once again. "Who are you and what do you want from me?"

"I don't mean any harm to you", he tried to reassure me. "I'm your...friend."

"How can I be sure of that?", I asked.

"You can't, you're right", he replied resignedly. "But would you give me a chance to explain?"

Was it reasonable to talk to him at all? I ran away a while ago, and now I almost let him convince me to stay. He could be a criminal, and I wasn't so naïve to let his beautiful eyes and attractive appearance banish common sense in me. I wouldn't let him play with me.

"I don't know you. And I don't think it's right to speak to strangers. That's why I'm leaving. Please don't follow me!", I said, turning my back on him.

But he didn't give up. And before I knew it, he grabbed my left arm and turned me to face him. I staggered but he pulled me closer and hugged me. He buried his nose in my hair and took a deep breath.

"I missed your scent so much! I missed YOU so much! I can't lose you again", he said almost crying.

I was shocked but I recovered rapidly. I pushed the thoughts of the pleasant sensation from his embrace and kicked him in the shin. He released me and looked at me in confusion.

"Why was that for?", he asked.

"And you ask? A cheeky pervert! I told you that I don't know you, but instead of withdraw yourself from me you hugged me and then even sniffed my hair. If you touch me again you'll regret it!", I barked the last one while waving my finger at him.

"But I ..." he began, but I didn't let him continue.

"Stop! I don't want to listen to you", I said with my right hand raised, my palm was facing him. His gaze fell on my tattoo which was the only thing but my name that had left to me from the life I couldn't remember. The gleam in his eyes returned. I decided that he would try to confuse me again so not to leave, that's why I said sharply, "I'm leaving. Don't stop me and don't follow me!"

I turned my back on him. And once more, he stopped me. This time he didn't even have to touch me.

I had only taken 3 steps when he shouted, "Cassie, wait!"

I froze in place. 

How. Did. He. Know. My name?

I turned slowly and carefully, as if I hadn't just heard my name coming from his mouth but a gunshot that had cut through the air. The silence was broken as well as my hardly built life and my hope to be a normal person were about to be broken. No, not broken, but shattered in pieces.

"How do you know my name?", I asked in a trembling voice when I faced him again.

But he didn't answer, he just rolled up his right sleeve and nodded at his arm. My eyes widened. I got petrified when I saw that he...he...

He had a matching tattoo on his right wrist, on the exact same place where it was mine. My mind went blank. I just stared at it for a while.

"who...who...", I tried to say but it came out of my mouth as a breath. 

"Who are you?", I finally asked with trembling voice. I was scared but also determined to find out the truth. 

I was ready to hear what he had to tell me.

Or was I!?


The photo is from Cape Emine, this is Black Sea and the blue color I was imagining.

The photo is taken from, the credit , the Copyright for it is to its original owners not to me.

I also would like to add that the chapters won't be with the same or similar length in a favour to the story and to keep the tension.

Thank you for choosing my story! <3 Feel free to comment and vote. 

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