Dinner, Torture

I stare at myself in the mirror.

There's a lot of changes in me. I've decided a lot of things. One, for example, is that I need to be stronger and unwavering. My biggest downfall is also my biggest strength, my heart. It causes me to overthink things that I know are right.

Leaving Kai to die. Letting go of Lucas. Marrying David. Choosing to fight off the darkness. I went with my gut and I don't regret any of it. Only two of those made me indecisive and I chose to use my gut instead of this mental picture in my mind.

It's with that absolute certainty that I stare into the mirror, watching the reflection. I pull at my eyes, trying to imagine myself with veins and eyes that are like looking into an abyss. It's not the most flattering look. I hope it never gets to that point.

I smile as I feel hands slide around my waist and David pushes himself against my back. He rests his head on my shoulder.

Whereas I'm dressed more casually, with jeans and a white dress shirt with a grey vest, David is dressed more conservatively. With a brown sweater with strips of black around the shoulder blades. He also wears slacks and his hair is cut short. I can't help but to marvel at the beautiful man looking at me through the mirror.

"We don't have to do this, you know."

David scoffs, "Our mothers would skin us alive. Besides, I think it's you that doesn't want to do this." He laughs.

"Possibly. I just...I want more time with just you."

"I know, kid, but we knew we'd have to face this sooner or later." He pulls his head off my shoulder and turns me towards him, "Family dinner. Certain torture and a fair bit of amusement."

"I have got such a bad feeling about this." I groan.

"Yeah...me too. But it'll be awesome foreplay. Maybe I'll play footsy under the desk. Feel free to use your foot to-"

"In front of our Moms? And Porter? And Peyton?"

He chuckles, "Relax, Bennett. It's just a thought."

"Kind of hot thought." I admit, "Kind of like screwing in the closet at a wedding."

"Yeah, Charlotte and Porter have the monopoly on that."

I shudder.

"You ready?" He asks.

I nod, "Let's do this." I smile.


The minute we walk through the door, our mothers are on us.

My Mother is thrilled when David hands her a bottle of wine. She gushes over her new son-in-law. Carolyn does the same, which confuses me. My mother cautions that dinner is not ready, as Carolyn's bisque is still cooking, as is the sides my mother is preparing.

I think they work well together and I love their friendship.

Porter and David disappear into the living room as Carolyn goes to the kitchen. My mother pulls me aside and I instantly know this isn't going to be good news.

"I just want to warn you that your grandfather will be coming to dinner."

The sentence completely floors me. Yes, our family has been making great strides in letting my grandfather, Troy Summers, back into our lives. I even invited him to stay at my wedding. With saying that, I'm not sure how I feel about him coming into this house and having dinner with us.

I still expect him to slip poison in our food or command an army of hunters to throw bombs in. Or worse, send an illegitimate child to slit someone's throat.

"Perry, I know this is going to send you into a panic, but if we want Troy to be tolerant, we have to be tolerant." Mother says quickly, "And he has to see that we're not 'depraved monsters'."

"Look, Martin Luther Penny, this is the guy who sent a group of hunters, including our psychotic aunt, to murder my father. I-crap, you're right. I hate when that happens."

Mother cups my face in her hands, "You're such a good man. I think this is what your father would have wanted."

I smile to her, not letting on that I don't think this is exactly what Dad would want. To be honest, she knew him a lot longer than me. Perhaps he told her that he missed his family. It actually makes sense. His stark belief that we shouldn't be thrown in the supernatural world is directly tied to Troy Summers. He never really escaped that.

"I should go and help Carol with the bisque. She's-not really a good cook." Penny laughs as she disappears into the kitchen.

David passes her on the way and they greet each other. He walks up to me with a smirk, "I'm glad your mother is helping mine cook...she's a horrible cook." His eyes study my face, "That's not a good face."

"You're a werewolf. And my Hunter grandfather is coming to dinner."

"You're a witch and you don't seem worried." David snorts.

"Yeah, I'm his grandson."

"And your Dad was his son." David argues.

"My Mother seems to be laboring under the impression that he's changed his ways. I think she's reaching."

"What if she's not? Do you really want to pass up the opportunity to get to know your grandfather?" He asks. I frown at him and he smirks, obviously pleased with himself, "Did I just win that? Are you slipping?"

"This isn't over, babe."

"I didn't think so. How about we go and rest up until dinner?" David asks, nodding to the living room.

I shake my head and head that way. I stop when I hear the doorbell. He nods and I walk to the door. I stand there for a second before David prods me. I groan and open the door to see Maxwell, David's biological father, standing in front of us.

"Holy-" I hear David say behind me.

I stare at him, wide-eyed, as he saunters in and embraces his stunned son. I'm about to close the door when I hear footsteps. I turn to see my grandfather standing at the door. It's not the shocking part. I see Kai coming up behind me.



To say that there is tension is a bold understatement.

My Mother and Carolyn are wearing a constantly horrified expression. We were carefully to sit David, Porter and Kai on one side. On the other, I'm seated between my grandfather and my new father-in-law. My Mother has seated Peyton in her high chair beside her.

My attention bounces from my Grandfather's stern, uncomfortable glare, which is focused on Maxwell. If the discomfort wasn't enough, I have to watch the scathing looks Kai and David keep throwing at each other.

My head is about to explode.

"So..." Porter says as his eyes circle the table, "This is...nice."

"Yes, it is." Carolyn's voice is perky, though I can sense the strain. She hasn't looked Maxwell's way in quite some time, "Is the bisque alright?"

Everyone agrees in a noncommittal way.

"I think it's over-seasoned." Maxwell says with a devious smirk, "Of course, you were never the best cook. My poor brother almost starved."

"Max, what are you doing here?" David asks, "And in that spirit, why is Kai here?"

"I'd be with my parents, but you killed them." Kai snipes.

"Was this before or after you stabbed his husband?" Max asks.

"It wasn't his fault." Troy hisses, "He was taken over by a dark force, not unlike the beast in you."

"Grandpa!" Porter warns.

"Come on, guys, can we please not do this?" I ask.

"I can't believe it." Max chuckles. When we all stare at him, he drops the bomb. His eyes fall on David, "I understand your interest in him. He's like catnip to us, or so says the vampires and werewolves of this town. But I told you to screw him and move on. You married him? Are you insane?"

My mouth almost hits the table.

"That is enough, Max!" Carolyn shouts, "Why are you here?"

"Why wasn't I invited?" Max asks, "This is a family dinner and I'm family."

"Probably because you say crazy shit like you just said." David says angrily, "He's my soulmate. I guess you wouldn't know about that."

"Soul-What the Hell are blabbering about?" Troy asks.

"He marked me." I snap.

"You're shittin me!" Maxwell laughs, "This is just-just great! How are you going to lead the pack and pass down the title to an heir? You can't reproduce with him."

"Who gives a shit?" David rages, "That worked out so well for you."

"This is utter lunacy." Troy says angrily, "Is everyone here inhuman?"

"Inhuman?" Porter asks, "What does that mean?"

Troy stammers, "That's not-I mean is everyone-"

"Sub-human?" Mother asks, "Maybe this was a bad idea."

"Hey, we were invited, the wolves just showed at the gate." Kai interjects.

I shake my head, "No, Kai, you were not invited. David was invited. Troy was invited. Everyone else was invited. You and Maxwell were decidedly not invited." I say angrily, "How are you even alive?"

"Well, after you left me there to die, I crawled out of the cave and your grandfather found me." Kai explains.

My eyes fall on Troy, "What in the blue hell were you doing in the woods?" I ask.

"Don't speak to me like that." His voice is low and dangerous, "I knew what you were attempting. Any hunter in the western hemisphere could sense the evil coming out of that forest."

"Welcome to Endor." Porter sighs.

"And I should have known you'd be at the center of it." Troy blurts.

Maxwell chortles, "The only thing I agree with him on."

"Okay, both of you stop attacking my husband!"

"Is that even legal? Your marriage?" Kai asks.

David stands and moves towards him but Porter holds him back. Kai taunts him. Troy moves around to Kai and I do the same for David. Mother asks Porter to take Peyton upstairs and he does so.

"Mom, are you happy?" I ask.

My Mother glares at me, "You're blaming me?"

"You just can't leave well-enough alone! We were happy to not have to be around all this dysfunction and you just had to call a dinner...or a wedding..."

"Hey, that wedding was-"

"Your invention." I growl, "God, I'm never letting you pressure me into anything again, not after this."

"Pressure you?" She asks with a hurt tone, "I'm sorry, I won't pressure you again."

She leaves the table and Carolyn goes after her, but only after staring me down. I turn my attention back to everyone else.

"You're all fucking nuts!" I shout as I head out of the dining room.

As I turn in the hallway, heading to the front door, I can tell someone is following me. I whip around and come face-to-face with David and Kai. Porter descends the stairs.

"Okay, I'm leaving!"

"I'm sorry." Kai sighs, "There's just a lot of bad blood here."

"That does nothing to fix this! You're all acting like brats."

"None of this is your fault, like what you just said to your mother?" Troy asks.

Porter stares at me, "What'd you say to our mother?" He folds his arms over his chest.

"Something I should have said a long time ago."

"I'm going to kick your ass." Porter says angrily.

"You're going to try and I'm going to promptly lobotomize you. I'm very aware that I'm stronger than you and you threatening me is not going to make that any less of a fact." I snap, "Okay. You all want to do this? Let's do it."

"We're not going to fight." Kai says.

"You first then. Kai, David killed your parents. He reacted in a way that he shouldn't have. Okay, we get it. You hate him. But you betrayed all of us, not just him. You want him to feel what you felt? He'll have to live with what he did forever."


"Troy, you keep saying how you want to be a part of this family. You are going to need to start looking at us as your grandchildren and not some monsters. You lost your son because of the things you taught your daughter and the orders you gave her. You sent your daughter to kill you grandchildren! So as much of a monster as you think we are, you are so much worse. We're giving you a chance to not be that monster. Be a person."

My attention turns to Maxwell.

"You! I just don't get you at all. You go away from David for years and come back to tell him what you want from him? You come back and talk about me like I'm some liability to your legacy. How about you try to be a person and get to know your son and maybe even me before you judge me as a general 'screw'."

"Okay, that's enough. Stop." Porter commands.

"Porter, shut the fuck up! You're not Dad. You just aren't. Not everyone in this family needs you to save them. How about you regain some type of life and stop trying to father everyone. Mom is a grown woman. I am a semi-adult. So stop trying to defend everyone and just-just stop. You're as bad as Mom."

"Perry." David warns.

"No, David. This is insanity. Everyone here just keeps forgetting that their hands are just as bloody as the others. I'm bipolar and even I'm not this dysfunctional. None of us can afford to be this petty right now. So, I'm leaving. I don't want to do this anymore."

I turn to open the door. Something entirely unexpected happens. As I touch the knob, I'm thrown off my feet and slide backwards. I sit up on my elbows and stare at the door.

"Oh balls."


After my meltdown, everyone seems to go to opposite sides of the living room.

None of us can bear to look at each other. I've alienating myself from everyone except my husband. Somehow I don't really care. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. My delivery wasn't the best but the messages are the same.

David found ice and begins to add pressure to the lump on the back of my neck, causing me to squeal.

"Dammit, David! Don't be passive aggressive." I groan as I snatch the ice pack and glare at him, "Just say it."

"I think you said it all."

"So, you're mad that I said all that?"

"No...not all of it. As always, you're spot on." David says as he moves around and stands in front of me. He sighs, "But some of it was harsh."

David moves aside and I see Porter and Carolyn comforting my Mother. I roll my eyes at them and him and apply the ice pack again. I thought I'd moved on from the feelings of anger and resentment. Just when I think those feelings are over, new ones take their place.

I shake my head, "Okay, if you're going to make me apologize to my mother, you need to speak to your father."

David raises his eyebrow, "You want me to make peace with Max? Even after everything he said about you?"

"He's your dad. I guess we couldn't get both of your parents to like me. Oh, I'm sure your mother hates me too."

"Fine but I can't promise anything."


David turns and heads over to Max. On the way, Kai and Troy glare at him. I roll my eyes as I stand and walk over to my family. They regard me with caution.

"Come to tell me how much more powerful you are?" Porter asks, "Or did you come to attack our Mother? Or Carolyn? Who's next."

"No, I'm not...though I totally am."

"You're a jackass." Porter snaps.

"Yeah, sometimes I am. I'm also a people-pleasure and very self-sacrificing. I put the needs of others before me. I have been since I got back from England." I look at them, "I came back and I didn't even have time to reconnect with any of you or myself before I was thrown back into this."

"That doesn't excuse anything you said or did." Porter argues.

"I know!" I blurt. I take a deep breath, "I'm married now, Porter. I don't need a big brother to protect me. I need a brother who is happy and not the same as me. Port, you've been trying to protect this family since Dad died. He wanted you to help us, not give your life for us."

"You don't speak for everyone."

"He's right." Mother says, surprising Porter and me, "He's right. You've been a great protector but it's time for you to get back to your life."


"And I apologize to both of you. I don't know how to let go of either of you because you're all I have left. Or all I had left." Mother's voice is soft and not strong like normally is, "But you two are men now. You need to make your own decisions and mistakes and I shouldn't force my opinions on either of you."

"That may be absolutely true but I shouldn't have let any of that build up. I shouldn't have talked to you like I did. I guess I'm not as over my issues with you or Porter or anyone as I thought I was. I'm sorry."

"I worry about both of you."

"Ditto." I sigh, "Are we good?"

Mother and Porter nod.

"Good because I need to make the 'Apology tour' and this was the hardest one."

"I love you both." Mother smiles.

"We love you, too." Porter nods.

"Yes...as long as we don't have a dinner or party like this ever again." I joke, "So, you can lift the spell now."

My Mother stares at me, "I didn't-I thought you did it."

"You thought I threw myself back and nearly killed myself?"

"Not consciously."

"So, if I didn't do it and you didn't do it, exactly who did it?" I ask.

My Mother's face scrunches with confusion. I see the exact moment her thoughts find the answer. She quickly leaves the room, saying she'd be back. I look to Porter and he shrugs. I turn and walk to Troy and Kai.

They, like everyone else, regard me with caution.

"I did the whole 'apology' thing and it's kind of getting old. Look, I'm willing to admit that not all witches are good, me included sometimes, but not all of us are monsters. You can't treat us like we are, especially us. We're your family. We're the only family you have."

"I didn't mean for my daughter to kill your-Alan." I see a vulnerability in Troy that I know is rare. He clears his throat, "You'll never know how sorry I am. I am trying to cope with that and what I was taught. What I've been teaching others. It's not an easy undertaking."

"I understand. I have a hard time changing my opinion about you, too. But I'm willing."

Troy nods, "I should talk to your brother. He seems, like you, to be a great man."

I nod as he passes me and head over to Porter. I watch as they greet each other and start a conversation. I turn to Kai, who can't meet my gaze. He instead looks up at the light fixture.

"I'm not sorry, you know. I trusted you. You could have come to me about your anger."

"Could I have? Would it have changed anything?"

"Maybe." I shrug, "Are you forgetting I'm the poster child of anger? Do you really think I condone what he did?"

"You married him."

"He killed them for me. It makes me sick to my stomach, Kai. I broke up with him because I couldn't-I couldn't look at him." He finally meets my gaze, "You were like a brother to me. You lived in my house. You were a constant part of my family and you..."

"I shouldn't have done it."

"Damn right you shouldn't have." I say quietly, "I love you. You're like family."

He smiles to me.

"But you aren't. I forgive you. Something you can't do. I forgive you. I don't forget. I don't trust you. Maybe that'll change, maybe it won't. That's up to you."

"That's fair."

I pull him into a hug, "And please keep an eye on Troy. He's my grandfather. He's family. But so were you." I pull away.

I move to Maxwell and David, who seem to be arguing. As I stand beside David, the two of them stop their conversation. Maxwell smirks at me.

"Is this the part where you apologize?" Max ask with a fair share of amusement.

"No. This is the part where I warn you not to screw with me, Max. I don't like you. I think you're slime. I would honestly push you through the gateway if you weren't my husband's Father. Even now you're pushing it." I can't help but be antagonistic towards him, "I probably should just go ahead and take away your option of turning into a werewolf and a human being alternatively and just turn you into the snake you are. I probably won't be happy until you're in a flaming bag on someone's doorstep. So, hear me and hear me good, Maxwell, I may be just a little witch to you but if you cross me, you're going to learn what a real witch can do."

"I...like him." Max smiles.

I don't have a chance to accost him as my Mother hurtles down the stairs with Peyton in tow. We all follow her to the front door where, she begins to speak to Peyton.

"Peyton, my sweet girl, it's alright now. We're not yelling and arguing." She coos, "Honey, I need you to please undo the spell. Now that we're calm and happy again, it's alright to let us leave."

I watch on, wondering exactly how my baby sister could have casted a spell this complex and powerful. I guess the family name isn't just a family name. She's from a long line of Bennett witches. It's as my Mother suspected. The air in front of the door shimmers with a purple hue just before the energy dies.

"Is that it? Are we allowed to go?" Kai asks.

"Maybe Max should try it." Carolyn says, surprising me. I smile at her.

"Why not. I'm not fragile." Max says as he passes us and grabs the door. When nothing happens, he smiles back at us, "This has been...very enlightening. We should do it again."

There's a collective groan as everyone begins to file out until there is only our Mothers, Peyton, Porter and I. There's still tension here. They're my family. None of us knows quite what to say.

"This is never going to get better, is it?" I ask.

"We'll survive this, Perry. Our family is good at that." My Mother says softly.

I shake my head, "We hurt each other. We fight. And we apologize and try to pretend that nothing is wrong."

"It's family. It's what families do." Porter nods.

"Maybe. Or maybe we should move on."

"You don't mean that." Carolyn says with alarm, "You are the strongest family I know!"

"Are we? Or are we just-damaged?"

"Why are you talking like this?" Penny asks, "What is this?"

"I think I was wrong. I think I was wrong about a lot of stuff. This rage and pain doesn't go away. I'm supposed to use this. I'm supposed to pretend my doubt and pain isn't here. I ignored what I knew was true."

"And what is that?" Porter asks.

"This isn't your destiny. Any of you. It's mine. I don't have time to be human. Not anymore. You are all standing in the way of what I have to be." I say softly, "To fight the darkness, I have to be the darkness."

"That's not true."

I nod, "It is. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be better at this. I'm sorry to hurt all of you. To save you, I have to let you go. Like Dad."

I move to the door and David steps in front of me, "You don't get off that easy." He says angrily.

"I'm sorry." I say as I wave my hand over his face. He falls to the ground, unconscious. I close my eyes, "Forgive me." I say as I head out of the house and into the darkness.


Eva is alone in a bar.

It seems her lot in life, as a vampire specifically, to walk this world alone. It's a depressing thought and her one true hope is that she doesn't become a Cullen. It's with this notion that she spies a guy across the bar.

The bartender quickly brings over a drink, stating that it's from the man. She smiles as she takes the drink in her hand and nods to him. As she stands from the stool, a woman stands in her way.

The woman has a warm, courteous smile. The woman is oddly familiar to Eva. She's a light-skinned African American woman with flowing, curly black hair. The woman is tall and thin, like a model. Eva can't place her but she knows the woman.

"Can I help you?" Eva asks.

The woman smiles, "My name is Portia Bennet." She smiles.

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