Unexpected Friend
Written by TannaElizabeth prepared for their mission, Nya turned to Alzenara.
"So what's this Black Dragon cult all about again?" she asked.
"They're a group of horrible people, with an even more horrible, cruel, leader. Some members join by choice, others are 'offered' an invitation, along with the promise of a bullet to the head if they refuse." Alzenara looked pointedly at Celine. "Of all people, I assume you know most about groups like this."
Celine glared at Alzenara, "Yeah, thanks for bringing that horrible memory up. Speaking of, how do you even know about that?"
"That's besides the point," Alzenara dismissed the question with a wave of her hand. "They get their power from dragon blood, which explains their main activities: hunting down and maiming and/or killing their dragon prey."
"Sounds lovely," Nya commented, a sour look plastered to her face.
"Okay, I think we're all ready to go," Kaia spoke. "Let's move out."
"Okay, seriously, what do you think you know about me being in a cult?" Celine challenged
Alzenara as the girls stalked through Ninjago City. "And how, exactly, are we supposed to find this secret cult? We know next to nothing about our informant and we didn't even get a location!"
Alzenara glared at Celine. "Orano told me."
"You didn't answer how we'll know where the cult meets," Kala piped up after a few minutes of silence.
Alzenara rolled her eyes. "I don't know exactly, but I'm assuming it would be you're usual cult hang out: abandoned warehouse, some random creepy building." She side-eyed Skylor, "Garbage depot."
"Okay, the Resistance was not a cult!" Skylor. shot back defensively.
"Are you trying to convince us to hate you? Cause it's working," Celine scoffed.
Alzenara just grinned.
"What about something like that?" Kaia pointed to a large concrete building at the
end of the street. Music blared from the building and neon lights flashed from the few tiny windows.
The girls stared at the building for a minute before Skylor spoke up. "It can't possibly be that. It's too obvious!"
Celine shrugged, "Only one way to find out."
As casual as possible, the girls approached the building, carefully opened the door, and peeped in.
Inside, a DJ stood at a music-mixer, headphones on, spinning discs. All around the warehouse, people were dancing around, a few carrying drinks, a few looking like they had had too many of said drinks. "This can't possible be it," Kaia echoed Skylor's earlier observation.. "They're wearing the cult gear," Celine gestured at the attire of the club attendees: leather jackets, black jeans, piercings everywhere. "And look," She pointed out the tattoos that graced every body. Some on arms, some on necks, but all the same image: a black dragon. "Yeah, this is definitely it." Alzenara opened the door further and walked through. "Well, what are you waiting for?" she asked when Kaia, Celine, and, and Skylor didn't immediately follow.The girls shrugged at one another and followed Alzenara into the club
"Try to act natural, like you belong here,"
Alzenara yelled over the music.
Nervous, Kaia started nodding to the beat of the music, and the other girls followed suit,attempted to dance and look as though they belonged there.
"I guess this is how they recruit people," Kaia mused. They pose as a club, and when people come in here for the music and the drinking, they get caught up in it." Before long Celine grabbed Skylor's hand to get her attention. "Something just change!" "What do you mean?" Skylor asked. "I don't know, but something changed..." Not a moment later, a dark, cloaked figured seemed to appear out of thin air in the front of the room and the whole warehouse Immediately fell silent. Celine began to melt to the back of the room, out of sight, and the other girls followed her movement.
The figure raised her hands in the air in front of her, as if to quiet the room (which was already dead silent) and began to speak. "My dear, loyal friends. Tonight is the night!" The entire room roared as the people surrounding the girls yelled out and stamped their feet. Celine mimicked the actions, and the other girls quickly copied her. The figure raised her hands again, and just as quickly as the noise began, it ended. "We have almost collected enough dragon energy to open the portal to Taurus. Another few hours of mutilating and we will have enough blood to convert to the energyneeded. Tonight is the night we will let loose and wreck terror and havoc on the dragons!"
Again, the room exploded as the cult members shouted their agreement.
"Per my informants, we have discovered the portal is in the Ninjago wastelands-."
Kaia pumped her fists, "Yessss!" she hissed.
Celine clamped her hand over Kaia's mouth,
but it was too late.
The figure's head snapped up, the gaping
void of her heavily cloaked head staring
directly where the girls stood. All around, the cult members slowly turned towards the girls.
The figure raised a finger, pointing at the
girls, "GET THEM!" She shrieked.
The crowd seemed to descend upon the girls
and they kicked and punched and fought
their way towards the exit, but it seemed to no avail
"I thought you were better than this,Asteray!" Kaia yelled
The girls weren't getting any closer to the
exit. In fact, it seemed as though they were actually heading towards Asteray.
Through the sea of people, a hand reached out and grabbed Celine's arm
Looking up, Celine locked eyes with a girl, not much younger than herself. Her piercing blue eyes holding her gaze. "I know how to get you out of here," she whispered. To anyone else, it would have fallen on deaf ears, but Celine heard it. And she heard the truth in the statement. Without hesitation, she nodded, "Help us." The girl reached into her pocket and threw out a smoke bomb, Chaos added to chaos, Celine managed to grab the other girls and followed the young cult member out of the building. They raced blindly after her, none of the other girls questioning Celine, Weaving in and out of old office buildings, they finally came to a halt three blocks from the abandoned warehouse. Bending over, the girls attempted to catch their breath.
Kaia smiled at the girl, "Thanks for getting us out of that."
The girl smiled shyly and shrugged, "You looked like you could use to help."
"But why did you help us?" Celine asked, cocking her head slightly.
"I recognized Nya as soon as you guys entered the building," she admitted sheepishly. "I'm kind of a big fan," she glanced at her
Nya raised an eyebrow, "Is that so?"
"Yeah," the girl laughed nervously. "I've been a huge fan of the ninja since I was a little girl.I don't quite recognize you other girls..."
"Well this is Kaia, Master of Silver, and Alzenara... She's a ninja ally," Nya explained.
She glanced tentatively at Celine, knowing.she tried to keep her identity under wraps.The girl studied Celine, cocking her head.
"Are you... Are you the Turquoise Ninja?" She asked eagerly, her eyes lighting up.
The girls glanced at one another before
Celine responded. "Yes, yes I am." She
couldn't help but smile a bit at the young
girl's enthusiasm.
The girl bearmed. "I am such a HUGE fan! The way you can fight without having to see your opponent is incredible! And you can tell if
someone is lying just based on their voice?That's just SO cool!"
Celine blushed as the girl gushed over her, unused to the attention.
"You're like my hero!" The girl went on.
Kaia crossed her arms and scowled, feeling a twinge of jealousy the Celine, the only one of the group that remained shrouded in mystery, still managed to have a fan girl.
"What's your name, by the way? I'm Tanna,the girl inquired of Celine.
"I'm Celine," she responded somberly. "It's
very nice to meet you Tanna," she smiled.
"Celine. That's such a pretty name."
"Hey, we're on a mission to infiltrate and
overturn the Black Dragon cult," Nya cut in. "Or, we were.... I guess the infiltrating kinda failed but we still need to learn more about this group and their motives, and you're a member. Maybe you could help us?" She
asked of Tanna.
"You're asking me to help the ninja team?"
Tanna asked, her eyes widening, "I'd love to in any way I can!"
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