
A/N: Happy Birthday to Leroy on the 13th of August! Hehe. As requested, chapter nineteen. I'll be moving on to the special for next week's update and then back to the main story. I might take a one week break depending on my health issues but I'm hoping I'll be good to go soon ^^ 

Thank you for waiting! And quite frankly, I actually enjoyed writing this chapter (I wrote it in a single day because I've been rather busy lately). The banter is, as usual, gold. I love a good dialogue. 



"You make it so hard."

His eyes rippled when they raised. Meeting mine. "Sorry?"

"You make it hard to resist," I told him, distracted by the stray lock of hair brushing the tips of his ears. I tucked it away. "Like, this is all part of a test and you were sent to make me fail."

The reflection of something in his eyes. A light. Like the surface of a lake, the moon hovering just right above it. "Since when were you ever good at tests?"

"Not this one, for sure."

When gazes lock, you hear the click. Otherwise, it's just an exchange. Just a look. But when they lock, the sound is like a spark. Like the striking of a match. It draws—pulls you in right after—and then my fingers were climbing up the back of his shirt, going in for more of cold, frozen lips that were strangely soft. Small. Wet.

It got to my head for the next couple of minutes I wouldn't let him breathe and I could feel him melt. In my arms. And that spot right under his ear, a little to the back of his neck. He liked it.

"Wait." He tried to get himself under control but the trembling was what gave him away. Just by running a finger over that sweet spot and deepening the kiss, again, going back in for more. Had to get a good couple of years' worth of him, eventually.

He had his face buried in my shoulders to hide the mess I'd made out of him and shifted closer even with the separate chairs that kept us somewhat apart. Options presented themselves. With the sea breeze going all out at night and the fire getting low, it was heading in for more or staying out and re-starting the fire, ending the day right here. He seemed to know.

"Your call." I told him, looking down. He sat up a little, raising his gaze and then lowering it as soon as it met mine. Must've burned him a bit.

It was embers now. The fire; died down and crackled quietly every now and then, glowing red but nearly not enough light for anything else. It was kinda hard to see his face but in his glasses, it felt as though I was looking at the stars.

"You're awful," was what he finally went with, hitting me on the chest with a harmless fist. "Yes, I am perhaps the most honest living being on the planet but, as you may have already known, there... are... certain, um. Limits. To being honest. And—! Wh, why ask a question you already know the answer to? Oh my god you're still an idiot."

"One and only." I laughed, tilting right and closing in on the side of his face where his hair brushed his ears and where there was this... scent so fucking good that it edged. Like a bed of flowers in the snow or some shit.

He shivered when I did. I couldn't tell if it was from my touch or the cold. He mirrored how I moved, tilting his head the other way to remove the world between and just when I thought he couldn't taste better, he did. The angle made it easier to deepen the kiss without messing up each other's noses and I liked the feeling of his hair on my fingertips.

I felt him reach for my shoulders. Just brushing them with his fingers, not quite holding on. Like he wasn't sure if he should.

"So... you had practice?"

I wasn't sure if I actually meant it. It could've passed of as a tease, really, but at the back of my mind, there was an itch. Couldn't rule out the possibility of there being others. Not as though I wanted to hear any answer apart from no, but still. It was that hard to resist someone like him.

He was taking his time with the response, breathing first and having to recover from seven years of hunger. I stared at his lips while waiting. Wow.

"Is that a compliment?" He wouldn't look at me, raising the back of his hand to shield the bottom of his face. "That sort of question... I should be the one asking you instead. Whatever it is I'm doing, just being honest, is purely based on my memory of the lessons you gave some seven years ago, so. It'd be a miracle if I wasn't a complete amateur."

Does he know what he's doing? I stared, laughing. Just what the fuck.

"Lucky for you, I've been practicing."

That made him do a double take. Eyes wide all of a sudden. "O-oh. Is that so? Well... that's... not really um, to say that I wasn't expecting—"

I tapped my temple, cracking a smirk. "In my head."

He rolled his eyes, smiling all the same and doing that thing again with his fist. He was about to say something when he sneezed—a soundless, fucking sneeze. I stared.

"How'd you do that?"

"Ah, the silent sneeze? A necessary skill. Learned to do it over years of studying in the library." He explained. "Alone."

I let him see a smile. The sad kind. His grip on the front of my shirt loosened and he asked if it was alright to head back into the RV. "It is getting rather late and the wind out here really isn't entirely pleasant without a fire."

"Thought I'd be hot enough for that." I said while getting up, he let out an 'ugh' before gathering the mugs and utensils we used. I packed the table and chairs. He washed the dishes.

We wrapped up before nine in the evening, just in time for a shower and then the real start to the evening but before that, he asked about the bed. The RV was designed in a way that it looked pretty much like a linear living room with an open kitchen and a shower room in the middle, separating the front and back that had this U-shaped seating space with windows on both sides for a view. At a glance, no one expected the queen-sized bed that lowered at the press of a button, right out of the sofa backing that belonged to the seating space.

So I pressed the button, let the mattress pull in on auto; his reaction was priceless.

"Ingenious. What a perfect idea. I've always been interested in interior design and maximizing space but what an elegant way of transforming a seating area into a bedroom with the press of a single button! Tiny houses, in particular, pique my interest. I suppose RVs and trailers have similar concerns, what with space limitations and such. This is very, very appealing. There's something absolutely magical and cozy about small living spaces. I might purchase one myself!"

"What, to live in?"

"No, you idiot. For drives and special occasions, of course. Like now, for instance." He paused as soon as the words were laid out and I think it took him a moment to realize how romantic he was sounding. I raised a brow, unable to hide a smile. The tips of his ears darkened.

I proposed a plan. Shower first, and then the bed. He agreed but raised a concern that I solved pretty much instantly. He did not bring with him extra clothes. I nearly responded by questioning our need for clothes in bed, at all, but stopped short just to save him from shutting down his entire system out of embarrassment. I pointed out a duffle bag on the couch in the living. My clothes.

"Hm! For once, you seem prepared."

I snorted. "Wasn't expecting all this though," I gestured in general. To him. "Didn't exactly come prepared." He was filling the electric kettle at the kitchen counter when he turned, slightly confused.

Gave him a look. "Condoms."

The effect was instant. He looked away, sent into a state of cute rambling with a gaze that darted round the RV. Everywhere but me.

"W-well, there certainly is no delivery service for such items right now is there? Not as if we can call up a place and have them deliver a box in the middle of nowhere. We, well, just, don't have to... you know. We could just stop before the, the u-um."

I stopped him short. "Alright get in the shower before I can't control myself."


Rexi's RV had stuff other than an outdoor kitchen built into the side of the RV. Stuff like a shower head and a place to hook up plastic curtains like a real bathroom because apparently, the indoor shower wasn't sexy enough. Okay she didn't put it like that but you get what I'm trying to say; if I hadn't known her for a couple of years before Annie said they were dating, I'd have my opinions. Three years later, she proposed. Annie'd slapped her with a: "Are you saying we aren't already married?"

I always told them they were kinda lame like that. Siegfried would never. So, kinda glad we stopped talking. I still go for therapy though. Once a year. If that counts. Doesn't do shit for my taste buds, anyway.

Setting up the curtain and hot water took a while. The tank was separate from the one servicing the RV cuz Rexi had to hook up an entire separate system for the outdoor kitchen and shower. Reminder: this only works if you're parked in the middle of nowhere. The beach wasn't nowhere, just relatively unknown. Relatively isn't a word I usually use. Vanilla's just rubbing off.

Speaking of rubbing. I was rock fucking hard.

The only light source I had was inside the RV so I'd kept the window slightly open for more, turned the water to something reasonably hot, stripped, and hopped in. And drew the curtains. It kept some of the wind out too, so. Wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be. Either way, wind or no wind, I was thinking of ways to entertain my hard-on.

The idea behind this was that by keeping myself busy while he was inside the shower, we'd be able to reduce the waiting time till the main event. For the next three minutes, I soaped, lathered, washed, all whilst trying to ignore the big hello down there. Wasn't easy. Thoughts wander.

And you know how it is with imagination.

I was about to turn the shower off and grab the towel I'd hung within reach when the door of the RV burst open. He had this frazzled, panicked, urgent look in his eyes. Which was rare, yes, but that wasn't the first thing I noticed. The first thing I noticed was that he wasn't wearing any pants.

And then the next thing on my list was his gaze lowering for a fraction of a second. I followed. I'd brushed the shower curtains aside to reach for the towel. Hm.

His hands shot up to his face to cover his eyes.

"I—y, um, sorry, I was just. You weren't inside when I came out of the shower and I thought you, w-well. What are you doing out here? It's freezing!"

I laughed, cuz, I mean, what's the fucking use of covering his eyes when he was gonna see it all in a minute anyway? He can't be doing that the entire time we're going at it, right. Right? Right.

I pulled the curtains close and told him about the outdoor shower Rexi had installed while toweling myself dry, wrapping said towel around my waist so that he wouldn't have another heart attack. Then making a break for the RV cuz, yeah, he's right, the wind's pretty much fucked up.

"I'm sure Rexi had her ideas for the outdoor shower, but but but it's in the beginning of fall and the winds here aren't exactly weak! Plus, you just recovered from a fever a-and you shouldn't be standing out here in the cold like this." He followed me inside, shutting the door behind him and filling two mugs with hot water. Apparently, he was a fan of the electric kettles here in the UK. "Here. I thought you were waiting in the back but I checked after filling the kettle and you weren't, so I was... rather concerned. Oh, and, you don't mind if I um... borrowed this for the night, do you?" He glanced down at the shirt he was wearing. One of my own. A size or two bigger, and showed a lot of neck. No, all his neck. And collarbones.

"Looks good on you," I said without thinking, reaching for the hair dryer in one of the cabinets and plugging in. "Come here."

"Oh," he obeyed, quiet footsteps and making his way over to the bed. "That's nice. You offering to dry my hair." I snorted, messing with his locks on purpose. Domestic vibes. Nearly married, if this was a dream.

Still, I'd be lying if cute shit like this was the only thing on my mind at present. Dicks don't just go down like that. If there was a little more light going out into the outdoor shower, I'd say forget about snowflakes—he'd probably pass out on the spot.

I turned the dryer up to max and worked through his hair, going back to our conversation before the shower because, yeah, priorities.

"So we're not going all the way?"


"All the way." I raised my voice a little, over the blast. "Yes or no?"

He angled his head to look over his shoulder. "Sorry, I can't exactly—could you—"

I killed the blast of air right then and there for a proper word but for some reason, my brain did not correspond to whatever my hands did and I ended up shouting like we were in the middle of a nightclub. "DO WE FUCK OR NOT."

A moment of silence for him and I while the cogs turned a time stopped. Pressing play had him instantly combust on the spot. A sputtering mess; red all the way up to his ears.

"Y—tha, that is not how you—there is no... I am unable to function. Please give me a minute."

I proceeded to do the opposite because everyone knows I have the reputation of a criminal to uphold and recently, eh, I was being a little too good. So my response was to laugh and remove the towel at my waist, then search for clothes to wear. I didn't even bother turning around or hiding whatever was going on down there because honestly, a towel wasn't going to make the cut for hiding material. I found a pair of pants and slipped that on.

I turned, just over my shoulder to catch the look on his face. At a glance, it looked like he was back to shielding his eyes with his hands but a closer look and you'd see his eyes through the gaps in his fingers, which instantly closed up the moment he realized he was staring.

"Someone has got to have you arrested by this point."

I laughed, putting the hair dryer away and returning to the bed where he was. Leaning close. "I'm waiting."

He had his hands glued to his face so I thought I'd make the first move, hands on his knees, pulling them apart slightly. "Relax."

He did the opposite. "U-um. This is." I continued, just until there was enough space for myself between his legs. "Is there a... a plan? What is the procedure to this? You have to tell me the position, at least, so that I may refer to the relevant study materials and and and perform properly. I've memorized the common few, just so you know." He raised his gaze, hands falling to the sides of his face, fingers slightly curled.

Clearly, he did not know what this was doing to my levels of excitement. Pants could not contain.

I told him, slowly, calmly, trying to hide the amusement in my voice. "I'm just giving you head. You don't have to do anything."

All he did was stare. "Oh. Oh, um... that... I understand." He paused to remove his glasses and place them on the bedside table, pretending to be calm. The slight tremble in his fingers gave him away. "Is that a position? I don't think I've ever read about it."

I nearly burst out laughing because snowflakes obviously did not know a thing about blow jobs. "Why don't I just show you."

His rate of word registration was slowing by the minute and he reacted only as my hands were making their way up his thighs, thumb pressuring the inner side to get his attention.

"Leroy, um—I, well... n-not that you won't, but... just to be sure, you see. I'm hoping you'll be... um. Never mind." He averted his gaze but his legs kept at their current state, flinching a little the higher my hands went. I noticed the ripples in his eyes whenever I paid attention to a spot on his inner thighs.

"I won't hurt you."

I lifted the front of his shirt. Slowly. He was wearing a pair of mine. I met his gaze, searching for the green. He met mine for a moment, gave a subtle nod, then lifted the shirt himself and looked away.


I ran a finger along the front of the briefs, playing a little further, thumbing him through the material. His response was immediate, letting slip a sigh before biting down on his lower lip. I worked on it a little more, giving him some time to get used to the feeling of someone else and then distracting him with a kiss that started off cute. Then turned into some hot fucking shit that had him holding on to my shoulders and unconsciously moving his hips to the rhythm of my hands.

He was leaning back in pleasure before he knew it, waist giving way to the heat. I propped him up against a stack of pillows for comfort, removing the pair of briefs that came between us and sliding it down to his knees.

"Leroy? Are we... is the—mhn." He lost the words as soon as I had him in my hands, stroking the skin on the bottom of his shaft, another hand going up to the back of his neck to pull him in for another kiss.

His hips bucked, thighs closing up a little on instinct and I had to pry them apart again, slowly, for enough space. Coaxing him with the kiss and trying to get him to relax further in my arms.

He sunk into the stack of pillows when I let him breathe, watching the look on his face and appreciating the soft, irresistible sounds he was making. A hot, sexy mess. Just from an inch of foreplay.

He held onto the front of his shirt, fingers gripping hard as though trying to keep his waves in check. I let him have a moment, and then started off with just my tongue, running it up from the base all the way to his tip.

He managed my name in whisper, panicked and urgent. As though in warning; but his eyes were half-closed in pleasure and he now had one hand over his mouth and another between his legs, as though trying to hide.

I held his hand, pulling it out of the way, lacing our fingers and pinning it to his side—all while having my way with him.

I was doing this to watch him. The way he looked, trembling, indulging in the height of physical pleasure and to have him respond this way because of something I did. Well. I wanted more.

Still, I knew there were limits. Prep was important, and going all the way without lube or condoms just wasn't going to work.

"Leroy, wait... ha—! Wait, stop," his other hand came down to push against my shoulder and I obliged, looking up to see his face that was dark with a heavy blush, dusting his cheeks, all the way up to his ears. "What about you?"

"I'll be fine." Frankly, I was afraid I'd destroy him if I made my requests because, no surprises, I had a hard time controlling myself around him.

"No!" He refused, cross all of a sudden. "That's what you said the last time and remember how upset I was about it?" He sat up on the bed and pulled on my arm, so that we were level. I was half trying to remember what the fuck he was talking about from seven years ago and half trying not to focus on his near-climax state, wondering how the hell he was able to hold himself back when he was this close to edging.

"Okay, fine. What's your idea?" I let him pull me closer, so that I was right between his thighs and we'd be fucking in this position if I weren't wearing any pants.

"Sit here," he patted the space beside him, fluffing up a pillow. "I... I think I can... I'll do what you did."

"Wait," I nearly laughed. "That wasn't a demonstration. This isn't a class, dumbass."

"Y-yes that may be true but! But, but you can't possibly expect me to just... just sit and do absolutely nothing. At least after, well, after observing an example, I'd be better able to... you know, perform the... the... um," he stopped short as soon as I loosened the band of my pants and lowered it just a little, so that he'd catch a glimpse of what he was dealing with.

Needless to say, it left him speechless with a heart attack. Still, his body was adorably honest—now an inch closer to his climax.

"Are you sure you want to go down on that?"

"You see I... clearly, I hadn't assessed all information before expressing my opinion and to say that I don't regret it would be, u-um... oh good god it did not look like that moments ago."

I laughed. "Breaking news: this isn't the max."

"Good heavens what are you?"

"A criminal."     

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