
Note: Lance will be referred to as He for the sake of familiarity and that is the pronoun he uses per the show. But in this story Lance does not technically have a gender or sex since he is both male and female. His body presents to the Alteans as male, so he accepts that assignment while he is among them.

Lance walked elegantly down the long corridor with his guard walking just behind him. It was both an honor and a curse to have them by his side. The silent guard was a symbol of Lance's status and importance. He was to be the carrier of the next ruler of the joint kingdom. He would serve to represent the continued survival of the royal line tied between the Altean and Siren empire. His child would carry the blood of the Sirens from him as their mother, and the blood of altea from the royal father.

At least that's what everyone was told . . . In truth, Lance didn't first hand appear to be anything special in Sirens eyes. Just another land bound whore. He wasn't royal or important. He had no business being in the palace, really.

Lance played with the edge of the translucent fabric hanging from his arms as they continued to walk. He was dressed in a blue dress that almost looked and flowed like water, a silken cloak hung over his shoulders to hide his natural beauty. His appearance was as powerful as his voice, really. To hide this, the Alteans insisted that he walk along with his hood pulled up to hide everything but his nose from the stray eye. It was customary of all Sirens. It was to protect the Alteans and Sirens alike. After the first Siren was found strung up after brutally mutilating a man for trying to rape them, there was law put in place to try and avoid such complications again... Altea had been horrified there would be retaliation from the sea, and that was why rules had been quickly enforced.

But the Alpha of the sirens couldn't have cared less about what happened to the sirens sent to land. Lance knew the truth, but he couldn't speak it. Sirens sent to land were not special volunteers or extra gorgeous or any such vain thing.

He had been one of a hundred sent to Altea to be bred. The chances that Lance would be the one to serve the Kingdoms gave him hope that perhaps one day he could go come back to the crystal blue waters and the warm caves his family lived in, far below the oceans surface. He might be able to eventually earn back his freedom.

Being chosen to be one of the selected carriers was not an honor. Of course every carrier was publicly given the respectful treatment they deserved as the mothers of the Empires' future. But in reality all they really were was slaves serving out their punishment.  And their respect was only something shown in public, obviously. They were breeders after all... just wombs to be filled.

In the deep, far from the eyes of the Alteans, Sirens convicted of smaller crimes were sent to land to breed off their sentences. For every year they are sentenced they were to bear a child.

Or if you're family is desperate enough... they can sell you into the trade.

In Lance's case, he'd been caught stealing food. A minor crime that he could have served overnight had he not responded so violently in order to get the stollen goods back to his family before he'd been caught. As a result, he'd  been dragged to the surface come the next shipment of Siren maidens. His sentence had been declared 'when he was no longer needed by the Altean empire' despite how his under sea term was only three years. He hadn't been given the option to serve his time or go to the surface. He'd been noted as a candidate for the throne's maiden because he had a nice face and had yet to bear his own children as of yet. That, and the alpha had always seemed to hate Lance's family...

He was stuck on the surface indefinitely. And he was terrified.

"Through here." The galra Guard ordered. The Galra served the Altean empire as their military in turn for technology that could help stabilize the social and economic aspect of the Galra empire. The Galra had been on the verge of collapsing when Lance was but a child himself. It wasn't unusual to see them, but the Galra had never been on good terms with the Sirens, or anyone for that matter... Galra were an odd race. Or not a race, but their government was strange. No one seemed to truly understand their situation, but the Sirens knew it was worse than the Alteans suspected. But the sea dwellers simply didn't care.

"I thought the throne room was ahead." Lance said while glancing back at his guard as he was pushed off to the side. Much to Lance's annoyance, he couldn't see the guard, not with his hood in way. He couldn't see much more than the smooth white tiled floor and the sunlight filtering through the large windows that lined one side of the hall they walked down.

"I said through here" the guard growled, a truly animalistic sound. Not that Lance could judge. The Siren's heart beat quickly in his chest as he stopped walking amen stood frozen in place. He knew that the door the Galra was pushing him towards wasn't were they were supposed to go.

'You are the power beneath the water that drives the waves upon the sand. You are as calm as the ocean on a gentle breeze, or as raging as the waves that down the souls on the beach in the storm.' He recited in his mind the words his mother used to whisper to him at night when he was afraid that the sharks would find their cave all the while they slept. 'Nothing will ever hurt you.'

Lance cried out as he was grabbed with a bone crushing grab and dragged into the doorway the guard wanted him to turn into. He tried to call out but a big hand was covering his mouth and nose before he could get a surface word onto his tongue. The land languages were clumsy and harsh on his tongue when he wasn't thinking clearly. He justified panic as reason not the think clearly.

The air was shoved out of his lungs when he was shoved into a wall. He was blinded by the hood pulled over his head, his arms getting tangled up in the cloak that wrapped around his shoulders. He made a sound of protest as he reached for the guards wrist in front of his face only to stumble forward when it was taken away and he was tugged ahead by the thick fabric of his cloak. He yelped when he ran into a wall, cheek knocking into the hard surface. He stumbled back, trying to get his feet under him. He'd been on land for only days. He was still clumsy and unsure of himself when he was doing anything more than a straight walk. Trying to fight for his balance while being dragged around by the fabric wrapped around him was nearly hopeless as he shortly fell to his knees. The cloak was ripped away from his shoulders to reveal the Siren dressed fully in the translucent blue fabric that did little to hide his body. He was supposed to be dressed for his royal partner. He was wrapped up like a gift to be seen and opened by only one.

Lance's gaze adjusted to the darkness of the small room. He was used to the dark caves of the deep, this dim setting was nothing like the unending blackness of the oceans trenches. He saw the galra's own eyes glint in the darkness in a seconds stare down.

"There you are." The guard sneered as he stared down at Lance who was curled over himself, trying to hide what he could from the man standing over him.

"Get away from me!" Lance yelled, crawling  towards the nearest corner and bracing himself there to help himself up to his feet while the guard simply smiled cruelly. He towered over Lance, for now. He was easily a foot if not two taller.

"Wait until they find themselves with a child bearing the name of the throne and the blood of a Galra. They think they're helping, giving us their technology that we can't run while people are starving to death in my homeland. I'll make sure we get what we need. And it's going to be through you." The man said glaring down at Lance all the while the Siren stared up at him over his shoulder, giving the illusion he was cowering while he only served to spare his dignity. He understood the Galra's words but was slow to understand what exactly he was getting at. He wasn't used to surface speech. It was so complex and strange. He'd hardly been given any time to practice it before being prepared.

What lance did understand was that he wasnt meant for anyone to touch other than his assigned royal partner. when hands gripped onto his waist and tugged him back panic washed over him as he stumbled back before he was forced to the floor. He cried when his nose kissed the ground, a flow of blood starting to trickle down the front of his face as a result. He reached up and touched the warm liquid freezing when a blade appeared in front of his throat.

"Don't move." The Galra hissed from
Behind. The siren's heart beat loudly in his chest. He was sure the attacker could hear it.

The light fabric covering Lance's body was pushed out of the way, exposing his soft caramel skin to the man behind him. No. He didn't want this. This isn't what was supposed to happen. If he's impure for the royal family he could start a war, he could be executed.

But it was against the law to defend himself in a way that would give away the secrets of the Sirens.... But he wasn't like other sirens, so maybe he didn't count?

The sound of a buckle being undone.

He couldn't stand still and let himself be attacked. He was stronger than this. It would be a dishonor to his family to allow himself to be assaulted so offensively.

A hand shoving his legs apart, the blade at his throat pressed more firmly against his jugular.

The power of the ocean was in his hands. He had the strength to put this land dweller in his place. He wouldn't leave a witness behind to expose his secrets.

Lance reeled back into the body behind him, making sure to start his accention before he slammed into the dick behind him.

It was a violent bubble bump if you get Lances flow.

Once clear of the knife, he grabbed the Galra's wrist and twisted so that the blade clattered on the floor before Lance turned around and slashed at his attacker with sharp claws. The Galra snarled as Lance scrambled up to his his feet and put distance between him and his attacker. He gasped at the air, he could feel his gills fluttering against the fabric draped over him as he fixed it to cover himself once more. He hated breathing air, he often forgot to use his nose.

The Galra clutched his bloody chest and flared up at Lance who backed himself into the corner as he panted. Maybe this was a bad idea.

No, it was a very bad idea, but he couldn't let himself stop and be raped. He'd have to be less... concealed if he wanted to take care of this though, which would mean he'd have to ensure the Galra didn't walk away from this.
Very well. He could feel his body shifting. He almost fought it, trying to keep himself from turning back but he was already growing size, standing over the Galra.

Lance's heart hammered in his chest as he stared at the guard who picked his blade up once more. The blade curved and elongated as the Galra advanced, undeterred by the Carrier's morphed appearance. Scales were climbing up Lance's shoulders and glittering along his thighs.

"You're going to pay for that, you little bitch." The Galra snarled as he raised the sword. Lance wasn't given any other options as he opened his mouth to expose dangerous fangs, hissing in response as he lunged at his attacker.

What do you think? Any thoughts or opinions?

And before I can get any scrutiny for my drawing of Lance due to his feministic traits, I'd like to defend myself. I can't give too much away, but know it is not any sort of sexist feminization. It's simply the biology of the Siren species to incorporate child birth. Head on shot would show our lovely sharp shooters wide shoulders and muscles.

Sadly right now he's simply being made to look as fuckable as possible. Hence the Altean's humiliating feminization of the Siren.

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