Pronunciation Guide and Glossary

In order of character appearance
The below names are characters mentioned in book one, Crown of Thorns. Characters not named until Wave of Fires are not listed.

Circe (sir-see): Greek name meaning sorceress
Moselle (Moe-sell-ay): Hebrew name meaning From the Water

Lyolla (Lie-oh-la): Derived from the Spanish name "Loyola", meaning Assistant or Mud

Cyprian (Sc-I-pree-an): Latin name meaning Martyr
Marsoine (Mare-so-nay): Derived from "Mar", Spanish word for Sea

Ayesha (eye-ee-shah): Arabic name meaning Woman of Life
Akhdir (Act-heh-deer): Arabic word for Green or Oak

Emese (Eh-Meh-see): Derived from "eme", Finno-Ugric word for Mother.

Nabiry (Neb-eer-ee): Derived from the name "Nabirye" meaning Mother of Two Children.
Bithiah (Bit-th-hi-ah): Hebrew name for Daughters

Lalita (La-lee-tah): Sanskrit name for Young Woman- playful

Matthew (Mat-th-ew): Hebrew name meaning Prophet
Matto (Mat-toe): Italian word for Fool

Paltic (Pall-teek): Derived from the Hebrew name "Palti", meaning God(s) will Liberate
Naysharik (Nay-sha-ra-eek): A combination of the Hebrew name "Naysa", meaning Miracle, and the Bangladesh name "Sharik", meaning On Whom the Sun Shines

Turka (Terk-Kah): Latin name meaning Surrounded by a Forest

Mia (Mee-yah): Latin name meaning Wishing

Rilda (Rhi-hill-da): Nordic name meaning Friend

Jakai (Jah-ka-eye): English name meaning He Who Takes Control Over Something

Amire (Ah-mee-or): Arabic name meaning Commander
Okrich (Ock-ri-ch): Derived from the English name "Akridge", meaning Possessor of Oak

Chesed (Keh-said): Israeli name meaning Devil or Destroyer

Shiva (Shih-vah): Hindu name for God of Destruction
Erinyes (Ear-Rhine-us): Greek word meaning Winged Fury

Tybira (Tie-beer-ah): Derived from Tiber, a Roman River from which the wolf goddess Lupa rescued the twins Remus and Romulus
Lowell (Low-well): French name meaning Wolf Cub

Dancia (Da-han-see-yah): Derived from the Hebrew name "Danica", meaning Morning Star or Mourning Star

Haydee (Hey-di): Greek name meaning Well-Behaved or Servant

Elymas (Ell-ee-mus): Name meaning Magician

Enki (Ehn-kee): Sumerian god of trickery, mischief, and magic
Velos (Vay-los): A combination of Veles and Volos, names for a Slavic god of shapeshifting

Gladiator (Glad-ee-ay-tor): Warriors of Ancient Rome who fought both each other and wild animals before an audience

Freki (Freh-key): Old Norse name meaning Wolf

Romulus (Rom-u-los): Roman son of the Wolf goddess Lupa

Kentarch (Ken-tar-ick): Latin word for Centurion

Tamlen (Tam-leh-nah): derived from the Hebrew name "Tamlyn", meaning Parent of Palm Tree

Shehm (Shah-hemn) •
Hamlet (Ham-lot) All sons of Noah, men Yaphet (Yay-fet) • Who dwelled on                                 the Ark

Nōach (Noe-ack): Hebrew name meaning He who lives on The Ark
Myra (Mii-rah): Derived from the name 'Mara', the Buddhist personification of Evil
Melville (Mal-Vi-el): Latin name meaning Bad or Vile

Angelique (An-gel-eek): French name meaning Angel

Tabolmon (Tab-ohl-mawn): English name meaning Worker

Lucille (Loo-seel): Latin name meaning Light

Sminthus (Smehn-Thus): Derived from "Smintheus", a Greek Mouse or Rat related to the God Apollo.

Morrigury (Mor-eh-garr-y): A combination of "Morrigan" And "Augury", both relating to Prophecy, and Crows or Ravens.

Xanthus (Zahn-Thos): The Greek Hero, Achilles's horse.

Gabriel (Gay-bree-all): Hebrew name meaning Archangel.
Arendgast (Err-end-gahst): Name meaning Messenger

Lotan (Low-ton): Name meaning secret
Fulger (Fole-dgor): Name meaning thunder

Paravaiz (Pawr-ah-vayze): Name meaning fortunate
Kismet (Keese-mate): word referring to fate, or one's lot in life

Evony (Eh-voe-nee): Name meaning Archer
Mahvash (Ma-vah-sh): Persian word for Moonlight

Other Words

Tarasova (Tay-rah-so-vah): Wise Person of the Tarot. A relative of a specific Card, often times born aware of the Game.

Chronicler: A relative of a specific Card, sometimes the same person as the Tarasova. A Chronicler's job is to record what happens to their Arcana relative during the Game. The Chronicler is possibly, although not always, the same person as the Tarasova.

Tarot (Tay-row): A deck of cards commonly used for fortune-telling and game-playing

Arcana (Arr-can-ah): Literally means Secrets or Mysteries, but also pertains to the cards of a Tarot Deck

Chronicles: A book containing the knowledge of a specific Card's past lives, written by Card's Chronicler or Tarasova. Many Chronicles are lost or incomplete.

Tableau (Tab-lue): An image seen by an Arcana that flashes over any new Arcana they meet. Each Arcana has a unique Tableau which helps other Arcana identify them.

Icon: A sort of tattoo representative of each Arcana that appears on the hand of the enemy once said Arcana has been killed, serving as a tally throughout the Game.

Call: A phrase specific to each Arcana that sounds to all Arcana nearby as a warning. Calls get louder as Arcana near each other and stop once in direct proximity.

Carnates (Car-nates): Clones created by the Lovers Most Perverse

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