Get to Know - Blaze

So I guess you would all like to know my innermost thoughts and things about me besides my randomness. Here is my section of the get to know the Admins.

I take all credit for creating questions 7-9 of the first question set and questions 4-20 for the second section. My personal questions are AWESOME XD


P.S. Totally stole this from @firestar4ever, but you can check me out here at @Blazestorm.

Zodiac Sign: Taurus (But I can proudly say that I am not as bull-headed and stubborn as my sisters!)

Admin-Related Questions:

1. Why did you become an admin of WattyWarriors?

Actually, this is a funny and very ironic story. I messaged Crazy about becoming an admin long before she left, and she told me to message Tiger. So I did. Lo and behold a few days later there was a massive competition and sign-up form for becoming an admin, and not long after that I got the message saying that I got in! See kits, this is why persistance really is key!

I had just loved the page so much, and was frustrated that there were huge gaps of not updating anything. So I figured, why don't I join and make the page even better! So I did!

2. What do you like most about being an admin?

The atmosphere we have built on this page is amazing. I compare it to a dorm for a reason! We have so much fun together, teasing and being brilliant and just being our own little family on this little corner of the internet. I would never give it up for anything!

3. What do you like least about being an admin (if anything)?

I don't really have any major complaints. Every time there is any little problem, we just bring it up and then fix it, and then all is right in our world.

4. Describe each one of your fellow admins in one word.

Tiger- Sexy (teehee Lightning)

Lightning- Sporadic

Shadow- Awesome

Fire- Blazing (pun intended)

5. Whats your favorite segment in all of the magazines?

I think that is a tie between Tigers Writing Tips and my Advertisement Section. I love my little clever lol's, but his tips are so awesome that I use them all the time now!

6. How do you come up with ideas for the magazine?

We start saying random things in one chat, until finally we make up something that actually makes sense and sounds good. I remember our conversation that started with us all agreeing that we needed to make up more segments for the magazines, followed by long periods of silence and waiting for innspiration until all of a sudden I thought of Ad's in real magazines and Tiger jumped on board with his Tips and then everyone else had their little ideas that became something awesome!

7. Do you have a particular position/ job that you do as an admin?

I'd like to consider myself the co-leader at this point. As most of you know, I do all the interviews in the magazine, which is actually a lot of work, especially since most of our sections are interviews. I also tend to manage the page, when Tiger isn't around or if all the other admins are busy. So yeah!

8. Are you an admin on any other pages?

I admin on WattyPonies, who admittedly did get inspiration for their name from here. It's a My Little Pony page for Wattpad. Check it out! @WattyPonies

9. Which of the other admins is your favorite?

Well Tigershadow, of course! We were friends/getting to know eachother on this site because I joined her writing competition (and won, btw) when we both recieved messages from WattyWarriors that we were accepted as the new admins. You should have seen us cheering! Of course we've been inseperable ever since. We even both joined @firestar4ever's writing contest together. It should be on now, if you want to check it out!

10. How long have you been on WattyWarriors?

I think Shadow and I were accepted in September or October. It's a bit fuzzy as far as what month it was (especially since the winter was so long!) but I do know its only been about half of a year since we were accepted. Hm, Shadow and I need to do a big something for our acceptance anniversary!

Kind-of-Personal Questions:

1. What's your dream job?

Well I want to be a veterinarian. I have high hopes for it (Nicholas Sparks novels, anyone?) and have already planned out my college route and career path. It will happen!

2. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

Does more wishes count? I hate choosing!

No? Darn.

Well I guess I would probably be a little bit selfish and wish good fortune upon myself for the rest of my and my family's existance. That includes good luck, lots of money, and nothing overly bad ever happening ever again.

World Peace and stuff like that is honorable and whatnot, but I'm pretty sure not even a genie could make world peace a reality....

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you travel and why?

Actually I'm going to skimp on this a little bit by saying that I have already created a list of places that I will save up to go to over the rest of my life. Basically anywhere we have covered in World History class, Greece, everywhere in Europe, and definitely a trip to every state in the US. Because my home country is beautiful!

4. Which of your parents is the more commanding? Which is more relaxed and laid-back? Which do you like better?

My mom is definitely the more commanding. My dad is always more relaxed. Unfortunately that means his answer to most questions is "go ask your mother" which will then end in a big no. Even though, I still like them equally. They balance off each other most of the time!

5. Tell us about your family. Siblings? Pets? (your dog (CAT) is most definitely family. Your goldfish counts too, I guess)

Well as you know, I am a triplet. My family has 7 humans, one dog, and a bunch of other animals that I'm rounding up to a total of 9 family members! My mom and Dad, me and my two sisters, and my two brothers! I have a labrador retriever, and I also have a few chickens, rabbits, turtles, and various pet birds. We had a cat, but the cat ran away to join a Warrior Clan. (no seriously, it was about Firestar's age. It definitely found a Clan)

6. What would you consider the most important thing on your bucket list?

Well I'd like to think that at the moment it is to simply be happy and live life to it's fullest! But to be more realistic, it is to be very sucessful throughout college (and of course, do everything that I can before I'm too old/tired/busy) and to get a nice job, wonderful husband, and raise a nice family.

It used to be to learn archery, but I managed to do that before this get-to-know, so that has been crossed off and changed to "learn archery to become better than Legolas". Needless to say, that might take a while, but it is still on there! Along with "become a goldfish" "grow wings" "survive the zombie apocalypse" and "write more books than James Patterson and write better books than Brandon Sanderson" (check them out, they are amazing authors!)

7. If you had to pick one animal to call your "spirit animal" which would it be? (Mythological creatures not included)

Well my mind immediately jumped to a wolf, but it also jumped to a dolphin and an eagle. I always compare myself to a wolf because I tend to run alone, like a lone wolf will, but I do have my pack of a family and my sisters, and we will always work together to bring even the biggest moose down!

I consider a dolphin because of my love for dolphins and because I love swimming and the water. Also, I know a few really awkward facts about dolphins!

I considered Eagle because I love wings and flying, but also because I have had many dreams about flying, using wings to defeat creatures, and almost falling to my doom only to save myself with my own wings. (the Maximum Ride series came to me after this dream. Premonition? Maybe!) Is it my guardian angel? Maybe. But I just like to think that in a past life I was an Eagle. (Hawk was a very close second to this choice for the same reasons!)

8. If you had to pick one mythological creature that you belive best represents you, what would you pick? (Harry Potter creatures allowed, real animals not allowed)

Dragon? Gryffon? Phoenix? Hippogriff? Pegasus? Manticore? Honestly I love them all. I've always considered the real creatures more because I would be devastated to habe to choose between all of these wonderful mythological creatures! I will stick with Hippogriff for now because it can fly, it has the horsey flying like a Pegasus does or the lion part of a manticore, and while they can't breathe fire, they are pretty awesome!

9. What type of music is your favorite? What type of music would your worst enemy tie you to a chair and force you to listen to?

Honestly I enjoy most types of music. I discriminate by song and song writer, not by genre. I can honestly say that I have listened to at least one enjoyable song in every genre. I just dont like certain songwriters. That being said, you can usually find me listening to rock, classical, and stuff along that vein.

My enemies would be hard-pressed to find something that I don't like, but I think they would have a lot of success torturing me with rap. I don't know how people listen to it. I'm not judging, but when most of the lyrics involve sex, booze, and non-important or disgusting things, I don't find that to be quality music. Listen to it if you want (and remember I know plenty of good rappers) but I probably won't listen to it!

10. Describe your family/ family life in ten words.

Chaotic, messy, fun, sporadic, filled-with-animals (that is definitely one word!), tasteful, slightly cramped (still one word), outdoorsy, green-thumb.

11. If you were trapped on a deserted island, what one item would you bring? Why?

The army manual on how to survive in general life-threatening situations (with the pack that includes pocket knives and stuff to DIY said practices). I've actually read it once, and while I have since forgotten most of the information, I know that it was very useful and taught basics like building a shelter and something to help you escape from the island. I would bring a boat, but I don't know how to drive those, and I assumed electrical things are off limits.

12. Do you have any regrets about your life so far and how you have lived it? Is there anything you plan on doing differently?

There are certain moments that I facepalm at when looking back, and plenty of moments of embarassment and shame, but overall I think I have lived a life that noone should ever complain about. Ever.

I would change myself a little bit. Less procrastination and more communication would really improve my life by leaps and bounds!

13. Y.O.L.O. Elaborate your feelings when encountered with this acronym.

Honestly, it means something very good. You should always live life to it's fullest, because (depending on your religion and such) you only have one life to live! However, people have taken it the wrong way and believe it to be an excuse to do stupid things.

This was meant to be a fun/trick question. Of course I answered it seriously XD

14. Who is your idol? Who is the person you look up to the most? Whose ideals and ideas you follow and whose ever action you admire.

I don't think I ever had a set person to follow until freshman year high-school, where I met a girl my age that did everything that I wanted to do with my life and more just by simple time-management. She was on the leadership team, swim team, played the flute in two different bands, took a ton of AP and honors classes (with very good scores, I might add!), volunteered anywhere she could, and still found time to do what she loved and stalk her favorite bands and such! I recently have tried doing that, but it usually just turns into me doing what I want and not my hw. I got most of the other things though! (but my mom wouldn't let me join the swim team. She doesn't like public pools XD)

15. What do you most fear? Why?

Well I have a bunch of small fears like bugs (certain bugs I can't go near, and I've had too many nightmares!!) and the unknown (not the dark, but rather, the stuff that is secretly inside the dark.) But I think that my biggest fear is anything tragic happening to people that are close to me. If my friends and family are ever hurt, it hurts me just as much inside, and I fear losing any of them.

16. If you knew you only had a day left to live, what would you spend your last few hours doing?

Saying my last goodbyes to my family, and doing something nice with them and my friends so that they could remember me in a very positive way.

17. If you could live one day or moment over and over again, what day/moment would it be? Why?

Honestly? I don't actually know. I've had many special moments, but none that I can truly remember wanting to re-live. I have many moments I'd love to erase, and others that need to be repressed, but until I get married, the best day of my life is -*static cuts off the recording* zzzzzzzz *cuts back in* because it was just overall really awesome. It because the best performance day!

Yeah, I'm not saying it because its probably a little juvinile. I'm saving this for fifteen years into the future, when I know I can answer this legimately.

Why did I put this question on here? So personal!

18. Where do you find peace? (bedroom, outside....)

There are many places like my home or outside in the forest in the back of my house where I can find comfort, and especially in solitude anywhere where I can think or be alone with nature. Overall though, I know that with the right people and in the right atmosphere, anyhwere is my happy place :)

19. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

DON'T DO THE THING. IT WON'T END WELL FOR ANYONE, AND ESPECIALLY NOT YOU! Also put that down! You don't need and will never need that, or the shame from doing that!

Also, listen to mom. She's right sometimes. And do NOT do anything unapproved, like going there without asking, and doing that thing without confirmation. She'll bury us again in the backyard, and I am not ready for that sort of trauma once more!

*checks Tiger's profile* Hey, he did this too! Whyyyy

20. What can you not live without the most? If you had to go without that one thing for longer than a week, would you be able to?

My first thought was air, food, you know, the essentials. But seeing as I wrote this question, I know it is asking about your non-essentials, something tangible that won't be literal life-or-death.

So to tell you the truth, that thing was going to be the internet. I hate being disconnected from the world and my own pockets of the internet with my global friends and my dorm-room admin forum thingy (is that what WattyWarriors is? I dunno...). And two summers ago when I went to Greece I managed with only a few seconds to check emails and respond to people on, but it was hard. So I have weaned myself off of it a little bit.

Sadly during that time on my trip I only wrote one chapter. We had a month of downtime!! Granted, I was younger and it was a 6k word chapter, so meh. I call it productive XD

Admins Reviews

Ah, Blaze. We call her the mother of the group, but everything Lightning has said is true. She starves us. Call the police!

But, what Blaze lacks in motherly skills she makes up for with admin skills. Thats right, admin skills. She messaged me a long time ago with a resume and I was like wow. I wanted to bring her in right away, but the other admins decided it was fair to allow other people to apply too. In the end, we brought her in along with Shadow after Crazy and Wild left, and she's been a huge help. She handles most of the interviews and contributes in everything else. I'd say she's a big part of keeping this page running smoothly. So good job, and thanks Blaze!


Awe, you know I was joking when I said your an over-abusive and terrible mother towards us. I honestly think you're the most responsible and least forgetful admin we have, and plus, you're super funny and never fail to make me laugh! You and I are competitive in our own way, but not the bad kind, it's the fun and enthusiastic kind that brings life to our works. I'm so glad that I have we have a skilled writer like you in the group. Plus, you do all the interviews and stuff and I always forget to do them! I'm so glad you do, haha. And even though I don't really consider you the "co-leader" because I feel that we are all equals, you really have the skills of one. Love you, mommy! :D


Blaze we go so far back! I don't even know how we met, but I know so much about you that I don't know about lots of the other admins. You're the mom of everyone here, and you're the oldest, but you're still amazing and you keep us all under control. Our dorm room is very messy on this account, I bet everyone would be shocked if they came onto our account XD but our messages go so far back and I'm so mad they took commenting away on PM. But you're so amazing and I know I've said this several times but it's true and emphasis for effect, right? Anyway, ilysm so much Yakina! <3


Blaze! Mom! We've never really talked that much, but from what I can tell, you seem super awesome and nice. And mature. I hope we can talk more in the future! Love you <3



What do I think about myself? Well besides the 10/10 in every available category describing my awesomeness, I do think that I am very down to Earth and extremely open-minded about everything. I try my best to avoid fights, and to be nice to everyone and anyone that I meet. I know full well that I have a bad side, with a very firey temper (that I do try to avoid, and so it usually only comes out for a few moments at a time) and a stubborn streak that I learned from one of my sisters, but I think I wouldn't change anything about myself emotionally. Physically, well, I need to tone up a bit. But hey, I have all my limbs and all required organs, as well as a great mind and stuff. Quite frankly the toning problem is my own fault, so no complaints here! Overall, I just have to say that life is good. And all of these lovely Admins help with that too <3


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