Starclan/Darkforest Entry ~I_Eat_Avatars
Sootfur’s light grey fur shinedlike silver in the bright sunlight. His amber eyes glowed with happiness.StarClan was great. No Leafbare. No prey shortages. No borders to separatesoul-mates. It was everything he had ever dreamed of in the living world andmore. He padded across the warm grass and closed his eyes to take a breath offresh, never ending Newleaf air. He sighed, life was good. He padded towardscamp but something caught his eye.
Rainwhiskerwas sharing a vole with Whitestorm in a meadow south of camp. Sootfur headedover to them and sat down by Rainwhisker, licking him in between the ears.“Hello brother!” Sootfur meowed. “Hi Sootfur, do you want to share this volewith Whitestorm and me?” Rainwhisker asked kindly. “Sure, if you don’t mind thatis?” Sootfur asked Whitestorm politely. Whitestorm shook his head. “Thanks.”Sootfur said, smiling shyly and taking a bite of the vole. Rainwhisker andWhitestorm occasionally took small bites and chatted.
“Whatdo you want to now?” Sootfur questioned after the trio finished their snack.“I’m on a hunting patrol, so I’ll see you guys to later! Have fun!” Whitestormexcused himself from the conversation before trotting towards the camp. “Wecould go swimming? I heard Silverstream and Feathertail are having a race atMoonhigh!” Rainwhisker suggested. “Sure.” Sootfur agreed. The siblings madetheir way towards the river, taking their time, for Moonhigh was not foranother half an hour.
Whenthey reached the river the banks were overcrowded with cats of all the Clans. Abrown tabby ShadowClan tom chatted with a skittish-looking WindClan apprenticewhile a silver and black RiverClan she-cat was demonstrating a new huntingcrouch to a ThunderClan kit. The Clans were no longer separated by borders andstupid, pointless squabbles about stolen prey. StarClan is perfect. Feathertailand Silverstream were in the middle of the river, sitting on flat stones thatwere suspended above the water.
Thesilvery-blue water was sloshing hungrily at the banks of the river, the waves’ ripplesoutlined by bright moonshine. Feathertail shifted her paws uncomfortably andSilverstream stood up and cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention.“Welcome to the river! Today we will be having a moonlight race!” Silverstreamyowled. “Whoever reaches the end of the river where it forms a pool wins!”Sootfur leaned forward to get a better look at Silverstream and stumbled,falling head over paws into the river.
Thewatching cats giggled as Sootfur splashed to the surface, spluttering. Hecoughed up water that tasted of mud and fish and green plants growing lushlyjust under the waves. Rainwhisker rushed over to him. “Are you okay?” He asked,concern glowing in his blue eyes. “Fine, just a little wet!” Sootfur joked.Rainwhisker laughed heartily. “Looks like Sootfur is our first contestant!”Silverstream chuckled. The cats cheered and chanted “Sootfur!” “Sootfur!” overand over. “Okay, I’ll go. I amalready soaked!” Sootfur mewed.
Rainwhiskerlaughed and plunged in after him. “I’ll go as well!” He said. “Okay! Who elsewants to race?” Silverstream asked. “Also, NO RiverClan cats allowed! That’scheating!” An assortment of ThunderClan, WindClan and ShadowClan cats raisedtheir tails to signal they wanted to join the race. Silverstream pointed outthe cats for the race. “Honey fern, Swift paw, Tallstar, Badger paw, Night star,Eagle kit, Snowkit, Crow fur.” “The cats look evenly matched. Good picksSilverstream.” Feathertail praised. “Thank you Feathertail, I try.”Silverstream chuckled. The chosen cats leaped into the water, sending a seriesof waves at the cats already in the river: Sootfur and Rainwhisker.
Rainwhiskeryowled and tried to splash out of the way, while Soot fur closed his eyes andnose and went under. Rainwhisker quickly followed his demonstration, dunkinghis broad head under the water. The waves passed them quickly, but to Sootfurit felt like moons! His lungs were bursting and river water filled his nose andeyes and mouth. His head burst above the water, sending silver droplets flyingonto the watching cats. Some of them flinched at the touch of water, but mostendured it calmly. Sootfur shook his head, sending more water raining onto theaudience.
“Let the race begin! Ready, set…”Silverstream paused for a dramatic effect. “GO!” She yowled. The cats were offin a flurry of water. Some cats clumsily splashed around in the river andothers stroked their paws professionally through waves. Sootfur started outclumsy, but, gradually, he too began moving with more confidence. By the timethe end of the river was in sight, they were down to four cats: Sootfur,Tallstar, Crowfur and Swiftpaw. Rainwhisker had never been a good swimmer; infact, he had hated swimming, like all cats except for RiverClan cats, in Sootfur’sopinion. Sootfur swam on, as fast as he could go. He pushed himself harder andharder in order to win. He passed Swift paw quickly. Snail paw snarled and swam faster, trying desperately to catch upwith Sootfur and the others.
Sootfur closed his eyes in concentrationand began to swim harder and faster yet. Crowfur and Tallstar gasped inamazement as Sootfur passed them. Suddenly, the pebble-covered riverbed disappearedfrom under his paws. He had reached the pool at the end of the river! Sootfurlaughed in excitement and triumph. He had won! Feathertail padded over to himand offered him her tail as a way to get out of the river. Sootfur noddedgratefully and grabbed her feathery, silver tail with his paws and climbed ontothe shore. “Congratulations Sootfur!” She mewed. “Thanks Feathertail!” Sootfurreplied. “You are a natural swimmer.” Feathertail commented. Sootfur smiled.Silverstream padded up to meet them. “And the winner is…SOOTFUR!” She yowled tothe audience. The cats cheered and yowled.
Rainwhisker walked over to hisbrother and brushed his darker pelt against Sootfur’s lighter one. They bothpurred. “Congrats bro! I can’t believe you won!” He complimented. “Thanks…”Sootfur meowed, embarrassed. Feathertail padded over and sat by Sootfur,whispering in his ear.
“Now you trulyare: Sootfur of RiverClan.”
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