Yuroichi Shihoin flashes into Death Battle
Name: Shihōin Yoruichi
Origin: Bleach
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1½"
Weight: 93 Ibs
Age: At least over 200 years
Classification: Shinigami
Kokonoe: As the princess of the Shihoin clan and captain of the 2nd division of the Gotei 13, Yuroichi Shihoin had it fairly easy along with her two friends, Urahara and Tessai.
Junko: All until both her friends were framed for a crime committed by none other than Aizen. Just the start of a million dick moves.
Kokonoe: Having sacrificed her title to rescue her friends before they got punished, Yuroichi remained in the human realm, where she no longer worked under the Gotei 13.
Junko: But that doesn't mean she's gotten rusty at all.
Kokonoe: Right. Since the 2nd division is directly tied to her family, a majority of their tasks have been assassinations, so it's basically a stealth force.
Junko: They're not just Shinigami, they're Ninja Shinigami!
Kokonoe: Right, and with over 200 years of experience, she still knows how to get the job done. She's already a very skilled Kido expert.
Kokonoe: Kido is a form of Shinigami combat based on advanced spells which are produced by strong reiryoku, or spiritual energy. While she often uses her speed and hand to hand fighting, she does tend to mix in Kido to further her capacity in combat, often mixing it with other fighting techniques. She has used mid to high-level binding and destructive spells with no incantation and with expert skill.
Junko: She even has her own special Kido technique, or should I say, Kido Canceling Technique, Hanki.
(Sorry for small GIF)
Junko: This allows the user to nullify kido by hitting it with a kido of perfectly opposite speed and energy. This technique can even neutralize an opponent's movements.
Kokonoe: Right, but she mostly uses this technique once she's activated Shunko.
Kokonoe: This advanced technique combines Hakuda, a form of hand to hand Shinigami fighting style, with Kido. She can use the electricity around her body to increase her speed and strength. She can also fire her Kido at her opponents, creating massive explosions.
Junko: Speaking of her speed, she's also really skilled Shunpo master.
Junko: This technique greatly increases her speed and while other Shinigami can use it too, Yuroichi is so skilled at it she can move fast enough to make it look like she's in several places at the same time.
Kokonoe: Her powers can still go further. Especially with Shunko: Raijin Senkei.
Kokonoe: This is when the lightning emitted from her back creates a circle behind her with 6 orbs of electrical energy along its circumference as Yoruichi unleashes a giant column of concentrated electrical energy to engulf her opponent.
Junko: While this is still activated, Yuroichi can transform her mind and body even further with Shunshin Chohengen.
Junko: Woah! Um, is she naked?
Kokonoe: Yes. My guess is her reiryoku becomes so powerful it tears all her clothes off.
Junko: Well now... this form increases her speed, strength, and power. She can also be transformed remotely by her friend, Urahara. And I can see why someone would want to do that.
Kokonoe: And after releasing a huge column of electrical energy, she can go one step further with Shunkō: Raiju Senkei: Shunryū Kokubyō Senkei.
Kokonoe: Taking on the form of a hybrid of Shunkō and her feline form, her feet become clawed cat paws, this form clads her arms and legs in electricity covering her forearms past the elbow and her legs up to her thighs, each ending with claws made of electrical energy. The energy forms her hair into the form of cat ears and she grows a tail. This form sheaths her in an aura of electrical energy.
Junko: This form gives her the mentality of a cat and allows the cat nature of "fickleness" to manifest in her Reiatsu. While Yoruichi is naturally moody, she is even more so in this form; her Reiatsu is directly responsive to her changes in mood, and therefore becomes reliably unstable by changing 48 times per second.
Kokonoe: Thanks to this, however, Urahara is the only one who can control her in this form.
Junko: And what a lucky man he is. Anyway, she does have equipment she can use in combat, like her Anti-Hierro Armor.
Junko: This is a set of metal boots and gloves designed specifically to counter an Arrancar's Hierro.
Kokonoe: Hierro is basically a way for Arrancar to harden their skin using their spiritual energy.
Junko: Yep! This armor is exceptionally durable, protecting the wearers limbs even during the moment of their destruction. Oh, she also has a move called Raioken.
Junko: This is a Hakuda technique involving a series of ultra-high-speed punches delivered using both arms. When performing this technique while wearing Anti-Hierro Armor, Yoruichi severely cracked Aizen's first form, destroying the surrounding portion of Karakura Town in the process.
Kokonoe: Yuroichi is an extremely skilled assassin.
Kokonoe: She has repeatedly shown impressive skill in staying hidden and unseen. When necessary, she can effectively exploit having an advantage against an opponent or hiding her presence. Even Aizen was taken completely by surprise, and just as easily subdued.
Junko: And despite her slender appearance, she's extremely strong.
Junko: She easily caught a direct punch from Yammy Llargo, and simultaneously threw him several feet away. She easily injured him, despite his thick Hierro, with various unarmed moves, but is injured by his Hierro. Though she admits she wasn't expecting his skin to be that hard, she states she could have avoided taking any damage if she had Shunkō activated. A concentrated blow from Yoruichi can destroy an entire city block.
Kokonoe: And despite her own admission of being out of shape, Yuroichi is a very resilient warrior.
Kokonoe: Both when out of breath from prolonged running against Byakuya and sustaining fractures from Yammy's Hierro, Yuroichi was still able to fight effectively while showing no signs of weakening. Likewise, Yuroichi showed a resistance to Askin's "the Deathdealing", able to survive exposure to lethal doses of several substances and retain consciousness, impressing Askin.
Junko: Yuroichi is so skilled, she somehow learned to become a cat for 100 years!
Junko: In her cat form, she can still channel her spiritual energy and move at high speeds but is physically limited. She also has a deep voice making her sound like a man.
Kokonoe: Right, as strong as she is, she can still get hurt and even loose. In truth, however, there are no further weaknesses unless her opponent is overwhelmingly powerful.
Junko: Yep. There's a reason why people call her the Goddess of Flash.
Yuroichi: Quit it. Stop whining. Unless you're able to activate your powers at will, you will die, like a dog, in the Soul Society.
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