Noel Vermillion vs Aigis

Kokenoe: Artificial humans aren't exactly the type of people you want to mess with. A lot of the time they far exceed that of a normal human.

Junko: Especially these two who were built for a specific purpose... to destroy. Like Noel Vermillion, the former lieutenant of Blazblue.

Kokonoe: And Aigis, the Heartless Armed Angel of Persona.

Junko: I'm Jonko and she's Kokonoe.

Kokonoe: The analysis is complete and the combatants are ready.

Junko: It's time for a Death Battle!

In a small abandoned city, Noel was wandering around. She was in search for Ragna but couldn't find him.

Noel: Crap. Where am I? Am I lost already?

Aigis suddenly flew down behind Noel and aimed her hands.

Aigis: Hold it right there.

Noel turned to face her.

Noel: Huh?

Aigis: This abandoned area is private property. Please state your business.

Noel: I-It's not what it looks like! I um was looking for someone and followed them here, then I um... kinda lost them.

Aigis put her hands down.

Aigis: I see.... I apologize for the misunderstanding.

Noel: phew... it's alright...

Aigis: So tell me, who is it you are looking for?

Noel: Huh? Oh um... Ragna...

Aigis: ... Ragna the Bloodedge? Whose bounty is 90,000,000,000 dollars?

Noel: Yeah... he's my brother...

Aigis: I see. I am also in pursuit of Ragna, and since you are a relative of his, I must take you in for questioning.

Noel: (Crap, me and my big mouth.)

Noel quickly pulled out Bolverk.

Noel: Sorry, but I can't turn back now.

Aigis aimed her hands at her again.

Aigis: Resist and I will show no mercy.

Aigis started firing bullets at Noel, who quickly went to dodge them fast. Noel quickly got in close and tried to shoot Aigis in the face, but Aigis dodged it and went to knee her in the gut. Noel jumped to the side fast. She got behind Aigis and shot her in the back. Aigis quickly recovered as she turned around and quickly went to punch Noel, but Noel quickly flipped back and turned her two pistols into a shotgun. Aigis turned her hand into a rifle as they both quickly shot each other, sending each other back hard. Aigis stayed on her feet and dashed at Noel. Noel got up and Aigis went to punch her. Noel dodged it and went to shoot Aigis in the head but Aigis dodged it and elbowed her in the gut, sending her flying through buildings. Noel staggered back to her feet.

Noel: Ow... huh?

Aigis turned her hands into flame throwers and set herself on fire for a flaming tackle.

Noel: Type Three! Spring Raid!

Noel hit Aigis with a flash kick that launched in the air. Noel then leaped into the air.

Noel: Revolver Blast!

Noel shot multiple times while twirling around. Each shot hit Aigis as Noel kicked her to the ground. Noel landed and walked up towards Aigis, who was lying on her back. Noel aimed her gun and went to shoot at her head. Aigis went to block the projectiles with her arms as she quickly jumped up. She quickly went to kick Noel in the chest and Noel went to block it but was sent back hard. Aigis quickly dashed at her. Noel quickly turned Bolverk into a machine gun.

Noel: Fenrir!

Noel jamed the barrel of Fenrir forward and sprayed Aigis with energy blasts that juggled her into the air. Noel then turned Fenrir into a laser cannon and aimed it at Aigis.

Noel: Nemesis Stabilizer!

Noel fired a giant blast of energy at Aigis.

Aigis: Athena!

Aigis summoned Athena to block the blast but they were both sent flying higher into the air.

Noel: Huh?! What was that?!

While Aigis was starting to fall from the ground, she quickly threw a sticky grenade right under Noel's feet.

Noel: Hm? Crap!

Noel quickly jumped back as the bomb created a humungous explosion. Noel jumped out of the debris as Aigis flew above her and dropped four grenades from her back.

Noel: Not aga-

The grenades immediately blew up in Noel's face and sent her back. Aigis flew at her and grabbed her by the face and flew into the air, sending Noel through multiple buildings before launching her back to the ground. Aigis then flew down at her as she was about to stomp on her body but Noel quickly recovered and jumped back to dodge her.

Noel: Bullet Storm!

Noel shot at Aigis rapidly before turning Bolverk into a missile launcher.

Noel: Thor!

Noel launched the missile at Aigis as it was sending her flying back. Noel then turned the missle launcher into a raygun.

Noel: Try dodging this.

Noel fired a giant blast of energy that hit Aigis and the missle as it caused a huge explosion. Noel turned the raygun back into two pistols as she fell to her knees.

Noel: Is it over...?

Noel looked into the flames of the explosion and saw Aigis staggering out.

Noel: What?!

Aigis: Athena!

Aigis summoned her Persona again as it restored her to full health and increased her defense.

Aigis: That was a close one... now, allow me to show you the true power of the wildcard.

Athena dashed at Noel to strike her with her spear, but Noel quickly dodged as she started shooting at both Athena and Aigis. Aigis went to dodge her shots as she was dashed at Noel and went for a heavy kick. Noel blocked it but was still sent back as she crashed into the wall of a building.

Noel: She's strong... looks like I've got no choice... Releasing Armagus!

Noel got into a fighting stance as she projected a shield in front of her as Aigis and Athena were dashing at her. Aigis spun her hand like a drill as she went to try to pierce through the shield, and as soon as she did, Noel started firing with a barrage of shots at Aigis. Energy started growing in the background and Noel combined her guns into one as they energy blew up, decimating the entire city. Noel looked around for Aigis but couldn't find her. Noel sighed in relief, until Aigis came up from beneath her, grabbed her by the neck, and held her up high.

Noel: What.... but.... how....?

Aigis: I will admit, if Athena hadn't increased my durability, that blast would have killed me.

Athena appeared and restored Aigis to full health again as Aigis started to squeeze her neck. She was getting ready to snap it.

Aigis: I am sorry it had to come to this...

Noel: ... Not... yet...

Noel quickly kicked Aigis off her, forcing her to let go.

Aigis: Resistance is futile.

Aigis summoned Athena who dashed at Noel and stabbed her spear straight through her as she kept flying forward. Aigis summoned a gun three times her size and aimed it at Noel as it caused a humungous explosion.

Aigis: ... ... ... My scanners are still picking up her heat signature...

Suddenly, a large light emerged in the sky as Noel had turned into Mu-12 and went to face Aigis.

Noel(Mu-12): ... ... ...

Aigis: I see... I had a feeling you were not human... it seems I was right... though our programming may be different, we are both artificially designed machines...

Noel(Mu-12): ... I am nothing like you...

Aigis: We'll see about that...

Athena summoned a giant fist and fired it at Noel. Noel saw this and quickly dodged as she sent two blades at Aigis but they just bounced off her.

Noel(Mu-12): What?!

Aigis quickly got back.

Aigis: Orpheus!

Athena was replaced with Orpheus, who dashed at Noel and swung his harp. Noel quickly dodged as Aigis turned her arm into a giant nail gun and went to stab Noel with it.

Noel(Mu-12): Origins!

Noel then made a force field that blew Aigis away.

Noel(Mu-12): Totsuka Blade!

Aigis quickly landed on her feet as Noel fired a laser at her. Both Aigis and Orpheus dodged it and dashed towards Noel.

Aigis: Surt!

Orpheus was replaced with Surt, who swung his blade in a giant burst of flames. Noel quickly dodged it and summoned four Steins Gunner. They all fired lasers at Aigis at once.

Aigis: Kohryu!

Aigis summoned a giant dragon-like persona that blocked the lasers as Aigis ran towards Noel.

Noel(Mu-12): Disappear!

Noel shot a ball of energy at Aigis that started to go up. Aigis quickly jumped over the ball of energy, landed on her feet, and immediately punched Noel, sending her flying back.

Aigis: Entering Orgia Mode.

Aigis activated her Orgia Mode and flew after Noel. Noel instantly sent her 8 blades to try to stab Aigis, but Aigis was easily dodging them.

Aigis: Melchizedek!

Aigis summoned Melchizedek beside her as the persona punched Noel into the air and through a building. Aigis flew above her and kicked her to the ground hard enough to make a giant crater.

Aigis: Cybele!

Melchizedek was replaced with Cybele as they both flew down to Noel. Aigis landed first, stomping down on Noel's chest. Aigis then jumped out the way as Cybele stabbed Noel's side.

Noel(Mu-12): Gah!

Cybele disappeared as Aigis summoned four giant missile launchers.

Aigis: Firing everywhere.

Aigis started rapidly launching missles everywhere, causing massive explosions until the entire city was burning in flames. Aigis finally stopped as a spark popped from the back of her head.

Aigis: No... am I... overheating...? Not... now...

Noel got up and walked towards Aigis. She grabbed her by the neck and held her up high.

Noel(Mu-12): ... It's over.

Aigis went to slowly grab the arm that was holding onto her.

Aigis: Not... yet... entering... Extreme Orgia Mode.

Noel(Mu-12): What?

Aigis quickly kicked Noel back as her body was going past it's limits.

Noel(Mu-12): Wisdom of the Divines!

Aigis was suddenly bound in place as all 8 of Noel's blades appeared above her.

Noel(Mu-12): Feel the wrath of the heavens!

Aigis: Thanatos!

The blades all went down to stab her but then Thanatos appeared infront of Aigis and swung his blade, swatting the blades away. He then went to dash at Noel and swung his blade. Noel quickly got two of her blades in front of her to block his strike. Four more blades then flew at Thanatos, and he blocked them with his coffin-like shields.

Noel(Mu-12): He's tough... but not tough enough!

Noel raised her hand and the stains from before came charging at Thanatos. Two swords stabbed Thanatos in the neck as the Steins blew up in his face, destroying him.

Aigis: Gah!

Noel(Mu-12): Your turn.

Noel dashed at Aigis quickly.

Aigis: Armageddon!

Using both Satan and Lucifer, Aigis created a gigantic explosion out from under them. The debris from the explosion started to clear as Aigis was on one knee.

Aigis: ... Messiah...

Aigis summoned Messiah but then fell to all fours as Messiah disappeared. Aigis was starting to overheat again.

Aigis: ... This is... not a problem... once I've cooled down I'll-

Noel(Mu-12): Not so fast!

Aigis: What?!

Noel appeared from the debris of the explosion and swung her blade, slashing at her and knocking her back. All of Noel's blades then started circling around Aigis at a very high speed.

Noel(Mu-12): Blessed Mirror!

Noel blasted a humungous pillar of light up from under Aigis' feet as it did massive damage. Once the light disappeared, Aigis' lifeless body fell to the ground.

Noel(Mu-12): ... ... ...

Noel turned around as she was about to leave, when suddenly the sky grew dark as multiple stars were in the sky.

Noel(Mu-12): What?

Noel quickly turned around to see the once lifeless body of Aigis was now standing at full health with Messiah right behind her.

Noel(Mu-12): Impossible! I watched you die!

Aigis: I won't die... not as long as I have those I must protect... it's over... Morning Star!

A star suddenly came crashing down from the sky creating another more devastating explosion that filled the entire city. Once the explosion cleared, Noel was staggering as Aigis started walking towards her. Noel got up and quickly trapped Aigis in a barrier.

Aigis: What?

Noel(Mu-12): The world must be safed! Blades forged in the pits of destruction... shields cast in the chasm of despair!

Noel summoned 8 massive blades around her and had them rain down upon Aigis. Messiah absorbed the strikes but it wasn't over as they started to glow. Aigis immediately knew what was coming next.

Aigis: Oh no.

Noel(Mu-12): The seven celestial gods! The world created by the hands of the gods... Everything is false, everything is a lie! The final days have come... Now, let everything be destroyed!

All 8 blades blew up at the same time, causing a massive explosion that covered the entire landscape and completely obliterated Aigis to the point where there was nothing left. Noel was the only one standing once the explosion disappeared as she turned back to base.

Noel: ... I'm sorry it had to come to this...

Junko: Holy cow! Add this to the longest and best Death Battle we've had so far!

Kokonoe: This was an interesting match up as thanks to Aigis' persona, it made things like durability and attack power practically meaningless.

Junko: Yeah, especially since Aigis can decrease your attack power and do the same for durability. And to make things worse, both Noel's Nox Nyctores made it hard for Aigis to get a good reading on Noel. Basically, this match up would have to go to whoever can obliterate their opponent to the point that there was nothing left of them.

Kokonoe: Right. And while Aigis did have more options of doing so, Noel can do it at a much faster rate due to her slight speed advantage over Aigis.

Junko: And while most of Aigis' persona do have resistance or even complete immunity to Noel's attacks and their effects, not all of them do. This mean Aigis had to be careful of which Persona she needed to use. And while Orgia mode did give her a perfect boost, it runs out quickly and leaves her vulnerable to attacks.

Kokonoe: In the end Aigis certainly had the skills, experience, and arsenal needed, but Noel's superior transformation and raw power gave her the leg up she needed to get the job done.

Junko: Enter cheesy pun here, less than 3.

Kokonoe: The winner... is Noel Vermillion.

Junko: Next time on Death Battle!

Ayano: You stay away from senpai!

Toko: I-I don't want him! I'm already e-engaged with Master!

Ayano Aishi(Yandere-chan) vs Toko Fukawa(Genocide Jack)

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