Noel Vermillion observes Death Battle

Name: Noel Vermillion (Mu-12)

Origin: BlazBlue

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1.8"

Weight: 105.8 Ibs

Age: 5 (chronologically)

Classification: Artificial Human

Kokonoe: One thing humans have always been fascinated by was the mysterious realm known as the Boundary, where all fates and dimensions intersect. In order to explore the realms depths, they forged artificial humans known as Boundary Interference Prime Field Devices, and among the most powerful of these devices were the Murakumo Units, which were especially designed to wield the legendary Nox Nyctores, Lux Sanctus: Murakumo, and oppose the almighty Sankishin themselves.

Junko: Yeah... we'll get back to that later. Anyway, during the creation process of one of these units, a dread Nox Nyctores destroyed Sector Seven, leaving only one survivor. That's right! The very Murakumo Unit they were working on, Mu-13, who would later be adopted by a couple of nobility and be given a new name, Noel Vermillion. And after joining the military, Noel proved just how good she is compared to everyone else.

Kokonoe: Right. Noel has her own Nox Nyctores, Demon Guns: Bolverk.

Junko: Nox Nyctores are weapons forged specifically to combat the Black Beast, a monster that exists outside of reason. And this Nox Nyctores in particular is a Causality Weapon that takes the form of handguns. It can turn into other weapons too, like a machine gun, shot gun, a rifle, and a laser cannon.

Kokonoe: Unlike regular guns, Bolverk doesn't shoot bullets. Instead, it performs attacks at will in the desired location, regardless of walls or other obstacles in the way.

Junko: Yeah, it generates a Seithr based explosion at whoever it targets and can even pierce through space itself.

Kokonoe: Noel's drive is Chain Revolver.

Kokenoe: This allows Noel to create a chain of devastating combos with her Bolverk.

Junko: She also has a bunch of special moves, like Type XVII: Chamber Shot.

Junko: Where she combines her two guns to make a shotgun and fires it!

Kokenoe: Then there's Type XIII: Revolver Blast.

Kokenoe: Where Noel leaps into the air and shoots multiple times while twirling around.

Junko: And Type II: Bloom Trigger.

Junko: In which she jams her gun forward and shoots with a large blast.

Kokonoe: And Type III: Spring Raid.

Kokonoe: A flash kick that launches her foes into the air.

Junko: And finally, Flash Suppression!

Junko: Where Noel shoots down on her opponent like a bad ass!

Kokenoe: She also has her Overdrive, Distortion Drive, and Exeed Accel.

(Play from 0:52 to 1:21)

Kokenoe: First, her Overdrive, Chain Quasar, which increases the effectiveness of her Drive combos.

Junko: And her Drive's include Zero Gun: Fenrir, where she jams the barrel of her guns forward before spraying them with machine gun fire, then blows them away with a charged shot from the Nemesis Stabilizer.

Kokenoe: And Bullet Storm ⇒ Zero-Gun: Thor, where she fires a volley of bullets which is followed by a missile.

Junko: And finally her Exeed Accel, Zero-gun: Sleipnir! After entering her Chain Quasar, she hits the foe before firing Thor at them as she transforms Bolverk into a railgun to fire a blast as it chases down her opponent being rocketed by the recently fired Thor or if used in her Active Flow, she can use her Chamber Shot and Fenrir along with Thor before she uses this move as an added bonus to deal massive damage.

Kokonoe: But let's not forget her Astral Heat, Valkyrie Veil.

Kokenoe: Where she creates a shield in front, blocking the next attack. If she is hit during this time, she instantly counters the attack and follows it up with shooting her opponent multiple times and creates an explosion that destroys the foe with the energy glowing in the background.

Junko: But if that's not enough, she can go into her true form, the much calmer Mu -No.12-.

Junko: Also known as the Sword of the Godslayer: Kusanagi, this form let's her fly and create wormholes to strike foes from. She can also telekinetically manipulate the blades around her, on the plus side of having less clothing.

Kokonoe: Mu's weapon is the Lux Sanctus: Murakumo.

Kokonoe: A Nox Nyctores Causality Weapon much like Bolverk. It appears as a sheathed blade on standby, but when active it appears as eight floating swords and Mu's armor.

Junko: Mu also has her own Drive, Steins Gunner.

Junko: A nightmare for any noob rushdown player, this places up to four steins in the air that can fire lasers at her opponent.

Kokenoe: Mu-12's special moves include the Ame no Totsuka, or Totsuka Blade.

Kokenoe: A laser that she can fire straight at her opponent. And if her steins are out, she can have the laser bounce from the oldest to the newest to her opponent.

Junko: Then there's Ama no Habaya, or Arrows of Light.

Junko: Where she fires off an orb that flies upward.

Kokonoe: There's also Tsunugui, or Origins.

Kokenoe: Where she creates a force field that blows her foes away.

Junko: The next Furu no Tsurugi, or Sword of Decimation!

Junko: Where she slashes downwards at the foe with a charged attack from her eight blades. And this next one has probably the coolest name yet, Ame no Habakiri, or Divine wrath of the Heavens!

Junko: Where she will cause all her steins to explode!

Kokonoe: Then there's Kuni no Tokotachi, or Tokotachi Blade.

Kokonoe: Where she charges the steins at her foe to deal damage.

Junko: Then there's her new Overdrive, Distortion Drives, and Exeed Accel.

(Play from 6:39 to 7:02)

Junko: First, her Overdrive, Steins Geiser, which basically increases the power of the lasers from her steins.

Kokonoe: Then her Distortion Drives. First is Omohikane, or Wisdom of the Divines. This move binds her opponent as she gets above them to launch 8 swords to strike down on her foe all at once.

Junko: The next is Yata no Kagami, or Blessed Mirror, where she draws power from the Totsuka Blade and can be amplified depending on how many steins have been placed.

Kokonoe: Finally, her Exeed Accel, Tsuchi Ikazuchi, or Pillars of Light. Where, after entering her Steins Geiser, she slashes at her foe before having her blades circling around them before being blasted by a pillar of light right underneath their feet.

Junko: But let's not forget her Astral Finisher, Kamigoroshi no Tsurugi, or Sword of the Godslayer!

Junko: Where she traps her opponent in a barrier as she flies up and transforms her eight blades into eight giant swords! They strike down into the ground and make a huge explosion that engulfs the opponent, or she can transform into a giant sword herself and slash at her opponent!

Kokonoe: Noel isn't too far off physically either.

Kokenoe: She's strong enough to trade blows with the likes of Jin, Ragna, and Tsubaki in her base form, and has even fought her own Mu-12 form, which is strong enough to fight the more powerful characters in her universe like Hakumen and Izanami.

Junko: She's also one of the fastest characters in her game, fast enough to keep up with Ragna and Jin as well as able to dodge lasers. Hell, she's durable enough to tank a blow from Take-Mikazuchi, who can fire lasers that are powerful enough to destroy entire cities.

Kokonoe: Though she does have some weaknesses. Without Bolverk, Noel becomes nigh-helpless, and her emotions can go out of control. She also tends to be the damsel in destress quite often.

Junko: She also hates bugs and is very sensitive about her flat chest. But I believe we left one thing out. Her most deadliest weapon, her terrible... terrible cooking...

Noel: I am ME. I'm Noel Vermillion. And as long as my soul is that of Noel Vermillion, I will fight until the end. Until the very end!

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