Fighting Game Battle Royal

Kokonoe: For every fighting game, there is a Tournament to be won. And for every Tournament, there is a main character trying to win it, like these six combatants.

Junko: Jin Kazama, the child of destiny in Tekken.

Kokonoe: Kasumi, the Kunoichi of Dead or Alive.

Junko: Ryu, the legendary martial artist of Street Fighter.

Kokonoe: Kyo Kusanagi, the highschool dropout of King of Fighters.

Junko: Liu Kang, the Golden Dragon of Mortal Kombat.

Kokonoe: And Jago, the Golden Tiger of Killer Instinct.

Junko: Man that's a lot. I'm Junko and she's Kokonoe.

Kokonoe: The analysis is complete and the combatants are ready.

Junko: It's time for a Death Battle!

In a Tournament arena, the crowd roared as the six competitors went to face each other.

Ann: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the DB Tournament finals! I'm your host, Ann Takamaki and tonight we have five guys and one girl going at it all at once!

The crowd cheered louder.

Kyo: Looks like they're all looking for a fight.

Liu Kang: Then let us give them the performance they want.

Jago: Agreed.

Jin: Hmph.

Kasumi: Sorry... but I can't hold back...

Ryu: Nor will I...

Ann: Alright! Ready...

Everyone dashed at each other. Kyo and Liu Kang went for a flaming punch as their fist clash. 

Kyo: Heh, you're pretty tough.

Liu Kang: I could say the same to you.

They both look up to see Jin coming down with an electric punch. Kyo and Liu Kang quickly jumped back to dodge him as Jin ended up punching the ground. Ryu dashed at Jin and went to kick him in the face, but Jin blocked it and kicked him back. Kasumi dashed at Jin and went to jab at him, but Jin dodged it and went for an elbow to the face. Kasumi dodged it by teleporting above him and going for a downward kick to Jin's face. Jin quickly caught her foot.

Jin: Useless.

Jin threw Kasumi towards the stadium wall. Kasumi quickly slid to her feet before she crashed into the wall. She looked to the corner of her eye and saw Jago dashing towards her. Jago swung his sword and Kasumi quickly flipped back and threw a Windmill Shuriken at him. Jago quickly dodged it, dashed at her, and swung his sword again. Kasumi quickly unsheathed her katana and used it to block his strike and their blades clashed.

Jago: You're fast.

Kasumi: Don't underestimate me!

Kasumi pushed him back and swung her blade. Jago jumped back to dodge her strike and swung his blade as they clashed again.

Ann: Looks like Kasumi and Jago are already clashing with their blades!

Ryu had dashed towards Jin and went to kick him, but Jin blocked it and went to punch Ryu's face. Ryu dodged it.

Ryu: Hadoken!

Ryu shot a hadoken straight at Jin's chest and sent him back. Ryu ran at him again and went for a spinning kick bot Jin dodged it. Jin engulfed his fist in electricity and went to strike at Ryu with multiple punches. Ryu went to quickly block them as he punched Jin in the chest, knocking him back. Ryu then dashed at him and hit Jin with a spinning, midair kick, Knocking Jin back hard. Jin recovered as Ryu fired another Hadouken at him. Jin summoned an invisible barrier in front of him that blocked the attack as a burst of dark energy emerged from Jin, catching everyone's attention as Jin had transformed into Devil Jin. Ryu dashed at Jin and went for a flying kick, but Jin fired a beam from his head that sent him flying between Kasumi and Jago. 

Jin: I'll crush you all!

Jago dashed at Jin and went to swing his sword. Jin dodged it and tried to kick him, but Jago dodged his kick and sat down, using telekinesis to send a car flying towards Jin. Jin dodged it and used his own telekinesis to pick up the car and smash Jago with it. Jago quickly dodged it as Kasumi dashed at Jin.  Kasumi went to swing her katana at Jin, but Jin dodged it and kicked Kasumi back hard.  Kasumi landed on her feet as Liu Kang punched Kyo towards her. Kasumi quickly dodged him as Liu Kang went for a bicycle kick. Kasumi quickly jumped over him to dodge it. Liu Kang quickly turned to try to kick her but Kasumi blocked it as Kyo went to punch Liu Kang's face. Liu Kang blocked the punch and Kyo went to punch his midsection. Liu Kang blocked that as well.

Liu Kang: Wata!

Liu Kang licked Kyo's head into the ground as Kasumi went to strike at him from behind. Before she could, however, Liu Kang quickly kicked her back. Kasumi was sent flying straight into Ryu who went to kick her, but she teleported above him and tried to cut him down. Ryu quickly dodged it and kicked her away as Liu Kang shot dragon fire at him.

Ryu: Hadoken!

Ryu saw this and countered with a ki blast, causing a massive explosion between them. Ryu dashed at Liu Kang with his fist engulfed in electricity. Liu Kang and Ryu both went to punch each other. Their fist collided as fire and electricity clashed. Liu Kang went to kick him but Ryu blocked his attempt and went for a spinning kick, kicking Liu Kang in the face before punching him in the chest as his fist went under Liu Kang's chin and Ryu looked him in the eyes.

Ryu: Shoryuken!

Ryu hit Liu Kang with a flying uppercut. Liu Kang quickly landed on his feet as Kyo recovered and got up. 

Kyo: Eat this!

Kyo sent a small blaze across the arena that acted as a beacon for a large row of flaming pillars to burst from the ground. Everyone saw this and quickly dodged them, separating from one another.

Kyo: Hey, still got it.

Ann: Woah! That's a lot of flames!

Ryu dashed at Kyo and went for a punch to his face, but Kyo dodged it and went for a kick that Ryu immediately blocked as he went for a kick of his own. Kyo immediately dodged that and went for a flaming punch that Ryu countered with his own powerful punch, which caused a huge shockwave around them. 

Ann: And here we go!

Liu Kang and Jago both looked at them then at each other. They dashed at each other and they both went for a flying kick. The two of them clashed as they jumped back. Jago got into a fighting stance as Liu Kang pulled out his Dragon Sword.

Liu Kang: You're not the only one who can swing a blade around.

Jago: Hmph. It would be too easy if I were.

Jago activated Tiger Force as his tattoos glowed and he grew a yellow aura. Jago dashed at Liu Kang and swung his sword as Liu Kang did the same. The two of them clashed and swung their blades again. they continued to swing their blades and clash until Liu Kang's Dragon Sword shattered Jago's blade. Liu Kang swung his blade and slashed at his chest. Jago quickly kicked him back and started rapidly shooting chi blast at him. Every shot that hit Liu Kang quickly healed Jago, who jumped up and summoned a giant ball of chi and threw it down at everyone.

Liu Kang: Not again.

Everyone quickly went to dodge it as it created a massive explosion along with a massive amount of debris.

Ann: Hey! I can't see a thing through this debris!

Ann wasn't the only one who couldn't see. Everyone was trying to find their way around. Kasumi used this opportunity to sneak behind Liu Kang and sent her blade straight through his body.

Liu Kang: Gah!

Liu Kang fell to one knee. Kasumi lifted her sword and went to stab him again but Liu Kang quickly sensed her Ki and quickly dodged her attack. Liu Kang swung his blade, but Kasumi dodged it. She grabbed Liu Kang's arm and elbowed him in the face, causing him to drop the sword. She then sent him flying back with an elbow to the chest, clearing most of the debris. the rest of the debris disappeared as Jago dashed at Kasumi. He went to punch her but she caught his are, pulled him behind her, and chopped the back of his head with her hand. Jago staggered but stayed on his feet as he turned around and went to hit her with a backhand. Kasumi quickly caught his arm again and hit him with a spinning kick, knocking him to the ground. She then lifted her foot and smashed his face into the ground. A dark aura suddenly started to come from him and Kasumi quickly got back. Jago started to get up as he pulled out a large broadsword and swung it at Kasumi. Kasumi quickly blocked it with her katana as she was sent flying back.

Jago: Graaah!

Jago had completely transformed as he had become Shadow Jago. Jin saw this and flew at him. Jago shot multiple dark blasts of energy at him and Jin was quickly dodging them. Jin went to grab Jago but Jago quickly dodged his attempt. Jin went to kick him but Jago caught Jin's leg and threw him. Jin quickly flew up and shot a laser at him. Jago teleported above Jin to dodge the laser as he went to swing his blade at him. Jin quickly dodged it and grabbed his face. He quickly flew down.

Jin: Get out of my way!

Jin slammed him into the ground hard, creating a massive crater. Jin went to fire a laser down at Jago, but Jago teleported behind Jin as he swung his broadsword, sending Jin flying up. Jago jumped up and kicked Jin back to the ground. 

Jago: You will know despair!

Jago dashed down and went for a swing of his sword to try and cut Jin in half, but Jin jumped up last second to dodge in. He quickly grabbed Jago by the neck and held him up.

Jin: Die!

Jin fired a laser at Jago's head. Jago was trying to get Jin off him but eventually stopped moving as the laser went straight through Jago's skull. Jin dropped Jago's dead body.

Jin: Pathetic...

Ann: Ladies and gentlemen! We have our first death!

Kasumi and Ryu went after Jin as Kyo went to take on Liu Kang. Kasumi went to kick Jin, but Jin caught her foot and threw her at Ryu. Ryu dodged her and went to kick Jin, but Jin dodged it and went to punch Ryu. Ryu quickly blocked it as Jin went for another punch. Ryu blocked that too and Jin kicked him hard, sending him flying back. Kasumi went to dash at Jin and tried to hit him with multiple strikes with her hands, but Jin was blocking them all. Ryu started to get up as he had a white aura around him. Kasumi noticed this as Jin kicked her away. Jin dashed at Ryu and went to kick him, but Ryu dodged it easily. Jin went to punch him, but he dodged that too. Jin went for another punch but Ryu blocked it and punched Jin in the face. Ryu then kicked him in the gut and sent Jin flying as Kasumi dashed at Ryu. She went for multiple quick jabs and Ryu started blocking all of them. Ryu went to kick her but Kasumi dodged it and went for a kick of her own. Ryu blocked it and went to kick her again, but Kasumi dodged it and got back.

Ryu: Shinku... Hadouken!

Ryu unleashed a giant blast of ki at Kasumi. Kasumi responded with a ki blast of their own as they collided, creating a massive explosion between them. However, Ryu's ki was starting to quickly overpower Kasumi's.

Kasumi: Can't... hold... on...!

Jin got up and saw Kasumi. He quickly dashed towards her from behind. Kasumi noticed and right before he could attack her, she teleported upward, allowing Ryu's blast to completely incinerate Jin. Kasumi pulled out her blade, flew down, and cut Ryu's head clean off. Kasumi got up but fell to one knee as she was exhausted. She used whatever ki she had left to heal herself.

Ann: Two deaths in a row! And they were both key players! Fans aren't gonna be happy about that!

Kasumi looked up to see Kyo and Liu Kang clashing fist. A burst of flames was unleashed each time they clashed fist as they knocked each other back.

Kyo: Heh, you're pretty good.

Liu Kang: I can say the same to you.

Liu Kang shot a Solar Flame and Kyo quickly dodged it. He shot a fireball at Liu Kang and dashed at him. Liu Kang dodged the fireball and Kyo went to hit him with a flaming kick. Liu Kang dodged the kick quickly.

Liu Kang: Ata!

Liu Kang kicked Kyo in the gut then hit him with a backhand that sent Kyo flying back. Liu Kang used Yin to heal himself as Kasumi dashed at him. She quickly threw multiple kunai at him. Liu Kang pulled out his nunchucks and swatted them away as Kasumi pulled put her sword and swung it at him. Liu Kang quickly blocked it with his nunchucks and went to kick her back. Kasumi quickly dodged the kick and swung her sword and Liu Kang swung his nunchucks as they clashed. The two of them swung their blades again and again as they continued to clash until Kasumi's blade shattered and Liu Kang's nunchucks whacked her in the face, causing blood to come out her mouth. Liu Kang went for another swing but Kasumi quickly flipped back as Kyo jumped up and hit Liu Kang with a flaming punch that sent Liu Kang flying back. Kasumi went after Kyo as she went to hit him with multiple quick jabs but Kyo immediately started blocking and dodging them.

Kyo: C'mon, is that the best you got?

Kyo kicked her back as Liu Kang covered his body with flames. He was in rage mode as he dashed at Kyo and went to hit him with multiple high-speed punches. Kyo got his arms in front of him to block the punches as Liu Fang hit him with one that sent him flying back. Kasumi ran past Kyo and went to kick Liu Kang but missed. Liu Kang went for a punch but Kasumi jumped up to dodge it and before Kasumi landed, Liu Kang turned into a dragon and chomped off the upper half of her body. Kyo got up and saw the giant dragon looking down at him.

Kyo: Just when you thought you've seen it all...

Ann: And we're down to our last two combatants! 

Liu Kang breathed a huge burst of flames from his mouth and Kyo ran, circling around him to dodge the flames. Kyo shot a huge fireball at Liu Kang. Liu Kang dodged it and swatted his tail, sending Kyo into a wall. Liu Kang shot a huge fireball at Kyo and Kyo quickly dodged it as it made a massive explosion. Kyo dashed at him but Liu Kang swatted Kyo high up in the air. Kyo was starting to fall as he started charging a flaming punch. Liu Kang went up to try and chomp his head off, but Kyo hit him with a flaming punch so massive it slammed Liu Kang back to the ground.

Kyo: This is... the fist of the Kusanagi!

Kyo flew down as a small spark appeared in his hand. He punched Liu Kang and unleashed a blanket of flames so big it covered the entire arena. Once the flames cleared, Kyo was the only one left standing as Liu Kang was turned to ash.

Ann: Ladies and Gentlemen! We have a winner!

Kyo: Now that was wild. Just like the old days!

Junko: Holy crap! That was a battle!

Kokonoe: Definitely... I'm feeling exhausted just by watching. But we should go over why each participant lost and why Kyo, surprisingly, won.

Junko: Right, let's start with Jugo. Why did he loose?

Kokonoe: Simple answer really. While Jago is a skilled fighter, a majority of the skills that gave him the edge where from Shadow Jago, a reckless man whom Jago has no control over. While this transformation is great in a one on one situation, it's more risky in a battle royal.

Junko: Next are the two guys everyone thought would win, Ryu and Jin. So, did we not like them so much we just killed them off?

Kokonoe: Don't give readers ideas... anyway, both Ryu and Jin were very difficult challenges on the battlefield. And they could have likely held their own if it were a one on one match.

Junko: Yeah, though Jin has more control over his Devil Gene than Jago does with Shadow Jago, he's still not in complete control, letting him act more aggressively than in base. As for Ryu, while he could hold his own against everyone one on one, he doesn't have too much experience fighting multiple opponents at once. So the stakes were high once he started to get overwhelmed.

Kokonoe: Right. Next is Kasumi and Liu Kang.

Junko: Yeah, these two were an interesting bunch as they both could have won via scaling. Kasumi could be scaled to Ryu Hayabusa, however Kasumi can't be scaled to his full power. If she was scaled to Ryu's full power, she would have had a much better chance at winning.

Kokonoe: In the end, it was her strength, speed, and reflexes that let her last as long as she did.

Junko: Still, congratulations on her for being the first woman this season to loose a battle to a man.

Kokonoe: As for Liu Kang, he can easily be scaled to Shao Kahn due to them fighting before. However, we can't scale him to Shao Kahn's full power as at that time Shao Kahn was restricted.

Junko: Though he did have a good chance of winning. And if we'd given him his God powers, he could possibly have won the whole thing.

Kokonoe: Possibly. Now to the winner.

Junko: Yeah, why did the highschool dropout win?

Kokonoe: Well, while the speed gap between Kyo and Kasumi isn't as big, Kyo makes up for it with his own overwhelming strength, durability, and power.

Junko: Remember when we scaled him to Terry Bogard? Yeah, Terry is superior to a guy named Takuma Sakazaki who once intercepted and dispelled a beam with enough power to wipe out the surface of the earth. Way more impressive than the island Akuma destroyed.

Kokonoe: And, even if we had given Liu Kang his God powers, there's really nothing Liu Kang has that Kyo hadn't already faced.

Junko: Except Liu Kang's Dragon form, which could have possibly turned the tides. Either way, the results would have come down to him or Kyo and in the end Kyo is now the Killer of Fighters.

Kokonoe: The winner is Kyo Kusanagi.

Junko: *phew* Yeah, we should bring battle royals back to 4 fighters... anyway, next time on Death Battle!

Blake: It doesn't look like we can talk this one out.

Mikasa: Sorry...but I must end you.

Blake Belladonna vs Mikasa Ackerman

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