Blazblue Cross Tag Battle Royal
Kokonoe: There have been a lot of crossover video games, but this one is unique as this one. Today we'll be seeing who is the strongest of these seven combatants.
Junko: Yu Narukami, the Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel in Persona 4.
Kokonoe: Hyde Kido, the Wild Card of Under-night.
Junko: Ruby Rose, the leader of team RWBY in... well RWBY.
Kokonoe: Heart Aino, the maiden of love in Arcana Heart.
Junko: Yumi, the shinobi of Senran Kagura.
Kokonoe: Akatsuki, the manmade machine of Akatsuki Blitzkampf
Junko: And Ragna, the Grim Reaper of Blazblue.
Kokonoe: I'm Kokonoe and she's Junko. The combatants are ready and the stage is set.
Junko: It's time for a Death Battle!
All 7 combatants were teleported to some random forest, dropping them on the ground. All seven went to get up.
Hyde: Ow...
Heart: Huh? Where am I?
A voice appeared in all of their heads.
Ann: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the second episode of Death Battle Royal!
Ruby: Um... what now?
Yumi: Hm? If I heard her correctly...
Ann: In other words, you guys have to kill each other. The last one standing can go home.
Ragna: What the hell kinda shit is that?!
Akatsuki: ...I don't think he's joking...
Heart: Aw... well, if we have no choice.
Yu: Yeah... sorry for what's coming next.
Ragna: Grrr... Alright, bring it on!
Ann: Can't escape from crossing fate!
Everyone quickly dashed at each other. Ruby dashed at Yumi, but Yumi swung her fans, sending Ruby flying back with a heavy whirlwind. Akatsuki tried to dash at Yumi himself, but Yumi stopped him by firing multiple icicles at him, which Akatsuki used his arms to block.
Heart: Take this!
Yumi: Huh?
Yumi saw Heart coming down for a kick.
Heart: Amazing kick of love!
Yumi quickly got back as Heart kicked the ground instead, creating a massive crater and causing the earth to shake.
Yumi: She's strong!
Heart: Hehe... hm?
Akatsuki was right in front of her as he went for a heavy electric punch to her face. Heart reacted quickly as she put her arms in front of her to block his shot.
Heart: You're pretty tough mister!
Heart pushed him back as they both went for a punch that caused a shockwave around them. Akatsuki then went for a heavy electric uppercut that sent her flying. She flew right past Hyde, who dashed at Akatsuki and swung his sword. Akatsuki swung his fist and the two of them clashed. Heart was still flying as she saw she was about to run into Yu. She turned and went for a flying kick.
Heart: Take this!
Yu: Izanagi!
Before Heart could kick him, he summoned Izanagi and had his persona swing its spear, sending Heart flying back. Izanagi flew after Heart as Ragna dashed at Yu and swung his sword. Yu used his own sword to block it as he pushed Ragna back.
Ragna: Sorry kid, but you're not making it out of here alive.
Yu: We'll just see about that.
Heart landed on her feet as Izanagi swung its spear at her. Heart got back and fired a blast of love at Izanagi. Izanagi swung its spear and swatted the blast away as it shot a blast of electricity at Heart. Heart dodged it and they both fired powerful beams of energy at each other. Ruby flew right past the two of them with her semblance as she was going after Yumi. She swung her scythe and Yumi quickly got back to dodge it. Ruby wasted little time as she turned her scythe into a gun and shot fire dust at her. Yumi quickly made a wall of ice to block it as the projectile blew it up.
Yumi: Give up... you are outmatched.
Ruby appeared right behind Yumi with her semblance.
Ruby: You're gonna have to make me!
Ruby aimed her gun and shot another fire projectile. Yumi dodged it and summoned a large icicle.
Yumi: Die... Black Ice!
Yumi shot the giant ice at Ruby and Ruby quickly jumped above it and turned her gun back into a scythe. She swung it at Yumi and Yumi quickly jumped back, accidentally bumping into Ragna. Ragna saw this and went to swing his sword. As he did, Ruby dashed at her and swung her scythe.
Yumi: White Widow.
Before either of them could strike, Yumi summoned a guardian spider to create a giant whirlwind to knock everyone back.
Yu: Geh!
Once the whirlwind stopped, Yumi was no longer wearing her robe as she had nothing on but her bra and panties.
Ragna: What the?! Hey, put on some goddame clothes!
Yumi: No chance. If it means bringing justice to the world, I will strip for all to see if necessary. Or is it that... you are scared to hit a girl?
Ragna: What did you say?!
Ragna swung his sword and Yumi swung her fans as ice and seithr clashed. As soon as it did, Heart was above everyone as Partinias summoned a giant spirit bomb of love for Heart to throw at everyone.
Yu: What the?!
Heart: Take this! Illios Sfaria!
Heart dropped the ball of love and everyone quickly got back as it caused a massive explosion. Heart landed on her feet and looked around at the carnage she caused.
Heart: Did I win?
Akatsuki: Not a chance!
Heart saw Akatsuki going to punch her as she quickly got back to dodge it.
Heart: You again?!
Akatsuki: Don't think you will be left unharmed!
Akatsuki punched the ground, which caused an explosion that sent Heart flying upward.
Akatsuki: May the blossoms of my country forever bloom...
Akatsuki then went to punch right through her as a giant erupted right under her feet, completely obliterating her.
Akatsuki: Hmph.
Everyone else started to get up as a huge burst of wind surrounded Yumi. It disappeared as she went into her Ice Queen transformation, with an ice sword replacing her fans.
Yumi: Die.
Yumi swung her sword and turned the entire arena into a winter wonderland.
Ragna: What the?!
Hyde: Brrr so cold...
Akatsuki: Tch!
Akatsuki dashed at Yumi and went for a fist full of electricity. Yumi easily blocked it with her sword as Akatsuki went for another punch and Yumi swiftly dodged it. She swung her sword straight through Akatsuki's chest as she froze him instantly. She then got back and dashed at him as she slashed at the ice he was in, and as soon as she did, Ruby dashed right in front of her and swung her scythe, cutting off Yumi's bra and panties.
Yumi: Ah!
Yumi quickly covered up blushing as Ruby immediately dashed back at her and hit Yumi with a dropkick, sending her back a bit. Ruby then hooked onto Yumi with Crescent Rose and fired her scythe, launching them both into the air. Once they were high enough for the moon to shine above them, Ruby got above her and used her scythe to slice Yumi's head off. Ruby and Yumi's dead body dropped back to the ground as Ruby smirked. She started spinning around everyone, making a heavy tornado, and lifting everyone into the air. Akatsuki started to break out of his ice prison. As soon as he did, he was caught in the tornado too.
Akatsuki: Woah!
Yu went flying straight above the tornado.
Yu: Scathath!
Yu summoned Scathath to appear above him. Yu had the Persona enhance the power of his wind attacks as he pointed downward.
Yu: Garudyne!
The Persona sent a huge burst of wind down onto the tornado, sending everyone crashing to the ground hard.
Ruby: Ow...
Akatsuki: Geh...
Akatsuki started to get up, and as soon as he did, he saw Hyde dashing towards him. He quickly got up as Hyde went to try and stab him. Akatsuki used his arms to block the blade as it went straight through them.
Akatsuki: Gah!
Hyde: Sorry pal, but it's over!
Hyde pulled his blade out and went for a downward slash, but as soon as he did, Akatsuki went for an electric kick and knocked him back.
Akatsuki: It's not over yet!
Akatsuki fired a large ball of electricity as Hyde countered with a projectile of his own. Akatsuki then dashed at Hyde, who quickly paralyzed him with a sudden blast of red energy.
Akatsuki: Geh! What?!
Hyde began to overcharge his blade with EXS.
Hyde: Take this!
Hyde swung his sword and unleashed a humongous wave of darkness that quickly engulfed Akatsuki, erasing him from existence. Ruby started to get up as she saw the darkness was starting to come towards her.
Ruby: NOO!!
Ruby used her silver eyes, creating a bright light that countered Hyde's darkness. Ragna quickly grabbed his arm as it was acting up.
Ragna: Damn! This light!
Yu dropped to the ground and saw this. He quickly dashed at Ruby and swung his sword, slicing right through Ruby's eyes.
Ruby: AAH!
Ruby went to cover her bloody eyes as she was screaming in pain. Yu Narukami was right behind her.
Yu: Odin...
Yu summoned Odin to appear beside him, and the persona used its spear and stabbed Ruby straight through her neck. Oden then went to lift her up and tossed her to the side. Ragna saw his arm stopped acting up.
Ragna: Huh, don't know what that was all about but whatever.
Ragna saw Hyde on one knee a bit exhausted.
Ragna: Dead spike!
Ragna wasted no time as e swung his blade upward, unleashing a wave of seithr. Hyde saw this as he quickly jumped to the side to dodge it.
Ragna: Damn.
Hyde: You'll have to do better than that!
Hyde burst forward at a high speed as he swung his blade with a strike full of darkness. Ragna was quick to react as he used his sword to block Hyde's attack. Ragna then went for a seithr-infused punch.
Ragna: Hell's Fang!
Ragna unleashed a dragon-headed wave of seithr that knocked Hyde back hard. Hyde fell to his knees and suddenly coughed up blood.
Hyde: What?!
Ragna: Blazblue... activate!
As he said this, his body manifested in a hazy purple-black fire as he grew an aura of seithr. His blade also began to flash periodically. Ragna not only activated is Blazblue, but also unleashed his Unlimited Mode. Hyde saw this and quickly dashed at him.
Ragna: I'm ending this! Black Onslaught!
Ragna struck at Hyde. He then turned his sword into a scythe and struck at Hyde with a flurry of swift, seithr infused strikes. He then turns his scythe back into a sword as he stabbed Hyde straight through the heart. He then dropped Hyde's dead body to the ground and went to face Yu.
Yu: ... Helel...
Yu summoned Helel by his side and Ragna quickly dashed at him. Both Yu and Ragna swung their swords as seithr and electricity clashed, creating a giant explosion. Yu quickly got back.
Yu: Megidolain!
Helel fired three large blasts of light at Ragna that created a humongous explosion. Ragna recovered from it quickly as he dashed at Yu and slashed at him.
Ragna: Carnage Scissors!
Ragna went for a second swing that sent Yu flying back, though it barely affected him. Helel then unleashed a large fireball at Ragna, but Ragna managed to slash straight through it as he dashed at Yu.
Yu: God's Hand!
Helel summoned a giant fist that flew at Ragna, but Ragna quickly dodged it as he got in close to Yu.
Ragna: Seed of Tartarus!
Yu: Morning Star!
Ragna went to strike at Yu, but right before he could, a large star fell from the sky and blew up in his face, creating a giant explosion. Yu got back as he saw Ragna was still standing from the carnage.
Yu: ... Izanagi-no-Okami...
Yu summoned his most powerful Persona by his side. He immediately started to feel the effects of the Seithr flowing around him. Ragna quickly dashed at Yu and Izanagi-no-Okami quickly blasted a giant burst of fire at him. Ragna dodged the flames as the persona unleashed a giant burst of ice. Ragna swung his sword and unleashed a burst of seithr that shattered the ice before Izanagi-no-Okami unleashed a giant blast of electricity that sent Ragna back a bit. Ragna started to power up a bit.
Ragna: I'll show you... the power of darkness! I'll show you fear! There is no hell, only nothingness!
Ragna dashed at him as a wave of seithr followed.
Ragna: This is the power of darkness!
Yu tossed his glasses to the side.
Yu: No...
Yu reached to the sky as Izanagi-no-Okami mage a circle of light above him.
Yu: This is the truth!
Ragna swung his sword with a huge wave of seithr that engulfed Yu, and as soon as he did, a giant burst of holy electricity shot down from the heavens and onto Ragna, creating a gigantic explosion that engulfed the entire arena.
Ann: Astral Finish!
Once the dust cleared, Yu was on his knees, bleeding everywhere. He started to cough up blood, but Izanagi-no-Okami healed him. He stood up and looked around to see there was nobody left.
Junko: Jesus Christ that was awesome!
Kokonoe: Just like last time, we're going to go over why each member lost, and why the victor one.
Junko: Starting with Heart and Akatsuki! These two are the only ones who didn't use, or even need a weapon. But because of that, they were actually the most likely to lose.
Kokonoe: Right. They are incredibly strong and fast, but with their opponents being so much faster than they are, it wasn't going to take long to finally break them.
Junko: Then there's Yumi! She was in the same boat as Heart and Akatsuki, except she actually knew what to do about it. That's right! She stripped down naked and froze everything!
Kokonoe: Issue is, while taking off your clothes to enhance speed is smart on paper, it greatly decreases her defense, leaving her vulnerable to attacks.
Junko: After that is Hyde Kido and Ruby Rose! Speaking of Ruby! Someone made a request for me to rant about her and RWBY, soooooo-
*Before Junko could, Kokonoe shut her mouth*
Kokonoe: We're not supposed to speak our personal opinions on any of the characters or their shows... or did you forget?
Junko: Aw come on! The seasons almost over! Just this once?
Kokonoe: Do not care, it's in the contract.
Junko: Alright fiiine. Jeez you're no fun. Speaking of fun, isn't Ruby's Silver Eyes countering Hyde's darkness and hurting Ragna a bit of a stretch?
Kokonoe: By the way the Silver Eyes work... it should probably be possible for them to counter Hyde's attacks. Though even if it did really affect Ragna's arm, it wouldn't really do much.
Junko: Yeah. Ragna basically has a piece of the Black Beast in his arm, and that's way more powerful than anything Ruby has ever used her eyes on. Not saying Deer Jesus couldn't do it, but Ruby is a given no.
Kokonoe: And while her speed was impressive, she actually wasn't the fastest of the bunch. Her uses of her speed are really what got her this far. It was only a matter of time before she finally got overwhelmed.
Junko: Yeah. That guy should probably be glad Ruby got a gruesome, painful death. After her is Hyde, who, long story short, just got overwhelmed by Ragna's immense power.
Kokonoe: After him, we have Ragna and Yu. Both of these two are in the same position, as both could have won this fight and both could have killed each other in the worst way.
Junko: Yeah, Yu could make himself immune or resistant to everything Ragna threw at him, but only depending on which persona he uses. And while Ragna can use his unlimited mode to boost his speed, strength, and durability, Yu Narukami can just use his Persona to slow him down.
Kokonoe: Of course, it was mostly thanks to the wildcard, giving him a huge arsenal, as well as his own physical stats that helped Yu pull up a victory.
Junko: Wow, he really Blazed through this one.
Kokonoe: The winner is Yu Narukami.
Junko: What's this? You expected me to reveal the season finale so soon after that badass Battle Royal?! Ha! Well guess what! I ain't speaking! At least... not until tomorrow.
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