Aqua is the Wayfinder of Death Battle

Name: Aqua

Origin: Kingdom Hearts

Height: 5'7"

Weight: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 18 (KHBbS), technically 29 in KHIII (Aqua didn't age in this timeframe)

Classification: Human, Keyblade Wielder and Master, One of the Seven Guardians of Light




-Is one of the most skilled magic users in the series, second only to Xehanort in terms of prowess and power

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

-Alongside Ventus and Terra, defeated the tampered Orbs of Light

-Passed the Mark of Mastery exam and became a Keyblade Master

-Under Eraqus' orders, kept a close eye on Terra to make sure he wouldn't be corrupted by the darkness in his heart

-Alongside Jaq, fought a group of Heartless

-Helped Cinderella out of her locked room

-Defeated the Cursed Coach

-While searching for a way to reverse Snow White's curse, defeated the Spirit of the Magic Mirror

-Alongside Prince Phillip, defeated a gang of Maleficent's minions

-With Phillip's help, defeated Maleficent's dragon form

-Alongside King Mickey, protected Kairi from a group of Unversed, upgrading her Keyblade to Destiny's Embrace in the process

-Alongside Terra and Ventus, defeated the Trinity Armor

-Fought Vanitas and defeated him after a vicious battle

-Alongside Ventus and Terra, won the Million Dreams Award for the good deeds they performed in Disney Town

-With help from Hercules, defeated a gang of Unversed in the Olympus Coliseum

-Defeated Zack Fair in the first match of the coliseum's tournament

-Defeated Hades and the Ice Titan, becoming the tournament's champion in the process

-Killed a gang of Unversed that had invaded the Federation's ship

-Alongside Experiment 626, defeated a horde of Unversed

-Defeated Gantu after he attempted to kill Jumba and 626

-Aided Peter Pan and the Lost Boys in their treasure hunt

-Fought and defeated Vanitas a second time, though she was left heavily exhausted afterward

-Fought against Braig, ultimately beating him to the point where he was forced to flee

-Disrupted Xehanort's plan by destroying the χ-blade

-Using the Master's Defender, transformed the Land of Departure into Castle Oblivion to keep a comatose Ventus safe from harm

-Defeated a Xehanort-possessed Terra

-Saved Terra from being sent to the Realm of Darkness by choosing to take his place, sacrificing both her Keyblade Armor and all but one of her Keyblades in the process

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep –A fragmentary passage-

-Survived being in the Realm of Darkness for an entire decade

-Killed multiple gangs of Heartless that had been attracted to her increasingly pessimistic mental state

-Destroyed a Demon Tower, which was made up of thousands of Shadows, with no issue

-Defeated Phantom Aqua, the physical embodiment of her doubts and fears, multiple times

-Killed multiple Darksides

-Alongside Mickey, defeated another Demon Tower

-With Mickey's help, fought off the Demon Tide, which was basically a larger Demon Tower

-Sacrificed her chance at escaping to hold off a Demon Tide that was attacking Riku

Kingdom Hearts III

-While attempting to defend Ansem the Wise, was corrupted and turned into Anti-Aqua by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness

-Fought against Sora, though she lost

-Made it back to the Realm of Light, albeit with Sora's help

-Using the Master's Defender, changed Castle Oblivion back to the Land of Departure

-Fought against Vanitas again and would have won had he not begun targeting Ventus to catch her off guard at the last second

-Alongside the other Keyblade wielders, fought a nigh-endless army of Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed

-With help from Sora and Ventus, defeated Vanitas and Terra-Xehanort

-Alongside Sora and the other Keyblade wielders, helped seal Xehanort and close Kingdom Hearts

-Had a final, tearful reunion with Eraqus before he moved on

Kingdom Hearts III: ReMind

-Aided the other Guardians of Light in defeating the Replica Xehanorts

Junko: Imagine being in a dark abyss. The deeper you go, the more despair you feel. Trapped in a pit of darkness and forced to fight alone for over a decade. Hell, even I would get a little depressed.

Kokonoe: *sigh* Coming to the Land of Departure, Aqua was an apprentice of the Keyblade Master Eraqus alongside her two best friends, Terra and Ventus. 

Junko: Yeah, the three of them were really close. Kinda like us, right?

Ann: Um... I'd say we're anything but close...

Junko: Well one day, Aqua's master declared her to be the new Keyblade Master, but didn't do the same for his other poor student, Terra. And that's when everything went to hell.

Kokonoe: With Terra being manipulated by Xehanort and Ven chasing after him, Aqua was tasked to bring Ven home and make sure Terra did not fall into the darkness.

Junko: But she failed to do both of her missions after Ven got put in a long sleep and Terra was possessed by Pal- *ahem* I mean Xehanort. And in order to stop him from being trapped in the Realm of Darkness, she took his place and got herself trapped instead! 

Kokonoe: It's been stated on multiple occasions that time runs differently in the Realm of Darkness, so the real amount of time Aqua spent in there is unknown, but for the outside world it was over a decade and long enough for Aqua herself to fall into despair.

Junko: But once Sora snapped her out of it, she ended up fighting alongside her friends and proving she's still got what it takes to handle the best of the best!

Junko: She can easily be comparable to Terra and other Keyblade warriors. Terra, while possessed by Xehanort, forced Donald Duck to use his full power against him. And Donald was able to contend with Xehanort, who wielded both the true Keyblade and the full power of Kingdom Hearts, which he intended to use to reset the entire Kingdom Heart multiverse.

Ann: Actually it was the χ-blade... with a χ at the end.

Junko: Right... cause that's not confusing at all. 

Kokonoe: Her clash with Sora was strong enough to displace a large amount of water and her clash with Terra-Xehanort created shockwaves. She's even taken on her Phantom self and overpowered various Disney characters, such as Maleficent, Hades, the Ice Titan, and Gantu.

Junko: The Ice Titan and Hades are both comparable to Zeus, who rearranged hundreds of stars to make a constellation!

Kokonoe: To move all those stars so quickly, they will have to be moving at 26.3 million times the speed of light. 

Junko: Pretty fast, but not as fast as Roxas' trip from Radiant Garden to the Keyblade Graveyard, traveling at 66 million times the speed of light.

Kokonoe: However, considering each world is its own separate universe in Kingdom Hearts, this could easily be as fast as 170 million times the speed of light.

Ann: She's also really durable. She's survived a fall several hundred feet in the air and landed on her feet unscathed, took several explosions including one from the χ-blade, and has taken hits from some heavy hitters like Zack, Sora, and Terra-Xenahort.

Ann: Aqua has a sisterly bond with her friends and is very kind towards children as well.

Kokonoe: She's often modest and respectful toward her elders or authorities... unlike somebody we know. 

Junko: Hm? Why are you looking at me?

Kokonoe: No reason. Aqua can also sometimes be strict, stubborn, and overprotective. However, she's remarkably calm and dead-set on her goals. The only thing that's been shown to break her composure is when someone threatens her friends.

Ann: She's also extremely insecure when it comes to romance, often becoming flustered and trying to change the subject when it comes up.

Junko: Still, she has quite the willpower. I mean, she survived being in the Realm of Darkness for over a decade and was only starting to suffer negative effects at the end of her time there.

Kokonoe: For context, Ansem the Wise was there for a lesser amount of time, and he ended up on the brink of insanity with no sense of his own identity

Junko: After escaping the Realm of Darkness, she began suffering from PTSD, as the sight of creatures native to the realm, like Demon Towers, would cause her to freeze up, hallucinate, and have flashbacks. Luckily Sora cured her of that shit. 

Ann: On top of that, she's an expert swordswoman, using her Keyblade... without the χ at the end.

Junko: She used to have five on hand, but she lost four of them, and her suit of armor in her trip to the Dark Realm. 

Kokonoe: The one she did keep was the Master's Defender. Claimed by Aqua after Eraqus, her mentor and the blade's original owner, was killed by Xehanort. It has a long reach and boosts her attacks to the highest of all her Keyblades. 

Ann: She used it to turn the Land of Departure into Castle Oblivion and back again. She can also use it to restrain her opponent by summoning chains of light, which she can control using telekinesis. Oh yeah, she also has her Wayfinder.

Ann: A star-shaped lucky charm that symbolizes Aqua's bond with Ventus and Terra. It also allows her to access Dimension Links, changing her move set to whoever she's linked to. 

Junko: That being Terra, Ventus, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Snow White, Cinderella, Zack, Experiment 626, Peter Pan, and Pete of all people.

Kokonoe: But her main use of magic comes from her barriers.

Kokonoe: Aqua can erect a spherical shield of light around herself, protecting her from any oncoming attacks. She can also use this offensively by forcing it to explode, which will damage surrounding opponents and knock them back. Unlike other characters who use this, Aqua's variant covers a full 360° and she can even expand it until it consumes most of a throne room. It can be used as a wall to separate others from interfering with her battles. And she can shield her allies with these by firing them in the form of magic bolts. Upon making contact, the bolt will turn into a barrier that surrounds her target. They're durable enough to withstand multiple Replica Xehanorts ramming into it.

Junko: And she has different types of barriers too. Like the Confuse Barrier that confuses whoever hits it, the Stop Barrier that leaves you frozen in time if you hit it, and the Renewal Barrier that restores her health whenever someone strikes at it.

Kokonoe: She does have physical attacks as well, such as her Barrier Surge where she charges forward while cloaked in a barrier, deflecting any oncoming attacks and reflecting any projectiles in her way. Wishing Edge is a jumping slash that hits 3 times and Magic Hour is when she teleports around the battlefield, diving toward the opponent and consuming them in massive pillars of light with each strike.

Ann: She has some non-exclusive attacks too. She can swing her Keyblade like a boomerang or coat herself with fire or lightning before charging at her foe. She can also coat her blade in poison or ice.

Junko: Or enhance it with magic! She doesn't even need her barrier to freeze her target in time! And she can suck them in before striking them after!

Ann: Of course, this is all for her physical attacks. She also has her magic attacks.

Ann: With her magic, she can shoot fireballs and summon pillars of flames around her that burn anyone she touches! She can also fire ice projectiles and summon giant ice glaciers! She can blast enemies with a bolt of lightning that paralyzes them and shocks any nearby foes or she can set explosive traps in the ground that zoom toward and stun opponents when they get too close! And she can even steal the health of her enemies!

Kokonoe: She can use a similar technique to draw her opponents closer. She can also unleash a large burst of wind, create a massive explosion around her, or even trap all enemies in an anti-gravity field before blasting them away in all directions.

Junko: With her magic, she can unleash several types of shockwaves. A shockwave of darkness that blinds her foes, another that confuses her targets, a golden one that paralyzes her opponent, one that puts you to sleep, and one that's extremely poisonous! She can use magic to stop time or slow it down and she can even shrink her foes down to size. She can also heal herself and cure any ailment placed on her. But she also has ways to avoid attacks, not just block them.

Junko: I mean seriously, have you seen her do a cartwheel? Now that shit's impressive! She can even do one while on fire, burning any target that's in her way! She can fly around and even teleport across the battlefield!

Kokonoe: And she can also use Shotlocks.

Kokonoe: A powerful barrage of attacks that hit any enemies present. She can fire light projectiles, fireballs, lightning bolts, and explosive bubbles. She can also coat herself in ice, lightning, or light before repeatedly rushing her foes.

Ann: And we haven't even gotten to her Finisher Commands yet.

Kokonoe: These are powerful attacks meant to end combos, with her most notable being the Magic Pulse, where she summons magic orbs that spiral upward around her and have a chance of inflicting a status effect on the opponent.

Junko: It comes in four variations. The first one summons 2 orbs and has a 25% chance of confusing enemies. The second one summons 3 orbs with a 50% chance of freezing or confusing the opponent. The third one summons 4 orbs that have a 75% chance of confusing, freezing, or blinding her foe. And the fourth one summons 2 orbs that stun enemies and can be followed up with two attacks. The first being a burst of wind and the second being a rainbow of orbs shot out in a wide range.

Ann: With Heat Slash, Aqua can perform a fiery spin attack and even follow it up with a two-hit combo. And with Ice Burst she performs a spinning slash that shoots out 3 Blizzard-esque ice shards.

Junko: She also has a move called Teleport Spike, where she summons a volley of 8 orbs and teleports behind them, batting each one into the opponent's body.

Kokonoe: And with that, we can finally get to her Command Styles.

Kokonoe: Modes activated whenever Aqua meets certain conditions in battle. This increases her strength and attack speed, imbues her attacks with a certain element, and grants her access to longer combos. Her first Command Style is Spellweaver, where she uses the power of light to telekinetically control her Keyblade, increasing the power of her magic and the range of her attacks. The finisher has her assault the opponent with balls of light as she attacks with her Keyblade, ultimately finishing by performing a pirouette that unleashes arcs of magic across the arena.

Ann: She has a Level 1 Command Style called Firestorm, where she engulfs her Keyblade in flames, enhancing her physical attacks with fire. The finisher has her jump in the air, charge energy, and hurl a fireball that erupts into multiple pillars of flame.

Kokonoa: Diamond Dust is also a Level 1 Command Style where she coats her Keyblade in a layer of frost, enhancing her attacks with ice. The finisher consists of her forming a construct of ice around herself, which then shatters and damages the surrounding enemies. 

Ann: And her last Level 1 Command Style is Thunderbolt, where she surrounds her Keyblade with electricity, enhancing her attacks with lightning. The finisher has Aqua raise her Keyblade in the air and fire off multiple bolts of lightning at the surrounding enemies.

Junko: Of course, that brings us to her Level 2 Command Styles! Starting with her Bladecharge!

Kokonoe: Right. This move lets her surround the Keyblade in an aura that makes it resemble a longsword. The finisher has her spin the Keyblade around, hitting the surrounding opponents in the process, before smashing it into the ground.

Junko: Impressive but hardly my favorite. I mean, I personally prefer her Ghost Drive, where she channels the power of darkness, drastically increasing her speed and allowing her to perform a series of teleporting attacks! The Finisher involves her rapidly teleporting around the target, stabbing them with spikes of energy from every angle as she does so. Once the target is completely surrounded, the spikes explode into a powerful shockwave!

Kokonoe: She also has the Sky Climber, where she rides around on her Keyblade, allowing her to attack opponents from above at high speed. The finisher has her mount her Keyblade, hitting multiple opponents before flying skyward and crashing back down as she spins around, creating a small tornado in the process.

Junko: Oh yeah, there's also Rhythm Mixer. A Level 2 Command Style that can be activated from a Level 1 Command Style once she lands enough thunder-based, Mine, and Strike commands. It lets her attack by using rhythmic sounds. The finisher involves Aqua summoning a music set and going underground as she attacks the opponent with sound waves, ending the combo by unleashing a shockwave that deals massive damage.

Ann: What is this? Persona 4 Dancing?

Junko: Well I mean... she can literally heal herself by dancing... literally...

Ann: ... I like her already. Oh! She also has a Command Style called Frozen Fortune! It's an Ice Cream-based Command Style with a finisher that has Aqua summon multiple balls of ice that shatter after a certain amount of time, damaging any surrounding enemies! Oh, I can really use some sweets right now!

Kokonoe: You can go ahead and stuff your face later...

Junko: Still, Aqua better be careful. If she falls into the Dark Side, she could go back to being the Sith Lord known as Anti-Aqua!

Kokonoe: No, Anti-Aqua isn't a Sith. This is the form she took after being corrupted by darkness that was implanted into her by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. While in this form, her hair becomes bleached blue, her eyes turn gold, her clothes become darker and tattered, her arms and legs take on a darker complexion, and her hands become black with red fingertips.

Junko: Just like a Sith Lord just way hotter! She even becomes angry, bitter, and cruel! Feeling nothing but misery and despair! Oh, I think I'm in love again!

Kokonoe: Ugh... well, this form does give her the ability to control Demon Towers.

Kokonoe: A living mass of Shadows native to the Realm of Darkness. They attack their targets by ramming into them, splitting off and ganging up on their target before reforming, or lunging forward and swallowing them whole.

Ann: Anti-Aqua can also create clones to fight alongside. She fights using her Spellweaver Command Style and likes to counter physical attacks with an unblockable lunge. Upon getting close to death, she'll gain access to 2 ultimate moves. The first has her teleport in the air and fire off multiple Blizzard shards, and the second has her use her Spellweaver finisher alongside an army of other clones.

Junko: But even someone as skilled as Aqua has her moments of weakness.

Kokonoe: She's extremely selfless and stubborn, often refusing the help of others, which has led to her nearly dying several times throughout the series. And while she excels in magic-based combat, she's a jack of all trades when it comes to fighting physically.

Junko: Even her magic is still finite and each of her spells has to recharge after being used. Her barriers and Keyblade can also be damaged and even broken with enough force, but she can always repair those when needed.

Kokonoe: And on top of that, Anti-Aqua isn't a form that she can control. Even then, she can be reverted back to her base form if taken enough damage.

Ann: But Aqua isn't the type to go down without a fight! Whether it's for her friends or the power of sweets, Aqua will keep fighting for what she believes in!

Kokonoe: ... Are sweets the only thing you can think of right now?

Ann: Yes!

Aqua: The next time someone wanders into the realm of darkness, I'll be here. A light to cut through all the shadows. I will be their Wayfinder. And one day, I'll return to Terra and Ven. I am Master Aqua. And that's a promise.

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