ClaireKann Presents: #FatGirlMagic Book Two Update!

Hey, everyone!

These are some excerpts from the Currently Untitled Book Two draft of my #FatGirlMagic duology. Slow and steady like the turtle I am, I've been writing and trying to recapture the joy that I felt while writing the first book. There's no guarantee that these threaded excerpts will end up in the final book, but this is where I'm at right now. I wanted to share small bits with you all so you could see the direction the story is going in.

Hang in there—don't give up on me just yet.


Daisy had to give it to her dad. He had far more furniture than she thought he would in their new house. Theirs—because she had every intention of living in that house one day with its cute little backyard and giant tree in the front yard. He sat at the kitchen table reading a book. His breakfast was mostly untouched, but he had already drunk his usual glass of orange juice and had moved on to a second.

Concentrating, Daisy closed her eyes and balled her hands into fists. "See me," she said. Astral projection allowed her to go wherever she wanted in time and space, but she might as well have been a ghost to him. "See me."

She cracked one eye open.

Her dad turned the page of his book.

"Damn it." She tilted her head back, sighing at the ceiling. "Hi, Dad. I came to visit again. I love you."

--Attempt #17: He didn't even look up.


Something tickled between Daisy's eyebrows. She swatted it away with more force than necessary. She was sleeping, damn it.

"Ow. Be gentle with me Daisy, my Daisy."

Her eyes flew open. Connor's face slowly came into focus inches from hers. "We talked about this." She groaned and pretended to try to kick him off of her bed. She wasn't mad. Just cranky. Extremely so. She missed her dad and could feel herself reaching a frustrated, volatile limit.

"About what?" he asked.

"Personal space." She threw an arm over her eyes to block out the light. He'd opened the curtains—why?

"We live together—"

"In a gigantic castle and yet here you are, in my room, without permission. Get out."

"—and I have done nothing but respect your wishes since you made them clear to me. However, did we not also agree that emergencies would render that agreement temporarily null and void?"

"Emergency?" She sat up in bed on high alert, searching him for any signs of injury. He'd already dressed in a simple black suit with a pale blue button-up shirt. Perfectly relaxed, he rolled a feather between his thumb and forefinger. He seemed fine. "What emergency?" He didn't even look mildly distressed.

"Your alarm has been blaring for ten minutes. I was worried."

Daisy exhaled. "Oh—oh my god. I'm sorry." She rubbed her face. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Are you not feeling well?"

"I'm fine. Just tired. And sorry. I didn't even hear it."

"You didn't?"

She shook her head. "I wasn't around."

"Ah." A fake smile appeared on his face.

On nights when she planned to astral project, she locked her door, the windows and both secret passageways—one behind the mirror and the other under her bed—to help keep her body in an unmurdered state while she flounced around the spirit plane. Only Connor had the keys to get in.

"Thank you for worrying and checking in on me. It's very sweet." She'd been working on saying exactly how she felt in the moment, being sure to express gratitude and thanks to him any chance she could. He had given up a lot for her. Endured so much. Ensuring he knew he was loved and appreciated was the absolute least she could do.

"Always." He took her hand and kissed her palm before standing up at vampire speed. "I'll send in your attendants." He kissed the top of her head as well and looked into her eyes—shining red to warm brown. "Not to be a bother, but I have prepared a special surprise for you today. Please do hurry."

"Speed of light," she promised. She raised her head for a kiss which he seemed way too happy to oblige for a few giggling minutes.


As Connor walked out of the door, her attendants swept into the room, bowing as they passed him. "Good morning, Lady Daisy," they said together.

Her first morning with her human attendants had been upsetting. Humans! In a castle full of vampires! Apparently, Legacy vampires employed hundreds of humans as staff for the various jobs the Descendants didn't want to do to keep the castle running. Her attendants, twins Samantha and Sarah, came from a local village a few miles south of the castle. They sent 50% of their "generous" wages to their family. Typically, younger human women weren't hired on because they had a nasty habit of turning up as Descendants, but Connor intervened. He had selected them, especially for Daisy.

"Just Daisy is fine," she reminded them. She hopped out of bed and began stretching her stiff muscles. Her body didn't respond well to her spirit jumping ship for a few hours. Someday, it would be worth it. She would never stop trying until her dad could see her again.

"Would you like me to schedule a massage for this afternoon?" Sarah asked, making the bed.

"No thanks."

"Your agenda is ready for review." Samantha handed her the tablet with a bright smile. The burnt red color of the freckles covering her face matched her hair pulled into a tight bun atop her head.

Daisy skimmed it. While she did have some free time, she wasn't allowed to laze about the castle. Or lock herself in her room like she did after the teeny tiny breakdown she'd had on her second day of being awake in the castle. She had an agenda; complete with meetings, training, and classes. "Oh god, it's history day."

"Is it that bad?" Sarah asked.

"Yes. He's so boring. How is it possible to take a subject as exciting as vampire history and make it so mind-numbingly dull, I slip into a coma as soon as I walk into the room?" And great, class started right after lunch. She would really fall sleep now. "What's this? At ten? And three?"

"I don't know," Samantha said. "Connor instructed me to add it this morning."

"Ooh, maybe he's planning a surprise romantic getaway." Sarah was the worst in the best way. She loved Connor and Daisy's story, loved their relationship, and was probably helping Connor plan the wedding in secret. To be clear—there was no wedding. But he mentioned it often enough that Daisy may have begun to worry.

"It's not a surprise if it's on the agenda, now is it?" Samantha, on the other hand, had a rational outlook. She'd said she could see Connor's appeal because he wasn't like the others, but she would never. Nope. Not happening. A vampire was a vampire. A few days in, it became terrifying clear Connor was an abnormal exception. Both she and Daisy had agreed to keep an eye on Sarah to make sure she steered clear of all other vamps.

"He did mention a surprise, but I don't think it's these. It says 'Practice,'" Daisy said. "And 'Sparring.' Like fighting, sparring?"

"No clue. Sorry, Lady Daisy." Samantha scrunched her face. "I mean, Daisy."

"Which dress would you like to wear today?" Sarah opened the doors to the wardrobe. An actual wardrobe, not a closet. Passage to Narnia not included. She'd checked.

"You pick," Daisy said. Vampires dressed to the nines every. single. day. The Elders took one look at Daisy's shorts and damn near had a fit. A seamstress had been called, Daisy's measurements had been taken, and about a week later, the wardrobe had been packed with custom-made dresses, suits, and lingerie. Was their response overdramatic? Yes. But it certainly beat going to a department store only to leave empty-handed because nothing fit.

"Green." The dress was one of Daisy's favorites. "Definitely green. It compliments your skin tone beautifully and makes your eyes pop."

Speaking of eyes, Samantha rolled hers. "It's not a romantic surprise. I'll go start your bath."

"It could be." Sarah pouted at her sister. "And our Lady should look her best. Just in case."

A quick morning routine and bath later, Daisy sat at her vanity while Samantha did her makeup and Sarah combed her hair. "We have a little sister," Sarah said, gently brushing and French braiding. "Her hair is this curly too."

"How old?" Daisy asked.

"Four and an absolute terror on two legs. She's cute, so she gets away with murder."

"It's the worst. What about you? Siblings?"

"No," Daisy said. "I've always wanted a sister, though. I kind of used to have one but not anymore. Not for a long time. It's been just my dad and me for a while now."

Daisy didn't think Samantha and Sarah were her friends. Obviously, they got paid to be nice to her... but still. Sometimes, if Daisy let herself believe it, she could pretend they were. She could pretend that the night before they'd had a slumber party. She felt tired not because she astral projected halfway across the world to Arizona, but because they'd stayed up too late talking and laughing and having fun. Now, they were getting ready for school together. Sarah volunteered to give Daisy a crown braid and twine little gold and silver flowers in her hair because she thought it would look cute. And Samantha wanted to be a makeup artist so of course, Daisy was always willing to sit still and let her practice.

Daisy had never had any of that. She never even knew she wanted it until she'd met them, friendly and welcoming, kind and vibrant.

Ah, Connor. That perfect, thoughtful boy.


"Daisy, my Daisy," Connor greeted her as she entered the room.

She placed her hand in his and let him spin her in a circle. Her dress flared out around her, the thick fabric whooshing through the air.

"Gloriously radiant as always."


"We really must have a discussion about you making an effort to tone down your stunning beauty. It is simply too much."


He leaned in close. His breath tickled her flushed cheeks. "Never," he whispered. "I love the flowers. It's a beautiful touch."

"I'll tell Sarah you think so. It'll make her whole week."

"Ah, I should've known." He laughed as someone standing in the doorway cleared their throat.

Fucking Magda Ren. Connor's cousin and the current bane of Daisy's existence.

"Your Highness," Magda said, as she and the two girls standing next to her bowed.

The constant bowing to Connor had taken some getting used to. So did knowing she was expected to bow as well.

"Magda," Connor said. "Are we ready?"

"Aye." She walked into the room with her perfume a full three feet ahead of her. After pulling a chair from the table, she gestured for one of the girls to sit. The dark brown eyes with red splotches gave her away as a Descendant. "This is Karou. Turned in 1975, an above average mastery in hand to hand combat, but is primarily skilled as a sniper."

The other girl was a human attendant. She wore a black choker with a gold pendant of Connor's family crest front and center. While a human's primary job could be anything, that choker only meant one thing: food. They'd agreed to be walking meals for Legacy. Daisy hoped the vampires paid extra for that.

Magda did not introduce her.

Connor smiled—another fake one with his mouth closed. "Sounds challenging. Let's test how sharp her mind is." He turned to Daisy. "Command Karou to stand."

Connor giving her orders also took some getting used to. In public, "please" and "if you wouldn't mind" vanished. Didn't exist. When the Prince spoke, Lady Daisy had to school her face and obey.

She held the image of Karou standing up from the chair in her mind. "Stand up."

Nothing happened. Daisy tried again and again. Focusing, relaxing, and readjusting. No matter how she imagined it, what words she used, Karou remained seated.

"Enough," Connor said, after about fifteen minutes of failure. "Thank you, Magda."

Shame burned through Daisy. She chewed on her lip. "I'm sorry. I don't know why it won't work."

"You'll get it," he reassured her.

As they exited, Magda felt the need to open her mouth. "The other one is stronger. She made Ahren jump out of a tower window."

The other one. Lola.

"Crush them," Daisy called. Gravity answered.

All three women slammed into the stone ground.


"Well, I don't think she'll be coming to the wedding."


"Daisy." Now that they were alone, his body sagged out of its normal perfect posture. His fake smile faded, and the light left his eyes. He tried so hard to hide how torn up he was inside, but when he was genuinely disappointed in her, he let her see it. "I don't want to hear 'I'm sorry' again. You are always sorry, but you haven't demonstrated a single iota of restraint."

"I'm trying. I swear I am. It just happens. I get so mad, so fast, and I can't—"

"What you can't do is keep attacking my family and my court. You have to learn to control your temper."

"I know. It's just when they talk about her." Daisy hadn't seen hide nor single blond hair of Lola. She lived somewhere in the castle with Conan. About a week ago, Daisy overheard two Legacy talking about them in the hall. Rumor had it that Lola never left his side and had adapted admirably to life as his bodyguard—far better than Daisy had. Suddenly, storm clouds appeared over the gossiping Legacy's heads, and they had to dodge lightning strikes. "I blink, and all of this power just pours out of me. I don't know how to stop it."

"Shh. Lower your voice," Connor said. "If you keep having these outbursts someone else will figure out what's triggering them. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Daisy nodded. Weakness. She had been tasked with protecting Connor but had also become his greatest liability. If an enemy were to orchestrate a plot where she and Lola crossed paths, and Daisy lashed out, if she attacked Lola, both she and Connor would be executed.

She wasn't a vampire but had taken an oath like one. Remembering that, keeping her promise meant a lot to her. The movements came easy—she shifted her stance, keeping her feet shoulder width apart, and clasped her hands behind her back. "I will uphold my Blood Oath to keep my Prince safe from all harm." Then, she pressed one hand over her heart and the other against her abdomen, holding her elbows at sharp angles. She bowed at the waist. "This is my vow."

Connor touched the top of her head and spoke a single word in his language. It meant harmony—that they were in agreement. Their hearts, minds, and wills were one. "And I you." They would protect each other. Out of nowhere, he laughed, pulling her close and hugging her tight. "My hero." He pressed his cheek to the top of her head and sighed. "Oh, Daisy my Daisy."

A sharp rap on the door drew their attention.

"Yes," Connor called.

"Forgive us for intruding your Highness and our Lady," the twins said in unison.

"That's all right. What is it?"

Samantha and Sarah exchanged a look. Sarah nodded at her sister who said, "The Queen has returned from her travels and has made a request."

"Ah. Please tell her I'll be there shortly," Connor said.

"Forgive us, but the request was not for you. The Queen has requested to have a private audience with Lady Daisy."


When Daisy was presented to the court, the King barely glanced at her, but the Queen had watched her every move—tense and ready to pounce with daggers hidden up her puffy sleeves. Connor had taken every precaution to make sure they hadn't crossed paths again. Even if Daisy could control her temper, there was no way she could defend herself if the Queen attacked. Either she died by the Queen's hand or by execution later. Being alone with her was a trap, pure and simple.

Connor sputtered as if he was swallowing his tongue. "Absolutely not."

"I'm afraid, it's not optional, your Highness. It is a formal request approved by Elder Jansen. The Queen expects to see Lady Daisy, in her chambers, in thirty minutes time and has specifically requested his Highness be barred from entering. Lady Daisy must go alone."

Oh, shit.


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