StylesLegend Presents: Aggie's POV
Hello everyone! I'm Megan, aka @styleslegend, and this is my fourth time participating in the Wattpad Block Party! As always, a thank you goes to Kelly Blount for including me and making sure this awesome event runs smoothly. I'm honored to be included, and am so excited for this event!
As you may or may not know, I write Fanfictions about Harry Styles. All of my works up until this point have been AU, or Alternative Universe, and my previous posts in the Wattpad Block Parties have been of the same nature. This time is different. My next story, which will start being updated consistently this month, is called Entourage, and is not an AU as with my previous works. For this Block Party, I've decided to post a different preview than last time from Entourage. Hopefully, it'll give you an idea of what the story will be like! You can find the story on my profile, so please add it to your library if you'd like to read! Please enjoy the trailers attached throughout this post as well. They were made by others much more talented than myself.
I'd like to end by saying a massive thank you to every single one of my readers, because I know I wouldn't have achieved anything that I have without you. You are the greatest support system I could ever ask for, and I am beyond lucky to have you all. Thank you so much, and as always, happy reading :) x
Aggie's POV
A frustrated huff forced from my lips as I rolled onto my side, readjusting for what felt like the thousandth time since I'd lain down. The rhythmic sound of the wheels and the gentle rocking from the bus did little to lull me to sleep, and the bunk I was in seemed to grow smaller and smaller by the second. Sleep evaded me as I shifted around yet again, tugging the blankets up around me in an attempt to find a comfortable position. No matter what I tried, I couldn't seem to get anywhere close to sleep.
After a few more moments of staring wide-eyed into the oppressive darkness, I gave up. With a reluctant sigh, I reached around blindly until my fingers closed around the curtain and tugged it open, allowing a little light to infiltrate the darkness of my bunk. Aside from the sound of the engine and the wheels as the bus moved down the road, I heard nothing. The bunks around me were quiet, their occupants used to the sounds and feel of sleeping in a moving vehicle. It seemed so quiet now in comparison to the roaring crowd from earlier; my ears were still ringing with the sound, another residual effect from the show.
Slowly, cautiously, I crawled out of my bunk. I cringed when my foot slipped on the bunk below and skidded a few inches in, somehow avoiding whoever occupied it before I righted myself and managed to land on the floor. As quietly as I could, I moved through the dark, narrow hallway that housed all the bunks. I was thankful that the door was quiet as I slid it aside and slipped through before closing it once again. The dim light in the front of the bus was enough for me to see the kitchenette, so I moved toward it.
I hoped that a cup of warm tea would help relax me, because I knew I needed to sleep before tomorrow. I'd hardly started this whole process and I was already off to a questionable start. My hands moved automatically as I dug through the cupboards until I found a mug and a teabag. There were far too many options to chose from, and I ended up grabbing one at random. I was about to reach for the small kettle to fill it with water when a sudden voice startled me.
"The water should still be hot."
I jumped about a foot in the air, surprise sending a rocket of panic through me as my hand flew to my chest where my heart hammered wildly. My body jolted around automatically, facing the source of the sound. I hadn't seen him sitting there when I'd first arrived because of how dim it was, but now that he'd spoken, my widened eyes focused easily on him.
"Harry," I whispered, voice slightly strained before I started to calm down from the surprise.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," he said lowly. He watched me calmly from where he sat at the small table.
"I just didn't see you, is all," I replied. My hand fell to my side and I tried to look less like a jumpy child caught out of bed.
"Clearly," he said, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Anyway, the water should still be hot. I just made tea a little bit ago."
My eyes darted to the mug in front of him, which had small tendrils of steam billowing upward.
"Okay, thank you."
I turned back around to pour the water into my mug, feeling an annoying embarrassed tint to my cheeks for how I'd reacted. After dropping the tea bag into the mug, I picked it up and turned around to face him once more, unsure of what to do.
"You can sit down, if you like," he offered kindly.
"Alright," I murmured back, keeping my voice low as he did.
My feet moved across the floor, and I set my mug down on the table as I pulled out the chair directly across from him to sit down. He studied me unabashedly, placid expression on his face as he waited for me to get settled. He'd changed since the concert and now wore a simple white t-shirt paired with grey sweat pants and his hair back in a bun. When I pulled my mug back into my hands, he spoke again.
"Can't sleep?" he observed.
"No," I admitted, shaking my head. "It's quite different than a hotel."
"You'll get used to it," he reassured me. "Took me ages to be able to sleep on here but now it's the greatest thing."
He spoke with such a quiet voice that it was almost difficult to hear his low tones over the noise of the bus.
"Why are you up, then?" I asked lightly before taking a sip of my tea.
"I can never sleep after a show," he said with a light shrug. "Not right away, at least."
"It's been hours," I pointed out with a wry smile.
"It was a good show," he said casually. The corner of his lips quirked up, forming a dimple in his cheek while his eyes seemed to glint at me in the darkness. "Takes a while for the adrenaline to go down."
"I imagine so."
"Mmhmm. Did you enjoy it?" He took a sip of his tea as he studied me, eyes never leaving my own. It was kind of strange, the way he focused so wholly on whoever he spoke to, and I expected it would take me a while to get used to it.
"I did, actually," I replied with a grin.
"You sound surprised." An amused glint returned to his eye again.
"Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that," I said, backtracking. "I just didn't really know what to expect."
"I'm just kidding," he said smoothly with a gentle shake of his head. "Ears still ringing?"
"Yes," I replied quickly, brows raising as a smile tugged at my lips. "How long does that last?"
Harry shrugged, pouting out his lower lip as the corners dipped down. "Hours, days, it just depends, I suppose. You'll get used to that, too."
"I imagine I'll have to get used to a lot," I inferred.
Harry didn't respond right away, studying me pensively before he spoke.
"Yes, I suppose so."
A somewhat awkward silence fell over us, though Harry looked completely at ease. I stalled by taking a sip of my tea, which was still quite hot. Harry did the same, long fingers curled around his mug.
"Are you nervous?"
My eyes widened at his question and I felt a sudden wave of confusion.
"About your job, I mean," he clarified easily. Again, his green eyes seemed to be trained tightly on my own.
"Yes," I admitted, biting down on my lip. "I don't want to mess things up."
"You won't," Harry encouraged me calmly. "Don't get me wrong, you've got big shoes to fill from Julie, but you really can't screw it up too badly."
"That's reassuring," I joked lightly, shooting him a small grin.
"You'll be alright. Just have to master sleeping on the tour bus first."
"Not off to a great start, am I?" I questioned, only half joking.
"You really don't need to be nervous. You've just got me to handle. I'm easy."
Somehow I doubted that. Julie had told me how often he liked to travel, how sometimes he'd drop off the grid for weeks and others he'd be in a different city every few days. She'd told me about how I had to handle his work schedule and personal, no matter how planned out or sudden. That didn't sound easy to me.
"If you say so," I replied skeptically.
Harry didn't say anything but shot me a slight smirk before taking another sip of his tea.
"Do you do this after every show?" I asked, curious. I'd gone to bed only after I thought everyone else was asleep, but apparently I'd missed him.
"Something like this, yeah. I have to unwind in some way or I never fall asleep."
"I see," I said lamely, unsure of what to say.
"Surprised you didn't hear me," he said coolly, studying me intently.
"What do you mean?" I asked, blinking.
"My bunk is right below yours."
"Oh!" I said in surprise. "That's probably good because I nearly kicked whoever was inside it trying to get out of my bunk. But I guess there was no one in it since you were out here..."
"Fancy that," Harry said, grin returning as a flash of amusement crossed his face. "Trying to sneak into my bunk, are you?"
My lips parted in surprise before I let out a soft laugh. "Caught me."
"I knew it," Harry said with a mock disappointed shake of his head.
I grinned at him, surprised at how easy conversation was despite a few awkward pauses here and there. I got the impression that he was one of those people who was never really uncomfortable, especially in his domain on the tour bus. While I felt like I was on an alien space ship, Harry appeared right at home.
"Tell me about yourself," Harry requested. "Since we'll be working together for quite a while."
"What do you want to know?" I asked. Again, I felt like his gaze was focused solely on me beneath slightly lowered brows as I spoke.
"Anything," he said with a light shrug. "You're Julie's niece, right?"
"Mmhmm, I am," I answered with a nod. "I think she's going to miss you all terribly."
"We'll miss her. But she deserves the time off. Having a baby and trying to raise it on the road would be tough."
"I can't even imagine," I said thoughtfully, shaking my head. I was having a hard enough time getting my head around the whole process—I couldn't imagine adding a newborn baby to the mix like my aunt.
"How long will she be taking off?" Harry asked lightly.
"Two years, at least," I replied, letting out a sigh. I glanced down at my mug to see I'd finished my tea.
"So you'll be with us for two years?"
My eyes darted back up to meet his gaze, which hadn't moved since I'd looked away.
"At least, yeah. However long she takes to come back, I suppose. She might not come back at all if she likes the whole stay-at-home-mum thing."
Harry nodded. "I see. Well Aggie, welcome to the team. Hope you're ready for this."
"Thank you. I think I am."
I felt a small wave of butterflies flutter through my stomach. The thought of taking on this new adventure thrilled and terrified me all at once. I felt so out of my element, but ready to take on the challenges that this time would surely bring. After this little conversation with Harry, I decided he wouldn't be too terrible to work with, and I found myself feeling strangely optimistic for how it all would go.
"Well Aggie, this has been lovely, but I think it's time for bed," Harry said as he let out a deep breath. His hands folded together in front of him as he leaned forward, preparing to push himself to a standing position.
"Yeah, I think so, too," I said, somewhat distracted by his gaze. I really had to get used to that. He surprised me by rising and gathering his mug and mine, bringing them to the small sink before turning back toward me.
"Thank you for the company," he continued softly, keeping his voice low as he had all night.
"Anytime," I replied honestly. I suspected this would only be the first of many late night conversations if he frequently stayed awake after shows. Despite what he claimed, I doubted I would ever get fully used to this.
"Shall we sneak in together?" he asked, lips quirking up to the side again. I felt a smile of my own tug at my lips.
"We shall."
With that, he nodded and ticked his head to the side, indicating I follow him back down the narrow hall. The narrow hallway made him appear taller than normal, even though he was already significantly taller than me. His wide shoulders swayed evenly from side to side as he walked, and he was nearly silent as he padded toward the sliding door that separated the room we were in from the bunks. I watched as he reached forward and slid it open, exposing the dark hallway and the openings to the bunks, all of which were closed but the farthest two that belonged to Harry and I.
Without a word, he moved down the hallway. After closing the sliding door behind me, I copied him, raising my hands on either side of me to feel for the edges to guide me. I couldn't see anything in the pitch black, and the quiet whirr of the engine and rolling of the wheels was all I could hear. I had no idea where my bunk was and was about to whisper to Harry when I collided with something solid, letting out a small huff of air.
"Hey," he whispered. His breath was warm on my face, telling me he was close. I took a small step backward and felt the loss of contact where his chest had pressed to mine.
"Sorry," I murmured automatically. My eyes felt wide as I tried to see, but it was impossible in the darkness. All I could do was feel the slight heat radiating off him as he stood close in the dark.
"'S'alright. Bunks are here," he breathed in reply. I jumped when I felt his hand reach out to gather mine, tugging on it lightly to guide it to the edge of my bunk. As soon as my hand felt the velvet of the curtain, he released it.
"Let me guess: this takes a while to get used to as well," I whispered, smiling gently to myself.
"You've got it," Harry replied, tone amused. "Can you manage from here?"
"Yes, I think so," I answered truthfully.
"Alright. Goodnight, Aggie."
His voice was impossibly low and deep as he spoke, barely audible once again.
"Goodnight, Harry."
After that, I heard a quiet rustling and felt the heat of his body disappear as he maneuvered his lanky frame into his bunk. Slowly, I felt around my bunk until I figured out the exact position, careful not to step on Harry as I placed my foot on the edge of his bunk. After one last check with my hands, I pulled myself into my bunk, tugging the curtain closed after me. This time when I let out a deep sigh, it was one of contentment rather than frustration. If this was any hint of how things would go, I decided I would be just fine. My body relaxed into the mattress and I felt one last smile pull at my lips as I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep with more a greater sense of reassurance than I'd had all day.
Instagram username: styles.legend
As always, thank you for reading!
P.S. Don't forget to enter the 130+ #WattpadBlockParty Giveaways! Clickable links are at the top of my Wattpad profile! :)
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