Sea Foam
Fun fact!
In the anime his name was Hawks bit in the actual manga his name is Hork!!
The iron of the armor creaks with old withered aged as it reach out, wobbling like if it was its first step in life, a voice so dark yet faint echoes out sending chills down everyone's spines.
"...The Se..ven....Deadly....Sins..."
"..The Seven...Deadly...Sins.." it chants, everyone were bloody scared as it drew closer.
The whole folk of drunks get up and ran for their lives, screaming bloody murder, yet the last ones remaining are the pig, the cook, and the young owner of this very bar.
Meliodas glance back to the small (H/C) girl "Stay down." complying you did as told, yet peek over the bar counter to see what happens.
Meliodas stands infront of the bar, facing the rusted knight, no fear on his face nor did it show in his posture, hands on his hips once again as he gives the knight a blank look "...Who're you?"
The tense moment between the two made you worry 'This isn't good..!Are we in deep trouble!?Did the villagers find out who-!?' Your thoughts were put to a immediate pause once Hawks grabs your arm, pulling you down and away from being seen.
Yet the moment that was done a loud clashing thud was heard, yet once again, you peek over to see that the knight was down;It revealed a tired sea foam haired girl inside.
Hawks and you approach, seeing the girl much closer now, Hawks confuse as you are "It's....a woman."
'I don't know why but something feels off..' you take in her detail face, soon noticing a beautiful blue marble earring '...that looks fimialer..where have I seen that before-?'
"What cha thinking about (N/N)?"
You, of course, jump up as he inspects your figure more then the unconscious woman in armor.What made it worse was when your face grew red in embarrassment for being caught, not long later a hand ruffles your locks of hair cheekily.
"Never mind let's get this armor off!" Immediately he got down taking each piece of rusted armor off saying a quick "Unnay!!" at it.
Hawks looks at Meliodas as of he had two heads "WHHHAAAATTTTT!!!??"
-Several minutes later-
Luckily we had a few available rooms so now we all are waiting for her to wake up.Unlike Hawks and Meliodas, who was the main ones staying so close to the unconscious yet somehow fimialer woman, you stayed in the shadows as well near the door.Who knows, this woman could be faking it and kill all of y'all in a second with whatever ability she has?
"This sleeping face...this body line..this smell.." Meliodas began to check her out, not long he is grasping and squeezing her boob "..This elasticity.." He took a few more seconds, soon he comfirms it "It's definitely a woman!!"
Hawks was blowing out steam from his snout "You.." Irk marks soon were visible to all in the room "You don't feel guilty in the slightest!!"
Then it happens, she sat up awake and stared Meliodas in the eyes.Her face red by what he is doing to her bood at the moment, yet stared at him like it didn't faze her..
He let go, after a moment, standing up "...and no abnormalities in your heart beat, either!"
She feel for that "Th...Thank you very much?"
You stayed in your corner, watching this all unfold before you..
" this..?" She looks around, confuse, soon noticing that her armor was off, now completely confuzzled "Um..why am I..?
Meliodas was letting in the light, now noticing you were hiding in the darkness this whole time, then answered "You came into the shop in some crazy daze and suddenly kneeled over."
He hums as he walks over to you, pulling you out of your safe corner "The "Boar Hat"!It's my shop!"
She nods, yet she was more curious "Are you...the owner...?"
"Is that strange?"
"N-No!That sword on your back..."
Meliodas blinks, middle of dragging you along, glance at the woman "Ah!"
"...I just thought you were a swordsman or something." She confessed, looking red in the cheeks.
For some reason you didn't like that...
You were dragged with him as he finish off tying the curtains up, not long he pats the spot near the window, you sat down there as he went to the woman.His hand was on his dragon handle, not long he pulls it out quickly.The woman screams yet felt no pain.Looking up she finds out why.
"Eh..?The broken..?"
"Heheeh!Did I scare you?" He was proud of it, very proud indeed "Even if it's just the hilt, it looks pretty aesthetic if I show it off, right?This is what you'd call a incentive for people not to run off without pay!!"
It was true, it made them pay then walk off leaving with that hard earned money.
"Alot of different kinds customers come to a bar, after all.." The broken sword was put away, Meliodas lets out a long sigh in pure exhaustion "It's hard to be a owner."
"I feel bad for the customers after paying their cash to get food from you, except (Y/N) cause she cooks better then you anyday."
In a flash the girl leaps off the bed, gasping, then hugs Hawks with so much love and amazement "WOOOWW!!IT'S A TALKING PIG!!I begged my father for one before!!"
"The names Hawk!" He was enjoying the affection.
"What's your pig called?" Meliodas ask, you curious as well.
The woman stops and stays dead silent...awkward..
"Right, are you hungry?"
She looks away, seems she was hungry.
"If you want I'll make you some ribs."
Hawks squeals, losing his shit.
She perks up at that "You'll feed me pork?"
Meliodas smirks, knowing that will trigger the pig "...unfortunately, just the food from the bar!..hehehe..~"
You laugh softly soon following everyone as they head done to the dining area.
That was till a arm wraps around your waist, soon back pressed against a firm built chest, someone's head deep in the crook of your neck.
"Your laugh was adorable." He hugs you tight, your face go red as ever "Can you laugh like that every day for me?I just love your cute adorable laugh!"
Even though you were fidgety you nod, rubbing circles on his forearm, as he let's go.You two then walk down stairs, his hand holding on to yours with a tight grip with so much care.If anyone witnesses this they would think you two were a couple.
Yet what neither know was that helping this strange sea foam haired girl, they will soon embark in a adventure of a life time...
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