[chapter two]

[Strange Behavior]

Juvia finished up the blueberry pancake, and with a weak smile, thanked Lyon for the nice meal. Now she really wanted to go see her friends, and catch from missing the last two years with them. The bluenette stood up from the table chair rather quickly, almost knocking it over as she did so. Her heart was beating anxiously. Juvia really needs to see her friends...!

"Juvia-chan!" Lyon called, grabbing her hand. Sadness was in his eyes, hurt that his guest was far too eager to leave his company after everything he did for them. During this, Juvia noticed that his eyes didn't have the same sparkle they did the last time she saw him. Did something happen to him while she was gone...?

"Juvia apologies, Lyon-sama, but Juvia's friends are waiting for her...! She can't wait any longer to see her beloved friends!" Juvia said, tugging to get her hand free as Lyon's grip for stronger and colder. "L-Lyon-sama, let go..."

"I'm sorry, Juvia-chan, but you have to stay here... I'll make your stay very nice, okay?" He said, a cold shiver instantly rushing down Juvia's back. Something was definitely wrong with Lyon, and it wasn't just sadness. "Don't struggle, you'll make it harder on yourself..."

Juvia bit her lip and tried to get her hand back. "L-Lyon... Juvia--"

"Lyon?" He asked, his eyes wide. Now there was a primal look in them as he shoved Juvia onto his white couch, she yelped nervously as she looked at the male. Despite all of this, she was still hesitant to fight her friend, since she thought of the sweet Lyon that stood in front of her not even twenty minutes ago. "Just Lyon?"

Juvia squirmed under his grip, knowing if she didn't do something soon, this wouldn't end up good for her. "L-Lyon... please... calm down, Juvia doesn't understand why you're so--" Yet again, she was cut off by Lyon.

"Where's the -sama?" He asked her, his voice cold and forgiving. Juvia bit her inner cheek, begging for anyone to come in and save her, but she knew that would never happen. "Huh, Juvia-chan? Where's the -sama?!"

She winced at his yelling, wishing she was anywhere else than here at the moment. It was unnerving to be in this position and to have him yelling at her like a feral beast, she wanted to scream out for Gray or Erza or Gajeel. Just someone, she needed someone because she couldn't hurt her friend. So, she decided to try her luck that someone would hear her desperate cry for help.

"Gray-sama! Erza-san! Lucy-san!" She called out, as she could swear she saw Lyon's eyes flash red with anger. Before she could realize it, Lyon had frozen her wrists to the couch to keep her there. Now it was time for real panic to slip in.

"How dare you, Juvia, call out for that ice prick!" He yelled, getting closer in her face as if that was possible. "Why? Why can't you be satisfied with me? Just stay with me and I'll treat you like a princess, no harm will come to you as long as you're with me... after all, I'm not the one he wants..."

"I'm not the one he wants," what does he mean by that? And does "he" want Gray-sama...?! Juvia thought, starting to hyperventilate at the rushing thoughts filling her head. "Lyon... who is 'he'...? Why does he want Gray-sama?" Juvia was desperate for answers, so she could find a way to protect her love. As of right now, though, 'he' could be anyone.

"I'm not telling you, not when you love Fullbuster," Lyon spat with so much hate, Juvia could feel it. She whimpered at her current positioned and thought of a way to handle it, but nothing came to mind. There was too much worry going to Gray at the moment for her to form straight thoughts.

"Gray-sama! Gray-sama! Gajeel-kun! Someone from Fairy Tail, help!" Juvia screamed until her throat was raw, needing help. Lyon, as if he was insane, quickly jumped and glared at her like she was the person at fault.

"Since you can't cooperate, I guess he won't mind if you perish from the in the way..." Lyon said so cruelly, Juvia imagined it was coming from a Demon of Tartaros itself. He molded a ice dagger, thanks to his magic, and imbedded it with something. Causing it to go black.

"This dagger will be able to pierce your Water Body, Juvia, so don't think that will save you. Want to see it?" He said, running it against her snow pale skin and causing a small cut across her cheek. Juvia winced in pain and shock when she felt blood running down her cheek, she took pain from a physical weapon.

"Why..." Juvia begged, hoping she'd get an answer. "Why are you doing this to Juvia, Lyon? What did she do to deserve this...?" She wanted to cry, but not out of fear, out of confusion. Secretly, Juvia had hoped when she returned, everything would go back to normally, but that's not the case right now.

Lyon snickered, then laughed, before howling in insane laughter, Juvia's eyes filled with fear as she looked at her former friend. He turned into a lunatic over these two years, and he wanted her dead. "Why am I doing this? See, you're just a variable, and now you're causing trouble... so... no complications happen, I'm going to remove you from the picture. No hard feelings, I actually did find you pretty, but... I don't let emotions consume me, not anymore."

No, no... no! Juvia mentally screamed, before opening her mouth again, for it to only be frozen shut. Now she can't scream for help, and is left in a room with now a crazed lunatic planning to kill her.

"No more screaming, okay? That's going to annoy me really, really badly if you keep on doing that. You wouldn't want to have me annoyed, would you?" Juvia quickly shook her head no, her only form of communication left. Lyon smiled at her and placed the knife over her heart. "Good, now it's a shame you wore this robe of mine... it is rather nice."

Juvia panicked, and panicked, and panicked. There was nothing she could do now but accept death, now that he had a weapon that could inflict pain onto her, which has hardly ever happened in the past. She closed her eyes, watching for the cold clutches of death to grab her but she didn't feel anything.

And I don't mean she didn't feel anything because was dead, no, she didn't feel the pain of the knife for a split second then dread. There was no pain, no dread, just the cold ice against her wrists and mouth. Something prevented Lyon from impaling her heart, and Juvia has no idea who it was, as she was far too scared to open her eyes, but she was thankful. Thanks to them, she'll get to live another day. She laid there until a voice broke her thoughts.

"Juvia! Thank god you're okay!"

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