Chapter 25

"Kids, out," Laurel said.

"What! Why?"

"We have our reasons. Out." Laurel said.

"We'll go with you," Ru said, elbowing Will as all the kids, including William and Ruby started heading out.

"What? No. We're not kids." Will said.

Ru just sighed at his kicked puppy look he gave her whenever he wanted something. "Kara taught you way too much."

"I'm not a kid. I don't want to leave if I don't have to," Will whined.

Ru just sighed and sat next to him. He smiled and put his head in her lap.

Barry Allen

About to get married, and still working on figuring out who his new big bad was. That was a pretty good summary of his life, Barry mused as he watched Cisco type on a keyboard, Harry on Cisco's other side. At least they had a name to work with this time, and it was a name he had heard before: DeVoe.

"Who?" Barry said in confusion.

"Bad guy," Malcolm said.

"Hey, you guys wanna see something really cool?"

Barry didn't look up when the new recruit to Team Flash, Ralph Dibny, spoke. "Uh . . . sure," he said. "Go for it."

"Stretch, Ralph, stretch," Ralph mumbled.

The sound of stretching made the three of them looked up, in time to see Ralph's head disappear around the track, his entire body stretched thin. "That is pretty cool," Cisco admitted.

"I have to agree. That is pretty cool," Lena nodded.

"Mmmhmm," Harry nodded.

"Hey you're working with us again," Caitlin said to Harry, smiling.

"OK, look," Barry sighed. "Are you sure we can't find this DeVoe guy? I mean, we were warned. We had a heads-up that someday, someone named DeVoe would be one of my greatest foes."

"And the other thing to think about is, do you know how many people there are in this state alone with the name DeVoe?" Cisco raised an eyebrow.

"No," Barry admitted.

"Thousands," Harry told him. "And we still don't have an age."

"Unless one of your greatest foes is the three-month-old William DeVoe who lives four blocks from here?" Cisco suggested, reading off the monitor.

Barry snorted in amusement. "I don't think one of my greatest enemies is a baby."

"Ehhh," Harry tilted his head side to side.

"Evil killer baby?" Cisco mused.

"Could happen," Harry agreed.

"It wouldn't be the weirdest villain to show up," Kara nodded.

"You're right," Barry admitted.

There was a loud knock on the door, and the three looked up to see Felicity standing there in pink and black, a bunch of balloons in her hand, along with a sparkling bag. "Hey!" she grinned.

"Hey, I'm here!" Felicity grinned.

"Ho!" Harry smiled.

"Yo!" Cisco waved.

"Felicity!" Barry cheered, going over to hug her. Felicity giggled, setting her stuff down to receive it. "How'd you get in here?"

"I literally walked in here," Felicity admonished. "You have – you have no security, you have no alarms, you have nothing on your door. You guys might wanna consider something, anything at all!"

"Barry, seriously? No security?" Oliver said.

"Yeah," Barry shrugged.

"You came prepared," Barry noted.

"Well, yeah," Felicity grinned. "Team Arrow to Team Bride, you know. Very excited for that bachelorette party."

"Yep, getting inebriated with same gender to celebrate an archaic institution?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Priceless," Cisco agreed.

"I mean, you only get married once, so . . . " Felicity shrugged, then paused. "Well, actually, pretty much everyone gets divorced these days. 55% to be exact. I mean, that's just statistics – " She paused at Barry's deer in the headlights look, then saw Harry past him making a slashing motion across his throat.

Iris and Barry blanched as they heard the statistics, making Team Flash glare at Felicity.

"But not – not you and Iris!" her eyes widened in horror. "That would just – that would never happen to you guys." She looked off to the side and paused, seeing a super stretched out body, and squeaked. "Whose feet are those?"

"That's Ralph Dibny," Barry sighed, heading back to the others.

Felicity peered around the corner to see how far he had stretched, then shook her head. "I'm gonna – I'm gonna go meet up with the ladies."

Barry gave her a thumbs up, and Harry saluted her as she picked up her things. "That," she whispered in disbelief, pulling out her phone to warn Kara and Oliver.

Kara Danvers

Kara dropped her bag on the bed, sighing and rubbing the back of her neck. She paused when her phone beeped, and she pulled it out, taking a look at the text she just got. "Oh," she blinked. "Got a warning from Felicity. Apparently Barry's got a new teammate that caught her off guard."

"I still don't like him," Ollie muttered.

"As you've said. Multiple times." Ru said.

"Well I don't," Ollie muttered.

"Great," Oliver sighed as he closed the door to their hotel room, dropping the key cards on the bedside table. "Why did I agree to this?"

"Because it'll look bad on you when the second groomsman doesn't show up to the bachelor party," Kara smirked.

"Last I heard, Wally isn't going to be there," Oliver pointed out.

"Really?" Barry said.

"I think he was occupied with something in Coast City," Ollie said.

"You're going to it," Kara gave him a look. "I'm going for Iris, you're going for Barry, OK? Think of it this way, this can be our way of saying thank you for what happened with Cadmus. Iris and Cisco were both there to support us, and Iris is the bride, Cisco's the best man."

"Fine," Oliver sighed, and Kara squealed, giving him a hug. "If that's what it takes to get you to hug me, I'll complain more often," he joked, giving her a hug as well.

Kara laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Kara hugs are the best," Agent Danvers said.

"They are," Ollie nodded.

"You just need to ask, Oliver," Kara grinned, opening her bag and sorting through the clothes she had. "OK, I'm gonna head to S.T.A.R. Labs and meet up with the girls. I'll be back to get ready for dinner."

"Be careful," Oliver kissed her.

"It's a bachelorette party," Kara reminded him, taking off her glasses and opening her shirt to reveal her suit underneath. "What could possibly go wrong?"

Ollie snorted loudly.

"Did I just jinx it?" Kara asked.

"Yeah," Ollie nodded.

Caitlin Snow

In the cortex, Caitlin finished typing and sat back, looking on the monitor at the copy of a plane ticket she had to leave Central City that night. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that this was for the best –

"Wait, why are you leaving Central City?" Cisco asked Caitlin, who shrugged.

"Well, here you are!" Caitlin quickly exited out and turned around as Iris and Felicity walked up, both smiling widely. "OK, are you ready for the ladies' night to end all ladies' nights?" Felicity grinned, putting her bag and balloons down.

"And by that, she means a quiet, low-key dinner at a very classy restaurant," Iris rolled her eyes fondly.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I mean," Felicity nodded. "Super low-key, super quiet."

"Sure," Iris said sarcastically.

A gasp from the other entrance made the three spin. "Are those boas?" Kara asked in delight, pointing at the bag Felicity had brought.

"Yes!" Felicity nodded, grinning. "Want one?"

"Boas are awesome," Kara nodded.

"Uh, yes please!" Kara grinned, running up. "Oh, this is gonna be awesome!"

"Hey, Kara," Iris grinned, giving her a hug. "Thanks for coming!"

"Oh, please," Kara smiled. "Like I would miss this! Hey, Caitlin!"

"Hey, Kara," Caitlin gave her a small wave.

"Ooo, what have we got?" Kara went to Felicity's side, peering into the bag. "Oh, dibs on pink!"

"Really?" Felicity blinked. "I thought you'd want blue."

"Just cause I wear blue doesn't make it my favorite color," Kara said.

"Pink goes better with the dress I brought," Kara shrugged. "Classy restaurant, right?"

"Yep," Iris nodded.

"I'm set, then."

"What about you, Caitlin?" Felicity asked, handing a pink boa to Kara, Iris taking another pink one. "Do you want a pink or a blue feather boa?"

"Actually, Iris," Caitlin shifted slightly. "If it's OK, I don't think I'm gonna make it tonight. I'm just not feeling up to it."

"What?" Iris blinked.

"Aww," Felicity pouted.

"Are you feeling OK?" Kara asked in concern.

"No, I'm fine," Caitlin nodded. "I just . . . sometimes life catches up with you, you know?"

"It's 'cause you're not wearing the tiara," Felicity decided, pulling a tiara out of her bag and plopping it on Iris's head. "Put on the tiara, everything will change."

"Its true," Felicity nodded.

"Oh!" Iris giggled.

"Hang on," Kara reached up to adjust it. "There you go!"

"You must always have a straight tiara," Kara nodded.

"Wearing the tiara, thank you," Iris nodded.

"You're welcome," Felicity grinned.

"Caitlin, please," Iris turned to her. "Come on, we work together every day, and we never get to do a dinner just us girls. You have to come."

"She's right," Felicity nodded. "Just one dinner, pleeeeeeease?"

Caitlin looked back and forth between them, then paused when she saw the begging eyes Kara gave her.

"Puppy eyes always work," Chyler said smugly, making Kara and Melissa grin.

She sighed, then nodded. "Wouldn't miss it."

Joe West

At the West house, Joe's girlfriend Cecille was sitting on the couch, showing an ultrasound image to her daughter. "This is so insane," Joanie gasped. "I can't believe you're gonna be a mom again!"

"I know," Cecille agreed, grinning. "Well, you always wanted a sibling."

"And seven Doctor Whos later, you totally came through," Joanie grinned as the doorbell rang.

"You're a Doctor Who fan, Joanie?" Joe asked in surprise, walking down the stairs.

"Well, ever since he became a lady, I am," Joanie smirked, turning to her mom. "Hashtag feminism."

Joe smirked, opening the door, grinning when he saw who was on the other side. "Bachelor party!" Cisco whooped, heading in first. "Girls, get out."


"Oh, that's our cue," Joanie rolled her eyes fondly, she and Cecille getting up and leaving the guys to get comfortable. "Hey, Barry, congrats on getting hitched."

"Thank you!" Barry grinned. "I didn't realize you were in town!"

"Well, I just stopped by for the weekend," Joanie shrugged, giving him a hug.

"Awesome," Barry smiled. "Good to see you."

"You, too," Joanie smiled.

"Ah," Harry grinned, finding a crystal bottle filled with alcohol.

"Have a great time," Joe smiled, kissing Cecille. "Don't get too crazy. No drinking."

Cecille shook her head in agreement. "No, Iris promised me a totally chill night that even my pregnant little booty can handle. You should come with us, sweetie," she told Joanie. "You know, I'm sure Iris wouldn't mind."

"Uh, no, it's OK," Joanie shook her head. "I, um, I actually have plans, but I will drop you off."

"OK," Cecille nodded, heading out the door. "Have fun!" she called to the boys.

"Later, guys!" Joanie added.

"Bye!" Barry waved as he crashed on the couch.

"OK, I'll get the lights," Cisco clapped his hands. "Harry will get the brandy . . . hey, Harry, before you pour the brandy, make sure you warm the glasses."

Harry just raised an eyebrow, handing one of the glasses over to Joe. "What?"

"Really Harry?" Cisco said annoyed.

"I never warm the glasses," Lena laughed.

"See?" Harry said.

"It begins!" Laurel said dramatically.

"And you call me dramatic," Malcolm said.

"You are dramatic," Laurel said.

"For real?" Cisco sighed.

"It's cool," Joe told him. Harry just smirked and both men clinked their glasses together, sitting down.

"OK," Cisco walked up to the screen they had set up. "Barry Allen . . . " Barry smirked, waggling his eyebrows. "Are you ready to have your mind blown?" Cisco asked in an accent, grinning widely.

Barry Allen

"Meet Barry Allen!" Cisco announced in a dramatic voice, Barry's shoulders shaking in laughter as Cisco's reel of pictures and videos started. "Before he met Iris West, before he became an interdimensional time-traveling speedster, he was an adorable baby boy with Ewok-level chub."

"We had a hard time not letting laughter ruin these takes," Grant said.

Joe chuckled, watching a video of Barry as a child play. "Ugh, those cheeks!"

"Cisco, this is great, but where did you get these videos?" Barry asked his friend.

"Internet magic," Cisco said.

"Man, I'm a ninja," Cisco smirked before pointing. "Watch this part."

"Ah," Joe smiled fondly as Barry and Iris appeared before what appeared to be a dinosaur stuffed animal. "I forgot you two got married." Barry laughed, and Joe sighed as videos of Barry and Iris kept playing. "Ah, you two were so young." He blinked when he appeared next, chasing after the two. "Damn. I was so young."

Barry snickered, then straightened when there was a yelp from outside. Everyone spun around, in time to see the door open, and a familiar face looked inside. "Barry," Oliver greeted. "Was this guy invited?"

"No," Ollie muttered.

"Oliver!" Barry brightened, then blinked when Oliver shoved another familiar person inside. "Ralph?"

"Dibny," Harry rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Guessing he wasn't expected, then," Oliver glared at Ralph, shutting the door.

"No, he wasn't," Barry stood up. "You, on the other hand . . . thanks for coming."

"No problem," Oliver nodded. "Sorry I'm late, had to drop off the girls."

"Plural?" Barry raised an eyebrow.

"Kara's extrapolator spat her out in Star City," Oliver lied with ease, making Harry and Cisco turn around, looking at him, impressed.

"You two are pretty in sync," Winn appreciated.

"So Felicity and I gave her a ride."

"Oh, that's nice of you," Barry nodded.

Oliver just nodded, then raised an eyebrow at Ralph. "So, what's he doing here?"

"Oh, this is Ralph Dibny," Barry answered. "He's a new team member. And we weren't expecting him."

"You said see you later," Ralph shrugged. "I assumed this was a superhero hangout and this was a test for my highly attuned detective abilities, which, for the record, nailed it!"

"I get a feeling this guy is gonna be a bit of a pain in the ass during these videos," Rene said.

"That's an understatement," Ollie muttered.

"OK," Harry rolled his eyes. "Or – "

"You weren't invited," Cisco said bluntly, which Harry raised his glass to.

"I can always throw him out?" Oliver suggested.

"Oh, I wish you had let me," Ollie muttered.

"Wow," Ralph looked around. "This house is, uh . . . "

"Bitchin'?" Cisco suggested.

"Bitchin'?" James says incrediuosly, everyone laughing.

"I'm sure I have a reason," Cisco said defensively.

"No," Ralph shook his head. "Small. Looks much bigger from the street." He frowned, pointing at the screen. "What's all this crap?"

"This is my bachelor party," Barry frowned, offended.

Ralph grinned, then it froze. "Oh, dear God, you're serious. This weinerfest is your bachelor party?"

"I will throw you out," Oliver amended, giving him a glare.

"I should have thrown him out," Ollie said.

"This weinerfest is about to indulge in some very fine cigars and a very nice steak dinner at The Oak," Cisco glared.

"OK, stop," Ralph held up a hand. "You're gonna pay $50 for a steak dinner?"

Harry leaned around Joe to look at Oliver. "Please do," he told him.

"I know a place where you can get all-you-can-eat steak and chicken for $4.99, and they even throw in napkins," Ralph scoffed before gesturing to the door. "Come on, ladies."

"No, really, Ralph," Barry shook his head. "We're gonna stay here, we're gonna go have – "

"No, Slim Jim, I insist," Ralph shook his head. "You can thank me later."

Oliver and Barry exchanged looks, then heard a slurp from the couch. "That was meant to be enjoyed!" Cisco stared at Harry as he downed the rest of his bourbon in one gulp.

"Sometimes alchohol can only be enjoyed in one go," Lena said.

"Finally, someone is speaking my language," Harry nodded.

"I enjoyed it," Harry rolled his eyes, putting the glass down.

"Cisco, don't worry," Ralph smirked. "Where we're going, the drinks flow freely, and the view is spectacular."

Cisco stared blankly after him as he opened the door. "Where did you get him?" Oliver asked Barry in disbelief.

"Don't ask," Barry sighed. "But really, man, thanks for coming."

"Took a bit to get me to come," Oliver shrugged. "But in the end, I wouldn't have missed it." He looked after Ralph. "Even if some parts of company could be better."

Barry made a noise of agreement as he and Joe headed out. "So," Cisco raised an eyebrow as he and Harry followed Oliver out. "Are we mentioning the Team SuperArrow or not?"

"Let's see how good Barry is," Oliver smirked. "Then we'll see."

"You're keeping it from me?" Barry said offended.

"Yeah," Ollie laughed slightly.

"He won't get it," Harry snickered.

Iris West/Kara Danvers

"So fancy," Cecille complimented as their water poured five flutes of champagne.

"Yeah," Felicity agreed, all of them picking up their glasses. "A toast, to the future Mrs. Allen."

"West-Allen," Iris corrected.

"West-Allen," Felicity amended. "Although your life with Barry may be fast-paced, I hope you guys take the time to enjoy the special moments."

"Aw," Iris beamed. "Thank you guys for coming. It really means a lot."

"Cheers," Cecille smiled as they clinked glasses, Iris, Felicity, Kara, and Caitlin drinking. "Well, all right, who wants my champagne? Craziest thing I get to do tonight is order two desserts."

"I'll take it," Caitlin volunteered immediately, taking her glass.

"That's right, Iris told me you were pregnant," Felicity nodded, both Iris and Kara watching in surprise as Caitlin downed Cecille's drink in one go. A look at her own glass showed Caitlin had drank it in one go as well.

"Impressive," Cisco said.

"How's that going?"

"Yeah, it's good," Cecille nodded. "I mean, it wasn't exactly part of my plan, but I just could not be happier."

"I know exactly what you mean," Kara nodded, blushing slightly.

"Right," Iris smirked, raising an eyebrow at the off the shoulder green dress Kara was wearing. "You're right – pink definitely goes with that."

"Well," Kara adjusted her glasses. "I wear blue enough already. There's no green with my night job, anyway."

"Not any green that's supposed to be there, anyway," Felicity mumbled into her champagne.

Everyone laughed as Kara blushed furiously.

"What?" Cecille blinked.

"Nothing," Felicity and Kara said at the same time.

Caitlin gulped suddenly, and the four others looked up to see a man in black stop by their table. "Uh, did you girls order a stripper?" Iris looked around.

Iris sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Felicity frowned. "I would've brought all my singles."

"No, I – " Cecille sputtered.

"I literally just got here, it wasn't me," Kara held up her hands, blushing.

"Kara would never. She's way too pure," Agent Danvers said.

"Girl, you into some freaky stuff," Felicity looked up at the man.

The man, however, was looking only at Caitlin. "Amunet wants you," he said.

"Why does the name Amunet sound familiar?" Dinah asked.

"Not for a good reason," Cecile said.

"Uh," Iris looked over at her. "Caitlin, do you know him?"

"You need to come with me," the man said.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," Caitlin glared.

"Please tell me that this is just part of his act," Cecille closed her eyes.

"If it is, it's taking too long," Felicity remarked, then snapped her fingers. "Take it off!" All five ladies jumped when the man leaned over their table and dropped one of his eyes into Felicity's glass of champagne. "Gross!" the blonde shrieked. "I meant take off your pants, not your eye!" Out of the man's eye came a tentacle of some sort, making everyone jump back. "Oh, my God!" Felicity yelped.

Kara jumped up and flipped over the table, sending the man stumbling back. "Everybody out!" she shouted.

The screaming civilians were too happy to obey. "Stand back, baby mama, we got this," Felicity told Cecille before grabbing a chair and hitting the man with it.

Iris went in next, smacking the tentacle back with one of the menus. Kara stood in Iris's way when the tentacle lashed out, and she grabbed it with one hand, squeezing tightly. "I don't think so," she glared.

"Ooh, angry Kara."

"Please don't do this," Caitlin begged.

"Didn't have to be this way," the man sneered in response.

Caitlin swallowed, then her eyes flashed silver. Kara did a double take when she saw the freezing mist curl around Caitlin's hands, so shocked that she released the man's tentacle. "What?" Cecille gawked.

Before their eyes, Caitlin's hair turned snow white, her lips a glittering dark blue. The man grinned, chuckling darkly. "I was hoping to see you again."

"Really?" Killer Frost asked, taking off her boa. "So I could give you another scar?"

"Wha- what is happening?" Winn said.

"Killer Frost is back," Caitlin said nerviously.

The man's tentacle went to attack her, but Killer Frost threw out her hand, releasing a steady stream of ice that threw the man back and through the glass window, knocking him out of the restaurant. She smiled, proud of herself, then looked down at herself and rolled her eyes, ignoring the shocked looks the four other women were giving her. "Ugh," Killer Frost groaned. "I hate pink."

Caitlin rolled her eyes.

Kara swallowed as Killer Frost picked up the champagne bottle, downing another gulp and exhaling, releasing a frosty breath. "I take it back," she said shakily. "Something could go wrong."

"Yeah," Kara nodded.


The kids were looking down at what was the charred remains of something. Might have been a chair that was once in the break room.

"Shit, we're dead," Moira said.

"Me! I didn't do anything this time!" Rebecca said.

"Yeah, but do you think they're going to believe you?" Moira said.

"Shit we're dead!" 

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