Twice Upon A Time

Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for all the support, I'm glad you're all enjoying it.

Just wanted to WARN you that the Doctor is in a very bad mental state - regretting her regeneration and stuff - so warning for suicidal thoughts/feelings. Please don't read if that will trigger you.

I'm planning to update each weekend.

Hope you enjoy!


The screen turned white and the words 'Twice Upon a Time' appeared on the screen.

The First Doctor, Polly and Ben are in the midst of the Tenth Planet, 709 episodes ago

"Woah, that's old. Is that really you? Who are those people?" Bill spoke, managing somehow to rock on her beanbag.

The Doctor grinned at her questions, she hadn't changed, still so curious. "Yes, that's me! My first face, well the first one I remember." She glanced at the Master who frowned but refused to give up his thoughts. She turned back to Bill, smile on her face. They didn't need to know any of that yet. "That's Polly and Ben, they travelled with me back then. It was all a very long time ago Bill."

They deal with the Cybermen

Everyone looked uncomfortable seeing the Cybermen. Especially Bill, who had been turned into one, and Clara who had lost Danny. The Doctor shuffled her beanbag closer to Bill and pulled the younger girl into a hug. She then shuffled them so Bill lay against her, her arm around Bill to comfort her. She wasn't normally so touchy-feely but she would make an exception to comfort her friends especially after she failed them so badly. The Doctor had a feeling she knew what they were going to see and she didn't like it. She didn't want everyone to see it.

The 1st Doctor starts to regenerate a bit

"Your first regeneration." It was a statement, not a question but she looked up at River anyway and nodded grimacing.

"What caused it? I mean if you don't mind me asking." Yaz asked, biting her lip when she realised what she had asked.

The Doctor smiled at her. "It's okay, I don't mind, like I said it was a very long time ago. I died of old age ultimately. There was a thing with Mondas and Cybermen. Something to do with draining the Earth's energy or something, long story and it was a very long time ago. I think that might have been one of my only semi-natural deaths actually." She considered, did dying in her eleventh face (Chinny) count as natural? Yes, it had been old age but she had been in a siege for 900 years. Oh, well not the time to think on it. Her companions gave her concerned looks but decided not to ask anything else.

At the end of the Tenth Planet. The 1st Doctor returns to the Tardis, parked int he south pole as he refused to regenerate

DOCTOR 1: I can't go through with it. I will fight it. I will not change.

"You weren't going to regenerate? But we would have never of met you." Rose watched the Doctor, searching for something in those old eyes. The Doctor just shrugged half-heartedly, still holding Bill and glaring at the screen.

The Master glanced at her a bit surprised, she raised an eyebrow in question but he just shook his head and settled back into his chair with a blank expression. It wouldn't do to show his shock or worry. If she hadn't regenerated the first time; he would have never seen her again, no one would have known that she had died bar maybe a couple of humans.

In the Antarctic, the Doctor refuses to regenerate ... twice

"Doctor. What does it mean 'twice'?" For once Jack was serious, glancing quickly between her and the screen. She didn't answer him, he'd find out. They would all find out how close she had been to not being here, how much she wanted to not be here sometimes (most of the time).

The 1st and 12th Doctors meet

"Are you meeting yourself again? I thought you weren't supposed to do that." Amy asked.

"Yes, I met myself again. No, we aren't really supposed to do that. Though it does seem to keep happening to me, not always necessarily my fault." She mused on that, Gallifrey was definitely to blame for several occasions. "To be fair, this is well after the last video, at least a thousand odd years or so." She was probably a bit snappish but she really wasn't happy about what they were going to find out in this video.

The 12 Doctor tries to get a grip on what is going on, relaising who the 1st Doctor is and where he is in the timeline. The 1st Doctor is confused about who 12 is

"You really didn't know it was you that you were talking to?" Martha questioned looking worriedly at the quiet Doctor. She was never naturally this quiet which meant this was something she didn't want to talk about.

"Well, I didn't really expect it back in those days plus I was still pretty young despite appearances."

The 1st Doctor is wary that 12 is trying to take back the Tardis

"What do you mean 'take it back'?" Mickey asked. He was comfortable on his sofa, arm around his wife as she cuddled into his shoulder.

Bill was happily leaning against the Doctor. It was rare the Doctor allowed physical contact as Eyebrows so she was enjoying it while it lasted. Plus, she appreciated the comfort.

River had gone back to sitting with her parents between videos so Yaz was now leaning back on the sofa, enjoying the space. She and the other two on her sofa shared a look, the Doctor had mentioned she had stolen it but they had never gotten much more out of her.

"Did I not mention that I stole the TARDIS and ran away?" She grinned a bit sheepish despite herself, she got her answer through a few vigorous shaking heads from some of her companions that didn't know. The rest of the companions grinned, most already knowing something about it but happy for the reminder and glad to see she was entertaining herself.

The 1st Doctor is confused by 12th's Tardis, wondering what he'd done to it as it has changed

"Oh, so you don't just insult each other, you also insult each other's Tardises." Clara smiled at the Doctor, but it faded a bit when she didn't meet her gaze.

The 1st Doctor refuses to regenerate, hypocritically 1 calls him out on this, explaining how it works and feels. Then realising if 1 doesn't regenerate the future never happens with severe consequences

"Is that really what regeneration is like? I know you've said it is painful." Rose asked, having seen two regenerations (well one and a half) but still unsure of what it actually felt like. The Doctor had been up and running and didn't really mention it again, well after collapsing unconscious for several hours.

"It's incredibly painful. Every cell in your body burns and is replaced. River and the Master could tell you the same."

"Yes, it's painful, but you've always seemed to have it worse than anyone I've ever seen my dear Doctor." The Master shared a glance with her, his expression blank. Both were thinking the same thing. Was it because of the Timeless Child?

The others ignored the exchange, choosing to focus on another part of her comment. "River? You're a Time Lord?" Rose asked shocked.

"It's complicated, I'm not a full Time Lord but I was conceived in the TARDIS so I'm not quite human." River explained a bit, but her attention was focused on her wife who was back to glaring the screen and refusing to meet anyone's eyes.

The Doctor is distracted by the snow which has frozen mid air. Something is wrong with time. The Captain has appeared and asks for a Doctor

"Doctor! You could be a bit nicer; he's clearly confused." Donna berated the Time Lady.

In a trench in 1914 two soldiers point guns at each other, neither understands each other but neither want to die or kill. Time freezes, leaving only the Captain moving as a transparent figure appears and declares a timeline error

"Who is that?" Mickey asked but received no answer.

Back int he Antarctic. Something is very wrong with time, the Doctors and Captain face the figure who is definietly not human. The figure disappears

The companions all grinned remembering all the times the Doctor had saved the world. All her speeches and all the species she had sent running away from the Earth because she protected it. The Doctor watched the screen, analysing everything, who had she been kidding? How could she protect Earth if she couldn't protect Gallifrey? Or even know who she was?

They move to 12's Tardis, 1 is not impressed by the changes

"Like the new interior Doctor! She's as beautiful as always." Jack looked a bit lovesick seeing the new TARDIS design. The others who hadn't seen it before were all studying the screen intensely, comparing it to the one(s) they knew.

Insults to the Tardis as standard while the Captain is in shock

"At this point I think it is tradition for me to hate my future TARDIS designs until I regenerate into the appropriate face." The Doctor mumbled to herself, drawing a few raised eyebrows.

CAPTAIN: Bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.
DOCTOR: You know, I thought it probably was. I'm glad it's not just me.

"You were really sarcastic that regeneration, weren't you?" Amy laughed. "Shame I didn't meet you like that; we could have been sarcastic Scots together!" Amy grinned wider when she got a returning genuine grin from the Doctor. Amy had probably been some inspiration in the accent subconsciously. Eyebrows may have had a face as a reminder of Donna and her words but the accent was all his little Amelia's. Or maybe it was for Jamie, who had lost all memories of him. Maybe it was for both of them, both of his dear Scottish friends, they would have gotten on well.

1's Tardis is shown to be about 70 feet away and 12 advises him to remember where to park

"Had a bit of trouble with that eh, Doc? You always need to leave it somewhere you will remember." Jack laughed along with Rose, both remembering the first time they had met back in 1941. The others looked at the pair confused before shrugging it off as an inside joke.

The Captain fears he is going mad as 12 lays out the situation

"Says you, you're a certified madman." Donna scoffed. The Doctor shrugged. It's not like she could (or would) deny it.

Spoilers, 12 calls it World War One based on the uniform. The Captain quickly notices the One

"That's my word honey. You really need to stop messing with history." River smiled at her wife who rolled her eyes. Like River had any place to talk, she messed with history just as much as she did, if not more at times.

1 is finally told who 1 is and is in disbelief. Lots of insults as normal, this time about age

The others laughed at her offended expression, even the Master chuckled quietly in his corner. The Doctor muttered to herself, still offended by that comment. She may have been older in age, but she was younger in appearance!

The Captain is given some brandy, the Doctors attempt to explain who they are, 1 calls 12 his nurse to 12's annoyance

The others resumed laughing again. It was a change to see the Doctor get offended like that, of course it was her past face that did it.

1 continues insults as a male nurse from the Captain's point of view is unlikely. 1 insults woman (mostly to annoy 12) but 12 tries to stop him as everyone is going to call him out on that mistake

"Before you say anything that was a very long time ago and I spent most of my time in the 60's so I picked up some of the time period's idiotic views. I'm going to apologise now for everything he, erm I, say. No, I do not agree with it." The Doctor put her hands up before the abuse started. She got a few questioning eyebrows to which she answered with a frown.

1 calls 12 out on having drunk some alchol in the last fifteen hundred years

"You have alcohol on the Tardis? And you never told me about this. Seriously Doc I'm offended, you've been holding out on me!" Jack laughed, hand on his heart in fake offense.

"Why do you even have it? You hate the taste, I kept having to remind you of that moron." Amy grinned thinking back to all the times she had seen him drink (and then spit out) alcohol.

"I didn't think it would be a good idea to give you more alcohol Jack, and my tastes change with the face Amy. Besides it doesn't really have the same effect on Time Lords as it does humans due to our-."

"Superior biology." Her companions mimicked interrupting her, bursting into laughter once they realised what they had done.

"Good to see you haven't changed much!" Rose managed to choke out amongst her laughter. The Doctor smiled at her companions, mildly offended but too happy to see them happy and distracted. Then she got curious and more serious look. "Is there something else that works like alcohol for you? I mean I know Advil is poisonous to you, but is there anything else we should know?"

"Advil's poisonous? Blimey Doc, you should have warned us." Graham blinked worriedly.

"Yeah, sorry Graham. Probably should have, guess it didn't come up. To answer your question Rose, ginger acts similarly to alcohol for us. We can't really metabolise it easily." The Doctor answered a bit sheepish. She purposely ignored the fact she had eaten ginger sweets around her latest companions without them knowing.

1 is confused and continues to insult 12's choice of interior design. 12 tries to dney the electric guitar is his

"Wait, since when do you play the guitar?" Martha questioned bemused but entertained by the Doctor trying to pretend it wasn't his.

Clara and Bill groaned in sync. "He was always playing it in that face. Really annoying." Clara explained.

"To be fair he was really good at it." Bill admitted gaining a large grin from the Doctor.

The Tardis starts shaking as they are grabbed and winched up into a spaceship. They can't get the engines to start. The figure's voice echoes ordering them to leave the Tardis and enter the Chamber of the Dead

"Chamber of the Dead. That doesn't sound like a nice place." Nardole muttered half to himself.

12 and the Captain stays in the Tardis, 1 goes out. The Doctor is refered to as the Doctor of War, but 1 is too young and denies it

The Doctor grimaced, she had never imagined everything she would have done and seen when she first left Gallifrey. She never imagined she would gain any titles let alone one like the 'Doctor of War'. She had wanted to explore the universe and look after Susan not become any kind of figure or soldier.

"Doctor of War?" Yaz asked, biting her lip. They were learning more and more about the Doctor and it was making her worry more and more for the Doctor.

"I've travelled for a long time and picked up quite a few titles. Not all of them nice ones. I'm not proud of most of them." The Doctor sighed.

The figure wants the Captain, and offers a gift in exchange. Bill appears from the shadows to 1's confusion

"But that's me! I definitely don't remember that. Doctor, what's going on?" Bill shouted confused, turning to the Doctor, eyes wide in hope of an explanation.

"Don't worry Bill. Everything will be explained I promise. It's nothing bad." The Doctor tried to reassure the girl. Bill watched the Doctor carefully looking for any tells of a lie, nodding slowly in a tentative agreement to wait after a minute of no tells showing themselves.

12 runs out the Tardis. They hug and reunite, but 12 pulsls back to scan her with his sonic. 12 isn't happy

DOCTOR: My friend Bill Potts was turned into a Cyberman. She gave her life so that people she barely knew could live. So, let's be clear. Nobody imitates Bill Potts. Nobody mocks Bill Potts.

"You were turned into a Cyberman? I'm so sorry." Clara looked at the younger girl, understanding and sympathy on her face. "My boyfriend was turned into one, you know during the whole thing with the rain over the cemeteries."

"Oh yeah I remember that! Of course, the Doctor would be involved in that. I'm sorry about your boyfriend." Bill offered her condolences and the other muttered some as well. The ones that had encountered the Cybermen were stuck remembering their own experiences.

The Doctor glared at the Master as he had been responsible for both Cybermen invasions, and Clara and Bills suffering. The Master met her stare blankly, refusing to show any regret. She gritted her teeth. She was really trying to stop herself from leaping to her feet and punching him just to draw out some emotion. Then a new thought slammed across her mind and she had to stifle a chuckle. That made the Master look up at her bewildered at the shift in her mood. "Contact."

"Contact. That's three times you've tried Cybermen recently. Four if you count the Mondasian ship twice. Why? It never works and you always find yourself almost getting killed. You used to be so interesting and now you are reusing the same scheme over and over." She laughed at him over their mental ink with an edge of a serious question.

"I am interesting! How else am I supposed to get your attention? I'm not stupid enough to try the Daleks and I hate them too much to properly try. The Cybermen, however, aren't supposed to pose much danger to us but lots to your little pets." The Master answered, feelings of annoyance and a bit of desperation leaking across lowered mental barriers.

"You really aren't interesting. Some of your older schemes maybe, but definitely not anymore. You used to have manners back then as well. If you want my attention all you have to do is call me, I miss my friend." The Doctor stared him down for a minute to convey the seriousness of her message before turning back to the screen and decidedly ignoring him. He always led to such a mix of emotions, always conflicting ones. She hated him so much but she also still loved him. She hated herself for that.

12 wants to know how Bill escaped, Bill explains Heather (puddle girl) showed up to help

"Girl in the puddle. I'm sorry, what?" Mickey asked taken aback. That was definitely high on the weird scale.

"Long story." The Doctor, Bill and Nardole synchronised grinning at each other.

12 pushes but Bill can't remember details or how she got there. He scans her with the sonic again, 1 is confused by the sonic

"You didn't have your sonic back then?" Martha asked the Doctor, mostly entertained by what she had seen so far.

"No, not back then."

12 calls Bill a duplicate to her protests. Both Doctors explore and discuss time travel technology as 1 pushes on the sonic sunglasses

"That's new." Rose remarked, trying to determine what she thought. A few other companions laughed. River shook her head exasperated with her husband/wife.

The figure/glass woman appears and explains what they are - Testimony. The Doctors push for further answers, the figure explains they were putting the Captain back but a time error occurred and put him in the wrong time zone so his death can occur. 1 looks at the figure with his monocle

That drew laughter from the companions. It was entertaining to see how the two Doctor reacted to things differently.

1 and 12 argue. 1 worked out that the person used to be someone while 12 thinks thet are a computer generated face until 1 points out her face is too asymmetrical, and then insults him again

"Do you ever stop fighting with yourself?" Clara sighed exasperated while the other companions laughed a bit at the two Doctors.

The Captain leaves the Tardis and offers himself for Bill, Bill is confused as the Captain insists

"That's very brave of him." Amy stated, drawing nods from the others around the room.

"Yes, he was. It runs in his family." The Doctor added grinning when everyone looked at her confused.

Bill disagrees with that deal, and tells 12 (on his request) to do as he always does and serve at the pleasure of the human race

The Master raised an eyebrow, turning to meet the Doctor's questioning gaze. "Serve the humans? Why? You are so much above them." He used their telepathy to ask his questions.

"I am not above them. I like them. I do it to save my friends and all the innocents. They don't deserve to die." A few of the others watched the two best enemies who seemed to be having a mental conversation, only a few of them realising how true that thought was.

12 lays out the escape plan while the figure tries to deny that its possible. 12 takes his turn to insult 1 as they are confused by his syaing his plans out loud

The companions laughed at the way the two incarnations of the Doctor interacted and the complete confusion of the younger Doctor.

The Doctor laughs at the figure and declares his intention to stop them

The companions grinned. No matter the face the Doctor didn't change too much. How they dealt with situations like this were ultimately similar. It was good to see them back to themselves, stopping evil plans.

1 has had enough and demands answers as he doesn't understand who 12 is. The figure offers a preview and flashes of the Doctor are shown as the figure lists a long list of the Doctor's names

"That's a lot of names, Doc." Graham said. The Doctor frowned as everyone watched her. She hated to be reminded of everything she had done. No one wanted to break the tension and ask her, some of them knew where some of the names came from but there was so many they didn't know about. River watched worried, she knew where most of the names came from and the way this episode was going was worrying her. This whole thing with the Tardis bringing them here was worrying.

12 tries to make a joke as 1 is in shock by what he's just seen

There was a splutter of laughter as the companions all remembered some of the funny moments over all their adventures. There was an edge though, most of them knew the Doctor used humour to cover up their issues and when they were hurt.

The group escape as 12 sonics the winches, freeing the Tardis

The Doctor grinned, glad for the distraction. "Yes, we are."

The winches stop and the group slide down the chains just before the Tardis is winched up again. New plan is to run. Testimony may have 12's Tardis, but not 1's

"Nice plan." Jack nodded, grinning.

Bill realises something is different about this other Tardis, as they all go in. 12 tells 1 to take off, just anywhere, immediately

"Woah, that's white and clean. What happened to it?" Martha asked. The rest of the companions were taking in the sight of the TARDIS shocked. It was nothing like the TARDIS they all knew.

"That's what she looked like when I first stole her. She gained some personality of her own since then. Desktop has changed a lot." The Doctor grinned. She really loved her TARDIS.

The Tardis moves through the vortex. 1 figures out Bill travels with 12 and calls her up on 12's Tardis needing a clean as 12 tries to stop him. Bill works out 1 is one of 12's regenerations, while the Captain is very confused

"You keep confusing the poor man. He's had traumatic enough a day as it is. Honestly Spaceman you're a right Martian sometimes." Donna sighed exasperated. A few companions nodded in agreement with small smiles.

12 uses his sonic sunglasses to look at an image of the figure and decides they need to identify her, he puts the glasses on 1. 12 enjoys seeing 1 with the glasses until 1 brings up browser history and 12 quickly grabs his shades

"What dirty secrets are you hiding Doctor?" Jack grinned suggestively, happy to have a break from the tension. She rolled her eyes at him, no matter how long it had been he never changed. Most of the companions laughed seeing his first face wearing the sunglasses. Even the Master broke a small smile that he managed to hide from (almost) everyone. It was a long time since he had seen the first incarnation of the Doctor, the face he had grown up and, although he would never admit it, he was feeling slightly nostalgic.

They need a bigger matrix than the Tardis, even bigger than the Matrix on Gallifrey

The Doctor frowned; she wouldn't have wanted to go back to Gallifrey anyway. It was too complicated with two of them and who knows what her reception would have been with how she had run off with Clara last time. That's to say she found it before the Master had destroyed it.

The Captain and Bill talk, the Captain compliments the glass lady, 1 and the Captain have a laugh over it then Bill reveals her own love of woman to the Captain's shock

"You're into girls?" Clara asked.

Bill shuffled uncomfortable and nervous about where this conversation was going but answered in the positive. She got a reassuring nod from the Doctor which put her a bit more at ease, surely her friends couldn't be all too bad.

"Cool, I'm Bi. It's nice to have allies here." Clara smiled at the younger girl; she had a feeling they would be good friends. After all they had both dealt with Eyebrows.

"Same here. I mean I'm Bi too." Yaz spoke up, drawing a shocked glance from Ryan and Graham. "What?"

"No. no. Nothing wrong with that love. Should have known." Graham smiled at her while Ryan nodded frantically, trying not to offend her or give the wrong impression.

"You don't have anything to worry about. Jack will flirt and sleep with just about everything. No one will get judged for anything like that here." The Doctor pointed to Jack who grinned widely winking at the three girls. Around the room the other companions nodded and smiled, some of them weren't exactly straight and none of them had anything against anyone who wasn't. Clara, Bill and Yaz grinned at each other and shared a mental thought of having a proper conversation later.

"And I still can't get you, Doc. I think I even bought you that drink at one point." Jack flirted drawing an eyeroll from the Doctor who was also doing nothing to hide her smile.

"Back off my wife Harkness." River threatened. Jack put his hands up in mock surrender but winked at both of the married pair.

They've landed. 1 is shocked by 12's perfect piloting, while Bill wants to know where they are. They're at the centre of the universe

"Even you look so confused that you managed to land where you meant to. I think that tells you something Doctor." Rose teased while the others laughed.

"Hey! I can drive perfectly well thank you very much." The Doctor huffed.

River and the Master were laughing the loudest. "Sweetie, you leave the brakes on constantly." River pointed out.

"I like the noise! It needs to make the noise! Besides, the TARDIS and I have an agreement she doesn't always take me where I want to go but she always takes me where I need to be."

The Master chuckled. "You are still terrible. How many times did you fail your TARDIS driving test? Four, five, six, more?"

"Wait she failed? How many times did it take her to pass?!" Mickey spluttered. The others were watching and laughing, interested in the answer.

The Master laughed harder. "She didn't. Plus, she stole a Type 40 TARDIS, one from a museum whose navigation system was broken." He was enjoying embarrassing the Doctor, even if it was to her little pets.

"Hey! I drive perfectly well on my own. It's supposed to have six pilots and I've learnt how to drive over the millennia. She's perfect the way she is!" The Doctor tried to explain amongst her laughing companions.

"That explains so much Doc." Graham chuckled. It took a while for them all to calm down.

12 revelas the database they need is here but there's a slight problem in that it want to kill him

"Doesn't everything." The Doctor sighed. The others laughed at her but they knew it was true. Most things that knew the Doctor either loved her or wanted to kill her. She was a bit like marmite in that sense.

They're on Villengard which has been mostly abandoned. Things run around the planet as they group moves along. 1 thinks the creatures are familiar as 12 confirms it should be

"Doctor is that what I think it is?" Martha asked wide eyed.

"If you are thinking about the sewers in Manhattan than yes, kind of." The Doctor said matter of fact, mouth pulled into a grimace. The others watched the exchange, curious and worried but with no idea what they were talking about. Mickey thought it sounded familiar, his wife had probably told him about it at some point but he couldn't place it.

12 sends the group to wait in the Tardis, to Bill's protests. 12 wants to protect Bill even as she thinks he is just scared she's a duplicate

DOCTOR: I don't know what I think. But if there's the slightest chance that Bill Potts is alive and standing in front of me, then I will not, under any circumstances, put her life in danger again.

"Doctor." Bill looked at her, eyes wide and sad.

"No Bill, I failed to protect you the first time, if there was any chance that really was you there was no way I was letting you get hurt again." She glanced at Clara before finishing. "I have a duty of care."

Bill gets angry at the Doctor before 1 interrupts them due to Bill's language. 12 asks to never speak about it again but Bill just wants him to come back alive

Bill offered a warm understanding smile to the Doctor. It may not have actually been her but she appreciated the Doctor trying to protect her. Even if he/she was still a stubborn idiot.

1 and Bill talk in the Tardis briefly before leaving the Captain and Bill alone with the brandy. Bill is revealed to have a glass hand

"She's one of those things!" Rory pointed out nervous. The others watched scared for what was going to happen. The Doctor smiled sadly. Part of her was glad they were concerned but the rest of her didn't believe she deserved it.

1 catches up with 12 as he continues ot be invasive about the creatures

The Master looked at her with a look that could almost be mistaken for concern. She shrugged at him; he was right in what they were but he would find out what happens like the others. River had also worked it out and was watching her worriedly.

The two Doctor's discuss regeneration and why they are refusing - fear namely from 1, 12 doesn't answer

"Well, you have now Spaceman. It's alright to be scared you know, you're dying." Donna tried to comfort the Doctor who was watching the screen blankly. She didn't like the reminders of everything.

"I've died a lot of times." She muttered vaguely.

"That doesn't ever make it easier Doctor." Jack spoke softly for once. She failed to supress an angry snort, of course he would be the one to know.

They are interrupted by a laser bolt from a tower. 12 calls the shooter a friend even as they run before calling up to the tower to scan him as he reveals he is dying

"You normally don't worry about that when you insult people. Have you finally gained some common sense?" Amy asked shocked and disbelieving. Clara, Bill and Nardole laughed shaking her head. She looked betrayed, then turned pleadingly to her fam. They shrugged before shaking their heads too. She put a hand to one of her hearts in mock offense.

The tower opens and the Doctors go up. Back in the Tardis Bill and the Captain talk about family and dying. The Captain reveals the has a family including sons and is terrified to die only to look up and see the Glass Woman

"Oh no."

12 wants to go alone, 1 refuses until 12 points out both of them dying would cause a paradox that would not be fun to fix so 1 agrees allowing 12 to go up alone. 1 is approached by the Glass Woman who comes from the Tardis

Everyone was watching nervous for both the Doctors despite knowing she was here safe with them. A few were curious about the paradox ripping apart the universe and putting it back together comment but decided not to ask, they would probably be shown if it was important.

The Doctor talks to his friend at the top of the Tower. 1 makes the connection of who the friend is (based on a Dalek eye stalk) and the Glass Woman comes up to him

Everyone had worked it out at this point and were looking even more worriedly at the screen. The Doctor was alive and with them but they were still worried, she had a habit of getting herself into trouble and hurt.

We see Rusty from Into the Dalek, who denies being a good Dalek and turns the title back on 12. 1 greets Bill. 12 tells Rusty to stop shooting is he wants to see him die

"Rusty? Our Rusty?" Clara asked looking at the Doctor for confirmation.

"Rusty? You know it?" Jack asked incredulous. The others shared the same expression.

"Yes, we had a little trip inside him. He's a good Dalek, or as good as they can be. He's not the first good or okay Dalek I've met but the others are all dead I think." The Doctor answered knowing they wouldn't get any further if she didn't answer.

Rusty agrees and gives proof in removing his weapon stalk

"It disarmed itself? They never do that." River watched the screen; face crinkled in confusion and worry.

"It knows me and was interested in finding out why I was there. Like I said, Rusty's a good Dalek. Besides, he figured he could get something out of it." The Doctor shrugged, sending a reassuring smile to her wife.

Bill talks to 1 - calling him the original

The Doctor refused to acknowledge the look she got from the Master at that comment. Both now knew that wasn't her first face.

1 urges Bill to return to the safety of the Tardis as Bill continues to press and ask why they ran away - not what they were running from but what they were running to

The Doctor smiled at Bill, she missed having her around both as her friend and as her student. Bill asked great questions and not always the ones she expected. She was also curious about the conversation; her memories were still a bit blurry on it because of it being so long ago and the fact there was two of them around.

Back in the tower, 12 and Rusty talk and 12 asks to access the Dalek database as it is the biggest one they know of

"He's really a good Dalek?" Rose asked. The last time she had seen a supposed 'good' Dalek was also the first one she had ever met one and they had destroyed themselves after killing hundreds of people.

The Doctor shrugged. "About as good as they get. Rusty kills any Daleks that get near them." She looked at the Ponds and Clara. "He would probably fit in at the Asylum."


DOCTOR 1: There is good and there is evil. I left Gallifrey to answer a question of my own. By any analysis, evil should always win. Good is not a practical survival strategy. It requires loyalty, self-sacrifice and er, love. So, why does good prevail? What keeps the balance between good and evil in this appalling universe? Is there some kind of logic? Some mysterious force?

"Is that really why you left?" Donna asked, for once soft in a kind of maternal way glancing at the Doctor. This video was worrying her. As was the whole manner of the Doctor, it reminded her too much of how she (then he) had been after the trouble on Midnight.

"Part of it, there was many reasons and I have forgotten half of them at this point. I didn't ever really fit in. I just knew I needed to leave, and I wanted a new start for Susan." The Doctor sighed. She shot a quick look at the Master, maybe the knowledge, the belief that she needed to leave was because of her past.

Bill counters with her theory - that there is a bloke wandering across the universe and fixing it when it goes wrong, 1 thinks the idea a fairy tale, but Bill continues calling him amazing and telling him to never forget it

A round of nods and noises of agreements sounded throughout the room. They all agreed with what Bill had said, barring the Master, and were happily reminiscing on all their adventures. However, there was a tension lurking in the room, as much as they wanted to none of them could forget what this video was about – the Doctor was refusing to regenerate.

Bill reveals herself to be a glass figure, denies being a spy and saying they just wanted to understand. 12 works out who the figure is - Helen Clay from the Universe of New Earth, and that it isn't an evil plan but a way to record memories. 12 is confused about why Rusty has stopped

"That's a very rare occurrence with you. Somehow you always seem to find trouble in the most normal of situations." Martha laughed alongside the rest of the companions at the Doctor's disbelief.

"I guess it was going to happen one of these days." Amy joked smiling at the other woman, they hadn't had much time to really talk much between each other but had all knew the Doctor and had travelled with him so they had to be good people.

Time has frozen again, Bill and 1 enter and reveal not everything is an evil plan. 12 states he knew she wasn't real but Bill persisits that she is real as she is memories and then calls him out on not regenerating

BILL: Oh, shut up and stop being so stupid. Of course I'm real. What is anyone supposed to be except a bunch of memories? These are my memories, so this is me. I'm Bill Potts, and I'm back, and so long as I'm here, what the hell do you mean, you're not going to regenerate?

The companions were all trying really hard not to stare at the Doctor, shooting her concerned glances instead. It was Rory that broke the tense silence. "Why were you regenerating anyway, what happened?"

The Doctor grimaced, looking between Bill, Nardole and the Master, the only ones who had any kind of idea what was going on. She had just about gathered the courage to answer but Bill beat her to it. "We were on the ship escaping a blackhole. Me, the Doctor, Nardole, Missy and the Master (yes there was two of them, long story). The Master was trying to create an army of Cybermen and I was converted but retained myself. The Doctor messed up their plot, as usual, and they fled with us. We were trying to protect the last group of people but both the Master and Missy ran off and Nardole managed to take the humans to safety. The Doctor and I were left fighting the Cybermen. The idiot blew them up, but blew himself up alongside them. My friend Heather, who is the Pilot – long story, don't ask – saved me and we saved the Doctor, returning him to the TARDIS. When I left, I was unsure whether he was even alive." Bill rambled sadness permeating from her as she rambled trying to explain the situation. The others listened trying to understand and take in what had been said.

"Ran off? Ran off? You don't even know." The Master shouted angrily, glaring wide eyed at the Doctor. He was breathing heavily before he went wide eyed and started laughing edging into hysterics. "Of course, you don't know. So readily believing the worst, I bet you didn't ever really believe I would change."

"Don't know what? You left me. I begged you to stay with me and you ran off with your younger self! Of course, I believed you! I always believe you because I am an idiot, a hopeful idiot who misses her friend! Even though you keep hurting me and the people I care about." The Doctor shouted angry and desperate to understand. They had both avoided talking about Missy in all their interactions since, she needed to know what had happened.

"I killed the younger-me, so he would regenerate into me and I was coming back. I was going to stand with you. Younger-me didn't agree with my decision and shot me with his laser screwdriver. He thought he killed me with no regenerations but I had put protections into my corset. I lay there for ages, waiting for you to find me!" He was angry again, shouting at her while the others watched confused and worried. "Eventually, I managed to crawl away and found a way of that infernal ship." He paused for a moment before finishing with a hoarse whisper. "I was going to stand with you. Without hope. Without witness. Without reward."

She gaped at him, speechless unsure of what to say and unable to say anything. Eventually she managed to choke out, "I didn't know."

He shot her with a blank glare. "Of course, you didn't. You never do. You so readily believed I had betrayed you. What did you think the knife was for?"

"I thought you were threatening me like normal! What did you expect me to think? I begged you to stay so you take my hand and press a knife against my arm. Why would I think you were going to stab your younger self? You're usually all about self-preservation and survival. Besides I couldn't exactly come to save you seeing as I was dying at the time too!" She wasn't even sure if she was trying to beg for forgiveness or to shout angrily at him anymore. She watched him carefully looking for any sort of tells of what he was thinking. Nothing. She swallowed and turned determinedly away from him and back to the screen.

The companions shared a look, but didn't say anything and allowed the video to continue. The drama between the Time Lords was dangerous to try and get between on a normal day, with both of them being this emotionally charged in a small space together – they had no hope of staying out of it.

12 claims everything has to have an end, Bill brings up the Captain. 12 requests they be allowed to take the Captain back

"You have a plan, right? You're not just going to take him back to his death? Right, Doc?" Graham asked worried, breaking the tense atmosphere that had settled after the explosive argument between the two Time Lords.

"Just watch Graham, it will be okay I promise." She sighed. She was so tired of everything and it was only going to get worse.

The Two Tardises are on the move. 12 explains to 1 that them being in the same place caused the time error anomaly that brought the Captain to them. 1 asks why the Captain is important, 12 counters with the sentiment that everybody's important to someone

The companions all glanced at the Doctor and then their own friends/family in the room. The Doctor's words rang true in all their heads. Some of them were remembering when she had said similar things around them.


They land back in 1914. They return the Captain who is trying to be gracious in the face of his death. The Captain asks the Doctors to look after his family and finally gives his name - Captain Archibald Hamish Lethbridge-Stewart

"He's Kate's grandfather? Or Great-grandfather?" Clara asked, blinking at the screen shocked.

"Yes, I think so. Funny how things turn out isn't it. I've met three generations of Lethbridge-Stewarts and they are all brave and amazing people." The Doctor smiled sadly remembering her dear friend and then cheered up a bit more happily thinking about Kate. She should really say hello to her and the Osgoods in this face, that may surprise them for once. Although there was that problem with the withdrawal of funding for UNIT.

CAPTAIN: Thank you so much. I believe I am now ready.
(He sits and points his pistol at the German. The Glass Woman vanishes and Time restarts.)
GERMAN SOLDIER: Das ist verruckt. Ich will dir nicht wehtun.
(That's crazy. I don't want to hurt you.)
CAPTAIN: :Cold, isn't it? It's about to get colder, I suppose, for one of us.
(Fingers tighten on triggers, then -)
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht. Alles schlaft, einsam wacht.
CAPTAIN: I say, is that singing?

The Glass Woman vanishes, the Doctors are made invisible (perception filter) and time restarts. The German solider and Captain are back in the trenches scared. They're interrupted by singing

"What's going on?" Mickey questioned. Despite his confusion a smile made its way onto his face. A few companions had a sneaking suspicion of what was going on and started to smile.

White flags are raised as the Captain and German soldier try to work out what is going on

DOCTOR: I adjusted the time frame, only by a couple of hours. Any other day it wouldn't make any difference, but this is Christmas 1914, and a human miracle is about to happen. The Christmas Armistice.

Now everyone was grinning. Of course, the Doctor had managed to save him. That's what she did. What they all did.

The Captain puts away his pistol and calls for help for the German soldier.

DOCTOR: But for one day, one Christmas, a very long time ago, everyone just put down their weapons, and started to sing. Everybody just stopped. Everyone was just kind.

1 realises 12 has saved the Captain and the two briefly talk about the universe not being a fairy tale, but that's where they step in

"So, you know then? You understand? The impact you have on people. You save so many Doctor." River spoke softly but hopeful. The others watched the Doctor with a similar expression, sometimes she could be such an idiot and didn't understand what she meant to people and the universe.

"It's never enough." The Doctor muttered quietly enough that most didn't hear and simply accepted her silence as a sign to move on.

1 decides they are ready to make their decision and leaves with goodbyes, back in the Tardis 1 regenerates into 2

Everyone watched interested to see the Doctor's first regeneration and their second face.

Bill is with 12, and reveals that the hardest part of travelling with the Doctor was letting go of him

The rest of the companions that had already left, everyone barring the current three, nodded in agreement. Smiling sadly at the Doctor who glanced around at them with a soft smile. That was one of the hardest things for her as well, losing them. Even when they left to lead a happy life it was so hard.

The Doctor still isn't convinced on the memory thing but Bill gives him proof and a gift in the form of Clara wishing him merry Christmas

"That's me!" Clara stated shocked.

"Yes, in a way that's you. In the same way the other one is Bill." The Doctor smiled at Clara.

"Do you ever have a calm Christmas? I know you spent most when we knew you saving people." Rory queried out of the blue, having noticed Not-Clara's words rather than her appearance.

"I can't really remember one recently, mine usually end in an adventure; some better than others." The Doctor shrugged; her face scrunched up trying to think back to her last properly peaceful Christmas.

The Doctor is given his memories of Clara back as she tells him to not forget again

"So that's how you remembered?" It wasn't really a question, more a statement but the Doctor nodded.

"You forgot her? How did you forget her?" It was Donna, of course, who asked.

"There was a bad situation and we were too alike. It was dangerous. One of us needed to forget the other. Both had a 50/50 chance and in the end the Doctor was the one that lost his memories of me. I'm sure it will be explained properly at one point." Clara explained sadly. She was happy he remembered but sad it was when he was dying. And that he was dying alone.

Nardole shows up and the Doctor tries to joke through his feelings as normal

"Oi! Be nice." Rose protested, sending a sharp glare at the Doctor who held her hands up in surrender, trying to hide her smile. Rose could be just like her mother at times and the Doctor was glad she wasn't in slapping distance.

Nardole and Bill argue findly before asking the Doctor to not die

NARDOLE: Don't die. Because if you do, I think everybody in the universe might just go cold.

The Doctor scoffed. All her companions turned to her in shock, did she really not know what she meant to the universe?

"Doctor, you may be female now but you're still a stupid old man. Do you not remember on Trenzalore? Do you know what Vastra told me how about that time the Great Intelligence was erasing your timeline?" Clara ensured the Doctor was actually looking into her eyes before continuing. "The stars were going out. Whole galaxies never existed, other destroyed. Jenny was dead and Strax tried to kill Vastra. All those people you've saved. You have to understand that, the universe needs you."

"She's right. Remember the Pandorica? There were no stars in the sky in that alternative timeline because the TARDIS exploded and destroyed the universe. Then when you fixed it you weren't there and it felt so wrong." Amy added desperately trying to get her friend/daughter-in-law to see.

"Doctor, I don't remember much of the world where I met Rose, with the weird thing on my back, but I know you died and I know the universe was so much worse off because of it." Donna smiled sadly at her.

"Doctor. Sweetie. The universe needs you. And even if it didn't, we need you. I need you. We're your friends, your family and we all love you, no matter your weird quirks or past. We love you. If you don't want to regenerate that's your choice but we love you." River pleaded down at the Doctor who was staring blankly at the floor.

Bill reached over and hugged the Doctor who collapsed into her arms, hiding her face. The others continued to watch worried. Clearly, she had regenerated in the end but she still had the same thoughts from the way she was acting. It suggested she wasn't in a good place mentally, so what had happened since then? What was so bad the TARDIS wanted them to see to help her?

The Doctor just wants peace and Nardole and Bill allow him his choice because they understand. The Doctor argues they don't because he is tired, his life is like a battlefield and everyone else is already gone. He thanks them but declares he needs to take the last step alone

"You really weren't going to regenerate? You were just going to give up. That's even more cowardly than normal for you." The Master initiated contact without looking at her, his face deceptively blank.

"I'm tired Master. I don't care if you think that's cowardly but I'm tired. You can't really say anything – you died in my arms to spite me. I can die if I want to die." She shot back mentally, keeping her face equally blank. None of the others needed to know.

"No, you can't. Only I get to kill you! And I say you can't die yet. I have to be the one to break you and then destroy you. Don't you dare give up on me, I don't care how tired you are." She decided it was better to not acknowledge him, that was his way of expressing concern despite the slightly twisted mentality.

They hug and then disappear as the Doctor decides its time to leave the battlefield

"Thank you, Bill for everything. Really. I'm so sorry about everything and I'm so glad you are safe with Heather. You too Nardole, thank you for looking after me for those 70 years and for going with those children back on the ship. I never got to say that to you both properly but thank you." The Doctor pulled back from the hug and composed herself. She turned to look at all her companions. "Thank you to all of you for putting up with me and for everything you ever have been and are to me. It's selfish but I really wouldn't have missed a second of any of it."

The Doctor is in the Tardis as it flashes, beeps and the cloister bells toll. He is talking the Tardis and decides that one more lifetime won't kill anyone, except him

DOCTOR: You wait a moment, Doctor. Let's get it right. I've got a few things to say to you. Basic stuff first. Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never, ever eat pears! Remember, hate is always foolish. and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind. Oh, and you mustn't tell anyone your name. No one would understand it, anyway. Except, ah! (collapses) Except children. Children can hear it sometimes. If their hearts are in the right place, and the stars are too, children can hear your name. Argh! But nobody else. Nobody else, ever. Laugh hard, run fast, be kind. Doctor, I let you go.

Everyone watched the screen in a gross mixture of fascination and sadness. Clara and Bill, the ones that had really known that face had tears in their eyes alongside a few of the others. It was painful and heart-breaking watching their friend, their family dying. And dying alone. Bill held the Doctor tighter in her arms, refusing to let her go. She needed the comfort, let alone the Doctor (who would never admit she needed some too).

The Doctor was analysing the screen having finally freed herself from Bill's arms. These were Eyebrow's last words and hopes for this regeneration and she hadn't been living up to them. It was so hard to be kind and nice, especially with Gallifrey's destruction and then all the lies. She had tried to seem happy and carefree this time. Tried to kept her fam safe by keeping her distance. It was just so hard. She was just so angry and the universe just kept throwing more reasons to be angry at her. She had died alone and regretful and that had imprinted on her.

The Doctor regenerates into a much younger blonde female - 13 who exclaims brilliant in her very baggy clothes. The Tardis starts crashing from the mess of the Doctor's regeneration. Despite her best attempts she falls out of the Tardis towards the distant ground as the Tardis interior is on fire then vanishes

"You fell out?!" River asked staring worriedly at her wife who was refusing to look anywhere but the floor. She hadn't been looking forward to the ensuing comments her regeneration and subsequent crashing would cause.

"I put off regeneration for too long, it made it more explosive. Plus, she was annoyed at me for regenerating in her again." The Doctor muttered shrugging. She really needed to stop regenerating in the TARDIS.

"How long? Doctor, how long did you put it off for?" Jack was serious in the way he only was around her in extremely serious circumstances. She muttered an answer quietly but the pair hadn't heard. "How long Doctor?!"

"Two weeks alright! I put it off for about two weeks. I had been injured by a Cyberman before we escaped and the explosion only made it even worse. I didn't think it would matter; I wasn't going to regenerate at all." The Doctor exploded arms flailing around at her sides as she glared between the pair.

She couldn't deal with the pity in their expressions. Her next words slipped out shocking both her and the rest of the room. "Besides he was wrong. I shouldn't have regenerated at all."

"Doctor." Martha was the first to speak amongst the tense room. "If you had died there, none of us would have ever known you were even dead. What about us? Don't we deserve a goodbye?" She was angry now, angry and scared and frustrated. And so sad for her friend. She spoke again, predicting the Doctor's protests. "And don't even try to claim that saving us from the Sontarans in your tenth form was a proper goodbye!"

The Doctor glared at the ground. She didn't know what to say. She was so tired and everything she had learnt in the Matrix in Gallifrey had only made it worse. She hadn't even meant to voice the niggling thoughts; they had been creeping over her more and more. The time in prison had only solidified her decision.

"What about us Doctor? If you had died there, we probably would have been killed by Tim Shaw and Karl definitely would have. Plus, all those other people we met on our adventures." Ryan pointed out. It was hard seeing his friend like this.

The Doctor knew she wasn't going to get anywhere, not now. "It doesn't matter. Let's just move on. I don't think any of us want to be here any longer than we have to be." The others watched her concerned. None of them wanted to drop the subject but they knew they weren't going to get anywhere at the minute. It was probably better to move on now before she closed off completely. They knew something bad must have happened for her to be thinking like this again and it worried them.

The Doctor put on a fake smile, taking a deep breath before looking back up at the others from her place on her beanbag. "Do you want to continue or does anyone want a break?" She received shrugs of indifference. "Okay, how about we watch another episode or two and then have a break?" This time the nods were more positive so they turned back to the screen a mix of nervous and excited to see what they would be shown next.

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