The Woman Who Fell to Earth

Hello everyone,

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I hope you continue to enjoy the story


The words 'The Woman Who Fell to Earth' appeared on the screen drawing a groan from the Doctor and grins from her newest companions. They all knew that this would be the first time they met. The smiles were tinted with sadness, while they had met the Doctor, they had lost Grace.

Ryan is talking on his youtube channel about the greatest woman he ever met. He explains that he's 19 and a capable guy but can't ride a bike

"I can't ride a bike either and I am a lot older than 19, don't worry about it." Rory smiled at the younger boy who offered a shy smile in return.

"Don't worry Ryan, you'll get it soon." Graham smiled at his grandson who nodded back. He would get it. He was always improving. He would learn for his nan.

They're in Sheffield. Grace is encouraging Ryan to ride his bike to Graham, though she calls him Ryan's grandad

"Sorry Grandad. I shouldn't have been so rude to you." Ryan winced seeing himself on screen. He wasn't looking forward to seeing everything again.

"It's okay Ryan. I wasn't particularly nice to you half the time either." Graham offered a small smile. They really hadn't been on the best terms back then and everything they said seemed to only make it worse. They were a lot better now, he just wished sometimes that Grace was there to see it.

Ryan tries to cycle before falling off. Getting frustrated he throws it off the cliff

"So that's how it ended up in the tree, huh Ryan." Yaz shot Ryan a look who had the decency to look sheepish. He'd forgotten about that detail.

"That's a nice view. Where are you?" Mickey whistled, looking at the sunsetting over the valley on screen.

"Sheffield." Ryan answered.

"Sheffield, that's new. Normally all the chaos is in London." Martha laughed; one hand laced with her husband's settled between their laps.

Grace and Graham try to encourage Ryan but he's not taking it much

Ryan looked at the floor sadly, he missed her so much. He didn't want to see her die again but he wanted the chance to see her again, even if on the screen. The Doctor looked down at the floor, guilty that she hadn't been able to save Grace.

Graham and Grace leave for their train as Ryan goes to get his bike. He finds it in a tree but a glowing diamond appears, turns into a cube before he touches it and it whizzes away. He touches the left over thing before getting out his phone and calling the police unsure

There was a bit of laughter across the room. "I think that's a bit outside the police's area of expertise." Rory joked, smiling in understanding at Ryan who smiled back. It was nice to be around other people that understood. Yaz grinned, she was glad that Ryan had called the police, if he hadn't, she might have not met the Doctor.

Yaz appears, a young probationary police officer, interrupting a pair of ladies arguing over car parking

"You're a police officer?" Bill asked curiously.

"I'm still a probationer but hopefully I will be soon." Yaz nodded back.

The Doctor was grinning wildly at Amy. "Maybe you should get some advice from Amy, Yaz."

"Are you police too?" Yaz asked the Scot.

"No." Said Scot was too busy glaring at the laughing Doctor. When her husband also started to laugh, having been told the full story of the Atraxi and Prisoner Zero, she elbowed him in the shoulder. The others watched the three and decided it was better not to ask.

Yaz talks with a fellow officer/her boss about how she wants something more exciting, he offers her something that just came in

"Well, it certainly was different." Yaz smiled at the Doctor.

"Isn't everything when it comes to the Doctor." Rose laughed. The other companions were grinning as well. Maybe their lives were different because of the Doctor but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Yaz comes upon Ryan staring at the blue thing. She think he dumped it here but he tries to explain it isn't a prank, Yaz isn't impressed

"You sound so done Yaz." Amy grinned.

"Was really fed up with this nonsense. Thought it was a practical joke or something." Yaz smiled back, shrugging. She hadn't believed Ryan at the time, and she'd mostly forgotten with the Doctor and everything after. It was good to see what happened properly, even though it had been a while since it had actually happened.

Ryan introduces himself as Ryan Sinclair and Yaz realises they went to school together as she reintroduces herself as Yasmin Khan

"It's weird how the world works sometimes, ain't it?" Graham vaguely asked the room, not really expecting an answer. The rest of the group nodded along, they saw weird stuff all the time with the Doctor but the little things still managed to confuse them at times.

They do a bit of catching up, Ryan explains he's working in a warehouse as he studies for his NVQ to be a mechanic

"If you ever want any help, I used to be a mechanic." Mickey offered smiling at the newer companion who smiled thankfully nodding eagerly.

She still is convinced he dumped the thing, he convinces her to touch it and its freezing. On a train with Grace and Graham they're talking about the three happy years they've been married and how Ryan still doesn't call Graham grandad

Graham sighed he missed Grace every day. Ryan smiled sadly at Graham who met his glance in understanding. They both missed her so much.

The rest of the group were getting a bad feeling about the fact Grace wasn't in the room with them and the sad smiles the current companions kept sharing.

The driver sees something before being thrown off and the train stops. Graham is thrown out of his seat as the lights go off

"And here is where the trouble starts." Jack was on the edge of his seat, like many others, interested to see the newest Doctor in action. The four that had actually experienced the adventure shared a look.

Grace, Graham and Karl (the only other person in the carriage) on the train check if each other alright, light flashes in the next carriage. Back in the woods Ryan gets a call from Grace, before he and Yaz speed down to meet the train in her police car

"Oh, so you get to use the lights and sirens then." The Doctor teased in mock offence. Yaz simply shook her head exasperated but happy to see the Doctor in better spirits. The Doctor was family and they knew she hadn't told them everything but they trusted her. She hadn't been telling them for a reason, maybe not a good one, but she had a reason. Something had been worrying the Doctor for a while and this would give her a chance to find out and help her. As well as figure out what had happened on the other side of the boundary with the Master. Just because they knew she had a reason, didn't mean they weren't very curious and worried.

On the train the interconnecting door is blown apart as a tentacled things approaches them

"A gathering coil?" River questioned looking to her wife sharply for answers. The Doctor smiled slightly, nodding, but refused to share anything else. She wasn't surprised her wife knew what it was but she didn't want to spoil anything.

The thing traps them in the carriage before someone suddenly falls through the carriage room. 13 has made her (confused) entrance

"That's quite an entrance Doctor. How are you even alive though? That fall should have killed you." Martha pointed out, ever the doctor. She was glancing furiously between the Doctor on screen and the one in the room.

"It did. I broke about every bone in my body but I was still within 15 hours of regeneration so they healed instantly basically." The Doctor shrugged pretending to ignore the glances that her companions shared. Rose shuddered slightly remembering the severed hand incident. River, Jack and the Master all gave the Doctor similar pointed looks that she purposely ignored.

The group points at the thing, 13 grabs a lose electrical cable and thrusts it at the thing which stops sparking. She looks at the roof before saying she'd explain later and getting straight to work

"She never did tell us properly. Guess we know now though." Graham muttered to the other two who mumbled vague agreements.

The Doctor tried to protest. "I did tell you!"

The three of them raised their eyebrow in sync. "Not really Doctor, you just kinda said something about losing your TARDIS." Ryan added. The Doctor sighed before smiling apologetically. She really hadn't told the three of them much, but everything was going to be coming out soon. Whether she wanted it to or not (and she didn't).

The doors are locked, 13 goes for her sonic but her pockets are empty

"Where did your sonic go? You love that thing." Bill questioned.

"I lost it in the explosion I think." The Doctor didn't look away from the screen. Bill grimaced remembering it, the Doctor's clothes and the last video didn't help. They weren't exactly pleasant memories; getting shot, converted into a Cyberman and then watching the Doctor die.

The things starts approaching again and refuses to talk despite 13's attempts. Karl is panicking as 13 encourages them to stay still and tells him if it wanted them dead it would have done that already

"That's not as reassuring as you think it is Doctor. Do we need to do flash cards again?" Clara sighed only half sarcastic. The Doctor smiled a bit guiltily at her, it had sounded fine at the time.

"I'm not sure I want to ask but flash cards?" Rory sighed, already regretting his question.

"I made Eyebrows flash cards because he kept forgetting basic manners. I was his career." Clara attempted to explain.

"Yeah, she cared so I didn't have to." The Doctor nodded grinning, she had missed Clara and the memories of their adventures were mostly great especially now that she could actually remember them.

"I was right I didn't want to know." Rory grimaced.

Ryan and Yaz arrive. The thing discharges and then leaves through the roof in the hole. The Doctor gives out orders and insults to the late arrivals

"Bit rude Martian." Donna scolded. The Doctor rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

Yaz tries to chase after 13 wanting answers and aclling her madam to 13's confusion. Yaz points out she's a woman, and 13 just asks if it suits her

"You didn't even realise?" Amy asked exasperated.

"I'm sorry, I was a bit busy falling for it to really register. Gender wasn't the first thing on my mind." The Doctor threw her hands up in surrender. Then she tilted her head to the side as a second thought occurred to her. "Plus, regeneration makes you a bit loopy and gender doesn't really matter."

DOCTOR: Oh yeah, I remember. Sorry, half an hour ago I was a white-haired Scotsman. When's the next train due?

"Well, that explains that comment." Yaz smiled.

"You didn't believe me?" The Doctor pouted.

"It's kind of a hard thing to believe, Doc." Graham shrugged. Ryan and Yaz nodded with him a bit guiltily. The Doctor smiled; she was only teasing them really.

"I'd say it was more of a grey colour." The Master smirked at the Doctor, interrupting the exchange between the three current companions and the Doctor. She raised an eyebrow before answering with her own smirk.

"Do I need to remind you of your platinum blond hair?" The Master glared at the Doctor and then at the few companions who weren't able to hide their snickers.

Yaz explains they got in by through the smashed driver's window and introcues herself to the Doctor by title, which 13 hypocritically calls her out on

"Bit hypocritical, Boss." Mickey spoke up.

"The Doctor is my name and has been for millennium. My real name is long, complicated and dangerous." The Doctor sighed, she wasn't going to even mention the name she used during the Academy years, if she did, they would wheedle it out of her eventually. The Master grinned in her peripheral vision. He knew all her names and the reasons for her choice of the Doctor better than anyone. River was possibly the only other person alive who knew her name. All three people in the universe that knew her name in one small room. Not reassuring.

Yaz asks for 13's name which she can't really remember in the regeneration fuzz, she's acting a bit weird (weirder than normal), gets introduced to Ryan and asks for a Doctor

"Were you trying your best to confuse them? Honestly Doctor." Rose laughed shaking her head at the Doctor. Not much changed, but at least she had known the Doctor when he regenerated and went all crazy on her. The Doctor blushed a bit in embarrassment.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Regeneration sickness is horrible." She smiled apologetically at her fam who smiled reassuringly back at her. It had been very confusing at the time but since then they had learned that the Doctor was a very confusing person in general.

They go to the driver's cab where the Doctor explains the driver must have died of shock from the thing's arrival, Yaz tries to take charge

"That didn't last long." Yaz grinned at the Doctor. She wasn't really annoyed. She had no idea how she would have explained anything to anyone.

"It never does." Martha grinned in understanding. Many of the others laughed and nodded along

The Doctor asks her what she plans to do, Yaz wants to call the station but can't explain what she saw. Ryan rightfully declares it alien to the other's disbelief

"It's weird to think that back then I never really would've thought of aliens being real and here I am now travelling through time and space with one." Yaz spoke, voicing the thoughts of many of the companions over the years. Both Yaz and Ryan got large grins from the Doctor.

The Doctor encourages them to leave off reporting it until they get answers to the bigger questions like what is it and why is it here. Then she decides they're friends and they're leaving

"As normal, you are just trying to do your job and the Doctor strolls in and turns your world upside down." Martha grinned at the police officer and then offered a teasing smile at the Doctor who practically beamed at her.

"I'm guessing she did something similar to you? She blew up my job the first day we met." Rose grinned. She and Martha had been talking and had agreed to try and become friends. Mickey deserved it.

"Yeah, the hospital I was training at got abducted to the moon and he gave me a shock when I tried to listen to his heartbeat and found two." Martha explained, sharing a grin with the Doctor, who mimed taking of a tie. Yaz smiled listening to the stories, glad she wasn't the only one who had had their life turned upside down by the Doctor's appearance.

Yaz gets Karl's details while 13 distracts herself with trying to name the group

"You're always distracting yourself, sir." Nardole muttered.

"You've just died, fallen through the atmosphere, and you are already trying to save the day with new friends. You don't change Doctor." Clara shook her head stuck between exasperated and joyful and maybe a bit of frustration. The Doctor grinned like a maniac in response.

Grace comments on her falling through the roof to which the Doctor explains she lost her Tardis, and that they shouldn't panic as it isn't likely to be the end of the world again.

Amy, Rory, River shot the Doctor a questioning glance. She shook her head quickly. It wasn't like the last time the TARDIS exploded. No end of the universe this time, no cracks in the fabric of space-time.

GRAHAM: Are we supposed to understand anything you're saying?

"Does anyone ever understand everything she says?" Amy grinned. The rest of the companions chuckled, ignoring the pouting Doctor.

Graham denies the existence of aliens, especially in Sheffield, the Doctor counters with that fact she is an alien and Graham swiftly decides they are leaving

This drew laughter from the majority of the room. "Fair reaction mate. I was a bit like that." Mickey laughed.

"If I remember right, Ricky the idiot, you were very rude and kept calling me a thing!" The Doctor crossed her arms giving the person in question a mock glare.

"And if I remember right, which I do, you were very rude back at him and kept forgetting his name." Rose shot the pair a glare who quickly raised their arms in surrender. Neither wanted to be on Rose's bad side, even for a mock argument they had settled years ago.

Grace disagrees as 13 just saved them. Karl decides he doesn't want answers and leaves

"Yeah, that's a weird one. Usually, they all focus on London." The Doctor wondered aloud.

"Is there a reason for that? I mean, the aliens usually being in London." Rory asked.

"I have no idea."

13 asks if anyone else has seen anything strange tonight, Ryan holds up his hand and they are back in the police car with the Doctor asking for the sirens. Yaz says no

The laughter started up again. The Doctor watched them face scrunched up in confusion. Graham is the only one to take pity on her. "Sorry Doc. It's just you look so disappointed."

Grace and Ryan explain the family tree/how they know each other on the Doctor's request

Ryan winced and offered Graham an apologetic look for his attitude. Graham just patted him on the back, they had both been pretty cold to each other at times, but they were much closer now.

Continued introductions then they are back to the weird thing Ryan found which he took pictures off. Back to the bike in the tree which they explain, Ryan had dyspraxia (a coordination disorder)

Amy and Rory grinned at the Doctor who suddenly felt a sense of worry at the pair of grins. "Chinny was like a baby giraffe at times, absolutely no coordination, and his dancing was absolutely horrifying." Amy cackled. Clara and River, the other two who had met Chinny, grinned in agreement. Ryan smiled a bit shy, glad no one was making any comments and instead sharing embarrassing stories about the Doctor, who was currently trying feebly to protest with no success. She kept getting drowned out by Amy's maniacal cackles.

The thing is gone - taken by two men in a white van, one man leaves. Back with 13, they split up to look for answers, Graham syas he'll contact his old work pals (he was a bus driver) and Grace will check her old nurse group. The Doctor denies the need for A&E and then sticks a finger up her nose and asks someone to catch her

"First of all, that is disgusting Doctor, really? Second, why do you have the hospital so much? I mean aside from the whole two hearts and alien thing, that bit I understand." Rory asked awkwardly, it had been bothering him for a long time but he'd never got the chance to ask.

"Because you humans have killed her before." The Master drawled from his chair a knowing smirk and dark look in his eye.

"How do you even know about that?" She shot back at him, gaining a raised eyebrow in response. Of course, she should have known. If there was one thing the Master knew it was her, plus he had been around at the time although he was a bit busy burning through bodies.

"Doctor what's she talking about?" Martha asked worried.

"It was an accident; they were trying to help. I was in my 7th face and I got shot a few times in San Francisco. Nothing too worrying. They took me to hospital and had to do surgery. They didn't listen or believe me when I said I was an alien and ended up killing me instead because of the two hearts. I think I surprised them when I disappeared from the Morgue. It was an accident." She glared at the Master quickly before turning to comfort her friends. They looked at her in a mix of horror and sadness.

"I guess I can see why you don't like hospitals then." Rory managed to choke out, Amy holding him tight in worry and frustration. This was a long time ago and they couldn't do anything but it was still horrible to think what their friend had gone through.

The Doctor collapses inot Ryan's arms earlier than she predicted

"Do you always do that to people Doctor? You need to give them better warning. At least I knew you when you did it to me!" Rose berated the sheepish Time Lord who was happy for the topic change.

"She did it to you as well? This lump collapsed on me after we ended up accidently taking a dinosaur to Victorian London and found some old friends of his." Clara sighed, happy to find others that shared experience in dealing with the Doctor.

The Doctor was beginning to think that this was a terrible idea. All these companions together was never going to end well, they were only ever going to team up and embarrass her. She was slightly glad that the TARDIS hadn't brought any others – Sarah Jane, Jo Jones (nee Grant), and the others had way too many embarrassing stories about her, as much as she would love to see them again.

Yaz asks her boss if anything else weird happens as Graham asks his old work pals the same thing. Neither group has anything. At Ryan's home, he and Grace watch as the Doctor sparks with regeneration energy and Grace finds that she has two pulses

Martha grinned, that certainly brought back memories. "Yeah, that gave me a fright when I met her in a hospital."

"What was she doing in a hospital?" Rose asked worried, knowing it couldn't have been too long after she had ended up stuck on the parallel world. Both ignored the Doctor, not trusting her to answer honestly.

"I don't really know, investigating maybe. Good thing she was, we ended up on the Moon with a platoon of Judoon. She saved my life and half of Earths."

"You saved my life as well that day, Martha." The Doctor smiled nodding at her, she didn't look away until she got an answering smile.

Regeneration energy floats away and they don't know what it is

"You did that to me too! What is it?" Rose pointed out.

"Stray regeneration energy, my cells are still burning and fixing themselves." The Doctor grimaced, it was a horrible process.

In the industrial unit Rahul (man in the white van) took the thing to the lights flicker and the camera he is filming with bursts into flames as he grabs a crowbar to protect himself.

Back at the house the Doctor wakes up with a gasp. She spots the red lights on their collarbones and declares them DNA bombs

"Nasty things." River grimaced; she had never used them but had seen them in action. "How did you get rid of them?" She was more curious than worried. She knew her wife well. The Doctor offered her a small smile and a shrug.

13 borrows Ryan's phone (a massive mistake) and reformats it to Ryab's annoyance, as she explains that the tentacle thing zipped them as a way to take out witnesses

"You never give the Doctor any kind of technology that you like the way it is. The number of times I have had to buy a new toaster!" Amy groaned while many of the other companions nodded in solemn agreement. No technology was safe in the Doctor's clutches. Ryan grimaced; she had eventually fixed his phone but it had never been the same. Plus, she had meddled with quite a few pieces of technology in their kitchen and that wasn't mentioning what she had done with his dad's microwave oven thing.

The Doctor triggers the new app and is thrown back into a wall declaring the nap did a great job, grabs her jacket and she's off

Many of the companions shook their heads in exasperation at the Doctor's complete disregard for her safety and at the way she just casually runs off like a lunatic.

In the industrial unit, Tzim-Sha shows up as Rahul asks about his sister. Tzim-Sha refuses to answer than kills him

"That's horrible!"

The Doctor directs Yaz in the car, tracking the signal for the DNA bombs, they need the right equipment to defuse them. They reach the industrial unit, Tzim-Sha is biefly there and they chase after him as he ignores her command to stay there

"Always the running, eh Doc." Jack grinned, maybe she was newly regenerated but one thing that never changed with the Doctor was the running.

"Did you really think that would work?" Donna asked amused.

"I was hopeful."

The other three chase after the Doctor, to Graham's frustration

Rory and Mickey sighed in commiseration. They both knew what it was like getting dragged into all of this.

The Doctor loses him. Back at the industrial unit they find poor dead Rahul and find Tzim-Sha took a tooth as a trophy. The thing Ryan found is determined to be a transport chamber but why tonight? Ryan admits to touching it, he says the others would have done it too. Graham disagrees but 12 admits she would have

There was a mumble of agreement from most people in the room, excluding Rory, Mickey and the Master. Most of them couldn't deny that they probably would have done the same. Ryan smiled, glad to know he wasn't alone.

RYAN: Right, the shapes disappeared. A few seconds later, that appeared. What've I done?
DOCTOR: Hard to say, really.
GRAHAM: I suppose you'll be blaming this on the dyspraxia as well. Can't ride a bike, started an alien invasion.

"Sorry Ryan that really wasn't fair on you. It was an accident." Graham sighed, neither of them had been particularly kind to each other. Ryan just shrugged offering him a small smile to show he was okay.

They look for answers, the tracking signal has been blocked as Tzim-Sha figured out what she was doing. The Doctro runs off as she decided to build something

"You're going to make yourself a sonic screwdriver, aren't you dear?" River sighed with a knowing smile on her face. Her wife was so predictable at times. The Doctor grinned back, nodding happily, proud of her new screwdriver. Now if only she knew where it was.

Ryan and Yaz talk about everything not being Ryan's fault. Then about if they believe 13 is an alien, they decide yes

"Nice to see you two never doubted me." The Doctor grinned at the pair who smiled back, neither of them regretted leaving with her at the time, she had shown them so many amazing things.

Ryan finds an office with files and a missing persons poster. Then a computer with a video titled 'if i die click here'

"Well, that's cheery." Nardole muttered and was promptly ignored.

The Doctor is building away as she briefly explains regeneration to Grace and Graham who are watching. The Doctor declares how terrifying regeneration is but that she'll be fine in the end as they need help so that's her priority - when people need help she never refuses - then she declares this will be fun

The companions all glanced at the two Time Lords (and the Ponds at River) with a grimace. There wasn't really much they could say in comfort.

"That's just like you Doc, finding trouble and calling it fun." Jack grinned, distracting the three Time Lords (well two and a bit; or one, a bit and whatever the Doctor actually was) from their thoughts. He was maybe the closest one to understanding what it was like to die, but he could never understand the regeneration bit.

"You can't really say anything Jack." The Doctor grinned back at him, a thankful look in her eye, he nodded slightly to acknowledge the silent message.

Using spoons and other metal the Doctor creates a new sonic screwdriver

"Looks nice Sweetie. Suits you." The Doctor grinned happily up at her, practically preening with her wife's approval. The rest of the companions (mostly) managed to hide their giggles at how excited she was.

Ryan shows the video he found. Rahul's sister disappeared seven years ago and he didn't stop looking for her. 13 shows off her sonic

"Sonic swiss army knife! Honestly Doctor." Amy sighed exasperated; the Doctor may have been a couple thousand years older but she still acted like a small child.

"And yet it still doesn't do wood." Clara grinned teasingly, gaining laughter from the rest of the companions and a pout from the Doctor.

The Doctor maps how far the object travelled (very far) and they try to work out what both aliens (Tzim-Sha and the tentacle thing) were up to in Sheffield on the same night - 13 theorises they're fighting

"That's really not good." Mickey grimaced.

"When is it ever mate, when is it ever." Rory sighed. The pair shared a smile, it was always good to find someone else semi-sane amongst everything.

13 and the fam plan what to do about the alien problem and worry about the bombs in them. Graham gets a phone call about strange things from a friend. Elsewhere in Sheffield a drunk meets Tzim-Sha and comes out dead

Everyone looked down at the floor, sad to see another death. The Doctor grimaced, just another death she hadn't been quick enough to stop.

They find the tentacle thing on a rooftop. They overload it and scan it. 13 works out it is dozens of gathering coils stitched together which gather information. She retracts her battle theory as she tries to access its information

"It's rare for you to admit your wrong Spaceman, you must be sick." Donna laughed teasingly.

"Oi! I can admit I'm wrong, I'm much more mature now." The Doctor protested but this seemed to only make things worse as the rest of her friends started laughing. Even the Master chuckled a bit in the corner drawing a glare from her which he promptly ignored.

An image is projected - Karl from the train. Tzim-Sha shows up and the Doctor steps in front of the rest of the fam after Tzim-Sha threatens to kill them

"Thanks for trying to protect us, Doc. I mean you barely knew us but were still willing to stand between us and the dangerous alien." Graham nodded to her.

"No, thank you Graham for helping me when I was sick and really hard to understand. Besides, I have a duty of care to protect you. I dragged you into this mess I have to make sure you get home safe." The Doctor took a deep breath, she didn't want to think about the last time she wasn't standing in front of someone and they got hurt. Bill had got shot through the stomach and then tuned into a Cyberman because she hadn't protected her enough.

Bill seemed to know what she was thinking and shot her a concerned look and whispered so the other couldn't hear. "It wasn't your fault. You did the best you could to protect me. I'm happy now, travelling with Heather. I forgave you a long time ago you stupid old man." The Doctor smiled softly back at her, unsure of what to say so choosing to remain silent.

Tzim-Sha doesn't appreciate their interference, the Doctor mentions its a hobby

"I think you make it more of a lifestyle than a hobby Doctor." Martha said. The Doctor shrugged; she couldn't really deny it.

Tzim-Sha works out she isn't human but 13 still can't remember who or what she is exactly. She turns the questions back on him and asks about taking the teeth. Tzim-Sha reveals its face studded with teeth

"Oh god. That is disgusting." Rose grimaced looking away from the screen. Most of the other companions groaned in disgust and did the same. They had all seen some stuff in their time with the Doctor but this was not one of the nice ones.

Tzim-Sta introduces them as a Stenza warrior and 13 winds him up to Graham's protests

"You have no hope of that. She finds that part fun." Mickey sighed. Rory nodded in agreement. The Doctor just grinned, that was one of the best parts plus it usually annoyed them into giving her information. Amy grinned at the Doctor as she mouthed 'poke it with a stick'.

Tzim-Sha is on a challenge and declares 13 has a small mind which she doesn't appreciate

"Oh no, he's in trouble now, he insulted her mind and intelligence." Clara laughed, with the other companions joining in.

Tzim-Sha explains his challenge - finding and returning home with a random chosen human without any help or weapons. 13 points out he's cheating which he argues with a threat causing her to back down a little

"You backed down real fast there. That's unlike you. You have a plan, right?" Bill asked turning pointedly at the Doctor who grinned but refused to give anything away.

"Spoilers." Amy and Rory groaned; they were both very sick of that word. River raised an eyebrow at her wife who shrugged still grinning.

Tzim-Sha gathers his info from the coil and leaves through short range teleporter. The group realises he's off on the hunt and chase after him. Cut to Karl on a crane listening to a motivational audio on his phone

"Well, that is depressing and a bit ironic looking back." Yaz sighed. Graham and Ryan were starting to shrink into the sofa in dread, they all knew what was coming soon. The Doctor kept glancing back at them worried, concern obvious.

At the building site the security guard is killed by Tzim-Sha just after having talked to his family

"That's horrible." Rose spoke shocked. "That poor man." They may all have seen a lot of death travelling with the Doctor but it never got easy, especially after seeing him talk to his family.

Karl isn't answering his phone. Tzim-Sha climbs up the crane cab towards Karl. The Doctor and fam arrive at the building site and realise Karl is a crane operator

"That's just your luck Doctor." Jack laughed.

They split up - Grace and Graham evacuate the site, Ryan and Yaz help the Doctor with the machinery to get to Karl

"I don't like where I think this plan is going Doctor." Amy crossed her arms, looking like a mother scolding her child. The Doctor had to resist the urge to shrink down in her seat.

13 explains the plan to climb up a different crane (as the coil is guarding Karl's) and starts climbing the ladders while reassuring them she has a plan

"I have to ask, is that normal? Her coming up with plans on the spot, 'cause it seems to happen a lot to us." Graham asked the rest of the companions, ignoring the Doctor who looked mildly offended.

The rest of her previous companions nodded their heads quickly, most had large grins on their faces.

Yaz asks if Ryan is comfortable doing this and reassurances him its okay if not. Ryan states he can do it

"Good on you Ryan." The Doctor grinned at him, proud.

Grace and Graham evacuate the site by wearing high-vis vests and clipboards

The Doctor turned to Ryan and Graham quietly and muttered so only they heard. "I'm so sorry. You don't have to see this if you don't want to. I'm sure the TARDIS will give you another room if you wanted to skip it."

Ryan and Graham shared a long look, having their own mental conversation while Yaz watched concerned and understanding. The Doctor shifted a bit on her seat on the bean bag, it was always horrible seeing people die, and even worse seeing loved ones die.

"It's okay Doc, we love her and both know that she'd be proud of us for everything. We want to stay, see this through." Graham answered for the pair, after what felt like for forever. The other companions had noticed the screen freeze but left the four to their conversation, they had a feeling the group needed the privacy.

"If you're sure. Don't worry if you change your mind, no one will judge you." The Doctor offered a sad smile, eyes screaming in understanding and pride. "You're right Graham, from the short time I had the honour of knowing her, I can tell she would be incredibly proud of the pair of you. I know I am, proud of all three of you. You are amazing people, my fam." The three smiled, a mix between love and sadness, this video was going to be difficult but they had each other, as cheesy as that sounded.

Karl is panicking as he spots 13 on the way to help. Ryan has a close cut as his foot slips but catches himself. They make it up to the top and the Doctor reveals she only has half a plan - to encourage Karl to jump across the gap between cranes

"That is a terrible plan Doctor." River drawled exasperated with her wife who gave her a sheepish look.

"Oh, don't worry it got even worse." Yaz added with sarcastic cheerfulness. This drew groans from the majority of the more mature members of the group and a small huff from the Doctor.

Yaz tries to work out how to use a crane with a mountain of keys as 13 goes out across the crane and comments on the height

"Glad you've noticed." Donna nodded sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.

Grace wants to stop the gathering coil despite Graham's protests that they were supposed to leave after evacuating the site

Graham and Ryan looked down at the floor knowing what was coming. They were going to stay in the room, but weren't planning to actually watch the horrible moment. Yaz offered Ryan a hand in comfort, which he took thankful for the support.

Karl reaches the end of the crane as Yaz is trying to work out the right key to start the crane. Ryan is using his phone to work out how to operate a crane

YASMIN: Every day's a learning day.

"Especially with the Doctor." Martha grinned. The other companions chuckled; it was very true. All of them knew things and could do things they would never had had the chance to do without the Doctor. They were all changed people after travelling on the TARDIS, changed for the better mostly.

The crane first goes the wrong way before they correct it. She meets Karl and encourages him to jump when the cranes are aligned, he refuses as he is scared of heights - it's his dad's company

"Well, that's just typical. You really have rotten luck Doctor." Rory said earning a groan in agreement.

Tzim-Sha is now on the crane jib. Karl is hyping himself up and ready to jump but Tzim-Sha grabs him and dargs him away. 13 runs and jumps onto the crane, barely

DOCTOR: These legs definitely used to be longer.

"Is that seriously all you have to say? You just jumped and almost fell to your death for the second time in the video and you complain about your legs being short?" Rose crossed her arms, giving the Doctor a glare based on worry. She received several glares and worried looks from the rest of the room as well.

"Well, what was I supposed to say? I survived so no point dwelling on it. Plus, it is true! I'm shorter this regeneration which is always annoying." Her statement only drew her more glares and rolled eyes. "Also, wouldn't be the first time I fell to my death." She muttered the last part with a glare at the Master who hadn't looked away from the screen.

Tzim-Sha stops at 13's shouts and takes off his mask to Karl's horror. 13 grabs put a red gizmo from her coat and threatens the recall pod Tzim-Sha came in. If she falls then that goes with her, stranding him

"At least you have something to bargain with." Clara muttered, watching concerned despite knowing the Doctor was here. She had a bad feeling about what was going to happen.

Graham and Grace work to take down the gathering coil

Back on the crane jib the Doctor and Tzim-Sha talk about humans being not important/important. Tzim-Sha threatens 13 to give him the gizmo or he'll detonate the bombs in them

"That's really not good. How do you get into these situations Doctor?" Martha sighed; she didn't really expect an answer.

13 confirms he didn't plant a bomb on Karl and calls his bluff

"I'm really hoping you have a plan at this point Doctor." Rose spoke but only received a reassuring nod from the Doctor.

Graham and Grace break into the high voltage shed and start to rewire stuff. They split up - Grace climbs up as Graham goes to watch out. Grace asks if it is wrong to be enjoying it which Graham decides it firmly is

Most people shifted in their seats, uncomfortable at being called out. It was true, it was probably wrong to enjoy the trouble so much but they couldn't help it.

The Doctor mocks Tzim-Sha before offering him a chance to stop this and change

Most of the companions smiled. That was typical Doctor, giving the bad guys a chance to leave. The Master rolled his eyes at her pushing a feeling of annoyance across at her. She promptly ignored him to his frustration. The Doctor thought back on her own words, what did they mean for her? For someone who didn't know who they were? Did it matter that she had memories missing or did she stick by what she knew? There were so many questions and so little answers and a burning anger beneath it all.

TZIM-SHA: Who are you?
DOCTOR: Yes. I'm glad you asked that again. Bit of adrenaline, dash of outrage, and a hint of panic knitted my brain back together. I know exactly who I am. I'm the Doctor. Sorting out fair play throughout the universe. Now please, get off this planet while you still have a choice.

"And you're back to normal. Saving things and shouting your name across the universe." Amy said, voice teasing.

"How doesn't everyone know who you are at this point?" Mickey asked curious more than anything.

"She keeps erasing herself from databanks and records." River explained with a snort. The Doctor grinned at her wife ignoring the disbelieving looks she was getting from some of her companions.

"Why do you do that?" Rose asked a bit disbelieving.

"I get too big sometimes. Plus, I kinda just want to be a traveller. Don't get me wrong, if I find trouble, I'll help but I don't want to be called in for most stuff on purpose. Plus, there has been a few incidents." She grimaced with the thought of the trouble with the Silence, that had been a prominent incident that reminded her why she tried to keep herself off most radars. The others glanced at her but wisely decided not to ask any more questions based on her dark look.

Tzim-Sha decides he wants to win, activates a button before screaming in pain

Everyone had tensed up in worry when Tzim-Sha pressed the button, the three newer companions felt a bit warm inside with the thought that everyone here was worried about them. They then looked confused when it was Tzim-Sha screaming in pain not the four of them on screen.

The Doctor explains she removed the bombs and put them back in the gathering coil - which Tzim-Sha took when he transferred the info from it earlier. She tells him to go home and throws the recall circuit at him, before he can leave Karl kicks him and he falls through the broken hand-rail but vanishes before he can hit the ground. 13 isn't happy with Karl's attack

Back on the ground, the mission to defeat the gathering coil works but at a cost - when it falls it knocks Grace to the ground too and mortally wounds her. Graham races to her side and arrives just in time to be forced into a promise to not be scared without her before Grace dies. Ryan, Yaz and 13 arriving too late

Graham and Ryan huddled closer to each other, decidedly inspecting the floor instead of watching the screen. Both knew what had been coming and they didn't want to leave, but they weren't going to watch it. Yaz squeezed Ryan's hand tightly in support while the Doctor shuffled closer so she was leaning back between the boy's legs.

The other companions looked down in remembrance for Grace. They may have never got to meet her, but she had seemed so amazing and lovely on screen plus she was clearly very important to Ryan and Graham. None spoke a word, all understanding that this was a time for quiet remembrance rather than apologies and sympathies.

Back on Ryan's Youtube channel, he reveals the greatest woman he ever met was his nan (Grace). He explains that she died, and that she'd taken him in after his mother died six years before.

Back on the hill Ryan is trying to ride his bike again and keeps going despite continuously falling. The Doctor watches on

"You were watching me?" Ryan asked softly, having finally glancing back up to watch the video.

The Doctor nodded with a sad smile. "She would be so proud of you Ryan." She nodded at Graham too. "So proud of both of you. All three of you are amazing people and I am so happy that I have the privilege to know you." She received three sad smiles from her fam. They all had similar thoughts about her.

Outside the chapel, 13 waits with Ryan for his dad who's never been reliable and is very late despite saying he'd be there

"Thanks for staying with me Doctor." Ryan muttered to her, remembering that he had never thanked her back then but feeling he needed to.

"You're welcome Ryan but there's no need for the thanks. I know a bit about absentee families and it's better not to be alone sometimes." The Doctor nodded but her eyes said she was far away. She ignored the mental prodding from the Master, if she wasn't so distracted, she might have mistaken it for concern.

In the chapel, Graham makes a touching speech about Grace. Later, he explains to the Doctor what he meant as he'd had cancer and been in remission as of three years ago but he'd expected to die long before Grace who had been his chemo nurse (which is how they met and fell in love). The group turn the talk of family on the Doctor

YASMIN: Have you got family?
DOCTOR: No. Lost them a long time ago.

The companions all shifted uncomfortable, wondering if she was talking about them or her family at home. Maybe even both. Any that could catch the Doctor's eyes offered her small smiles of understanding and hope.

"You have us Doctor. No matter what happens or where we are, you're our family." Amy spoke softly, eyes peering over at the Doctor sadly. The Doctor smiled back, she loved them all so much. She missed the family she had lost but these people were her family too.

They ask how she deals with her loss, and 13 explains that she carries them with her even though they're gone. Yaz asks if everything they'd gone through was normal for the Doctor who counters with the fact she's just a traveller who steps in when they can. 13 relaises she's missing the Tardis and decides she need to find it

"You're not just any traveller Doctor. There is so many people that owe their lives to you." River spoke softly to her wife but the Doctor just glanced at her with eyes drowning in doubt, quickly glancing away.

Yaz points out she needs new clothes and 13 agrees saying it had been a long time since she'd bought woman's clothes

"She's right, you've been running around this whole time in ruined men's clothes that are way too big for you." Amy nodded agreeing with Yaz on screen. She, like many, were happy for the topic change. "This time you can't steal from a hospital as well." She added teasingly drawing questioning looks from the others and a sigh of exasperation from her husband.

In a charity shop the Doctor tries on various outfits as Yaz watches and judges. Finally she settles in her signature look which Yaz is a bit dubious about but the Doctor's happy

"I'm glad someone around here has some fashion sense still!" Donna chuckled. Her comment brought a few chuckles from the other companions while the Doctor complained about their lack of fashion sense which only made them laugh harder.

DOCTOR: Yep! Got any cash? Empty pockets. Also, I've been thinking about my Tardis. So you think you guys might be able to help me?

"Bloody typical, you never have any money, do you?" Rose sighed, throwing her hands up in exasperation, thinking about all the times she had to pay because the Doctor never had any money. Martha nodded in solemn agreement, thinking back to the time she had to work in a shop to support them in 1969.

"Oi! Time and space traveller. I don't think there's enough room in my pockets for so many different currencies." The Doctor attempted to defend herself.

"Yes, but you spend a silly amount of time in late 20th century/early 21st century Britain, dear, you should be prepared." River pointed out, the Doctor made a few sounds of protests before realising she had no valid reasons to defend herself with and giving up in a huff.

Back in the industrial unit the Doctor is working on a way to get back to her Tardis while Yaz, Ryan and Graham watch on and ask what she'd doing. She explains she's tracking the Tardis' unique energy using whatever she had including a bit of the Stenza technology left behind. She gets them to help with the final few things and then says her goodbyes

Her microwave timer counts down and she gets teleported but so do Ryan, Yaz and Graham. They're left floating in the vacuum of space with no one around to help and no Tardis in sight

"That's really not good. How did you manage that one, you moron?" Amy stared at the Doctor, trying to understand the mess.

"OI! It wasn't entirely my fault. I got the coordinates right but the planet had been knocked out of its rotation. We were all fine in the end, got the TARDIS back." The Doctor protested. She was ignored to her annoyance as the rest of the companions looked to the newest three for confirmation of the story. They nodded in agreement to the Doctor's story. Not wanting to say too much in case that was the next video.

"Glad to know you all have so much faith in me." The Doctor mumbled before speaking up properly again. "How about we all take a break, stretch our legs and so on before the next video?" It may have been phrased like a question but the Doctor was already standing up and wandering over to a door that had appeared on the far side of the room.

She opened it with a careless shrug to the rest of the room who were watching her. On the other side she found a long corridor, maintain the same colour scheme as the cinema room. The first door she opened was a large kitchen with an attached dining area full of chairs and tables of varying size, there even seemed to be a small lounge area full of comfy chairs similar to the cinema room. She left the door open and moved further along the corridor. A few of the others had followed her while some remained in the other room chatting.

As she moved along the corridor, she found several large bathrooms and then a series of bedrooms all labelled with their names on them. Clearly the TARDIS meant for them to be here for a while. At the end of the corridor was a door labelled 'garden', she didn't open it but did spare a thought for why the TARDIS had included it. Was it for the humans or them; something different for them when the purple carpets grew annoying? A place to escape too? Maybe a quiet space? She guessed they'd probably find out. She left the door untouched, ignoring the door labelled with her name as well.

While everyone drifted off to explore and chat the Doctor leaned against the wall further down the corridor, almost out of sight from the others. There were a few conversations she knew she needed to have but couldn't quite find the strength for. Steeling herself, she took a deep breath before pushing off the wall and going to find her current companions, there was a few things they definitely needed to know and some explanations they deserved.

She found them chatting with each other in the kitchen sitting around a small table (made only for about four people, compared to the bigger ones further in the room) shoved in a corner, mugs of tea in hand, as they watched some of the others putter around. They paused their conversation and glanced at her as she entered, most of the other of the room's occupants hadn't noticed her yet. She pulled a chair out, sitting down slowly. She shifted uncomfortable in the hard, wooden chair for a few minutes trying to find the right thing to say. The three humans were watching calmly, waiting for her to find the right words.

"You three deserve an explanation I know and I'm going to try but I've just never... I've never been good at talking about myself. It hurts too much most of the time. But you deserve something, you deserve a lot more than I can give you actually." She took a shaky breath, realising she was starting to ramble and that she just needed to get on with it.

She glared at the table, not able to look at her friends. "The videos are going to show you a lot of stuff. Not all of it good, and I just want you to be a bit prepared for that. I'm not a good man. Woman. Doesn't matter. I'm not a good person. I try but ultimately at the end of the day I'm an idiot in a box running around space and time with a screwdriver. I've not told you much about anything and it's mostly because I'm selfish. People get hurt around me and I figured that if I didn't tell you much about me, if I didn't let you get close than you would be in less danger and it would hurt less when I lose you. I'm sorry." She hung her head lower, her hair forming a semi-barrier from the three, her eyes watching her hands fidgeting in her lap while she waited for the comments she knew were to come.

"Doctor... thank you for the explanation but you didn't need to." Graham spoke first, raising his hand to silence her before she could protest against his words. "We're the ones that said yes to travelling with you, you warned us about the dangers and we still chose to come. You've taken us to amazing places and shown us so many brilliant things. You're our friend but more importantly you are family. We care about you and worry about you and I understand you trying to protect us but you don't need to. We chose to come and we are all mostly adults, we can make our own choices. I reckon there is a lot more you haven't told us and we will probably see a lot of it, but it won't change what we think about you. We've told you before, we care about who you are now not your past. You're family, Doc."

"You're right though." Ryan added. "You are an idiot. An idiot for thinking you needed to keep us distant." The Doctor couldn't help the small smile that formed on her lips, she was trying to keep her eyes dry. Had she been this emotional in her last few regenerations? No, she didn't think so. Maybe all the secrets and Gallifrey were finally getting to her. Maybe she was just old. Old and tired.

"Just promise us one thing, yeah? Don't try and keep us out. We worry about you and we want to know you more. Graham's right, you're our family. And for what it's worth, I think the fact that you strive to be a good man but don't call yourself one is what makes you a good person." Yaz smiled softly. The Doctor nodded hastily in agreement, looking up to match each of the three's eyes in turn. She would do her best to keep this promise. "Good, now the three of us are going to relax with our tea and chat. You are going to talk to some of your old friends, I think there are a few who've been wanting to grab you." Taking that as a dismissal, the Doctor chuckled but stood up leaving the three to go back to their conversations.

There were so many people she needed to talk to and so many hard conversations she needed to have. She didn't have time to do all of them in this break but there was a group of people that she really needed to talk to, more than any of the others. Three that needed apologies for how she had wronged them in the past. She had wronged most of her friends in some way but these three especially. She slinked deeper into the kitchen trying to spot her targets. By some chance they were all together; Mickey, Martha and Jack. Stood leaning against the edge of the kitchen, chatting happily with Rose and Donna. She approached slowly trying to come up with an excuse to talk to the three of them alone. She knew she needed to talk with Rose and Donna as well at some point, but the other three couldn't wait any longer. They had waited long enough as it was.

The group of five noticed her approach offering smiles which she didn't really manage to return, her expression probably more like a grimace. "I was wondering if I could talk with Mickey, Martha and Jack for a bit?" That was not what she had been meaning to say, she had planned at least some vague pleasantries first, but the words seemed to spill out of her like an avalanche. An avalanche; hits you all of a sudden, can be very destructive, and caused by instabilities, fitting.

"Of course, you bloody Spaceman. We'll be talking later though, you hear me?!" Donna smirked as she shouted over her shoulder, Rose in arm being semi-dragged away to give the four some privacy.

"What's up Doctor? Missing my handsome company already?" Jack tried to grin but it fell flat. He could sense that this wasn't just a casual conversation. They all could.

The Doctor chewed her lip, trying to think what to say. They deserved so much better than she could ever articulate. "I'm sorry." She blurted out, before she could go down a spiral that would distract her from ever saying anything meaningful.

"Sorry?" Jack asked, having shared a meaningful look with the other two. "For what, Doctor?"

"Everything. I never treated the three of you as well as you deserved. And the three of you deserve a lot. I have a mountain of excuses, but that's all they are, excuses." Martha looked like she was about to interrupt before the Doctor continued. "No, just let me say this please, then you can say anything you want. You need to know this before we continue. I should have said all this a very long time ago."

She turned first to Mickey who was analysing her, arms crossed leaning against a wall in a deceptively relaxed stance. "Mickey. You're not an idiot or a tin dog or anything like that. You're incredibly brave and amazing young man, you've grown up a lot since I first met you and that was all you. I'm just sorry that you had to grow up so quickly. You deserved far better than me dragging Rose off and then insulting you continuously. I'm sorry for that and everything else. I'm glad you're happy with Martha, you both deserve each other. You're both amazing, brave and smart people who have been wronged by so many people, including me."

She turned sharply to Martha who was standing next to her husband, more tense and glancing at said husband every few seconds. "Martha. I was horrible to you when you first travelled with me. I couldn't get over losing Rose and I took it all out on you. That was always my issue not yours. You deserve the world and I'm so happy that Mickey makes you happy. You are an amazing doctor and definitely saved my life more times than I deserve. I can't ever apologise enough for what you and your family went through in that Year let alone how much I wronged you. You never should have had to see me cry over him, and you shouldn't have to deal with him again now. You are brilliant. Just brilliant Martha. Never forget that or let anyone tell you any different, especially me."

She took a deep breath, spinning to face Jack on the other side of Mickey before she could let Martha's reaction distract her. "Jack. Handsome, brave, brilliant Jack. I have so many apologies for you, but mainly I am sorry for what happened to you. Rose didn't know what she was doing but that was no excuse for me to abandon you. I was scared and you were painful but that is still no excuse. I am sorry for calling you wrong. You're not wrong. I was wrong. I kept running away from you and I shouldn't have. You, Captain Jack Harkness, are one of the bravest and kindest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You've always been there to help me but I've not always been there for you. I'm sorry."

She glared at the floor and finished before any of the three could speak. "I'm sorry for everything. I have wronged a lot of people in a lot of different ways and I will never make up for most of it but I have wronged the three of you far more than most. You three are amazing. Truly some of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and travelling with. I'm so sorry." Her knees were shaking as she almost collapse, steadying herself at the last moment. She bit her lip to stop herself from blabbering on or maybe to prevent herself from crying, she wasn't really sure which. It had been a very emotional day.

She flinched when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, her head shooting up to meet Martha's eyes which were wet with unshed tears. She let herself be drawn into a hug, wrapping her arms tight around her former companion. After a minute, the boys joined in, encircling the pair so they could barely breathe. Eventually, after what felt like hours but was probably only minutes, they pulled away.

"Thank you, Doctor. I'm not going to lie and say you didn't hurt me, because you did. But I forgave you a long time, you idiot. You are a dear friend, family even. We all make mistakes and you've owned up to them and apologised. You took me amazing places and made me a better person despite all the pain so thank you. I forgive you Doctor." Martha said, maintaining eye contact with the Doctor to try and engrave it in the alien's head.

"As much as I hated you at first, you made me a better person. A braver person than I ever was. I achieved more than I could have ever dreamed of because I met you and I have the best wife. So, thank you. Besides I can't say that I was particularly nice to you at the start either, so I'm sorry for that. If it makes you feel better, I forgive you, Boss." Mickey grinned, wrapping his arm around Martha's waist as she lay her head against his shoulder.

"You made us all better people Doctor. I'd likely still be a conman if I hadn't met you. I'd also be very dead. You're a friend Doctor and you understand better than any what it is like to live as long as I have. Thank you for the apology but I have to say, whatever this secret that the TARDIS wants to share with us is, it must be very bad." Jack tugged her back into his arms, holding her so her back was against his front, his chin resting on her head. It wasn't anything romantic, just a comforting hold from a friend. A friend holding her tight to try and protect her from the horror and pain of the universe, when both knew it was far too late.

"Thank you, but none of you needed me to make you a better person." She smiled sadly at the two she could see. "And, Jack. You're right. It is a very bad secret. We're more alike in some ways than you know. I'm not going to tell you as I am still processing and it will be shown anyway, plus it isn't fair on the others. But you'll know soon. Thank you for everything." It took a few minutes for Jack to release her and they delved into more neutral chat about Martha and Mickey's daily life and Jack's recent adventures. The tension had been broken and was on the mend.

It took about an hour for everyone to sort themselves out. Grabbing snacks and a drink, going to the toilet and chatting away while they stretched their legs. Eventually they all congregated back in the room settling back down on the sofas in the same positions as earlier ready for the next video to start.

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