The Witch's Familiar

And here we have part two - The Witch's Familiar.

Next chapter will be a personal favourite - Partners in Crime.


The group watched as the screen immediately turned black and the next title appeared, 'The Witch's Familiar, a few people raised eyebrows at the title, but no one spoke up. They didn't want to delay the video starting and therefore getting answers for what was going on and how Clara and Eyebrows were going to escape Davros. The video started.

On the planet surface, Clara is dangling upside down via a rope round her ankle, spinning. Next to her Missy is sharpening a stick with a knife

The group let out an audible breath at seeing Clara safe and not-dead; although they did raise several eyebrows at the situation she was in. Even the Doctor was looking at Clara confused; she certainly didn't remember being told the details of Missy and Clara's little adventure on Skaro.

Missy tells her to think of the Doctor, trapped and alone, then asking if Clara is alright

"Of course, it's Missy." Bill muttered with a sigh. Really, they shouldn't have been confused by Clara's situation when Missy was around. The Master just grinned smugly while the Doctor sighed, things were only going to go downhill from here.

Clara asks where they are and how they survived

Clara winced at the reminder of the ending of the last video and the actual events the first time around. She knew now what had happened, but it wasn't fun to think back on, or to think about what was still to come. The Doctor caught her wince and gave her a commiserating smile, which she returned – neither of them were looking forward to the rest of this mess.

Missy shushes her, telling her a classic Doctor story on the run with no Tardis, friends or help, adding it was a long time ago. We get flashes of a black and white figure with a long scarf hiding behind a stone column

"Doesn't that happen every other week or so?" River snorted, raising a pointed eyebrow at the Master who only glared back. The Doctor eyed the pair nervously; they would be horrible working together, but she was also scared to get between the two if they started fighting.

The Master waved his hand, "This is a specific time." He was pretending to be nonchalant, enjoying the chance to prove River wrong and remind the group that he knew the Doctor a long time before them.

Missy declares the face doesn't matter as they're all the Doctor to her, saying to pretend it's Eyebrows, a flash and the figure is now the current Doctor

The group was watching the scene confused by the little cut scenes and story in general. The Doctor just sighed deeply, used to Missy's antics but still frustrated. She wasn't looking forward to the events of the video, knowing her mind state hadn't been great due to her believed grief over Clara and Missy's 'deaths' and she really wasn't wanting to deal with their antics and arguing.

Clara asks about the Daleks and Missy says she'll get there as Clara asks how they aren't dead

"You make a good point. How aren't you dead? You got shot!" Rose asked bewildered, glad but confused.

Clara sighed, grimacing and unconsciously feeling her wrist for the missy heartbeat. "You'll see." She answered, not wanting to ruin the story and knowing she couldn't do it justice, and also just not wanting to discuss it.

Missy shushes her again, saying the Doctor is travelling by transporter but its out of power and he's being stalked by fifty android assassins. She keeps sharpening her stick, checking it

The group grew a bit nervous at that. They'd been distracted by the story and the fact the pair were alive, and almost forgotten that Clara was stuck alone on the Dalek's home world with the Master (who also had a weapon) while she dangled defenceless. That wasn't a reassuring scene.

The stick is sharp. She adds the android assassins are invisible and indestructible and programmed purely to kill him

"Of course, they are." Rory sighed, that sounded very familiar.

Clara asks why she's sharpening the stick

"Knowing the Master, not for anything good." Martha muttered, eyeing the Master wearily.

Missy says she might have to go hunting

"Hunting what? You're on Skaro, there's nothing but Daleks." Jack pointed out, eyeing the Master. He knew the only thing Missy could 'hunt' was Clara, but he was purposely hoping it didn't come to that. Seeing as Clara was here with them, it probably hadn't or at least Missy hadn't succeeded. The Master gave him an unnerving smile that didn't reassure anyone.

Clara asks why she is tied up, and Missy declares it's in case there is nothing to hunt

"There it is." Mickey crossed his arms. He hadn't had the displeasure of meeting the Master in person (outside the room) but had heard and seen enough by now. The group all glanced between the screen and Clara to reassure themselves of her presence.

Back to the flashback of the Doctor being shot by lasers and Missy continues her story saying he's surrounded with nanoseconds to live, asking how he survives as she pokes Clara

"The teleporter." Yaz theorised, remembering Missy's earlier mention of it. A few others nodded along in agreement, having reached the same conclusion. No one answered, the Master just tutted at her for interrupting them on screen.

Missy tells Clara to consider it, Clara does, asking where he got the teleport

Yaz grinned as Clara on screen came to the same realisation as her.

Missy tells her good and he stole it from an android, Clara continues guessing it uses the same energy as the android's weapons, Missy tells her great and she isn't seeing her as sandwiches now

"Master." The Doctor hissed at the other Time Lord, annoyed at the 'sandwich' comment. The Master grinned unrepentant back, revelling in the attention from the Doctor.

Clara puts it together, saying he uses the android weapon energy to charge the teleport and at the second he is supposed to disintegrate, he teleports. We see the Doctor do just that in a flashback, as Clara connects that to how Missy and she survived the Daleks

The group all nodded, having reached that conclusion as well. It would explain how the pair had escaped just when it looked like they were killed.

"You have the element of surprise again." Rose noted, trying to find the small silver lining to the terrible situation (outside of them being alive at least).

Missy agrees, saying the Doctor improvised it and must have gone through several thousand calculations to do it calling him a swot

"Finally admitting I'm smarter than you." The Doctor grinned smugly at the Master who glared, the Doctor wasn't supposed to have heard that comment.

"Complete lies. You didn't hear anything." The Master glared which only made the Doctor grin more.

Clara declares the androids think he's dead and the Doctor escapes, Missy disagrees saying he's the Doctor, so he falls into a nest of vampire monkeys – the figure in the flashback does just that

"I'm sorry, what?!" Donna exclaimed, more because of the 'vampire monkeys' comment than the Doctor finding more trouble. The Doctor always found trouble, anyway.

"Don't remind me." The Doctor sighed; vampire monkeys were never fun. She didn't notice the confused eyes on her, or if she did, she ignored them.

Missy declares it another story, letting Clara down suddenly

The group let out another breath upon seeing Clara no longer trapped. She was still largely at Missy's mercy, but she was no longer as vulnerable as she was when she was hanging upside down. Clara grimaced at the reminder of the drop, although it was better than still hanging upside down with the blood rushing to her head and Missy circling threateningly.

Missy asks why the Doctor always survives, Clara says its because he's clever, Missy agrees but adds lots of clever people are dead and she likes killing them as they make great faces

The group all glared at the Master who glared back, unashamed and threatening.

Clara adds it's because he always assumes he'll win so knows there is a way to survive, he just has to find it. Missy agrees but says this time the Doctor made a will and threw a goodbye party so what happens if the Doctor assumes he'll die

"We knock some sense into the idiot." Amy snarked, entirely serious. The Doctor inched every so slightly further away from Amy's couch, suddenly fearing for her life.

Clara says they save him, and Missy declares he's trapped in the heart of the Dalek empire, and between them and him there is everything the deadliest race in space can throw at them, and they only have a pointy stick so where do they start

"By finding a way back to the Doctor?" Ryan asked unsure, surely if they were wanting to save the Doctor, they first needed to find him.

The Master gave him a deadpan look before turning to the Doctor, "Clearly not all your pets have brain cells."

"Master!" The Doctor berated sharply, sending Ryan an apologetic look between glaring at the Master.

Clara says they assume they're going to win; Missy declares it's a pity as she was getting hungry and then wonders into the desert. Clara asks if she can have a stick, and Missy tells her to make her own

"From what?" Clara muttered to herself, there was literally nothing else around. As much as she hated the situation, she unfortunately knew it wasn't likely that she would have survived if Missy wasn't there. She hated Missy but she was also a little bit thankful she hadn't been alone. Missy at least had a plan, knowledge and a vague weapon.

Back in Davros' room, Davros says it took him a long time to realise it was the Doctor at his beginning, and now they're there at the end

"So, he knows it was you then, great. Just great." Rory sighed, rubbing his forehead. There goes that last bit of hope that he hadn't realised it was the Doctor.

The Doctor is looking for something and holds a Dalek gun he finds to the back of Davros' head before taking it away again. Davros keeps speaking declaring the Doctor is at his mercy, and then adds the gun is too old and won't work – it doesn't

The room was watching the exchange, bodies full of tension. They had more hope knowing that Missy and Clara were on their way to help out but they weren't enjoying the Doctor spiralling in their grief while at the apparent mercy of Davros. Even Clara and the Master were watching the scene attentively, neither knowing the details of the Doctor's time alone with Davros. The Doctor was just scowling at the screen.

Davros asks if he'll threaten a dying man, asking if he's not suffered enough

"You suffering?! You're a monster, that's made billions of other suffer!" Martha muttered darkly. Mickey squeezed her hand to reassure her, both thinking back to their time on the Crucible.

The Doctor tells him to get out and Davros says he can't as the chamber sustains him, the Doctor repeats himself

Several people winced at how furious and unnerving the Doctor sounded. They'd all seen the darker side of the Doctor (to varying degrees) and had almost expected it after their perceived loss, but it was still concerning and slightly unsettling to watch.

The Doctor was scowling at the screen as she muttered quietly to herself. "I wasn't talking about the room."

In the control room, alarms sound as a Dalek declares the infirmary is breached, and they must protect Davros

"Not good. You're still very much surrounded." Rose pointed out, only earning a one-hearted shrug from the Doctor who was barely listening.

They track a red dot in a building schematic on a screen and declare Davros is leaving, another says he can't leave the infirmary. Davros screams for his children to help him, and the Doctor is escaping. The Dalek's go flying over Skaro to try and find him

The group watched, only growing more tense as the scale of the Dalke army was revealed with varying generations and types of Daleks included.

"Why don't they want Davros to leave the infirmary?" Amy asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"I mean the guy did say the room was sustaining him." Bill pointed out.

Amy just shook her head, "No the wording is weird. There's something else going on." A few people gave the screen assessing looks while the rest looked a bit confused. Anyone that glanced at the Doctor would have noticed a dark, almost satisfied smirk on her face.

The Daleks are all trying to find and exterminate the Doctor, on the planet's surface Clara asks what' happening

"Well, that's explained that." Clara muttered to herself; she'd been terrified when the Daleks became more active. Worried both for the Doctor and concerned over how they could avoid detection long enough to rescue him and get out. Of course, the Doctor managed to cause chaos in the brief time they'd been gone.

Missy asks what she thinks, and Clara suggests the Doctor's in the middle of it all, Missy has found something they need

"You've found something." Jack realised, that tone of voice was distinctive, and Missy seemed to be looking at something they couldn't see. He wasn't liking how Missy was in control here, but he knew they didn't really have nay other options if Clara wanted a chance to get back to the Doctor.

"Of course, I have. I'm not nearly as stupid or blind as you apes." The Master sneered at Jack who glared back at him.

Davros screams for assistance and the Daleks go to help him, they find him lying on the floor of his room. In the control room, the Doctor enters in Davros' chair asking the Daleks to admit they've had that nightmare

The room was stunned into silence for several seconds, the Doctor just grinning proudly and a bit vindictive in her chair, as the room glanced between her and the screen.

"Now that's an entrance." Nardole muttered, breaking the stunned silence.

"You ... what?!


"You absolute moron!"

Several people started talking at once making it hard to distinguish exactly who was speaking and what they were saying. Jack's cackling broke through the chatter due to the sheer volume of it. It also caused the rest to quieten down.

River just smirked, "You know, I bet they have had that nightmare."

"If they can even have nightmares." Jack added through his cackles. That had made his day, seeing Davros abandoned on the floor and the Doctor rolling into Dalek central in his chair would stay in his memory forever. Of course, the Doctor would do something like that. It was just crazy enough to unsettle the Daleks and give him a chance to get somewhere.

"You're an idiot." Clara stared down the Doctor. The Doctor just shrugged with a vague head nod, as if to say 'that's fair'.

Davros calls for Sarff who appears

"Interesting that he calls for Sarff and not the Daleks." Amy narrowed her eyes further at the screen.

Rory eyed her warily for a second, "Erm ... maybe you're looking into this too much? I mean the Daleks don't really have; you know ... hands .... to help put him back in a chair. Colony Sarff's his only option outside of the Doctor who was the one that stole his chair in the first place."

Amy scowled at her husband, "I'm not crazy. Something's up!"

Rory immediately put his hands up in surrender. Give him a cyberarmy or pirated any day and he'd be able to fight them off, an angry Amy, however? He knew he had no chance. "I'm not saying you are. Knowing the Doctor there probably is something." He tried to placate his wife. Amy stared him down for a second as if looking for lies before nodding her satisfaction and looking back to the screen. Rory let out a small breath.

Doctor asks if they want to play dodgems

"Of course, that's the quip you go for. You're a right idiot, Spaceman." Donna exclaimed with exasperation. The Doctor just pouted; she'd been proud of that one.

The Daleks shout exterminate and fire at the Doctor, the screen whites out

"No, no, no. Come on don't go for the cliff-hanger!" Ryan complained. They all knew the Doctor had to have escaped it, how, they didn't know. But still, his point stood!

"Almost as bad as the literal cliff-hanger in the Percy Jackson books." Graham remarked, nonchalantly before quickly realising his mistake. Both Yaz and Ryan had been the ones to get him to read the series (despite it being aimed at younger kids/teens it had been enjoyable), but the pair were very passionate about it.

Both Yaz and Ryan turned to look at him. Yaz scowled, waving her hands around to emphasise her point, "There's nothing worse than that literal cliff-hanger. I mean the author went for the main characters literally falling into a pit to hell! Then just ended the book!"

"Don't remind me." Ryan bemoaned alongside Yaz.

"You two are far too attached to fictional characters." Graham sighed with a bit of concern on his face as the pair continued to mutter about the books.

"Sacrilege!" Bill exclaimed, joining in on the matter. Nodding along with Yaz and Ryan's points and pointing an upset finger at Graham, who looked resigned.

"Nothing wrong with being attached to fictional characters, Graham." The Doctor interrupted. "Did I ever tell you how Martha Jones and William Shakespeare saved the world using Harry Potter?" Martha laughed slightly at the fonder memories, back when she'd still been very new to the whole mess and there had definitely been issues, but the trip still had great moments.

The rest of the group groaned, knowing if the Doctor got started, she'd get distracted over and over until she was on a completely different story entirely about something obscure and they'd never find out what happened in the video.

"Why don't we just continue the video?" River interjected in an attempt to save their sanity (or the shreds they had left anyway). Thankfully the group quietened down and turned back to the screen.

Clara looks down a hole in the ground surprised the Daleks have sewers

"The sewers." Martha sighed, "It's always the sewers." Her first encounter with the Daleks in Manhattan had involved the sewers then too. That had been bad enough, she didn't want to see what the Dalek sewers were like, but they weren't about to get a choice.

Missy says they have a difference to human ones, the Dalek ones are slightly alive

"Brilliant. That sounds ... just great." Mickey sighed, of course they were. Things could never be simple, could they?

Clara asks about that comment, but Missy contemplates how far of a drop it is, asking if Clara can see the bottom. Clara suggests throwing a stone down as its too dark to see

Clara turned to scowl at the Master, remembering exactly what happened next and everything else that was still to come. The Master grinned back smug and unrepentant.

Missy says that's a good idea and pushes Clara down the hole

Several people let out little shrieks at the unexpected movement. Concern for Clara skyrocketing. That fall could have easily been fatal or could have seriously injured Clara just because she wasn't prepared for it, and that wasn't accounting for how deep it actually was.

The Doctor turned a furious glare on the Master who met her gaze blank but unflinching. The pair seemed to have a silent argument before the Doctor huffed and turned back to the screen, glancing concerned at Clara briefly. The Master sunk down a bit more in his chair, ignoring the glares from the rest of the group in favour of the screen.

Clara screams and then thuds to the ground as Missy declares it a twenty-foot drop

The group all winced at Clara's scream which cut off with a thud. Glancing between the screen and Clara in the room to reassure themselves she was there, safe. Clara was alternating between scowling at the screen and the Master, and giving reassuring smiles to the rest of the group. She could vividly remember all the bruises from that but compared to the rest of the events of the day, it didn't feel so significant anymore.

Back in the control room, the Doctor sips from a fancy teacup saying that obviously the real question is where he got the cup of tea, and the answer is he's the Doctor so they should just accept it

The group glanced at the Doctor, several of them comically oping their mouths to ask before stopping themselves, shaking their heads and deciding it was better not to question it. The Doctor smiled smugly.

The Daleks are surprised he is unharmed. The Doctor declares Davros is insane, paranoid and has lived amongst the Daleks for centuries so of course he's stealing the chair

"You think he has safety features and possible tools in it?" Rory realised. So, the chair hadn't been just a decision made in anger or for humour, apparently the Doctor had a vague plan and some reasoning. Knowing the Doctor, it was likely a mix of all of the above actually.

"Ten points to the Roman." The Doctor grinned. Rory smiled back slightly unsure, the groans from Yaz, Ryan and Graham at the mentioned points not instilling any confidence into him.

The Dalek superior says he cannot escape

"Well, he's definitely going to escape now. You should never tell the Doctor what they can't do." Jack grinned, he knew that first-hand, having seen it occur thousands of times before. The Doctor had always been planning on escaping but being told directly he couldn't, probably meant he put that little bit more energy into it. They were petty like that.

The Doctor holds up the Dalek gun saying the personal forcefield likely only works one way, the Dalek declares he doesn't use weapons, and the Doctor call them out saying to listen to their hearts beat

"The one thing the Daleks actually fear." River said seriously. Whenever the Doctor was in the Dalek's vicinity, they immediately became their number one priority. They'd even seen it before in the first video, during the scenes on Gallifrey. The Doctor was just too dangerous and had stopped them too many times to not try and destroy them, not that they ever succeeded.

In the sewers, Clara sits up, Missy has joined her, and Clara grabs the pointy stick

The group let out a breath, glad to see Clara appear fine physically. She couldn't be seriously hurt if she was moving around like that. It was also great to see Clara with the weapon, even though the whole group knew who would win in that fight.

Missy asks if she really could, Clara declares she would at the first opportunity. Missy counters she wouldn't survive on her own and Clara argues Missy wouldn't survive turning her back. Missy declares it exciting, turning her back to Clara and nothing happens

A few people grimaced; they likely would have done the same. Knowing Missy was right, and they wouldn't get out of their alive or be able to rescue the Doctor without her help, but still it was so tempting. The room was tense as the fragile alliance between the pair already seemed to be cracking, all of them wondering how they were going to get out of this mess alive.

Missy declares she's dull and steals the stick back

A few people let out startled sounds at Missy's sudden movement, all wincing at Clara losing that slight advantage.

"Well, there goes the stick." Nardole muttered, going ignored.

Missy tells her if she's going to take the stick to kill her as teamwork is about respect, Clara argues they aren't a team. Missy says they are as a miner needs a canary, and to shut up and look around

There were more winces at Missy's comments, no one liking the connotations of the Canary comment. Missy had already been using Clara in that way, but it didn't give them any reassurance for the rest of Missy's plan.

Clara asks what the mess around them is, as Missy explains Daleks don't generate much waste

"I don't think we want to know." Bill grimaced, watching the screen in disgust. Normal sewers were bad enough, but this place was horrible. She was suddenly very glad they were just watching it on screen and didn't have to experience it like Clara had.

Missy explains it is decaying Daleks as they can't die, but still age so their bodies break down and liquify. The Dalek word for sewer is the same as graveyard. She stabs the wall, and it screams

"Oh god." Rose muttered, grimacing at the revelation, sight and sound. The whole group grimacing and looking horrified by Missy's revelation. That was a whole new form of torture, and of course Missy was leading them through it.

"Out of the fire and into the frying pan." Martha muttered darkly. It seemed even when off the surface and away from the Daleks they were still surrounded by Daleks. That sight would definitely be haunting her nightmares.

In the control room, the Doctor tells the Dalek to ask what he wants, the Dalek finds it irrelevant as he won't escape. The Doctor declares he's been in the heart of their world for forty-two minutes and hasn't even gotten out of the chair, repeating his first request

"Forty-two minutes?" Rory blinked, turning to Clara. "You can't have been unconscious long then if these are roughly happening at the same time."

Clara shook her head, "No, I don't think I was knocked out long thankfully." She didn't want to think what Missy could have accomplished with more time.

The Dalek asks what he wants – which is Clara, it is broadcasted across the planet so the pair in the sewer hear

"At least you know the Doctor's alive." Rose sighed, it might help Clara and Missy to be able to hear the Doctor, but it was also likely going to hurt. Especially if the Doctor didn't know they could hear him, due to him thinking them dead.

The Doctor demands Clara returned safe and alive, telling them to bring her to him unharmed and alive

Clara sent the Doctor a small smile, it had helped her to know that he was looking for her, asking for her return safe while she struggled through her adventure with Missy. It had reassured her to know he was alive and hadn't forgotten her. The Doctor returned her smile although it had an edge of sadness and almost wistfulness that Clara didn't want to read much into.

The Doctor declares the earlier scene better have been a trick; the Dalek says it wasn't. The Doctor continues warning them if Clara is dead, they'd better be very careful how they tell him

"It wasn't a trick by the Daleks, but it was, thankfully, a trick." The Doctor muttered to herself, it was rare for her to feel so thankful for the Master's presence, and it hadn't lasted long with everything else that had happened, but Missy had saved Clara and kept her alive (to a point). She didn't want to think about what would have happened if Missy hadn't been there (ignoring how much harder it would have been for Clara to locate her in the first place).

Missy tells Clara to listen to it – the Doctor without hope, saying no one is safe. The Doctor asks who is going to tell him, who will be first

No one missed how Missy sounded ... almost concerned and a bit scared. That wasn't a good thought, because if the Master was scared of the Doctor, they had no hope. The group had all seen the Doctor like this at varying point during their travels, and though none would admit it, it was likely one of the scarier parts of their time with the Doctor. A Doctor without hope was one with nothing to lose and they tended to make very bad, very destructive decisions.

The Doctor declares all of Davros' power is his, so who will tell him Clara is dead. Missy declares the Doctor will burn everything, them included

The Doctor flinched at that, aware that Missy was very correct. If the pair hadn't found her quick enough, she likely would have destroyed them (and everything else) in her grief and fury. She was very glad that Missy knew her so well and knew the Daleks well enough to outmanoeuvre them and find her, she didn't want to think too much into what would have happened elsewise.

The Dalek supreme tells the Doctor Clara is dead, and on the screen Davros declares it if good to see him learn the urge of conquest. The Doctor declares his seat is taken and Davros agrees but says its not by the Doctor. Snakes seize the Doctor, covering him completely as Davros reintroduces his head of personal security – Colony Sarff

The tension in the room somehow managed to heighten even further. The Doctor was no longer in control, and suddenly trapped again which ... wasn't good, to put it simply. Everyone ignored the small whisper in the back of their minds telling them that Sarff trapping the Doctor had likely stopped the Doctor destroying everything and given Clara and Missy time to find him. Nevertheless, they could all agree the sight of the snakes covering the Doctor was horrifying and not something they ever wanted to experience.

Davros asks if Sarff is ready, which he is, adding to be subtle as they will entrap a Time Lord tonight

"They've already got the Doctor though? Unless they're talking about Missy?" Yaz asked confused. Maybe Amy had a point that something else was going on here.

In the sewers they find a door and Clara asks what it is, suggesting it's a lift. Missy tells her to ignore it and look at something on the wall

"I feel like a lift would be important." Ryan muttered but didn't want to argue with the Master.

There is a metal circle with a blue dot in the middle, Clara asks what it is and Missy tells her to get closer

"Master." The Doctor glared, recognising what the circle was and guessing the Master/Missy's plan.

"Doctor." The Master met her eyes in challenge, neither wanting to back down from their silent argument. It was only the video continuing that ended their stare off.

Clara asks what she is looking for, and Missy reveals she is giving it a look at Clara as a Dalek shouts about intruders

"That sounds lie the opposite of a good plan!" Jack announced with a sharp glare at the Master who only smirked. Clara was glaring at the screen, unfortunately resigned to the mess they were going to see eventually.

An alarm sounds as Missy grabs Clara. Clara asks why she did that as Missy asks if she ever rang a doorbell and run away

"Bit of an extreme version of ding, dong, ditch." Amy snorted; she was glancing concerned at both Clara and the Doctor. Both trapped with enemies with seemingly no escape, things weren't looking great.

A Dalek declares humans have been detected as Missy handcuffs Clara to a wall camera unit

"What are you doing?" Martha hissed at the Master furious. Whatever plan they had seemingly involved making Clara even more vulnerable and in danger from the Daleks, and she for one was not on board with it (not that she's be onboard with any plan the Master made).

"Doing what none of you little pets are capable of and actually coming up with a plan." The Master smirked back, enjoying antagonising them.

Martha looked half ready to jump off her seat and start a physical fight, but Mickey squeezed her hand, grounding her and trying to stop her starting a fight. Despite the Master's appearance he wasn't actually physically weak, and a fight wouldn't end well. Reluctantly Martha backed down, turning back to the screen and ignoring the Master's smirk in the corner.

Clara asks why she did that, and Missy explains they need to trap and kill a Dalek, calling Clara the bait and herself the hook, as the Dalek gets closer

"How are you going to do that? You have a pointy stick, and I don't think that's going to do much against a Dalek." Rose pointed out looking dubiously at the screen.

The Master scowled as she underestimated her genius. "I don't need to explain myself to monkeys like you."

Clara sighed, feeling suddenly like she was babysitting toddlers (a semi-common feeling when dealing with both the Doctor and Missy). "Just watch Rose." She answered with a small smile at the other woman, feeling like she had to do damage control as the only other person present for this part.

Missy removes a brooch from her blouse explaining it is dark star alloy which can cut through armour plating. Clara demands Missy uncuffs her, but Missy keeps talking about the brooch. She declares it pretty, and she got it in the olden days on Gallifrey, saying the Doctor gave it to her when her daughter, and she trails off

The group was oddly quiet upon hearing that comment from Missy. On one hand they were glad that the pair actually had a weapon to kill a Dalek (even though they still didn't know why exactly that was necessary for Missy's plan). On the other, they hadn't really considered that the Master had also had a family a long time ago, let alone a child. To some, the idea of the Master having a child was a terrifying concept, even if it was tempered by the certainty that they were long dead.

The Doctor glanced over to the Master, concerned at her old friend's slip. It wasn't often that the Master brought up her daughter, it was incredibly rare in fact, slightly rarer than the Doctor talking about her own family, yet it never stopped hurting. The Master refused to meet her eyes, focus seemingly locked on the screen but their mind link was open just enough for the Doctor to feel the Master's turbulent emotions. Their families were one (of a few) topic that was never truly brought up in their fights, too painful and almost sacred between them.

The group stayed silent and let the video continue, wanting to know both Clara's fate and also not wanting to touch an obviously sensitive topic even if it was the Master.

The lift arrives as Missy tells her to keep talking and draw the Dalek out. Clara argues she can't kill a Dalek with a brooch

"Apparently you can." Clara corrected herself quietly, she really shouldn't have underestimated Missy, especially when it came to murder.

Missy hides near the left saying she can. The Dalek orders to stay still and moves towards Clara

"Anytime now Missy." Bill gritted out between clenched teeth, concern for Clara obvious. Did Missy really have to let it get that close to Clara? (Actually, knowing Missy she was doing it because it was funny).

The Dalek declares sterilisation will proceed but Missy shouts at it saying she just put a hole in it – she had poked one of the spheres on the Dalek and steam comes out. Missy does it again and again, shouting as she does so

"You're enjoying that far too much." The Doctor sighed, an edge of exasperation to her tone.

"Oh please, like you've never enjoyed killing a Dalek before. They're Daleks!" The Master scoffed; voice full of disbelief as the Doctor tried to ruin what had been a perfectly enjoyable memory.

"I never enjoyed it!" The Doctor argued, sure she'd killed (a lot) of Daleks before but it was usually because they were attacking her, or her friends, or Earth or Gallifrey. Not because she liked it.

The Master however, had sensed weakness. "Oh? Never felt relief? Felt glad that they were dead? Ever regretted it? No?" The Doctor's spluttered protests and attempts to argue were ignored. "Of course, the Doctor. The oh so perfect and good Doctor, has never taken joy in a monster's death." His voice was dripping with venom and sarcasm, glaring at the Doctor who halted her protests to glare back, furious.

"You know that's not -." The Doctor tried to interject again but was cut off once more by the Master.

"What you meant? Oh, who cares what you meant Doctor." He waved an arm with false nonchalance, before going in for the kill. "It's what other's think dear."

The Doctor froze for a solid minute before dragging her attention away from a scowling Master and back to the screen, ignoring the Master's mutters about 'always running away'. No one else said a word, the tension in the room suffocating, thankfully the video resumed promptly.

Clara asks what she's doing, and Missy declares she is murdering a Dalek as she's a Time Lady and it's their golf. The Dalek declares the damage insignificant, Missy counters that it forgot it was surrounded but a lot of very old and angry Daleks, the decaying Daleks around them screech

And suddenly Missy's inefficient strategy didn't seem so insane now. The whole group watched in a mix of awe and horror as the decaying Daleks started to attack the Dalek.

Missy puts on an American accent as she tells the Dalek to meet the locals, who might be out of their tiny minds, but they can smell and nobody hates more than a Dalek. The Dalek declares its vision is impaired as viscous fluid seeps into the Dalek and out the grill

"Gross." Bill muttered with a grimace, she couldn't help but compare it a little to how Heather had taken over/impersonated the Dalek when she was chasing them across time/space, but at least that hadn't been as gross as this.

The Dalek shouts exterminate as Missy says the older generations are coming. The Dalek fires as the walls as Missy uncuffs Clara and they run

The group let out a quiet breath at seeing Missy willing release Clara's handcuffs. That was one less problem to be solved and Clara could now run from the Dalke at the very least. Though with the way things were going on screen that likely wasn't going to be an issue much longer.

Missy is having too much fun as the Dalek declares an emergency, then it explodes

The group winced slightly at the explosion, very glad that Clara was out of the blasting zone (and mildly shocked to see Missy almost protecting Clara against the (very gross wall)). Missy's little 'wheee' however seemed a bit unnecessary but in that the Master didn't seem to change much. The group were all making mental notes to never enter a Dalek sewer (not that they had planned to in the first place, but they were metaphorically underlining that note in their minds).

Back on the battleground, the smoke clears to show Young Davros surrounded by hand minds and asking for help still

The group blinked; a bit surprised by the sudden change of scene back to where they'd begun with young Davros. The scene didn't last long though, before they were back to the Doctor and older-Davros.

In Davros' room, the Doctor wakes to see Davros back in his chair. Davros says he should be grateful as it wasn't easy to get, the only other chair on Skaro. The Doctor is indeed in an ordinary metal chair

"I mean Dalek's don't need seats and I doubt they get many visitors on Skaro." Mickey commented in an attempt to interject some humour into the tense room. It didn't work very well, only earning a few small smiles, but he got points for effort.

Davros tells him not to get up, the Doctor tells him the same as he does that and moves to the door

The group did crack some smiles at the Doctor immediately ignoring Davros and doing the opposite of what her was told. His dazed state seemingly passing as he regained knowledge of where he was (having apparently passed out) and went back to normal Doctor behaviour.

Davros declares the room is sealed and knows the Doctor doesn't have his sonic. The Doctor says he gave it up due to bad memories

"Not a good excuse." River muttered with a nudge to the Doctor's arm who winced, more at the comment than the nudge. Her sonic would have been helpful in that situation as much as she didn't want to admit it.

Davros says he is dying and the Doctor mentions how he keeps saying that but doesn't actually die, telling him to give it some effort

That earned a few snickers, the room feeling a bit more reassured with the Doctor up to their normal snarky comments, and Clara and Missy making progress in their rescue operation.

Davros declares it is time their business together ends; the Doctor says they do not have business and Davros counters with they have nothing but business. He also tells the Doctor to look at the cables and see what they are, adding to come closer

"I don't like the sound of that." Rory muttered.

"Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly." Amy added on, earning a sigh from her husband.

"That's not helping."

"I try."

In the sewers, Missy opens the Dalek and scoops out the remains of the mutant within it, telling Clara to get in

"I'm sorry, what?!" Donna exclaimed, voicing the thoughts of many in the room. All glancing between the screen, Clara and the Master, as if waiting for one of them to go 'Joking! Got you!" but no one did.

Clara was stuck between scowling at the Master and the screen (and mentally wincing at what was to come, it still haunted her nightmares sometimes), as the Doctor winced in memory of what had almost happened, also glaring at the Master for putting her through that. The Master was just smirking at the reminder of his plan, although he had to resist a pout as he remembered it hadn't ended the way he wanted it to.

Donna quickly lost any patience she had, speaking up again, louder this time. "Are you lot deaf? What do you mean get in!?"

"Just watch, Donna. Please." The Doctor sighed, answering Donna as she knew that was the only way to appease the angry red head.

"I'm watching you Martian." Donna retorted with narrowed eyes, unpleased with the lack of proper answer but willing to go along with her request for now.

The Doctor says the Daleks don't have much respect for Davros, that they've dumped him in there, and asks how they took his inventions

Amy was nodding along, glad that someone else had noticed what she had. Rory just sighed, knowing Amy was going to be unbearable for a while.

The Doctor looks at the cables – declaring it a hyperspace relay with a genetic component

"And in English, Doc?" Graham asked, utterly bewildered as the scientific terms went right over his head. He got the genetic bit at least a little but the rest? Nada. Thankfully most of the others looked equally confused. The Doctor just smiled and waved to the screen in answer.

Davros explains he is connected to the lifeforce of all the Daleks on the planet, and that keeps him alive. The Doctor is surprised the Daleks allow it

"Why do they? The Daleks hate imperfection, and Davros is weak, dying and ultimately not a Dalek." River asked curious. Her mother had been spot-on about something else being involved apparently, and now they were getting answers thankfully.

"He is their creator." The Doctor answered. It was a cryptic answer and any other tie someone would have argued, but the Doctor's blank expression said they weren't going to entertain any attempts. The group was best to just watch the video.

Davros says they have no choice due to a genetic defect – respect, mercy for their father. Davros couldn't eliminate the flaw. He then goes back to the cables saying the Doctor realises the truth of the cables now, they send Davros life but with some work a Time Lord could send death

"Why is he telling you that? Does he suddenly want to die?" Mickey asked bewildered, that seemed very un-Davros from the brief time he's had the misfortune of meeting the villain and the interactions they'd seen on screen.

"He has an ulterior motive." Jack shook his head at Mickey's theory/questions, eyes narrowed and face serious. "It's a trap or something. Davros wouldn't tell the Doctor that for no reason." He glanced at the Doctor, but she offered no answer, eyes locked on the screen and expression schooled.

The Doctor asks why he would tell him that. Davros wants to see if the Doctor will commit genocide, a slaughter not part of a war or self-defence, asking If he's ready

"He wouldn't." Yaz muttered, then glanced at the Doctor in the room with the and repeated her words, more confident, "You wouldn't."

"I wish I had your confidence Yaz. It wouldn't be the first time I'd faced that choice." The Doctor answered with a frown. It wouldn't have been her first genocide, or her first time being told to kill the Daleks completely. She could never deny she was tempted; the Daleks having hurt her so much that it almost seemed justified. But it wouldn't be, it wouldn't be right.

"But you didn't, and you won't." Yaz's words were full of confidence, full of belief in the Doctor. It was moments like this that reminded the Doctor that her three newest companions were still relatively new to travelling with her in the scheme of things, and they hadn't gone through as much of the other sin terms of seeing her at her darkest. She's purposely tried to keep them sheltered and she was suddenly unsure whether that was the right decision or not. It wasn't like these videos were going to give her the option to keep them sheltered much longer.

The Doctor just sent back a slightly shaky smile, before the video restarted.

The Doctor backs away but Davros brings his hands back to the cable asking if he is ready to be god, the Doctor reaches out but doesn't touch them

The group watched silently. They knew the Doctor wouldn't, couldn't have as the Daleks were still around, but they could all see the almost desire in the Doctor's eyes, the way he reached out and considered it. No that they could entirely blame him for it, many of them unsure what they would do in the same situation. Still, they were relieved when the Doctor moved his hands away.

Davros asks why he hesitates as no one would ever know, asking if it is his conscious or the shame that brought him here, reminding him that Clara is dead

It hit the group that the Doctor still thought Clara dead, was still grieving in his own way. Holding onto swiftly fading hope for a miracle, as he had nothing to go off of over than Clara's 'death' unlike them in the room who had seen Misys and Clara's adventures so far. No wonder the Doctor was in such an unsteady mental state. Playing mind games with his nemesis, something he would normally excel in, likely wasn't helping in this situation.

DOCTOR: There's no such thing as the Doctor. I'm just a bloke in a box, telling stories. And I didn't come here because I'm ashamed. A bit of shame never hurt anyone. I came because you're sick and you asked. And because sometimes, on a good day, if I try very hard, I'm not some old Time Lord who ran away. I'm the Doctor.

Clara smiled softly at the Doctor, recognising the sentiment from the day in the Graveyard with Missy's cyberarmy. The Doctor's acceptance and admittance of who they were, which was often so different from who they thought of themselves and how everyone else saw them. It was good to see the Doctor regaining more of themself, even in their poor mental state. The Doctor sent back her own shaky smile; eyes almost apologetic for what was still to come.

Davros declares compassion grows string in the Doctor like a cancer and says it will kill him some day, the Doctor says he wouldn't die of anything else

"There's worse ways to die." The Doctor declared firmly.

"And we'd know." Jack smiled at the Doctor in understanding, not afraid to joke a little with the Doctor like this.

"We'd know." The Doctor repeated with a sad smile.

In the sewers, Clara is inside the Dalek casing with the front panels open. Missy attaches electrodes to her head

Clara and the Doctor immediately went back to scowling darkly at the screen as everyone else watched in warily, not liking where this was going. The Master leaned back in his seat, ready to enjoy the show.

Clara wasn't looking forward to reliving this part of the mess (she hadn't been looking forward to any of it to be fair, but this was arguably the worst part). She only had vague memories of her splinters, some things came back to her and others didn't. Unfortunately, her time as a Dalek in the Dalek Asylum was one such memory that had come back, and a very unpleasant one at that. She still had nightmares featuring herself as a Dalek, and this had only added to the nightmare fuel, inspiring whole new tangents that she didn't want to think about.

So far, she hadn't had any nightmares since the Tardis brought them here despite all the nightmare fuel being added to the fire from the videos, possibly due to the Tardis doing something to ward them away or everyone's presence around she couldn't say. Either way, if she could have nightmares, she knew this video would only bring back those old Dalek ones with a vengeance.

Clara asks how to make it go, and Missy explains it is telepathic control telling her to open wide. Clara opens her mouth, and Missy tells her she meant her skull before saying never mind, there's a beep as the electrodes penetrate her skull

"How was she supposed to know!" Rose protested in Clara's favour. The rest of the group nodding along in support earning thankful smiles from Clara. She was grateful for the support; it was nice to know they cared about her even if she was sure they would have sided with almost anyone who was against Missy/the Master.

The Master just ignored them, looking to all as if he couldn't care less about their thoughts.

Clara is hurt but Missy says nano-tech will repair any damage as it goes in, Clara asks about when it comes out

"Good question, maybe a bit too late to ask." Bill decided with a grimace. She really wasn't liking where this was going, and Clara being in clear pain while at Missy's mercy wasn't helping (and was absolutely bringing up her own bad memories).

Missy doesn't know, nor does anyone. She explains Clara must think to control it, telling her to move forward. Clara says she doesn't know how, but the Dalek moves forward

"Okay, you have some sort of control at least. Silver linings and all." Mickey nodded thoughtfully, still frowning at the screen. This did not seem like a good idea but with the Doctor you often had to look for the positives in a situation if you wanted to stay sane.

Missy calls out more instructions and Clara does it even as she says she can't. Missy declares it won't hurt as she touches a control, and the Dalek casing closes up on Clara. Clara begs Missy not to but it's too late

The group was increasing their concerned glances to Clara who had curled up a bit on her seat, hand fiddling with her trouser leg unconsciously in her nerves. The case closing had been panic inducing, sending her spiralling down her splinter's memories until she had managed to calm herself. And yet the still was worst to come.

The Doctor was glaring openly at the Master now, recognising why Clara had been panicking so much (they'd had a few late-night discussions due to nightmares before during their travels) and hating that she hadn't been there to prevent it in the first place, let alone what she had (almost) done later.

Missy asks if she's okay, inside the Dalek Clara responds she's fine, outside the Dalek speaks her words in a Dalek robotic voice

"That's just ... unnerving." Amy declared with a grimace. Both her and Rory were also thinking back on their time in the Dalek Asylum. They'd never actually gotten to meet Clara/Oswin the Dalek, but they'd heard her throughout the adventure, and this couldn't be good for Clara's mental health.

"Tell me about it." Clara grimaced, hearing it like this was even worse than it had been while in the Dalek and she was not enjoying it in the slightest.

Clara declares it a bit weird. Missy tells her to say her name

Clara and the Doctor glared darkly at the Master, who was smirking like a cat that got the canary. The pair weren't sure how far ahead Missy had been planning (likely very far) but she was far too aware and prude of herself for it to be by accident.

The rest of the group was watching the interaction wearily, they didn't remotely like the Master and Missy on screen seemed far too smug, but they didn't know what was wrong yet and they hated not knowing.

Clara asks why but Missy insists. Clara says her name, but the Dalek only says Dalek no matter how much Clara tries to get it to say her name

"No." Martha muttered; eyes wide as she connected the final pieces. She had a very good guess about what Missy was going to try and pull now, and it only made her despise the Time Lord more than she already did (something she had thought impossible).

Several others also started making the connection, turning their own dark glare and furious eyes on the Master who was far too smug for anyone's liking. The Doctor's grabbing Jack's wrist to prevent him trying to deck the Master again. Despite how appealing the sight sounded.

Bill edged her beanbag seat closer to Clara's but didn't touch the other woman, trying to offer comfort by proximity, her hands fidgeting nervously as she tried to supress her own memories of Missy (and the other Master's) mind games. Clara managed to offer Bill a shaky smile in thanks but was more focussed on keeping her breathing under control, not wanting to spiral into a panic attack.

The group was reluctant but turned their attention back to the screen to see Missy's plan play out, hoping that the Doctor would figure it out and stop it swiftly. Clara just wanted this video to be over with already.

Clara is panicking now, and Missy laughs as the gun fires warning her to not get emotional as it fires the gun

"Shoot her." Jack announced, completely serious even under the Doctor's disapproving look. Clara just smiled a bit thankful for the support, it had been tempting but it meant no one would have known, that the Doctor would have had no way to know it was her.

Clara declares she doesn't understand. Missy tells her to say, 'I love you' and not ask why, but just say those exact words

"Daleks don't understand love." River said, eyeing the Master darkly. The Time Lord was just adding to Clara's trauma.

"Exactly." The Master smirked.

Clara says 'I love you' and the Dalek says exterminate, Missy laughs

"You're sick." Martha spat at the Master who only laughed in response.

"Took you that long to figure it out Doctor Jones?" Martha forcefully turned away as the Master continued to laugh, a touch manically and hysteric, even as the video restarted.

Missy tries to get Clara to say several other things, but all that comes out is exterminate. Missy keeps laughing and dodges as Clara spins round firing the Dalek gun. Missy explains that Cybermen supress emotions but Daleks channel it through a gun which is why they yell exterminate a lot, its their reloading. She tells Clara to come, so they can go kill them

"Voice commands. The Daleks use voice commands." Ryan announced in disbelief, eager for the Doctor to be on screen and free Clara but unable to voice his thought.

"Thought commands really, I guess." Yaz corrected, remembering what Missy was saying earlier about controlling the Dalek shell.

Back with Davros, he has one question he's longed to ask the Doctor – why did he leave Gallifrey?

"Big question." Jack raised an eyebrow at the screen, he hadn't been expecting Davros to ask that. "And not one she's ever going to answer properly, let alone to you."

The Doctor says because he did, Davros pushes saying he stole a Tardis and ran away but why? The Doctor declares Gallifrey a boring place and he was going out of his mind

"That was one word for it." The Master smirked in agreement, enjoying the Doctor's flinch at his use of past tense.

Davros points out he longs to return and the Doctor declares himself inconsistent. Davros says it is always the same lie, saying he didn't run away because he was bored, no one runs like he has for such a small reason

"No one else is me." The Doctor answered snidely.

"You're talking to the screen, Sweetie."

"I know."

The Doctor argues he does, but Davros doesn't believe it. He explains Colony Sarff confiscated some items upon their arrival, revealing the Doctor's confession dial in a box - he knows what it is. Davros wants to know his confession, asking to send him to the grave with the precious knowledge.

No one could deny they were very curious about the Doctor's confession but seeing as they had gone through billions of years of torture to get Clara back and avoid answering questions, they really weren't expecting Davros to get an answer here. They all knew it was likely that they'd never find out.

Davros reaches for the dial but the Doctor protests. The Doctor says some things matter to him, and he shouldn't put his fingers anywhere near the few that do. He picks up his sunglasses from the box

Clara relaxed a little bit upon seeing the Doctor regain his sonic sunglasses, especially with Davros none the wiser to what they were, that was one advantage they had back.

The Doctor says his sunglasses better not be scratched, Davros comments on him still playing the fool

"They always do." River muttered, tone somehow a mix between exasperation, fondness, disapproval and pride in a way only River could manage.

The Doctor declares him wearing his sunglasses should make Davros nervous

"Very nervous." Jack agreed with a smirk, he was looking forward to the Doctor escaping and Davros getting taken down.

In a corridor, a Dalek shouts at Missy to halt which she does. Clara as a Dalek reports Missy is a humanoid intruder found on lower levels

"So that's your plan." Rory announced, "The dress up as a guard trick." He didn't sound approving.

"Taken to the extreme. Mental torture of Clara wasn't necessary in anyway or needed." Amy added with a glare at the Master in the room.

"Who said anything about necessary? It was fun." The Master smirked, ignoring the glares he was receiving from the whole room.

The Dalek wants to know why Missy hasn't been exterminated. Missy tells it to count her hearts calling herself a prisoner of significance. The Dalek calls her a Time Lord and Missy corrects him to Time Lady declaring some can afford the upgrade. She asks if it is the same Supreme Dalek she fought on the slopes of the Never Vault

"Dramatic." Nardole muttered, apparently it was a Time Lord/Lady thing.

"Shut it, egg." The Master growled making Nardole squeak in fear.

The Doctor looks at his reflection as Davros asks for his confession, asking why he really left Gallifrey

"He's still on that?" Mickey asked in disbelief. If Davros had known the Doctor as long as they claimed to, they should know it was a question the Doctor was never going to answer.

The Doctor asks how long it's been the two of them, Davros tells him it's been long enough, and galaxies have burnt, and the Doctor asks he only now asks a personal question. Davros points out they killed billions of each other's kind, they used up all conventional means of communication

"Conventional?" Rose muttered, of course Davros would consider it that. He'd created the Daleks, ultimate war machines, monsters, after all.

The Doctor removes his sunglasses as he tells Davros he saved Gallifrey, and his people are alive

The group all winced at that; they'd gone through the joy of seeing the Doctor save their home in the first video only to find out the Master had destroyed it again. This was not a nice reminder that Gallifrey had been obliterated. The Doctor was frowning, at this point she still hadn't known where Gallifrey was as Missy had lied about the coordinates, another trick she wasn't willing to forgive so soon.

Davros congratulates him on saving Gallifrey, even though the Doctor doesn't know where it is

"I'm sorry, what?" Bill blinked, bewildered by the unexpected congratulations, that was the opposite of what she thought Davros would say.

The Doctor is confused and Davros repeats his congratulations as a man should have his own people, they should belong, and he is happy for the Doctor

The Doctor flinched at the reminder that even if Gallifrey was still around that she wouldn't know her species, her home. She wouldn't belong, that's if the Master's revelations on Gallifrey were to be believed.

The Doctor is speechless as Davros tells him to come closer so he can see his face

"He's gone insane." Jack decided, bewildered and suspicious of Davros' words and actions, he kept saying and doing the opposite of what they were expecting. "Or he's up to something."

The Doctor leans forward as Davros asks to see it with his real eyes, they move even closer, and their eyes meet

The room was unnerved with Davros' attitude, feeling as unsettled by it as the Doctor seemed on screen, and the Doctor really couldn't afford to be unsettled with Missy and Clara on the way.

Davros tells him to protect the Time Lords if he has truly saved them, protect his own like Davros has protected his own. He puts his hand on the Doctor's and asks if he has done it right

There was yet another flinch from the Doctor at the reminder that she hadn't ultimately been able to save Gallifrey, that she had lost them all again. River squeezed her hand in comfort while the rest of the room was thankfully distracted by Davros' question.

Davros needs to know before the end if he is a good man. The Doctor states he really is dying

"You didn't believe him?" Amy asked.

"No. I figured it was a trick." The Doctor answered honestly. "He's survived so long that I wasn't expecting him to suddenly be dying for real."

Davros asks if he doubted it, which the Doctor did. Davros declares they have established one thing then – the Doctor is not a good doctor

"That was never in question." Martha smiled teasingly at the Doctor who smiled with a shrug back.

They both chuckle and Davros declares it a pity as he wanted to see the sun one last time with his real eyes. In the control room, Missy greets the Daleks far too enthusiastically, declaring the Dalek Supreme her favourite

"Missy." The Doctor sighed quietly; eyes tightly closed in exasperation for her old friend's attitude.

Missy sits on the dais as they declare her an enemy, Missy declares that obvious as anyone that isn't a Dalek is an enemy to them

"Very true." River reluctantly agreed with the Time Lady.

The Dalek supreme declares she will be exterminated; Missy tells them to as she's been on her feet all day but first she wants t see Davros and she has a gift for them if they take her to him. The Dalek argues they don't negotiate but Missy declares she brought Clara gift-wrapped, canned even – control of the Doctor. Clara is speechless

The group immediately whipped around to give the Master the darkest glares they could manage. Mickey and the Doctor having to hold back Martha and Jack from getting up to punch the Master, no matter how much he deserved it.

They had been expecting the betrayal at some point, but it had still somehow completely blindsided them. They hadn't believed the Master would give the Daleks any kind of advantage like that when they could use it to torture the Doctor themself. Clara, herself, was glaring at the floor, as she unconsciously searched for a pulse on her wrist, a pulse she would never find. She'd also expected Missy to betray her at some point during that mess but hadn't expected it to come there, letting her guard down had been a mistake she'd paid for dearly.

Davros looks out the window declaring his world beautiful. The Doctor asks how he got it back and Davros reveals the Daleks remade it as they have a strong concept of home like the Doctor

"I doubt that's why." Rory decided with a grimace.

The Doctor argues its like Davros as they are everything he is, he plugs Davros back into the life support cables

"What are you doing?" River asked, eyes narrowing in on where the Doctor was reattaching the life support cables, "You better not be doing what I think you're doing Doctor."

The Doctor sighed; she'd fallen right into Davros's trap. Her own inclination for compassion dooming her like Davros had said it would. "Leave it River." She really didn't need River to be on her back about it when she already knew she'd made a mistake. River narrowed her eyes further at the tone but thankfully didn't push.

Davros declares like both of them then, saying how far they've come to go home. The Doctor says he's been gone a long time and he's trying to help but every Dalek on Skaro isn't enough to help Davros

"Good." Jack muttered, ignoring the Doctor's disapproving look. They didn't always work to the same morality or rules, and quite frankly Davros was someone he wouldn't mind dying.

Davros declares it good of him to help and the Doctor argues he's helping a little boy he abandoned on a battlefield, and he owes that boy a sunrise. The sun is coming up past a mountain range

Having seen the video so recently, the Doctor couldn't help but think back to the sunrise on Trenzalore, and how Handles hadn't managed to make it to that last one. It seemed unfair that Davros had, despite it being her interference that allowed it.

Davros moans as the Doctor says any moment now. Davros admits he's always admired the Doctor and wishes they'd been on the same side just once. The sun is coming up, but Davros cannot open his eyes, and is crying

The room was tense, most of them (as horrible as it sounded) wanting Davros to just die already and getting more and more unsettled as the pair continued to interact. The feeling that something was wrong only growing stronger with each passing second.

DOCTOR: Okay, don't ever tell anyone that I did this.
(He waves his hand around until a golden glow forms.)

"Don't you dare Doctor!" The Master immediately sat up straighter in his seat, eyes locked on the Doctor as he practically snarled his words. He would have been quicker with his plan if he knew the Doctor would give into his weak heart and do that. He'd known that Davros had stolen regeneration energy from the Doctor, but he hadn't known about the Doctor willingly starting it.

"You didn't!" Jack exclaimed, turning his own disapproving look on the Doctor, mixed with disbelief. The Doctor couldn't seriously be about to do what he thought they were.

The way the Doctor refused to look at either of them told the pair everything they needed to know.

The Doctor calls it a little bit of regeneration energy, adding it might cost him an arm or leg later, or maybe just make him little

The Doctor scowled down at herself; maybe that was why she was so short this regeneration! That mixed with her attempts to read Veritas in the Vatican. Apparently, the consequences of her decisions had finally caught up to her. Would it stop her in the future? No.

The Doctor stands in the cables where Davros once was, taking one in a glowing hand as Davros chuckles to himself. The Doctor starts to say it should just be enough but breaks himself off with a scream as snakes bind his hands to the cables

Several members of the group all let out startled shrieks at the jump scare, all realising with dread what Davros' plan was, and that the Doctor had fallen right into it unsuspectingly. The Doctor had been so suspicious for so long, and just as they'd given up on their suspicion the trap had been triggered.

Davros tells Colony Sarff to hold him firm as he is precious now. The Doctor in on his knees in pain as regeneration energy flows through the cables to Davros

The group winced at the obvious pain the Doctor was in, unable to do anything to help and only able to watch. The Doctor was scowling at the screen, this whole mess had been horrible, both for this and with what had happened to Clara, and she really couldn't wait for it to be over.

The Doctor asks what he is doing and Davros explains he thought he would have to tear the regeneration energy from the Doctor, but his compassion is, as always, his downfall. Davros is getting stronger as the Doctor shouts no. Davros continues telling him all the Daleks will drink the blood of Gallifrey from the Doctor and get even stronger, the Doctor screams as Davros straightens in his chair

"Daleks with the regeneration energy of a Time Lord? That sounds ..." Mickey trailed off in horror.

"Like a nightmare." Rose finished solemnly. The whole group was left wondering how the Doctor was going to escape now, hoping that whatever Missy was doing would distract Davros enough for the Doctor to escape.

Yaz, Ryan and Graham winced, and they'd though Cybermen with the ability to regenerate was bad. Nothing could be worse than the Daleks.

In the control room, Clara is listening in horror from the Dalek as the Dalek supreme asks where she is, demanding Missy to tell them

The group watched the scree tense, waiting it to go drastically wrong with Missy and Clara like it had with the Doctor. Finding joy in the small victory of the Daleks not understanding Missy's wondering and Clara's location remaining safe for another moment at least.

Missy is dancing along to the Dalek's speech until they suddenly all stop, plungers pointing to the floor. Missy asks if she was boring them until she notices the regeneration energy rises from the Daleks then she asks the Doctor what he's done as she says no

The Master scowled, now knowing exactly what the Doctor had done and what had been done to them. It made him want to go find Davros wherever he was hiding and tear him limb from limb. First, he had stolen the title of the Doctor's number one Nemesis and now he was torturing the Doctor. Only he was allowed to do that!

Clara asks what's happening and Missy declares she needs to find the Doctor

The group was stuck between being surprised by how worried the Master was for the Doctor and not being surprised. The past video and this one had given them quite a bit of new information around the pair's relationship, and yet they thought the weird friendship between the two, despite being enemies, would never stop confusing them.

Clara shouts no but the Dalek she's in says exterminate, she tells Missy to not leave her there and follows Missy out the room

Clara winced at how panicked she had sounded. In reality she had been far more panicked than that, but it wasn't great to hear when everyone else could see it. She knew now why Missy had run so frantically out of the room, but she still hadn't wanted to be left behind. Who knows what would have happened or if she would have ever found the Doctor.

Davros mentions there was a prophecy from Gallifrey that talks of a hybrid. A being of two great warrior races, asking if that is what the Doctor ran from? Id he was scared of his part of being the hybrid – half Dalek, half Time Lord. The Doctor begs him to stop it

"Not even close Davros." The Doctor glared at the screen. The prophecy had apparently been haunting her for longer than she remembered but still Davros had been wrong in his assumptions just like everyone else. Small victories and all that, but the reminder of her time in the Confession Dial was not pleasant.

Missy finds a motionless Dalek demanding its gun. She wrenches it from the Dalek and shoot the lock to Davros' room

"Why did you even bother asking?" The Doctor asked the Master, genuinely curious if not exasperated.

The Master narrowed his eyes at her, silently conveying how he wouldn't have had to save her if she hadn't been an idiot. "It's called being polite."

The Doctor shouts for him to stop, screaming as Missy runs in and starts shooting. She destroys the cables and kills Colony Sarff who falls to the floor as the Doctor collapses

The group couldn't help but feel thankful for Missy's presence and actions as much as they hated her. She had saved the Doctor and stopped the Daleks taking his regeneration energy after all, but it didn't excuse what she'd been doing with Clara (or the long, long list of other crimes). They didn't really feel anything for Colony Sarff's death though, just grateful he could no longer trap the Doctor as he was essentially tortured.

The Daleks reboot in the control room declaring themselves more powerful as the experiment succeeded, they all praise Davros

"That's not good." Rory declared.

Amy gave him a look, "You think?!"

Missy slaps the Doctor awake saying morning, the Doctor asks where Clara is

Clara smiled at the Doctor for that, unable to deny the grateful feeling and relief at being the Doctor's first thought despite everything they had just gone through. She'd questioned her own worth against Missy's in terms of being friends with the Doctor sometimes, so it was nice to know that when faced with Missy, he was still asking about her instead.

Missy is unhappy about him not greeting her as the Doctor declares if she is alive, so is Clara. Missy declares she's fine too, but Davros declares they aren't fine as thanks to the Doctor, the Daleks will grow greater, and his life is prolonged. Davros adds this is the defeat of the Time Lords, asking if the Doctor really has nothing to say. The Doctor says three

"You've noticed something Davros hasn't." Rose realised with a grin, recognise that the Doctor was counting even when faced with a ranting Davros.

It was the Master who answered, unfortunately, "Like that's hard."

The Doctor retrieved his confession dial and puts it in his pocket. Davros asks if they know what is happening, saying to listen to the Daleks sing. The Doctor says two, and Missy declares she knows that face

The Doctor gave the Master a smug look, for having realised even before Missy. The Master promptly ignored her.

Davros praises himself, and the Doctor says one. The city shakes and Davros asks what is happening

"I'm with the evil maniac. What the hell's happening?" Bill asked bewildered, thankful, but bewildered by the city shaking. The Doctor and the Master exchanged a knowing glance but neither answered her, and Clara was too focussed on the screen.

In the control room the Dalek supreme declares they are under attack, demanding explanations

"We would like an explanation too." Donna crossed her arms frustrated but received no answer. They would just have to watch, which they knew but it didn't make them any less frustrated to not get an instant answer.

The Doctor declares he knew what Davros was doing and let him, saying Davros transmitted regeneration energy into every Dalek on the planet

"I wouldn't go as far to say that you let him. Maybe you had a plan, but you also didn't have too much choice, Sweetie." River raised an eyebrow pointedly.

"Well, he doesn't need to know that." The Doctor argued back.

Davros asks what he's done. The Doctor says one word, then corrects himself to two words, first – moron. Missy sniggers, and the Doctor reveals the second word - sewers

"Oh ... Oh ... Oh!" Jack realised before breaking out into a laugh, that was honestly genius, but he shouldn't have expected much less from the Doctor. Everyone else was grinning in anticipation for the chaos they knew was about to unfurl, although they still held some worry for Clara who wasn't around at the moment on screen at least.

The floor starts to crack in the control room as the Daleks declare an emergency and power is fluctuating. Davros tries to deny it and asks how it can be. The Doctor says generations of Daleks just woke up, very angry and are coming up the pipes, he then adds a quick bye!

"Good time to depart." Graham nodded.

"Now go find Clara." Yaz added on with her own nod.

The Doctor leaves even as Davros declares he needs to help him. Missy, who stayed behind, says it's been an absolute pleasure to finally meet Davros, she gives him a curtsey, holding out her hand and poking Davros in his eye, before running out

The Doctor turned to the Master, sigh full of exasperation and a bit of disapproval; "Did you have to?"

"I said I'd poke his eye out and I'm a lady of my word." The Master nodded seriously.

"No, you're not." The Doctor argued, easily thinking of at least a dozen times the Master had lied to her in a second.

"In this case I am." The Master retorted, unwilling to lose this argument. Realising that the Doctor sighed again and gave up, turning back to the screen. She the tensed realising what was left to be seen.

Missy calls for the Doctor, around them the city is falling apart. The Doctor touches the ooze coming from the cracks in the walls and ventilation grills, even the chief Dalek has stuff coming out of it while the Supreme Dalek spins on its dais

"Don't touch it!" Donna berated, grimacing at the sight of it. The Doctor shrugged unrepentant; she's touched worse and would probably touch even worse in the future knowing her luck (and curiosity).

A Dalek declares its vision impaired and the spinning Dalek Supreme declares it has lost control. In a corridor, the Doctor finds an unaffected Dalek approaching from a side corridor

"Clara." Amy said, recognising the Dalek. That was good and bad. Good news the Doctor had found Clara, bad news he didn't know she was Clara. More good news was the sewer Daleks weren't attacking Clara, more bad news was the fact that Missy was around to play mind games and interfere.

Clara Dalek calls for the Doctor. The Doctor says the city is about to be sucked into the ground and the sewers will consume them, they have no way to win so demands to know where Clara is. Clara tries to tell him she is Clara but all that comes out is 'I am a Dalek' no matter how hard she tries

The Doctor winced, recognise that Clara must have been screaming that she was Clara, and he hadn't known it. Her relief over Missy saving her swiftly overtaken by the fury of what she was about to try and do. The rest of the group was watching, shoulders tensed as dread built up in the pit of their stomachs.

The Doctor says he knows it's a Dalek but where is Clara. Clara is shouting in the Dalek trying to tell him the truth but it's still not working. Missy runs up, still with the Dalek gun and points it at Clara Dalek

The group all scowled as Missy arrived and aimed her gun at Clara, that was the last thing the Doctor needed right now, Missy playing mind games. The Doctor turned to Clara, offering a shaky apologetic smile, eyes unbearably sad as she thought about the near miss. Clara offered her own equally shaky smile back, a nonverbal 'not your fault'.

Missy tells the Doctor to stop before saying its you, that the Daleks all look alike but its that one Clara declares it is her and the Dalek says affirmative

Clara looked away from the screen to turn her own dark scowl on Missy. She'd been so hopeful for Missy recognising her and telling the Doctor who she was and yet she'd been betrayed, something she'd half expected but still hated and felt hurt by.

MISSY: Clara's dead, Doctor. This is the one that killed her.

It wasn't possible for the room's glares to be anymore furious as they realised exactly what Missy was trying to pull, all realising exactly what kind of damage killing Clara would do to the Doctor. The only thing stopping several people from actually attacking the Master (bar some physical restraints from fellow member in the room) was the fact that they knew Clara hadn't been killed here, so Missy's plan must have failed.

The Doctor opened her mental link with the Doctor, mind eerily and unusually still. "I wouldn't have forgiven you."

The Master did the mental equivalent of a snort, "Yes you would have, so many of your pets have died, what difference would it make?"

"No, not this time. This is different. I wouldn't have forgiven you." With that final, steely calm and serious statement she closed off the mental link again. Essentially slamming the door in the Master's face before he could argue.

Clara Dalek tells the Doctor not to believe her. Missy explains they got out the city, but the Dalek found them and shot Clara down and there was nothing she could do sadly. Clara Dalek says 'I am a Dalek' trying to say her name still. Missy continues, saying Clara ran and screamed and she was glad the Doctor didn't have to see it

The group was desperately hoping that the Doctor would recognise the Daleks' strange behaviour, recognise that Missy was lying before it would all go so wrong. There was just no other option, the Doctor had to release. They were all sending Clara periodic glances, reassuring themselves that she was there, not stuck in a Dalek and safe. It didn't do much to reassure them.

Clara Dalek keeps declaring themself a Dalek and Missy says its crazy and its almost proud of itself

Clara glared at the Master of trying to write of her abnormal behaviour, able to see that in her panic she'd been acting strange for a Dalek which was likely the only thing that had saved her for so long. She clenched her hands into fists tightly, she just wanted this to be over.

Missy moves behind the Doctor, putting the gun in his hand even as Clara keeps trying to tell him the truth

The group all inhaled at that movement, waiting and hoping desperately for the Doctor to realise, to piece together the pieces of the puzzle and work it out. The Doctor was watching reluctantly, mentally kicking herself for not recognising everything wrong with the picture, for not immediately recognising Missy's tells.

Missy tells the Doctor to kill the Dalek as they are all going to die anyway. Clara Dalek says not to kill her as the Doctor points the gun at the Dalek. The Doctor asks if Clara is dead, and Clara tries to tell her she's there but all the Dalek says is 'I am a Dalek. I am alive.' When she tries to say she's his friend it comes out as his enemy, she begs him not to

The room watched with bated breath as Clara became more and more panicked, nothing she was saying coming out the right way. Feeling helpless and unable to do anything about the horrifying scenes on screen was its own kind of torture.

Clara Dalek says mercy and the Doctor is confused as it shouldn't be able to say that

The hope rose as the Doctor seriously paused, as Clara managed to say something that got the Doctor to react differently. Hoping sincerely and desperately that this was when the Doctor would realise, unable to think about what would happen if this continued much longer.

The Doctor asks if Davros taught it to them as they shouldn't know the word mercy, he then asks why she isn't trying to kill him. Inside the Dalek Clara says she would never kill him, she's the last person he would kill

The Doctor offered Clara such a soft and thankful smile, despite the obvious pain on her face that it almost hurt Clara. It hadn't really hit her that the Doctor would have never known what she'd been saying while she'd ben stuck in the casing till now.

Clara Dalek says she shows mercy. The Doctor declares he's putting the gun down and says to open the casing. Clara doesn't know how and the Doctor says to just think open, Clara does, and the casing opens to reveal her

The room all let out a breath at seeing Clara finally revealed, that had truly been a horrible thing to watch, and they'd watched a lot of horrible things so far. The Doctor and Clara seemed to have a silent conversation, just watching the other as their expressions changed minutely, both relieved beyond belief that the worst was now over.

Missy says it's a surprise, the Doctor tells Missy to run as the Doctor starts to disconnect Clara from the Dalek casing. Missy tries to say this is why she gave Clara to him to begin with, to see the friend inside the enemy and enemy inside the friend

The group gave the Master in the room a mix of glares and smug smiles and smirks, all recognising that Missy was now desperately trying to explain away what she'd done and tried to make the Doctor do, but for once the Doctor really wasn't having it. The Master just scowled at them, more annoyed for having such a good little scheme ruined but also still ruinating over the Doctor's last words over their mental link. Had she really meant it?

The Doctor apologises to Clara as Missy keeps talking about everyone being a bit of a hybrid. The Doctor repeats for her to run, Missy counters it wasn't her that ran, it was always him, then she walks away

The group scowled, glad that Missy was no longer in the picture to mess with the pair, but still furious over what she'd done.

"Always have to have the last word." Martha glared; fury obvious as venom laced her tone.

No one noticed the Doctor's flinch at the Master's words.

In the control room the Dalek supreme declares the control is compromised as the Doctor and Clara run in, parts of the ceiling falling around them

"Always the running." Rory smiled, like most of the room he had started to relax upon realising the danger had largely passed. The running was familiar and in an odd way, comforting. And they certainly needed some comforting right now.

The Doctor asks where the Tardis was, pointing to where it roughly was

"Oh right! The Tardis was destroyed too, wasn't it? How did you get it back?" Yaz blinked, in the rest of the chaos she'd almost completely forgotten about that. The Doctor just smirked proudly and waved to the screen in answer.

The Doctor still has the Dalek gun as the Dalek Supreme demands explanations. The Doctor tells him the sewers are revolting as he and Clara run to where the Tardis was. The Dalek Supreme tells him to help or they will be exterminated, the Doctor tells him to go on then, exterminate them. Clara is unhappy about the Doctor's words

"I'm with Clara! What the hell, Doctor! Don't just tell them to exterminate you!" Rose berated furiously.

The Doctor winced at the scolding put waved her hand sin an attempt to placate the blonde, "I have a plan."

"That's not as reassuring as you think it is." Mickey added in, earning a furious head nod from Rose.

The Daleks fire but the energy bolts bounce off an invisible wall around them. The Doctor explains the Tardis force field is still there, and they can get in but the Daleks can't

The group let out a breath at that, glad the pair was safe and for confirmation that the Tardis hadn't been destroyed.

The Dalek Supreme declares the Tardis has been destroyed. The Doctor tells it not to be silly, the Tardis wasn't destroyed just redistributed temporarily due to the Hostile Action Dispersal system, with a blast from his sonic it will reassemble right back there

"Good plan. One problem." Ryan interjected, "You don't have your sonic screwdriver."

The Doctor grinned, "But I do have my glasses remember?"

"Don't remind me." Yaz bemoaned, they were certainly an interesting fashion choice and that was saying something considering the Doctor's wardrobe choices.

Clara points out he doesn't have his sonic, the Doctor says he's over screwdrivers and he's all about wearable technology these days, putting on his sunglasses. Clara asks if he's serious

"That was my reaction too." Bill complained but her grin ruined her point.

The Doctor moves the sunglasses, and the Tardis starts to reform around them. The Dalek supreme asks what is happening, and the Doctor tells him the normal – the Doctor and Clara in the Tardis. They dematerialise

The group were all grinning widely, glad that the pair had finely escaped.

"Thank god." Donna announced, "It's about time you got out of there."

Down the corridor, Missy runs into a group of Daleks. They spot her and order her to stay still, identifying her as a Time Lord. The building shakes and Missy staggers before declaring she's just had a very clever idea

"No." The Doctor pointed a finger at Missy. She knew Missy hadn't really succeeded in whatever idea she had and was likely only stalling to think of an escape plan, but she wasn't taking the chance. "Whatever you did, just no."

The Master ignored her, a good sign that whatever had occurred hadn't succeeded past her escaping. If he had succeeded, he would be al smug and telling her about all those he'd killed. He could also potentially be ignoring her because of what had happened, the Doctor didn't put it past him to be pouting over that either.

On the planet surface, the Doctor and Clara watch the city disintegrates from a high ridge

"Glad that's destroyed again." Jack said.

River nodded in agreement, "Let's just hope it isn't rebuilt again."

Clara asks if he'll tell her what's in the confession dial, even though she doubts he'll tell her anything. He puts it in her trouser pocket, the silent answer she'd expected

Clara glanced at the Doctor out of the corner of her eye, but her expression was unreadable. In some ways with all the chaos the dial had caused, despite her curiosity, she didn't actually want to know. She would be very grateful if she never had to seem the damn thing again.

The Doctor declares it doesn't make sense

"Avoiding the question as usual." Amy remarked with a pointed look, but knowing at least part of the story with the dial she was willing to let is slide this once.

Clara asks what doesn't. The Doctor says she said mercy when she was in the Dalek, but it shouldn't have understood the concept, so how did a tiny bit of mercy get into the DNA of the Daleks. He pauses and realisation dawns on him, he runs off the Tardis holding the Dalek gun as Clara calls after him

"Because you saved Davros as a child." Rory realised; eyes wide as the pieces connected. The Doctor nodded in confirmation even as the scene started to play out on screen. Clara was just thankful for the full explanation for the Doctor running off, again.

On the battlefield, Young Davros shouts for help and the Tardis materialises behind him. The Doctor's come from the future to save his friend the only way he can, he points his gun, declaring exterminate as he blasts the hand mines

The group nodded at the repeat of the scene earlier but this time they actually got the end of it, revealing how the Doctor had saved Davros, gotten the gun and what his intentions were with his word choice. Things connecting across the two videos to leave them with the final completed picture.

The Doctor says he'll take young Davros home. Young Davros asks what side he's on and if he's the enemy. The Doctor declares he doesn't think that matters as long as there is always mercy. He holds his hand out and young Davros takes it as they walk away together

With that the screen faded to black signifying the end of the video, finally. Several people shuffled in their seats, stretching from being inactive for so long. Recognising that and figuring that for once no one had anything to say, the Doctor decided to speak up. "How about we have break? I think it's past time that we all stretched our legs and got something to eat."

Getting plenty of eager nods of agreement the room started to disperse, the Doctor watching the blank screen for a moment as she consolidated her plan. There was another reason she wanted a break. She needed a chance to speak to someone, it was far past time for it. She needed to speak to Clara.

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