The Magician's Apprentice

Next up on the revamped chapters - the Magician's Apprentice, with the second part coming whenever i finish it in the next week or so.


The group watched the screen expectantly, waiting for the newest video's title to reveal itself. They didn't have to wait long, as the title quickly revealed itself.

"The Magician's Apprentice?" Donna exclaimed upon seeing the title appear. The group was all shrugging, unable to think of what the title could be referring to. It seemed the titles were either very obvious or very obscure; nothing in between. Even the Doctor was shrugging, mentally going through her mind for anything that could fit; she could think of a few but wasn't sure if it would be that obvious.

"Maybe it's one of Eyebrow's adventures. He does dress like a magician after all." Bill suggested thoughtfully, contemplating her own adventures to see if any would fit the title.

"Good idea." Clara nodded, doing the same thing as Bill. There were some adventures she wasn't hoping to relive anytime soon but knowing their luck she wasn't going to get a choice.

With the contents of the video still undecided, the group did the only thing they could and tuned to the screen to see what appeared.

On the Planet Karn, the Doctor is talking to the Head of the Sisterhood as other sisters stand around the edge of a pool burning torches

"Your back on, what was it called - Kam?" Amy asked, hesitating over the name, they'd only seen/heard of the planet about twice after all.

"Karn." The Doctor corrected, face thoughtful, that certainly narrowed down what this video could be about. "I guess you were right about which face it was, but this must be before the confession dial." She didn't clue the group into her suspicions of the video contents but couldn't resist a (thankfully unnoticed glance) at both Clara and the Master.

Ohila declares someone has asked to see the Doctor, asking if he will go. The Doctor says no but Ohila asks why he always lies and the Doctor counters by asking why she thinks he's always lying

"Because you normally are." Jack pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

Ohila declares that the truth saves time, asking when he's going, and the Doctor says soon

"She really is good at detecting when you're lying." Rose pointed out a bit reluctantly, they all had mixed feeling around Ohila.

"It's not hard, the Doctor's usually lying about important things and the unimportant things. It's usually about 60/40 whether they're lying, in favour of the lying." Mickey snorted, gaining a group of nods from everyone else.

Ohila asked if something happens and presses when the Doctor lies, asking if it was recent, which it was. She says he owes the creature nothing and points out they've been enemies for a long time when the Doctor says they've known each other for a long time

"That's not a promising statement." River sighed, eyeing the Doctor with a suspicious look. The Doctor had a lot of enemies, but this sounded very serious. Clara was also eyeing the Doctor suspiciously; she had a nagging feeling she knew what this video was going to be about.

The Doctor says something about enemies being friends you don't know before asking if that was cynical. Ohila asks if they are friends, and the Doctor says its different as he doesn't like her, which Ohila points out means he can trust her

"I'm not sure I like this logic." Rory muttered.

The Doctor gives her a metal disc covered in engravings, asking if she knows who to give it to

Clara inhaled sharply, recognising the confession dial and throwing the Doctor a knowing look, that certainly confirmed her suspicions. "Is this-?"

The Doctor frowned but nodded, the pair glancing at the Master who was smirking smugly in his corner. It seems he'd also figured out what was going to be shown this time.

"That's not explaining anything to the rest of us." Martha said, glaring at the Master. Nothing was ever good when he was involved, and if the clip at the end of the last video was relevant than he probably was going to be.

The Doctor declares he won't go right away, he'll hand out for a bit, maybe meditate on a rock to prepare himself

"Oh yes, meditate on a rock." Clara raised an eyebrow and gave the Doctor a pointed look. The Doctor had done the absolute opposite of that. The Doctor just shrugged with an unapologetic smile, really what had they expected of her/him? It was a silly old tradition so of course he wasn't going to follow it.

OHILA: You are embarking on an enterprise that will end in your destruction.
DOCTOR: You could say that about being born.
OHILA: Wherever you go, there are people who care enough to find you.
DOCTOR: Look after the universe for me. I've put a lot of work into it.
OHILA: Anyone can hide from an enemy, Doctor. No one from a friend.

"Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye." Jack turned a stern look on the Doctor who refused to meet his eyes. The tension in the room skyrocketing as the group all latched onto the same suspicions as Jack had.

The Doctor refused to say anything, pointedly not looking at anyone but that didn't matter as Clara answered for her. "Because he was, but Ohila was right." Davros had been unable to find the Doctor, but it hadn't taken Clara and Missy long to pinpoint his location. The group all glanced at the Doctor but didn't say anything else, aware they weren't going to get any more answers at the moment.

On a battlefield, soldiers are shouting. Planes fly overhead shooting laser bolts; a soldier aims an arrow at one as it flies off before spotting a young boy running into the smoke. Another solider approaches as a siren sounds

"What's a kid doing in the middle of a battlefield?" Graham asked concerned.

The Doctor grimaced, recognising the small child. That definitely confirmed the video's contents unfortunately. "It's complicated." She answered ultimately, unsure what else to say.

The second soldier asks the first (Kanzo) what's wrong as Kanzo points out the kid who is still running

"What's he running from?" Ryan asked, concerned but confused.

"It's a war mate, he's probably running from everything." Mickey shrugged.

Kanzo shouts at the kid to stop, which he does. Kanzo tells him he won't hurt him, but to not run

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this." Rose declared with a frown; it was nice to see the soldier try to help the kid, but she wasn't getting a good feeling about this video or the battlefield.

Kanzo tells his fellow solider he'll catch up as he warns him about clam drones a few miles away

"I don't want to know what they are." Yaz grimaced, they weren't sure how this was relating to the Doctor, but it wasn't looking good.

The soldier runs off after Kanzo reassures him. Kanzo asks the kid what he's doing there but is interrupted by the ground rippling. Kanzo tells the boy to stay very still

"Land mines?" Amy asked, glancing at the Doctor as she was the most likely to know.

The Doctor grimaced, "No, worse." She didn't offer any further explanations despite the worried looks from the group. Clara was watching her, trying to piece together how this related to the mess with Missy and Davros.

Kanzo scans the ground with a hand-held scanner, asking if the kid knows what hand mines are

"I'm sorry 'hand mines', not land mines. Hand?" Martha asked perplexed. The Doctor grimaced but nodded in confirmation.

The kid nods, and Kanzo reminds him to stay very still

"Good to know." Bill muttered; she hadn't run into these 'hand mines' yet but there was always a chance she would during her travels with Heather.

Kanzo asks if he's seen a hand mine – he has, holding onto Kanzo's foot

"That's not good. That's really not good." Nardole declared.

Kanzo tells him everything si going to be okay but is pulled underground. More hands appear out the mud and look around with an eye on their palms, they look at the boy

"Oh god!" Rose exclaimed, hands rising to cover her mouth as the nice soldier was suddenly pulled into the ground. The group all suddenly understood why the soldiers had seemed so scared of the hand mines.

The boy cries for someone to help him. A sonic screwdriver hits the ground at his feet

The group let out a breath upon seeing the familiar sonic, the Doctor was here to save the kid at last. No one noticed the Doctor grimace and look away from the screen in shame. Davros was her enemy, no doubt (unlike with the Master) but this had complicated the mess even more than normal.

The Doctor declares his chances of survival are very low, but to forget that and focus on actually surviving, telling him to pick up the sonic, which he does

The group was grinning upon hearing the familiar survival speeches from the Doctor. It was always inspirational when they were like this. The Doctor was just watching the screen blankly.

The Doctor says he's ahead of the kid, asking if the boy can see him. The smoke clears to show the Doctor and Tardis ahead of the boy

The group grinned even more at the further confirmation of the video featuring Eyebrows, the earlier scene on Karn could have just been a prequel after all like the first video they'd watched. Clara kept glancing at the Doctor in the room with them, trying to connect this seemingly random kid with the mess she was sure this video was about.

The Doctor explains the sonic is an acoustic corridor letting them talk, the boy asks who he is, and the Doctor says he's a passer-by, he was looking for a bookshop and asks the boy how he he's doing

"Terribly." Jack gave the Doctor a pointed look, knowing this was one of their attempts of humour to put the kid at ease. The Doctor just shrugged; she hadn't been entirely lying.

The boy points out they aren't at a bookshop, the Doctor agrees adding it's a war, an old one with mixed technology, he asks which war it is. The boy declares it is just a war

"I guess it would be like that if you didn't know anything else." Donna decided, thinking about the world wars. They wouldn't mean much to any aliens if they said that.

The Doctor asks the planet, but the boy doesn't understand. The Doctro says he never understands but tries to keep an open mind. He then says the kid has a choice; he needs to decide if he's going to live as survival is a choice which he needs to choose now

River and Jack shared a look over the Doctor's head, both thinking about how survival was something the Doctor was struggling to choose lately and wondering exactly how far back the problem really lay.

BOY: If I move, they'll get me.
DOCTOR: I told you, you have one chance in a thousand. But one is all you ever need. What's your name? Come on, faith in the future. Introduce yourself! Tell me the name of the boy who isn't going to die today.
BOY: Davros. My name is Davros. Hello? Are you still there? Please, you've got to help me. You said I could survive. You said you'd help me. Help me!

"Davros!" Martha, Jack, Mickey, Rose, and Donna al exclaimed at once, shooting up in their seats. They recognised the name from the Planets in the Sky mess, and were suddenly even more concerned for the Doctor, apparently this video was going to feature two of her enemies.

"Erm, I'm guessing the name means something to you?" Ryan asked the group concerned, that reaction wasn't promising.

The Doctor sighed, glancing between the shocked group that recognised the name, and her newer companions who had never had the misfortune of meeting Davros. She was ignoring the urge to point out how similar Clara and the Master's scowls were at the name, knowing neither would appreciate it. "Davros created the Daleks." She declared simply, not knowing how else to explain it.

"He what?" Yaz exclaimed, suddenly understanding the other's shock. The knowledge of who the kid was creating mixed feelings; on one hand he was an innocent kid in a terrible situation but on the other he grew up to create monsters.

"You go back for him, right? You don't just abandon him? Cause I'm pretty sure that would make him hate you more." Bill asked, she was fortunate in that she hadn't had many run ins with the Daleks, but she knew enough to know she didn't want to meet them.

The Doctor bit her lip as the group all turned to her, curious about the answer to the question. It wasn't like the Doctor to abandon someone in need, but the kid's identity did make it more complicated. "I did go back." She muttered eventually, deciding it was better to answer them now. Bill nodded approvingly, as the rest of the group nodded conflicted.

Clara glanced at the Doctor again, getting the feeling this video was going to be even more complicated than she'd first thought it was (but that seemed to be a theme with these videos). The group all turned back to the screen, apprehensive but impatient to see where this was going to go as it wasn't exactly starting well.

A spaceship arrives at a planet as a figure in a long-hooded robe walks down an alley into a club filled with lots of different aliens. The door bursts open, glass breaks and someone hisses at the audience listening to a singer

"That's one way to get the room's attention." Jack declared raising an eyebrow, he'd had plenty of experience with that (through different techniques typically). He did have a feeling this guy wasn't looking for anything good though. Clara and the Doctor shared a glance recognising Colony Sarff.

Colony Sarff introduces themselves, saying they bring harm

"That's not the saying." Rory declared with a frown; Colony Sarff was decidedly unfriendly. He didn't need to see anymore to say that much.

Colony Sarff moves around the floor asking where the Doctor is, the other aliens back away

"Of course, the crazy guy causing trouble is looking for you." River sighed exasperated but was used to her wife's antics. The Doctor just grinned unashamed, Colony Sarff wasn't particularly dangerous to her, at least until Clara had entered the picture.

At the Shadow Proclamation, a shadow architect orders regiments deployed across a space city as a Judoon walks after her. The architect continues to say they have a security breach, demanding to know Colony Sarff's business

"Okay so the Shadow Proclamation knows about the guy, but why's he after you?" Jack turned to the Doctor questioning, he wasn't liking how many threats seemed to be after the Doctor this far and they'd barely started.

"Just watch, Jack." The Doctor answered cryptically, eyes focussed on the screen even as she felt the weight of the Master and Clara's eyes on her and was refusing to turn to face them, knowing what they were thinking.

Colony Sarff asks where the Doctor is, the shadow architect has no idea as the Doctor isn't their business nor Sarff's employers. The architect then demands to know what Davros wants with the Doctor but Sarff leaves

"Okay so the guy's looking for you because Davros wants you. Why does Davros want you?" Mickey reasoned out, raising an eyebrow at the Doctor in question. He could feel Martha tensing next to him; both of them hated Davros but it sounded like the Master was also going to be involved and Martha had a very bad history with him (to say the least).

Back on Karn, thunder rumbles as Ohila welcomes Colony Sarff warning him if he doesn't leave immediately, they will take his skin

"Good threat. Straight to the point." Amy declared, nodding in approval. In this situation she would take Ohila winning over Colony Sarff. Rory glanced out of the corner of his eyes, it was times like this that the resemblance between River and Amy was the most noticeable.

Colony Sarff to know where the Doctor is, and Ohila says he's where he always is – behind you and one step away. She warns him to be careful when seeking the Doctor as if he isn't the Doctor will be the last thing he finds

"Is being cryptic just a Time Lord thing?" Ryan asked, directing his question mostly to the Doctor.

"Ohila isn't a Time Lord." The Doctor corrected but shrugged. "It isn't always intentional." Was she being purposely cryptic? Yes.

Colony Sarff declares Davros is dying

"About time." Donna snorted with a glare at the screen.

Ohila declares Davros is old and should have died years before. Sarff says he has a message for the Doctor and Ohila demands it, Sarff tris to change shape but Ohila declares his powers don't work there

"His powers?" Rose asked, any type of knowledge on him would help them (even though the threat wasn't an actual threat anymore).

Clara grimaced but shared a look with the Doctor before turning to the group, "You'll see, unfortunately."

"That's not reassuring." Martha sighed, still tense. This video was shaping up to be terrible if it really was going to feature two of her worst enemies; Davros and the Master.

Colony Sarff tells her to let the Doctor know that Davros remembers, and he must face Davros once more, he then leaves with thunder and lighting

"Ominous." Bill muttered, glancing at the Doctor in concern. She was nervous about seeing Missy on screen again; the last time she'd seen that regeneration of the Master she'd been killed, turned into a Cyberman and then the Doctor died. It had been a terrible ten years.

Once he's gone, Ohila turns and asks what the Doctor has done, the Doctor doesn't meet her eyes

"What hasn't she done." River sighed exasperated but gave her wife a fond look. She wouldn't change her for anything.

Davros is hooked up to lots of tubes and calling for the Doctor, Colony Sarff says the Doctor can't be found but Davros says he can be as he has a weakness – to find the Doctor, find his friends

The room turned to Clara; she seemed to be the one who knew what was going on and therefore was the one being threatened at the minute. It was unfortunately the right strategy when dealing with a Doctor that didn't want to be found.

Clara was frowning at the screen; she'd been so focussed on finding the Doctor (and dealing with Missy) that they hadn't considered the fact it could have been a trap. One they'd walked right into. The Doctor gave her a sad smile, knowing where her thoughts had gone, but not blaming her. Coloney Sarff and Davros would have caught up with them eventually.

In a class a boy spits chewing gum in a bin and asks if he'll get it back after school

"Eww." Yaz grimaced at the thought like many in the room. They were all a bit startled by the sudden change in scene but were going along with it to see what was going to happen. Clara sighed in exasperation, remembering both this incident (it wasn't the first or last time) and what came after.

The other children groan, while Clara asks how he'll know which was his

The group watching was also chuckling, feeling better as they remembered Clara was a teacher which was why they were watching this (or at least in a school). They were a bit nervous to see if/how Colony Sarff was going to carry out their threat.

Clara gets back to teaching, discussing Jane Austen as a great writer, and a brilliant kisser

"You can talk from experience?" Bill lit up curious, it was one thing to know that Clara was Bi but another to see/hear it like this.

Clara grinned widely, "Oh, yes. Loved those trips." She'd managed to convince the Doctor to visit Jane several times (though she wasn't going to mention that to Ashildr). She smiled at the younger woman who had also travelled with Eyebrows, that connected them in a way, and it was always good to have allies (against who, she wasn't sure as everyone in the room had been nice but it was good for just in case).

The Doctor rolled her eyes at the pair, "I don't think you should be telling them that." She raised an eyebrow at the sharing of knowledge Clara shouldn't have but was also smiling so no one took her remotely seriously.

"Like you can talk." Clara grinned back.

Clara pauses and looks out the window while her class calls on her

"You've spotted something." Mickey perked up, glancing between Clara and the screen. Everyone was instantly alert watching the screen in search of whatever Clara had spotted, presumably Colony Sarff or something else dangerous.

Clara just nodded, pursing her lips and glancing at the Master who was smiling like the cat that had got the cream unnoticed by the rest of the group. The Doctor was watching quietly, she knew vaguely what happened here but not in detail and she couldn't deny her curiosity to know exactly what had gone down between Clara and Missy (and Kate).

Outside, an aeroplane hovers unmoving in the air

"That's not moving." Nardole pointed out, "Aeroplanes are supposed to move."

"I thought that was obvious Nardole." The Doctor argued back but her focus was on the Master, raising an eyebrow as she could easily deduce this as being Missy's fault. The Master just smirked.

One of the students asks if she's okay, but Clara gets a marker pen from her desk and draws a circle on the window. She tells the class to turn their phone on, and go on news sites and twitter

"That'll catch their attention." Graham smiled, "Any excuse to be on their phones."

"Oi Grandad! You're on your phone just as much if not more than me. You're sounding old." Ryan protested.

"He is old." Yaz added on.

"Oi, you two! I see how it is." Graham protested glancing between the pair but gave in with a grumble and small smile.

She opens the window and looks out, then closing it again but the aeroplane is in the same place. Clara tells them to search the hashtag #ThePlanesHaveStopped

"Creative." Amy grinned.

Clara shook her head at the redhead. "I wasn't exactly thinking of snappy names. It was straight to the point and most likely to find out what was going on."

"Ignore her." Rory sighed, sending an apologetic look to Clara, ignoring Amy's protests. "What is going on with the planes though? How can they have just ... stopped?"

Clara glanced between the Master and the Doctor who seemed to be having a staring contest, before sighing and turning back to answer Rory. "I'm sure you're about to be shown. It's probably best to just watch."

Breaking news from all over the world reports planes hanging motionless in the sky

The group watched the new stories flash across the screen curious to see how this would fit into the parts of the video they'd seen so far. Martha and Mickey were sharing a look, they'd already gone independent by this point (or at least when they thought these videos were taking place) but they remembered hearing about this mess, although they'd never actually gotten answers about what had happened. The rest of the group (for varying reasons – including being in another world, having to avoid things related to the Doctor, being in the past, and not being aware of anything really) were unable to place when this had happened, which was strange as you'd think you'd remember it.

"How'd they manage to explain that?" Rose asked curious.

"Publicity stunt, I think, can't really remember what UNIT came up with." The Doctor explained with a thoughtful look, honestly, she only vaguely remembers the incident in question (as she hadn't been around, and only been told about it). Clara was nodding along though so she presumed she was close enough.

"And people believed that?!" Amy asked disbelieving.

The Doctor shrugged with a smile and a pointed look at Amy who really should know about this kind of thing, "The power of humanity to forget. Never fails to amaze me."

"That's not really a good thing." Bill muttered thinking about how everyone forgot about the Monks.

Another teacher, Mr Dunlop, declares Clara has a call in the office, Clara declares it is probably UNIT

"This happens a lot?" Donna raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

"More than I'd like but the Doctor is involved after all." Clara grinned back, ignoring the Doctor's protests as the group snickered. She did enjoy spending time with Kate and Oswin, although she could do without the danger and interruptions to school.

Mr Dunlop is in a bit of shock as they were going to put him through to the Prime Minister. Clara apologises and says she needs to take the day off due to a personal crisis

"Personal crisis? I think Mr Dunlop's having the crisis." Martha chuckled, the poor guy looked shocked about the Prime Minister being involved, which made sense as you didn't expect one of your teachers to be involved in anything like that.

"Yeah, not the easiest to explain." Clara sighed, that was an understatement.

Outside the school, Clara runs while on her mobile phone saying she's coming but to not send a helicopter and to think about that suggestion

"UNIT?" Mickey asked knowingly.

Clara nodded with a fond smile at the thought of Kate and Oswin, though this particular mess wasn't full of great memories.

The news continues saying they can't communicate with any of the planes, and people are holding vigils around the world. Clara arrives at the Tower of London

"Those with family on the planes must be terrified." Yaz said, eyes widening as the news reports continued. She was starting to feel a bit thankful she doesn't remember this incident. Then another thought occurred to her. "Do they get down safely? I mean they must 'cause all those people dyeing is a completely different matter to the planes just stopping, right?"

The Doctor smiled sadly, understanding Yaz's worries. "They were all safe, don't worry." Yaz and the rest of the group nodded at that, reassured.

At UNIT HQ, Kate declares the planes aren't responding, and she has to go but she'll call the President back. Clara enters

"That is not a good day to be in charge of UNIT, everyone demanding answers that you don't have." Rory grimaced, feeling more than a bit sorry for Kate.

"I don't' think there's many good days to be in charge of UNIT." Amy countered. "But Kate loves it anyway."

Kate says he's not answering his phone, asking if Clara has tried

"When do they ever answer their phone." Martha gave the Doctor a pointed look to which she just grinned sheepishly.

Clara says they don't know enough yet and the Doctor doesn't like gossip, she then asks how many planes, to which a UNIT employee, Jac, tells her 4165 aircrafts airborne

"That's a lot of people." Ryan muttered, eyes widening as Kate revealed the extent of the chaos. They'd guessed there was a lot of planes in the air, but it was different actually putting a number to it.

Kate declares that's a lot of passengers, and Clara mentions the fuel, asking what someone could do with 4000 flying bombs

Clara turned a glare on the Master who was smirking away in his corner. They'd spent time trying to work out the motive behind the airplanes freezing and panicking over all the ways things could really go wrong, but it had all just been Missy trying to catch their attention.

The rest of the group, however, wasn't aware of this and were all mentally running through all the way the planes could have been used or the motive behind it all. The Doctor may have admitted that the planes got down safe but that didn't mean something hadn't happened.

Jac runs attack simulations to do with nuclear power stations and fault lines as Kate wonders if it is an attack

"It's a weird kind of attack." Jack said thoughtfully, mind running rapidly through all the theories based on what they knew so far.

"Not if it's to attract attention or a trap." River theorised with a concerned look between the Doctor and Clara. "We've already seen Colony Sarff is trying and failing to find the Doctor. What better way to find them than by putting the Earth in danger or by trapping someone they care about?" The group all grimaced glancing at Clara at that thought.

The Doctor and Clara shared a look; the group was close but not quite there. Although they had an advantage in knowing Colony Sarff was after the Doctor, they were also disadvantaged in not knowing how Missy fitted into everything. The Doctor turned to the group, face purposely blank. "Guess you'll just have to watch to find out." That earned her several groans or annoyed looks for evading the question.

Clara asks what attack advertising itself, why not just attack, asking what has actually happened to the planes. Kate says they can't contact them, and Jac explains the planes are frozen in time, and to pardon his sci-fi, but it's beyond human technology

"Everything about our lives is Sci-fi." Bill announced but did glance at the Master who was still smirking away in the corner. The group all had the feeling that he would be involved (or rather Missy) in this video, and between his attitude, and Clara and the Doctor's glance they'd basically confirmed it. She'd had the (mis)fortune of meeting Missy before and this sounded exactly like the kind of things she would do.

Kate declares they need the Doctor. Clara says they can't just phone him when they have nothing as he'll go Scottish. They need to work out what is happening if its not an attack, then someone wants their attention, someone wants to make them listen, she then realises something

The group was nodding along with Clara's reasonings, admittedly interested in the growth between last video and this video. Last video, Clara had been in a bad situation, and you couldn't help but feel sorry for her as the situation changed and demanded she got used to it right away. This time, she'd clearly been travelling with Eyebrows for a while and gotten used to him, but she'd also grown into herself more, becoming more and more confident. The Doctor was grinning proudly at Clara but couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed as she knew exactly where she was during all this.

Another employee, Mike, says they have a message on the Doctor channel which Kate explains the Doctor never uses and doesn't think he even remembers it existed

"I do not." The Doctor admitted in a mix between a grumble and confused noise. She was mentally combing through her memory trying to remember exactly what Kate was talking about and coming up with only vague memories.

Clara asks who it is then, Mike declares the message is decrypting but they're getting a text message. Clara says it definitely isn't the Doctor as he doesn't text

"Really? All this Doctor does is text." Graham pointed to the Doctor in the room, who crossed her arms with a (fake) huff.

"Times change, old man." The Doctor countered, lips twitching into a grin even as Ryan and Yaz broke out into laughter at her comment.

Graham immediately protested, "Oi! You're older than me!"

"Nah, she's right Grandad. You're old." Ryan spoke up between laughs, coming to the Doctor's defence. Graham grumbled at that but couldn't come up with a better protest.

The message decrypts to reveal 'You so fine'

"I'm sorry, what?" Rory blinked bewildered, that was a completely unexpected message and seemingly random.

Clara just sighed, "Just give it a second." That earned her a few confused and curious looks, but she refused to elaborate.

More is coming, 'You blow my mind, Hey Missy, you so fine, you blow my mind! Het Missy!'

The group's heads all whipped around to face the Master, who was smirking widely, hands together and leaning back in his chair like a cartoon villain. To make things even worse, the Master gave a little mocking wave.

The majority of the group was glaring at him, they'd all suspected the Master/Missy was involved somehow but they had been holding onto hope they were wrong. Things always seemed to go even worse when the Master was around and the Doctor (and Clara) already had Davros after them, they didn't need Missy causing chaos too.

The Doctor sighed, deeply regretting her life choices (not), as she glanced between the Master and the rest of the room, who were all in varying stages of anger. Those that had met the Master before were going to see a different side of them today, still chaotic but more in their favour (mostly) and it was going to be a shock, especially for Marth and Jack who had met (arguably) the craziest version of the Master.

"Can we stop glaring at him and just watch the video?" It may have been a question, but everyone could hear the Doctor's pleading tone. Reluctantly they looked away from the Master and turned back to the screen. The Master, however, gave an exaggerated pout at the Doctor for taking away his attention. It turned into a more real pout upon noticing how the Doctor was ignoring him, and refusing to even glance his way anymore, that wouldn't do.

On the monitor, Missy says she will be talking to them out of the square window, she becomes 3D halfway through

The group all jolted as the projection of Missy grew out of the screen. They were all far too tense with the knowledge of Missy's interference and were just waiting to see what she wanted, for it wasn't likely to be anything good.

Kate asks what she did, and Jac doesn't know but theorises it's a psychic projection, Kate is done with everything

"Mood." Bill muttered quietly. She was sitting tense in her seat, suddenly far too aware of how close she was to the Master. Missy was different to the Master she'd sent ten years with, but she wasn't much better in reality. Bill was the only person in the room outside of Clara who's actually had to deal with Missy and knew what her interactions with the Doctor were like. She was getting the feeling that whatever Missy wanted it was to do with the Doctor (because it always was).

Missy says she'll cut to the chase, declaring she isn't dead, and she's in a square in one of their hot countries with a breeze from the east, and she's going to need eight snipers

"Not dead?"

"Snipers?" Amy and Rory spoke at the same time but were focused on different parts of Missy's little speech.

Clara crossed her arms and shot a heated glare at the Master who was still smirking. "She faked her death not so long before this video after yet another Cyber-army invasion attempt." She explained vaguely, really not wanting to go into details as it would inevitably mean bringing up Danny, and that wasn't something she could talk about yet.

"Snipers!?" Rory asked again, determined to try and get some sort of answer even if it was a vague one.

"Just watch." Clara spoke again, waving to the screen. Rory reluctantly turned to the screen.

Missy continues, explaining the snipers are for their security of mind, to stop her before she regenerates. She flicks a few buttons on her controller saying she'll organise them a flight corridor. Kate asks why she needs snipers and Missy says it's the only way Clara will feel safe enough to speak to her, suggesting 4 o'clock

"You want to talk to Clara." Martha stated, eyes furious as she stared the Master down. "Why?" Everyone could feel the tension surrounding the pair, they all knew (or got the feeling) that Martha had a past with the Master but very few of them had any sort of details on it. Whatever had happened though, it had clearly been terrible.

The Master smirked, tilting his head nonchalantly, "I thought we were due for a wee chat." He put on a Scottish accent, similar to the one he had as Missy, "Ya ken? Girl to girl and all that, sharing gossip like bairns at a sleepover."

Martha glared harder even though she knew she wasn't going to get any actual answers out of the Master, her best bet was to just watch the video no matter how much she hated not knowing what was going to happen. She always hated that about these videos, but the Master (and Davros) being involved just made it a thousand times worse.

In a Mediterranean Plaza, a church bell tolls. Missy is the only one at a table near the church steps, snipes take up position on surrounding buildings, she looks down to find six laser dots on her, declaring it saucy

The Doctor sighed deeply at that but couldn't deny the tugging in her heart. She missed Missy. Missy had been one of the few times they'd actually gotten to spend time together as friends again and she missed that.

Jack was switching between glancing concerned at the Doctor (as he knew how much the Master always messed with their head) and glaring at the Master. He was very aware that those snipers wouldn't be able to do much if Missy really wanted to kill them, or got bored, or just decided she wanted them dead in general. Every so often he would also glance at Martha, knowing how much this video had to be affecting her and very grateful Mickey was there to help ground her.

She uses her compact mirror to check for more on her head, black cars arrive, and people get out, Clara included. She walks over to Missy who gestures her to sit across from her, Clara does as Missy sips her espresso

If possible, the tension in the room rose further at the weird sight on screen. They were all waiting for things to go wrong and Missy to spring a trap or kill everyone, worry for Clara lingering in the air.

Missy asks how her boyfriend is, saying she expects he's still dead. Clara agrees he is dead, yes, and asks how she is alive

Clara flinched at that, looking down at the floor to avoid anyone's eyes, even as her she clenched her fists and wanted to glare daggers at Missy. While Missy hadn't personally killed Danny, she had made him into a Cyberman and then helped kill him again.

A few people glanced at Clara, but no one spoke up, sensing how sensitive a topic that was, and none wanted to poke a sore point. They let the video continue.

Missy declares death is for others, asking if she wants to sit in the shade and uses her controller to move a jumbo jet over them creating a shadow

The group glared at Missy as it was confirmed she was behind the planes freezing. They'd already guessed that and her message on the Doctor channel had basically confirmed it but it was different seeing her use them like a child would a toy.

Missy says she presumes Clara's tried to reach the Doctor by now, adding she can't find him either, that no one can. Clara says it happens every so often, but Missy argues not like this

The room's eyes all drifted to the Doctor curious. It wasn't unusual for the Doctor to disappear for while (it happened pretty frequently actually), but for Missy to be unable to find him? That was something else, and not a good thing.

"What are you doing?" River mumbled quietly to the Doctor who refused to answer her wife, expression blank as she waved to the screen.

Missy pulls out the etched disc the Doctor gave Ohila earlier, saying it is a confession dial

The group all frowned at the reappearance of the Doctor's confession dial, all wondering how Missy got her hands on it. The bad feeling they had about this video only worsened, that dial hadn't brought anything good whenever it was on screen, adding the Master and Davros to the mix and this video was shaping up to be terrible.

Missy explains it's essentially a will of a Time Lord, the Doctor's, to be delivered to his closet friend on his final day. Clara reaches for it but gets an electric shock, Missy asks what she's doing, saying it was delivered to her

Clara glared at the Master, cheeks a bit pink in embarrassment. Of course, she had thought the dial was to be given to her, but Missy's involvement should have made her hesitate. The Doctor was always weird about the Master.

It didn't help that the Master was smiling smugly at Clara. Unlike the majority of the room, he knew exactly what happened in this video and was quite enjoying reliving some of it at least. He could feel the Doctor's annoyance reverberate across their mental link and his smug smile deepened as the Doctor stopped ignoring him completely. He sent back his smugness-pride-enjoyment-entertainment even as the Doctor's expression remained blank to the rest of the room, he knew exactly what she was feeling. He always had that advantage on her little human pets.

Martha scoffed, visibly annoyed and frustrated. Of course, no matter what the Master did the Doctor would still consider them friends, still give the Master his confession dial. Jack shot her a sympathetic and understanding look; he understood where her thoughts were going, he did and he felt the same, but in some way he could also understand why the Doctor would give it to Missy. Missy was the only one that would actually understand the significance of the dial and had a much longer lifespan than the rest of the group. Missy would actually be able to protect the dial. Still. He couldn't help but feel bitter that it was given to Missy and not say, him or River, hell even Madame Vastra. He hated it, but he also hated that he could understand the Doctor's reasoning.

Clara is doubtful, but Missy asks what Clara has to do with it as Missy is his friend, declaring her a puppy as she gestured to a couple walking their dog

"Clara is not a puppy!" The Doctor sighed deeply, truing an annoyed glare on the Master even as the rest of the group broke out into protests as well. She wasn't going to (or able to) deny the part about being their friend no matter how much she wanted too sometimes.

"Puppy, pet, whatever. All humans are basically the same." The Master waved of the Doctor's protests nonchalantly, basking in the attention he had been lacking for the last few videos.

"Master!" The Doctor protested again, only releasing her mistake as the Master sat up straighter and his thrill-excitement-enjoyment-madness-love came shooting across their mental link as she said his name. Hurriedly she tried to close of the mental link and turn away back to the screen, unable to deal with the feelings he continued to invoke in her. She knew this video was really going to mess with her.

CLARA: Since when do you care about the Doctor?
MISSY: Since always. Since the Cloister Wars. Since the night he stole the moon and the President's wife. Since he was a little girl. One of those was a lie. Can you guess which one?

The Doctor's head whipped around to the Master; mind caught on the last option. She'd been so sure that this version of her friend was after Missy, he'd even admitted it, but how long had he known about the Timeless Child? Had he known this entire time as Missy and just not told her? Why else would he mention little girl, they'd definitely been boys as kids (or would be considered by humans to be male at least).

The Master jolted as well, eyes snapping to the Doctor in what she would call panic if she didn't know him better. He immediately pried open the weak door she's shut on her end of the mental link, starting to talk straight away. "I didn't know. I didn't know, Doctor. I know how your mind works and you're spiralling. But I swear, it was just a comment to annoy Clara. I didn't learn about the Timeless Child until after I regenerated."

The Doctor assed him, aware of the weight of the room's eyes on her but ignoring them as she tried to assess if the Master was lying to her. "You honestly didn't know? Promise me, Koschei! This wouldn't be the first time you lied about something like this!"

"I promise Theta. I wouldn't lie, not about this. I promise I didn't know." The Master answered back immediately, both of their emotions a mess and neither was able to tell which ones belonged to who.

The Doctor nodded slightly in answer, mind still spiralling. Even if the Master didn't know (and she was willing to believe him for the moment), the comment hit too close to home. Taking a deep breath, she schooled her face, put on a smile to reassure the concerned group she was okay, and waved to the screen to encourage them to keep watching. She ignored the doubting looks most of them sent her in favour of latching onto the screen as an escape.

Clara argues he isn't her friend as she keeps trying to kill him. Missy argues he's been trying to kill her too and they've been doing it for ages, it's their texting

"I'd prefer it without the trying to kill each other part." The Doctor said, raising an eyebrow at the Master.

The Master immediately scoffed, "No you wouldn't, dear. Don't lie."

Missy tells Clara to not be disgusting when she sarcastically mentions love, declaring them Time Lords not animals, and they're above their nonsense. They have a friendship older and so much more complex than their civilisation

Bill narrowed her eyes at that comment, giving a pointed glance at the Doctor who swiftly put a finger to her lip. She really didn't want Bill spilling that bit of info about her crush as that conversation would certainly spiral and lead to a few revelations and secrets she didn't want out in the air.

Clara is doubtful of Missy turning good, Missy uses her controller to disintegrate a man and sets the soldiers off shouting as Clara runs to where the man was

The room whipped around to glare at the Master in sync. They'd all been expecting it to go bad at some point but they'd al sot been lulled into a false sense of security by the scene of the pair just chatting away. Clara frowned, feeling guilty even though she knew she shouldn't be. It may have been her comment that triggered Missy, but the Time Lady would have likely killed them all at some point anyway.

Kate orders not to shoot her from UNIT HQ. Missy declares she hasn't turned good, saying the man was married based on his ring and a family based on the baby leakage on his jacket. She shoots another man

The group let out startled gasps as Missy suddenly fired again, glaring at the Time Lord in the corner even harder at the revelation of the dead man's family.

"Oh please, are you going to do that every time I kill someone? If so, you're going to get whiplash." The Master drawled from his corner smugly. The group only glared harder. The Doctor gave the Master a disappointed look but couldn't help but feel guilty as the reason Missy was there was because she was hiding and moping in the Medieval ages.

Clara shouts at her to stop it as Missy tells a soldier to get down on his knees which he does

The room was incredibly tense, all aware from ethe personal experience or the videos, how trigger happy the Master/Missy was. They were hating that they couldn't do anything but watch as Missy killed people to make a vague point.

Clara tells her not to shoot anyone else, and Missy tells her to say something nice or she kills everyone in the square. Clara says to start with her as Missy was there for her help

The tension was still high, but the group relaxed a little bit as Clara started to take back some control of the situation. They knew that the Missy hadn't killed Clara (as she was here with them) and had called Clara to the square for some reason. Clara just needed to use that against her.

The Doctor was frowning at the screen; this situation was her fault technically, but how could she have known that Missy would try looking for her. In some way, she was glad that Missy had found Clara before Colony Sarff, it meant she'd had an extra 'ally' around when dealing with Davros despite Missy's often unhelpful behaviour and attitude. Still, that was two people, people with families that Missy had just killed for practically no reason.

Missy declares the Doctor is in danger

"The Doctor's always in danger." River said, eyes locked on the Master. "What makes this different?"

The Master scoffed, "Oh please, as if you haven't already guessed. You don't need to be jealous that I was the one that received the Doctor's confession dial and not you or Captain Jack over there."

"Master!" The Doctor protested, arms crossed and glaring at the Master who looked completely unrepentant even as Jack and River glared at him.

"Doctor." The Master countered, a thousand words hidden behind the one. "Theta." Was added across the mental link making the Doctor flinch and look away.

Clara says to release the planes if Missy wants her to believe her. Missy argues the planes are keeping her alive as there are eight snipers waiting to kill her

"Like you're actually in any danger." Rose scoffed disbelieving. She may have not had the misfortune of running into the Master during her travels with the Doctor, but she'd seen enough from the video to know that.

Clara holds up her hand telling the snipers on her command, she tells Missy that she thinks the Doctor is in danger and to show her she cares. Missy uses her controller, and the planes all start flying again

The group let out a breath upon seeing the planes move again, that was part of the danger solved for the moment. Now they just had to find the Doctor and deal with the danger they'd gotten themselves into.

Missy declares it was a basic time stop, an easy trick but she couldn't have done anything with the planes anyway

The Master received several disbelieving looks for that comment. They didn't believe that in anyway, the Master was known for surviving and causing chaos; if anyone could, he would have been able to weaponize those planes.

Clara lowers her hand and asks what the confession dial says, Missy declares it will only open when he's dead, so Clara says it won't open then

The group nodded along with that, the Doctor wasn't dead, they knew that, but they couldn't help but be worried.

"This isn't right before the mess with the Confession dial and Gallifrey, right?" Amy asked as the thought suddenly occurred to her. She hadn't thought it was, but she was suddenly doubting that, maybe they should be more worried than they actually were (and they were already worried).

"No, no. There's a fair bit of time between. It's not completely unrelated but it isn't part of the same mess." The Doctor admitted quietly, trying to reassure the group. Several people that had tensed up at Amy's question relaxed again.

Missy poses a question – where would the Doctor go if he only had one night to live and is certain he's facing the end of his life, where in all of space and time would he go?

"Earth." The entire room answered in sync.

The Doctor blinked at that, "Am I really that predictable?"

"Only to those that know you well enough, Sweetie." River smiled softly at her wife.

Clara says here, an agent brings a laptop to the table, and Missy declares Earth is obvious, but where and when. Clara types on the keyboard

"I'm guessing wherever that is." Mickey said, referring to the clapping and small interlocked clips of somewhere else. Clara and the Doctor exchanged a look but didn't answer.

Jac, back at UNIT HQ, explains there is an algorithm using probabilities on crisis points, anomalies, anachronisms and key words like blue box, Doctor. He points out several places – San Martino, Troy, New York multiple times. We get a flash of people applauding in 1138AD

"That's a lot of places to check." Martha muttered, glancing at the Doctor and Clara concerned. They weren't aware of it on screen (or Clara wasn't at least) but they were on a time limit.

"And he's not in any of them." Donna added with a grimace, having noticed the date appear in the corner of the screen. The group was mentally pleading for them to find the Doctor and quickly, they didn't even care if Missy came along at this point. Whatever was going on with the confession dial and Davros it was serious.

Jac continues declaring the Doctor makes a lot of noise. Another flash of Essex with a bearded warrior wielding a double headed axe as they enter an arena. Back at UNIT, Kate asks which one is the right Doctor, which one is now

"Essex apparently." Nardole muttered.

"Essex? Why, Essex of all places?" Yaz asked bewildered by the Doctor's chosen hiding place.

"Oi! What's wrong with Essex?" Graham asked, he was from Essex originally after all.

"Nothing Graham." Ryan went to reassure him, "Just of all places to be, why there? Surely there's better places to hide." They all turned to the Doctor questioningly.

The Doctor shrugged with a cryptic grin, "I like Essex." It had been a good party after all, and Craig (plus Sophie and Alfie) were from Essex. There was nothing wrong with the place, she'd sort of picked it at semi-random but hadn't regretted it.

Clara asks how a Time Lord is supposed to die, and Missy tells her through meditation. Clara tells them to change the algorithm and eliminate all crisis points, asking where the Doctor is making the most noise but there is not a crisis

"You're looking for a party then." Jack grinned perking up in his seat. Of course, the Doctor would go for the opposite of Time Lord traditions. "Great thinking." He nodded to Clara who grinned back, admittedly proud of being able to locate the Doctor when literally no one else could.

Clara says they're looking for a party, on the UNIT map lights go out leaving just one in the UK. Clara declares that's where he is as Missy congratulates her, slapping something on her wrist as they both vanish

The group flinched as Missy suddenly moved and activated something, teleporting the pair away from the square. Realistically they knew it was likely a teleporter, but they didn't trust anything Missy/the Master did.

The Doctor had been watching the screen impressed with the group's deduction of where she was. It certainly explained how they had managed to find her when no one else had. Colony Sarff had likely followed them.

They appear on castle ramparts, where it is night. Missy cheers at the vortex manipulator time travel, calling it cheap and nasty

Both Jack and River's hand instinctively went to their wrists at the mention of the vortex manipulators, even though they weren't currently wearing one it was practically a habit formed from having one for so long.

Clara winced at the reminder, it hadn't exactly been a nice mode of travel or landing.

The courtyard below them is filled with peasants and residents as Bors, the warrior, waves his axe around. Bors shouts for the Magician to face him. Missy is talking about how Clara likely wants to throw up and to pick someone and according to her this is where the Doctor is

"The fact the guy is shouting for the 'Magician' makes me think you are in the right place." Rose spoke up. It would make sense with the Doctor's clothing choice, his abilities which would be strange to those in the Medieval age, and by the title of the video too.

Clara asks how they find him, and Missy says anachronisms, tiny, very slight ones. Then an electric riff fills the air as Missy repeats the word anachronism

"You've found him then." River sighed, exasperated but more than bit relieved.

"Knowing the Doctor, it's more of a big anachronism." Amy grinned widely.

"I don't think they're capable of staying small and being undramatic." Rory sighed, resigned to the fact.

In the castle courtyard, the Doctor enters on a tank playing a rock guitar and wearing sunglasses as the crowd cheers. Bors lowers his axe as the Doctor finishes his riff and bows to the Lord and Lady

"As expected, more than a little anachronistic." Bill declared with a nod.

"A tank, really?" Martha sighed at the Doctor who grinned with a shrug.

Bors asks what it is, and the Doctor says he wanted an axe fight, when he doesn't get many laughs he mentions the joke will be funny in a few hundred years

"It's still not funny, and we actually got the joke." Mickey commented.

"Oh shush, Mickey Mouse." The Doctor waved Mickey's protests away, not seeing anything wrong with their joke.

Bors argues a musical instrument isn't an axe, and the Doctor counters with a daffodil not being a broadsword but he won the last fight as the crowd cheers

"You know, I kinda want to see that fight." Bill decided, then glanced around the room, "Anyone else?" She got a few smiles but no actual answers.

The Doctor asks what he thinks of his tank, saying it isn't loaded. Bors doesn't like it, neither does the Doctor saying he bought it for his fish – he bought it online. Still no laughs for his terrible jokes

The same was true for the room, several people raising eyebrows at the Doctor for her terrible jokes. Her humour was always hit or miss but this was just pitiful.

The Doctor complains saying it will be funny in a few hundred years and to stick around

"I don't think they have the option to, Doctor." Rose sighed exasperated but also concerned. Something was seriously wrong.

Clara asks what is wrong with the Doctor as he's not normally like that, Missy declares she is new

"They're only like this when they're sure they're about to actually die." Clara answered herself, more out of spite for Missy's comment. She wasn't that new when this video happened.

The Doctor looks up at the ramparts spying Clara, as Clara asks if he heard them and if he knows they are there. The Doctor plays the opening of Pretty Woman

"Nope, he definitely knows you're there." Jack answered with false cheer. The group was more than bit nervous to see how this little interaction was going to go down.

The Doctor declares he's been there all day and it's been great, Bors corrects his to say its been three weeks

"Three weeks? What the hell have you been doing in Essex for three weeks?" Donna exclaimed, turning on the Doctor who just shrugged and waved to the screen. "Oi! Don't just wave at me, Space Man!" The Doctor rolled her eyes fondly but waved again, earning a glare from Donna but the red head did turn back to the screen for answers.

The Doctor repeats three weeks, declares it must be nearly bedtime, saying they've partied

No one missed the way the Doctor seemed startled by how long it had been, or the comment about bedtime. It grated on their nerves, that feeling of something being wrong but not quite being able to place why.

The audience cheers as the Doctor says he's helped dig wells and given math tuition in fun ways, and introduced the word 'dude' several centuries early, the audience shouts dude

"Of all the ways you could have spent three weeks." River shook her head exasperated, "Really, sweetie?" Everyone could see the way her lips were twitching up into a smile though.

The Doctor shouts to them and they all respond with Dude, before he says he'll have to leave tonight

"That is so weird." Ryan shook his head, if there was any record of that in the history books, the historians would never be able to explain it. But that often happened when the Doctor was about.

The crowd is sad but the Doctor wants to introduce some friends first as Clara enters the courtyard. She asks how he knew she was there and if he saw her, the Doctor asks when he doesn't see her

Both Clara and the Doctor gave each other sad looks, their minds drifting to the Doctor forgetting Clara and being unable to remember her even while sitting in the same diner talking.

Clara asks about being seen in the crowd, the Doctor asks what crowd, and Clara mentions they're doing charm, asking which one of them is dying

A pin could be heard drop in the room, the entire group connecting the dots to find that Clara had hit the nail on the head, unintentionally. The Doctor had given Missy his confession dial and then hidden away because they thought they were about to die. Despite knowing he hadn't, the room couldn't help but tense up as the atmosphere darkened.

The Doctor hugs Clara and Clara is confused, as the Doctor mentions hugging is a good way to hide your face

"You don't like hugs in that body." Bill declared, half to herself even though the whole room could hear. It only served to further the feeling of dread creeping in.

Clara and the Doctor seemed to be having a silent conversation, both thinking back to the last time Missy had been around. The last hug they'd shared when they'd lied to each other – the Doctor had lied about finding Gallifrey and Clara had lied about Danny being back.

Clara says this isn't him, the Doctor mentions he spent all day yesterday in a bow tie, and a scarf the day before as its his party with all of him invited

The group all shared concerned glances at the Doctor's attitude, every time he spoke up things seemed to get worse. River reached out to steal the Doctor's hand to offer them both some comfort, she wasn't liking this video at all so far.

He plays Mickie on the guitar as Missy enters asking what the hell he's up to, the Doctor declares her the wicked stepmother and tells the crowd to hiss, which they do as Missy bows

There were a few chocked chuckles at that comment from the Doctor, most of the group able to picture Missy as the evil stepmother from fairy stories easily. Those that hadn't seen Missy and the Doctor interact were watching a bit startled, as the dynamic seemed different from that they'd seen between the Doctor and Master's latest regenerations or those before.

Missy says he thinks he's going to die tomorrow as she holds up the confession disc, the Doctor declares he has good news as it is till today, Missy agrees that is good

The group was now glancing between the two, more than a bit bewildered and confused. Even those that didn't like (hated) the Master could admit that the Time Lord obviously cared for the Doctor in some way (a twisted, often horrible way, but they did) so seeing the two bouncing off each other with their almost dark humour was strange.

Bors starts choking as the Doctor asks if he's swallowed a marble again, but the Doctor pulls a snake from around Bors' throat and throws it away where it slithers to Colony Sarff

"That's not a marble." Nardole declared, eyes wide.

"Well obviously, Egg. Do try to keep up at least." The Master drawled from his corner. To those that didn't know him he looked perfectly relaxed and carefree, but the Doctor could see the tension in his shoulders upon seeing the snake. They both knew what was about to come.

Colony Sarff declares the Doctor's friends led him here and the Doctor will come

The room tensed up immediately, everything suddenly coming together and the danger heightening. Not only was Missy there being her unstable self, but Colony Sarff was also there, hunting the Doctor down for Davros. Clara winced, she'd already guessed that they'd lead Colony Sarff to the Doctor (and the guy/thing/alien had just admitted it) but she'd not focussed on that part of his arrival the first time.

The Doctor asks him and what army, Sarff's robe drops to reveal a giant serpent with lots of other snakes around it, the crowd flees

"That army." Rory muttered nervous, things were suddenly looking worse and worse.

The Doctor declares no one dies, none of his friends, Sarff says Davros is dying which the Doctor has already hear, and Sarff continues saying Davros wants to speak with him on his last night alive

"It's a trap." Martha declared with a pointed look at the Doctor.

The Doctor just sighed, "I know, but what else could I do?" Martha sighed at that too, knowing the Doctor was correct despite how much she hated it.

The Doctor says Sarff won't harm anyone in the case, as Sarff returns to humanoid form asking if the Doctor is truly dangerous

"He doesn't even know who you are?" Jack asked confused. It wasn't impossible, the Doctor did keep erasing themselves from records and they hadn't been everywhere yet, it was just unlikely. Although it would explain why Colony Sarff had accepted the mission to find the Doctor.

DOCTOR: You want to know how dangerous I am? Davros sentyou. You know how stupid you are? Huh! You came!
(Sarff hisses.)
DOCTOR: Is that supposed to frighten me? Snake nest in a dress? Now, explain, politely. Davros is my archenemy. Why would I want to talk to him?
MISSY: No, wait, hang on a minute.
Davrosis your archenemy now?

"That is not the time to be arguing about titles." The Doctor turned to the Master with a sigh.

"But now is." The Master decided, the Doctor sighed again, already regretting speaking up. "So, dear. Want to explain to me why Davros is your arch-enemy and not me?"

"You were my friend before you were my enemy, Davros was not. Besides, as you put it, we're best enemies instead." The Doctor didn't mention that she thought Davros, and the Daleks had hurt her and her companions more than he had – the Master would absolutely take that as a challenge.

"Are you two serious?!" Donna exclaimed interrupting their little debate. "Are you two bloody serious!? Can we just watch the video, so we don't have to listen to you squabble about titles. Honestly, toddlers you are." Donna's berating seemed to work as the pair tuned back to the screen, the Doctor more sheepish than the Master.

The Doctor tells her to be quite as Missy threatens to scratch his eyes out

"Please do." River nodded, she didn't have many interactions with the Master thankfully, but they could both agree they hated Davros more than each other.

"River!" The Doctor protested, "Don't encourage them!"

"I don't think they need any encouraging to cause chaos, Sweetie."

Sarff declares Davros remembers, holding out a sonic screwdriver and throwing it to the ground by the Doctor, Clara says it's his and the Doctor adds it was

"From when he was a little boy." Rose spoke up, piecing together why the war clip was relevant. "You were going to save him. You said you did save him?" The last bit came out more a question than a statement.

The Doctor hesitated for a moment, looking around the room to meet the group's awaiting eyes before answering, "I did, just not yet. Him on screen." She pointed at Eyebrows to emphasise her point. "He hasn't gone back and saved Davros yet."

Clara asks about it and the Doctor says he doesn't need a screwdriver anymore. Missy asks what the look on his face is, saying she's never seen it before. Clara realising its shame, asking what he's done

"You're ashamed because you left him. You didn't save him. You knew you should, but he would still grow up to be a monster if you did." Clara continued for herself on screen, much more aware of the full situation now because of the video and having already lived through it.

"He was a child! Of course, I should have helped him." The Doctor waved her hand around, eyes not meeting anyone else's as she tried to verbalise her thoughts, still ashamed of her indecision but also not at the same time which made her feel worse. "He grows up and creates monsters. Monsters that destroyed my home, killed my family, my grandchildren and great grandchildren. Monsters that have killed my friends and hurt them, hurt me in ways no one else has achieved. Of course, I hesitated. But he would always get out of there, he had to, it was part of the time stream and not something that could have been changed. But why did it have to be me that saved him?" She finished quietly, breathing deeply after unloading her turbulent thoughts she hadn't known she still had buried.

"Because no one else could have." Jack answered quietly after several moments of silence, eyes full of sympathy and understanding. He reached out to put a hand on the Doctor's shoulder, just lightly as a reminder he was there.

"It's okay Doctor." River spoke up from her other side, as if comforting a scared animal.

"No, it's not." The Doctor whispered hoarsely.

"No, it's not." River corrected herself, "But it will be, eventually. We're all here for you, like you're here for us."

The Doctor was quiet for a few moments, collecting herself enough to actually speak again, "Can we just keep watching?" She finally spoke quietly but the whole room could hear her. They all turned back to the screen, respecting the Doctor's silent plead for a break in the questioning.

In a flash of memory, young Davros begs for help as the Tardis dematerialises from Skaro. Back in the present, the Doctor goes to Colony Sarff asking if his ship is in orbit, as Missy declares it a trap

"For once, and I hate to say this. I agree with the Master." Jack announced concerned, "You can't seriously be considering this Doctor."

"I had to Jack." The Doctor answered, face determined.

"It's Davros!" Jack shouted back.

"I had to." The Doctor answered quieter but more firmly.

Colony Sarff tells him to prepare for teleportation, as Missy tells the Doctor to listen to her as she knows traps because they're her flirting and this is a trap

Several people noticed the use of the word flirting, despite Missy's vehement protests to the opposite earlier. Bill gave the Doctor another pointed look which was promptly ignored, but no one actually verbalised any comment.

DOCTOR: I am prepared.
MISSY: You sent me your confession dial. You threw yourself a three-week party. You know what this is.
DOCTOR: Yes. Goodbye. (sotto) Goodbye, Clara.

River suddenly shuffled around to face the Doctor better, than hit her in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for!" The Doctor spluttered in protest, holding her arm where her wife had hit her.

"For being an idiot and trying to die!" River exclaimed back, anger born of frustration and concern lacing her words. "It's Davros! You've fought him before, what's one more time? You can't just roll over and die because you hesitated over saving a monster!"

"It's not that simple, River." The Doctor tried to argue.

"Yes, it is! The only reason I'm not angrier is because you didn't die! If you had I would have found a way to get you back just so I could kill you myself!"


"No, no, that's not alright Doctor. We're talking about this later." River decided, giving the Doctor a firm look.

"River-." The Doctor still tried to argue.


The Doctor turns around and one of Sarff's snakes bind his wrists behind his back

"That is the worst kind of handcuff, ever." Yaz declared, unable to stop herself from speaking up and it had the bonus of tearing down some of the tension in the room.

"Agreed." Ryan shivered.

Clara declares they're coming with him, both of them. Missy and Clara join the Doctor and hold their hands behind their backs as the Doctor shouts no at them, asking what they're doing

"Did you really think we wouldn't join you, Doctor?" Clara asked, and it was serious question despite its appearance.

"You shouldn't have." The Doctor answered instead, avoiding the actual question.

"But we did, and I would again. Anyone in this room would." Clara argued back, eyes alight with determination. "Stop trying to do things on your own. It doesn't end well for anyone." The group all nodded, fixing the Doctor with stares just begging her to question them on that. The Doctor turned back to the screen to avoid the weight of their eyes, unable to cope with the feelings bubbling up in her chest.

Colony Sarff agrees as they are a democracy

"Oh!" Bill suddenly announced. Her exclamation drew the room's attention to her.

"What?" Amy asked the younger girl confused.

"Sorry." Bill answered sheepishly, not realising she'd been so loud. "I just realised that Colony Sarff is literally a colony, a colony of snakes."

Snakes bind Missy and Clara's wrists as the Doctor shouts no at them, saying he forbids it. They all vanish, and Bors re-enters the room before his face goes blank

"What is he up to?" Rory asked confused on why they were focusing on Bors instead of the group that had just been taken by Colony Sarff. The Doctor shrugged, not entirely sure.

Bors opens a chest, pulling back a curtain to reveal the Tardis, as he turns, we see a Dalek eyestalk on his forehead as he informs High Command that the Tardis has been located, the Daleks declares the Tardis will be procured

"That is not good." Mickey muttered; the whole group had tensed upon seeing Bors with the familiar eye stalk.

"But that means ... that means the Daleks knew where you were anyway." Martha realised. Apparently, the Doctor's hiding spot hadn't been as good as thy first thought it was. Clara couldn't help but feel a bit relived that she hadn't completely led their enemies to the Doctor. The Daleks would have got him either way, as terrible as that was.

On Sarff's spaceship, the Doctor declares Davros is a child of war, one which wouldn't end until Davros created a new warrior, one that didn't wonder why, just a mutant in a tank that wouldn't ever stop – the Daleks

The group listened quietly as the Doctor on screen explained the reasoning behind the Daleks, not that it made them very sympathetic to Davros or the Daleks. They were monsters that killed for fun, for purity, monsters that had hurt all of them in the room at some point.

The Doctor asks how scared you must be to seal your kind inside a tank, saying that Davros made the Daleks but who made Davros

"That doesn't make it right." Rose spoke up quietly, thinking back to both her first experience with a Dalek and their second time on the Game Station.

"No, no it doesn't." The Doctor said equally quiet.

They move out of hyperspace as they approach a space station. Clara asks what it is, the Doctor doesn't know, suggesting a hospital

"A hospital?" Rory asked disbelieving.

"Well, where else would you go if you're dying?" The Doctor answered back. She glanced at Clara out of the corner of her eyes, they both knew the answer - home. But no one else knew that yet and she wasn't going to share that horrible piece of news at the moment.

Missy sings wordlessly, as Clara asks how long they've been waiting – they're in an empty room with great acoustics

"You're like the kid in the back of a car on a long journey." Mickey chuckled.

Clara gave him a look, "You try being trapped in a room with the pair of them. See how long you go before you go insane."

"Fair point."

The Doctor doesn't know, then Sarff enters saying the Doctor will come and the other two will stay. Missy agrees but Clara says he sent Missy his confession dial. The Doctor says Missy is one of her own people, but Clara points out that they both saw her die on Earth a while ago, saying he either knew if wasn't real or, worse, he hoped, but either way he's been lying

"The Doctor always lies." Amy said, that's why it was rule one.

The Doctor avoided any attempts of eye contact. The group was getting more curious about what had happened the last time with Missy, but knew they weren't likely to get any answers if they asked and they weren't sure they'd like the answers they'd receive.

The Doctor apologises, and Clara tells him not to, but to make it up to her and therefore he has to come back

The group couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for Clara, she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She only had Missy for company now and the Doctor seemed determined to die while she just wanted explanations and for her friend to live.

The Doctor leaves, whispering gravity to Missy who already knows

"I'm not one of your little pets, dearest. I'm smarter than you even. Of course, I noticed." The Master drawled from his corner, waving his hand flippantly.

"Just making sure." The Doctor rolled her eyes, not bothering to even glance at the Master.

The door closes leaving the pair, Missy starts to tap dance. Clara asks about what is wrong with the gravity, and Missy explains there is nothing wrong, its too perfect for the artificial gravity that should be in a space station, it feels too real – like a planet

"So, either they've found a way to perfect gravity, or you're on a planet and not a space station." Jack summarised thoughtfully.

"But we saw the station as they arrived?" Yaz pointed out, even as her mind started running through potential theories.

Clara, the Doctor and the Master shared a (reluctant) knowing look but offered up no answers.

Clara asks how she and the Doctor can be friends

"Been asking that for years." Martha muttered darkly with a glare at the Master.

Missy asks why they shouldn't be, and Clara points out they spend their time fighting, Missy agrees

"That's not a good friendship." Ryan tried to argue but the Master gave him an 'are you stupid?' look.

"Whoever said anything about a good friendship?" The Master pointed out with a smirk.

She throws away the now dead snake binding her wrists

The group grimaced at that but wasn't surprised, and honestly, they would have also wanted the snake off their wrists if they were in that situation.

Missy declares the airlock is rubbish, and when Clara asks what she means, Missy says it might finally be the day, the day she kills Clara

"Master!" The Doctor gave the Master a glare.

The Master just rolled his eyes at the Doctor, "Honestly, you already know I don't kill the puppy, stop getting your pants in a twist."

"Clara! She's not a puppy!" The Doctor sighed annoyed but turned back to the screen as she knew it was useless to argue, he wouldn't listen no matter what she said.

Clara asks what she's doing, asking if she's going to open the air lock, saying they'll get sucked out when Missy says yes. Missy blows the air lock open and an alarm sounds

"It's not a space station then." Bill declared hopefully. She knew Missy well enough to know she wouldn't risk it if she wasn't sure. Clara's life? Yes, but her own? No.

In Davros' room, Colony Sarff enters with a more cautious Doctor following

The group was annoyed by the change in scene. They wanted to know what happened to Missy and Clara, despite knowing they must both make it out safe it was still worrying. They did, however, want to see what was going to happen between the Doctor and Davros. Clara and the Master had both sat up in their seats, both eager and curious to see what they had missed the first time around.

Davros says Doctor as we get a look at the old man amongst the many life support tubes

"I'm guessing that's Davros then?" Graham asked, unsure who else it could be based on the Doctor's reaction and the way several people in the room had tensed but wanting to check just in case.

"Yes." The Doctor nodded solemnly.

Davros approves of his new face, and tells Sarff to untie his hands, which Sarff does, then leaving when Davros orders him too

"Great, 1 on 1, that's better odds." Mickey muttered, trying to work out the logistics of how they got out of this alive. Missy throwing herself and Clara out of the 'airlock' may even work in their favour as it means Davros doesn't have them to use against the Doctor in the same way. Still, things weren't looking great.

Davros declares he came, asking if he suspected a trap, the Doctor still does

"You'd have to be stupid to not suspect a trap." Rory declared.

Davros asks why he is there then, and if he missed their conversations, he flips a switch and some clips of old Doctors are shown on a screen – the 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th, and 6th Doctor are seen from varying interactions with Daleks

The group listened to the small clips of the Doctor's voices, trying to work out which regeneration each was and (more than slightly) concerned about the context of some of the quotes. Those that had been present during the Planets in the Sky mess for the Doctor's conversation with Davros shared a glance upon hearing the Pinstripe's voce amongst the mix.

The Doctor declares he made his point, and another clip with the 4th Doctor appears discussing what you would do to a child if you knew the evil they would grow to be, would you kill the child. The Doctor definitely gets the point as he turns off the recording

"We all do." Bill grimaced. They all recognised the person on screen as the Doctor and his words helped them understand the Doctor's dilemma even more. This was clearly something they'd already debated and decided upon an answer before, but the child being Davros had shaken the Doctor's firm beliefs enough to hesitate.

Davros says he came due to a sense of duty or guilt maybe, but definitely from shame. The Doctor says he flatters them which Davros is annoyed by as he wants to accuse him, and for the ultimate good of the universe he was right to create the Daleks

The entire room immediately broke out int (very) loud protests, none understanding how the creation of monsters like the Daleks could very be considered right. It took several minutes for them to calm down enough to continue watching the video.

The Doctor argues he was wrong, and Davros tells him they've had this argument many times. The Doctor said it ended the Time War and Davros counters it survived the time war but ends tonight which is why he is there

"To continue an apparent age-old argument?" Amy raised an eyebrow in disbelief before turning to the Doctor. "That is absolutely a trap."

"Yes, and yes." The Doctor answered. She'd seen far more of the Daleks than likely anyone else, knew more about their creation, more about their story than anyone else would. She had met Davros many times over the millennium, and they always had the same arguments amongst the attempts to kill each other.

An alarm sounds and Davros says his friends have gone exploring

"Well, there goes the element of surprise." Rose sighed. On one hand, it meant the pair were definitely alive but on the other it meant Davros was aware they had escaped and could send people after them.

Back with said friends, Clara and Missy stand in an open airlock as Missy sticks her arm out declaring it warm, for deep space anyway

"A planet then." River nodded thoughtfully, narrowing her eyes at the screen in suspicion.

Clara asks what she is doing, Missy steps out onto nothing as she says she'd treading softly

"It's invisible." Martha blinked, "An invisible planet."

"But which planet?" Jack asked, he had a theory, and it wasn't one he liked at all. The Doctor, Clara and the Master exchanged another knowing look which did nothing to reassure anyone.

Clara asks if there's a floor and Missy corrects her to there being ground, Clara also steps out. Missy declares they are on a planet but an invisible one

"But why?" Rory asked the room at large. No one answered him; either already suspecting the answer and hating it or still unable to come up with a reasonable explanation.

Clara declares it ridiculous; Missy agrees suggesting when you're part of the atmosphere you sync with the spectrum and the thing is no longer invisible. Clara asks why they would hide a whole planet and Missy says it depends on the planet

"No." River and Jack breathed out, both coming to the same horrible realisation. They glanced between the Doctor, Clara and the screen in increased concern.

"What?" Amy asked her daughter, unnerved by the fear in the pair's eyes and desperately wanting answers. No one answered her. The whole group was tensing up, there was very little that genuinely scared the Master and one of them had ever seen the Master appear as terrified as they did on screen. Whatever could terrify Missy that much, was bad and not somewhere they wanted to be, let alone be with their archenemy.

The 'space station' they come from is just a building, one of many on the desert planet. Missy says no in shock, with Davros the Doctor has the same reaction

The group all glanced at the Doctor in concern. The majority of them were still in the dark about what exactly was going on but the tension in the room was rising and the lack of answers alongside the horrified reactions from those that did know was unnerving them.

Missy says they built it again, they brought it back, saying no as Clara asks what it is and where they are. With Davros, the Doctor says he's been brought to Skaro and Davros asks where else an old man would go to die but with his children

"Skaro?" Yaz asked cautiously, she already suspected the answer, but she was hoping someone would prove her wrong.

"The Daleks home world." The Doctor finally answered, a grimace on her face even as she never looked away from the screen.

"That's not good." Nardole muttered.

"That's an understatement, Nardole." Bill added on, sitting tense in her seat. If the group was on the Dalek's home world, then that meant there was likely a lot of Daleks around, which was never a good thing.

Clara asks what Skaro is and Missy tells her it is the planet of the Daleks, where it all begun. A Dalek declares she is correct

The room tensed even further, despite how impossible that seemed. Everyone edging closer and closer to the edge of their seats as the Dalek arrived. Missy and Clara were no longer safe outside of their little cell.

In Davros' room, the Doctor is concerned for Clara, but Davros says he can't help her even as the Doctor bangs on the door

"Oh, you're concerned for the puppy but not me? How rude, Doctor." The Master raised an eyebrow accusingly at the Doctor even as the rest of the group was stuck in between horrified and nervous about the scenes on screen.

"You don't need any help getting out of trouble or defying death. Clara doesn't have your experience." The Doctor emphasised the word Clara, as a counter to the Masters' use of puppy. She shot him a glare for the comment, but couldn't help but feel grateful Missy was there, otherwise Clara would have absolutely died.

Missy and Clara are brought into a control room and spot the Tardis, asking when it was brought in

"Well, that's been explained at least." Clara sighed, rubbing her forehead as she could feel a headache coming. Things were only going to get worse form here and she still had to relive her time with Missy while 'dead'.

A red Dalek is on a raised dais, there is a big laser gun that comes down from the ceiling and other Daleks from various generations are lurking around

The group only got more nervous upon seeing the number of Daleks in the room with them, unable to see how they could get out without getting shot. They were all glancing between the Daleks horrified at the sight of them, and only getting more horrified as the laser gun was lowered from the ceiling. They didn't' like where this was going.

Clara says they can't get inside, nothing can get in the Tardis. Dalek supreme says they're not trying to get in, they're going to destroy the Tardis. Clara wishes them luck as the Tardis is indestructible. Missy asks if the Doctor told her that as you shouldn't believe a man about his vehicle

The group all winced at that; if the Tardis was destroyed all hope was completely lost. They knew it hadn't been destroyed otherwise they wouldn't be here, but the thought itself was horrifying. Those that had been on the Crucible during the Planets in the Sky mess shared a glance. The Daleks had almost succeeded in destroying the Tardis back then, Donna flinched at the memory – she'd been very close to being destroyed alongside it, and that and what followed wasn't exactly happy memories (outside the joy of flying the Tardis altogether – that had been a small, good moment in a sea of bad ones).

The Doctor asks Davros what they are going to do, and Davros declares he doesn't know, and you know what children are like. On screen, Missy demands the Daleks' attention and the Doctor whispers to the screen for her to not

"Now is that concern I hear?" The Master teased the Doctor across their mental link. They would never admit it, but they weren't enjoying these parts of the video, but no one else needed to know that.

"Shut up. Just shut up! Of course, I was concerned. You could have gotten both yourself and Clara killed!" The Doctor shouted back across the mental link; her own emotions turbulent compared to the Master's almost calm sea of madness.

"But I didn't. Honestly Doctor, like you said I have experience with the whole not-dying shmuck. Glad to know you were concerned dear, you certainly didn't show it later." The last part was a bit quieter, more sincere and accusing.

"You trapped Clara in a Dalek and almost got me to kill it! Excuse me for not focussing on you when you were trying to kill Clara!" the Doctor practically snarled.

"Don't worry, dear. You're excused for now." The Master answered back before closing off the mental link, determined to have the final word. The Doctor was left stewing in her own thoughts, full of anger and concern and frustration for how the whole mess went down.

Missy asks if they know what they're about to destroy, declaring it the dog's unmentionables as she tickles a Dalek

The group all grimaced a bit at Missy's words, sometimes it was hard to connect her to the Mater in the room with her attitude. All of them were wondering where on Earth she was going with her little speech.

Missy continues saying it's a Tardis, which they can use to go anywhere and do anything and the Daleks could use it to become more powerful. She climbs on a ledge and the Daleks all look at her as Clara tries to creep to the door. Missy adds they only need one thing

"You have a plan." River looked at the Master assessing.

"Of course, I do. I'm not the Doctor, I'm actually capable of coming up with several plans, not on the fly." The Master huffed, annoyed at the doubt. She ignored the Doctor's pointed look about how Plan A hadn't worked, hence why she moved instantly onto Plan B.

The Doctor whispers Missy, no. But Missy continues saying they need her – a Time Lady, to show them how to work it, that they can burn everything with it forever. After a pause, she suggests they could also just kill her

The group tensed, unsure whether Missy was saying that because she had a plan or just because she was genuinely offering her help so she could later escape and leave the Doctor and Clara to their fate. Based on her behaviour so far in the video, it was possible she had an actual plan to save them all, but it was equally possible she was just backstabbing them.

The Daleks' all turn to the Supreme who declares maximum extermination they mimic, and one fires at Missy, whose skeleton lights up briefly before she vanishes

A few people let out startled shrieks upon seeing Missy 'die', more out of confusion than anything.

"But ... no .... How? I met you. I met you after this. How can you be dead?" Bill asked, blinking confused at the Master.

The Master was revelling in the attention, he raised an eyebrow at Bill and drawled out, "Because I'm not actually dead? Honestly, humans so stupid."

"But how?" Yaz asked bewildered, it looked very realistic on the screen.

"Well, you'll just have to watch and see, won't you?" The Mater snickered, turning back to the screen. He could see why the Doctor didn't answer all their questions, it was fun to leave them confused!

In Davros' room, the Doctor begs to save Clara

The group winced upon seeing the Doctor begging for Clara's life. Clara offered the Doctor a sad smile, very glad she couldn't hear or see the Doctor the first time around. She didn't want to imagine what it was like form his perspective, to lose both of them so quickly and be left alone with Davros. It seemed she wouldn't get the chance to imagine it though as the video was going to show them.

Davros says while he gave the Daleks life, he doesn't control them

"Liar, you have some control over them." The Doctor muttered to herself, eyes glancing between the screen and Clar in the room to remind herself that she was okay. Or at least with them, Clara wasn't okay in the traditional sense as she was still missing a heartbeat, but she was here.

The Daleks all turn to Clara and the Doctor continues to beg. Davros tells the Doctor to look at how they play with her, they need her to run as their blood is screaming for them to kill, they live in a ecstasy of crisis and asks if that is not life at its purest

The group watched in silence, horrified as they all waited for what seemed like the inevitable even as they hoped for a sudden and daring rescue.

Clara runs for the door and the Dalek's fire, Clara screams before vanishing

The group let out startled gasps again, their heads whipping around to face Clara who was just watching the screen blankly. This had haunted her nightmares for some time, and it wasn't any better seeing it from an outside perspective. Feeling the weight of the group's eyes upon her, she turned to meet them and give them a reassuring smile which felt weak even to her. No one asked nay questions, just wanting the video to continue so they could see Clara safe.

The Doctor asks why he's always let Davros live. Davros says it was because of compassion which has always been his indulgence, but this will be Davros' final victory, asking the Doctor to say compassion is wring just once

"Compassion is never wrong." The Doctor whispered; her voice confident even as the words felt hollow. She'd been terrified and grieving, so sure she'd just lost two friends forever and ignoring a tiny spark of hope that whispered in her brain that Missy always did this, so why couldn't to be another one of her tricks? She hadn't listened to that voice, unable to give herself (potentially) false hope, focussing on Davros who had proved himself to be the monster he was.

In the control room, the Daleks chant to destroy the Tardis, the big laser fires at it and the screen to the control room goes blank

The group watched wide eyes as the Daleks attempted to destroy the Tardis. They were all wondering how on Earth they got out of this alive as it seemed impossible from their perspective, more impossible than normal either. From the Doctor's perspective, Missy and Clara were dead, the Tardis was about to be destroyed, and he was trapped on Skaro with his archenemy. Things couldn't get worse.

We're back on the battlefield from the start with a young Davros begging for help, saying he promised to help him and can't leave

The group watched silently as the scene changed back to the battlefield with young Davros. No one able to verbalise anything when everything seemed to be going wrong on screen.

The Tardis opens and young Davros turns asking who he is and how he got there. The Doctor reveals he is from the future and young Davros asks if he's going to save him. The Doctor declares he is going to save his friend the only way he can, aiming a Dalek gun as he declares exterminate

The group all flinched at the Doctor's final words, confused on how he had escaped to get back to Davros as a child (although the Dalek gun he carried may have been a hint), and about what he was doing. He couldn't be killing Davros as Davros was clearly alive, she'd admitted to saving young Davros, and the timeline was intact, so what was he doing?

The Doctor let out a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment before opening to find the group turning away from the now blank screen to her. It seemed the video was over, apparently this was another two-parter. "Let's keep going then?" She asked the group, unsure whether to offer a break after that mess.

Donna immediately spoke up loudly, "Yes! Play the video so we can find out what happened! You can't just leave us on that cliff-hanger!"

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