The Five Doctors (Part 2)
And we jump straight back into the action with the second half of the Five Doctors!
Next part will be the Name of The Doctor!
In the Tardis, Tegan bandages Susan's ankle while telling the first Doctor what happened
The Doctor called down, relieved to see Susan get some first aid as well as both Tegan and Susan immediately find somewhere safe.
Susan explains he disappeared at the end, the Doctor hums
"He's entirely unsurprised." Donna snorted.
Amy nodded, "As he should be."
Turlough asks what could have happened and the Doctor explains it sounds like a transmat device. Tegan agrees and adds he must have gotten it from the Master
That earned the Doctor a scowl from the Master.
Susan hopes he is alright and the Doctor decides with his younger looking self-gone, he shall have to go to the Tower
"Hypocrite." The Doctor muttered, "My fifth regeneration was older than him."
Tegan says she'll go with him, and the Doctor agrees if she must. In the conference room, the fifth Doctor decides he has done the Master an injustice
The Master scoffed, scowling at the Doctor, "At least she admits it."
Borusa says if the Master survives, he'll surely learnt to live with the misjudgement
This time the Master's scowl was turned onto the screen. The Doctor snorted, amused by the Master's annoyance, "You'd think he'd know by now that you can't be killed.
The Doctor says it changes things and asks who is responsible if not the Master. Borusa was hoping the Doctor would know as he has been there. The Doctor asks who has control of the Time Scoop but Borusa says no one as it is forbidden
"Well, someone isn't listening to the rules." Ryan announced.
"Who would have guessed that?" Bill snorted.
The Doctor argues the machinery still exists and Borusa says he's implying the Time Scoop was used to bring him
"I think he's doing a lot more than implying." Rory said dryly.
The Doctor is, and Flavia adds he accuses a Time Lord then
"What's new?" River snorted, shooting a knowing look at her wife. Based on half the stories the Doctor had told her; it wasn't the first or last time she had done so.
The Doctor adds it would be an important one too. Borusa asks for his evidence, which the Doctor doesn't have yet, so Borusa asks what the outrageous accusation is based on
"Logic?" Clara proposed. "Knowledge of how corrupt the Time Lord council is?"
The Doctor explains it was the Cybermen, as whoever brough him-selves also brought them, and even their most corrupt ancestors would never have allowed the Cybermen to play as like the Daleks they play too well
"So, it was a targeted choice. Someone wanted something, someone wanted the Doctor dead." Rose said, talking through her thought process.
"What's new?" Donna snorted, giving the Doctor a pointed look. She only received a false innocent smile back, which everyone could see through with ease.
Castellan argues that is hardly proof of a traitor, the Doctor continues that the Death Zone is a large place but the Cybermen found them very quickly as if they were meant to. Borusa argues they are highly skilled at that
"They don't have Doctor radars." Yaz argued, then paused turning to look at the Doctor. "They don't, right?"
The Doctor smiled fondly at her, "They can detect life for conversion. A Time Lord can be detected by the two hearts, so yes but not specific to just me, but Time Lords in general. Still, it was suspiciously quickly." Yaz nodded at that, looking thoughtful.
The Doctor agrees, especially when helped. He holds out the recall device saying it is the one thing the Master would be sure to keep on him and reveals within it a flashing light, declaring it a homing beacon
The Master immediately looked affronted by being bamboozled like that. The Doctor only just managed to hide her smile and chuckles with a cough. The Master shot her a suspicious glare with narrowed eyes but moved his focus back to the screen as the video continued.
He throws it to the Castellan, and Borusa declares Castellan gave it to the Master. Castellan argues it is a lie and the Doctor wants revenge
"Revenge for what?" Mickey's question was ignored by the Doctor, leading to the group sharing a long glance.
Borusa tells him to sit down but the Castellan refuses to submit to the accusations. Borusa order in the Gurad Commander and demands a rigorous search of the Castellan's office and living space
"This seems too easy." Martha shook her head; something wasn't feeling right about the whole mess.
Rose nodded along, "It does. But if they search the Castellan's office at least they may find evidence one way or another ... Hopefully."
In the Death Zone, the Cyberman leader does not believe the Master
The group couldn't hide their chuckles, even as the Master scowled at them from his armchair.
The Master claims he speaks the truth and they were sent there for the same reason – to destroy each other for the Time Lords' amusement but adds they don't have to play their games and they need his help to defeat them and get revenge
"Is this what you always do when you get in a bad situation?" Rory asked genuinely curious, albeit a bit nervous to ask and draw the Master's ire onto him.
The Master scowled but refused to answer. The Doctor's nod and chuckles told the group that yes, this was the Master in his natural habitat of scrambling to get out of trouble.
The leader demands an explanation and the Master gives him one, saying nearby there is a Tower which is the fortress of the Time Lords and it is well defended but he can help them break in. When asked what he wants in revenge, the Master wants his life, freedom and chance to share their revenge in destroying the Time Lords
"Ah, the usual." Jack nodded; voice full of sarcasm earning a glare from the Master (he seemed to be doing a lot of that lately).
The leader orders him guarded
"They don't trust you." Nardole said.
"You're surprised by that?" Bill questioned; eyebrows raised.
The leader and lieutenant move away to discuss. The leader will allow the Master to guide them, the lieutenant argues he is an alien and so not to be trusted, the leader agrees not to trust him, and when they have the tower, he will be destroyed
"Definitely the usual." River sighed, that was far too familiar an outcome with some species.
They return and demand the Master guide them to the Tower
"Everyone is going to the Tower then." Graham said, glancing between the Doctor in the room with them and he screen as if looking for hints which weren't going to come.
At the Tardis, Susan worries they are moving slowly and Turlough tells her not to as Tegan will look after the first Doctor. Susan wants to make contact with the other Doctors but is distracted by something thumping the Tardis
"That doesn't sound promising." Mickey muttered. The group ad all tensed at the thump, when things thumped against the Tardis it was never anything good.
Turlough looks on the scanner and they see it is Cybermen
"They're everywhere." Yaz complained with a grimace. This really wasn't bringing up good memories.
At the lower entrance to the Tower, the second Doctor leads the Brigadier through the tunnels, urging him on certain ways
"Why do you know how to navigate the around the tunnels?" Amy asked the Doctor curious.
The Doctor hesitated for a second before answering, "Mostly old stories and nursery rhymes."
"Mostly?" Martha narrowed her eyes at the ambiguity. The Doctor shrugged refusing to clarify anymore.
River just snorted, "That means it was all a lucky guess then." The Doctor would forever refuse to admit that she had pouted at that (accurate) betrayal from her wife.
The Brigadier curses him as he isn't built for that kind of thing anymore, the Doctor argues he never was and to cheer up as they are getting along well
"You two are so nice to each other." Clara shook her head with fond exasperation. It really brought into perspective some of the stories she had heard, and one of the only things she was enjoying from this video so far was the Doctor's relationships with old companions, specifically the Doctor and the Brigadier.
The Doctor says they'll be at the Tower soon as the tunnel is rising, the Brigadier asks if that is supposed to cheer him up. Nearby something roars
"That sounds ... friendly?" Ryan questioned.
Yaz snorted, "No it does not Ryan, don't lie."
"I was trying to be optimistic." Ryan argued back.
"In a place called the Death Zone?" Graham asked incredulous.
"Good point." Ryan admitted.
The Brigadier asks what it is and the Doctor declares it sounds very large and fierce and probably very hungry so come on
"It sounded like something you should be moving swiftly away from." Bill announced, glancing frantically between the screen and the Doctor.
Elsewhere, the third Doctor and Sarah Jane come to a slate cliff and Sarah Jane calls it a dead end, the Doctor tells her to look as it isn't
"That looks like something that could go wrong very quickly." Rose gave the Doctor a pointed look.
He points up to a ledge, Sarah Jane counters she can't go along there as she gets vertigo. The Doctor says he'll help as they can't go back
"Cybermen behind and a cliff ahead. Just a normal adventure." Amy grimaced.
Sarah Jane asks why not as they've shaken the Cybermen off
"That's good." Rory let out a sigh of relief.
The Doctor says they don't get tired and never give up, that's why. Sarah Jane remembers and agrees, adding if she doesn't fall off the path she'll probably die of fright. She stalks off and something goes zing! She asks what it is and they spot a silver android crouching in front of a cave entrance
"That's not a cyberman." Mickey remarked.
"No, it's worse." The Doctor said seriously, unnerving the group who shared glances.
"Great, just great." Martha muttered.
The Doctor explains it is a Raston Warrior robot, the perfect killing machine ever made
"Oh, that's just brilliant news! What else do you want to find when going down a cliff and on the run from Cybermen?" Clara declared, vice dripping with sarcasm before she let out a loud sigh, "Only you Doctor, only you."
Sarah Jane observes it isn't armed only to be corrected as it fires a javelin from its arm right between their feet
"Yes, it is." Nardole countered with wide eyes.
They duck behind an outcrop as the Doctor explains the armaments are built in and sensors detect any movement
"You can't just stay there forever." Donna shook her head at the Doctor.
"No." The Doctor agreed, "We just had to be careful."
Donna snorted, "When are you ever careful, Space Man."
Sarah Jane asks if there is anything else she should know and the Doctor adds they move like lightning. Th robot leaps and vanishes from sight, as they stand up, it lands nearby them before jumping back to the cave entrance
"Things just get better and better." River sighed, shaking her head.
Sarah Jane asks what it is doing, and the Doctor tells her it is playing with them
"I'm starting to see why they called it the Death Zone." Graham remarked.
Yaz and Ryan gave him matching incredulous looks, "You're just starting to see why?" Ryan asked, earning a shrug from Graham.
The robot jumps again, and they move, making it to another boulder before the robot arrives. The Cybermen are making their way through the area and the Doctor tells her to freeze, as if they move, they're dead
"Caught between a rock and a hard place." Jack grimaced, glancing worriedly between the Doctor and the screen. There were some occasions that he really wondered how the Doctor had survived so long, and this was one such occasion.
"If you freeze the Cybermen will see you and catch up on you, but if you move the robot will get you. How did you get out of this one Doctor?" Rose asked worry clear in her voice.
The Doctor smiled softly at the group, meeting countless worried and concerned looks from the group, "Just watch. It will be okay I promise." No one seemed happy but they weren't given a choice as the video continued.
Elsewhere, the Tardis is being shaken. Turlough asks if Susan can operate the controls as they need to get away from there. Susan can but says they're still trapped in the Tower forcefield
"Could you move a bit further away at least?" Yaz suggested.
Bill had a thoughtful look, "Or closer? And avoid some of the dangers lurking around."
Elsewhere, Tegan leads the first Doctor across the zone encouraging him on and calling him Doc. The Doctor say of course he can make it and please don't call him Doc
Jack immediately grinned, the mood brightening briefly, turning to the groaning Doctor next to him. "So, you've always been a grouch, huh Doc?"
"Don't start Jack!" The Doctor complained, although everyone could see the twitch of her lips.
In the conference room, the guard commander brings in a casket and places it on the table, he announces it bears the Seal of Rassilon
"Rassilon again." Martha noted, with a frown. She was getting a bad feeling about the old infamous Time Lord.
Borusa asks where it was found and the commander tells them in the Castellan's room
"That feels far too convenient." Amy said, "Surely if he manged to create this whole scheme, he'd be better at hiding the evidence."
"Wasn't he also the one to bring in the Master to stop it right?" Rory added.
Clara hummed, "Technically the Master was part of the schemed, with the whole homing beacon thing, but I think someone is trying to frame the Castellan. Amy's right, it is all too convenient."
No one missed the glance the Master and the Doctor shared.
Borusa raises the casket lid to reveal the scrolls inside, Flavia is shocked calling them the Black Scrolls of Rassilon
"I have a feeling they're important." Mickey said.
The fifth Doctor is intrigued as he thought them out of print. Borusa warns him not to touch them as they old forbidden knowledge from the Dark Towe, the scrolls burst into flames so he closes the casket
"Someone really wanted to cover their tracks." Rose narrowed her eyes at the screen.
Borusa declares they were taking no chances
Bill narrowed her eyes at Borusa, she was still suspicious of him and he seemed very eager to get rid of the Castellan and blame everything on him. The looks the Master and Doctor had shared when he was mentioned weren't doing anything to convince her she was wrong to be suspicious.
Castellan argues they are innocent and have never seen the casket before. Borusa orders the commander to take him to security and discover the truth, giving him permission to use the mind probe
"I don't like the sound of the mind probe." Nardole muttered.
"You shouldn't." The Doctor said seriously, expression carefully schooled worrying the group.
Castellan is terrified of the mine probe as he is ushered out of the room. The Doctor asks to speak to him but Borusa denies him saying the mind probe will give them the answers they need. An energy weapon is shout outside and the Castellan screams
"I really don't like the sound of the mind probe." Jack agreed with Nardole. He had a better idea of what the probe likely involved and couldn't help but glance at the Doctor who wasn't paying attention to anything but the screen. He'd hear many storied about the Time Lords during his time at the Time Agency and meeting the Doctor had confused him. They seemed to be an exception to the horror stories he'd been taught, but this brought back to mind some of the tales.
Outside the conference room, the Castellan is dead on the steps and the guard commander has his weapon drawn
"Oh god." Rose muttered; eyes wide at the sight of the Castellan dead. The group was silent for a moment trying to take in the turn of events.
"Someone really wanted to hide the evidence." Martha declared solemnly. None of them believed the Castellan was responsible for this mess, but the video was doing great at showing the corruption of the Time Lords and Gallifreyan society. Every time they watched a video featuring Gallifrey or Time Lords, they understood more and more why the Doctor had run away and didn't intend to go back.
The Doctor asks if it was really necessary and the commander argues he was armed and trying to escape as they can see
"I doubt that." Mickey said with a frown.
The Doctor tells Borusa he seems to have been saved the embarrassment of a trial, and Borusa adds they have found the traitor and it should simplify the task of his other selves. The Doctor agrees and says he should get back to them
"Yes, you need a plan to escape and find the real mastermind." Yas declared with a firm nod and glance at the Doctor.
Borusa says he admires the Doctor's courage but cannot let him return, as he needs his help and advice determining the Castellan's role in the mess
"What is it with the Council trying to put you in positions of authority?" The Master muttered frustrated, it was clearly louder than he intended based on the sliver of regret on his face before he quickly schooled it. The Doctor wasn't sure what to say to that, glancing at the Master several times before her focus returned to the screen. The Master's goal had been to gain power in Gallifreyan society for a long time, yet it had been the Doctor that had achieved it several times and run away each time.
The Doctor counters he can't abandon the others but Borusa is sure his other selves will cope. The Doctor asks if they are all in the zone, and Borusa tells them all but one who is trapped in the Vortex, and he must insist he remains. He tells Flavia to escort the Doctor to a place of rest as he must be exhausted
"He's definitely up to something." Amy declared without any doubt in her voice. The group was quickly getting more and more suspicious of Borusa. "He is trying to use you to do something."
"What's new." The Doctor mumbled bitterly. Her comment was quiet enough that only Jack and River heard, both sharing a concerned look above the Doctor's head and mentally adding t to the (rapidly growing) list of issues to eventually talk with the Doctor about.
At the lower entrance of the Dark Tower, the second Doctor and Brigadier reach an underground stream as the Brigadier says the creature, whatever it is, has their scent and is hunting them
"Brilliant, just brilliant." Rory sighed.
We catch a glimpse of the man-sized furry biped as the Doctor finds a small gap in the tunnel wall and calls the Brigadier. They squeeze through and the creature is too big, failing to grab them with a clawed hand
"Thank the stars." Jack muttered, eyeing the creature on screen warily. As always when faced with a creature his mind immediately jumped to trying to work out if he had seen it before, this was one creature he was almost sure he hadn't, but nevertheless it didn't look remotely friendly.
"What is it?" Rose asked the question that several others were thinking.
"A Yeti. Potentially left over from the old games or maybe it was also time scooped. I never did find out." The Doctor trailed off, talking more to herself than anyone else. There wasn't much of a reaction to finding out the mythical Yeti was real; they were far too used to finding out Earth myths were real and typically based off of/were aliens.
The Brigadier shouts for him to watch out as the Doctor drives it back with a flaming torch, then adding they are trapped. The Doctor goes through his pockets sure he has something, he drops a catapult and an apple
River shook her head in fond exasperation at the eclectic mix of items he pulled out of his pockets, "Honestly, Doctor."
"What?" The Doctor asked bewildered about what she had done now as the rest of the group chuckled around her. "What?"
The Brigadier tells him to hurry up as the creature tries to dig them out, the Doctor hands him a bag of jelly babies
"What are those going to do Doctor?" Amy's expression was eerily similar to her daughters, or rather River's fond exasperation expression was inherited from her mother.
The Doctor shrugged, "You can't go wrong with jelly babies."
The Doctor finds something useful, untwisting the paper of a firework and lighting it with the torch. The roman candle goes off showering sparks on the creature who quickly retreats
"Why do you just have a firework in your pocket?" Donna turned to the Doctor exasperated who opened her mouth to open before Donna interrupted her, "Actually I don't want to know."
The Brigadier asks what it is, and the Doctor tells him the firework is a galactic glitter when he takes his fingers out his ears to hear the question
"I think he means the Yeti Doctor." Mickey pointed out.
"I knew that." The Doctor's claim was believed by no one.
After a bang, the Doctor explains it is a yeti and when asked where it came from, add it must have been left off from the games. The Brigadier argues he angered it as the yeti causes a rockfall blocking them in
"Well, it can't get you now." Ryan offered, looking on the positive side.
"But they also don't have any way to escape." Yaz countered. The pair turned to the Doctor for answers, to which they were only sent a smile and nod back to the screen.
The Doctor counters it can't get them but the Brigadier says they're trapped, buried alive. The Doctor agrees but points out a when there is a wind there is a way, demonstrating with the torch and finding a breeze that leads them to a small stone-frames door set in the rock face
"An escape." Bill grinned, glad to see the pair had a way out of their caved in hole.
The Doctor says they've arrived, opening the door, he adds he doesn't like this as it opens easily, saying something or someone wants them inside, and after the Brigadier. The Brigadier insists after him
"Honestly, the pair of you." Clara shook her head but everyone could see her fond smile. Not that anyone would argue as they were all enjoying the Brigadier and Doctor's continuous banter.
In the Tardis, Susan is grateful the hammering has stopped but Turlough's worried about it
"Sadly, it's never good when the mysterious noises stop." Martha grimaced.
Susan points out the scanner where the Cybermen have brought a coil of wire and large device to the Tardis
"That's not good." Nardole declared.
Susan asks what they are carrying and Turlough doesn't know but guesses their intention is to break in
"They can't, right Doctor?" Rose asked nervous about the idea of the Cybermen breaking into the usually safe Tardis.
The Doctor's schooled expression didn't reassure anyone, "Best to just watch."
Elsewhere, Sarah Jane isn't sure she can take much more of it as they stand outside the cane guarded by the robot
"I don't think any of us can." Amy agreed with Sarah Jane. "There's four of you and all of you have managed to find trouble. Only you Doctor."
A Cyberman crunches over broken slate as the third Doctor tells Sarah Jane to hold on as they have one hope. The robot fires a lance straight through the Cyberman's chest, then its head. More appear and also get dismembered, including the Cyber leader
There were some reluctant cheers for the Raston robot, glad to see one of the imminent threats to the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane eliminated. Now they only had to deal with the killer robot that had easily decimated a squadron of Cybermen ... should be easy.
The Doctor calls now, and they run inside the cave. A surviving Cyberman watches them
The group sighed in relief at seeing the pair escape the Raston robot for now, but they were wary of the Cyberman watching them. They weren't quite safe yet, but they were getting closer to the others hopefully.
The Doctor is happy to fins the robot's extra arrows, telling Sarah Jane they'll have something to fight with. He asks takes some coils of thick wire adding they might come in use
"At least you're not completely defenceless now." Jack said, although he wasn't quite sure how much the Doctor would be willing to use those weapons; it was more likely with the enemy being the Cybermen and that killer robot but it really depended on the Doctor themselves, only time would tell.
Outside the robot decapitates the remaining Cybermen
"That's one problem sorted." Bill muttered lowly; one group of killer robots were down leaving just the singular really killer robot.
Opposite the top of the Tower, Sarah Jane walks to the edge of the cliff and looks across, asking what they do now, fly? The Doctor declares it a splendid idea
"That was something called sarcasm Doctor, I know you don't always understand it, but people typically can't fly." Donna lectured the Doctor mockingly.
The Doctor rolled her eyes at the redhead. "I know what sarcasm is -."
"I know what sarcasm is," The Doctor continued ignoring Amy's interjection into the conversation, "And believe it or not I had a plan."
"I don't believe it actually." Martha decided to add her opinion to the conversation, earning a pout from the Doctor and chuckles from the rest of the group.
In Gallifrey's Citadel, the fifth Doctor and Flavia walk up and down steps by a water feature. Flavia says he looks worried and hie friends and other selves will be fine. The Doctor admits he is more worried for the High Council and Gallifrey at the moment
"Corruption is rampant it seems." River remarked, glancing concerned at her wife.
The Master's snort was filled with dark humour, "Isn't it always." The Doctor snorted at his comment, not able to disagree at all.
Flavia argues the traitor has been found
"Debatable." Rose said with a grimace as she recalled the Castellan's fate.
The Doctor isn't so sure, as he has known the Castellan a long time and while he was limited and a little narrow, he was also fiercely loyal to his oaths of office and filled with horror at any mention do the dark days. The Doctor continues she saw his reaction to the scrolls and it wasn't the look of a man discovered but of sheer disbelief, and he is sure the traitor is still around
"Someone really wanted everyone to think the traitor had been found." Yaz said, the Doctor's comments were really unsettling her.
"It means the real culprit can do more without suspicion." Mickey grimaced. Things weren't painting a pretty picture.
Flavia says she will speak to the commander that killed Castellan as they might learn something. The Doctor thanks her and says he will speak to the Lord President
"Flavia seems to be something of an ally." Amy raised an eyebrow at the Doctor in a silent question.
The Doctor sighed, easily understanding that Amy was asking for an explanation of how she knew Flavia but unsure of how much she wanted to say. Meeting the questioning glances of her companions she made up her mind. "She was my aunt." The Doctor admitted quietly.
The room was silent as they took in that revelation, several members of the group glancing between the Doctor and Flavia on screen trying to digest the new information. No one was sure what to say, knowing that she would have died in the Master's massacre, if she had survived the Time War. They silently added her to the list of family members they knew the Doctor had lost.
Opposite the Dark Tower back in the Death Zone, Sarah Jane warms the Doctor of Cybermen
"You really can't get rid of the buggers." Graham sighed.
The third Doctor tells her to try and hold them off as he'll just be a second. Sarah Jane says yeah, right
"She really doesn't take your nonsense." Rory grinned.
"As she shouldn't." Donna laughed loudly.
The Doctor finishes attaching a wire round a boulder and Sarah Jane throws a rock down the slope at the cybermen but tells the Doctor she missed. The Doctor declares his work done and Sarah Jane calls him crazy saying it will never work
"The Doctor's plans are always crazy and never feel like they should work but someone they do." Jack shook his head, the Doctor grinned like a maniac far too happy with herself.
The Doctor agrees maybe not but asks if she can think of a better solution, when she can't he tells her to stand well back. He throws the other end of the wire into a lasso and throws it across the gap to a pinnacle on the Dark Tower
"You made your own abseiling line." Clara realised, clueing herself into the Doctor's latest crazy plan.
Below, the Master watches and talks to himself about the Doctor's ever resourcefulness
The Doctor glanced at the Master; she hadn't realised he'd been watching them. He met her eyes for a second, expression blank before they both glanced away, unsure what to say.
The third Doctor and Sarah Jane use small loops of wire to hold onto as they slide down the wire to the Toer
"I can't watch." Ryan muttered; despite his words he was watching between his fingers as the pair precariously abseiled across from the cliff to the tower.
They make it to the top of the tower, the Doctor tells Sarah Jane he has her and to find any foot hold she can, Sarah Jane finds one but it hesitant to move
The group watched in silence as the Doctor tried to guide Sarah Jane down, no one wanting to talk and prolong the time they had to spend tensely watching the pair in the precarious situation.
The Doctor guides her, encouraging her and helping her up towards the parapet. Before he can pull her over, she looks down and screams
"Does she not like heights?" Rose asked quietly, eyes never leaving the screen.
The Doctor shrugged, "I think regardless of a fear of heights, looking down in her position is a bad idea."
The Doctor tells her to not look down and she claims she's not looking; he encourages her and she does it. They're both safely on the Tower
The group all let out a breath as the pair made it safely down onto the tower. They weren't safe, but they were no longer being chased by a killer robot down a steep cliff. The pair were also getting closer to all the other Doctors and Companions, things were really about to start happening.
Sarah Jane asks how they get in; the Doctor opens a small door set at an angle saying through here if she can believe it
"Seems a bit too convenient." Rory said.
"I mean they had to cross the gap between the cliff and tower, it isn't that convenient." Amy argued.
At the main entrance, Tegan and the first Doctor are in front of a large door as lightning and thunder goes on. Tegan asks what now and says she hopes he doesn't suggest banging down the door. The Doctor says it looks like a bell to him
"You're not seriously going to just ring the doorbell?" Martha asked, voice full of fond exasperation and disbelief.
Mickey snorted, "It's the Doctor, of course he is."
"Oi!" The Doctor protested as the rest of the group chuckled.
The Doctor tips open a bell on a pole to reveal a number pad, he taps something in and the door slide up. Tegan realises it is an entry coder
"Not the doorbell then." Bill realised, eyes wide, "A code to the door."
At the Tardis, the Cybermen are attaching cables to a big black box outside while Susan realises it is a bomb and Turlough comments how big it is
"Perfect." Clara sighed, "Just what you need."
"You really can't catch a break, can you Doctor." There was something more serious hidden in River's voice, her eyes full of concern as she stared at her wife for a moment, before going straight back to the video. With the Doctor it seemed everything always had to happen at once, leaving the Doctor and their current companions several troubles to try and deal with simultaneously.
In the Dark Tower, the first Doctor tells Tegan to not be in such a hurry. He takes out some coins and Tegan asks if they have to pay to get in
"I don't think that is what the coins are for." Yaz thought aloud, narrowing her eyes at the first Doctor and the floor of the tower – something was suspicious. It all seemed too easy for a place called the Death Zone.
The Doctor says it could cost her life, he throws a coin onto the red and white alternating floor tiles, then more. Tegan asks how long does he plan to throw coins
"Until something goes wrong and he gets to prove his point." River said knowingly. She'd immediately caught onto what the Doctor was doing, unlike Tegan it seems.
The Doctor tells her patience, he throws a fifth coin and lightning plays across the board. The Doctor declares it genius but diabolical as nothing happens until you reach the fifth row, half way then the whole board is a death trap
"Lulls you into a false sense of security." Mickey grimaced.
"It's a giant taser board!" Bill exclaimed, much louder than Mickey's calm (albeit cynical) comment.
"Yes Bill, I guess you could call it that." The Doctor smiled fondly at the younger girl, "Not exactly somewhere you want to take a wrong step."
The Master says their ancestors have a wonderful sense of humour. The first Doctor asks if he knows him, young man
The group blinked in silent shock, both at the Master's sudden appearance inside (he'd clearly forgone watching the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane's dangerous stunts any longer and followed the First Doctor into the tower ... for one reason or another), and at the idea that the First Doctor didn't know who he was. They already knew Susan hadn't but this was the Doctor which made it feel like a completely different matter.
"You didn't know him?" Martha asked quietly, eyes narrowing into a glare at the Master in the room with them for a moment before her gaze focussed on the Doctor with reluctant curiosity.
The Doctor sighed, her own attention flickering briefly to the Master (who's own expression featured a raised eyebrow as if to ask 'what are you going to tell them?') before she focussed back on the curious group and Martha in particular, "As I said earlier, the Master has regenerated ... several times ... since I knew him in at the Academy, I wasn't going to immediately recognise him. Besides. My first thought when time scooped into the Death Zone and faced with a stranger was not that this was my old childhood friend." The Doctor raised a good point.
The Master replies believe it or not but they were at the Academy together
"That is one of very few things I know to be true without having to fear any hidden lies." The Doctor mumbled to herself, careful that the Master would not hear her. Based on the exchange shared by River and Jack, however, it wasn't quiet enough for them to not hear.
Tegan asks what he wants and the Master claims to help, which Tegan finds hilarious
Martha snorted; she had a feeling she would get along with Tegan. It seemed the former companion had also had bad encounters with the Master – enough to leave a lasting impression at least. Maybe she could ask the Doctor to put her in contact when they returned to normal, as she had mentioned Tegan was alive on Earth. Or rather, she'd be more likely to get results by asking someone like Kate Stewart or Sarah Jane. The Doctor was flighty when it came to former companions (about a lot of things actually).
The Master tells them to believe what they like but they should hide as he has suspicious allies close behind him. Tegan asks about them but spots the cybermen coming round the corner
"I'm surprised he even tried to warn you." Jack muttered to the Doctor with a pointed glare at the Master who didn't even need to hear what Jack was saying to get the idea and send an answering glare back. The Doctor's own expression was troubled, unsure how to explain their complicated relation and sure she didn't want to at that moment.
Tegan drags the first Doctor out of sight. The Master warns the cybermen to be careful as they enter, and the fortress is at their mercy
The group watched, semi-tense, waiting to see if the Master would give away the Doctor and Tegan. They were also reluctantly curious to see the Master back in his element. Yaz, Ryan, Graham, and Bill couldn't help but compare this younger version of the Master with the one they'd known, especially with the Cybermen being another common factor.
A cyberman asks why the main gate was left unguarded and the Master explains the Time Lords believed no one could survive the Death Zone and that's the kind of thinking that will destroy them
"Not that you'd have anything to do with that." Nardole muttered sarcastically.
"Oh, shut up, you egg." The Master complained.
"Oi! Be nice to Nardole." The Doctor berated the Master but she went promptly ignored by the culprit.
The Cyber leader stops at the chequered tiles and the Master asks if they fear an empty room and should he lead the way?
"He's trying to lead them into the trap." Rory realised. They all knew the Master was just using the Cybermen to try and stay alive, it was just a case of who he would screw over first – the Cybermen and the Doctor. So far it seemed to be the Cybermen, but that would likely only last as long as it kept him alive.
The Master walks to the sixth row. The leader demands he cross to the far side, and the Master does with nothing happening. The first Doctor and Tegan look at each other puzzled
The group watched the Master cross safely equally puzzled as the pair on screen. They had literally just seen the taser board activate, how had the Master been able to cross it safely? Did he know a safe path or was this just another of his elaborate tricks – they would just have to watch to find out. No one dared to speak and delay the discovery of the answer.
The Master returns down the right side and the leader orders his patrol across. The leader stays by the Master's side as the other cross, they all get zapped to death with one crawling back and allowing the Master to take its weapon
"How does that work?" Amy asked befuddled. She was undeniably glad to see the Cybermen get destroyed, it was one less danger for the Doctors and companions, but she couldn't work out how the Master had crossed the board safely and the Cybermen hadn't been able to.
The Masters smug smirk was the only answer anyone got.
The leader asks why he has betrayed them
"You really have to ask that?" Martha snorted. Betrayal was practically the Master's middle name.
The Master argues he didn't betray them, just misled them as the safe path across the board changes with each journey
"That still doesn't answer how you know that, or how you know what the safe path is." Clara said pointedly. The Master just smirked, enjoying his knowledge, or more specifically, the group's lack of knowledge.
The leader demands he show him the safe route or he'll destroy him. The Master bows and steps across the tiles like a chess knight. The cyber leader follows until the Master turns and fires on him. He laughs as the first Doctor and Tegan come out of hiding
The group grimaced at the Master's vicious laugh, but couldn't help but be relieved that all the Cybermen were dealt with. It gave the Doctors more time to think of a plan to escape, and also to figure out what was actually happening. They were all still wary of the Master though, he was hardly a threat to be sniffed at, despite the Doctor's almost blasé attitude towards him.
Tegan asks if that was not ruthless even for him. The Master counters in one of the many wars from Earh they used to drive sheep across minefields and the principle is the same
"Is it?" Bill questions, but she doesn't really want an answer from the Master.
Tegan argues it isn't quite and this minefield is still dangerous. The Master asks if she thinks so and continues his zig-zag steps to the other side telling the Doctor to try it as it is easy as pie, he then leaves
"Well, that was helpful." Donna rolled her eyes at the Master's dramatics.
"Wasn't it just?" The Master smirked.
"Of course, it wasn't you idiot." Donna shot back unafraid, "Honestly, do any of you Space Men understand sarcasm?"
"You go Donna." Martha grinned next to her friend, even as the Doctor tried to protest the name. The Master was unphased.
The first Doctor declares him an extraordinary figure and repeats the phrase easy as pie. He works out the Master meant pi as in the Greek letter, saying surely Tegan knows some basic mathematics
"Ugh, you mean you have to actually use math to get across." Yaz grimaced, math had never been her favourite thing.
"Don't know what else you expected from a group like the Doctor." Ryan argued.
"Exactly – hey! Wait what do you mean by that, Ryan?" The Doctor protested. The group around her only chuckled, providing no clear answers.
Tegan does, and the Doctor realises how to cross the board doing so safely using applied pi
"Only you could be so excited by the idea of math, Doctor." Rose shook her head fondly.
He uses his cane to point where Tegan should step and she hopes he has his sums right
"Don't we all." Mickey muttered, but he wasn't particularly worried on this occasion.
In the conference room on Gallifrey, the fifth Doctor enters wanting to talk to president Borusa. He isn't there though and when he asks the guard, the guard is confused as he couldn't have left without him seeing it
"Because that isn't suspicious." Bill narrowed her eyes at the screen, her suspicions about Borusa may not prove unfounded yet.
The Doctor checks the transmat cubicle and finds it doesn't have any power so couldn't have left that way. He tells the guard to inform Flavia the Lord President has disappeared. The guard leaves and the fifth Doctor looks for hidden panels in the walls
"A secret passage perhaps?" Clara asked with a knowing grin at the Doctor.
The Doctor sent a matching smirk back, "Always worth a try."
Back in the Dark Tower, the third Doctor and Sarah Jane are going down some stairs as Sarah Jane says she can't go further as it feels like something is pushing her back. The Doctor can also feel it and declares it the mind of Rassilon so they must be near the tomb and they have to fight it, keep their minds under control
"The tomb has a mental field to prevent people going there, and you want to go there?" River questioned her wife, then shook her head as she almost visibly changed her mind, "Of course you do."
Sarah Jane argues she can't and it feels like something terrible is going to happen
"I don't need to feel that mental force, to argue with that." Rory declared; expression troubled. No one was getting a good feeling about what the Doctor and companions were inevitably going to face as it felt like things were coming to a head.
The Doctor tells her to sit down and rest for a moment, Sarah Jane asks where he is going and he replies he won't be long, Sarah Jane agrees as long as he isn't
The group glanced at the Doctor doubtfully. They didn't have a good track record when it came to saying they'd be back within a certain time limit.
The third Doctor walks along a corridor then turns to go back to Sarah Jane but a man in an army-uniform walks round the room – Yates, who tells the Doctor to come this way
"Another friendly face?" Amy asked, eyebrow raised.
"Supposedly." The Doctor answered cryptically, expression troubled.
The third Doctor is shocked to see Mike Yates and asks how he got there. Yates claims by the same method as him, adding Liz Shaw is there too, she comes round the corner
"How do you know these two?" Graham asked curiously. They were always eager to hear more about the Doctor's past companions as it often said a lot about the Doctor of the time, and sometimes it was nice to know there were others out there that could understand what you'd gone through.
"More friends from my UNIT days. Mike was a soldier and Liz was my first lab assistant, she was a brilliant scientist in her own right though." The Doctor explained, that familiar only half-there expression on her face as she was lost in old memories, a fond smile on her face.
The Doctor greets Liz and asks if there are any more of them. Liz claims there is someone je knows very well and should come see for himself. The Doctor says not the little fellow in checked trousers and black frock coat
The group couldn't help but chuckle at the Third Doctor's description of the second. The Doctor had never been good at following the rules.
Liz says and more as there are five of him now, the Doctor says good grief
"At least you know the chaos five of you can cause." Donna grinned teasingly.
Yates adds they are waiting for him. The Doctor tells them to wait there as he needs to get Sarah Jane. Yates blocks his way and says he'll get her
The group tensed up, remembering the Doctor's odd reaction to their initial appearance.
"Something is wrong." Martha declared, receiving no arguments from anyone in the room.
The Doctor protests as Sarah Jane is nervous enough, Liz pushes him to let Mike go as his other selves need him urgently. The Doctor resists saying he'll go; he dodges round Yates while they shout after him
"They're far too insistent." Mickey said, shaking his head.
"And how do they know so much about what is going on?" Rose added on, her own suspicions raised high.
Liz shouts to stop him, the Doctor asks how as they are illusions of the mind. Liz and Yates vanish in a cloud of black smoke
The group let out a breath as the pair disappeared, the immediate threat going with them. Still, it was scary to know the Tower could mess with them to that degree, and one they now knew to be wary of.
"Get back to Sarah Jane." Donna urged the Doctor on screen, not wanting her to be left alone unknowing of the potential dangers lurking round the corner.
Sarah Jane calls out to ask what is happening and is glad to see the Doctor return, he asks if it is her and she says of course, and asks why he left for so long and what the scream was. The Doctor tells her it was phantoms from the past, they head off in another direction
"Yeah, maybe go a different way." Clara grimaced. There seemed to be many paths to the tomb and one with illusions haunting it was not favourable, though it did bring into question about what other dangers may lay in waiting for the other Doctors.
In another corridor, Tegan asks the first Doctor is he feels weird – he clarifies full of strange fears and foreboding, and Tegan agrees. The Doctor doesn't as it is an illusion, adding they're in Rassilon's domain and he is reaching out to attack them and to ignore it
"How does your first-self recognise it but your third does not?" Jack questioned the Doctor.
The Doctor sighed but answered, "My first regeneration is closest to our childhood, and likely recalls the stories and signs better than my Third, who had spent many years away from Gallifrey."
Tegan asks how and the Doctor explains dear is an illusion largely in itself and there is nothing there to harm them. The Master comes down a staircase behind them and follows
"That I doubt." Bill grimaced at the well-timed glance of the Master following the pair. He was always someone to be wary of, and even if not, the tower had already proven to have several dangers in it that very much could harm them.
In another staircase, the second Doctor and Brigadier are going up some stairs. The Brigadier isn't happy as he says he feels rathe unwell, and the second explains it is fear he is feeling, projected from Rassilon's mind
"Unfortunately, I think that means you are all getting close." River declared.
A woman screams nearby calling for the Doctor's hep. The Doctor decides it must be a tap and the Brigadier should wait while he foes to look, the Brigadier refuses and says he's going too, the Doctor agrees as long as he doesn't get in the way
Clara shook her head at the pair, amused by the immediate difference in attitude between Sarah Jane and the Brigadier. Still, she sent a warning look to the Doctor in the room with them, "It could be another illusion."
The Doctor smiled patiently, "I know Clara. I was there, don't worry."
"With you around, Doctor? Of course, we worry." Donna snorted, and the Doctor wasn't quite sure how to take that comment from the loud redhead.
The second Doctor passes the torch to the Brigadier, as another scream is heard nearby
The group was tense as they watched the screen warily, the very recent scene with the illusions of Liz and Mike Yates at the front of their minds.
The Brigadier asks what it was, and they go to see, he hooks the torch on a nearby sconce as they pass up the corridor. The Doctor sees people, calling out to Jamie and Zoe
The group immediately turned to the Doctor in the room as the one on screen called out the stranger's names instantly upon seeing them. They were still potentially illusions, but they were illusions of more friends.
"Who are they Doctor?" Amy asked unusually gently, even if they were illusions the group was still curious to know about the Doctor's old companions. This video was the most they'd seen of them, and they had learnt a lot so far.
The Doctor's smile was fond and almost unbearably bittersweet, "Zoe was a scientist from your time and a very smart one at that. And that's Jamie, oh you would love him Amy, a Scotsman from the 18th century, always in his kilt. The pair of you would get on like a house on fire, I dread to think the chaos you would cause." She shook her head, lost in thoughts.
Rory glanced at Amy hesitantly before answering his own question, "Doctor?" He asked drawing her attention back from her wandering thoughts, "What happened to them?"
The Doctor's expression dipped noticeably, "They both went home alive and well, but well ... neither of them were allowed to keep any memories of our adventures or me, Time Lord rules." She shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. No one believed the false nonchalance but none challenged her, sensing it was a difficult topic for the Doctor, like much of her past and old companions were.
Amy smiled indulgently, "I'm sure we would have got on Doctor." The Doctor's answering soft smile was worth it.
Jamie tells them to stay back and Zoe adds there is a forcefield when the Doctor asks. The Doctor wants to destroy it but Jamie argues not to as if the forcefield is disturbed they'll be destroyed
"Interesting situation." Mickey raised an eyebrow at that in disbelief. None of the group believed the pair to be real and were rightfully wary of the threat they posed.
Zoe tells them they have to go back and the Brigadier asks what they are going to do. The Doctor is determined to save them even as Jamie and Zoe beg him not to and to save themselves. The second Doctor says he can't leave them there
"Oh Doctor." River whispered softly to her wife. There must be something in the Doctor's head telling him that it was likely an illusion but he was still so desperate to save his friends.
The Brigadier proposes finding another way into the tomb but the Doctor argues Zoe and Jamie would still be trapped, Jamie agrees with the Brigadier. The Doctor realises something is wrong, taking a moment as he declares it a matter of memory
The group connected the dots as soon as the Doctor spoke, that was how the Doctor would clock that they were illusions – the pair shouldn't have any memories of the Doctor yet here they were seemingly fully aware.
Zoe tells him to stay away and the Doctor asks why as he can't harm them. Jamie says if they get closer, they're dead but the Doctor replies you can't kill illusions
The room could only watch quietly as another Doctor was faced with ghosts of his past, unable to do anything and unsure what they could say to ease the pain that was visible on the Doctor's face.
The second Doctor steps between them, declaring they aren't real as when they were returned home, the Time Lords erased their memories of the time spent with the Doctor, so how would they know who they are? Zoe and Jamie scream and vanish in a puff of black smoke. The brigadier says they are gone, and the Doctor agrees adding it is sad
"That's an understatement." Bill muttered with a glance at the Doctor, these videos were very illuminating and helped explain a lot about the Doctor's attitude and actions sometimes. It wasn't fun for any of them to watch the Doctor almost literally e haunted by past companions, although it was interesting to get to see those that had travelled with the Doctor across the years.
They move forward, going up the staircase. The Brigadier isn't happy as he doesn't fully understand why they are there
"Do any of us?" Rose asked with a snort. It was often the way with these adventures that they would end up somewhere (either by wonky Tardis travel or taken by something else) with no idea why or what they were supposed to be doing, trouble usually found them pretty quickly on those adventures too.
The Doctor asks if he wants to go home, which he does, and the Doctor continues that is why they are there, and tells him to have faith, asking if he's ever led him astray
"Yes." Was the resounding answer from everyone in the room with no hesitations. The Doctor could only splutter in protest, even as the rest of the group broke down into laughter.
The Brigadier replies he has on many occasions and the Doctor says this will be the exception
"We can only hope." Amy grinned teasingly at the Doctor.
In the conference room of Gallifrey, the fifth Doctor finishes tapping at a keypad on the table then goes over to the portrait on the wall and looks at the harp standing nearby. He reads the inscription calling it the Harp of Rassilon and adds he never knew either Rassilon or Borusa were musical
"The harp is the key." Clara's eyes lit up with realisation, "A musical key." She grinned wide at the Doctor, enjoying the word play, the Doctor quickly matched her grin.
He plucks a string and there is a click behind him, he realises it is a musical key and the right combination of notes is needed, a tune
"But what's the combination? What song would Borusa use?" Yaz asked with narrowed eyes focused on the screen as her mind raced through possible options. Maybe some old Gallifreyan song? The Doctor just winked.
At Rassilon's tomb, the first Doctor leads Tegan into the large marble mausoleum and to a carved obelisk as Tegan walks round the giant sarcophagus, where there is a blank space in the emblems of the Time Lords on the side. The third Doctor enters from the other side with Sarah Jane
"That is definitely a tomb." Ryan muttered. "A very creepy one."
"You're meeting up." Martha noted upon seeing the First and Third Doctor's enter, "Chaos is definitely going to unfold with two of you in the same place."
"And there's still two more to come." Donna snorted; stars know why anyone thought that would be a good idea.
The first Doctor asks what kept him and the third calls him arrogant in return for the comment
"More than one of you can't be in a room without insulting each other, can you?" Clara shook her head with fond exasperation at the Doctor who just shrugged, they knew her reasoning.
The first Doctor calls the third over to look at something – they observe the obelisk together. Meanwhile, Tegan and Sarah Jane introduce themselves very briefly with just their names
"Concise introductions." Rose grinned at the pair.
Amy snorted, "You have to be concise with the Doctor, you never know when they'll drag you into something else."
"Besides knowing that you travel with the Doctor says a lot about you, saves some unnecessary into stuff." Martha commented with a grin, the girls all chuckles turning matching grins on an unnerved Doctor. Letting them meet was a severe oversight on her part, it felt very dangerous at times.
The first Doctor asks what happened to the little fellow, the second Doctor replies as he enters saying he is just fine and of course he is there, and wants a look at the obelisk, pushing the other two aside
"And then there was three." Clara sighed; this was more familiar to her but she had a feeling that this somehow may become more chaotic than her own time with three Doctors.
Tegan and Sarah greet the Brigadier. He knows both the ladies and tells them not to ask how they got there as it was like a cross between Guy Fawkes and Halloween
"What does that mean?" Rory asked bewildered by the Brigadier's turn of phrase. He didn't get an answer as everyone else was focused on the meeting of the Brigadier, Sarah Jane, and Tegan.
"They've met before?" Yaz asked curious.
The Doctor just smiled, "Yes, the Brigadier knew me through many regenerations and as a consequence met many of my earlier companions." Her expression saddened as she was reminded of her old friend's death, it was bittersweet seeing so many of the people lost to her for one reason or another.
The third Doctor is happy to see the Brigadier and the Brigadier is shocked to see him too saying he can't say it is nice to be there and goes to continue but the third Doctor interrupts him as they have an important inscription to translate and the others will get it wrong without him. The Brigadier finds his behaviour annoyingly typical
"The Brigadier knows you to well." Martha laughed.
SARAH: Oh, I know, I know. Drag you through time and space without so much as a bye or leave, then leave you out when things get interesting.
TEGAN: My version isn't any better.
"They never get any better." Amy grinned shaking her head, it was nice to see the Doctor didn't really ever change.
The Doctor just pouted, "This is why you should never be allowed to meet each other."
"This is why we should absolutely be allowed to meet each other. It's fun to complain and tease you with others that understand." Rose laughed, thinking back to her first-time meeting Sarah Jane (after they'd gotten over their antagonists).
Sarah Jane asks which one is hers. The second Doctor is stunned as the first says it changes nothing and they need to lower the forcefield get the young fellow back to Gallifrey and they all go home, and it must not concern them
"Hopeful thinking," Jack snorted. It absolutely concerned the Doctor, and even if it wasn't supposed to, the Doctor would inevitable make themselves concerned.
Tegan asks what the inscription says and the Brigadier adds he would also like to know
"I think we all would." Nardole decided.
So would Sarah Jane. The second Doctor explains it is Old High Gallifreyan, the ancient language of the Time Lords and not many people understand it these days, all three Doctors chime in that they do, fortunately
"Of course, you do." River snorted.
"Oi! What's that supposed to mean?" The Doctor protested.
"You know exactly what I mean Sweetie."
The Brigadier declares that interesting he's sure but wants to know what it says. The third Doctor tells them it says this is the Tomb of Rassilon where he lies in eternal sleep
"When they say eternal sleep, I hope they mean dead." Ryan said.
"I think that's a bit too hopeful Ryan." Graham tried to let him down gently.
The second Doctor continues it also says anyone that has gotten this far has passed great danger and shown courage and determination. The third Doctor translates another bit that says to lose is to win and he who wins shall lose
"That's cryptic." Donna sighed.
"When are mysterious riddles not?" Martha chuckled.
The first adds it also promises that whoever takes the ring from Rassilon's hand and puts it on shall get the reward he seeks - immortality
"So, whoever is behind all this is making the Doctor do all the dirty work so they can come in last second and gain immortality?" Clara put together the dots, eyes widening.
"Sounds about right." Mickey snorted, "Though it means whoever is behind all this is about to make a dramatic entrance." With villains like this it was almost always a dramatic entrance.
The group are shocked and Sarah Jane declares it is impossible
"I think one of the things you learn with the Doctor is that nothing is truly impossible." Rory sighed.
"You look like you hat that fact." Amy teased her husband.
"I do, I really do."
The third Doctor argues it isn't apparently. The second Doctor adds that Rassilon seems to possess it and is willing to share it with whoever takes the ring
The Doctors mind stuttered for a second, she hadn't really lingered on the thought of how Rassilon had immortality but now her mind couldn't help but think about the old myths around the creation of Time Lord society – Rassilon, Omega and the Other. She still wasn't sure where Tecteun fitted into the picture or even herself, but she had the horrible feeling there was a connection.
She could feel her thoughts spiralling into darker territory before a poke interrupted it. Her eyes flickered up to meet the Master's eyes which were locked onto her, something almost like concern swirling in the dark depths. Before she could do anything, she felt a hand grasp hers, she didn't even have to look to know it was River but it was a helpful distraction from the bad places her thoughts were going. She gave her wife a small smile in an attempt to reassure her that she was okay, by River's slight frown it didn't do much. She felt the weight of the Master's gaze on her.
The Master enters thanking them as that is just what he needed to know. He says he came there to help then, a little unwillingly but he came and his services and help was refused so now he shall help himself to immortality
The group audibly groaned as the Master made his own dramatic entrance; they knew already that the Master wasn't behind everything going on but it didn't mean his presence was exactly going to be helpful.
All three Doctors fervently disagree, saying he is a terrible candidate
"You know it is serious when all three agree on the same thing." Jack drawled with a glare at the Master. The Master shot his own back as tensions in the room rose, but thankfully the Tardis continued the video before anything serious could break out. Now was not the time for a fight.
The Master points his tissue compression eliminator at the Doctors as he says the decision is not theirs. He tells them killing him once was never enough for him and how gratifying it will be to do it three times over
Bill snorted, drawing everyone's attention straight to her, including the Master's.
"What?" The Master asked snappishly, his hackles raised under the abuse from the rest of the room and reminder of the mess that had occurred on screen.
The Doctor could see Bill mentally brace herself before she spoke again, putting on a false bravado despite still being unnerved by the Master. "Seriously, you're going to lie to everyone and talk about how much you want to kill the Doctor? You're in this mess because you wanted to save them, sure maybe you had some ulterior motives too, but you still chose the Doctor over everyone else. Face it, you don't really want to kill the Doctor, no matter how much you say you do, because what would you do then? You'd be alone without your best enemy, alone with no none who understood you, alone with no one to stop you. No matter how much you tell yourself otherwise, we all know you'd hate that."
The Master noticeably reeled back at Bill's comment, abruptly reminded that they had spent around ten years together (even if he was in disguise and playing a part). Bill had known two of his regenerations, ones vastly different to each other, which probably left her with a better idea of the Master overall than any of the Doctor's other companions in the room.
"Master..." The Doctor started to speak, voice gentle as if speaking to a cornered animal, and he couldn't even find it in himself to enjoy the use of his actual title before he interrupted her.
"Just play the video!" He practically hissed, gaze focussed on the room as he mentally begged the Doctor's infernal machine to listen to him for once. It seemed on this occasion the Tardis held some mercy in her heart for him as the vide resumed before anyone else could say anything, leaving the Master to stew in his own thoughts.
The Brigadier has snuck up behind the Master and says it is nice to see him again, as the Master turns, the Brigadier punches him in the chin and knocks him out
Jack whistled appreciatively with a grin, "The Brigadier has a great arm on him, I'm jealous." He'd wanted to do just that on many occasions but it appeared the Brigadier had long since beaten him to it. That dealt swiftly with the problem of the Master on screen, but for once the Master in the room didn't have any reaction – gaze on the screen even as his thoughts wandered. It was almost something to be concerned about, if anyone outside the Doctor cared a little bit more about the other Time Lord.
Outside the Tardis, the cybermen have several black boxes wired up around the Tardis
"That's not good." Mickey muttered.
"Apparently not all the Cybermen were dealt with." Rory grimaced.
Martha matched Rory's expression with a sigh, "Since when were we that lucky."
A cyberman tells the leader the bombs are ready, and the leader gives the order to step back ready for detonation. Inside, Turlough and Susan watch the cybermen leave on the scanner
"Oh no." Rose muttered as she realised Susan and Turlough were still in the Tardis, the Tardis which had bombs planted around it by Cybermen. They'd thought the Tardis would at least be safe, but they weren't sure how it would hold up against those bombs.
Turlough asks if she's realised what they're up to, Susan asks what they are going to do, and Turlough says die apparently
"Optimistic as ever Turlough." The Doctor sighed; her own mind distracted from the trouble unfolding on screen. Bill's words had hit her hard too, just in a different way to how they'd hit the Master; and her mind couldn't help but drift occasionally back to the idea of the founding of Gallifrey – there was just still too much she didn't know and likely would never know.
In the conference room, the fifth Doctor is still plucking away at harp strings as he wonders what the tune could be, then wondering if it has been under his nose the whole time. He plays the tune painted on the portrait and a section of the wall slides away
"Really Doctor?" Donna berated, eyebrows raised in disbelief, "You've just been plucking away at that thing without even considering playing the convenient music right in front of you?" The Doctor just shrugged sheepishly, unsure of what she could say – honestly, she just hadn't actually registered it. Her non-answer only made Donna shake her head at her.
In the secret room, the fifth Doctor looks at the pentagon with the models on it, Borusa, dressed in black looks up from a panel to welcome him
"I knew it!" Bill shouted, taking Borusa's presence as the admittance of guilt she'd been suspicious of. No one told her that they hadn't disagreed with her, instead they just let her enjoy her moment.
The Doctor greets him in return and Borusa says he doesn't seem surprised, asking if he suspected him. The Doctor admits he didn't at first and he believed the charade for a bit. Borusa says it was neat wasn't it, and pity about the Castellan but he needed someone for the diversion
The group scowled at the screen, frowning at the reminder of the Castellan's poor fate and then wincing at the reminder that this guy had once been one of the Doctor and Master's teachers. It may explain some things.
The fifth Doctor asks what happened to him. Borusa replies the Doctor knows how long he's ruled Gallifrey both openly and from behind the scenes, the Doctor agrees saying he's done great service and it was only right for him to become President. Borusa argues how long begore he retires with only half his work done, but if he could continue ... The Doctor thinks he means he wants to be President through his remaining regenerations
"Nope I think he's definitely wanting the immortality so he can have eternal power." Clara corrected, using the knowledge they had obtained from the tomb (which the Fifth Doctor did not have at the moment – the downside of being in the council rooms on Gallifrey instead of in the Death Zone). "That's usually how these things go."
Borusa is sure the Doctor underestimates his ambition as he shall be President Eternal and rule forever. The Doctor realises he wants immortality claiming it is impossible even for a Time Lord but Borusa argues Rassilon achieved it and still lives, he is immortal
"That's not promising seeing as three of the Doctors and several companions are currently in the guys supposed tomb." Ryan announced. The group shared glances, they could all see where this was going and none of them liked it.
At the tomb, Tegan and Sarah tie the Master hand and foot while the Doctor examines a control panel on the wall. The third Doctor informs the others he has reversed the polarity of the neutron flow so the Tardis should be free from the forcefield now, and the second says he'll try to get through to the Capitol, pressing buttons on a transmat control panel
"C'mon, c'mon." Martha muttered, hoping that Tardis would be able to dematerialise before the bombs were detonated.
Outside the Tardis, the cybermen are ready. The Tardis starts to dematerialise as the leader orders detonation – it goes kaboom but the Tardis is gone
"Yes!" The room cheered, glad to see Susan and Turlough safe and the Tardis not destroyed.
Inside the Tardis, Susan celebrates that they made it and Turlough asks if they are going to the Tower, Susan thinks so as they are on preset co-ordinates
"At least it gives them somewhere safe." Graham commented.
Yaz nodded, "Next trick is working out how to get out of the Death Zone and back to their own timelines."
On Gallifrey, Borusa tells the fifth Doctor that before Rassilon was bound he left clues for his successor and he has discovered so much – the control room, the casket with scrolls and Coronet of Rassilon. The Doctor realises he doesn't know the final secret though and Borusa explains it lies in the Dark Tower, within the tomb itself and there are many dangers and traps
"All of which the Doctor has already dealt with so you can just swan in at the end and claim the prize." Amy announced at the screen, Borusa's plan obvious to them all now.
The Doctor continue that is why Borusa sent him into the Zone to deal with them, Borusa defends himself saying he gave him companions to help and an old enemy to fight – a game within a game
"I'm liking this guy less and less." Bill frowned. He clearly was trying to be Rassilon's successor with all his talk of games.
The Doctor says Borusa botched it as one of his selves is trapped in the time vortex endangering his existence. Borusa says he doesn't need to fear as the temporal stability will be maintained as he needs the Doctor to serve him
The group all snorted at that comment from Borusa, the Master included. Apparently Borusa's stupidity had pulled him far enough out of his own mind to interact with the group again.
"He knew us for decades!" The Master shook his head, highly entertained by the idea "Surely, he knows better than most that you don't do what you're told. He really must be going senile in his old age if he thinks you would ever serve him."
The Doctor refuses to serve him and Borusa says he has no choice as he wears the coronet of Rassilon
"Please tell me he's not about to say something about that stupid thing being able to control people's minds or something." Rose groaned, that was the last thing they needed. The Doctor's wince was the only answer they needed, and it wasn't a positive one.
The Doctor says it is fetching as Borusa continues that it emphasises his will and allows him to control the minds of other people, ordering the Doctor to bow down. Against his will, the fifth Doctor is forced to his knees and the Borusa tells him to come along
The group was all shooting glares at the screen, hating the sight of the Fifth Doctor forced to kneel at Borusa's feet. The Master and Jack appeared to be having a competition to see who could scowl the darkest at the screen. The Doctor just rolled her eyes at their dramatics and waited for everything to continue, there couldn't be much more to the video now.
In the conference room, Borusa says it is time to go as his immortality awaits. At the tomb, the Tardis materialises in a corner and Susan and Turlough come out. The second Doctor is trying to contact the Capitol, asking if anyone can hear him, and if anyone is there
"At least they have contact with the Capitol?" Rory said, his statement more akin to a question as the Fifth Doctor wasn't likely to be much help in his current state.
"And how is that any help at the moment?" Amy argued, still scowling at the screen.
"The Doctor may be able to warn the others about Borusa." Rory pointed out.
Amy considered that for a second before conceding, "Good point."
The fifth Doctor answers after a moment and the second Doctor says there he is, well him
"It does get a bit confusing." Nardole allowed the Doctor's confusion.
The second Doctor shares they have reached the Tower, are safe, and the barriers are down so they have the Tardis, he also says they've made an extraordinary discovery. The fifth Doctor also knows what they discovered and tells them not to say more, he tells them to stay where they are and not touch anything as President Borusa is arriving to take full charge
"Yep, that will do it." Clara noted, "They'll be suspicious something is wrong now." The statement from the Doctor was very strange, and would have put any of them on edge even without knowing what was actually wrong. Hopefully the other Doctors and companions would get the same suspicions and be wary.
The second Doctor asks who the fifth thinks he is when he says touch nothing. The first Doctor mentions he didn't want them to mention the Ring of Rassilon but assumes that is understandable. The third Doctor thinks something is wrong but the second waves him off, the first agrees though
"Never mind." Clara sighed, frustrated with the trio of Doctors for not immediately noting the suspicious behaviour of their Fifth self, "They're too busy arguing to notice anything was really wrong."
The fifth Doctor and Borusa arrive in a transmat cubicle on the opposite side of the tomb. Tegan asks if he is alright but Borusa orders them all to be silent, telling them to not move or speak until he tells them to. The companions are frozen on the spot
"That's not good." Ryan stated. No one had been given a chance to react before they'd been frozen. The group was really struggling to see how the Doctors were going to get out of this one.
Borusa tells the Doctors he owes them his thanks as they have served their purpose for being there. The second Doctor works out he is after the Ring of Rassilon and wants immortality, the third Doctor scoffs that he was the one who didn't sense anything wrong
"Do you ever stop bickering with yourself?" Amy shook her head at the Doctor, but turned to look at the one in the room with them, genuinely asking.
The Doctor seemed to consider it for a moment, purposefully ignoring the weight of River and Jack's eyes on her as she focused on Amy, "No, I suppose not."
The first Doctor decides Borusa is a renegade, no better than the villain there, pointing to the Master who is now awake but still tied up on the floor
"I'm not even doing anything and you still find a way to insult me." The Master complained.
"You deserve it." Martha scowled at him, not caring about his emotions being hurt after everything he's done to her and her family.
The second Doctor says they can't allow it, the third chimes in that the Tomb was sealed for the best reasons, and the first adds that once they are back in their own time streams it has to be sealed again – permanently. The Doctors try to step forward but Borusa raises his staff and they are stopped
"Do you really think he was just going to listen to logic and reasoning?" Mickey asked the Doctor in disbelief at seeing three of them try it at once.
"Always worth a try." The Doctor argued seriously, everyone deserved a chance.
The second Doctor tells the fifth they need him to join them. The first Doctor realises he can't as he is under some kind of mind lock, he tells them to fight it, to concentrate as they must be one. The first three Doctors concentrate and the fifth slowly walks over to them as Borusa lowers his staff
"The power of friendship!" Bill cheered only half sarcastically.
"Is it friendship if it is just yourself who you always fight with?" Ryan asked, head tilted as he considered it.
The question made Bill pause in her cheers, giving it serious thought, "Maybe? It's not exactly something that comes up often."
"Maybe it's more self-control? Or self-determination?" Yaz threw her own thought into the ring as everyone else just watched bemused but entertained by the youngest members of the group.
"Is this really the time to think about it?" The Doctor interrupted, "Don't you want to know what happens?" After all the sooner they stopped talking the sooner the video ended and she could go back to ignoring her issues again. Thankfully. Her words did the trick as the three quietened down for the moment allowing the video to continue.
The fifth tells Borusa together they are a match for him, Borusa provisionally agrees but says they will never overcome him. The fifth Doctor informs him they don't have to as Chancellor Flavia will be there soon with her guards, asking is he can overcome the whole High Council. Borusa argues why not as he is the Lord President and they are notorious renegades, and they will see who is believed
"I think for once they may actually believe the Doctor." Clara mused, Gallifrey may be (very) corrupt but Flavia appeared to semi-trust the Doctor and there was a lot of evidence pointing to Borusa being crazy.
Borusa goes to the sarcophagus as they hear Rassilon speak declaring it his game. The first Doctor says it is out of their hands now. Rassilon asks who disturbs him
"Great the dead guy is alive." Mickey declared, that really was the final straw in this mess.
Borusa introduces himself as Lord President of Gallifrey as a giant head appears above the sarcophagus. Rassilon asks why he has come, asking if he seeks immortality which Borusa replies he does. Rassilon warms him to be very sure as it is not too late to turn back
"You know I'm actually getting the feeling that this isn't going to end well for Borusa." Rose commented, "Rassilon doesn't seem like the kind of person to just give away immortality." That raised a bit of hope in the group, though it did leave them with the thought of how the Doctor would deal with Rassilon, if Rassilon dealt with Borusa.
Borusa says he is sure, and tells Rassilon when asked that the others are his servants
The group immediately snorted at that comment, apparently Borusa enjoyed telling people that lie.
"He seems really obsessed with you being his servant, Doctor." Martha said, glancing at the Doctor to try and gauge a reaction, as honesty it was starting to creep her out a bit – especially knowing he had once been a young Doctor's teacher. The Doctor's expression was schooled, and she didn't look away from the screen, but they could all tell she was troubled.
Rassilon asks if that is true, and all the Doctors deny it saying not to believe him, apart from the first Doctor who tells Rassilon not to listen to them and President Borusa speaks the truth
"What has he figured out that the rest of you haven't?" Jack narrowed his eyes curiously at the screen, only glancing away to see the Doctor for an answer.
The Doctor just winked, "Guess you'll just have to watch."
Rassilon asks the first Doctor is Borusa deserves the immortality he seeks, and the first says he does. Rassilon says he shall have it then, telling Borusa to take the ring. Borusa reaches out and takes the large ring from Rassilon's mummified corpse
"Creepy." Ryan grimaced at the sight of the mummified corpse, distracted for a moment from the disaster happening on screen.
Rassilon confirms Borusa claims immortality and won't turn back, Borusa says never. Rassilon tells him to put the ring on, and that others have claimed immortality through the ages and it was given to them like it will be given to him
"If it was granted to others, surely someone would have heard more about it?" Rory pointed out.
Amy nodded, "That just points further to something being very wrong."
The faces of Time Lords on the sarcophagus come alive, eyes flickering round the room. Rassilon says Borusa's place is well prepared, Borusa clutched his head shouting no but the ring vanishes from his hand and returns to Rassilon. Borusa vanishes and his face appears on the blank part of the sarcophagus, his eyes briefly flickering then they all turn to stone. The companions can move again
"That is ... horrifying." Bill blinked in shock at what had just happened to Borusa. Of everything she had expected to happen, it hadn't been ... that, whatever that was.
"What kind of immortality is that?" Mickey asked shocked.
"Frozen forever more in stone. Never dying but not really alive either." The Doctor answered, tone even as she frowned at the screen, "Borusa found his immortality, just not in the way he wanted it."
Rassilon turns to the Doctors asking if they claim immortality too. They say it is vey kind but no thank you
"Yep, back out of that mess as soon as you can." Rose nodded quickly, they didn't want any of the Doctors or companions to share Borusa's horrifying fate.
The fifth Doctor says no and all they wish is to be returned to their rightful places in time and space. Rassilon says it will be done, and the fifth adds one of them is trapped in time, but Rassilon already knows and he will also be freed
The group cheered at that. They were still a bit wary of Rassilon as a whole (between the legends and stories they'd heard ... plus the fact he was a mummified corpse with a floating head thing and what had just happened to Borusa) but if he could get the Doctors and companions safely out of the Death Zone that would be amazing.
The fourth Doctor and Romana return to where they were. Rassilon continues that the one who is bound will also be freed but his sins will find their punishment in time, the Master vanishes
The Master scowled at Rassilon's comment, ignoring any and all of the eyes upon him.
Rassilon tells them it is time for them to depart so to make their farewells and go, he tells them they have chosen wisely and says his own farewell before vanishing. The first Doctor chuckles
"And what do you find so amusing?" River asked with a raised eyebrow at her wife. The Doctor just waved to the screen, there was no point in her explaining it twice. Personally, she was just thankful that nothing else had happened and Rassilon had left after freeing them from the Death Zone, things could have ended much worse.
The fifth Doctor asks if he knew what would happen. The first Doctor explains he realised what the old proverb meant – to lose is to win ad he who wins shall lose, saying it is part of Rassilon's trap to find those who want immortality and take them out of the way. He adds Rassilon knew that immortality was a curse not a blessing
"So is the guy good or bad?" Bill asked the Doctor, "Cause I'm getting conflicting messages here."
The Doctor just sighed, "Things aren't always that easy Bill, you know that. People especially are difficult. I'm just thankful we escaped without anything worse befalling us."
The fifth Doctor says they must part now, just as he was staring to get to know himself. The second Doctor comments on him being the latest, adding he's the most impudent, the third Doctor comments their dress sense hasn't improved much
"Stop with the bickering and get to the goodbyes, you're likely on limited time as it is." Clara rolled her eyes at the four Doctors. She was very glad she wasn't having to deal with them herself, three had been bad enough.
The first Doctor says their manners haven't improved either, he wishes them goodbye and tells them they did quite well and it is reassuring to see his future in safe hands. Susan also says her goodbyes
"Goodbye Susan." The Doctor whispered quietly to herself, taking in the final image of her granddaughter on screen. She wasn't sure she would ever see her again, and while it was nothing like the real thing it was better than the few pictures she had hidden in the Tardis.
The second Doctor tells the Brigadier it is time to go, saying goodbye. The first Doctor and Susan enter the Tardis as the second and third Doctor say their own goodbyes to each other – insulting the other's clothing
Several members of the group just rolled their eyes at the Doctors endless bickering and insults between themselves.
The Brigadier asks the second Doctor if he wants his coat, and the second asks him to bring it along before entering the Tardis. The Brigadier says goodbye to the other Doctors, calling them all splendid fellows
"Not as splendid as you Brigadier. Goodbye." The Doctor muttered; she'd enjoyed seeing her old friend again even as a new wave of grief hit her as he departed on screen. She felt River squeeze her hand as Jack put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Both of the reminding her that they were there and she wasn't alone in her grief, something she appreciated more than she could verbalise.
The Brigadier enters the Tardis. The third Doctor turns to the fifth and says they've had the time of their lives, haven't we Sarah Jane? Sarah Jane does not agree saying she has only one life and she'd had too much already, she tells the rest of the group goodbye and adds it was nice meeting them
"Tell him Sarah Jane." Rose grinned at her friend.
The third Doctor tells Sarah Jane it was nice meeting her too, to her confusion, he promises to explain later which she reluctantly accepts
"The joys of time travel." Jack chuckled, "Not everything happens in the right order."
The Doctor nodded, her own smile bittersweet, "While it was all over for Sarah Jane, it was only the start for my third self."
The third Doctor and Sarah Jane enter the Tardis. The fifth Doctor is left with Tegan and Turlough, he is thankful he isn't the man he was. Tegan asks if they are all going home together and the fifth Doctor tells her to watch. The Time Scoop takes the various Doctor and companions away from the Tardis
"Why has it taken them and not you?" Amy asked, immediately wary of why the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough were still on Gallifrey instead of being returned to where they came from like the others.
The Doctor smile knowingly, "I wasn't out of time like my other selves, I was just taken out of space. They were returned to their own times which was not needed in my Fifth self's case.
The fifth Doctor says it is temporal fission and Rassilon is very clever. Chancellor Flavia transmats in with several guards in full regalia
"Bit late to the party." Mickey said upon seeing the guards arrive after everything had already been dealt with.
Flavia is glad to see the Doctor safe, as she was scared what Borusa would do, cutting herself off to ask where Borusa is
"Already dealt with." Martha announced, "As usual." It was just typical – by the time law authorities arrived to the trouble they'd usually already dealt with it.
The Doctor says he is unavailable and the legends of Rassilon seem to be true. Flavia tells him he has to make a full statement to the High Council, the Doctor isn't so convinced
"Sounds like the last thing you want to do." Clara grinned teasingly.
The Doctor chuckled, "It was certainly very low on the list of things I wanted to do in that moment."
Flavia adds it can form part of his inaugural address; the Doctor is shocked asking his what?
"Your what?!" Several people spluttered as they registered what Flavia had said.
"Are they seriously trying to put you in charge after everything that just happened, Doc?" Graham asked flabbergasted.
"Apparently Graham." The Doctor nodded, ignoring the Master's scowl which she could feel digging into her side. He'd always been furious that she was just handed the power he'd craved and she'd despised.
Flavia tells him he's evaded his duties too long, and Borusa's disqualification leaves a gap at the top of the Time Lord hierarchy and there is only one who can take the place. She continues that, again, it is her duty and pleasure to inform him the full Council has used its emergency power to appoint him as the new President, effective immediately
"There are so many reasons that is a terrible idea." Donna announced bluntly, "So many."
The Doctor is unhappy with the idea as Flavia continues it is a summons no Time Lord dares to refuse, and to disobey the will of the High Council will gain him severe penalties
"That no Time Lord would dare refuse, apart from the Doctor." The Master scowled. It had been bad enough to hear about this mess, he hadn't wanted to witness it. Especially knowing that it hadn't just happened once or even twice, but three times! Three times that he knew of, and the council fell for it every time! No, he wasn't salty.
The Doctor agrees saying he will return to Gallifrey immediately and summon the High council, giving her deputy powers until he returns as he will travel in his Tardis
"What are you planning Sweetie?" River narrowed her eyes at her wife, not believing for once second that the Doctor was actually going to become President like they were supposed to.
The Doctor smiled cryptically and answered, "What I always do."
Flavia tries to protest, but the Doctor cuts her off saying she should address him by his full title and as president she will obey his commands. He tells Tegan and Turlough to get into the Tardis, and then orders the guards to escort Chancellor Flavia back to her duties before running for the Tardis. Flavia calls after him for him to wait
"You're going to run." Clara realised with a wide grin. The rest of the group swiftly matching her expression as the came to the same conclusion.
"Where's the fun in running away from Gallifrey just once?" The Doctor smirked, "Got to do it every so often, keep them on their toes."
"This is why they hate you." River shook her head.
"Oh absolutely. "The Doctor agreed with no hesitation, "One of a very long list of reasons, I'm sure."
"It is." They all ignored the Master's comment.
In the Tardis, the Doctor tells the group to hold tight as they dematerialise. Tegan says it will goodbye soon then, and the Doctor asks if it will. Turlough points out if he's supposed to go to Gallifrey and be president then his subjects will find a working Tardis and get them both home
"They think you're going to go?" Rose asked surprised, none of them had even considered the Doctor would do it.
"They'd had little interactions with Gallifrey and I was much younger then. They didn't think I would dare disobey the council." The Doctor tried to explain with a shrug. It likely helped that the group in the room had known her a relatively long time between them all and that their views on Gallifrey were fairly different to some of her earlier companion's.
The Doctor asks who said anything about Gallifrey, and Turlough reminds him of Chancellor Flavia's words, but the Doctor says he told her she had full deputy powers until he returned
"You put her in power." Rory said, a silent question in his words.
The Doctor shrugged again, "She was the only one around and honestly, the best candidate on the council for the position."
Tegan says he's not going back? The Doctor says she sometimes takes his breath away, and Turlough worriedly asks won't the Time Lords be very angry?
"Oh Furious." The Master muttered darkly giving the Doctor a pointed look which she ignored.
DOCTOR 5: Furious.
TEGAN: You mean you're deliberately choosing to go on the run from your own people in a rackety old Tardis?
DOCTOR 5: Why not? After all, that's how it all started.
"And why stop the tradition there?" The Doctor added onto her younger self's comment.
"You did it a few times then?" Martha grinned.
The Doctor matched her grin, "Which part? The running away? I've done that several times." Her grin dimed as she was reminded that she would never be able to do it again due to Gallifrey's destruction. Thankfully the group was distracted by the Master.
"Or do you mean becoming President of Gallifrey Dr Smith?" He drawled out with a scowl, "And immediately running away. Because they've done that on at least three occasions that I know of."
The Doctor ignored him, instead putting on a smile and clapping her hands together to get everyone's attention. "Right well that was a ... fun ... look at some of my older regenerations. Shall we see what the Tardis has in store for us next?"
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